Sunflower 01/21/2024 (Sun) 00:08 Id: 3d790a No.5952 del
>The FSB usually has manpower and funding problem while the CIA has every version of AIDS that gigacorps government agencies and crime cartels have at once.
The first thing they showed me was how the organization is structured, to remove my misconception from "western liberal democracy". Even if we don't know it or are aware of it, we have the template for it fed into us from media, or movies like the Bourne series or The Good Shepherd. It's always implied that there are shady business interests behind things, everyone's an amoral crime boss and the darkness is only implied in fantasy-esce settings with cloaks and human sacrifice in British tv shows where some meme cult is the culprit. But in reality this is what it is. Batman isn't far from the truth, none of this stuff is. But you are to accept the contract that we do not talk about where the aborted fetuses go, or the hypocrisy of insane prison terms for accidentally touching someone in an elevator while 100k girls in Texas got married at 12 with parents' consent. All of this is the "communist degradation" practiced by Mao where people were to accept total shame until their minds split and they just follow orders. They all know that they are following lies and protecting values that are not actually followed by their rulers, and this is to further keep them down. It was basically saying
>we don't do this in Russia, instead it's a streamlined organization
no hypocrisy, which means no mental strain from keeping obvious lies from connecting, as they would normally do. Low IQ is caused by not being allowed to see what you actually see. They show you 5 fingers and tell you to see 4, just like in "1984". This is the stage the Soviet Union and Maoist China was in, and have since passed. The USA are just now entering there and are lingering in it, trying to pull the entire world into this anal retinent state which for obvious reasons given what it is, cannot be maintained.