Sunflower 01/12/2024 (Fri) 23:58 Id: 3d790a No.5806 del
There was a specific time when I started making new kinds of spelling errors, and others I chatted with experienced the same thing at that time. I think something in the collective subconscious was clear up a few years ago, and that removed some "support wheels" from how we type. I still do these weird "new" mistakes, like I used to have perfect English spelling and grammar, then once I forgot that "this is my second language" I started making "native mistakes" like mixing up "there" and "their" which are completely different words that just sound the same. Idk what changed, maybe the world egregore went online during Covid lockdowns and it no longer exists offline, so chat-speak became the default setting in the world egregore. I guess I do this here too now, using things like "Idk" and "obv" which I would normally never write in a proper text like this, but only in in-game chat where you type fast because it's a game.