Sunflower 01/20/2024 (Sat) 10:46 Id: 3d790a No.5930 del
Last night again I noticed some kind of attack, traced it and found a network of satellites and antennas along with fanatical glowies. I sent Raid(s) to take them out, then felt aliens involved so I traced them too. They had white energy bodies and worked in offices, I told them to stop or else. They said they had been forced to work for the NWO. I said I had removed those and that they should stop. They realized it was true and came over to my side. They use a technology which writes programs on people's energy, which are active for a long time after the information was transmitted. The NWO had been using it to kill people by giving them heart attacks among other things (doesn't work if you're undead, but the program still runs). I researched their technology and found it to be completely "software based" with no hardware, all programs are written "grey style" on objects, including bodies, they don't use devices.

I created a reinforced core model of this method to block any further installs of such program on my body (there were several, not sure what they did). I fell asleep again and had a dream where a black cat (which btw there have been multiple in my family so it's not a strange of an image) was sitting outside the food storage door. I let the cat in and saw nothing in there, but in one second the cat had caught a "ghost rat" which was invisible. The cat dropped the rat on the floor, I told it, "don't let it get away". Then I heard 3 loud growls and woke up (monster growls from the rat).

After this followed another attack, this time by only "nude" psychics, very fanatical and extreme. The first group I took out violently to make them stop. I created a program using this alien method to test its capabilities, I call this the [Wasp Queen]. I also had to burn and recreate several layers of my surface astral body which had been too damaged during the attack, so they were very violent. That's the first time that has been needed.

I then traced the remaining groups and instead of going for the glowies, I targeted their employer directly and took them out. That was enough to make them call off any hostility. They've now joined Coven.

After waking up I opened the door and looked outside, the snow covered landscape had a strong pink energy which has never been there before, and there was white virtue floating in.