Sunflower 06/02/2024 (Sun) 18:21 Id: 009abd No.7953 del
Maybe the effect of starting something entirely new is slower. I can't say anything else than that things look perfectly fine from my end, energy wise. There is some white "perverted" energy surrounding you is all. Aside from that, in general the egregore has developed just fine, with some bumps in the road in the last year caused by unexpected events like the ancients disconnecting from the main energy system of Earth vampires, which resulted in the magic system loosing functionality.

It surfaced on /x/ quite recently aside from the tiktok drama. But if you followed the past postings in there you saw it.


In case you didn't: Someone now known as Grove Anon appeared on /x/ wanting to research vampires to find some girl he met in his early teens, whom he thought was a vampire. The threads attracted a bunch of odd people (including me trolling him to get the energy moving) and he and a group of "fans" ended up hiding away in a secret discord server where they require ID from new members to join. He supposedly was invited to a "vampire ball", went there and refused to talk about it after, it was implied he got to know something in person.

I solved the magical system issue by giving them sigils in the thread which made it to the people it was meant for. With that up and running there is really no problem. There was also some disturbances in the form of groups in Chicago but whatever, if you can't read energy or see it all this is just made up to you, so what can I say.