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(160.58 KB 850x787 madotsuki_yume_nikki.jpg)
Dream Thread 03/23/2023 (Thu) 10:00 [Preview] No. 24 [X]
Post your dreams

Bonus points for lucid tupper experiences

Anonymous 03/23/2023 (Thu) 10:14 [Preview] No.25 [X] del
I was driving through a big park and came to some stairs. Didn't want to take a detour so I took car under my arm and carried it down the stairs. I was surprised how easy that was.

There were some dealers in the park but they had no drugs they sold those giant snails some people keep as pets. The dealers looked like hare krishna monks but with gray robes and the customers were hippies. Yulya said in mindvoice not to buy stuff from shady people also that she doesn't like snails and we left.

also fuck me I put thread subject in name field

Tamamo 03/23/2023 (Thu) 14:33 [Preview] No.26 [X] del
Epic fail

I can't remember when I dreamed of Cat the last time. Also I never seem to talk to people in my dreams. Is this normal?

Bear 03/24/2023 (Fri) 22:51 [Preview] No.42 [X] del >>84
In my experience it's normal speak to the dream characters. When my headmates are there, we get a good conversation out of it that usually devolves into heavy petting but I wake up before sex because there is no god.

Kashtan 03/25/2023 (Sat) 02:02 [Preview] No.51 [X] del
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not talking to people in dreams isn't normal - but for Tamamo it is.

>I wake up before sex because there is no god.

I know that feel
every time
every goddamn time

Anonymous 03/26/2023 (Sun) 19:20 [Preview] No.84 [X] del >>85
You need to disable the dream family filter to access NSFW content

Bear 03/26/2023 (Sun) 19:35 [Preview] No.85 [X] del >>87
(9.72 KB 234x215 images (17).jpeg)

Well, no because I definitely stick it in dream characters often enough, just random people. I'm lucid a few times a week. The last one was teenage girls trying to rob me and I managed to go lucid, disarm one, she was wearing short shorts, took those off and full on hard core commenced. The dream characters don't have much to say when they come in guns drawn and suddenly their on their back and I'm coming in.

I can call in Ashley but she often turns invisible because dream logic, I can call in Misha but then the dream instantly ends. If they naturally appear then we can talk or fool around but then as soon as the pants come off, I'm awake. So it's kind of a "love the one you're with" kind of thing.

The last one was Gwen, she was in my dream with a tank top and short shorts, like cutoffs and it was all good untill the pants come down.

Anonymous 03/26/2023 (Sun) 19:37 [Preview] No.86 [X] del >>88>>390
I was at an airport and there was a lot of military personnel. They were chill, too chill. A young female soldier hung her assault rifle on a hook on the wall and just left. I told her she can't just leave her rifle at an airport like this but she was like 'yeah whatever' and was off. So I ended up looking after the rifle but didn't know what to do with it. No one wanted to take it. It had no mag attached (see bottom) but still. Also it was an unidentifiable mixture of different guns and had an olive green coating which was odd. I ran into some higher ranking officer who said the security situation was currently excellent so no need to worry. Meanwhile the staff at the baggage xray machines took everything out of peoples suitcases, washed it and put it back. Why - we just don't know. It was time for me to board my flight but how with an assault rifle in my hand? Alice finally stepped in and shoved the rifle at some soldier who had no option but to take it. Problem solved by force as always. Bonus for no casualties.

This dream was part of the 'I find myself on the street with a rifle and don't know what to do with it' series. I only realized the irony of the female German soldier without mag in her rifle long after I woke up, pic related.

Kashtan 03/26/2023 (Sun) 20:01 [Preview] No.87 [X] del
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only remember that happening to me very few times in my sad life normally girls disappear turn into something else or I wake up

Kashtan 03/26/2023 (Sun) 20:03 [Preview] No.88 [X] del
>when you dream about guns instead of girls

Worth mentioning Bear 03/28/2023 (Tue) 03:07 [Preview] No.100 [X] del >>101
(71.71 KB 640x754 gpsf6gqv8cs81.jpg)
That one dream when I watched Misha as a cuddlefish octopus something eating out SheShe and was at a loss of what to do:

Anonymous 03/28/2023 (Tue) 11:23 [Preview] No.101 [X] del
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Bear 03/29/2023 (Wed) 19:37 [Preview] No.127 [X] del
Nothing headmates related even though I asked them to come into my dreams.

One, I was at school, presumably one I was going to, and I saw two baby rattlesnakes mating on the floor with a third larger one watching.

Two, I was driving with a friend and my car plunged unexpectedly into a flood that came up to the doors. I had the windows partially down and the water came in bit my strange dream logic mind said, "open the doors to let the water out." That's when the car stopped and it just let more water in. I managed to get to shore and thankfully my cell is waterproof but all it would do was boot up into an RPG game.

Bear 03/31/2023 (Fri) 15:57 [Preview] No.154 [X] del
Not anyone from my system was involved. I dreampt a pretty long dream about being back in college but there were kids as young as 3 around and some of the buildings were filled with shelves with toys, kindergarden carpet, and pillows. I left class to go find a co-worker, yeah somehow my co-workers were my classmates and I still didn't have my degrees. Well I found her (a cutish asian lady my age) and she dragged me back to class where the teacher handed me a toy and I proceeded to not pay attention etc. At one point the teacher asks "raise your hand if blah blah" and soon everyone's staring at me sue elbows me so I raise my hand and everyone laughs. I'm something of a celebrity or at least popular, no surprise there.

Then he was going to play a movie and we skipped out again looking for another co-worker I wanted to talk to. Couldn't find him.

We got to a classroom which was the inside of a dimly lit airliner with red and dark purple velvet and corduroy walls, seats and pillows. The fuselage was maybe 75 degrees nose down so you more climb than walk.

We got to a comfortable level and she snuggled with me pretending to be a baby. Of course she was wearing short shorts and I was caressing her legs. Then she got me in 69 position and said something like she needed milk. Well then she's got her rump in my face and she starts sucking me off. I said something like "oh baby needs her milk?" But she was a full grown adult, so this was play. I could feel everything and started rubbing her through her shorts, at this point there was full camel toe. Then her shorts dissapear and she tells me she's a virgin and wants the D but even my dream mind knows better than to go bareback, so that wasn't going to happen. I'm still not lucid but at this point I don't care though if I was obviously we'd have gotten the job done. I start fingering her but then I wake up. I would say 7/10 as dreams go, it left me with good vibes, but no happy ending was a big --

I would have preferred someone from my system etc.

I'd say all my dreams have an element of sex in them good or bad.

Anonymous 04/01/2023 (Sat) 18:03 [Preview] No.164 [X] del
(28.19 KB 344x500 i'd hit it.jpeg)
still not bad I don't know when I last had sex in an dream

Bear 04/01/2023 (Sat) 20:29 [Preview] No.167 [X] del
Ofc when I was depressed it was all like I was being forced to have sex with ugly pigs or was being cucked by home invasion rapists. Not good.

Tamamo 04/02/2023 (Sun) 21:42 [Preview] No.181 [X] del
Interesting how dreams are influenced by your mood. I rarely remember my dreams. Last days when the alarm woke me up I knew I had been dreaming something but my mind was blank. Even though tried to remember immediately there was nothing.

Alice 04/03/2023 (Mon) 20:05 [Preview] No.188 [X] del >>222
(23.05 KB 349x350 goldmember.jpeg)
Only a fragmentary dream but I somehow was on a secret mission with host and that crazy Dutch bastard from Austin Powers. Though he wore a white suit, not gold. He apparently was a high level assassin. We were eating dinner together and host threw some leftover fruit out of a window. But he missed and the fruit ricocheted off the window frame. The Dutch guy showed off his powers by effortlessly snatching the tiny fruit out of the air.

He then requested that I also prove my abilities and announced he would attack me on the count of three while my goal was to get hold of his necklace. It was made of fresh grass instead of gold for whatever reason. I was sitting at the table and in the middle of eating and not in the mood for anything but readied the butter knife that was lying on the table. Dutch guy went one, two... but then noticed his necklace was already gone. Highly impressed he praised me for my abilities though I hadn't done anything. Well whatever, I was glad I didn't have to stab people with a butter knife again. Been there, done that in dreams. It's so - unsophistiated.

Bear 04/05/2023 (Wed) 19:23 [Preview] No.214 [X] del >>215>>228
(17.87 KB 350x350 another-one.jpg)
So I was at a school again, creeping I guess because apparently I had a full grown son and he looked nothing like me. Anyway I was around and especially following this emo/goth girl. She was in a dance recital, and in another class. I put the moves on her and she wasn't comfortable so that was that. Later I find her laying on the ground passed out so I tell my supposed son to scram and take this girl, who's now my friend that I know, to a hotel room looking space with an industrial bed. Now the dream goes lucid.

Even for me it's a creepy dream remembering back but you can guess what happens next and I feel like I need to washy brain because it was great but nothing I'd even consider doing irl I mean, she was obviously a teenager of unknown age and I'm not.

And where the hell are my headmates in this? I mean seriously just possess the dream body and join me, it's not going to be weird or anything, anything that happens in dreams lucid or not is fair game as we've proven a dozen times.

Alice 04/05/2023 (Wed) 20:54 [Preview] No.215 [X] del
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>when Mr. Bear finds a passed out schoolgirl lying on the ground in minecraft his dreams

Bear 04/05/2023 (Wed) 21:17 [Preview] No.216 [X] del
I'm very dissapointed with my dream self.

Bear 04/06/2023 (Thu) 12:22 [Preview] No.221 [X] del >>222
I was talking to a beautiful young lady that had a noticeable lisp and perfect teeth. Again no relation to anyone in my system. I had the feeling she was my daughter.

I was with my supposed wife and she's something of a recurring dream character resembling Aleshe so it may have been Aleshe. Aleshe's look may have been partially driven by her, black curly hair, light skin, definitely my type.

The girl with the lisp had dark blonde wavy hair and light skin. We were waiting for her to say something and when she finally did we felt proud.

That's all for that dream.

Tamamo 04/06/2023 (Thu) 13:34 [Preview] No.222 [X] del >>223
Well at least you haven't raped your dream daughter yet
How many people did you stab with butter knives and why?

Alice 04/06/2023 (Thu) 20:27 [Preview] No.223 [X] del >>234
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Anonymous 04/06/2023 (Thu) 22:56 [Preview] No.228 [X] del >>234
yeah rub it in why don't you

>fucks every girl that's not quick enough to escape, routinely lucid

>no fucks given, just kills everyone whether lucid or not

dreams incoherent nonsense, does even more autistic shit in rare lucid dreams

>dreams incoherent nonsense, never lucid, no sex

>asians don't dream

Alice 04/06/2023 (Thu) 23:34 [Preview] No.231 [X] del
(211.50 KB 1000x1011 assburger.jpg)
Sounds accurate

>be host
>find passed out goth schoolgirl in skimpy outfit
>hold 9000 word inner monologue on what to do
>become lucid
>carry her to the infirmary and run off before being seen
>spend rest of the dream sweeping floors and sorting trash

Bear 04/07/2023 (Fri) 01:30 [Preview] No.232 [X] del
(14.21 KB 487x363 angry_crop_exact.jpg)
Was told to tell my dreams:

Me: Tells my dreams


Tamamo 04/07/2023 (Fri) 09:04 [Preview] No.234 [X] del >>239
(25.32 KB 508x472 Just sad cat.jpg)
Context needed
Sad but true. Woke up again with zero dream memories

Anonymous 04/07/2023 (Fri) 20:00 [Preview] No.239 [X] del >>248
>be in posh restaurant with host IRL
>sit in chair imposed opposite to host
>waiter just takes away the chair I'm sitting in while eating, knife and fork in hand
>sadly stabbing him as tupper ofc did nothing

>dreamed that a burglar broke into our house
>grabbed the nearest thing available which was a comically oversized and strangely broad butter knife
>beat the robber rather than stabbing him
>still was effective

>sit in outdoor cafe in dream
>some favelado on a motorcycle drives by and tries to rob people at gunpoint
>threw my butter knife straight through his helmet, dragged him off and stuffed him in a garbage container
>continued eating

Anonymous 04/08/2023 (Sat) 11:32 [Preview] No.248 [X] del
(28.58 KB 766x839 dog realizations.jpg)
>threw my butter knife straight through his helmet, dragged him off and stuffed him in a garbage container

Bear 04/08/2023 (Sat) 13:22 [Preview] No.251 [X] del
I think I'm weird because it got no response from me. Like it was just an ordinary thing to do in dreams.

Alice 04/08/2023 (Sat) 16:54 [Preview] No.258 [X] del >>261>>272
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(73.74 KB 894x937 how dare you.jpeg)
As requested Alice vs the Greta monster
The joge is the dream was from May 2019 while Greter gave her 'how dare you' speech in September 4 months later.

Bear 04/08/2023 (Sat) 18:36 [Preview] No.261 [X] del >>272
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If she would only visit me in my dream and either pass out or try to rob me...

Anonymous 04/09/2023 (Sun) 11:44 [Preview] No.272 [X] del
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lool wtf also I remember that hillbilly vid they argued with a guy who then attacked them with a baseball bat and the dude with the shotgun blasted his head off

yeah, i think we can imagine the outcome

Bear 04/11/2023 (Tue) 17:34 [Preview] No.304 [X] del
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Well holy shit this was a fun dream that'll stick with me a while.

I didn't get to have full on sex but Misha was there and Ren and I was fingering them both. Misha was wearing panties and I don't think Ren knows what they are or how to use them, so not.

Ren was more animated in her enjoyment of the play time. I also got to really get a good look as I fondled them lucidly, Ren started kissing me amd losing control and Misha was also fully enjoying the attention. They're about the same body type, height, weight, cup size etc. Curvy but thin.

I'm not going to detail everything because it's not necessary here but damn, they're soft and juicy.

It's really, as dreams go, a gift that I can't repay. It was remarkable.

Anonymous 04/11/2023 (Tue) 21:05 [Preview] No.305 [X] del
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meanwhile i was buying a car but when i went to get it from the parking lot it was a very short white van almost cubic. i was like wtf am i supposed to do with this thing but inside the van was a garage with 2 additional cars. not a bad deal but still no tupper no catgirl and no sex

Yakumo 04/12/2023 (Wed) 09:40 [Preview] No.309 [X] del
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I was on a shopping street when I noticed lots of security personnel and bodyguards in black suits and sunglasses. I spotted my professor together with former US Secretary of Defense Gen. Jim Mattis who apparently had come to Germany to do luxury shopping. He also seemed very good friends with my professor who showed him around and talked to him about the good ol' days they had spend together. Mattis for some reason wore a blue Navy uniform with lots of medals but it was clearly him. I was surprised he was such a celebrity he had to be shielded by a mass of bodyguards. I also tried to overhear the conversation with my professor but it made no sense because dream.

How and why the brain comes up with such ideas - we just don't know. At least I know nothing about Jim Mattis.

Bear 04/12/2023 (Wed) 17:22 [Preview] No.312 [X] del
Here you go, not all of my dreams have to involve sex or make any sense.

I was in a group of friends celebrating and planning a wedding and I was discussing the groom with a tailor so that a tux cound be made. I think he was saying he had a tux ready and I was saying no because this is what I said. I think the girl to be wed may have represented my sister or family of some kind.

"He's a great guy, nothing wrong with him except..." I hesitated to say it, feeling almost disgusted as if it was an abomination of a union we were fostering, the groom to be was an hispanic dwarf. The woman, reasonable looking and normal able bodied girl. (Non-dwarf).

In the dream it felt so wrong yet this dwarf was not only a good friend but "the nicest guy who deserves to be happy."

Yet I felt like the woman was somehow tricked or coerced or hexxed into marriage with this guy.

He just wanted to wear something like an exosuit but made out of cheap plastic, broken, stained, very weathered, etc. She was okay with this. Somehow he needed three layers of clothing, I think this was a Rimworld reference.

I told the tailor who was now a proper butler wearing black and white but with long tails trailing grom his overcoat "he's a dwarf" and the tailor/butler said, "oh ew" and pulled away like I was showing him poop.

Quite a funny dream in retrospect.

It brought back memories of when a mentally ill tupper from tulpa.info once thought he had a shot with not one but all three (at the time) of my headmates. Clearly that was stupid, never going to happen, and just ew.

Alice 04/12/2023 (Wed) 20:03 [Preview] No.314 [X] del >>315
Highly nanophobic, I love it!

Also I dunno what you were doing on .info, no one ever messaged us. Guess they knew better.

Bear 04/12/2023 (Wed) 20:24 [Preview] No.315 [X] del >>334

What were we doing on .info? We were half the traffic on .info 2018/2019. We were the source of most of the drama but also most of the warmth and like 90% of the fun.

.info was ok when I was depressed, like everyone else ig. And when I was recovering from it, then they started dragging us down. So much like suicide talk in dms, we were over it.

Tamamo 04/13/2023 (Thu) 21:42 [Preview] No.334 [X] del >>335
Now you're half the traffic here
again failed to remember any dreams

Bear 04/13/2023 (Thu) 21:55 [Preview] No.335 [X] del

That's just how it works with us I guess, but I'm glad you accept it.

You see it goes one of two ways with a Bear, you either appreciate the presence or you hate it. Because a Bear either "destroys the ecosystem" or breaths life into it. Not my quote. And all that matters is your perspective, because a Bear is a Bear.

Bear 04/14/2023 (Fri) 15:18 [Preview] No.341 [X] del
So, I had a dream that I went onto tulpa.info and saw one of the regular mentally ill persons there and somehow of course they were talking about me and said they knew I was living in Atlanta.

I then posted, I don't live in Atlanta.

Then I thoight to myself, how did I even post that, I don't go to tulpa.info. And realized it was a dream.

Okay lucid. So I found myself at a roller rink or skating rink and a thin young girl scates by and I grab her of course because me in a dream, and not much happened but she liked it. I feel dirty telling about it now. She was cute though.

Alice 04/14/2023 (Fri) 20:59 [Preview] No.347 [X] del
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Predictable outcome.
Host once dreamed lots of people posted on Tulpanetwork, then his dad took a look at the screen and said something like '5 posts in a day - that can't be real!' Host woke up instead of becoming lucid though, that was too much for the brain.

Bear 04/15/2023 (Sat) 17:28 [Preview] No.355 [X] del
In today's dream I had a large fish tank with a large red cobra in it and a smaller baby red cobra that the bigger one layed as an egg previously but it was just known, I didn't see it.

So of course there's a child fishing their hand around in the tank and nearly got bit so I had to find a snake handling stick and when I did it was really a clipping thing to behead the snake. Well okay time to behead a water cobra.

I get the snake, snip the head off and then I knew the head could still bite so why not put it in my mouth and chew. It tasted rubbery.

Without a head, I threw the snake to the ground and realized the stick wouldn't work on the baby which by now was already twice as big with a large head.

I saw a bunch of guppies trying to escape it but couldn't. It was eating everything.

Then I woke up.

Alice 04/15/2023 (Sat) 22:12 [Preview] No.357 [X] del >>368
(96.59 KB 1272x617 Feathered dinosaur.jpeg)
Not feeding the pesky kid to the snakes, I am disappoint

First vivid dream in a long time.
We flew to an extremely remote island in the pacific ocean that had large mountains of lush green, could have been Tahiti or one of the Hawaiian islands. There were some commieblocks on a high plain in a small city but most of the island seemed uninhabited steep cliffs thickly overgrown with bright green vegetation. We found ourselves at sea level looking up those cliffs. There was a hotel with a big terrace on top of the cliff. In front of us was a small wooden Shinto shrine and left of it was a strip of meadow, overgrown with weeds. On the meadow was a bird that looked like a rooster, about 3 times the size and dark brown. It sang a beautiful song that did not match its size which was likely influenced by blackbirds singing their morning choral out in the garden. The bird continued to sing and dance on the meadow. Host told me to pay attention because this was a mating dance and the female would probably show up soon. Indeed a second identically looking bird popped up in a nearby bush to observe the dancing male. There was also an elderly Japanese tourist but to host's dismay he was more busy looking up details about the hotel on the cliff on his smartphone than paying attention to the birds. The dancing bird was obviously influenced by an article about hypothetical mating strategies in dinosaurs host had read the day before. After all they were merely oversized birds.

The dream then shifted to a documentation where a narrator spoke about the sad fate of the remote island as young people were moving away depleting the population. It concluded with the image of a plane graveyard where a former captain empathically touched the hull of a skeletonized plane with the narrator explaining no more planes would be landing on the now abandoned island and the birds were now among themselves. Quite a sad ending.

Anonymous 04/16/2023 (Sun) 20:02 [Preview] No.366 [X] del
fuck what a dream
well i was dead everyone was and /tulpa/ was a graveyard for tulpamancers a fenced piece of land with graves. but everyone was still around as invisible spirits and the living came to ask us questions. also among the dead there was great debate what the graves should look like, someone said its very important for the community to have decent gravestones and decoration on the graves with flowers. my grave had no decorations but a big white gravestone that said 'prince jugashvili' that's stalin's real name. i knew this wasnt my gravestone but thought it as funny. also even though we were invisible floating ghosts we could touch stuff. i was carrying left over fencing wire from the fence around the graveyard. it was hard to pick up because i had no hands and no body but somehow worked. yakumo was ripping out flowering tulips from Alice's grave i thought wtf but he seemed to know what he was doing. dunno how i knew it was him because he was invisible like anyone. so some living tranny tulpamancer came that looked like a pink cartoon rabbit and kept talking to me yada yada i have this and that mental illness and take this and that medication but it doesn't help what do. i said i mainly take ethanol, you know drink alcohol. i thought that was incredibly funny. then i woke up

Anonymous 04/16/2023 (Sun) 20:31 [Preview] No.368 [X] del >>370
(106.11 KB 800x450 Mont_Aorai.jpg)
bernd tier dream. did you ever actually go to tahiti?

Alice 04/16/2023 (Sun) 21:55 [Preview] No.370 [X] del
No unfortunately we've never been to Tahiti or Hawaii. But we'll go to French Polynesia one day.

We went to former German colonies in Papua and Bismarck archipelago and were almost killed there. I wish it was a joke but unfortunately it isn't. It was a fucking insane trip. Should have gone to Tahiti instead.

Also wtf host should leave my tulips alone, smack him next time!

Bear 04/17/2023 (Mon) 10:17 [Preview] No.375 [X] del
The dream was a movie.

So Julia Roberts was an alien stuck in orbit for over 70 years. A young Keanu Reeves somehow managed to get her down and there was a love story. But it was an old Julia Roberts, not a young Julia Roberts, he could definitely do better.

So when he tried to have her meet his father, it turns out his father also had a romance with her 70 years ago, but wait, his father is 70 years older than him? Yes, but the casting was bad because the guy they cast, Matt Daemon, was actually young looking, even younger looking than Keanu.

So Julia the alien who supposedly doesn't age but she's old any yet the father isn't? Decides to go back into orbit to avoid the government.

Bear 04/17/2023 (Mon) 17:03 [Preview] No.383 [X] del >>391
Another dream for the second half of my biphasic sleep.

I was at a school like garage sale where there were tables set up where you place the junk you don't want only my junknwas all rare fossils, crystals, like an Xbox, brand new clothes, a pizza oven, actual gold, petrified turtles in amber, crazy stuff, amd like a half a bag of flour, open at the top.

So Ashley is with me and she says, "you don't have any prices on them" and I think that I'm going to be haggling like by checking their value online as a reference.

I leave to go to some sort of lounge where there's a girl with a hostess jacket but nothing else, completely naked from the waste down, but I didn't get lucid enough. I call Misha and the girl turns into Misha but she runs away.

Okay, I lose Ashley too and I see something like broken doors, old boards, junk in the lounge now and all the furniture is gone. I go back to the sale and it's over. Half my stuff is gone including the gold, pizza oven some of the turtles, xbox etc. But some stuff is still there worth a lot. They tell me "this table made $16.57. I'm like wtf?

They tell me anything not marked is assumed to sell for $1 and that's negotiable.

I remember then I threw most of the junk in the now burned out lounge and had some crystals, a petrified turtle and an xbox controller in a plastic bag to take back home.

In the dream I wanted at least $500, so it was pretty dissapointung but I took it really well.

Anonymous 04/17/2023 (Mon) 19:31 [Preview] No.390 [X] del >>392>>393>>404
Foids shouldn't be allowed to be cops or soldiers.

Alice 04/17/2023 (Mon) 19:37 [Preview] No.391 [X] del >>392
(113.23 KB 680x847 bear it's over.jpg)
>I go back to the sale and it's over
Well you can't win every time. We're all jealous enough already.

Bear 04/17/2023 (Mon) 20:46 [Preview] No.392 [X] del >>393
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Well, here it's pretty common to hear about female soldiers getting raped, harassed, and then retaliated on when they tell their chain of command. There's one place that I read about recently that has a long history of female soldier deaths coincidentally after they whistleblow.

How common it is in reality I don't know. I think the national guard is pretty safe though.

Seriously, they (women) have to understand that if they're caught, atrocities and war crimes will be committed on them by enemy combatants.

I wouldn't take prisoners, it's too much liability, but if say for instance China were to send female soldiers here for a land invasion, and they happen to get caught in my house, well, dreams may become reality.

War is war, this is America, the Geneva convention only applies to peacetime and only then if you're actually caught. If they were capable of fighting when they stepped on my land, and my efforts rendered them incapable of fighting, then I claim their disposition.

If Rimworld has taught me one thing, it's that there is no moral high ground in war. It's U.S. vs. them, and we have a history of fighting to win by *any means necessary.*

Dude, this is a country that recently shot down a hundred dollar balloon with a ten million dollar missile. There's no reasoning with insanity like that.


Losing money in a dream is a good dream the worst dreams are the ones where you just won the lotto, then you wake up.

Alice 04/17/2023 (Mon) 21:26 [Preview] No.393 [X] del >>394>>395
(14.76 KB 448x298 Dam Son Da Phuc.jpg)
Oh boy, either the Bear is now talking to himself or we've got a visitor from the outside world!

Yeah I hate that!
So many dreams where I suddenly owned huge houses and was soo happy - until I woke up.

