anonymous 06/14/2017 (Wed) 19:25:27 No. 618 del
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(2.36 MB 1920x1152 737151.png)
I found some nice wallpapers.
The whole film came together nicely, and it worked because the body swap wasn't a gimmick or an excuse for sexual hijinxes, but was used to tell a love story.

"Kimi no na" is itself ironic and not well translated as "Your name", because kimi indicated some familiarity and is uncommon to use with strangers. Asking the name of someone you're familiar with doesn't happen because you know them. The title foreshadows that they will forget one another's names but still retain a sense of strange familarity. And of course, it's easy to relate to people who spend their whole lives desperately searching for something, which is another person they can relate to according to the movie.