Sunflower 01/21/2024 (Sun) 20:48 Id: a6eb21 No.5970 del
>gay complaining
Our gov was based for fining Coca Cola for making 2 men kiss in the ad. That Burgers? stonetoss comic meme is not flying here and if you are a Jew you make it sure no one suspects it because then your allegiance is in question from the start. We play the jew game differently here. Getting away with putting those freaks on the wagons back in WW2 took extreme efforts for the government. Cancelling out their "victim" card was a funny maneuvering process. No we never did those things it was the evil germans. WE MUST NEVER FORGET THE EVILS OF THE GERMANS hahahahaha... and we will never forget what the communist jews did to the country. Only the "good jews" remain. I call them "comfy jews". They don't want to suffer in Israel nor compete with their New Yorker brethren so they stay here and stay silent. They are not very vocal about the size of their foreskin here. Every country has the jews it deserves. The saying holds. They realized how comfy their life is here if they are willing to not be as retarded as their cousins. They seem to realized how much damage they are doing. The "fellow jews" friendship only lasts as long as there are other groups as enemies. Once it is a battle for the spoils it will show the altruism of the "fellow jews". Some of them are aware of their parasitic nature and teach the host how they can defeat the invading parasites. And yes we stand with Israel... We don't want those jews to "come home" so we support every resolution that makes them stay the fuck away. It helps to keep the anti migrant narrative. We have several right wing parties to remind the people to hate the jews anyways. They are not banned here. Just don't wear swatiskas nor the hammer and the sickle... That is also an emblem that has the same weight and is banned. You are allowed to be part of the political party that shares your views but you are not allowed to lárp out the old ideologies. Make your own ideology make it close to reality and don't fight for something that does not exist anymore