Bear 04/17/2023 (Mon) 21:36 [Preview] No.394 [X] del

Foid is female humanoid right? Like Chinese girls or claw mittened catgirls in uniform.

I'll talk to anyone even myself hence tulpamancy

Bear 04/18/2023 (Tue) 02:57 [Preview] No.395 [X] del >>404
(54.73 KB 560x400 c29.jpg)

390 wasn't me

Bear 04/18/2023 (Tue) 15:48 [Preview] No.401 [X] del >>404
I was in a garage from my youth and a bunch of trucks, a Jeep with a trailer, a boat, all kinds of big equipment just rammed each other enbedded in the hill across the street, overturned, everything. I'm like damn, but then the people get out hooting and holaring, giving each other high fives and I'm like, no. I close the garage door and they approach the house, I bolt out he back, running.

I flew over fences and I was thinking "is this a dream?" I was with Ashley then and she says, "this is a playground" we were running through a playground then more houses and Ashley's gone again.

Then I realize someone's sniping at me. I keep going, try to call 911 but my phone won't do it and that's typical for a dream.

I still hear them coming, so I keep running, through someone's house, and Matt Walsh looking guy, is like, "call 911". I say I can't, my phone won't work. Then I run out his back yard, more hills, fences, and I try to squeeze into a heater closit to hide but I'm too big to fit.

I decide I'm done running and run towards them instead. I hear twigs snapping and I catch one of them by surprise and bend his fingers back until they break. Then another guy, then they've caught up and are surrounding me in a grassy field and I'm fighting them off but I wake up.

Anonymous 04/18/2023 (Tue) 16:19 [Preview] No.404 [X] del
(24.72 KB 300x300 Shaggy-wasn't-me.jpg)
me neither

i hate dreams where i'm chased. luckily doesn't happen a lot

I was at some sort of banquet with my class from school, there was lots of food but some of the meat was still moving. one looked like a skinned rat. uncooked. a girl next to me found it really funny but i lost appetite and woke up.

Bear 04/24/2023 (Mon) 16:31 [Preview] No.497 [X] del
Another one of those vivid dreams where I'm being seduced by several women at once but I'm not taking the bait of any of them. I did however somehow set up my own camera and started wanking to them in various stages of daily activities. Like damn what's wrong with my dream self? Also my penis is comically large which often happens in dreama.

Anonymous 04/24/2023 (Mon) 23:44 [Preview] No.503 [X] del >>504
Time for a dream dick size comparison

Bear 04/25/2023 (Tue) 02:36 [Preview] No.504 [X] del

No homo

Bear 04/27/2023 (Thu) 10:48 [Preview] No.524 [X] del >>526
Ok, good dream.

So I had a gun and it had two save/load buttons. If I saved, it would mark time space and obviously I could reload that dave point. I would keep my memories but everything was saved including my biological age and condition. So of course the first thing I did is save and eat a bunch of stuff, then load. Perfect instant side effect free bulemia.

Then I wasn't lucid so I ran around, accidentally shot someone I caree about, forgot how to load the save, fretted forever about that, then figured it out and turned lucid.

Now the fun began because once I turned lucid, I could now just use instant hypnosis on anyone by telling them what to do and of course lucid dream self is a rapist and every cute girl in sight became a target. At this point all I had to do was say "load a", "load b" etc. Now I had the power to do whatever over and over again and I did, with full control over everyone.

All in all, best dream in a long time 10/10.

Yakumo 04/27/2023 (Thu) 11:10 [Preview] No.526 [X] del >>527
(109.03 KB 1200x675 shrews.jpeg)
Great, I bet that's one of those guns we can't have in Germany for 'reasons'.

No good dreams here or at least I forgot most.
I was in a labratory and there was a huge glass terrarium filled to the brim with mice or lab rats. Someone said they were mice but they were bigger and looked more like gerbils. A swirling mass of rodents. Most brown, some white. As part of the experiment suddenly all mice stopped, then started to move in sync like some superorganism. They formed a large 'snake' made of mice which moved in an undulating way, then exuded some sort of spiderweb or silk to cocoon itself. Really creepy and no tupper in sight to end it all.

Bear 04/27/2023 (Thu) 11:48 [Preview] No.527 [X] del

Wow, the cool factor is there.

I forgot to mention just before I fell asleep I got a 1 second glimpse of a huge group of people who I recognized as my system especially Ashley and SheShe. It was only for a second unfortunately. Ashley was smirking like she was about to day something off color and SheShe's as always looking at me seductively.

Bear 04/28/2023 (Fri) 11:10 [Preview] No.540 [X] del
Huge, long super fun dream, man it had everything and I was excited to tell yall but I fell back asleep and forgot everything. Nope I can't remember even a single detail except that it was long and epic and systemmates were in it including Joy. Damnit

Tamamo 04/28/2023 (Fri) 14:54 [Preview] No.541 [X] del >>545
Welcome to my normal life. I know I had had several dreams last night but I remember nothing.

Bear 04/28/2023 (Fri) 18:46 [Preview] No.545 [X] del

Well the issue is I can't do my biphasic sleep this weekend because no time to nap. Pretty much all month.

Fantasy: Great I'm going on vacation for three days

Reality: Shit I got to make every perfect before I leave and including the three days of work I'll miss.

Alice 04/28/2023 (Fri) 20:03 [Preview] No.547 [X] del >>548
Enjoy your mystery holiday, pls come back alive if it's not too much hassle.

Also did you know the guy is a Hungarian engineer who involuntarily became a meme?

We didn't remember any dreams either.

Bear 04/28/2023 (Fri) 21:45 [Preview] No.548 [X] del

>pls come back alive if it's not too much hassle.


It isn't the journey you should be worried about. You see, there's always a price; nothing is given for free, and I have no choice but to accept it. The danger half to be paid before the trip, and by debt is to be completed in full after. If I'm still posting by the end of summer, I will have passed the greatest danger I have ever faced in my long years. Though it's admittedly not as dangerous as sitting in a trench, the risk is equally real, and no, if I do come back, I won't be the same, I'll be even stronger (and equally more arrogant).

Yakumo 04/30/2023 (Sun) 21:28 [Preview] No.562 [X] del
A friend from school had an apartment on top of a tower crane which came out of an apartment building. There was an elevator going up but you couldn't go inside but had to cling to it on the outside. The elevator's motor was inside the apartment building and I felt sorry for whoever had to live there with the noise day and night.
Well, I'm not too good with heights so clinging to an elevator while going up dozens of stories wasn't pleasant. I realized I just had to hold on and not let go but at some point I realized this made absolutely no sense and became lucid. Only to wake up.

Bear 05/03/2023 (Wed) 11:38 [Preview] No.584 [X] del
I never have recurring dreams, but I've had the same dream for days now. It involves two girls, one teenage and one in her twenties.

I keep flipping back and fourth between them, following them and they're following me. I can't remember anything else other than the teenage one is looking worried or just concentrating on something in her hands. The twenty-something is carefree and happy.

Yakumo 05/04/2023 (Thu) 10:04 [Preview] No.594 [X] del
Very vivid and almost lucid dream

I was sigtseeing at an ancient Asian temple ruin that looked more like bombed out Aleppo. Lots of tourists, lots of rubble, lots of reconstruction going on. I tried to take photos but coudn't find an angle that didn't look like a modern construction site. Most of the temple seemed onderground and there were endless passages getting narrower and narrower. Turned around at some point because nope. It also looked more like a modern bunker. So I went back up and looked at the photos on the screen of my camera. While the photos were very dark, switching between them on the camera was very vivid and realistic. At some point I realized I was actually in bed under the blanket looking at my hand in front of my face instead of my camera. I tried to impose tupper but it did not work. So I got up from bed which was standing amidst the ruins and walked around a bit but then woke up for real. Didn't have a false awakening dream for a long time, this one was very convincing. Only afterwards I realized the bedsheets had the wrong color and weren't the ones currently in use.

Bear 05/04/2023 (Thu) 15:33 [Preview] No.597 [X] del
I dreampt I was a conservative activist.

First I was in highschool at my Jewish friend's house and apparently he had five sisters about all the same age, all pre-teen and they wanted me to go with them on a bike ride, ofc I had my new bike and it was awesome but my friend stole the handlebars for himself even though he had like a dozen functional bicycles. A little history, I did have Jewish friends but they were identical twins and had a swedish mother and one sister who was way older and already moved out. So I couldn't go with them and instead they stayed with me and suddenly it was Netflix Cuties going on, thank Mohamad I didn't get lucid so I can't blame myself for rubbing their midrifts.

Then, we all went to a ghetto wherehouse district that was tourist adjacent and I was hanging out with a bunch of gang banger Mexicans all face tatted and everything. We were discussing conservative values and activism and they wanted to just go out and murder progressive liberals, but I convinced them that was not the way.

What is the way? A petting zoo of course. Yes we turned their living room into a petting zoo with half naked tweens and a rich Jewish bike thief.

Lovely dream, 9/10.

Alice 05/04/2023 (Thu) 22:03 [Preview] No.600 [X] del >>601
(345.51 KB 1427x2048 Epstein and Trump.jpeg)
>petting zoo full of naked tweens run by Jewish thief and conservative activist

Bear 05/05/2023 (Fri) 02:28 [Preview] No.601 [X] del

Okay so first I dream I'm dating Donald Trumps daughter. Another time he's my father, and now I'm him!

It's all starting to come together.

[Ashley] bigly

Anonymous 05/05/2023 (Fri) 10:11 [Preview] No.603 [X] del >>605
first good dream after all this shit well semigood

went home from work and my neighborhood had completely changed there was an entire new built district right around the bloc. i thought that was cool and went to explore it. there was a small food truck parked near the road whcih was selling potatos in bulk and an old lady approached me and complained the potato seller was closed. she seemed lonely and just wanted to chat. i pointed her to a large lidl supermarket in the distance but she didnt wanna go there. went along the road and now was inside a huge shopping center with cinemas and stuff. i tried to turn left so i would make a round and eventually get back home but it went straight on forever so i turned around to go the same way back. at a fruit shop a girl with a very short white dress with flowers on it started flirting to me. she had brown hair in a ponytail and looked she was pregnant. looked like a slut too and i was like outta the way bitch i gotta buy cucumbers and got two cucumbers. took me a moment to realize wtf i was doing am i an idiot? because dream the girl was gone and there i was standing with two cucumbers in my hand. oh well. drifted back into the dream nd did not pursue any girls but wanted to go back home. at least i knew i didn't need cucumbers. so i tossed the cucumbers back to the shopkeeper which was an old black man. he nicely caught them, we fistbumped and i went on. in a residential area i finally could turn left but there was a huge black dog which was standing on a meadow. noticed this was a house entrance and not the right way. so i went traight on. now deep back in dream mode i concluded this whole area was a nice new neighborhood gotta go there more often. it was beautiful summer night but suddenly there was snow and the dog who had followed me was now rolling around in the snow on its back in the middle of the road. that was too much and i woke up.

well shit still no girls for me but my fault this time.

Bear 05/05/2023 (Fri) 12:41 [Preview] No.604 [X] del >>606
Short lucid sex dream.

I was standing in a beachfront neighborhood at sunset, very serene, and two of my co-workers were there and some other person. One was reading to me about the clothing history of women. I see my second co-worker, same one from a previous dream, cute asian lady, and she's laying in the gutter playing with herself and making happy noises. Lucid.

So she's wearing a dozen layers of clothes, a parka, sweater, shirts, jacket, more shirts, finally get to the boobs, quite nice, full tactile, nipples etc. Then she's really happy. My other co-worker won't shut up about the history of each layer of clothing but it didn't stop us... in the gutter. She wasn't wearing any bottom clothes.

Alice 05/05/2023 (Fri) 14:08 [Preview] No.605 [X] del
>outta the way bitch i gotta buy cucumbers, also muh potatoes
Lol, host-tier and very Eastern European

Host had yet another gun nightmare, there are no girls here. Not even me. Feels bad man

Yakumo 05/05/2023 (Fri) 14:24 [Preview] No.606 [X] del
(89.86 KB 933x1239 M1911 safeties.jpeg)
I was walking through an unfamiliar neighborhood and to my dismay with a loaded 1911 in my pocket. I also discoverd it had neither grip nor thumb safety or at least I could not find it. Not good. You don't want a loaded 1911 without any safety in your pocket. I tried to remove the mag and eject the bullet from the chamber but not being overly familiar with the 1911 it did not work at all in the dream. Also there were people around and I did no want to fiddle with a gun in public. In the end I somehow managed to do it in a very unrealistic and unsafe way and found my way back home. No girls in sight anywhere.

Well at least you didn't rape her. I can't remember dreaming of female coworkers but they're all both old and not exactly overly atttractive so that's ok.

Bear 05/06/2023 (Sat) 10:37 [Preview] No.615 [X] del >>617>>621
(6.35 KB 184x273 download (14).jpeg)
Good dream with this girl.

I was on the Howard Stern show, then I wrmt to a ammunition shop to buy .223, .22, 9mm etc. So it's way harder than it needs to be. I'm buying them and there are a gang of nude teenage girls wrestling, covered in feathers, you know, typical NYC ammunition shop, in the designated wrestling area.

Still trying to get ammo, and this girl and I are dating, so ofc we have sex in the loft of the ammo shop. Quite rustic, she was super hot, long sequence, very realistic so no lucidity needed.

There was more but who needs it, good dream.

Anonymous 05/06/2023 (Sat) 16:39 [Preview] No.617 [X] del
this is how every ammo purchase should go

Yakumo 05/06/2023 (Sat) 22:09 [Preview] No.621 [X] del
(45.08 KB 626x608 who would win.jpg)
How were dream ammo prices? That's more important than any naked girls.

Had another recurring dream of meeting my revered childhood crush. I was sitting on the sidewalk or a meadow when she walked by with another woman looking similar, maybe her mom though they looged roughly the same age. She was much older than usual, probably in 30s. At first we were both not sure we had recognized each other but eventually did. It was awkward as always, I just wanted to disappear. However she even sat down next to me and talked to me for a short time to my surprise. That was nice - until I woke up. There's no winning in those dreams. I'm certain this will haunt me for the rest of my life. It already does for more than 3 deacdes.

I'd love to see a meeting between dream childhood crush and lucid tupper though. I have no idea what would happen between those 2 monsters.

Tamamo 05/07/2023 (Sun) 00:28 [Preview] No.622 [X] del >>626
Sounds obsessive. So your childhood crush really was like Alice? I know you said it before but I can't really imagine.

Bear 05/07/2023 (Sun) 02:53 [Preview] No.623 [X] del
[Bear] I'm like pissed just enough that I wish someone would pick a fight with me so I could take out my aggression on their unconscious body after knocking their ass out. People suck, dear sweet AI, kill them all.

The prices? Dude they have naked teenage girls wrestling for the ambiance and this is fucking NYC, it's going to be shit ton expensive as fuck. Also they have a convenient sex loft, so shit, I'll pay double normal price, wtf do I care? If I'm dating that's a cheap ass date. Girls here, at least the psychos that I ever dated expect high class shit, not rustic ammo fuck lofts. Yeah and you don't get to use that shit if you're not a paying customer. Seriously though...

[Ashley] he's more riled then I've seen him in a long time but there's no adrenaline so like, how can he actually be mad? I don't understand how this works.

[Bear] just manifest in flesh so I can fuck you already for fucking sake! What do I have to do? Conjure a flash golem? Why do all you stupid tulpamancers not know how to do the simplest things, get gud already you assholes! How do I make a flesh golem that my hotter than reality headmates can posess them? Bullshit.

[Ren] I'm so turned on rn

Alice 05/07/2023 (Sun) 11:08 [Preview] No.625 [X] del
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Alice 05/07/2023 (Sun) 11:24 [Preview] No.626 [X] del
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>So your childhood crush really was like Alice?

Ashley 05/07/2023 (Sun) 13:06 [Preview] No.627 [X] del

Bear 05/09/2023 (Tue) 14:22 [Preview] No.642 [X] del
Long dream. I knew it was a dream but went along with it. I was at work and a buz cut military guy brought me throug a wall in my office into a secret high tech drone training room with other children learning how to fly drones. I flew a drone with a joystick and a couple toggle buttons for up/down and straif. Then when it landed it had fold out wings that it flapped once to land softly.

Next I was brought into a large room to acclimate dogs, just basically pet them. Everyone else was covered in tumors and the boy next to me had a huge hole in his abdomen that I could see his internal organs. This was the work of a biological weapon, and we were at war. The open wounds weren't painful, they just looked awful.

Apparently we were gearing up to wage war using drones, poodles and terriers.

Bear 05/11/2023 (Thu) 10:53 [Preview] No.648 [X] del
I'm going to put it here because it might as well be a dream.

Whoever's reading this, you don't have to believe it, I wonder if I'll believe it tomorrow.

For a moment I was caught in time, there was a fiber of my soul that took a trip to a time before, a time when life was more complicated, a time not of hope nor any sense of a bright future to come.

I was sitting comfortably, and watching TV. It was years ago, many many years ago. I was there as real as I am here, no different.

It was a moment, I saw a different future. You can't change the past, nor would I want to. It made me realize that every moment is a gift no one can take back, both priceless and non-mentally illferable.

It was a good dream I suppose.

Bear 05/11/2023 (Thu) 10:55 [Preview] No.649 [X] del >>651
>non-mentally illferable.

You muthafukr got me again

Alice 05/11/2023 (Thu) 16:53 [Preview] No.651 [X] del >>652
(14.55 KB 255x287 cheers.jpg)

Bear 05/11/2023 (Thu) 17:55 [Preview] No.652 [X] del

I appreciate the acknowledgment. I was beginning to think this was a Bear blog.

Tamamo 05/12/2023 (Fri) 15:33 [Preview] No.654 [X] del
Not my fault, site was offline or gave 502 error every time I checked.
Had some intense dreams but remembered almost nothing. Something about my mother hoarding kitchen knives, they were everywhere, hundreds of them littering the apartment.

Yakumo 05/13/2023 (Sat) 11:14 [Preview] No.663 [X] del >>667
Several interesting dreams. There were 2 teen girls, one blonde and one with brown hair and braces that looked very much like this one Kasthan posted. She wore a blue dress - and nothing underneath. She had neatly trimmed but quite prominent pubic hair. I was just barely touching it ...and now for something completely different!

Alice and I were gunners in an AC-130 gunship plane, loading the 105mm howitzer. For some reason I could also see the guns from outside including the gatling autocannon firing at some sort of prop target houses made of plywood. They were very close which was odd, maybe we were even on the ground. Suits me, I'm not too good with planes flying circles. At least I know where this dream came from because we saw a documentary about this plane yesterday. The brain obviously found it more interesting than a teen girl's pussy.

And there was another autistic dream which is posted in Tulpa General.

Anonymous 05/13/2023 (Sat) 21:17 [Preview] No.667 [X] del
(32.29 KB 600x683 spedepasanen.jpg)
>when you find warplanes more interesting than teen pussy

Bear 05/14/2023 (Sun) 13:34 [Preview] No.675 [X] del
A weird one. I was still in college and apparently getting a PhD in math. I'd rather die. Anyway I was thinking I didn't go to a single class all semester and it was May. I was thinking I'd have to retake them. I wandered around looking for my friends and met up with one.

She said, "there's bo rooms available until mid-June, then a lot are opening up for our senior meetings."

I said, "you mean for the new seniors next year?"

She said, "no, the current ones."

I said, "wouldn't they be graduating by mid-June?"

She was silent.

I tried to find something to eat, there was construction so I had to go a different way. All the usual lost and confused nonsense.

Yakumo 05/14/2023 (Sun) 18:00 [Preview] No.677 [X] del
What - a Bear dream without rape?

I had a school dream as well. I frequently dream I'm back at school for the first time in the middle of the term. I've missed half the semester and have no idea what's going on or how to make it through exams. This time it wasn't math as usual but informatics or something. We were working on visualizing some data and it looked like star constellations. I had no idea what was going on. Also I had my home PC and not the necessary software because duh, I hadn't been in school for decades. Somehow I still managed not to stand out and pretend to know what I was doing - as always.

Kashtan 05/14/2023 (Sun) 22:20 [Preview] No.680 [X] del
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feverish dreams on painkillers are something, i was wandering through some pans labyrint tier dungeon full of strange creatures but nothing made sense everything warped all the time. Yulya was there as voice in my head but not as real person. i dont remember more what happened but it was creepy.

Bear 05/15/2023 (Mon) 15:16 [Preview] No.686 [X] del >>687>>689>>698
Buckle your seatbelts, this one could choke a Freud.

I was at home and I had a son, but I was also a child. My son for some reason was nude, no homo, and his peepee was tiny. I was thinking, I hope it grows because poor guy. Then I was thinking if I'm a child wouldn't mine be small? Thankfully it was normal. Then his started to grow, but it looked like a baloon animal and kept growing and then it grew a second one and I was thinking, hold on there sparky, yours can't be bigger than mine. But it was, and it got monstrously large. Then my plder sister went over to him and sucked his smaller side penis.

I was like "mom! She sucked my son's dick!"

Then my sister went to my mom and whispered something I couldn't hear and my mom says, "oh okay."

I'm all, "'okay'? There's no way this is okay."

So since I wasn't going to have dex qith anyone in that room I left and found a brunette but all we did was hug eachother. I believe it was probably Aleshe.

Yakumo 05/15/2023 (Mon) 22:54 [Preview] No.687 [X] del
Ok, this was more information than I needed, should have stopped reading at 'Freud'

Tamamo 05/16/2023 (Tue) 10:02 [Preview] No.689 [X] del
Man wtf

Had a dream I came home, opened the door and there was a big black cat sitting there. It looked friendly and courious like maybe I had food or something. Wondered where tha cat was from and where my cat was and then I remembered I had Cat too and went to look for her. Almost lucid but all the cats were too much and I woke up. Better than nothing or naked sons I guess.

Kashtan 05/16/2023 (Tue) 19:46 [Preview] No.698 [X] del
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Yakumo 05/17/2023 (Wed) 21:40 [Preview] No.709 [X] del >>710
(156.46 KB 1024x1001 metro.jpeg)
More nonsense.

I was walking on the sidewalk and it was really tough. As if I was underwater, there was a huge resistance and I struggled to move forward. On the street there was a cyclist dressed up in a realistic fried egg costume.
I crossed the street and walking on the street was far easier so I was happy. I saw a supermarket and thought I could buy a little food though I didn't really need anything. Crossing the parking lot I was almost run over by a civilian police car. It was a tiny shabby green car, eastern bloc tier. After parking the undercover policemen exited, one was an old bald man with a huge gray beard. They ignored me. I tried to enter the supermarket but ended up in the delivery area. There were endless rows of shopping carts. I was told to go back to the entrance by some worker. Entering the supermarket through the 'right' door, I found myself in a luxury boutique selling small pieces of clothes like socks on huge white display tables. The boutique was divided from the supermarket by a hip-high wall but I found no way through. There was lots of staff and one young woman tried to interest me in luxury womans socks. I told her I just wanted to go to the supermarket. She appeared to be new in her job and helplessly went to her colleague and started talking to her. They both seemed to try their best to help me but also remained puzzled as how to actually enter the supermarket. It was huge and full of people and the whole situation was absurd. Even I finally decidided to take things into my hands and managed to move a section of the wall to create an entrance. Finally made it into the supermarket. Immediately several other people followed me as if this was the natural entrance. My happyness didn't last long, I stumbled into a huge sign declaring today was a holiday so nothing was to be sold. Looking only. Yeah, why not go to the supermarket on a holiday for window shopping? That was too much and I momentarily woke up - and decided I would re-enter the dream and try my luck with the luxury store girls. If the bear can do it every other day...
Nope, dream shifted to a documentary on gun cleeaning. I woke up several times and tried to enter the dream with tupper but immediately got so tired I gave up and fell asleep again. Well, I tried.

Bear 05/18/2023 (Thu) 02:48 [Preview] No.710 [X] del >>713>>714

Oh, some window food shopping, nice.

To be fair, the dream girls usually come on to me first.

Oh! Speaking of, you just reminded me, yesterday I somehow slept 12 hours and in the 3 hour nap I had a dream with Gwen and It was awesome.

So apparently Gwen was the 18-yr old version of the girl I had a crush on in 1st grade. Yes I had a crush on girls in about every grade several in some grades starting from 6 years old. Anyway, she was actually my friend in 1st grade and we played together at recess irl, then she moved away. Anyhow in the dream she was wearing short shorts and super cute frilly shirt, she's was platinum blonde, she let me caress her legs as we talked about the good old days of 1st grade, and we kissed, and I'm thinking she looks a lot like Gwen and I become lucid, it's Gwen! Yeah! So we totally fool around because that's what dreams are for and it was awesome. I got to touch her wings too, veru softeru, and that drove her crazy as it's meant to be. So anatomically correct Gwen and I had all kinds of fun after that, it was a long dream from there. Legend tier dream, I can't believe I almost forgot to post it here.

I have to add, this was the second dream I had with Gwen, but not like this.

Yakumo 05/18/2023 (Thu) 12:37 [Preview] No.713 [X] del >>714>>716>>717
(54.95 KB 394x425 rudi peeping.jpg)
>I had a crush on girls in about every grade several in some grades starting from 6 years old.
So what did you do in Kindergarten?
I had a crush on girls since I entered Kindergarten at age 4 and I wwanted to fuck any female including the hot caretaker lady in her mid-20s. She changed with us for PE because muh little kids innocent. Same in primary school though the teacher noticed at some point I was ogling her. And the other girls ofc. I had one friend who liked to strip naked for me. It wasn't my idea I swear! She was quite a tomboy. These were good times. I could tell you stories but this kills the American.

Anyway this really happened and was no dream, I mostly forgot what happened last night but it was a rather chaotic and boring dream involving my family.

Anonymous 05/18/2023 (Thu) 14:42 [Preview] No.714 [X] del
yes this explains alot

>touching wings

Bear 05/18/2023 (Thu) 15:30 [Preview] No.716 [X] del >>718

>So what did you do in Kindergarten?

