Sunflower 06/05/2024 (Wed) 21:28 Id: d5e9bd No.7983 del
Interesting. I have a bit of a tug of war with spiders in my new home. I mostly tolerate them, as long as they don't grow too big or numerous, and them I push them outside to the yard. If I feel they're getting out of hand, they die. I've had interesting encounters with spiders since I moved here. Insects in general, but that's a whole different issue.

You know, that world you describe, I feel like I've lived it. That's what I would consider normal. And I don't believe in reincarnation like most people do. But that is my world.
>thinking that killing didn't matter because all is spirit
I'm not gonna lie. I've reached that conclusion myself. It just feels like a natural conclusion to reach, and I suspect it's not entirely logic guiding my reasoning here.