Sunflower 06/02/2024 (Sun) 18:50 Id: 009abd No.7958 del
Technically speaking I'm a walk-in who came into the body at age 4 months through a baptism ritual, where the demon DNA inherent in my family line was completed and purified so that it's 100% demon race with all the components included, but not manifested in full. There is nothing specifically in DNA from the demon mother which makes one ageless, she's ageless because she's immortal, and cells that aren't dead has to be alive. If they're alive they there is nothing saying they would stay immobile to be alive in an aged state. They have to circulate. Vampires are the same, but their cells (and the zero particle as the terminology here called them) are created through magic rather than being inherited (in most cases because vampires lose the ability to have children unless they learn tantra, which it seems most of them don't do). So copying the functionality and changing it to be better suited for widespread use was possible once the oldest type available was given to me.

To be fair Snail had two important souls, one of them had a past life where he was here known as AMOK from having taken part in some genocidal war. The other element to his postings was a grey known as "the programmer". The programmer would likely say something like that. Greys with all their science, even if they are astrally immortal they don't always understand things that aren't autistically nailed down in detail. So I would personally take those words to be the grey view.

If you have cells circulating, which vampire cells do, over time they will "land" somewhere, and it's just unlikely that they would have all cells "randomly" decide to be old all at once. The real issue with aging is the mentality being restrained by past ancestral karma, the "ancestral cord" which was cut by request for everyone who took part. So anti-aging is just a matter of removing the obstacles of youth, it's not necessary to define it for it to exist.

If you just want neoteny in appearance there are DNA modifications that can be done via the greys however.