Sunflower 02/11/2024 (Sun) 21:37 Id: a6eb21 No.6249 del
> I kinda entered a rut again
Yeah was wondering what is with you even I asked the sisters about because the shit Trypper shares can be potent sometimes. Your sisters told me some days ago "you are learning"
>my return to fighting games
Was wondering if they are talking about something like this or you figured some other passion out
>"I'll always wait in the shadows for you~"
Cuet. I would say interact with her but it is not really necessary because she is patient so only do it when you feel ready. She wants to show you something so no need to hurry.
>My sisters calling themselves being cute and biting/sucking on my neck while using the appearance of a family member (I'm starting to think that's not really a sexual thing and just an affection thing at this point)
Just looked into it they are draining some negative energy from you. Like sucking out the venom of the hurtful past.
>sigil trypper created for me night have purged/pulled out some things
They are potent and I don't know what it does because I did not check it and I am aware what mindset I need to properly analyze the stuff Trypper makes and I am taking it easy now.

>because the wiring or whatever in my body pretty hard caps me
Hard to explain this but as long as you "use" your body from the "retarded mundane" way instead of your "awakened superpersona" you will bump into that "hard cap" calling it hard cap is right because if you are not willing to consciously use your own powers it feels almost unbreakable but if you would connect into your other (You) and play games from that you could overcome it. Fighting games are about reflexes and predicting your enemy faster than he can execute his shit. I have body modules for that when I am in the "zone" and while you too also have that yours works different. Instead of sitting down and playing the fightan gaym like you usually do visualize yourself that you are other (You) and try to get the feel when you purged shit in yandere mode like it was the most natural thing. It is a "hard cap" but you have more than enough power to break that "cap".
>doing much apart from spirit work or anything light
You can do much but you are not allowed to "overwrite" your "divine circuits" with retarded shit like being able to block Sol consistently or I dunno which game you are playing now. It's hard to explain. It's like you are allowed overwrite shitty memories and useless skills like you are allowed to delet shitty programs but not allowed to overwrite system32.
>shiva(?) Anon

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