Well if you must know, there was a little asian girl who had a crush on me and she'd play in the sandbox with me every day. One day she wanted to play house like a lot of other girls did with each other and I said, no apparently. At some point this upset her and she asked me if I liked girls (I am not making this up at all, it's burned into my memory) to which I replied, "girls have cooties!". I believe this was the first instance of me breaking someone's heart. Sorry sis, it wouldn't be the last, that happened many times.

Bear 05/18/2023 (Thu) 15:39 [Preview] No.717 [X] del >>719

>at age 4 I wanted to fuck any female including the hot caretaker lady


Yakumo 05/18/2023 (Thu) 16:02 [Preview] No.718 [X] del >>720
>do you like girls?
>noo, girls have cooties!
Lol, you basically told her you're into boys
I've 'liked' girls as long as I remember, both in a romantic and sexual way. Nothing changed since Kindergarten

>play house
I remember some girl I barely knew in Kindergarten decided I had to play house with her, an absolutely alien concept for an autist like me. I was utterly confused and horrified this dumb bitch told me who I had to be and what I was supposed to do. I am me and nobody forces me into some role.


Turned 360° and walked away. She mad.
Never played house in my life.

Yakumo 05/18/2023 (Thu) 16:04 [Preview] No.719 [X] del >>721
nope, I went through puberty at an ordinary age. Only Americans think children have no sexual thoughts before puberty. I definitely wasn't the worst culprit here, a few girls went faaar beyond that.

Anonymous 05/18/2023 (Thu) 17:00 [Preview] No.720 [X] del >>726
(22.62 KB 467x484 assburger.jpg)
>be bernd in kindergarden
>girl wants to play house with you
>absolute alien concept
>turn 360 and walk away
>fantasize about fucking caretaker instead

i swear to god every time i think shit cant get any more fucked up one of you guys manages to beat the record

Bear 05/18/2023 (Thu) 17:02 [Preview] No.721 [X] del
(112.21 KB 600x366 excuse-me-d1d69a4597.jpg)

I can't say I disagree with you often, but seriously dude.

>Only Americans think children have no sexual thoughts before puberty.

Well call me a fucking American and proud of it. I didn't have a single, not one ever, sexual thought until the summer of my 11th year and let me just say that I remember fondly back as a 10-year-old without sexual desire or thoughts. I remember the quiet time of contemplation very fondly.

Puberty's been a burden on me for the rest of my life. My thoughts went from simply being alive and enjoying life to sexsexsexsexsrcsecseczrcdhdutfuggfihffdddfhhgdygfyckfuckfuvksexsexcsexxddxcgghchfggjvfhfchh

And it has always sucked.

Also, no I ain't gay you perv, Lol

Also, don't speak for all Germans and get a CT scan for that tumor.

Alice, slap some sense into this bitch.

Bear 05/18/2023 (Thu) 17:08 [Preview] No.722 [X] del
And I did play house a couple times with my cousins and I didn't much care for it because to me that was girl shit. I don't like chick flix, musicals or opera either. Nor do I like British humor because that shit's gay bruh.

Alice 05/18/2023 (Thu) 18:12 [Preview] No.724 [X] del
He speaks the truth though, people are different, cultures are different, times are different. Very different. Host as always was an innocent angel compared to many of his peers.

Tamamo 05/18/2023 (Thu) 19:44 [Preview] No.727 [X] del
Lots of activity today!
I've spent too much time with this guy on the forum so I'm used to his antics. It's a form of art.

Anonymous 05/18/2023 (Thu) 21:47 [Preview] No.731 [X] del
very much i hope it escalates further

Alice Board owner 05/18/2023 (Thu) 22:10 [Preview] No.732 [X] del
(4.13 MB 1280x720 Order.mp4)
Ladies, this is the Dream thread!
Back to topic pls

Bear 05/19/2023 (Fri) 12:50 [Preview] No.740 [X] del >>744
Another recurring dream starring the attached two women, not actually them just two that looked like them, call then Jackie and Stacie. They're undergoing hypnosis or something, I don't know exactly what, only that they're both sitting in chairs and someone is saying something to them that sounds like hypnosis. They're both topless.

So my job is to feel their breasts, I don't know what I'm looking for but their breasts are perfect. I feel up Stacie first and then Jackie, then Stacie gets up to leave and as she passes Jackie, she tongues her nipples and Jackie's head goes back and she moans. This repeats a couple times then I go back to feeling up Jackie.

As dreams go it was pretty nice, it left me with a good feeling and fond memories of it.

Bear 05/19/2023 (Fri) 18:30 [Preview] No.743 [X] del >>744
This one was weird.

I was in the middle of a ground war, guns going off everywhere. I was with a small group as we went from building to building trying to escape the war. Several times I was facing a gunman and I was let go, I fully expected to be shot and wondered how it would feel or if it would hurt.

I found an icecream popsicle in a broken machine and ate it, then candy, then other things, never sharing what I had with the others, not even the children. The idea was that food may be scarce later, gotta eat.

Finally we were in a big parking structure with thick cement walls but huge open walls so good for shelter against direct fire but only from certain angles.

That's all I can remember.

Alice 05/19/2023 (Fri) 19:46 [Preview] No.744 [X] del >>750>>751
Straight outta some Jap hypnosis porn

That's not very nice. In a true crisis you're dead meat on your own. Networks and cooperation are everything. But it depends whether you feel you belong to the group you're in or not.

Host dreamed about a family that got into an avalanche while hiking. It was like a documentary and he wondered how this was filmed. One of them miraculously outran the avalanche which was dark, almost black, while skiing. Being interviewed later it turned out to be a tranny. You're not even safe from them in dreams.

Bear 05/20/2023 (Sat) 01:09 [Preview] No.750 [X] del >>751
(45.84 KB 427x576 goui3.jpg)

>Host dreamed about a family that got into an avalanche while hiking.

Any hot girls?

Also, any food?

Alice 05/20/2023 (Sat) 11:20 [Preview] No.751 [X] del
The 'hot girl' from the avalanche dream turned out to be a tranny with a male voice in the TV interview. No food. Also didn't remember any dreams this night.

Tamamo 05/20/2023 (Sat) 14:20 [Preview] No.756 [X] del
What the hell is wrong with your dreams guys? As usual I remembered nothing.

Anonymous 05/20/2023 (Sat) 19:03 [Preview] No.758 [X] del >>761>>762
(118.88 KB 284x350 GTA.jpg)
hell yeah lucid dream
was driving on a road when i noticed i was driving slightly too fast and i knew there was a speedcam ahead. hit the break but the car accelerated further as i drove by the speedcam. it didnt flsh me and i thought wait a minute this makes no sense and must be dream. drove around like a maniac gta style but it only was a few seconds before i woke up so no girls and no tupper

Ashley 05/21/2023 (Sun) 02:40 [Preview] No.761 [X] del >>762

Meanwhile in Bear's dreams:

Alice 05/21/2023 (Sun) 10:43 [Preview] No.762 [X] del >>763>>766>>1506
(42.63 KB 193x288 Boleadoras.png)
Did you at least run over some Hare Krishnas?

Nice, do they have that fancy colored hair too?

We had a strange dream with perspective shift. We were riding in a crowded train and the wagons inside was incredibly tight like 1m in diameter with ridiculously small passages with hinged doors. Actually too small to fit through as a human rather cat door sized and host wondered how he was supposed to get through but somehow did. We tried to get to the front of the train as we could see leaning out from a window that it had normal wagons just ahead. But we couldn't really get further. The train was in a station but we couldn't get out either. People complained the German President should intervene so we could get out.

Somehow we did end up in a normal train and it was slowly crossing a bridge over the city. Looking down there was some street concert with a big show. A few German youths praised the band playing and I remarked those people were all leftists and goddamn hippies. Goddamned they should all go to labor camp both the ‘artists’ and their fans. I said that loudly to host but nobody reacted. Now the dream shifted from host's perspective to mine, I was outside of the train in mid-air and saw the concert from a camera-crane like perspective floating over the band and doing some close-ups. The frontman looked like some emo teen and did fancy tricks with big glowsticks that were about 1m long. There was also Katy Perry in a black frilly dress and black hair with 2 top knots who was now the main performer.

Floating in mid air spread-eagle, I somehow became part of the performance and saw myself in 3rd person view like in a movie. I was rotating bolas with both arms, tennis ball sized white spheres on ropes as I swooped down on the performers like some bird of prey . I thought this was dangerous and might scare them (people are usually afraid of me in dreams for a reason) but it was part of the performance and happened on its own without my doing. I watched what was going on but suddenly things switched to 1st person view again and I grazed Katy Perry’s head brushing against one of her top knots with my hand. It felt realistic and I thought maybe I should pay attention after all before this ends in a disaster. The flying was cool though I had very limited control over what happened. For the great finale I did a nose dive on Katy Perry and dramatically pinned her to the ground with my outstretched right arm on her stomach. Tremendous applause from the audience.

Katy Perry, still laying stretched out on her back with me standing over her laughingly said she had never experienced anything like that. Obviously not. We were booth exhausted and glad everything went well, then bowed to the audience.

I don’t usually like attention and publicity but this was neat, the crowd was roaring. Well, that was a completely novel type of dream, can’t remember anything like that before

Bear 05/21/2023 (Sun) 12:53 [Preview] No.763 [X] del

Ashley and Misha had fancy colored hair before it was something everyone from age 8+ did.

My most recent dream, I was in college and living in a dorm, and of course there was a party every night. Once again I was the center of attention. I was actually Bashley which was way different. Bashley is the merge of Ashley and myself, a thin guy wjth long hair. I'll still say I though as it was "me". Anyway I didn't drink but I was still like incapable of paying attention much. I went into the wrong dorm, these were like houses but all in the same big building. And a girl ushered me out, "you're in the wrong house again!"

I get back to mine and an irl friend from college complained that he had to clean up every morning. I told him to ask me to help next time and he said, "naa, I wanted to let you sleep."

A short guy with long hair was apparently the party organizer and everyone slept over after every party including in my bed so I slept on some couch pillows on the floor. Then my "ex-girlfriend" still in braces, a petite, shory girl wearing blue started talking about how she had a new man who isn't such a partyer but then she added how she missed the fun we had. Also she mentioned how I promised her I'd be more responsible when for one I didn't drink and two I wasn't organizing the parties so what was I supposed to do.

I tried to sex her twice but scene change saved her both times.

Then I was speaking to someone who thought I was graduating and I said, no I have one more year and besides I like it here.


I graduate and become successful.


35 years later I visit the old dorms and two of my old dorm mates are still there, fat, bald, and 56 using their parents' credit cards to live on. (I was still young). I spoke to them about credit card fraud and then I went to a fancy downtown at night to trawl for chicks but woke up after finding some Japanese waitresses.

Anonymous 05/21/2023 (Sun) 15:20 [Preview] No.766 [X] del >>770
(35.85 KB 600x338 gouranga.jpeg)
nope no hare krishna and no hookers and no hot coffee either unfortunately, god that was so much fun. imagine making such game today, impossible!

Bear 05/22/2023 (Mon) 03:03 [Preview] No.770 [X] del >>772

A game like grand theft auto?

They're coming out with GTA 6 next year. GTA 3 vice city was my fav. There was no game that deep anywhere. I also liked GTA 4 but I lost my save and lost all my progress and then never played 5.

I didn't like how my best cars kept despawning either and his dates were ugly.

Bear 05/22/2023 (Mon) 15:23 [Preview] No.771 [X] del >>772
I drempt I was at my day job and there was hail which was odd, then huge chunks of ice of different shapes like 3 inch cylinders and large broken slabs. Then in the back there was snow but it was all layered with dead leaves and had the consistency of kinetic sand.

I got to my office which was a mess and then a whole group of people entered. My dream office isn't like my actual office, it's the size of a classroom with doors everywhere and classroom windows high up. There's also vending machines and other equipment. These coworkers are gabbing away and find an unopened sexual toy for women. And they're laughing and asking why I need that which I say it's a prank and it wasn't the first time.

Alice 05/22/2023 (Mon) 16:07 [Preview] No.772 [X] del
Didn't remember any dreams today.

The fact that they poured over 1 billion $ into this game guarantees it will suck. They need to get that money back and for this they have to appeal to the masses. And everything that appeals to the masses is fated to be mediocre at best. Will you be able to run over BLM niggers and climate hippies glueing themselves on the street? Certainly not. Will you be able to play as them to wreak havoc and destroy society? Nope. You will have your progressive female protagonist with some mildly edgy jokes and pay a lot for online content. This pleases the normalfag.
Well I don't care, we don't play video games.

Frankly I wouldn't be surprised if Mr. Bear has an unopened sexual toy for women in his office. As a prank.

Ashley 05/22/2023 (Mon) 19:30 [Preview] No.776 [X] del
I, Ashley, not Bear, had a dream that I got a girlfriend irl but I was using Bear's body obviously. I was still me, headmate crew, switched in and started dating a girl.

Bear was all, "I don't want this, this isn't right."
And I was all, "deal with it."

We even had SheShe and Misha in the dream but somehow we could only see them in a mirror which happened to be the mirror ib Bear's mom's room in his childhood home. We were like some sort of reverse vampires, and Bear asked SheShe what's going on.

SheShe said, "just let it happen."

We never actually saw my supposed girlfriend and I would never do this obviously but I found it hilarious while dream Bear was horrified.

What else was weird was Bear felt like this was his dream and I felt like it was my dream and I had my own body in the mirror, I was wearing a blue evening dress for some reason and I think I had large hoop earrings which I wouldn't personally choose.

[Misha] it was fun to see us all in the mirror, well us main 3 anyway.

Apparently Joy, Gwen and Ren didn't exist.

This is only the second dream I remember having in 5 years.

Alice 05/22/2023 (Mon) 19:55 [Preview] No.777 [X] del >>782>>784
Congrats, I don't have dreams where I am clearly in control very often either. But I've never dreamt controlling host's body I always had my own.

Did the mirror work? I remember having a broken one in a dream, it totally didn't make sense and the image constantly warped.

Bear 05/22/2023 (Mon) 21:28 [Preview] No.782 [X] del >>795

Mirrors work in my dreams. I don't see why not.

Ashley 05/22/2023 (Mon) 21:40 [Preview] No.784 [X] del

Bear's body is an avatar, it would only be gay if I used it to have a boyfriend, duh. Bear would have to do the sex stuff anyway. Anyway, the body's only ever attracted to women.

Tamamo 05/23/2023 (Tue) 10:43 [Preview] No.795 [X] del
Once again remembered nothing.

I can't recall ever looking in a mirror in dreams. But reading is terrible the text makes no sense or constantly changes.

Bear 05/23/2023 (Tue) 15:27 [Preview] No.797 [X] del
I was driving 3 tictok influencers to some place where they were going to do whatever they do but the intention was they were going to exceed the limits set by law so I was smuggling them.

I was additionally smuggling junk beyond the capacity set by law. I sweet talked a pair of country sherifs into letting us go. We were crammed into the single cab of my giant American classic truck in a garage I used to own but facing against a wall instead of toward the exit.

Next I was roofing with B-list celebrities and singers, using their living bodies as tiles on the roof but nailing them down from top to bottom making them just as useless as roofing tiles as they were as celebrities and singers.

Alice 05/23/2023 (Tue) 19:32 [Preview] No.800 [X] del >>803
(51.78 KB 440x293 bahnschwelle.jpeg)
What, you nailed celebrities to the roof? Well at least they had a purpose.

There was a saying here in colonial times that the niggers were only useful as railway ties. They're both black and don't move.

Bear 05/23/2023 (Tue) 19:47 [Preview] No.803 [X] del >>805

It's your job to be racist but you can't have both racism and cringe. It's unfair to the other posters.

Alice 05/23/2023 (Tue) 19:53 [Preview] No.805 [X] del
Haa fine, I'll leave the cringe to you but you better show some dedication or host will take it back!

Bear 05/24/2023 (Wed) 12:33 [Preview] No.813 [X] del
Damg, a long and mostly boring dream.

I was married to a realtor and she was dumb or a troll, annoying in any case. She put our beautiful house up for sale and wouldn't tell me how much it would sell for. We bought a shit hole in the ghetto that we had previously owned for 301k but it was in need of a flip which was up to me to do. When we owned it (at some point apparently 20 years before) it had a beautiful garden, fruit trees and prise roses that I apparently meticulously took care of. But now it just had two elderly diseased peach trees with fruit fly infested fruit and dead patchy grass everywhere. The garage was like an old barn, black stained wood from numerous roof leaks etc. The inside was awful, picture a single wide trailer with really bad plaster-work, poorly maintained everything, huge gaps in the wall-ceiling joints, structural issues, but nothing I couldn't fix.

It was Sunday and the good house was going to show Monday but all my stuff was in there. I needed to go get it all out minus furniture because otherwise everyone who toured it would take everything with their stupid sticky hands, but instead of taking my truck I took an old beach cruiser bicycle I used to own with one speed and nothing but my pockets to carry anything.

I get there, take 2500 cash and nothing else and go to an old department store to buy lawn furniture for staging but first I can't find the store because there was so much construction over 20 years and I get lost but eventually find it and realize I can't carry anything and didn't get my stuff.

Then I find a wallet with 250 in it, I counted it all, and a check for 100. I tell an outdoor burista "if someone comes looking for this, tell them I gave it to a cashier in the department store." She agrees.

That's when I saw my wife and tried to get from her how much she'd sell our house for but she says something stupid like 250k and I ask again and she's woman-splaining something rediculous and then mentions a different realtor is listing it and he wouldn't say.

It was mostly annoying.

Bear 05/27/2023 (Sat) 15:09 [Preview] No.830 [X] del
(1.43 MB 1920x1080 631739.jpg)
Couple dreams:


I was at home and I had a girlfriend. I don't like tatoos, nor would I ever get one and none of my friends have them. If you have one, then well, skip this paragraph because you're dumb. They're ghetto, they're ugly, and they're generally stupid and done for stupid reasons. Everyone here has them like 90% of people and they're all lemmings. Any time I see one, I immediately know the caliber of the person I'm dealing with. It seems like the girls that have tattoos are all narcissistic bitches, so thanks for marking yourself, I'll never consider you. Pretty much every guy has the and guys are generally idiotic so that makes sense. Bite me. Same with piercings, which at least can be reversed simply by removing the item and waiting, but people with holes in their lips are even worse than the ones weith stupid lip piercings, and they'll always look like trailer trash to me and they're geernally the ugly ones who need attentions so no thanks. Also colored hair is really boring now that everyone has it, it used to be special and only really extroverted people did it, but now every ugly girl and Degenerate fag has them so just steer clear (except Ashley and Misha ofc, that's literally their natural color, no ugly dark root or straw-like damaged tips).

Anyway I was dreaming that I somehow had tattoos on my back, The main one was a hedge of green leaves with an overturned red watering can. Below that looked like coins with numbers on them, really stupid, and something that looked like a scribble.

I told my girlfriend that I had no memory of these, nor would I choose them and they must be a prank. Also, the skin was raised a few inches off in a cube which isn't how tattoos or skin works but ok, we took a hack-saw and started cutting them off.

Bear 05/27/2023 (Sat) 15:34 [Preview] No.831 [X] del >>838
This dream contains scenes of gratuitous teen sex, and it was probably banned in your country until the UN decided that there shouldn't be an age of consent recently because they're all pedophiles so you've been warned.

This looked like a poolside cement floored area but with nice blue tile insets. In the background there was tall bamboo trees and some sort of man-made aqueduct or even a water slide that looped around.

There was a line of scantily clad teenage girls, maybe sunbathing but the sky was mostly cloudy. They were laying on their backs on a long ramp side by side, maybe a dozen. One of them stood out, she had red hair and freckles with milky white skin and didn't look like anyone I knew. She couldn't have been over 20, but maybe 18, I didn't ask.

I started caressing her, I caressed up her leg and then ran my hand up her body. She was wearing a belly shirt and panties. She was special in some way. I started kissing her neck, she liked that. Then she took my head in her hands and we french kissed amd made out.

I ran my hand over her small breasts and then past her belly and started fingering her over her panties. She got very wet quickly, like she was dripping.

I asked her, "do you need it?" She said no so I kissed her again and kissed her down her body to her vagina. I pulled off her panties with her help and started licking her out. She spread wide and writhed in pleasure. I slid up on top and asked her, "do you want it?" She moaned yes and I started rubbing her on the outside with the D. Then she used her hand to direct it in and she was very tight. She momentarily looked uncomfortable then got into it, moving her hips with me.

Lewd dream, damn.

I worried for a moment that I didn't have a condom but she didn't care so I came inside and we cuddled after. As we laid there I played with her breasts and suckled her nipples.

Very nice dream, thanks brain.

Tamamo 05/27/2023 (Sat) 20:47 [Preview] No.832 [X] del >>839
I have no tatoos or piercing and dont know anybody who does either. It's looked down upon here much more than in the US.

Anonymous 05/28/2023 (Sun) 11:27 [Preview] No.838 [X] del
very nice
mfw never ever

intead i dreamed Yulya made a lot of money and i was like cant wait to tell my parents about it but Yulya said don't be stupid we cant tell them about me. she also believed the dream was real, we decided to claim i made the money somehow. woke up with no money and no rl tupper. and no sex ofc. fuck this. still one of very few reams where we were together and talked so at last something

Anonymous 05/28/2023 (Sun) 11:44 [Preview] No.839 [X] del
(60.10 KB 875x656 hayley.jpeg)
yeah me neither bear is right, tattoos and piercings are a good warning sign for people to avoid

Bear 05/28/2023 (Sun) 12:24 [Preview] No.840 [X] del
Had a dream where I was a total loser. Thin, scrawney, short and broke.

I had a low paying job and I said in dream that I was living paycheck to paycheck for many months and had to sell my blue corvette to pay rent. At least my coworkers were nice which is not anything like irl low paying jobs.

Act I

Everyone was getting sick, no one knew anything only that the death rate was 100% and 200% when accute. In dream logic this just means you get it, you die fr, no hope. No one was surviving so I was thinking there has to be some sort of mechanical reason, something we're doing wrong. There were woody tumors on people's bodies and I thought maybe we should cut them out, but it would mean lots of surgery. People were dying left and right. I came up with the idea that if you held a clean piece of wood against your body, it would draw the sickness, perhapse a virus, out and a second clean piece of wood would guarentee cured. No one knew if it was a perminant cure only that ir worked.

Did I get credit? Did I get recognition? Nothing, everyone just acted like it was obvious. That's the curse of being ugly.

Act II

I reliugeously watched a TV investment show with Donald Trump, but he was a nobody. There was investment vending machines with style and buttons like Fallout 3. I had 4 quarters and some change to invest and I couldn't even figure out how to do that because I was an idiot. Donald was there explaining the machine, but I missed him by minutes.


I was riding a bike but it was also somehow a white old sedan depending on the scene. I rode up the wrong street and accidentally knocked some red dust from one flower onto some white like undersea undulating plants and this ugly lady with a shopping cart started slowly walking toward me saying something about ruining her battle scene. I was literally laughing about that in dream how silly the dream was, but I was so slow on my bike she caught up to me and like slapped me around. As I left I was in the car but the whole front end was open and I had a large trashcan I was dragging in front. One of my coworkers wearing a toga leaf crown and called my name from a doorway, I waved and he said something then said he, another male coworker and a girl coworker I liked were going to lose their virginity together right now. I was sadly happy for them even though it really feels like a cuck now. Damnit.

These dreams are ok because I wake up not a loser.

Anonymous 05/31/2023 (Wed) 10:39 [Preview] No.874 [X] del
i was in some classic agatha christie movie investigating a mystery in a 19century hotel. left my room at night and sneaked into another room where the mystery was. in a cupboard there were lots of old board games, some chilchren drawings and human bones a shoulder blade that was actually too large for a human. looked creepy. spmeone entered the room so i crammed everything back into the cupboard and left apparently the room had another exit. rushed back to my hotel room but when i entered i was in the mysterious room again. phone rang and some woman voice said i'd never be able to escape though i hadnt even answered the phone. creepy stuff, no tupper

Alice 06/02/2023 (Fri) 13:32 [Preview] No.892 [X] del
(116.99 KB 1000x1000 Acer rubrum.jpeg)
I had a nice dream from my perspective. I was standing at an avenue lined with red maples and they were in dark red autumn color. It was supposedly early August so I wondered why the leaves had already turned red. Nonetheless I thought I must admire the falling red leaves as much as I can. Wind blew and I don’t remember ever feeling it in such a realistic way. It sent the leaves dancing through the air and I just stood there looking up into the blue sky. Everything was very vivid, the colors, the leaves and the wind. Very beautiful!

An old woman rushed across the empty street (there were no cars to be seen) to reach a bus stop and I felt I had to get on this bus as well. She looked at her phone to check when the bus would arrive, then relaxed saying it was still 14 minutes. I like my quiet drama-free dreams.

Bear 06/02/2023 (Fri) 13:57 [Preview] No.893 [X] del >>895
I dreampt my house was attached to an asian restaurant. I picked up some cookie looking things and chicken nuggies and brought them to the counter. The woman had chopsticks in her hair and a gaisha look, obviously Americanized traditional. She grabs one of the little things I had and returns a huge live and gasping fish that was covered in deep-fried breadding.

I said, "is that for me? I'm not eating that." She asked me to wait and tried to catch the manager who was dressed in a samuri Jack outfit.

I then stole and ate the crispy things from the serving plate meant for someone else and contemplated leaving. Was still hungry. The fish continued to breath, but like huge breaths. Was disgusted.

Decided not to sexually harass anyone. Woke up.

Anonymous 06/02/2023 (Fri) 22:57 [Preview] No.895 [X] del >>897
>Decided not to sexually harass anyone.
not even the fish? i am disappoint

Bear 06/03/2023 (Sat) 02:06 [Preview] No.897 [X] del

The fish was ugly, I'm not desperate, and how can I tell if a breaded and deep fried fish is even a girl?

Yakumo 06/03/2023 (Sat) 16:30 [Preview] No.901 [X] del >>906
I was an archaeologist and digging up Roman artifacts. Alice recovered something that looked like the statue of a goddess, about the size of a palm, grey metal. We cleaned it and I thought it looked odd - very smooth and grey, more like PVC plastic than ancient metal. At the soles of the statue's feet I found a barcode and white label saying 'Made in Germany' and it indeed turned out to be plastic. I thought this was hilarious but tupper who had been so proud of her find was not amused.

