Sunflower 03/05/2024 (Tue) 22:14 Id: 496597 No.6575 del
>if it happens front of them they don't even "see it".
It's like if a kid sees their parents having sex he would just think they are "wrestling"
While I don't know I never seen my parents having sex but I always had a curiosity towards girls and even hid a porn calendar so I could look at it when I am alone so this level of "dumb" "false innocence" (sexual ignorance?) is not something I can empathize with... But I wouldn't call them "eternally innocent" I would call them eternally broken. Like eunuchs or the chemically castrated... Except they are mentally castrated...
An interesting perspective. Not even lobotomized just mentally castrated.

>Yeah I will stop now
Can't stop won't stop huh