Sunflower 02/29/2024 (Thu) 23:00 Id: 464dc2 No.6521 del
(729.42 KB 1362x614 pol.png)
(29.32 KB 700x546 immunity to jews.jpg)

>pic related
Russia moved forward too fast, so the 'lumis had to jump start their plan to stay synced. The Ukrainian front is collapsing as we speak (read? type?).
It may not look so, but that hard assed Russian general they put in as army chief is actually retreating, that means he has no troops left to defend with. Known as the "butcher" because he doesn't care about soldiers' lives, him calling a retreat means there isn't any cannon fodder left to use.

>other pics
The "burning man festival" really threw a wench in the NWO plans, but I don't think they (you, the reader?) understand just how big of a wench. That act blocked the original "Arab Spring" magic process from having any access to the world system, it was locked inside the USA egregore. The only way you'd unlock it is by running the process to the end and then creating a 3rd self immolation event. The first process took over 12 years to be done with, you won't be restarting it any time soon.