Sunflower 02/05/2024 (Mon) 17:34 Id: a6eb21 No.6171 del
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I will only answer this now because this is a simple thing to answer the other question and the "crux issues" will need a longer explanation.

>If a ghost wants to interact with the physical, would it simply be a matter of ‘slowing itself down’ to that speed which causes it to become physical? Or would it need to ‘find a body’ to inhabit instead?
You can say both but if a ghost wants to "appear" it needs to "actualize" itself. Human flesh bodies are more or less "full" constructs. An empty construct can be inhabited via a ghost and a powerful ghost can generate a sort of "ectoplasma" or use the mind of the perceiver human to generate the materia for the ghost so it can appear. The problem with magic is that it is super simple once you see it but supercomplicated while your eyes are not open. Like trying to explain the blind how things work. They can actually understand it but they need to rely on their other senses which makes them handicapped in developing the same understanding as those who see. Your thinking process is good but it needs to expand tremendously and I need to figure out which puzzle pieces would help to see the big picture or your mind just would ask for further puzzle pieces.

>simply be a matter of ‘slowing itself down’ to that speed
Forget "speed" or inertia and anything. Time and space is a meme. It does not exist. You will need to reach a place without time and space to see the big picture. Yes the "ghost" needs to match the same environmental requirements of the natives of the space have but that is not just "speed" but several other energy formations and qualities. Speed is a factor but not the main thing. This is why >>6153 even he said it is a "recipe" in the end.

>This touches on the question of what is the fundamental difference between matter and spirit
I can give you 2 answers. Nothing. Everything is an illusion. Or TOO MANY FUCKING THINGS THAT I AM UNABLE TO EVEN START LISTING. Like how 2 physical objects are not the same but similar the spirit also have differing qualities that you need to "feel"/merge with to be even able to observe.
>basic difference between solids, liquids, and gasses
Yes then you have a bunch of exemptions like how glass is a solid but acts as a fluid then you have plasma. The problem is whenever I try to make a lowly axiom on the current mundane understanding level it instantly becomes wrong. This is what happens when you stare into infinity. I will need time to calm down my energies a little and might try answering again.

>Which I suppose is the key concept here that I'm trying to understand
The problem is with the key. You need to find that yourself. All I can do is to give ideas where it lies in the dark but if you accidentally kick it farther from you you will not be able to understand it. Also there are many doors with many locks and some doors open on their own and while there are skeleton keys in magic it does not mean they work with every lock. Things can get weird when the base laws of reality change