Sunflower 02/06/2024 (Tue) 20:52 Id: 3d790a No.6181 del
>I am working on getting rid of my impulses for punching evils as a stress relief.
I didn't want to say this before, but from what you have shared earlier of your previous workings, it seems you are ahead of me on your own path. I don't know how this compares and I don't want to boost someone ego, so I didn't say anything before. I also don't know how abilities compare, maybe they don't compare very easily at all, so it's pointless to talk about. What I mean is the ability vs how you handle your own area. My area is a completely different thing so I have to do completely different things to control it, that's why I'm saying it may not compare.
But I know from what I went through recently that these are things you previously talking of doing, in your own field. It's why you "already have means for" many things I share, while they are of course completely different, and mine have different goals entirely. (Such as creating ways for djinn to organize Islam 2.0 and researching the origin of races; I just found out that blacks are actually high level orcs, no joke. The "space African" all female race are a double evolved orc female Queens who seem culturally and body-wise completely different from the hivemind orcs. But they are technically the same race tree and belong with the Horde astral faction. This makes them very robust and they will not degenerate into retardation like others, they just return to being hivemind orcs if the situation worsens.)