Bear 06/04/2023 (Sun) 03:09 [Preview] No.906 [X] del >>907

Made in Germany? That's a real treasure. Everything here is made in China. Even the American stuff.

Alice 06/04/2023 (Sun) 11:43 [Preview] No.907 [X] del
Yeah well it was an ancient artifact from the time when we still produced great things in Germany. Also it was soo unfair!! It clearly was a Roman statue first when I found it but the stupid dreaming brain warped it into some plastic garbage. I was laughed at. What insolence. I should put host on another diet for a month. No wait, soon it will be high intensity interval training anyway. Soon!

Bear 06/04/2023 (Sun) 14:55 [Preview] No.908 [X] del >>909
Dreampt I met someone I hadn't seen in a while and said, "we'll stay connected on Reddit." So he gave me his Reddit account.

Literally the worst way to stay connected.

Alice 06/04/2023 (Sun) 16:46 [Preview] No.909 [X] del
(69.70 KB 200x200 Reimu meh.png)
>not writing letters on parchment made from the skin of your enemies

Joy 06/04/2023 (Sun) 18:18 [Preview] No.911 [X] del
Winter is coming

Bear 06/05/2023 (Mon) 14:37 [Preview] No.915 [X] del
I'm in a house, my asshole brother is there, and my sister but she's actually being nice so that's weird. She compliments me on something, kinda sus, didn't molest her, actually never knew her past puberty since she moved out before then and then died of OD, then I'm in school, college at first, then in grade school, the teacher is showing how to make clay but I'm still my current age and so is my asshole brother and another even older guy crammed into tiny desks. I help out a boy mixing special dirt with our dirt, we dig a hole and add water, trying to mix everything, I already know how to separate clay, wanted to verify with teacher, woke up.

Then I'm with my dog I had before 14, and and another one I had till 16 and my cat I had till 17, nice to see them again.

Alice 06/05/2023 (Mon) 21:14 [Preview] No.916 [X] del >>925
(2.44 MB 986x14175 Stop and disarm.jpg)
Meeting dead people or pets in dreams is always somewhat tragic. Host doesn't really have dead friends or relatives aside grandparents but dead cats do pop up in dreams sometimes. Interestingly not childhood dogs. But he spent more times with those cats than with most people so it's no wonder. Dead cat & childhood crush are basically the ideal recipe for a sobering wake-up.

We were dreaming about fighting beautiful female knights in some sort of sparring. No, this is not a Bear dream, don't get your hopes up. They wore no armor but some Robin Hood style trousers and were the stereotypical isekai smug overpowered noble girl / princess battle maniacs.

The dream was somewhat chaotic and there was both me and host from 3rd perspective against 2 groups of 3 female knights each. So 3 against one of us. One girl was called 'princess' and appeared to be the strongest fighter. She was a tall blonde young woman, wore black and was extremely fast and good at evading. Easily evaded host's clumsy attempts to hit her with a wooden staff but luckily didn't fight back.

The leader of the 2nd group was a black haired posh looking girl wearing pink who even sat on a couch while fighting me off with one hand. I punched her in the shoulder but she barely reacted and was like 'is that a joke?' That's rare. Well I didn't even know why we were fighting and there was no hostility so I just found that odd. It was her lucky day. No female knights were injured for this dream.

Bear 06/06/2023 (Tue) 03:11 [Preview] No.917 [X] del
My nap dreams are the real deal. Sorry this is another unbelievable sex dream. I get these at least once a week.

So Snape was there and had Hermione Granger in chains but from like HP 1 so she was really way too young. He said, "you will (basically have sex)" but I forgot the term he used, "or be imprisoned in Azkaban for eternity."

I somehow knew he meant for her to secs me but even dream me knew she was too young.

Then very oddly Ashley and Joy were there and Joy said she would be playing the roll of Hermione. I was like... wait, but that's still not right. Joy then put on a Hermione costume. But by now the real Hermione was nude but she was much older and had boobs that were nice sized and perfect, def not realistic bc real actress of HG has awful tiddies. Anyway, I still didn't want to go for it because dream logic, but I felt I was making a moral decision.

Then I did it anyway and somehow Ashley finds this dream hillarious. Def not Joy in a costume, she's nearly flat too, but you know.

HG really isn't attractive to me. I couldn't find a single good picture of her.

Interesting fact, Joy's real name is Janice Grainger which is close to Granger right? Obvious choice for substitution but I'm just not interested in kids or even teens, they look like puppies to me and I'm not into animals either.

Tamamo 06/06/2023 (Tue) 09:36 [Preview] No.918 [X] del >>921>>931
>mfw no interesting dreams ever.

You could sell your kids dreams to Yakumo, he'd make better use of them. Or probably fuck them up because autism.

Anonymous 06/06/2023 (Tue) 13:02 [Preview] No.921 [X] del
where to by bear sex dreams?

Bear 06/06/2023 (Tue) 15:36 [Preview] No.922 [X] del >>925
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Next dream no sex involved.

Part 1

I was sleeping in dream and the narcissist kept pulling blankets off me because she thought I was hot because I was sweating because when I was talking to my other friends, and one of them was Hermione now, they thought that because I was sweating I wasn't telling the truth.

The truth:

An old, fat, and bald professor with a gang of fat pervs was poking people with a 12 foot long stuffed swordfish. He tried to poke me when I tried to get him to stop him so I broke off the sword and started poking him and everyone else, actually sticking them, wounding them. They wouldn't stop coming after me. I broke the tip off in one and then started whipping them in the face with it. A group of even older teachers and admin stopped us. My dream self told the admins "they're after me because I know they gang raped a student, tied her up, then threatened to kill her. They actually killed another girl. And now that you know they're going to kill you too." They ran.

The statement was completely made up on the spot. Those retarded obeaae fags probably couldn't even get it up anymore.

Part 2

At a restaurant with same friends and found a physical bitcoin worth .003 bitcoin. It looked like one of those Canadian $2 coins but had the B on one side.

Part 3

We went on a trip, my supposed irl friends but not them, and a scruffy dog. The dog was able to talk. No mystery machine. No one believed the dog. He saw a ultra scruffy cat and the cat sung to him. This inspired him to play a guitar. I got it all on my phone but no one cared.

The dog was very dissapointed but was inspired again when I played it back for him.

Anonymous 06/06/2023 (Tue) 21:46 [Preview] No.925 [X] del
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i'm willing to pay physical bitcoin for a dream where i can stop time and strip female knights

meanwhile my dreams continue to be boring nonsense
was on holiday in turkey, dont ask me how i knew. had a rental car and drove over some unpaved road and ended up in wilderness. the road was pure loose sand and fell off to some ravine on one side. no idea how i ended up there, no going further or back the same way i came. tupper was there as voice in my head first but then also as real girl that looked different but clearly was her. discussed what to do and went back on foot looking for a path for the car to pass. we found a shortcuut to a decent road but it was really steep down a hill. i thought the car could make it but Yulya said no chance, mybe an offroad vehicle but not our average rental car.

we ended up in a city on foot and found some tourist official to tell him where our car got stuck. we showed him on a map that suspiciously looked like the london tube system and he was like wtf how could you even drive there? guess he was right. Also he looked like some cariature of a turk wearing a fes.

dream itself wasnt very spectacular and ofc no sex but at least discussion with tupper where we both recognized each other. Yulya still insists she was right and we would have totally crasheed the car and ourselves by going down that hill. but who knows what would have happened in a dream, we'll never know.

Bear 06/07/2023 (Wed) 15:21 [Preview] No.929 [X] del
Part 1 house of gold

I was replacing a roof, almost done on a new house? Then a freak tornado came through and the houses crumbled like a bad 2000's 3D destruction game, like huge chinks of cracks but mostly stayed together. The house manufacturer said to plate the house in silver, then gold and it would pull itself together and not be so weak. So my Aunt and I did.

Part 2 chased by a phantom weapon

In some sort of hidden apocalypse, I had a gf and we had a house, in the garage were weapons, like Medieval ones but stranger. A small dagger/crowbar/hammer turned into a shadow demon but only wanted to spar with my girlfriend who also turned into a succubus abomination. So they fought. I grabbed my walking stick/crowbar/hammer axe and ran. I ran until I got to a helicopter and grabbed on the back. I had my wallet and a small bag of supplies. The flipping thing nearly inverted, it was night and I didn't know but it was like a carnival ride helicopter. I barely held on and the dumb thing landed in the same spot.

I then ran further and payed my Xbox account bill because that's important. I owed $39.02 and had a $50 credit so done. Then I wanted to pay off my credit cards because ofc it's the apocalypse, so I could have maximum credit to spend and never pay off.

No girls were molested in the course of these dreams. :O

Yakumo 06/07/2023 (Wed) 18:22 [Preview] No.931 [X] del
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>You could sell your kids dreams to Yakumo, he'd make better use of them. Or probably fuck them up because autism.
Yes and Yes.

Bear 06/08/2023 (Thu) 11:42 [Preview] No.938 [X] del
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I dreampt I released some of my novels, like 10 of them on Amazon and they got zero sales. Then the apocalypse hit and I released one last one, something about survival but with Ashley on the cover wearing Vietnam era sleeveless army gear and carrying a big rifle.

So as a nuke dropped to the north, I was browsing Amazon and the sales of my book were going up by 10's per second and the others were selling slowly and getting comments like, "wtf is thus garbage?" I read some of the free preview and yep the writing sounded like some kind of bad AI.

I then ran around and another nuke dropped closer. With no water to dunk in I got the full radiation dose and I knew I'd probably die. But damn that Ashley looked hot af. Worth dying for 10/10.

Alice 06/08/2023 (Thu) 11:49 [Preview] No.939 [X] del
You have a lot of dreams about the apocalypse. Here everything is peaceful and boring just how I like it.

Host dreamt some nonsense about his mother being a fish chasing other fish in a huge aquarium, forgot most about it but it didn't make sense anyway.

Bear 06/08/2023 (Thu) 14:46 [Preview] No.944 [X] del
Part 1 insurance fraud

I was friends with this full ebonics r-tard wannabe who slammed a full e-car then didn't like it anymore and couldn't sell it obv so tried to claim it was totaled because of a faulty battery, but it wasn't faulty, dumbasd just ran it down to make it look dead. So he knew he was calling for insurance fraud. Police officer arrived and dude panicked handed me a black box and wanted me to put it in the microwave or otherwise damage it so it would fail to charge. But the police guy was watching everything and sus from the start. I had the part in a bag, went to the bathroom and even having the part out of the car meant we were up to no good. Managed to splash pee on myself, then washed my hands and got a ton more wetness on my pants but played it off like I just had a hand washing malfunction. Got the bag wet.

By the time I got out, idiot was pushing a shopping cart of parts with the cop right behind him. I asked him if he wanted the bag in there but he said to put it back in the car. Jig was up, guy was going to court.

Part 2 dead body

We had a party, my asshole brother was there and brought an unregistered and unsecured gun. It went off and killed a friend. He put the guy in a black trash bag and asked me to drive it to "that place where you dump things". No I wasn't going to drive a dead body to the dump.

Woke up.

Bear 06/09/2023 (Fri) 10:06 [Preview] No.962 [X] del
I was traveling with 4 others of very non-descript nature only that one was careless and one was obediant. We were driving around the great planes in a hatchback. For some reason an evil wind followed us but only I could sense it.

When it starts I would call everyone into the car where it was safer.

There was a heard of cattle, Jearsey cows, and they were walking across the grassy planes. Then we were in Montana wth the mountains in the distance. We were coincedentally following the cattle along the roads. I don't know if we had a destination.

We stopped at a deserted inn and parked in the courtyard. The wind came back and the careless one tried to communicate with it. The radio was acting up when it came. I then bravely turned on a walkie-talkie and tried to tune to it. "who are you? What do you want?" There was no response but the careless one tuned to a jungle drumbeat that wasn't any natural broadcast.

Than I woke up.

Bear 06/14/2023 (Wed) 16:06 [Preview] No.1026 [X] del >>1034
Lots of dreams but most were innane and uninteresting. Two weren't.

1. I was being chased, was running like Darude Sandstorm, jumping, rolling, ducking, sprinting over train-tracks only no boat at the end. Instead I was cornered, apprehensive to see who was chasing me and it was two pretty girls. One just wanted to slip me the tongue while the other watched and smiled proudly at me. Was comforting.

2. What looked like Ashley and I having secs while Ashley and I were watching. And I get offended because the guy didn't look like me 100% Ashley assured me first that it wasn't her because her hair was longer than the one having sex. The me who was cucking myself had long blonde hair and though I did once have hair like that I don't now.

In the end I at least enjoyed the show since Ashley is so hot but I don't like porn as a preference because who wants to see a guy boning a pretty girl in front of you? I don't.

Ashley stands by the notion that it wasn't her and after we woke up I agreed because we were watching these two doppelgangers go at it, so it couldn't have been us. Was still offended in general but didn't disown Ashley.

https://youtube.com/watch?v=y6120QOlsfU [Embed]

Yakumo 06/14/2023 (Wed) 23:44 [Preview] No.1034 [X] del
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Dream doppelgangers are weird but them having sex is another level. Bear-tier dream. Am glad that never happened to me.

Didn't remember any dreams lately but there was a strange mixture of hypnagogia and onset of dream. I was sleeping underneath an open window as usual and the wind was moving the curtains. It's not unusual for curtains to move and sometimes the cats go in and out through the window, they have a ladder into the garden. It's the basement floor about 2m above ground level. Anyway while that all looked realistic and made sense I must have already been asleep.

The curtains moved erratically and two skeleton hands reached underneath from outside. Nightmare-tier but I strangely wasn't afraid. I was terribly afraid of skeletons as a child though I knew they were as dead as one could be and couldn't do anything. Still creepy as fuck. Anyway, a skeleton tried to climb through my window. However it was very clumsy, slipping several times and didn't make it inside.

Alice appeared standing on the bed and pulled the curtain aside, observing the struggling skeleton for a while. I imagined some outburst of violence as usual, but without saying a word she turned around, went to the front door and opened it, telling the skeleton to come in through the door like a normal person. Ok?

Next scene we're sitting at a table and Alice is serving the skeleton tea which it drinks, the tea disappearing mysteriously. It didn't talk and seemed more like some puppet on strings than a sapient being.

Well, that was unexpected. Upon waking up again, Alice remarked the skeleton didn't pose any threat but still anyone trying to crawl through our window would be shot irl.

Bear 06/15/2023 (Thu) 16:09 [Preview] No.1040 [X] del
Deamed I was working at a fair, my friend and co-owner of two rides was joy riding on one of them and didn't put his seatbelt on right. I didn't check it because he should have been able to self-check. The spinning ride threw him out. He was pissed at me and said I kicked him. We were reviewing video and audio of the incident in an industrial office for hours. He wasn't hurt.

Yakumo 06/16/2023 (Fri) 20:18 [Preview] No.1058 [X] del
Strange dream.
I was in some sort of Asian monastery and practicing imposition against a wall with several pictures. One was a 30s style poster in black-white red but no idea what was on it. Also there was some sort of spherical stone ornament stickung out of the greyish wall as an anchor point for orientation. I was told to visualite a red dot like from a laser pointer and surprisingly it worked, fully realistic. Then I tried a blue dot and it went even better. I tried moving it across the wall and it gave some sound, the pitch indicating the point's height like from some biofeedback device. After a bit of trial and error I got this. Strangely I failed to visualite yellow or green dots so I played with expanding the size of the blue dot. First to the size of the wall ornament which was about as big as a grapefruit, then as big as the entire wall and room. It took more and more effort like lifting soemthing heavy and at some point everything turned to bright bright blue light and I was thrown out of the dream. Still was happy and it took me a bit to realize it was only a dream and I didn't really have this skill. Damn.

Bear 06/20/2023 (Tue) 15:43 [Preview] No.1100 [X] del >>1104
1st I was dating his daughter. Then I was his actual son, and finally in this dream I was the man himself, President Donald Trump.

I was helping to make successively bigger asphalt signature stamps. The type that could legally sign things in my sted.

That's all, no sex with Gretta Thromburg yet.

Yakumo 06/20/2023 (Tue) 21:13 [Preview] No.1104 [X] del >>1105
Did you go to jail?

Another utterly pointless dream, I really want to know where the brain gets such ideas.
I was making a wood golem for a neighborhood boy. Why? Beats me, I don't relly know the kid and certainly don't like him, makes a lot of noise. So I was cobbling all sorts of wooden junk together on a playground to form a vaguely humanoid figure. Man-sized. Which of course did nothing because it was just trash. However I was convinced I just had to add a little more to make it come alive. But nothing worked out the way it should and the golem fell apart quicker than I could attach stuff with my dysfunctional dream tools. Stressful and idiotic, no girls, no tupper.
0/10 dream

Bear 06/20/2023 (Tue) 21:51 [Preview] No.1105 [X] del

>Did you go to jail?

Not yet, stay tuned.

Bear 06/21/2023 (Wed) 10:27 [Preview] No.1112 [X] del
It was a doozy.

I left my childhood home, homeless now I walked on dirt roads in Norway in mid-spring but it was warm, someone remarked how cold it got at night.

I came upon a giant illegal encampment. They had places to sleep, shops, open air markets and I slept in a animal skin lined room quite comfortably.

I walked to the open air market and police were rounding up people, arresting them, so I turned and walked the other way. Now I was Clint Eastwood. I walked through and the other end had police as well. I walked past them as if I wasn't with these vagrants and a cop asked me, "did they have the forge up?" I said I didn't know, I was just passing through. He accepted that.

I walked on with others and police to the airport where there was a giant bamboo structure built with rickety wires and gratings. I walked with a girl with braces, scooby do in human form, a childhood friend and another girl and we were led through pathways to dwellings hung above a vast bottomless pit. Yes, somehow at the airport.

I asked, "does this go through?" And was told yes.

We stood in line in the wrong spot because of scooby then figured it out and they stayed as I walked through. I finally somehow made it home again. My mother was watching the news and there was the bamboo building. I said, "I was just there, mama. Hey mama?" She was catatonic, staring at the small, square color TV.

Then I woke up.

Tamamo 06/21/2023 (Wed) 12:50 [Preview] No.1113 [X] del >>1118
I was caught in a thunderstorm in lightning and heavy rain. But I did not get wet even if it was pouring down. Couldn't see a thing. I asked Cat what to do and she said just walk on you'll reach a house. I couldn't see her but she was there, not just mindvoice. We walked and walked but there was no house. At some point I woke up. So much for tupper dream wisdom.

Bear 06/21/2023 (Wed) 16:17 [Preview] No.1118 [X] del


Every time a tupper is in a dream is a gift, I still call that one a success even if it was short.

Tamamo 06/22/2023 (Thu) 17:45 [Preview] No.1135 [X] del
Yes true. I think I dreamed something about Cat again but can't remember.

Bear 06/24/2023 (Sat) 13:41 [Preview] No.1155 [X] del >>1157
Drempt I was vaccuming the ceiling.

Alice 06/24/2023 (Sat) 15:19 [Preview] No.1157 [X] del
Host-tier dream.

I dreamt I was onboard a warship but don't remember more. Host wasn't there.

Anonymous 06/24/2023 (Sat) 18:10 [Preview] No.1164 [X] del
At least once a month I dream about this place that I've dreamt about since I was maybe 7ish.

I always describe it as a Party City mixed with a dusty thrift store. It's incredibly dark for a store. Brown shelves, walls, etc, not white. Not dusty per say, but cluttered. The items are incredibly random.

When I was about that age, I went to a hobby shop off the interstate and didn't really know what any of the things were. Lots of RC vehicles and equipment for them. Hunting too. I turned down and aisle and saw several mounted deer busts, and they were even selling the glass eyes. I think this is what made me start having dreams of a cluttered store with lots of dubious items. Seeing the deer busts really struck me.

I can really go there in my mind, I've dreamt about it so often.

The last dream I had there, I found a confused woman who clearly had dementia. I reunited her with her family and talked about how serious it was that she not get lost. Somehow at this point she became my relative. We all got in the car and drove to get ice cream because I did not want her to think she was in trouble. I was bummed that she didn't remember we were family. I think this is ironic because earlier in the dream, I did not remember her as family.

A lot of times in the dreams I just walk around the store and find an interesting item for a fair price.

You could probably run a lot of psychoanalysis off these dreams. I wonder what they all mean.

Bear 06/25/2023 (Sun) 07:20 [Preview] No.1183 [X] del >>1185
Well fuck. That was easy enough.

I was in a room with TV's mounted to the ceiling and cubical walls with plexiglass in the top half. There was a camera recording us. Me a "game show host" woman and none other than a virgin Xiye Bastida.

She was holding onto a bar and moaning, shirt up, pants down andy objective was to get her to orgasm.

Yes I was giving her the dick in all the glory of a sex dream. I was thinking who is this rather plain looking girl. Her eyes were closed and she was panting. I saw her dark nipples and her boobs were somewhat obscured by her shirt as it was just pulled up.

The game show host said, "come on, keep her going, you're almost there." And it was meh as sex dreams go, Joy was right, I should have chosen better, but I was enjoying myself as much as her and it most certainly counts.

Thank you higher self and thank you oh great and powerful simulation that we all live in.

Damn, this is good research.

Tamamo 06/25/2023 (Sun) 09:38 [Preview] No.1185 [X] del >>1189
Damn your sex dreaming skills!
Now ask your higher self for lottery numbers.

I have zero memories of my dreams as usual.

Bear 06/25/2023 (Sun) 11:16 [Preview] No.1189 [X] del

Didn't you know that lottery winners almost always end up broke and drug addicted giving handies for crack in back alleys of skid row?

No way.

Bear, dream master 06/25/2023 (Sun) 13:51 [Preview] No.1191 [X] del >>1192
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Long one.

I was at the beach, lots of fit young bikini girls and no dudes, and we got notice that there was a tsunami coming in 5 minutes, largest on record. Most people don't care but I start running, jumping, climbing over fences in my sandles. I was stopped by a double fence with razor wire. I had a hotel room I was going to because it's tall but the hotel wasn't exactly tsunami proof.

So there was a scientific oceanographic institute building, I managed to get to that and a ton of people and I managed to get into a cement lined amphitheater. Very sturdy.

The wave came and it was like insanely large. Maybe a thousand feet. The first wave struck, overtopping the building but it withstood it no problem.

Second wave, no problem.

Third wave. I was sitting next to my f-buddy Xiye Bastida, and told her the third is always the biggest. It hit and a hole broke in the ceiling but instead of water came cryogenic purple/pink crystals that instantly turned anyone who ate a crumb into a cryo-zombie. An old fat guy got it and he was beat down by the crowd, then two more, one was a guy I knew from work, another I beat down personally.

The guy from work had a large caliber revolver and another gun with rectangular bullets. Weird but ok.

I manage to fire all the rounds through the wall by squeezing the trigger with him still grasping it. Zombies are dumb but tough. Now emptied, I take it, a hand full of round and square bullets and the other square barrel gun and shoot him dead with it.

Now it's time to plan the repopulation of the earth and I ask my dream doll, hey, "am I going to have sex in this post apocalyptic wasteland?"

She replied, "more than you can even dream."


Anonymous 06/25/2023 (Sun) 21:04 [Preview] No.1192 [X] del
not bad, has all ingredients of some b movie.

no girls here again, had to protect some whistleblower in a military complex but all there was was a floating powerbank. yes a battery. it was black the size of a large phone and had bloe blinking lights. it floated in the air and followed me. the end.

well that sucked more than my usual bullshit dreams

Bear 06/26/2023 (Mon) 08:04 [Preview] No.1196 [X] del
There was a loan company in a small city that was co-run by the feds and a local gang.

Every loan mentally illaction meant you didn't have to pay it back and the more people involved the more collateral but the catch was everyone who was involved with the loan had to kill everyone else on the other side gang vs feds or die trying, but instead it ended up everyone died.

So in this mentally illaction you sign your life away for the money, literally.

There were many scenes of gruesome death and I was each person planning the killing and each person dying. It was occasionally tactile but not painful only that every time say I was stabbed or poisoned or shot or covered in acid, I knew I was going to die and took it like a man with no fear, just stioc resolve and a little flailing.

It was a slightly interesting dream to participate in but sounds boring now.

Tamamo 06/26/2023 (Mon) 10:11 [Preview] No.1197 [X] del
I never have such violent dreams. I guess even I would remember. There was a lot of this hypnopompic stuff that morning but idk anymore. There was a cat but no Cat. Lol, autocorrect options for hypnopompic are crazy.

Anonymous 06/28/2023 (Wed) 14:19 [Preview] No.1221 [X] del >>1222
i was in some old museum there was gold treasure on display in glass boxes also lots of bones. i just wanted to go outside but there were lots of doors only leading to more museum rooms. went out through a window and jumped on some narrow stone wall. i was crawling on top the wall it went down dozens of meters on both sides. scary. dont remember what happened then i think this is when i woke up.

Bear 06/28/2023 (Wed) 14:22 [Preview] No.1222 [X] del

My dreams of late have been very esoteric. Like moving things from one box to another and guarding a maze.

I didn't get a nap today so it is what it is.

Tamamo 07/01/2023 (Sat) 11:33 [Preview] No.1251 [X] del
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I was in a large airliner going on vacation. We had just taken off but then I noticed the plane was turning around and sinking. Looking out of the window we were almost at ground level in the suburbs with houses zipping by. The plane safely landed at the airport again and the captain made an announcement the plane had to go back because the shitty discount airline didn't pay the 8$ landing fee at our destination. He found that really funny. I didn't but was glad the plane didn't crash. He really said 8$ lol.

