Sunflower 03/10/2024 (Sun) 22:08 Id: a6eb21 No.6639 del
The reason why I asked because sometimes our genetics awaken some parts of us in weird way. It's funny but some of our genetic capabilities are reclining because it has no stimuli to awaken it. Sometimes energies can awaken it with some stimuli but it might have been some random thing.

>It was genuinely freaking me and irritating me at simulation until I just said fuck it went with the flow. She was able to understand some English and also understood I was trying to communicate with her but I think we both came to the conclusion that I should stay non verbal until I can feel "the ability coming back" and to communicate in other ways (gestures, etc.)
I just realized you are learning other forms of communicative expression. You see spirits don't always communicate via words but via energies and feelings and our mind just translates that. Once you understand intuitively how the meaning forms the expression and they are not set in stone words that you need to press in the correct order but just "let it come out naturally" communication becomes so much freer. And that is how effortless mental linking works. You understand the other like if it was your own thought. Depends on your compatibility with the other person and your skills usually.

I too am understanding it. If I do right everything comes out naturally or I fuck it up and bathe in those energies for self satisfaction and make mistakes continuously without noticing. The worst thing even my vision gets somewhat blurry because I load all the energies into my head and they clog the flow of information. It's an understanding how I have to let go the main sensory channels because these things can be "felt" but it will be felt by the "whole world" and not just me kind of thing.

I am on a part on the path where talking about it is hard again. It's the usual
>understand cosmic theory
>apply cosmic theory
>see how I did everything wrong so far so this obvious cosmic theory couldn't manifest
>try to figure out why everyone is doing everything wrong
>see several historical events and the flow of history

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