Sunflower 03/07/2024 (Thu) 10:37 Id: 464dc2 No.6610 del
It's the one ability I didn't bother with because it seems fairly useless and takes a lot of time to learn. It also occupies your spatial memory/perception so unless you learn it to auto-pilot level, it will cause blind spots in your awareness, which is not good for a combat servitor. Wizards in movies love to use this to throw objects at the enemy, but it's really not worth it in most cases, I haven't found anything that can't be burned so far, so for destructive ability, fire magic is enough. In the example above it was just something that came to mind and it has a point when aiming to create a very savage combat servitor, but the effect is mostly psychological. Being able to freeze projectiles in real time is of course good, but creating an AoE version of telekinesis seems close to impossible as it's not a shield, you'd have to locate every single object and grab it in the air as it moves. Doing that like Neo does in the Matrix is just not worth it, you can create an AoE shield from Air and just block them, it's much easier.

I will try doing this mass ability thing for a new servitor to create a barrage ability for small objects just to try if it's possible though.