Sunflower 02/25/2024 (Sun) 21:14 Id: 525fec No.6476 del
>and managed to learn how to create and use multiple hands like the Hindu gods.
I currently have 4 arms myself i think i got fascinated by Durga and kept thinking how practical that would be.

>There will be a point where you can turn it into tree roots.
Currently there, used it to create a tree to feed me root nutrients (the end become a tree) but it's not that good so i'm trying different things with them, they're only very good at probing and self defense, sucking dry hostiles and transmuting their energy before it reaches me.

>Oh and had dragon wings too and sometimes I turned into that weird chinese dragon.
I'd say that's where i am, though hybrid form is my favorite, the wings are here but internalized, more comfortable to have them inside my back.

>If you are a dragon try to feel the "innate fire" don't think of the IRL fire or any image you have about fire but the innate fire that is always within you.
I've been playing with white and yellow flames for cleansing, the yellow one are called "hell's flame"
but maybe i'm doing it wrong.

>If you are a dragon try to feel the "innate fire"
So i just follow the circuit and let it pass?

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