Sunflower 01/14/2024 (Sun) 22:19 Id: 3d790a No.5832 del
I consider them to be on a negative mirror of the minus dimensions, so they're viruses. Those only learn as a race, individuals cannot learn. The "learning" means that those who are unfit will die and the correct ones remain. That is all. They are completely blind and have no self preservation instinct. The document with all the information on what happened to previous attackers may have worked only because it had a "DNA" standard form by now, so they were able to grasp it collectively, that this is real and they can't win. Like presenting a check-mate strategy which prevents a war. As for the angels, no idea what that was about, they were unknowing about the fact that they have wombs, they were created by someone all at once and were all "first-generation after God", someone had to overpower them for them to realize what their body can do.