Sunflower 01/21/2024 (Sun) 19:17 Id: 10f626 No.5964 del
>That is the perfect and peak form anyone can achieve in physical mental and spiritual form. You have to understand these concepts in their clean unblemished superior truth version so the magic can work perfectly.
Ahh I see
While she represents your perfect version it does not mean you must look like her.
I don't mind and kinda prefer it at this point lol but I understand it.

>Peak female form can take different forms.

>Sometimes you have to let things run their course. You said it well. Your intuition truly guides you well in these cases.
Yeaahh... That's what my grandma told me while growing up and still does (albeit with the whole "let God handle the rest" stuff") but still. That's always worked best for a vast majority of the time