Bear 06/26/2023 (Mon) 08:04 No.1196 del
There was a loan company in a small city that was co-run by the feds and a local gang.

Every loan mentally illaction meant you didn't have to pay it back and the more people involved the more collateral but the catch was everyone who was involved with the loan had to kill everyone else on the other side gang vs feds or die trying, but instead it ended up everyone died.

So in this mentally illaction you sign your life away for the money, literally.

There were many scenes of gruesome death and I was each person planning the killing and each person dying. It was occasionally tactile but not painful only that every time say I was stabbed or poisoned or shot or covered in acid, I knew I was going to die and took it like a man with no fear, just stioc resolve and a little flailing.

It was a slightly interesting dream to participate in but sounds boring now.