Sunflower 01/20/2024 (Sat) 21:50 Id: 3d790a No.5945 del
That was easily solved in my country by importing (no idea if true) a gender neutral word from Finland. It's now being used fairly regularly but mostly in speech, but it was mocked so much that it had an ironic touch added to it. Anyone using it will seem to be using it ironically, no matter their intent, because it's been added to the context of the word. Still the neutralists can't really say anything about it.
I also like how we can always refer to India as a forerunner in this field since they have a 3rd legal gender since long, based on some 2000 year tradition of trap dancers(?) and Iran which because of its hard Islamic ideology promotes gender surgery as a way to fix gays. It's always a good mindfuck to see headlines like:
Iran pushes gays to transition
or feminists being officially obliterated as trans-phobic. Accelerationism works. If it doesn't work, you just didn't accelerate enough.