Sunflower 06/06/2024 (Thu) 13:23 Id: 041a8d No.7987 del
>it would involve an act of violence or destruction to be brought upon the soul
I don't know why you'd think so, or what seems mystical about it to you. tbh.

It's pretty straight forward, just place a spirit in a body and it's incarnated if the planetary deities register the soul as owner of the body. It's even easier on other planes outside of planets, such as when placing spirits in the "other physical" cyborgs I've created (or the greys created, or anyone else). Just put the spirit in the body and they'll be preoccupied with the new setting and forget who they were before, they'll create a new mind/tulpa and work from there. Planets have a "satanic atmospheric layer" which protects it from external meddling, and this causes oblivion for those entering, so that's why humans forget who they were when they re-incarnate. The rest is just natural tulpa creation done after birth.

When the spirit leaves a mortal body the tulpa remains, and if it contains lots of karmic negative energy, they will drop down into bad places to have the tulpa dissolved. That's the Gehenna process or purgatory. If the tulpa is good the spirit will just keep it, as it's their own achievement, and it will remain as "past life memories".