Sunflower 02/18/2024 (Sun) 18:58 Id: b09e23 No.6303 del
>Yeah you will have to understand that "seeing it" is not important but "feeling" "knowing" and "understanding" the energies it holds is what matters. But yes seeing it is the start but it is about energies manifesting from you.
Ohhhh... I can kinda get what you mean. The times where I think, feel and understand that the other me/her. A few times did happen where thoughts and demeanor became her's for a bit. I also tried to do what you suggested for fighting games it did work but it's especially hard to maintain/pull out such a thing during games for a long time.

Oh don't sweat it, I knew you weren't making a slight or anything against me for that but I do get where you're coming from.

>You have a higher influence on reality and you really really wanted that card so an itty bit you warped the drop rates. I too am doing it most of the times without noticing