Sunflower 03/28/2024 (Thu) 17:27 Id: a477e4 No.6920 del
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Today I instead decided to try a different approach; what if I try to return to populated areas, I stay on the other side, but I project the [blue armour] body form which I did intend for supporting physical stay and manifestation. With this intent, I walked beyond the gate location on my way back, experienced the resistance telling me strongly not to go further, but I pressed the armour before me and when I got around 20 meters from the gate, the same red energy formation with an Ohm appeared, same kind of sound but this time a little bit more like when throwing something flammable on a fire.

The armour fell into place in the personal energy stream, followed by the other body layers I've created for similar purposes, most notably a "cast metal golem" meant for also containing a personal thought structure and not just a metallic zombie like the blue armour. I returned home with this intent of remaining in a state of "possessing the armour" from the other side, and my mind is still silent in the same way, but I'm back home again.