Sunflower 01/24/2024 (Wed) 20:59 Id: a6eb21 No.6022 del
>I don't find this stuff very interesting.
Same. My problem is that I don't feel the "missing link" feeling from them. Hard to put it into words.
>walk entirely nude (refuse to wear clothes)
This "Nudism" is about a sort of energy recycling. I too am supposed to get used to it... There is a technique. You are aware of tumo and other things that make the body very hot. Now the thing is my method is not to make the body hot but it is a side effect and for that I need to "cool it" which only works if my body "breathes in" the "residual negative yin energy" of the environment. The great fire instantly cleanses it and as it "cools my body" it strengthens the "inner flame" but it needs a careful approach because hot and cold are also senses that are close to the "Pain nerves" so if the body feels that it is "pain" it shuts down parts of the body. (and let's not talk about "flesh and energy body sense mixups) I too should get used to be naked all the time but it is too cold so I am only doing it while meditating and sleeping because it needs a proper focus.
>high energy female with sigils on her body
This is also something that relates to many beings. Usually the sigils are the ones that need to be "read" but once you connect to them it is like accepting a marriage proposal.
>Seeing me naked who cares lol
>Reading the sigils of my existence? Kyaaaa baka now I cannot be married anymore YOU BETTER TAKE RESPONSIBILITY
Those sigils are usually more important than the body it is engraved into

>degrades very fast in this environment.
And this is the "problem". The current "animal+ human" is extremely adaptable to this current harsh reality. Most of the lifeforms are not and this is why "widespread immortals" are a hard concept because everytime someone does it they have a fatal flaw and fails before making a substantially sized colony which is allowed to interact with the larger outside world.

And yes there is a "thing" about those who finally make a "durable" humanity is allowed to take the seat of "Utnapishtim" or Noah which is an important maintenance deity title but... The "humans" will be "tested" to withstand everything "longterm". Can't talk much about this yet but the point is that: This is same as the race for finding the Perpetual motion machine IRL but it must be something that can be used for "everything" and not just looking cool in some singular situations. They have peculiar "metrics" what they expect from a "race" that has the "right" to "inherit the earth". Currently I am not really looking into the "future race" because there is a "rule". Entities cannot incarnate into bodies that "blocks their full potential" which means the "current human body" can be awakened further I just need to (re)evolve it's devolved parts.

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