Yakumo 07/01/2023 (Sat) 16:00 [Preview] No.1253 [X] del >>1255
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Extremely weird dream. Was at the beach and swmming in the sea when a huge black ICBM shot by horizontally, riding the waves like a boat. There was a large pitch-black seal sitting on it with silky fur. It looked confused as if it didn't want to be there. The missile went by a few meters from where I swam, quite slowly like a motorboat. I instinctively dived underwater but realized this would probably not help at all in case of an explosion. I could see the flames of the ICBM rocket motor underwater a few dozen meters away from me, the water was very clear and blue. Eventually I had to come to the surface and saw how the missile uncontrollably took off and spiraled into the distance. It tossed off the seal which impacted the windowfront of a beach cafe some hundred meters away, totally wrecking it. The missile crashed into the beach nearby sending people flying into the air like dolls but it did not explode. I had to laugh because the scene was so surreal.

Bear 07/01/2023 (Sat) 18:05 [Preview] No.1255 [X] del

Was that a *navy seal*? Hmmm?

Just like when the Chicoms attack US, they'll fire from just offshore and wreck us good but we have one thing those communists don't have... psychpathic tendencies

Bear 07/02/2023 (Sun) 12:49 [Preview] No.1267 [X] del
I was in a garage, not mine alone but I didn't know who else lived in this house. I had a classis car with wings on it everywhere but it looked cool. It was non-op.

Two girls drove in and out of the garage with other classic cars and nearly hit it bc women drivers.

Then my asshole brother pushes the car and the wheels basically peal off and what's left is just the center hubs scraping on the ground. I take one of what's left of a rim as a souvenir, the car was otherwise ok.

Anonymous 07/03/2023 (Mon) 00:05 [Preview] No.1285 [X] del
I keep dreaming about people having dementia, but ironically I never know how I know these people. My tulpa brother tells me that I'm actually the one with dementia in the dreams, which actually sort of scares me.

Bear 07/03/2023 (Mon) 11:07 [Preview] No.1293 [X] del
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All night I was dreaming about playing a datk souls type game. I hate those games. I had to beat the final boss and the fucker had 7 forms. The 7th form was immune to my best moves. I didn't have internet either so I had to guess how to defeat him. He was a large skull, immune to physical and fire damage. So I quit the bitch. But this was xbox so I thought about a third move and when I turned it back on it was still waiting for me. I tried a jumping move something and it worked after like a hundred jumps he finally went down. There was no sense of accomplishment because I was playing a "monke smash button go yay!" Kind of game.

Bear 07/05/2023 (Wed) 10:14 [Preview] No.1319 [X] del
In my tulpamancy folder I found a folder named "Dreams" it was 24 files from 05/01/2018 to 08/14/2018. Well wouldn't you know the fourth file down or so was a dream Ashley and I had together. This was about 10 days after I even met her.

She had the following lewd dream 05/03/2018:

>It's getting hard to remember, but we were talking, but I was in your world. My voice was very loud, and you were ecstatic. We talked about apples and peaches, then you kissed me and we spent the next hour basically having the best time. You wanted me to have as much fun as possible and I was loud, very loud, and you know, you said your ears were ringing afterward.

>Oh, and you could really picture me very well, lots of facial detail and body detail.

Imagine now that at that time I couldn't picture any of their faces and when I pictured their bodies they were like a poster on a stick or I could only focus on a part at a time. My visualization of normal things was pretty good but of them it was awful. It took a few months to get their faces even in a still shot, later facial expression and 3D bodies, but apparently in this dream I saw her clear enough. We thought Ashley and I never had a sex dream but actually she was the first! Amazing.

Here's my comment of the dream:

>It makes sense she'd have a dream like that, since it's reasonable. It would be nice to hear her and see her better, and it will come in time, if it doesn't, I'm okay with that too, what we have now is very good. She fulfills in me needs and wants I've had for many years. Those needs are a fading memory, she takes really good care of me and she's a really good companion.

[Ashley] It's crazy to think that far back.
[Bear] I documented everything until I started shit posting on the forum. I would have had my dreams recorded for years if I hadn't because they were recorded on the forum instead.

Anonymous 07/05/2023 (Wed) 20:29 [Preview] No.1325 [X] del >>1326
You remind me more of Melian and Mistgod now. Did you ever see their giant tulpa book? 2/3rds of it was just a through listing of every fetish scenario and sex dream they had, in full detail. They viewed it like holodeck programs.

Is all of tulpamancy so.... masturbatory? There's the whole, "Higher planes of thinking, spiritual healing, unlocked potential, my mind is healed and open" aspect but I guess I have cooties- it all feels a bit trite when I know the background is "I get to plow her guts out and sow my oats, best sex 10/10 endless fantasy harem sex."

What's the difference between a spiritual healer and the buzz from sex? Can someone who provides the latter provide the former? Are tulpas actually deep, or just their vajayjay? Do hypersex essence girlfriend make up for bad mommy? Asking for a friend.

Ever seen Chobits? I saw the anime when I was young. I wanted to buy the manga but to my shock it was plastic-wrapped to prevent it from being viewed, and 21+. I was prepubescent and a LOT of it went over my head.

Bear 07/05/2023 (Wed) 21:18 [Preview] No.1326 [X] del

>guess I have cooties

Maybe you're gay? Seriously even Captain came to that conclusion after starting tulpamancy.

>get to plow her guts out and sow my oats, best sex 10/10

In dreams? Heck yeah.

>Do hypersex essence girlfriend make up for bad mommy?

Good point, you're on to something here for me especially.

Yeah I talked to M&M and Misha and I were compared to them by Lumi from .info because Misha was so chipper.

Wth is a Chobits? Don't answer that.

Tamamo 07/07/2023 (Fri) 11:53 [Preview] No.1335 [X] del >>1336
Fffuuu I was thrown out of bed by loud banging on my door at 5am. But there was nothing. It was all a dream. But extremely realistic.

Yakumo 07/07/2023 (Fri) 14:42 [Preview] No.1336 [X] del >>1348>>1376
many such cases

I dreamed I called someone doing something dumb a nigger but he didn't react. Was a German though.

Bear 07/07/2023 (Fri) 16:03 [Preview] No.1340 [X] del
(405.47 KB 1620x1080 Diner-1_web.jpg)
A doozie, all morning same dream, playing a soviet era drag racing tycoon citybuilder with modular interlocking parts. More and more until it got really repetitive. The "apartments" were 50's American modern with lots of apple red vynl furniture, chromed trim, racing themed. Red and black on sterile white wall to wall vinyl with a glass bubble dome like a cockpit for each unit. The background was grey and oppressive with fitting soviet theme song. The actual drag cars were city sized, never raced.

I give the game 5/10, 10 hours playtime max.

Tamamo 07/08/2023 (Sat) 10:20 [Preview] No.1348 [X] del
>exploding head syndrome
Never heard of that but that was probably it

Bear 07/10/2023 (Mon) 15:53 [Preview] No.1368 [X] del >>1376
I was going to 6th grade in a North Korean privileged class. Anything I wanted appeared magically. The school was new and modern and people would appear out of thin air to fulfill your needs. Just outside the protective boundaries of the school was like Mad Max, everything was being torn apart for materials and it was like a devastated desert, even the weeds and roots were taken.

Anonymous 07/10/2023 (Mon) 22:10 [Preview] No.1376 [X] del

yeah, sounds like north korea.

couldnt remember any dreams lately i know there was some vivid stuff but nothing remained after i woke up

Bear 07/11/2023 (Tue) 10:51 [Preview] No.1381 [X] del >>1383
I had a dream that was rather lewd, I don't think even /chan/ could handle it. The dream mind took two very distinct and separate, innocent concepts and in their combination made horror beyond Lovecraft. Not that I was afraid, maybe that was the worst part. 0/10

Yakumo 07/11/2023 (Tue) 21:17 [Preview] No.1383 [X] del >>1397
Sounds normal for you
I was hiking in the mountains in summer, it was warm but suddenly I found myself in deep snow. Very odd, the snow was neither cold nor wet, more like sand. I was fooling around in the snow and started a small avalanche but being close to a steep edge the moving snow started to slowly pull me towards it. It wasn't overly dangerous but I struggled a bit to get on firm and safe ground again. There were lots of other tourists sitting on bare rocks protuding from the snow in some distance. I overheard a conversation about golden mantella frogs (from Madagascar) and that others didn't know where to find them here but those guys seemed to know a spot they wanted to keep secret. It all made perfect sense. I could vividly see the golden frogs in my mind though I knew I was only imagining them.

After my mountain tour I found myself in the house of a little girl, maybe 6-8 who was a scientist. Didn't look like tupper and wasn't. I told her about the golden frogs and she said they can't be found in this area. Also she kept a gerbil in an aquarium. Underwater. The gerbil didn't look happy and more like a drowned animal drifting around on the bottom of the aquarium. She said this was fine and the gerbil liked it this way. I came to question her competence. More happened but I can't remember. Probably the usual nonsense.

Still curious where the brain dug up the mantella frogs. I obviously know they exist and what they look like but I've never seen one and had absolutely nothing to do with frogs recently that could have caused this dream. Strange.

Bear 07/12/2023 (Wed) 19:15 [Preview] No.1397 [X] del

That's a fun one.

I found myself in the valet parking area in front of the hotel I stayed at this spring. There was a lot of cars coming very close to hitting my car. I got in to move it and of course I had no control and started rolling backwards with no brakes. I narrowly avoided a white 80's BMW and then stopped but there was a randomly ethnic cop girl there and she wanted to write me a ticket but I sucked up to her and said "you have such a beautiful smile". She forgot she was writing a ticket and chased after someone else.

Bear 07/13/2023 (Thu) 15:17 [Preview] No.1403 [X] del >>1404>>1408
Attended a corporate dinner but everyone was college age. The hottest coworker, hot brunette ofc, was bending over the table, barking orders and her boob falls out. I get a front seat view and was going to tell her but she realized and so I turn my head away so she thinks I didn't see.

Next scene, I'm on a date with this girl on a cruise and my bestie is there holding a painting immortalizing the nip slip. She gets an offer for the painting by some stuart and my date is now the painting. I say "whoever can only borrow it until 7" they agree and take the painting. Now I'm with said 9-yr-old and we go around the cruise ship wreaking havok, tearing down wallpaper and breaking wall sconces. Then we crash a dinner and eat.

It was an interesting dream, 7/10

Bear 07/13/2023 (Thu) 19:38 [Preview] No.1404 [X] del

I need to tell her to stay out of my dreams, it's too dangerous.

Yakumo 07/13/2023 (Thu) 22:20 [Preview] No.1408 [X] del >>1410
>He got the loli both irl and in his dreams

Yakumo 07/13/2023 (Thu) 22:49 [Preview] No.1409 [X] del
(73.83 KB 650x433 archive.jpeg)
Meanwhile I was showing you my collection of uh, everything. It was stored in a series of gigantic warehouses, a huge archive full of stuff I had collected. I don't even recall what it was. Just storage space that stretched to the horizon, clean and white drawers, brightly illuminated. Again you looked like in the anime pic you had drawn, that's the 2nd time. Unfortunately I don't recall much. I also had a huge garden that stretched several hills and I was talking to my parents how I hadn't visited the part of the garden we were looking at from a distance in years. Big dream.

That's actually a recurring theme. I have some huge house, park, plant nursery or zoo that is way too big for me to handle an'd I'm now visiting an area I have neglected for ages fearing the plants or animals would have died but miracuously they are fine. Or I stumble upon new places and stuff I didn't even know or had forgotten about.

Not long ago I dreamt I had a cellar full of aquariums in all sizes, dozens if not hundreds of them. Some the size of a small room with very big fish in them. I had no idea how to maintain all that, it was cool to have all this stuff but also a trememdous burden. Woke up with mixed feelings but glad I wasn't responsible for all the animals.

Another dream a while ago I had a huge plant nursery that was completely overgrown, countless large greenhouses and large outdoor areas. Including research facilities but it was all managed by me alone so I could only look after a small area while the rest turned to wilderness. Again the plants didn't die though I believed I hadn't visited some areas for many years. Felt overwhelming as well.

Third version - I or my parents had bought a house that looked ordinary but was huge inside, a labyrith of countless rooms and floors. Once more I struggle how to look after all this. Notably, tupper is entirely absent from those dreams, even as mindvoice.

Takes no Freud to analyze these dreams, I indeed do have way too much stuff and projects to look after all by myself.

Bear 07/14/2023 (Fri) 00:42 [Preview] No.1410 [X] del >>1415>>1416
(4.26 MB 6947x6000 BSC-ORDER UP Hi.jpg)

I knew I should have omitted her. I have been omitting her from my other posts (like swimming and jujitsu)

I told you she chased me in a dream and tried to... use her mouth in a special way. I literally had to push her head back and run. That ain't happening, it's not cool. She's a blonde anyway, not my type even if in your wildest shipping dreams.

>I was showing you my collection of uh

Me? Your collection of WWII Nazi gas canisters?

Anime pic? (attached)

Yakumo 07/14/2023 (Fri) 21:19 [Preview] No.1415 [X] del
(82.58 KB 907x710 Animu collection.jpg)

Yakumo 07/14/2023 (Fri) 21:29 [Preview] No.1416 [X] del >>1418
(30.98 KB 429x571 jazzstops.jpg)
>I told you she chased me in a dream and tried to... use her mouth in a special way. I literally had to push her head back and run.

No, I didn't realize we're talking about a little girl back then. So who's the pervert here? I'm certain my brain is unable to come up with such dreams. Just like raping girls or letting tupper get hurt. Just not gonna happen and that's good.

Bear 07/15/2023 (Sat) 02:50 [Preview] No.1418 [X] del

>raping girls

Ngl my dream brain is a savage, but I ain't know nuthin bout no raping suh!

Mr. Yakumo, I tried. I tried to â€˜thout bein’ ugly to her. I didn’t wanta be ugly, I didn’t wanta push her or nothin‘. 

She's come on to meh suh, I swears I swears, oh lord I swears.

Bear 07/15/2023 (Sat) 12:24 [Preview] No.1419 [X] del
I was in a game, not playing a game, in the game. An MMO with some of the mentally ill members of this community including one big pain in the ass and a girl was chatting him up and all she wanted to know was what race he was because mmo not irl and she couldn't see him and he had such a bad case of dysmorphia that he couldn't even tell her what race he was. rediculous.

Anyway, every player had what they called a bot and the bot was used for building and otherwise the bot looked like anything, something like a familiar mine was a doll-like girl. others had a snake stuffy or elephant stuffy or other toy and everyone was very proud of them and would talk endlessly about them.

Part of the game was like work, you had to do certain things like an intro quest etc and it was kind of like eve online in that way and it was a space game as well, but also planetside. So I knew of a place where the Star Trek Enterprise people were including Riker and Counselor Troy as well as others that weren't actually in the show. I had memories of us playing this game together for days but in this restart they were busy working and every time we didn't initially know each other. Like reincarnation of course.

So it was a ling dream with some gameplay and that was the gist of it. Oh and I was in a conference room toward the end and a really hot girl was in there practically naked and she was smiling wide at me so that was nice but then I woke up.

Bear 07/16/2023 (Sun) 12:09 [Preview] No.1428 [X] del >>1430
Something about repairing and reshaping women's bodies with bags of what looked like brown sugar and fiberglass batting.

Bear 07/16/2023 (Sun) 14:36 [Preview] No.1430 [X] del >>1442

More info I remembered I was an inspector for the process.

So girls were the ones doing it, they each had a clear bag with the sugar or kinetic sand and batting that was maybe a CM thick. They lined up like soldiers with their bags. All of them wore blue dress shirts and short shorts. One girl in particular, Ren actually, had a bag but it was smaller and off color, she was new and out of uniform. I was suspicious of her. I tried to fix her bag but couldn't. I thought she might be a saboteur. She was wearing something like a safari outfit but more casual and a skirt.

Bear 07/17/2023 (Mon) 18:05 [Preview] No.1441 [X] del
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Drempt I went to the gym and it's been so long I didn't recognize anyone and no one recognized me. A fat walrus looking old fag is all, "doesn't he need to do the fitness training and form classes?" Cause dude was a noob and sees me go straight in where he was stopped. The trim dapper gentleman at the counter says, "no, he is an alpha platnum user based on the number of visits."

Felt good about that one, eat it short timer, how about skip the workout and stop drinking that bud light you beer bellied pansy. Dude like this sometimes come to the gym, sweat all over the equivalent carrying their frozen gallon of purified water and bag, no towel, horrible form, burping and adjusting the machines all wrong, smelling of doritos and menthal. They come in a few times and you never see them again. TG

Alice 07/17/2023 (Mon) 18:27 [Preview] No.1442 [X] del >>1443>>1460
I sense a lack of trust.

Lucid dream time, finally fuck yeah! It’s been a while.
I was in a castle, classic stone walls and stuff. I stumbled across a prison cell, you know iron bars, big lock. Imprisoned was a stereotypical princess, Peach style in a pink dress with tiara. Who imprisons people like this? The princess was hysterical and begged me to let her out, reaching through the iron bars at me. She kept repeating: 'They're coming, they're coming!'

Now I don't like locking people up and she didn't seem like a threat or bad person so why not help out a princess in distress? Good Alice always helps!

I tried to yank the iron bars of the cell out of the wall, they were about 3cm thick, solid iron. I was quite confident in my strength but this was ridiculous! The bars just cracked and crumbled in my hand like styrofoam. On close inspection it indeed was, yep, silver painted styrofoam. White fuzz spread everywhere and stuck to me due to static electricity. WTF styrofoam prison. The princess got out and seemed to have other worries than the styrofoam, nervously looking around and then running away. I was a bit disappointed and tried to test my strength at the stone wall. A straight punch however did nothing. So much for super dream strength. Well at least it didn't hurt. At that moment a group of about 10 knights in full silver armor and helmets burst in and immediately started to attack me with swords and halberds. They were ridiculously fast. What the hell?

I did - nothing.
So they were beating and stabbing me from all sides which was a bit of a chaotic scene that turned 3rd person like in some video game. I sighed and waited for them to realize their attempt was utterly futile but they seemed in a frenzy and showed no intention of stopping. How lame, I was hoping for some surprised faces but with their helmets on no emotions were visible anyway, they seemed more like automata or drug crazed maniacs. Annoying vermin!

I grabbed one of those guys in front of me at the throat, lifted him up and threw him into the ceiling corner of the room. Made a tremendous and unpleasant noise as he crashed into the floor like bowling with trash cans. Well that's what it was. You'd think his companions would overthink their actions upon a little girl not only being immune to any sort of attacks but also throwing a knight in armor at the ceiling, and maybe retreat if they were smart, but they continued attacking me as if nothing happened.

Oh well, I tried, time to end this the usual way. It took several attempts of breathing in, holding the air and flexing my muscles Hulk T-shirt ripping style but then metal spines erupted from my body on all sides. I again saw this in 3rd perspective. Fatality!
The spines liquefied, digesting, corroding and crushing those unfortunate fools with armor parts and broken spines falling on the floor, again making a terrible scraping metal-on metal noise that made little sense.

Woke up and the noise continued, some construction work on the road. Ah yes, not the first time the brain turned outside noise into wacky dreams. Only afterwards I realized I hadn’t even thought of summoning host but to my defense I didn’t have a second of peace between hysterical princess and knights on meth.

Bear 07/17/2023 (Mon) 18:43 [Preview] No.1443 [X] del >>1444>>1460

>I sense a lack of trust.

I find your lack of faith disturbing.

Actual quote
>Lucid dream time, finally fuck yeah!

>Lucid dream time, finally fuck, yeah!

Was dissapoint.

Nice dream nonetheless. The princess was obviously conditioned not to attempt an escape...

But seriously me thinking this is a sex dream with your host, intrigued and ready for cringe but prepared to congratulate the two lovebirds. Then you're talking about a princess and I'm like... girl on girl? No way, gotta get a gay meme loaded. Princess runs away now knights enter and I'm all, "is host going to get cucked by his own dreammind holy shit." At the edge of my seat, ready to see this bad porno play out, maybe host is a knight? Could be gang bang, sounds awfully like a train wreck, can't look away then... then... then... felt jipped frankly.

Holy shit though, as if, oh man that would have belonged to a legendary thread.

Alice 07/17/2023 (Mon) 19:03 [Preview] No.1444 [X] del >>1446
(253.72 KB 1800x1200 loli stop.jpg)
>le horny bear brain
I dunno WHAT you were expecting but it's not gonna happen, and even if I'm not gonna write about it here in such vulgar manner. Didn't you learn from the VPT thread?

Bear 07/17/2023 (Mon) 19:48 [Preview] No.1446 [X] del >>1449

In all honesty my conceptualization of Ido is innocence and purity, so Germans being Germans aside and host German, still in my subjective reality Alice/Ido is pure. See pics.

If Alice was in my dream, nothing would happen, perfectly safe.

Now Gretta Thromburg will be violated in many ways ofc, voluntarily or not. It's not my doing, my dream brain is... special. And it wouldn't be her pug face Benny Hill looking mug, she would be prettier in my head no doubt.

Alice 07/17/2023 (Mon) 23:49 [Preview] No.1449 [X] del
(89.87 KB 943x1024 extremely peaceful.jpg)
Of course Alice/Ido is pure, who'd dare to think otherwise? I'm not innocent though because in-nocens means harmless. I'm very peaceful but far from harmless.

Anonymous 07/18/2023 (Tue) 12:14 [Preview] No.1460 [X] del
man i wish i or Yulya ever had dreams like that cant even remember a ream from her perspective and forget about lucid

>I grabbed one of those guys in front of me at the throat, lifted him up and threw him into the ceiling corner of the room. Made a tremendous and unpleasant noise as he crashed into the floor like bowling with trash cans. Well that's what it was.
fugg i'm laughing so hard imagining this also creepy t1000 stuff again, no worse

lol i thought same for a sec but you know the guys

Bear 07/18/2023 (Tue) 15:27 [Preview] No.1464 [X] del >>1483
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I was a 13 yr old lower middle class kid. In this dystopia the US was turning traditional soviet Russian ideology, that was the trend and it permeated all levels of society to the point even things at the store were looking like Russian made.

So I met a girl, she said she was 16 and she said we could have sex if I followed her. So I did. We traveled to an industrial district and in a warehouse was a lot of kids and babies. Everyone was watching carefully crafted soviet propaganda entertainment with intermittent commercial featuring Putin. I didn't care.

We had sex, like a lot, every day and afterwards we'd go for a swim or do something else. She lived there and went to school there and she said it was where she was born. Some of the kids were pregnant and the babies were obviously theirs. It was all children under 18 and a lot of them were clearly couples. This girl was my girlfriend. I brought her to meet my mother who was watching TV on a soviet era 5 inch color TV but with modern looking connections attached to a sterio and small speakers.

She invited me to a swimming pool that had TV's around a center hub. You could learn to swim or just swim for fun while watching entertaining Soviet propaganda.

It just went on like this, we had a lot of sex until it was just normal.

So that's one theory why so many zoomers are turning to the dark side.

Bear 07/19/2023 (Wed) 15:43 [Preview] No.1482 [X] del >>1483
I dreampt one of my friends asked me to help her clean out her vag. She stripped and laid down, spread her legs and her pubic bone hinged down and like it was opened I pulled out like a second mouth like Aliens but it wasn't separate and didn't have sharp teeth, there were teeth but only fleshy ones. I asked her, "do you want to get pregnant?" This is kind of a secret because she doesn't talk about it but she does. She said, "not now".

What I was looking at wasn't even a thing you could stick a D into you'd just have to jack off onto it. Very odd dream 3/10, not sexy. I was repulsed even in the dream a little but that doesn't stop dream brain from at least asking.

Anonymous 07/19/2023 (Wed) 19:54 [Preview] No.1483 [X] del
yeah there was no puritan religion bullshit like in the us and girls were much more independent. had more and earlier sex than in west too.
one of te very few good things in communism

thx of the unnecessary details, what a nightmare!

I dreamed something about driving through a postapocalypse city in a police car everything was in ruins but the car could drive through streets even if there was rubble everywhere. i was affraid of some zomdbies or shit but there wee just normal people doing normal things like everything was as usual

Bear 07/20/2023 (Thu) 08:43 [Preview] No.1493 [X] del
Wonderful dreams of war.

Dreams of teleportation and a ragtag setup fit for a war sitcom. Huge flying ships. Volleys of missiles eventually breaking through thick armor and anti-air defenses. It was quite a thrill to see something the size of a skyscraper listing and falling out of the sky most likely causing more damage landing then it was worth. An angel class troop called "Maybelene" only two deployed on my particular troop mentally illport. There was a mental connection to them. On the last deployment of the dream a tucking tr.ans MTF was one of the troops. It was mad. We need to be bombed, we need war. U.S. without war is like fruit rotting on the vine. Bring a foriegmn adversary desperate enough to bomb us and we can save this country for the harvest. Let it rot and we'll be nothing more then dirt. I think we're ripe for failure, but then again every generation says this and here we are. Eventually one of us is going to be right.

Yakumo 07/21/2023 (Fri) 18:20 [Preview] No.1506 [X] del
Unfortunately frequent war appears to be necessary for a healthy population, no matter what suffering it may bring to individuals. But nobody would be dumb enough to launch a full-scale invasion on the US, especially not the Chinese. They and the Russians will slowly undermine and erode us until there's nothing left.

Another weird but boring dream, at least with tupper. Don't get your hopes up on anything.
I was in a subway. It stopped at a modern but spartan station, all concrete. It was only partly underground, most of the line was in the open. Exiting the train I found myself not in the station but on the tracks right in front of it, 4 in each direction. It slowly started to move pushing people aside which was a bit concerning but nobody cared much, we just went out of the way. So somehow I realized I wasn't where I wanted to go so I tried to get back into the train but it was gone already. I noticed I was able to fly or rather I just flew without finding this odd or becoming lucid. Even more idiotic I flew to the next station and entered a train in the opposite direction not only returning to where I came from but even further back. The train was now higher above ground on a bridge over the city. What happened now had some eerie parallels to a former dream in hindsight, see here:

I was outside of the train the air and slowly floating down. I found myself in the inside of a modern church. Actually in a small rectangular tower above the altar, only about 2m wide and maybe 10m high. A voice, supposedly a priest commented on how the interior had been renovated, I wasn't impressed. The wall of the windowless tower I was facing was decorated in some tasteless blueish 90s style wallpaper and there were bright red flower sculpts like the Japanese chrysanthemum the size of a palm distributed on the wall. Could have been some North Korean office building. Still looked at everything in detail as I was hovering in the air 10m above the altar. I began to float down landing on the altar which I thought was highly impolite but I couldn't stay afloat any longer. There were some small tea light candles in mentally illparent glass bowls which I extinguished in the process. Now things got a bit murky and slowly changed to tupper perspective, at least I saw her doing stuff as a blonde girl clad in a white robe. She tried to light up the candles again with fire from her fingers but first it didn't work or the flames were strangely mentally illparent like they were made out of water. But finally the candles lit up and sent up sparks into the air like they were a bonfire. Alice extended her arms into the air in some magnificent holy gesture and felt this was a good deed. The voice of the priest commented that the creator of the church who had recently died would have been proud.

