Sunflower 02/01/2024 (Thu) 17:51 Id: a6eb21 No.6121 del
The (((west))) managed to create a system where they siphon as much money from the population as possible and instead of actually "improving" anything they piss away the money on things that makes the (((shareholders))) "content" and the fanatic brand loyalists "happy". The "American Dream" turned into a system that punishes those that are successful and rewards only those that managed to figure out the (((system))).
>The game was rigged from the start
Now with this only "riggers" can succeed which creates a world that breads dishonesty and low trust on every corner. Anyone who sees innocence as a sign of easily exploitable target will have a rude awakening after seeing they devolved into beasts and beasts always die from their own diseased ways or from the angry hunters that hate to see their pastures vandalized.

>"the west" cannot win.
But the good guys won every war :) If we are the good guys we will win the next too! Simple logic. Btw good is when you allow migrant rapehordes give away your money to people that cannot be held responsible for mishandling that money and convincing the future generations that mutilating yourself and taking meds and hormones before breastmilk is the way to go!

>thinks himself a god
And this is the worst nowadays. People think Power makes you into a "God". And money is power therefore having money means you are a God...
Godhood comes from an understanding of your influences upon the world. God is omniscient and omnipotent in his sphere of influence. That is why he is represented as a sphere many times.
>The world is one, it is perfect
>Anyone saying they want to "improve the world"
People usually think the "world" is that place that they perceive and nothing else beyond it... or it is a magical cloud that they chase in their head until someone hits their head hard enough...
>you cannot "change the world".

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