Sunflower 02/20/2024 (Tue) 22:17 Id: a6eb21 No.6354 del
>if I start replying it isn't a blog anymore
>a regularly updated website or web page, typically one run by an individual or small group, that is written in an informal or conversational style.

Yeah my nuance is not always good noticing the "style differences". Also as I mentioned I got "rid" of my sloth which was about balancing out my rage so I get angry easier especially if topics come out that are seemingly are my "soft spots". Tuning my expression takes time because I don't have people around that have the time and mental capacity to listen to my rants. I am usually busy fixing their other issues and I am not burdening them to understand my thinking processes too much.

>human value is often overrated by a lot
Missvalued for sure. We have an extreme value for different entities but true 90% of the humans are anything but valuable.
>Then they wonder why they live in a world with no resources and no good culture.
No worries they are destroying it in such a speed that they will notice it in a decade... if we would let them do that ofc. Damm. Good thing they can experience that in some funny hell dimension anyways.

>common human today is a huge pile of trash that nature can't even break down
Guess the programmers will inherit heaven then lol. Everything they worked and crunched for years will be gone in a decade. Truly a transient craft.

>producing literal shit for bacteria to live in
Good bacteria comes from "good shit" cesspits and not all animal manure is good for plant cultivation. But I agree. Those that cultivate only "physical" will be dragged to that level. As my energy field awakened and everytime I do an energy movement things crack constantly sometimes even break. I too seen souls being trapped in a materia and found ways how they can open "their way" between worlds cleaning it up and "finding their way" to their "home" and in the process revitalizing their pathway. But for that I need the "Great Tree" and the many branches of existence.

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