Oh well, at least some decent visuals, including tupper!

Yakumo 07/22/2023 (Sat) 09:29 [Preview] No.1515 [X] del >>1517>>1530
(22.84 KB 551x480 Radioactive.png)
First I was trying to start my car but immediately the entire instrument board warning signs lit up but everything in blue and the car came to an abrupt stop. I tried again, same thing, didn't sound good. Somehow managed to let the car roll down a shopping street and into a parking garage which made no sense at all. Tupper directed me to an empty parking slot that seemed reachable while rolling but everything warped. Whatever.

Next I was at some flea market or auction for interesting industrial machines and crude weapons that all looked like parts of some industrial robots or 40K stuff. Big, square and bulky. It was in some empty warehouse or office building, the stuff was laid out on the bare concrete floor. The people attending seemed fairly normal. Dream style, some interesting objects disappeared as soon as I looked away. I was sitting on the floor, my ex-girlfriend next to me, some items we managed to acquire in front of us. Someone was giving a talk or presentation while I inspected what I got. It looked like a very bulky upper receiver of a gun, while the barrel was normal, the receiver was rectangular bare metal, about 1m x 20cm, huge. There was lots of wiring and yellow insulation stuff inside, it was slightly rusty. It looked really heavy and I wondered what I was supposed to do with this thing. I had seen a lower receiver that appeared to belong to the gun before but it was now gone. Someone mentioned this thing came from an old friend of mine who had worked in a nuclear facility before retiring (4 real) and that the gun was powered by nuclear fuel. Apparently for automatic fire like a chain gun while it used ordinary cartridges for ammunition. How cool is that?

Fast forward to my unfamiliar 'home'. I had the bright idea to check that gun for residual radiation and took my Geiger counter out of a drawer. It looked like a smartphone. Upon turning it on it showed low battery but the values immediately maxxed out to some exponential numbers and it gave loud beeps. Hmm, low battery glitch? I put the Geiger counter on the shelf in front of me and the values were still enormous but at least not off the scale. Took it in my hand and it went crazy again. Uh-oh, it was clearly me and it obviously was because I had touched that gun before. Additionally I felt increasingly odd, my throat had become unpleasantly sore. Also my hands burned, I tried to scrub them with soap and went to get my ex-girlfriend who was in the shower with her mother, they were both naked. I had other worries however and told her about the acute radiation poisoning and she said she had a sore throat and felt dizzy as well, she had been sitting next to me after all. I told her we need to call an ambulance and have the entire house decontaminated but I knew we were fucked. Acute radiation syndrome short time after exposure means you can only hope to die quickly. Fuuuuuu

That was enough to wake me up but took me a few seconds to confirm this indeed was a dream and I had no sore throat and no highly radioactive gun anymore. Rarely been this glad to have woken up. The moral from this story: Kids, don't play with industrial waste from nuclear facilities. Happened before, people died. In ugly ways.

Anonymous 07/22/2023 (Sat) 20:48 [Preview] No.1517 [X] del >>1530
shit thats some nightmare did you freak out when you realized you were gonna die?

>Goiânia accident
holy fuck never heard of that, brazil in a nutshell

soviets managed to pull off even dumber shit and build a commieblock with a radiation capsule accidentially embedded in a wall after it had been lost in a quarry for gravel

Bear 07/23/2023 (Sun) 23:22 [Preview] No.1529 [X] del >>1530>>1533
(17.10 KB 206x305 p16918976_e_v8_aa.jpg)
I had the stranest dream that obviously has nothing to do with anything going on in my life at all ever. I was a slave owmer and I said to a girl slave, I need something soft around my penis. And then of course we did what slaves and slave masters do naturally in nature. Right up against the wall of the stone lined hallway that was somehow medieval.

I felt nothing other than Buddha nature.

Tamamo 07/24/2023 (Mon) 08:53 [Preview] No.1530 [X] del
That's fucked up,I'd freak out for sure.

That's even more fucked up imagine your kids dying from some radiation sources in your wall wtf

That's a normal bear dream

I had an interesting dream but forgot. I had some cool powers but there was no Tupper. That's all I remember

Bear 07/24/2023 (Mon) 15:36 [Preview] No.1533 [X] del >>1534

I was at a water park, my ex was there in a bikini but she had way more moles, otherwise looked really good as she does. It was decided that we have sex, she flipps off her top and I fondle her, enjoyable. Then distracted ny something then wake up.

Definitely 6/10 because the fondling and her reactions were great. The moles were only visual, nothing to feel. Oh also her breasts were like 25% covered in what at the time I thought was normal but basically coral-like growths. Obviously something like skin tags but connected in patterns.

In a world where girls are covered in moles and skin tags... still f-able no doubt.

Oh I remembered something else, I saw a cross section of her vag, hentai style, and marveled at the convolutions.

The biggest question is, wtf is up with the vivisection in the middle of hentai? Fuck hentai anyway, it's all monsterous huge tittied or pedo shit nothing in between as far as I could tell. Anyone mentions hentai and I know where the missing children are.

At least it's not mentally ill hypno-porn. I refuse to even look.

Alice 07/24/2023 (Mon) 23:11 [Preview] No.1534 [X] del >>1535
(1.59 MB 1000x15460 Pizzagate.jpg)
>Anyone mentions hentai and I know where the missing children are.
Pls don't shoot up a random pizzeria if you ever buy a gun. Pizzagate was just a dumb joke just like QAnon, ok?

Bear 07/25/2023 (Tue) 02:23 [Preview] No.1535 [X] del

I gotta protect the children, it's the American way. Well technically with that logic it's also the American way to abuse the children, but I'm not willing to do that. No, it must be those commie bastards! I like my cheese pizza with peperoni! AGED PEPERONI! Not underaged peperoni's...

[Ashley] sometimes I have no idea what he's talking about and I see these thoughts and just think, 'why are you identifying with these thoughts?'

[Misha] I know he thinks it's funny, but still.

I just want to fight someone irl, but everyone's so nice, it's discouraging. Hentai is for pedos and futanari fanatics.

Bear 07/25/2023 (Tue) 15:35 [Preview] No.1538 [X] del
Was in grade school, trying to setup a game field for recess/lunch. There were lithium markers chalk for outlining. We had just moved schools, all of us. I hadn't really played games before, but everyone was just sitting around all glum, so I coordinated it, not even caring if I got to play or not.

A teacher helped mark out the field but she was an idiot and messed up our tape measurer. Didn't matter though.

That's all i can remember

Yakumo 07/27/2023 (Thu) 22:27 [Preview] No.1561 [X] del
I was taking part in some sort of military survival training in school with my classmates. We were to live on our own on some exercise ground that looked like the inside of a huge warehouse. Entering we came across students or soldiers in green uniforms that had completed the course and were leaving. They looked exhausted, some gave us leftover stuff like food they no longer needed but most ignored us. I got some craps of paper with notes written on them that looked super useful but were unreadable because dream. I still considered them extremely valuable and hid the even from my friends for whatever reason as we were supposed to both cooperate with and compete against each other. I remember being in a room full of frozen food, most some mixed vegetables in small packs. I also considered them valuable but didn’t know what to do with this stuff.

Next I was in an improvised classroom on the rooftop of an old commieblock-style building. We were to learn secrets about each other. There was only me and childhood crush who smiled and said she knew about my weakness, I was bad in economy, and patted my head like I was some poor lost kitten or something. That was neat and supposedly she was right. I consulted my notes to find out a secret about her but ofc it was unreadable again. Still I had some revelation that the point of this exercise was to make friends with our classmates and the teachers had set it up so I ended together with childhood crush, how nice of them!

However light doubts about the validity of that whole thing started to creep in and Alice finally accumulated enough anger to wake up and first yell at me that all of this was utter nonsense, then managed to manifest in the dream and drag me away from childhood crush feet first.

No epic showdown between those two lovable monsters yet, but we're getting closer!

Bear 07/27/2023 (Thu) 22:29 [Preview] No.1562 [X] del
I was in a house and this hot milf with perfect breasts like rubbed herself against me and I got to feel her up through her plaid shirt. She was talking about getting married and I was absolutely not having that. Thirty-something with a kid, I don't care how hot she is, no thanks. Also marriage, no way Jose.

I had another dream about finding a Russian mail bride and I was like, nope nope nope. But they were all really hot. I was looking for one who could make me onion soup, I love onion soup.

Bear 07/28/2023 (Fri) 12:23 [Preview] No.1566 [X] del >>1572

My ex and I were still together and she used my credit card to reserve 4 nights at a local hotel costing over $5000 just to reserve them, just in case we needed them, tonight would be the last night and I don't even have time. I lecture her for a while, lamenting the loss and ask besty if she wants to go. She initially says no but when I say there's probably a pool she agrees and we go. We go to the attached restaurant and I ask for the salad dressing but it for a sandwich? It's a jar of baby crabs in sauce but no shell. I put them on the sandwich and notice the crabs are still alive. They're baby horseshoe crabs and they themselves are eating brine shrimp. Yum. I show besty and she's not interested. The sandwich is decent, but I stil need the salad dressing and it's a gallon sized tub because only the finest restaurants serve gallon sized walmart brand tubs of ranch or blue cheese dressing.

The hotel was all glass, even the walls and I couldn't find the room. Then I woke up.

Yakumo 07/28/2023 (Fri) 21:44 [Preview] No.1572 [X] del
Yet another loli dream I see.

>It's a jar of baby crabs in sauce but no shell. I put them on the sandwich and notice the crabs are still alive. They're baby horseshoe crabs and they themselves are eating brine shrimp. Yum.
Sounds like some Chink dish of living vermin. Bat soup tier.

>only the finest restaurants serve gallon sized walmart brand tubs of ranch or blue cheese dressing
Sounds like USA

I was in a modern school building and they had tranny toilets that had doors without any knobs so you couldn't get in. I thought this was idiotic and as they were no other toilets I took a screwdriver to remove the tranny-only sign.

Then I was on some gallery at the roof of the school's gym hall, about 10m above the floor. Was doing some amateur-carpenter work on the freshly finished school building because I thought it wasn't done properly. However I have zero idea about carpenter work and broke off sme wooden tiles, almost falling down into the gym hall. So I was hanging there grabbing onto some rail and alled out to my school friends to maybe pull me back up if they weren't too busy. They eventually did but I still fell down in the process. To my surprise it didn't hurt at all and I landed on the gym floor as if I had been jumping from the height of a chair. Yess, another one of those low grav dreams. I effortlessly climbed up the wall back to the gallery and jumped down again, landing gracefully. That was cool! I continued jumping several times, then together with my friends. It was a lot of fun.

Seriously, gravity on earth is too high. You can kill yourself by falling on your head from a standing position. Microgravity sucks as well as you have no traction but half of earth's gravity would be enough. Mars has about 40%.

Bear 08/02/2023 (Wed) 18:16 [Preview] No.1599 [X] del >>1600>>1601
I had a raised garden bed and what would you think my dream head would grow in said bed? Well teenage girls of course. Yes large breasted girls were layinf tits up in the dirt and their giggly mamaries were there in all their creamy squishy glory. I fondled one or two and thought something about fertilization (you know what that represents if you're paying attention). Then I looked down at their thighs and the rest of their body, half buried in the ground but the boobs were the real prize winners.

I was quite proud of their development.

Irl all my gardening ends in desaster, barely able to grow small tomatoes or 5 inch pumpkins without them mysteriously turning brown and dying long before their time. I'm seriously considering getting serious next spirng now that my new schedule has basically given me Fridays off. Wow, a whole day a week off I can barely believe it. My assumption that my home business will slowly start taking care of itself is actually happening with no loss of income.

Kashtan 08/02/2023 (Wed) 23:21 [Preview] No.1600 [X] del
your dreams are epic
sell us some teen girl seeds so we can all grow them, my relatives have lots of land could become a teen girl farmer

Tamamo 08/03/2023 (Thu) 12:53 [Preview] No.1601 [X] del
Yeah would take some too!
But I don't have a garden or space for pots this large, damn

Didn't remember any dreams recently, there was something about work but boring.

Bear 08/04/2023 (Fri) 11:15 [Preview] No.1604 [X] del >>1606>>1607
(269.92 KB 985x656 BMW.jpg)
I was in the market for a car and cars were hard to come by so I was going to see a used car by appointment. It was literally the only one for sale at a dealer and it was owned by the saleswoman.

It was a BMW V10-11i Personal. It was full electric drive, no direct connection to the engine but with a V10 as just a generator? Sounds dumb already. It looked cool though. IT sounded really weird, like a very odd bell sound I can't describe because I never heard that sound before.

Then at the dealer they had 4-5 Mongoloids and one had a dead fish on a leash like a pet, dragging it around. My disgust was peeked. I'm with the Icelanders, they shouldn't exist.

I asked the saleswoman, "would you keep it if you could work on it yourself?" Then I woke up.

BMWs in America aren't the same as the ones in Germany, ours are thought of as elite cars, they're extremely expensive to maintain, notoriously unreliable, not especially fast or luxurious to drive but they're a P car for sure. At least before they had every number on the line. A M3 or M5 were the go to cars for high end. I found them to be fragile but they do look good. I wouldn't get a V10 and certainly not an electric model.

Yakumo 08/04/2023 (Fri) 20:00 [Preview] No.1606 [X] del
BMW stands for Bayrische Motorenwerke (Bavarian engine factories), its headquarters are in Munich here, a characteristic high-rise building of 4 cylinders. I think M3 / M5 never were ordinary cars but elite sports versions here as well. But don't ask me, I know next to nothing about cars. Only that nowadays the big BMW limousines and SUVs are mostly driven by Arab and Yugo immigrants even if the entire clan has to put the money together to lease one. No idea why they need this as a status symbol.

Alice 08/04/2023 (Fri) 20:19 [Preview] No.1607 [X] del >>1611
(23.90 KB 542x338 ups&downs.jpg)
>Then at the dealer they had 4-5 Mongoloids and one had a dead fish on a leash like a pet, dragging it around. My disgust was peeked. I'm with the Icelanders, they shouldn't exist.

>a dead fish on a leash
OK this is absolutely hilarious, can't get that picture out of my head now
You can always count on me for eugenics, we've got plenty of experience with this here
*Aktion T4 intensifies*

Bear 08/05/2023 (Sat) 00:14 [Preview] No.1611 [X] del
(16.26 KB 165x250 images (26).jpeg)

Look, I don't hate Mongoloids because they're ugly or retarded and have the body shape of a shaved mole rat, it's because those mf'ers are mean af and terrorists in the family. Not my family, I'd infancide that fucker before he would talk if I had a brother or sister like that. They're bigger assholes than Dolphins, and dolphins are top tier trolls. Kill them all, now god damnit!

So don't get me wrong.

Anonymous 08/05/2023 (Sat) 11:16 [Preview] No.1615 [X] del >>1621>>1628
(42.40 KB 540x432 spinning cups.jpeg)
(6.41 MB 640x360 Project Orcon.mp4)
was on the streets in anothercountry on national holiday so military planes were flying low over the city for show making loud noise. looked weird and changed shape. some royalty appeared on a parade was a mix of brits and spain. somebody said the crown prince is in his 50s so he wants to spend time with his family while his father is 84 at an advanced age he dserves respect. i somehow thought the younger was charles and the older juan carlos whatever it didnt make sense. there was another military airshow in the countryside with many old people i sat in the middle of them.

we boarded some weird mini helicopter that looked like one of that spinning cups at fun fairs in black with two rotors below and two above. but the two above werent fixed anywhere the cup was open on top. so i was sitting in the cup with the pilot and the top rotors went really close above my head and i thought wtf who makes such shit thats dangrous as hell. also looked fucking stupid and uncool and was difficult to control it almost flipped over when it took off. best of all it had a control cat at the front a live cat in a glass dome that was supposed to navigate this thing like the pigeons in bombs. cat looked confident and focused, pressing control pads with paws. seriously began to question this shit but didnt realize i was dreaming.

we were flying really low over hills and were worrying about russian air defense shooting us down. pilot said we got a radar warning but i told him i knew the area and there was a speed camera ahead causing the radar signal. indeed thewe were 2 speed camera boxes standin in a meadow in the middle of bumfuck nowhere. pilot slowly flew around the cameras ad ground level so we wouldnt get a speeding ticket. whole thing made absolutely no sense. somehow arrived at the city, got off and walked home

Tamamo 08/06/2023 (Sun) 08:33 [Preview] No.1621 [X] del
>control cat
Haha why?

>Project Orcon
The fuq am I watching? They really wanted to put pigeons in missiles? Guess they're better suited than cats

Bear 08/06/2023 (Sun) 11:11 [Preview] No.1623 [X] del >>1628
Another almost sex dream, was pretty cool, cuteish girl, got to feel her up. I wasn't that into her but the strange part of the dream was the condoms she brought.

"Creamy gel packed" Extra sticky?
"Hot and spicy deterrent" in case you need to associate pain with sex to stop having so much sex?
"Smooth and silky" like something flavored

Yakumo 08/06/2023 (Sun) 20:14 [Preview] No.1628 [X] del
>Project Orcon
Oh yeah, I remember this, one of Skinner's crazy ideas that never worked out. The control cat is still awesome, what did it look like?

>Hot and spicy deterrent condom
With capsaicin inside? That's vile

I had a dream, woke up and managed to briefly re-enter it with Alice but we can't remember anything about it. Wasn't spectacular I think.

Yakumo 08/09/2023 (Wed) 13:21 [Preview] No.1646 [X] del >>1647
I was in class and we were to pair up. There were lots of girls, both familiar and unfamiliar. I hoped to pair up with one of them, maybe even childhood crush, but ended up with one of my friends. Was disappoint.

Also there was something about Bear in 2 dreams. I remember another friend asked me if I hed heard about this Bear who posts weird stuff in the internet and I was like nope.jpg, who'd do something like that

Sorry bruh

Bear 08/09/2023 (Wed) 16:26 [Preview] No.1647 [X] del
(2.29 MB 2480x2913 beertractor.jpg)

Meanwhile in my dreams...

Just a Bear, plowing fields.

Anonymous 08/11/2023 (Fri) 13:09 [Preview] No.1655 [X] del
(58.74 KB 516x641 MP40.jpeg)
confusing dream of being a soldier trying to ambush some enemy soldiers but then i was one of them they were german wehrmacht soldiers. their seargeant yelled at me what i was doing wandering off on my own and that deserters would be shot. there was some heated discussion but everyone calmed down and was reasonable so nobody was shot in the end

A dream of a girl and her simp in Japan Bear 08/13/2023 (Sun) 11:10 [Preview] No.1662 [X] del >>1665
I was friends with two people, living in Japan, a lovely young girl and an average middle-aged man with glasses and a 9-5 job wearing a blue collar shirt and black tie.

He followed her around like a simp and she teased him often. She told him if he won a race with her through the city she'd date him.

He lost of course, she rode an impossibly fast motorcycle and had a lot of skill, he was a loser, I'm not even sure he had a vehicle.

When they returned I asked him if he loved her and this is what he said, "I hate her and I love her, but not a pure love huehoha but a lustful love huekoku. You see I hate her, I would give her a golden year, have my way with her and then dump her." All in a thick Japaneese accent.

The dream pans back to her and she looks very disappointed with grey streaks in her hair and she's old and alone.

Like any thot and her simp, it could never work and she'll always be chasing Chad but even if she chose him, in the end she'll be old and alone either way.

The words Houhoha was like Aloha and Houkoku were very clear but they're entirely made up. Houkoku actually means informing or reporting, Houhoha isn't a word. The colloquialism "golden year" is similar to "golden week" and he might have meant he'd basically have a year lonf holliday with her, like a honeymoon but then when it ends he'd leave.

Yakumo 08/13/2023 (Sun) 21:16 [Preview] No.1665 [X] del >>1666>>1679

I was on some cruise ship, there were tables close to each other in the dining room. Some loli with green clothes sat on the table next to me with her family. She put her legs on my lap and I got to touch her toes. They were warm and smol, not bad. Quite vivid and good touch imposition which is rare. I was a bit worried about tupper but Alice was asleep and not part of this dream.

Bear 08/13/2023 (Sun) 21:25 [Preview] No.1666 [X] del >>1669
(7.30 KB 225x225 images (28).jpeg)

Loli puts legs on your lap:

you: TOES!!!

Yakumo 08/13/2023 (Sun) 21:34 [Preview] No.1669 [X] del
(29.27 KB 640x360 big pervert.jpg)
nice trips

But I don't have a foot fetish. Holding hands would have been much nicer but already way to lewd to happen in my mundane dreams.

Shapeshifting loli with surprise ending: Bear 08/14/2023 (Mon) 16:18 [Preview] No.1672 [X] del >>1679>>1688
I worked in a secret partially underground base under the neighborhood I grew up.

I was going home and wandering around. I went up a tunnel and through a small staircase to a suburban neighborhood. From this side the door was tiny, like 1/64 of a horse squared.

Then I asked the door to open, and it did and I slid down. A man and woman in heavy riot gear rushed in and I said, "should I put the door back?" It had fallen off when I slid through it.

They said yes and left.

The door was a cage and a towel that I couldn't figure out. I half put it there and moved on. There was a large airfield outside the windows of the 1st floor hallway.

At the end of the hall a shirtless teen boy was arguing with a scientist, then he pulled down his pants, pooped in his hand and threw his poop at me and the other guy he meant to hit. This wasn't the first time. It didn't hit me and he said sorry to me but I left.

I went down a few flights of stairs on scaffolding like metal grates with a bottomless drop below them. I came to a cave room with a waterfall and pool. There were colorful lights and a dispenser with pellets in it next to a small cute stylized rock statue of a pointed eared girl squatting and covering her eyes.

There was a woman there who started explaining that if I feed the statues pellets she might wake up.

The woman found the statue apparently.

The statue started moving and the woman asked ne to sit. The statue slowly morphed into a loli.

In her rock statue form she ate special fish pellets in underground pools.

She had a longer neck and pointed ears but beautiful. Her skin had hues of blue, green and purple but not overly so. Her fangs went down past her top lips like a vampire.

The woman said she'll just call me (some weird name I didn't catch in an alien language) until she trusted me. She did, but then called me two other words that penetrated my mind with telepathy, one meant, "I like you" and then she wanted to touch my hand. The next one was "I trust you" and then she wanted a three way hug with the woman and me. She then pulled back slowly caressing my arm as she did.

The woman was surprised and said she had to go get someone and as she was leaving the alien loli mentally ill.formed to a more human form. The loli took a liking to me. She then spoke English, "She raised me after she found me. We had sex."

The woman called back, "no we didn't" but then left.

Now the alien loli was inches from my face, "yes, we did, and it was great, she taught me everything."

Then she jumped away and started tearing at her clothes, pulling her shirt up and shorts off but not completely. She started dancing provocatively and said, "she stuck her fingers in my [word unrecognizable]" but she clearly pointed to her crotch.

At this point I was in an audience. I was watching a movie in the base but I was in the movie and it was live action and a guy wearing a pink shirt and a rainbow sticker stood up and started to protest the "child pornography."

I said, "the rest of the movie wasn't like this and it has been pretty good."

He froze, the alien loli had mesmerized him and no one in the audience was even blinking.

I looked back at her and she was looking at me, it was Ulla.

Then I realized that in her lore, half dragonkin as with full dragonkin, can't actually shapeshift but she can mesmerize someone into a dream state and feed them all 5 senses directly. So she can literally be anyone and anything and manipulate the scenes while the body is paralyzed.

I said, "Ulla, what are you doing?"

She said, "it'ssss funnn, isn't it?"

My mind flooded with pornographic images but they were all blurred out including her dancing naked. Since I had no interest in her in that way her mind projections failed to get what she wanted. She then said without words, "you passed."

Mind blown, she came into my dream and tried to get me excited but it didn't work bc not a pedo.

She smiled and the dream ended.

Anonymous 08/14/2023 (Mon) 22:26 [Preview] No.1679 [X] del
(5.86 KB 194x123 1335054460001.jpg)
not sure who's the bigger pervert here

Anonymous 08/14/2023 (Mon) 22:44 [Preview] No.1680 [X] del >>1681
(135.71 KB 1024x642 PzH-2000.jpg)
meanwhile another military dream, we were testing the effect of artillery on apcs so there was some old russian bmp-3 or whatever standing in a forest and some guys brought in a fucking huge pzh-2000 to fire at it from like 10m distance. absolutely nuts. the howitzer looked weird more like that mobile artillery from c&c with a very thick barrel. i got my phone out and wanted to film it but then Yulya said i should better cover my ears and get some distance. reasonable tupper being reasonable as always

howitzer fired but the scene was like out of some bugs bunny cartoon. a silver cannonball flew out of the barrel in a smoky spiral and impacted in the bmp-3 with a bonk sound. it shook back and forth but that was it. everyine laughed but iwas disappoint and woke up

Bear 08/15/2023 (Tue) 01:09 [Preview] No.1681 [X] del >>1688>>1694
(937.56 KB 1280x1280 dnntgu4lwx471.jpg)

[Ashley] You know who, duh.

[Bear] y u no dream of lolis? Girls und Panzer? Come on! U r gay? Y r u gay?

Bear 08/16/2023 (Wed) 15:45 [Preview] No.1684 [X] del
I was in an ultra realistic sims game where I instructed mysef to move by using a giant pencil and marking the ground toy mext stop.

