Sunflower 01/14/2024 (Sun) 22:48 Id: a6eb21 No.5836 del
>so they're viruses
I instapurge "viruses". No sentience = No chance given. And yes I consider some plants and rocks sentient too and I don't give 2 shits about leftover automatic forces that just perpetuate the same futile task until they get exterminated. If I sense any sentience I "Might" purge everything but the "real" sentience part but "viruses" are "mindless automatons" that are just here for "harm".
>Those only learn as a race
And yes I know ways to "connect" to the "main consciousness" so the "drones" can be called off but those beings usually avoid me. They know that "fire is hot" and standing in lava should be avoided. I consider those beings the task of the "energetic immune system". If they can do "any" damage then I have to get back to my energywork basics. I usually meet them if I go to foreign territories that are infected because of mundane retardation and because I rarely bother with retards it's not a regular occurrence.

> "strategic advantage magic"/"instant surrender magic".
I have my "shock and awe" type of magic already which is about making the "opposition" into
>Don't even think about trying
kind of thing. If they still think they can try and will try that is also a good information because then I have to improve. The best weapon is the one you have to fire only once or is it the one you never have to fire?
This level of "intimidation" is just for lower level beings and I truly limit the usage of it for conscious beings. Seeing others losing their control over their body and their will to live is not something I like to do just because they angered me but against beings that "shouldn't even exist by default"? It's not just a "get fucked" but a declaration that be glad that I was the one that told you to "get fucked" and not a far greater far terrible force.

But you could call the way I operate in strategy game terms "turtling" because I do not need costly expansions and campaigns as of now. I need to control some energy flows and zones and nothing more. The cleansing of earth is a long term and a mass group project and overstretching my energies have no real benefit for me. I have control over way too vast territories already and the worst/funny thing is that sometimes they just acknowledge me as the most benevolent "ruler" around and want to join no matter the costs. So via "sitting around" I still expand into directions I never thought I can expand. Multidimensional territories can get tricky and understanding the "cracks" on the wall is paramount as always. Especially now I have to understand the "laws" that govern the new realities because now "I am the law" but that doesn't mean much if I have no idea what I am dealing with.

>Let go of all illusions of control
While this sentence is cliche in spirituality no entity ever dared to say this to me. They usually did the opposite and tried to help me understand the way some aspects of my control works.

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