Sunflower 01/12/2024 (Fri) 22:50 Id: a6eb21 No.5801 del
(766.11 KB 600x752 Napoopan.png)
>he was the golem soul of Napoleon
When you said he was Napoopan it made an awful lot of sense. First because he said that
>China is a sleeping giant, let her sleep, for when she wakes, she will shake the world.”
And he probably had a idea/desire "if only he had born in China how much more he could have achieved" and the second thing was his arrogance. The more I read FG the more pissed I got because some extreme feeling of GREAT MASTERS DON'T TALK THIS WAY was bothering me on a primal level. That made me realize that
>Just why am I knowing how great masters talk. What gives me the idea
And the way he was talking was literally the arrogance of Napoleon. He had these arrogant "fits" even when he was a meager soldier at the campaign of Egypt and so on.
And most importantly the fact that he was unable to control an exponentially growing movement/organization. That was the fault of Napoleon also. He was unable to "recruit" formidable generals on the long run. Were you even other famous FG masters? I am not big on FG because it had 0 chance to spread in my country.
>I feel like the last of the FG movement in the west was when they went all in for Trump and said he was a god
Large "cults" that have a too powerful leader who just "vanishes" will need a new figure they can attach themselves too. Not to mention everyone that flees from China becomes extremely anti-CCP which makes them absolutely blind zealot retarded in everything they say/do. Apolitical chinese are usually hidden CCP agents so they think the only solution is to be anti-CCP as much as possible. I understand how bad is their situation but it is still retarded.
>It was so forced and cringy I don't want to think about it.
>though reading up on such info is fine according to them
Exactly. There is no harm in "getting informed" but it's not important you to entangle yourself in this game. It's already too retarded and no need to become more retarded in the process.

>maybe some sensation will come later but not now

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