Sunflower 02/02/2024 (Fri) 23:32 Id: 3d790a No.6142 del
>Work is Force * Displacement. Displacement adds the temporal component and Force adds the value component. So, sourcing the energy and then programming the energy to perform the separations and rearrangements would be the formula. Performed in the etheric sphere?
Channelled reply:

This is mostly correctly, although strangely, formatted in a manner of thought. You may consider the topic of "value streams" from regular economic business theory. It is not so simple as a mere force + deplacement will create value. This is where we distinct between capitalism and communism. Revolution being a "quick rise in value" vs capitalism being a "quick separation of value". You must not perform the illusion of quick separation to achieve a temporary higher energy concentration on the direct material plane. This is called "sub-optimization" here on Earth. It is to make one small part more effective at the cost of lower effectiveness overall. A person amassing "value" for himself is performing this on the organizational scale. One may here take a recent example of a public official who was given £40 million to buy artillery shells for the army. But he thought to himself: "It would be more beneficial for me to take this money for myself, who cares about the army?"
So he did so and to him, this was effective and a quick rise in value for him. However, other people did not agree. This is capitalism in a nutshell, and organizationally it is "sub-optimization". What we want is the general rise of value for the entire structure, in this example, the money paid to the factory, will motivate production of the ordered shells. Once delivered to the army, these are now a form of "capital" in such theory but if used for defense, they are not harmful to the system which they are a part of. They can also be used by their mere existence, to repel threats, which preserves other values.
You may want to, on your own, translate this example into the particle theory and perhaps see a connection.