Sunflower 02/01/2024 (Thu) 20:49 Id: a6eb21 No.6127 del
>Does anyone here know anything about transmuting gross matter? Copper into gold and things like that?

You have to find an extremely specific type of knowledge or work with entities that will grant you the power to do that but that feat requires powers that require a high level of awakening level or an extremely specific alchemy type. I mean I know entities that do that but in the modern age of commerce it is not as an useful skill as it was back then. The upside of seeking that skill is that you will have to awaken other extremely useful skills to do that which will help on the path long term. Or you misscast a transmuting spell and explode.
I remember in some anime setting the backstory of the alchemist was that he accidentally transmuted his hand into gold and it took him a decade to learn to turn it back. Forgot which franchise that was but I found it funny and accurate how these things play out sometimes. I mean we have Midas as a cautionary tale already but that is about human foolishness and not about the trials of magicians.