Sunflower 06/05/2024 (Wed) 18:34 Id: 041a8d No.7980 del
I looked closer at their art and also asked the Queen, Illivryn. She said downright that vampires built that culture. The statues look like what I saw when shown images of history recorded by the lyrans (aliens) when visiting Earth last time. Their most recent record was from Atlantis. All of that culture was destroyed aside from remnants of language and some practices. Everyone who lived during that time were locked in the underground tunnel systems where they became completely feral. What we know of the Aztec culture with human sacrifice, sun worship and unsustainable agriculture is mostly correct. It's a mini version of Atlantis and shows the reasons why it ended up like that. The ancient past had a somewhat widespread understanding of the nature of dimensions and life, but they were also a huge slave farm beyond what we can imagine. Today it's hidden away as abortion and trafficking. Back then it was done in the open. Most people were sacrificed before even reaching their teens. (I'm channelling this reply in part)
A priest class and their vampire and reptilian overlords used everyone else for food and as sacrificial cattle, so they never cared about not abusing either humans or nature or about creating a healthy lifestyle for anyone.

It was a combination of ethereal thinking to the extremes among the priests, and a bottomless hell outside where they didn't grasp the system at all, thinking that killing didn't matter because all is spirit.