Sunflower 01/19/2024 (Fri) 23:44 Id: 03af70 No.5927 del
>Also don't forget it is your "brain" that makes the images and not your eyes. And you are not seeing "matter" but the "light bouncing off from it" which is "energy". So something that is made from matter is visible because of energy and the brain that is also matter which operates via energy makes an image that resembles reality?
I suppose the issue is, what is the actual difference between 'physical reality' and 'astral reality'? Is one 'more real' or 'more dense' or 'slower' and that's it? Or is the difference entirely in the vessel you're viewing it through? I feel like the 'baseline sight' being entirely physical might be causing issues. I can view the astral through the 'imagination' but unless I'm in deep trance or dreaming the physical is still paramount. I'm a bit jealous of people who have hallucinations, I feel like it would be so much easier to test the relationships between astral and physical events if you could just see those events plainly instead of having to stop and meditate and then try and discern whether what you're seeing is external or just some internal daydream. Maybe this is just a matter of needing to do more training. But even discarding the clarity issues, sometimes astral actions have an immediate and overt effect on physicality and other times nothing really happens. And I'm realizing that saying 'nothing really happens' is putting the basis of efficacy of astral dynamism on its physical reflection which may itself be causing problems, decreasing faith in spirit actions and considering them unreal if not evinced through matter etc. But then again can you really call it magic if its not manifesting physically? Or is it just psychology then?