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TSF in Japanese stands for "transexual fiction," but it really means we will share transgender media, manga and stories.

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Kimi no na/Your name anonymous 06/13/2017 (Tue) 01:22:01 [Preview] No. 615
Can we talk about the most influential tg anime film of the next few years? just saw this and it was pretty good. It makes me feel homesick for rural Japan, and I kind of want to go on an anime pilgrimage to that pretty little town she lives in. I wasn't as impressed with Tokyo though. She has almost everything you could want in life in her friendly town except for a boyfriend.

anonymous 06/14/2017 (Wed) 19:25:27 [Preview] No. 618 del
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I found some nice wallpapers.
The whole film came together nicely, and it worked because the body swap wasn't a gimmick or an excuse for sexual hijinxes, but was used to tell a love story.

"Kimi no na" is itself ironic and not well translated as "Your name", because kimi indicated some familiarity and is uncommon to use with strangers. Asking the name of someone you're familiar with doesn't happen because you know them. The title foreshadows that they will forget one another's names but still retain a sense of strange familarity. And of course, it's easy to relate to people who spend their whole lives desperately searching for something, which is another person they can relate to according to the movie.

anonymous 09/28/2017 (Thu) 07:40:58 [Preview] No. 754 del
>J.J. Abrams Developing Remake of Japanese Hit ‘Your Name’ With Paramount

anonymous 12/25/2017 (Mon) 00:54:26 [Preview] No.888 del
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Merry Christmas!

anonymous 12/25/2017 (Mon) 01:29:39 [Preview] No.890 del
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https://youtube.com/watch?v=3Bzbk0noBso [Embed]
The sad part is you know they erased it right after that.

This series is so overhyped, there's hardly any other body swaps. I wish they would make their own content, or explore new themes. The Kimi no Na Wa universe is pretty limited to write in, especially since it had a conclusive ending with a strong memory wipe.

Tell me if you read, "Your name is Iowa?" LOL.

anonymous 12/25/2017 (Mon) 01:30:50 [Preview] No.891 del
Kimi no Na wa music on the other thread:

anonymous 12/25/2017 (Mon) 01:49:15 [Preview] No.892 del
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Somewhere in Iowa there was someone so bored he wished an anime would happen in his town and destroy everybody.

anonymous 12/25/2017 (Mon) 14:27:25 [Preview] No.906 del
Seriously though, Iowa?! I can't stop picturing how funny it would be to have cows on the cover as the concept slowly devours itself.


anonymous 02/08/2018 (Thu) 04:03:20 [Preview] No.1109 del
Here are some kimi no na wa body swap doujins, going roughly from better to worse:

This one has a kidnapping and a body swap:

This one is a body swap all the way through, unlike Kimi no Naka Wa 1:

This one involves the lady from the restaurant in the movie.

This one is short, alright and cheap to translate:

This one has okay art, but the plot is ADHD and just goes from one partner to another

This one is the only one that is in full color, but the plot is an even bigger mess and so I don't like it:

All rape

yahoo search engine submission free Timothytuh 03/04/2018 (Sun) 18:00:32 [Preview] No.1146 del
It’s hard to seek out knowledgeable folks on this subject, however you sound like you know what you’re talking about! Thanks http://hellowh984mm.com

anonymous 03/09/2018 (Fri) 22:53:58 [Preview] No.1149 del
Is anyone going to read the planetside novel which will be a retelling of the story from the perspective of characters who aren't the two main characters? I know I won't.

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