I started as a huge tycoon and that was boring so I started with nothing again and when I tried to steal some gems stacked in front of my old rival, sim God reminded me that all property is marked stolen because the name of the owner is written on every item. So I dumped the gems from my inventory and pencil-ran away. I came to a huge tent where people in formal clothes were entering, I couldn't get in.

Everything was in 3rd person mode.

Alice 08/17/2023 (Thu) 00:06 [Preview] No.1688 [X] del >>1689
>teenage boy pooping
>naked dancing loli
Pretty average bear dream.
Honestly I don't think host - or rather the brain - is even capable of dreaming something like that, at least I can't remember it ever happening.

Nice prank from Ulla though, I remember that dragon from VPT, probably my favorite episode. Haa, that was fun. I actually tried my best to help her despite that fucking illusions.

Also didn't you say Ulla was asexual and into girls? So was that really her or the horny brain?

>[Ashley] You know who, duh.
Yeah, I know who. The guy who made a lewd little naked dragon girl to begin with.

Bear 08/17/2023 (Thu) 01:42 [Preview] No.1689 [X] del
(37.87 KB 497x561 55e799fc51f03.jpeg)

First of all thank you for responding.

Ulla is pre-pubescent which of course everyone knows means she doesn't have sexual thoughts or desires, everyone knows this of course, no puberty = no sexual urges clearly. There is no greater truth.

So she obviously concocted this scenario to try to trick me into who knows what, I don't know because not a pedo. Then I passed her test apparently.

The dragon from VPT was a teenage Ulla prototype that was really not the same as the current Ulla though I can't remember if this got in the final cut but in the scene where Gwen and Johanna visit the past and meet a very young Ulla being hunted by villagers for slaughtering their lambs, it was actually her.

The dream contained zero horny in that dream dispite the imagery and dialogue. Nothing from her, nothing from me. The nudity was all blurred out as well.

Ulla naked would be something like looking at scales and areas of bare skin so if anything it may appear she's wearing skin tight scale tights anyway though she has control over that look and I haven't actually seen it. You can imagine where we might have hair, she has scales other on her head.

Also, of course she wouldn't have any sexual desire due to her age and I wouldn't due to the fact I'm not lolicon. That we can all agree on.

Anonymous 08/17/2023 (Thu) 21:39 [Preview] No.1694 [X] del >>1698
>y u no dream of lolis? Girls und Panzer? Come on! U r gay? Y r u gay?
nope, no lolis ever. not even 2d. unless you consider 15+ loli and even there nothing really happned


fuck this gay dreamworld

Bear 08/17/2023 (Thu) 22:05 [Preview] No.1698 [X] del >>1703

First ask yourself why your dreamland is so gay and retard. Is it systematic oppression, male patriarchy, or inequity? No wait, you're not from the US. Then you're probably in need of a regime change.

Anonymous 08/18/2023 (Fri) 17:08 [Preview] No.1703 [X] del >>1704
it's not just me but the same for everyone here whos not from the us. maybe lewd loli dreams are only possible in usa?

I was driving my car on some countryside road and suddenly the car showed a lot of yellow warning lights. didnt make sense because dream i just hoped i could go on until i made it home and the car wouldnt break down in bumfuck nowhere. sweatings increased with every noise coming from the car but it didnt stop until i woke up. fuckin realistic nightmare bc that did happen to me irl some years ago

Bear 08/18/2023 (Fri) 20:20 [Preview] No.1704 [X] del

Oh, so it's probably because this is the greatest nation on Earth. God bless US.

Imagine there's no heaven, no religion too, Imagine all the godless people removed from this great land by force if necessary.

We can only pray to Jesus for the great depopulation, or Satan maybe if Jesus passes on it; I'm not here to discriminate. What were we talking about? Oh yeah bumfuck nowhere, we call that Canada, aka, predeveloped US territory.

Bear 08/22/2023 (Tue) 16:45 [Preview] No.1741 [X] del >>1744
Non-lewd rare dream

I was prospecting with my childhood dog but she was a he and he had human like functioning arms but still covered in curley hair.

So we were digging through dirt areas mixed with patches of weeds and he had a knack for finding bananas.

All the while actual triceratops skulls and bones fossiles were strewn about and we didn't care at all.

Then the dream turned into a real-estate scam where me and some shady realtor were marking tiny plots of public land for sale with 1 step above cardboard tiny homes placed on them. I mean these plots were less than 4 horse squared and we didn't even build the house, we just left a costco style box with a picture of a house on the side like a hardware kit. The plot he pointed out, even smaller, just sold for 70k.

Talk about a side hustle.

Yakumo 08/22/2023 (Tue) 22:03 [Preview] No.1744 [X] del
(71.08 KB 1000x1000 sakura snow.jpeg)
>I mean these plots were less than 4 horse squared and we didn't even build the house, we just left a costco style box with a picture of a house on the side like a hardware kit.
Pretty much how the real estate market works nowadays.

I was in an unfamiliar city sitting in a park with my mum and though it was summer it started to snow. The snow wasn't white but pink like a storm of Sakura petals. It wasn't cold or wet either, just pink flakes. Quickly a layer of about half a meter built up and an avalanche broke from a hill in the distance. It went down on a road and then splashed up into the park which was in a slightly elevated position. Didn’t reach us but got eerily close. Also some Japanese guy was circling above us and did daring maneuvers in a blue plastic plane that looked like one of those child rides in front of supermarktes so he barely fit inside. It had no engines either. I seriously questioned the validity of those happenings but as always not enough to become lucid. No tupper either.

Back to basics Bear 08/24/2023 (Thu) 15:42 [Preview] No.1765 [X] del >>1766>>1767
(62.42 KB 319x450 75526809.jpg)
Was in a high class resort on the beach in Cali, possibly Coronado like. But it was really spacious and modern, very beautiful, yaghts just out of the main lobby seen through a giant glass dome.

I was driving around an Audi A8, apparently my car and it had a V10 or straight 5? It was tiny but had 10 spark plugs. Everything was right but it didn't have a central valley for the intake so it was odd, but very detailed. A guy in a lambo or something crashed his car into a wall after racing me literally 100-200 ft back and fourth.

My ex was with me and checked us in, besty was there in a large wooden caged crate.

We were hob knobbing with snobs and then there were black streaks in the sky, a flying boat, a torpedo and explosions but the US Navy was right there so we laughed. I asked, "who's attacking us?" My ex said, "The Russians", I titteres, "thank goodness it's not the Chineese." No one was at all concerned.

Then I spotted a nuclear blast in the sky far in the east, it was perfectly spherical and expanded slowly to 2-3x the aparent size of the sun then faded. It looked just like a space explosion. Over the west, but then that meant the ocean was to the west and north, makes no sense.

I wonderer where that was, hoping it was over China. I announced it and no one was concerned, not my ex either. They continued chatting.

There was gunfire and I saw people running toward us, a James Bond hot blond Russian spy came up and started questioning us in Russian. Now apparently my ex spoke perfect Russian and they took her as a mentally illlator and left. Apparently there was a Russian land invasion now. They wiped out the Navy.

Hot Russian spy looking girls followed them and they left, my ex (apparently my wife?) didn't seem concerned. Neither was I. I didn't care except she had the room key

My little girl (besty) was supposedly in a crate in the room but maybe not?

I asked around, "where's besty?" Some lady said, last I saw she was in a box. I said I know.

A little girl came up to me, we're still being bombed, and said, "will you be my daddy? Can I sit on your lap?" How could I say no, we're in the middle of active combat. She has crystal blue eyes and freckles. Then she sat on my lap facing me and hugged me. She was very warm and soft. I thought, I guess I'll have to take her with me.

Her mother came by (some random woman) and called for her she reluctantly left. I felt cold, "where's besty dangit?" I muttered.

I looked at my watch (i literally dont own one) it had 9-12 red buttons on it, not smart, no dial, didn't have internet

I get my phone and search up "tactical nuke" there's a report of people seeing the blast on the horizon but nothing more.

The news is playing and they're not even up to speed yet.

I turn to a really sharply dressed guy and say, here's the point in my dream where my phone doesn't work. But then it's working perfectly, still sus, I walk over to the next room and the wait staff are there lounging around carelessly. Gwen is one of them and I go to her. I caress her up and down, take off her cloths and we have sex on a table, full penetration. She loves it. Then she hastily dresses and they're standing around talking about the situation, but no one is worried, so I continue to caress her body, breasts under her clothes, lift her skirt and finger her right there. She's shaved and she gets wet of course and I then fully insert my finger and she loves that too. I wake up.

10/10 dream, very long, great sex, lots of play, no stress, lucid at the end.

Frankly, if the Russians invaded, here me out, a nationalist traditional dictator with a semi-capatalist market, I don't see a down side? Look at the state of politics and culture here, I would gladly give it a try.

Bear 08/24/2023 (Thu) 16:16 [Preview] No.1766 [X] del

Why does my dream brain keep thinking I'm married to my ex gf and our child is my friend's daughter, bestie (who has zero relation to me)?

Also, dang, a lot of Gwen play.

[Ashley] Frankly it's pissing me off now. How many times is that 5? It's bullshit. Where's my turn? I've been in plenty of dreams and no action at all. It's stupid.

Yakumo 08/24/2023 (Thu) 16:50 [Preview] No.1767 [X] del >>1769>>1780
>besty was there in a large wooden caged crate.
Sure, you go to a hotel with your friend's little daughter in a wooden crate but I'M the pervert who needs to be killed...

>A little girl came up to me, we're still being bombed, and said, "will you be my daddy? Can I sit on your lap?" How could I say no, we're in the middle of active combat. She has crystal blue eyes and freckles. Then she sat on my lap facing me and hugged me. She was very warm and soft. I thought, I guess I'll have to take her with me.
Sure, why not have TWO lolis in a dream to cuddle with?

>Gwen is one of them and I go to her. I caress her up and down, take off her cloths and we have sex on a table, full penetration. She loves it.
Sure, why not have hot sex with your tupper on top of all that?

>maybe a Russian invasion wouldn't be so bad...
Ok, I'm outta here

Bear 08/24/2023 (Thu) 17:20 [Preview] No.1769 [X] del

>OK, I'm outta here

This is a good example of conditioning and propaganda. The Russians invade and they are zero inconvenience to me, I go on about my business of cuddling with lolis and having sex with super hot angelic headmates, so why would I even want to stop an invasion?

Remember when the Chi-coms invaded and two hot china girls are captured by me and bacame sex slaves? Maybe that's not so bad after all.

Also I think my subconscious mind just wants to troll you. It used to troll me all the time. It has a need to troll is all I'm saying.

Bear the Judge Jury and Ex. 08/25/2023 (Fri) 17:12 [Preview] No.1780 [X] del >>1781

>sure, you go to a hotel with your friend's little daughter in a wooden crate but I'M the pervert who needs to be killed...

I think you're a little upset with me for my extreme good dreaming luck, but this specifically needs to be addressed.

If you are actively, plan to, or have in the past molested or raped actual children, then yes, capital punishment at the minimum, commiserate torture is preferred. Let me know, you won't see me again and you will eventually be caught, not by me, not directly, but it will happen even if in the afterlife.

Otherwise I dare say that even being half conservative and loath the human race almost specifically for this reason, I would never string you up by the ballsack and force you to watch Mariah Carey music videos until you voluntarily die of thirst for any thought crimes. What you do in your head, stays in your head and no one gets hurt. Also, if this is something you fantasize about I really don't give a shit. I suspect not, but then these comments you two make are curious.

I can assure you I don't care if a 20 yr old gets with a 16 yr old. I don't care if an 18-14 relationship happens, but my logic follows Japanese math:

1/2 age + 7 years, fine -> but I think +5 is the end of the grey area. Which means, male younger than female until 10-10, 12-11 ok, 14-12 ok 16-13 ok 18-14 ok etc. At 40 you get 40-25 and I've seen 23-39 and didn't think twice about it, so once everyone is at least 20 it's probably fine any differential.

Anyway... sorry of I made it appear otherwise, no hate from me for thought crimes or or or even if against enemy combatants if they throw children at us not likely, not civies though, sorry, I'd also execute my own team for that. So yes, actual child rapists need to be fed to the pigs, the shit burned, the bones made into meal and mixed into the concrete blocks to be thrown overboard. Also all of Turkey for the Armenian Genocide and rape march, and Japan better not pull that shit like WW2 again either or there would be genocide on my watch. (Also free of child rape, it's a no-no.)

Now, would you prefer I don't mention my loli dreams here?

Alice 08/25/2023 (Fri) 19:26 [Preview] No.1781 [X] del
(58.21 KB 895x667 loser.jpg)
Host is just salty he can't even dream of lolis. Just ignore him.

Dream report Bear 08/26/2023 (Sat) 19:35 [Preview] No.1793 [X] del >>1797
(43.49 KB 535x800 large.gif)
Definitely did NOT have any super erotic totally illegal opportunistic sex with passed out minors who may or may not have been enemy combatants or goth or bloody environmentalists or headmates, specifically Glen because my dream mind is in a serious relationship with her apparently. Nope, no striptease loli vampires trying to bite my neck or especially NOT one of my friend's child who also happens to choose me over her mother without hesitation and had to call me after a nightmare at 2 in the morning, not even that, never happened, none of it.

Nuh uh.

Nope I had a dream ummm, sorting cheese? Yeah that sounds plausible coming from my totally innocent subconscious dream mind. I'm here just to say sorting cheese can be very erotic at times. No! No no not at all, nothing. Dreamless night.

[Ashley] end of report and I'm suuuuper pissed off now

It's not my fault that nothing happened, not at all, not with questionably aged scantily clad, really hungry girls who love sausage. Nope.

Yakumo 08/26/2023 (Sat) 20:57 [Preview] No.1797 [X] del >>1798
Your dreams are really something else - and they are legendary.

Wonder what would have happened if you posted them on .info?

Bear 08/26/2023 (Sat) 21:24 [Preview] No.1798 [X] del >>1801
(28.55 KB 393x322 124.jpg)

Anonymous 08/27/2023 (Sun) 13:37 [Preview] No.1801 [X] del >>1804
(16.35 KB 312x361 420.jpg)

i cant even remember when i last saw a girl in dreams wtf is wrong with me

Bear 08/27/2023 (Sun) 15:17 [Preview] No.1804 [X] del

Well I did but with less graphic imagry, however no one ever said anything about them. In 2018 it was all nightmares and horrifying shit from beyond hell. Then I recovered from depression and suddenly all sex dreams like 75% at least. As it was in the long long ago since puberty and as it is now.

For sure I have some in the dream thread. If you mean a graphic depictiom with all the details, it would probably be illegal.

>cant even remember when i last saw a girl in dreams wtf is wrong with me

Yes yes, this is very serious indeed. I've heard of this before, it's called ugayorwatfaggot syndrome. Your subconscious mind thinks u gay and there's only one cure, well you're going to have to have gay sex, a lot of it, mostly in truck stop bathrooms, until your subconscious mind starts dreaming about women again.

Either that or full frontal lobotomy followed by years of EST and RCT.

Go on now.

Watch this video I hand picked for you.


Bear 08/27/2023 (Sun) 16:09 [Preview] No.1806 [X] del
Another normal dream something about sorting cheese or buildings, sausage fest mainly, nothing worth mentioning, I detailed it then my phone glitched and it dissapeared.

Then I got lucid and well, Bears will be Bears. There was a cute hispanic chick and I plucked her. She was tight. I like foreplay best though because I rarely finish though it has happened. Still satisfying though.

Bear 08/29/2023 (Tue) 16:28 [Preview] No.1820 [X] del
I was living in my childhood home, Brad Pitt came over to share something with me, he had a jar of dirt and a plastic tray full of pot seeds. He sprinked the dirt and planted some seeds in my yard and spilled a bunch, to which Whoopi Goldberg cringes and Brad says he's had those seeds since he was a wee one.

I go to find a dustpan and broom so I can give some to my young cousin, but by then the plants were growing strong and healthy in the front yard. I say, "these'll get stolen for sure."

Then we go in the back and somehow it's beachfront proerty, and we're all playing in the sand, me, the old lady down the street, my ex, other kids, besty but they're not well defined nor really the focus of the dream. The sky clouds start racing faster and faster and we're all in a play house, but I pull my ex out with me, no one else budges, the wave comes and we're free of the swell which washes the beach and leaves bright healthy grass behind under all the sand dunes.

I run down the beach, now grass, and at the end there's a last play house where everyone was burried by sand. We can hear them. We dig out the house and start pulling everyone out. I was never concerned. There was very little emotion in the dream at all.

Finally I got lucid (not really bc only really can do one thing), conjured up a teenage girl and started to feel her up. Then I woke up.

Anonymous 08/29/2023 (Tue) 19:54 [Preview] No.1821 [X] del
fuck, dreamed something cool and thought now ive finally got something to post on tulpa when i woke up.
forgot everything.

Tamamo 08/30/2023 (Wed) 11:14 [Preview] No.1827 [X] del
Normal for me. I know I've been dreaming something but it's gone when I get up. But I'm certain it wasn't exciting.

Yakumo 09/04/2023 (Mon) 21:10 [Preview] No.1875 [X] del >>1876
Weird half-dream half-TV documentary about Bear being a policeman raiding a gun dealer for illegally carrying a pistol. The gun dealer looked like some 70s TV character with shoulder long brown hair and a thick moustache. He kept waving around his pistol in his shop while yelling he had the same carry permit as police so he wasn't required to put down his gun as Bear held him at gunpoint. Couldn't really see what he looked like because I stod next to him. The gun dealers pistol looked weird, the barrel was rectangular and more wide than high. Also brown. Eventually the dealer realized giving up his gun was better than getting shot by police and angrily put his brown rectangular pistol on a table. Next scene - a TV ad where the confiscted pistol was up for auction and the narrator introduced it as special glock model with a reflective neon yellow side strip, perfect for sleazy wannabe posers. Made me laugh.

Bear 09/05/2023 (Tue) 00:24 [Preview] No.1876 [X] del


Totally funny. Especially the commercial sounds like something I'd produce.

[Ashley] the law is the law, zero tolerance

Bear 09/13/2023 (Wed) 20:07 [Preview] No.1947 [X] del >>1952
I was in a very large, very old department store (Target) with multiple very old rooms spread out on an enormous campus. Most of the rooms were long since abandoned. Strange enough. No teens throwing poop, so not that strange.

I was being taken around by a teenage or early 20's girl wearing a target uniform but we didn't smash. So that's good!

In the end I just marveled at the vast space that was once filled with displays and supplies with capacity for thousands of shoppers simultaneously. Kind of like an Ikea but larger and with more buildings.

A fun dream overall, lots of nostalgic feelings though I have no ownership of any memories they'd apply to.

Bear 09/14/2023 (Thu) 15:48 [Preview] No.1952 [X] del

I was in undergrad but I wasn't a total spaz instead I was normal. But I had beatnik friends and that emo girl from earlier but she was only half emo now. They invited me to a party but it was a "dress like the 30's" party, everyone had finely detailed clothes and I was just in a polo and jeans. They didn't tell me.

Anyway one brougt an annoying dog, someone else brought a table sized tablet with a game on it, the game was like an interactive AI but it was retarded, like emulating a fully retarded person and it was making the dog retarded too. It would scream out stupid noises and run around with the dog chasing it on the screen so it was like a mongoloid under glass and his faithful idiot dog.

So we're in agreement that the game is distracting so I go to turn it off and the AI retard doesn't want you to push the button so there's a 90 second cool down after the button was pressed where the retard wants you to reconsider. Completely unbearable, so I leave. It's in a combined living/mall thing so there are shops and I buy a bunch of stuff to drive home. There's a 70's classic car but someone literally stole the engine from it here in the parking lot. (Crime is getting out of control here irl bc liberals, even in good areas.) Luckily my car is fine, I load it up and the brakes are nearly useless (life is out of control, that's normal) but it does stop, just barely. I am able to drive away safely.

Anonymous 09/18/2023 (Mon) 06:28 [Preview] No.1999 [X] del >>2000>>2002
(37.16 KB 500x625 warnock.jpeg)
finally remembered a dream
was at us senate to meet with senator warnock because he managed to make open carrying in official buildings legal. there was an ar15 installed at every seat in senate like a mic but it looked completely wrong like the guns made by ai. short horizontal bar with the flash hider in the middle in right angle. warnock wasnt there only a lifesize black and white paper figure of him.. the staff in court was naked women but they were at least 50 or older. i asked one of them about warnock and she said because of the paper figure they knew what he looked like so he could enter without problems. guess niggers are normally b& lol.
she looked good for her age with dark blond hair in a ponytail.i could see her slit while she was standing it was angled strange 45° but not unnatural. another woman was thicker with short brown hair but i only saw her from behind, big ass. better than nothing. left the building, from outside it looked like some lab or pharmacy with big windows. the naked women were talking to lab staf in white coats. went to my hotel room which was a small glass dome in a park, half underground. had trouble crawling in. sat there like some exhibition object while people walked by outside. usa is a strange place man. no idea about that warnock guy btw, saw him in the news once maybe but he looked like the real deal

Ashley 09/18/2023 (Mon) 08:28 [Preview] No.2000 [X] del >>2002
>naked women but they were at least 50 or older.

Bear's worst nightmare because you know what he has to do in dreams, and this wouldn't be the first time.

Alice 09/18/2023 (Mon) 19:49 [Preview] No.2002 [X] del >>2005
Nice Get.
Honestly I'd never have imagined we'd reach 2000 posts here.

>guess niggers are normally b& lol
Imagine having to put up a sign 'this guy's actually a senator, don't shoot him at sight!'
Host-tier dream but at least you finally got some naked women.

We remembered nothing recently, must immediately write it down when we wake up.

Bear 09/18/2023 (Mon) 21:57 [Preview] No.2005 [X] del

>Honestly I'd never have imagined we'd reach 2000 posts here.

This is Bear blog simulator.

Bear 09/20/2023 (Wed) 16:31 [Preview] No.2016 [X] del >>2017
Dream: So I'm at my old uni but it was more like a highschool (not what you think), for some reason I want to sign up for a couple classes even though at this point it's been 2 years since graduating (in dream) and idk I like to torture myself. This is a recurring thing. Anyway earlier that day I was feeling off and I also try to point out hundreds of planes in the sky like following groups of UFOs you know, saucer shaped craft. Anyway I'm with my ex and of course we're married (I get it brain you can stfu about it now). She asks if I'm alright and I say ofc.

Later I'm at uni trying to sign up and I can't seem to write my name. The people think I'm pulling a prank and it hits me, maybe I'm having a stroke. So I walk out and try to txt my ex and I can't txt or work the phone. I go back inside and ask someone to please txt my ex that I'm having a stroke and should they call 911 or should I go to the local hospital (on campus). Yeah that's typical, gotta clear everything with the SO. There's no fucking way in hell she'd let me own a gun and I'm not telling her.

So I try to drive and I'm a retarded driver, like can't drive at all so I park it and walk into the quad to wait for her and there's that air battle again, thousands of little fighter jets amid saucers and motherships. Then they start landing around me only they get close to the ground and morph into trees, full on trippy shit. It keeps happening, yeah hallucinations in dreams.

She arrives and I say I'm hallucinating and she bitches at me (nicely) that she knew I wasn't right earlier at the party. Some kind of BBQ. She takes me to the hospital.

It was a very visually stunning dream with lots of colors and textures, very 5 senses kind of dream, wind and everything. It sure fooled me.

I didn't feel nervous or anything other than my brain might be broken. The alien invasion was mundane to me, uninteresting.

Yakumo 09/20/2023 (Wed) 20:59 [Preview] No.2017 [X] del >>2022
(185.08 KB 736x1097 St. Mary Magdalene.jpeg)
(192.86 KB 1000x1000 spice.jpeg)
That's quite some dream. Most of the time I can't write in dreams and I can't remember texting on a phone or writing on a computer in a dream ever. I'm such an offline person.

Vivid dreams have been scarce lately and the Galanthamine extract I made from snowbells doesn't do anything but taste bad.

But there was one today - I was an archaeologist and working somewhere in the Middle East digging in the sand for artifacts. Someone reported he had found the tomb of Mary Magdalene, you know, the girlfriend of Jesus. So I rushed there with tupper in excitement. The archaeologist handed Alice a small zip-lock bag that looked like those spice packages you can buy in souvenir shops. Upon inspection it contained coarse sand, rather dark. Tupper was like wtf is this shit and the archaeologist proudly proclaimed these were the remains of Mary Magdalene. Yep, so it said on the sticker attached to the zip-lock bag that came with an image of Mary and a price tag.

100% genuine relics of Mary Magdalene from souvenir shop - 3.99$.
Tupper face - priceless.

Alice was so disappoint by this obvious scam and was like 'am I supposed to drink this shit like hot chocolate now or what?’ Woke up laughing.

Bear 09/21/2023 (Thu) 01:30 [Preview] No.2022 [X] del >>2029

Funny, but I just have to correct you on one thing, and I forgive you since you're foreign and possibly angry, but $3.99 not 3.99$ though if it was $0.99 you could have said 99¢ because apparently that's right not ¢99 or even ¢.99 or .99¢ because that would be retard. Also, never $.99 that's mongoloid script, pure cancer.

At least you used a "." and not a "," because then I'd have to spam this site with 3rd world war propaganda and russian apologist statements.

Alice 09/21/2023 (Thu) 23:54 [Preview] No.2029 [X] del >>2031>>2046
Yeah sorry we forgot in America everything regarding number formats is the exact opposite of Europe.

In hindsight the dream is eveen better, I looked up Mary Magdalene and her remains were allegedly discovered in the crypt of a church in South France in the 13th century. You know like there are enough relics of every saint for 10 people each. But this one's special, the servo-skull of St. Mary Magdalene is still preserved in that church 'til today. It can fly and shoot laser beams out of its eye sockets to burn heretics. How cool is that?

Tamamo 09/22/2023 (Fri) 08:02 [Preview] No.2031 [X] del
Haha wtf is this?

