Sunflower 01/12/2024 (Fri) 21:24 Id: 966d58 No.5790 del

>ou are getting an another "royal authority" which is the "wrath/flame of God" of sorts. That is my take for now.
another one and its wrath?

Another thing is i guess im reconnecting with the japanese princess, because the lady singing the song was in japanese too. Im trying to recall some other things this week but its amdittedly a bit foggy and even if i am close to them to not really rely on it, i still get antsy and empty when they dont appear in my "dreams" sometimes.

>he Russian witches or Yuuka and the an "NWO layer" getting purified or some other thing but I accessed an another layer of existence and... Too many things happened also.
russian witches? as far as the NWO stuff, i think i could feel things being.. less shit but im probably just imagining things and making presumptuous