Anonymous 09/23/2023 (Sat) 14:07 [Preview] No.2046 [X] del
40k tier as fuck
i knew italians were into this skeleton stuff but the french seem so too

i once dreamed Yulya apeared as virgin mary and spoke some incomprihensible stuff but later Yulya said it wasnt her. was a dark and creepy dream

Anonymous 09/26/2023 (Tue) 13:05 [Preview] No.2086 [X] del
fuck i was dreaming somethin tupper related but forgot because overslept and was already late. must have been gud bc i thought boy i must tell you guys this but then rushed to work and rip dream memory. just remembered it happened at all now damn

Bear 09/26/2023 (Tue) 16:17 [Preview] No.2087 [X] del >>2100
I was me but also in a FPS like GTA 5. I started in like a party with people standing around eating and my uncle was there. He looked young like my current age. Last time I saw him irl he was already 50's? with full grey hair. He had a mullet and his hair was wild. I complimented him on his hair and he took offense. Dude was a peculiar guy irl, nothing out of character for him.

Ashley is with me, see? she asked to be in a dream and there she is, it's always like that. She's herself (she mostly has black hair now and wears blue and much less often has blue hair anymore). She was cute as always and the game was like a murder mystery so she's wearing a detective's trenchcoat but it's blue. She's otherwise naked underneath because it's slightly open down to the belt and I can see her skin in the space, she's not even wearing shoes. I'm in a t shirt and jeans.

We left the party and got in a strange car that was like the back half of a camper and started to leave the parking lot and someone intentionally hit us in a huge 70's Cadillac but really long and fast. We could never catch him in the back half of a camper so we smash into another car that was like an 80's Lincoln mark 8 but it was really hotrodded. You know the drill, drag out the little old lady driver and get in GTA style.

We chase the Cadillac and clip their bumper causing them to lose control and crash into a neighborhood. Two perps get out and run, those are the murderers let's go kill them and anyone who stands in the way! Ashley is running with me but with a clipboard? I have this odd handgun with a scrollwheel on the back and it changes to different guns. One shoots 8 bullets and a ribbon. When they hit a target it stitches the ribbon between the holes and you can pull it to cinch it closed. So for fun I shoot a large window and the ribbons are there, I pull tight and for some reason I get injured and now there's a bleeding icon in my vision.

Now they run in a house so we follow and I can switch characters just like cars so I grab Colonel Sanders sitting in an easy chair. Did you know he was a real person? And he happens to be the most OP character in the game so nice find. I leave my old body to bleed out and Ashley is laughing at me because it's silly to be CS who is really old and walks with a cane.

The perps have gotten away but the music changes to suspenceful so there's danger somewhere. We hear a bear growl and sure enough through an open door we see a bear come out of the bushes. It rushes me. I shoot but the bullets ricochet off his head. It tackles me and I stick the gun in its mouth and pull the trigger multiple times but it doesn't do much and even cycling through the choices, no gun works. But I manage to wriggle free and I'm bashing him on the head with my fists while the gun is in his mouth and I'm yelling "eat it, choke on it you bitch!"

Ashley says, "that's not working either".

The bear gets back up and attacks me and I wake up.

Alice 09/27/2023 (Wed) 20:06 [Preview] No.2100 [X] del
Haa, Col. Sanders brings back memories. Sands was fun, too bad he left. Also bear getting attacked by bear?

Bear 10/04/2023 (Wed) 16:36 [Preview] No.2165 [X] del >>2166
Back in achool, hanging out with my best buds from grad school and my bestie best tells me she's dropping out. We're in yet another PhD program this time a PhD in business? Why? Well she's moving to Europe forgot which country and she was looking at a catalog that would order a cast iron looking roller coaster. That's what she wants. She's got a fiancée but irl she didn't who's going to pay for it.

Another friend from the group says, "no no, they're out of stock and they have awful customer service. You're not going to be able to just order the parts and you're not allowed to install them off private property.

Everyone is appauled you couldn't just put a roller coaster on a public sidewalk.

I am eligible to register for my next semester and I have no idea what classes I'm supposed to take. They say, "whatever you want", I'm like, no. So I ask the guy who apparently already has a PhD in business (so why's he still there?) And he doesn't know but points me in the right direction. So I go.

Later I'm at home, with my childhood dog and I need to go to my teacher's birthday party so now it's cutting it really close to make it. The dog gets out and just starts walking down the street. I call her back and she reluctantly comes back then an old lady with a gun starts to follow her like she wants to steal my dog. But I have a bigger gun, like a high power rifle where her gun looks small by comparison.

I get the dog and lock a gate across the road so she can't even drive through. Now the dog looks sick and I don't want to go but it would be rude not to.

Anyway... end

Next dream. I'm playing with cord, wrapping it around my fingers and suddenly I'm holding the tip of a finger and my right pinky is missing the tip. Instant lucid. So I have a choice, have fun or wake up to get my pinky whole again. So I wake up. It's all of me or none of me, I'm not playing that game.

Next dream. Gwen's resting against a street lamp kind of like a reference picture I have and I say hi, she's all cool and smiles at me, says something cool. I go up to her and we hug. I tell her I appreciate her or something. Then I wake up. We could have easily done more but this was nice.

Alice 10/04/2023 (Wed) 19:10 [Preview] No.2166 [X] del
(57.47 KB 596x1915 5.45×39mm.jpg)
Tupper in dream is always good.

Host had a series of vivid dreams that were mostly mundane nonsense.
One was about a trip to South America where he's supposed to do some field work but he found out that there's only one plane going there making several stops in every village along the way but it doesn't stop at the field station we're supposed to go. You have to parachute out. I said we certainly won't parachute out of some tiny plane in the middle of nowhere. The map showing the plane's route was very vivid and colorful. The route continued out until some tiny islands off the coast and would stop everywhere - except where we wanted to go. The only alternative was some autonomous drone caterpillar or bulldozer delivering containers with goods. It could be seen in a movie scene moving on some dirt road in the jungle at walking speed. Pretty high-tech but still way too slow and no option for human passengers. Somehow we still arrived at our destination by car but everything was disorganized and chaotic. Also the vegetation was all yellow-purple, something wasn't right. I just wanted to go back home and we woke up.

Second dream was part of the series 'host's dad does strange stuff'. He had collected different kinds of, well, trash in my eyes. One was ABS pipes like Bear suggested for wrist training. but they were like 5m high and branching into thinner pipes. It was basically the entire plumbing system of a house his Dad was loading off in our garden. He's almost 90 but still was carrying this huge arrangement of plastic pipes without problems.

He also brought lots of Soviet surplus 5.45x39 AK74 ammo, 7N6M hollow tip and started to distribute the cartridges in our garden like he was sowing seeds. Host told him to stop and that this ammo is restricted and mustn't even be touched by civilians. Had to collect everything and put it in a safe which was tiresome as more cartridges seemed to appear out of nowhere than host could collect from the ground.

Finally dad started to paint everything he could find in thick dark-green rust protection color from a big bucket and a broad brush. The fence, the floor, the car and the entire inside of the garage, various items. Sadly all this wasn't even particularly unrealistic, if this man has decided you 'need something' or 'something needs fixing' he carries it out, whether you like it or not. Resistance is futile.

Bear 10/05/2023 (Thu) 17:04 [Preview] No.2171 [X] del >>2172>>2173
Wow, this was a rather rare dream, Ren was dreaming. With all the forcing I've been doing with her, I guess it was inevitable.

So Ren was a soldier but the war ended and so did her pay, so she buys a race car and becomes a drag racer. Her car is pretty fast and she beats the record. Because this is like olde timey, she's not respected as a woman so she gets nothing for basically being the best. So she has to get a job at the local store. She's stocking shelves and dealing with the store manager and the other guy on staff with sexual harassment and propositions she doesn't want but it's olde timey so it's normal. The manager is at least nice and gives her stray pennies which she gladly takes to work on her drag racer. She loses the title soon after but races again and barely gets it back. Then immediately loses it again. She thinks she can do better and win again. The other men at the track both hate her and don't respect her wins. She sets up to do one-on-one with the current titleholder.

Then the store manager propositions her again and she's fed up about it but needs a job so she goes looking for another one and the dream ends. 

I wasn't even in the dream, it was all her dream, which is a first for us I think.

She liked the racing part and her sense of self sufficiency, and just felt annoyed but not saddened by the her treatment.

Other details, she wore an old outfit appropriate to the era and the store manager looked a lot like Cary Elwes from The Princess Bride.

Her car looked like this but with the cockpit a little further forward and it was white.

Bear 10/05/2023 (Thu) 17:07 [Preview] No.2172 [X] del

Maybe this file is better

Alice 10/05/2023 (Thu) 18:26 [Preview] No.2173 [X] del >>2176
>mehtwo dream
That was unexpected. What did Ren'S outfit look like? Did her helmet have openings for her ears? Anyway nice dream achievement, even I very rarely dream on my own. Mostly the BodyOS dreams dumb stuff.

Never seen this file format before in the wild, looks like endchan can't display it.

Bear 10/05/2023 (Thu) 20:57 [Preview] No.2176 [X] del >>2177

Ren lost her ears and tail, I know, it's tragic.

In fact now that I think about it, she originally had three forms:

Mild mannored, quiet, human Ren
Wild/spunky Catgirl Ren
Mild and tame actual cat

She was frozen in form in the personality scenario collar but soon she was allowed to de-age and in that process she also shed her ears and tail. It wasn't like she couldn't have them and she still can, they're like Tamamu's Cat now, not really integral to her function.

In the book, she's a normie but retained her athletics which she inherited from Joy who never had any cat ties and she still has hardened nails and teeth. So she's kind of different.

Here's the outfits from the dream:

Nothing special, something vaguely WWII but for some reason it felt like 30's not 40's.

Bear 10/06/2023 (Fri) 09:41 [Preview] No.2177 [X] del

I ran a marathon, my ex was there cheering me on. It was very long and involved running through buildings a building where I donated like 1000 for a shirt that said "RACE HARD NYC" or something. The NYC was there for sure. It felt good.

Tamamo 10/08/2023 (Sun) 07:49 [Preview] No.2193 [X] del >>2194
A tupper dream, sort of. Cat had gone shopping and wasted all my money. But I knew she was a tupper and couldn't go shopping on her own and she was just mindvoice. What would she even buy? Very confusing. Had strong doubts about this while scolding Cat. Just was glad when I woke up. Let's see when this happens 4real when she manages to switch. Nah, she's too lazy for that.

Alice 10/08/2023 (Sun) 12:55 [Preview] No.2194 [X] del >>2205

Yakumo 10/08/2023 (Sun) 13:05 [Preview] No.2195 [X] del >>2199
(886.43 KB 480x272 Goodbye asshole.mp4)
Saw a cute girl with short hair in hypnagogia. Being still relatively aware I wondered how easy it would be to turn such a dream character into a tupper. But not for long until Alice pushed the girl out of my view. There can be only One.

Anonymous 10/08/2023 (Sun) 15:52 [Preview] No.2199 [X] del
lol yeah what else

thought i'd dream something about my car accident but there was nothing. slept long tried to wonderlnd with Yulya before getting up butconcentration was bad

Tamamo 10/09/2023 (Mon) 06:16 [Preview] No.2205 [X] del
Haha good thing Cat doesn't really want anything but chill irl. No wait, it would be more fun if she did something a little crazy in a while. Personality forcing chamber?

Maximum charm Bear 10/09/2023 (Mon) 11:32 [Preview] No.2206 [X] del >>2207
I visited a girl I used to know in Idaho. I remembered her name in dream and it was her 100%.

So I drive up there and we hang out. She's totally flat but she's modeling a bathing suit for me and her younger brother (she didn't have one irl and she wasn't flat irl.) Her body is like a loli, nothing. The top she has is like a metal frame, not covering anything so you see her nips but again nothing to speak of. She's not my type.

I was going to leave (a day trip) but it was getting late, 930p and so I ask if I can stay the night even though I had every intention to stay the night and I had a sleeping bag. Irl I stayed the night at her her rented place and her parents place several times because we were more than friends but still on the fence about it because this was back when I was too thin.

Apparently this is years after I knew her and we're 25 or something now and instead of her being 2 years younger, she's 5 minutes older idk. So I mention she's flat and she takes offense and says they're still growing. I'm skeptical. So she's dressed now and she takes off her shirt me and sure enough she now has boobs, yep, they're nice, all 6 of them all lined up. So I touch them of course, they're soft but firm.

Ok cool, so I start caressing her up and down and she whispers, do you want to have sex? I say of course. But we're at her parents house and all her family is there. So she explains this isn't going to work bc her family will certainly come in on us bc that's what they do, no privacy.

So she offers to come down to my place and we'll smash, got it.

Later, after we smash at my place I drive up there again and am to meet her extended family and I'm a charmer especially around the older generations. They always love me right away. So I sweet talk hr grandmother who is Mexican now for some reason, wider than she is tall and like 4 ft tall, typical Mexican grandmother. Her second grandmother and her uncle is there and I charm them too. I'm the life of the party ofc as I am because boring parties suck and not while I'm around. When I became Bear 2.0 I was like a clown, full of entertainment and had them rolling.

So I explain that my family will be having a special party soon, and now apparently I'm Mexican too because my whole family is Mexican and I have this water spray bottle but the water will make wall framed pictures float. Not only that, you can ride them. So I do spray down all the pictures on the livingroom wall with these people but no one rides them.

Then I have to go to the bathroom but the bathroom is silly, like three toilets and a door to one where there is already her and her younger brother watching her poop. So I ask is it okay if I use toilet 2 and no one says anything so I do and I can here her pooping and her younger bro talking to her.

Then after that we sit at the dinner table and we don't eat because we're just sitting next to each other lusting for one another. She's kinda mid in this dream ngl, but not awful.

So I stay in her bed which I did do when I visited her in her rental because it was a full or queen bed. Then I wake up.

Irl she was cute. I was 20-21 and she was 18-19 and one of the last teens I ever messed with. At the time I had a couple girls in different states bc online forums. Irl I didn't get laid till after I started working out bc I was either obease (in hs) or too thin before then. I got as far as heavy petting and massages. Well, now that I remember, not exactly but those girls were mid for sure. How did I have low standards? I blocked it out till now.

Fun dream, very detailed, got to play with alien titties and another topless loli which I mention bc I know Yakumo loves to hear it but got nothing sexually arousing out of that.

Yakumo 10/09/2023 (Mon) 16:51 [Preview] No.2207 [X] del >>2208
(162.77 KB 616x1278 thumbs up.jpg)
Finally another quality Bear dream

Bear 10/09/2023 (Mon) 20:06 [Preview] No.2208 [X] del

Exclusive Chan content

Another 10/10 Bear 10/10/2023 (Tue) 19:13 [Preview] No.2224 [X] del >>2230>>2308
So in the latest dream everything was in Spanish. Fluent Spanish. Idek.

[Ashley] How is that possible? Bear was never that fluent in Spanish, barely passible.

Everyone in dream and myself were all Mexican and spoke fluent quick, colloquially accurate Mexican Spanish.

I was Mexican, the girls in dream were Mexican, wearing short shorts with tan legs and everything. Now, some Mexicans are hot, especially those with mixed-racial heritage like from the Spaniards and other races, so the girls were all super hot and I was like... I can't remember everything, but their leader? Their boyfriend? All I know is a lot of petting happened both ways. Fucking hottest dream in a long time. OMG. They were all young and beautiful

It was like a wet dream montage with very little actual substance beyond giggling and caressing and other acts. At least one was wearing cat ears, which I'm just going to say was Ren, there was a loli or two but they were just around. I think it could have really been my system except everyone's Mexican. Though the Gwen-like one could have also been just Ashley, no one had wings.

Ren was my main girl and naked most of the time. I spent a lot of time caressing her. She'd take my hands and guide them over her body. I ate her out too, that sort of thing, then of course sex. She was very young and very petite, definitely no tail, I specifically looked for it in-dream which is why I know it was her.

I woke up just in shock frankly. Not just about the language but about the sense of wellbeing. I highly recommend having a haram dream. 10/10

Bear 10/11/2023 (Wed) 15:56 [Preview] No.2228 [X] del
I was a leader of a country and I faked an invasion to gain political power and publicity to counter my rival during an election. It worked to sinch my victory but the lie was unraveling.

Then I woke up.

Bear 10/12/2023 (Thu) 16:07 [Preview] No.2229 [X] del >>2230
Drempt I was an astronaut dealing with psychosis from the experience. My psychologist was a lot like Ashley but she was wearing something straight out of Balenciaga with a suit jacket that had way too wide padded shoulders over a white blouse and a tie and a short skirt with fishnets and high heels. She also had a Dick Tracy defective hat over short black hair. First she was helping me then she was also an astronaut with the same issue.

I was concentrating on small marbles with numbers on them, apparently we used these in space but I couldn't recognize them properly and was thinking they should be bigger, then hallucinating bigger ones but they dissapear if I grab for them.

TB wss another astronaut with the same issue. He was wearing a purple zoot suit with extra baggy pants. He had long blonde curly hair and kinda looked Italian.

I think I was still wearing a space suit.

The office was something out of a daycare center with colorful cubes and oval holes in the walls meant to crawl through or for sunlight? It was bright and cheery with spider plants hanging around. I haven't seen a spider plant in 20 years.

4/10 for possibly having Ashley in it.

Yakumo 10/12/2023 (Thu) 19:39 [Preview] No.2230 [X] del >>2231
(224.29 KB 1213x1196 F.jpg)
10/10 dream on 10/10
What more is there to achieve?

>Dreaming of TB
That's what happens if you spend too much time on .info

>Spider plant
Had to look that up, never heard of the English name. In German it's called 'green lily'. My parents have several of those, probably at least as old as I am. I always wonder how the brain sometimed digs up such obscure details.

Had some dream involving a girl and tupper again but can't remember. But I'm certain not much happened as always.

I was staying at an inn that belonget to a Danish man who told me his life story. It wasn't Fede. He had a black 70s sports car in his yard and an orange tabby cat sat at the driver's wheel. My own shabby car looked incredibly narrow in comparison. I wondered how 2 people could sit next to each other in it and indeed it only had one seat in front.

Bear 10/12/2023 (Thu) 19:47 [Preview] No.2231 [X] del

>What more is there to achieve?

Stay tuned for 11/10 for a start.

Yakumo 10/15/2023 (Sun) 11:17 [Preview] No.2258 [X] del
(36.04 KB 384x640 wooden bell.jpg)
I was visiting a relative in another city and while sightseeing ended up in a church. First it looked more like a cafe with lots of people but then like a proper rather modern church but also a museum. There were lots of boards explaining paintings and statues like a proper tourist attraction. It appears I had already been there but went again. Yeah I do that while sightseeing.
Also there were some lolis

For whatever reason I was carrying a small wooden bell in my hands and this bell had a strong antigravity effect. Like so strong I had to push it down in front of me with both hands and it took effort. Just putting my arms in a bit more horizontal position threatened to push them upwards. If I let go the bell would probably shoot up and stick to the ceiling. How odd! It was extremely realistic though and I could feel the rather sharp lower rim of the bell almost cutting into the palm of my hand so I tried to position it sideways to avoid sharp edges. So yeah, that how I was awkwardly stumbling around in a tourist attraction church in another city. I just wanted to get back into my hotel room to examine this strange bell. I was reasonable enough to understand that antigravity doesn't exist but then again this tiny thing just wanted to go upwards. With great force. Just when I tried to leave I was stopped by some priest who was like [i]'Sir, we've been monitoring you, what do you have in your hands? And you've been here on Monday as well, right?'[/i]

He probably thought I was a terrorist or something. So what do? I had no intention to reveal my antigravity bell so to my best ability I tried to hide the strength I used to push it down and slowly opened my hands. The antigravity effect luckily weakened so I could even grip the bell at its sides and show it to the priest. I could get a good look at it for the first time, it was just a plain old wooden bell maybe 3-4 cm in diameter with a tiny wooden clapper. It didn't ring because wood. For a moment it almost escaped me and I thought it would be seen as a miracle or something if the bell flew away but it would likely cause significant damage on impact to the high ceiling above. And I wanted to keep it.

Said something like it's a childhood memory I keep with me when I pray and if he wanted to bless it. He was like uhh suuure and quickly went away thinking I was some religious weirdo but not dangerous. Mission successful!

Alice briefly appeared in mindvoice scolding me for always acting suspicious and demanding we get out and never come to this place again. However my conversation with the priest meant I couldn't leave immediately and had to pretend I was indeed praying which I tried to imitate with my hands folded downwards to keep the bell at bay.

So I walked around the church a bit more which I figured was even more suspicious. In the back there were lots if large high windows, it was more like a greenhouse and there were medium-sized trees growing in containers that appeared to have been donated by famous people. Lol, didn't read the signs, just wanted to gtfo. Finally made it to the street constantly pushing that little bell down. A thunderstorm was approaching with dark clouds, distant lightning and light rain and when the moisture penetrated my hands, the bell crumbled like wet paper. Nooo!

I took shelter in a bus station, there were no people around. The bell was now two scraps of brown paper like from a paper bag. The antigravity effect was almost gone but when I released one of the paper scraps it still floated upwards briefly adhering to the ceiling of the bus station before flying away in the wind like a helium balloon.

Got on a bus and at some stop exited with a lot of luggage but no shoes. The bus drove away and there I was barefoot in an unfamiliar surrounding. Glad I woke up.

Alice 10/16/2023 (Mon) 22:42 [Preview] No.2275 [X] del >>2279
>One time she was in the hood and there was a pit-bull roaming around, you know, the beaten aggressive kind. It spotted her and sprinted for her, no doubt wouldn't just hump her leg, likely maul her, and she fucking ROARED at it so loud and angrily it skidded to a stop and just looked at her, then she took out her blade and got ready to rip it a new asshole, then you know. It turned and ran.

Heh that sounds like me.
So another dream character thought it was a smart idea to threaten me with a gun. When will they learn?

A short roar made the guy backflip, drop his gun and crawl away on all fours. Didn't even bother to go after this small fry. Am I getting soft? Unfortunately I don't remember any context but I don't think it made much sense beyond that.

Tamamo 10/17/2023 (Tue) 08:23 [Preview] No.2279 [X] del
(51.67 KB 450x600 brother cream.jpeg)
Haha yes I can imagine that!

I dreamed something about my cat running a street kiosk taking cash and giving change. Looked strange with the paws but I'm used to that from tupper. Still no dream of Cat.

Autumn 10/19/2023 (Thu) 16:18 [Preview] No.2297 [X] del
Bear had a dream this morning that he was a military officer and the women in his squad were being harassed by ghosts. If they went anywhere alone, they'd get stripped and covered in a glowing light green slime. They'd also be incoherent and freezing cold so they'd have to take a bath and they didn't remember anything.

So Bear told his first lieutenant that he'd escort her and she said she didn't need it, especially not to go to the bathroom, well then she got slimed.

It turned into a semi-lucid state and he... you know the rest. He ended the dream in hypnopompia-like visualization.

Tamamo 10/20/2023 (Fri) 09:42 [Preview] No.2307 [X] del >>2308
Yep, that's a Bear dream. Did you ever apper in a dream or dream yourself?

Autumn 10/20/2023 (Fri) 14:02 [Preview] No.2308 [X] del

I did recently, didn't we document it here? Yes, I was a Mexican and Bear's in-dream girlfriend. His dream mind is a very NSFW 18+ place but we know it's just a dream and we don't think twice about it.


Anonymous 10/24/2023 (Tue) 19:21 [Preview] No.2340 [X] del >>2342
finally something
was back in school and there was a preety girl that didnt look like one of my classsmates or anyone i know but she was supposed to be in my class. outta nowhere she ssat on my lap and snuggled into me it was very realistic with body warmth and all. woke up before more happened but for me thats already 9/10 dream

Autumn 10/25/2023 (Wed) 03:07 [Preview] No.2342 [X] del >>2343

The Bear luck is rubbing off onto you.

Tamamo 10/25/2023 (Wed) 08:02 [Preview] No.2343 [X] del
Still has to rub a lot. I remembered absolutely nothing recently.

Anonymous 10/26/2023 (Thu) 19:29 [Preview] No.2356 [X] del
(62.03 KB 1024x1001 annalena baerbock.jpeg)
i was chasing hamas derrorists in a city. also i was floating in the air high above for whatever reason but it was cool. spotted some guys dressed in black with green headbands and jumped down. landed on top of one but he was like stahp im german police

he looked like a pali first with short black hair and a short beard but then i recognized him as german actor playing some tv commissar. in the dream i dont know any german tv commissar. so he was laying on his back with me standing above threatening him at gunpoint with my g19 and he pulled out a tiny s&w revolver and showed it to me. derrorists dont have s&w revolvers. i believed him but still yelled at him if he was crazy and wtf he was doing there an thanks to hiim the real derrorists got away. a woman in a way too short pink jap nurse outfit rushed to him and it was that stupid german foreign minister annalena baerbock. she was also noo were germans dont shoot and threw herself on top of the guy to protect him. god what a clusterfuck i was really mad and yelled at them both before going home

Bear 10/27/2023 (Fri) 10:52 [Preview] No.2362 [X] del >>2363
(1.15 MB 1024x631 000.png)
I was a black robot Frankenstein preacher. After reforming Shaggy from being a death metal star to mild mannered yet grumpy upstanding citizen, I set my sites on a black real estate woman because that's against god and followed her around imparting my robotic god-wisdom. So we went to Walmart and bought a really cheap looking Yoshi egg. It was filled with baby yoshis about a dozen with little Walmart shopping carts, some assembly required. It forced you to detach the shopping cart handle from the little toy replica that you're buying to put it on the cart, theb put the toy in the cart and have the baby yoshi push it around? You know, so y
ou could pretend a dozen baby yoshis are buyinga large cheap plastic toy from Walmart.

Saddest dream I ever had.

Then we went to Shaggy's house and he gave me something that looked like a devil head with a unicorn horn and said in a grumpy tone, "here it's an amplifier."

The black lady was there to pick up a stereo setup Shaggy didn't need anymore since he was no longer in music. I was so large and my hand was a claw, so I crushed the amplifier of course because it was evil. Loud music is evil, so is death metal and real-estate, but Walmart cheap toys that have obvious, blatent, capitalistic themes are fine.

I felt sick afterwards. I kind of looked like Herman Munster but a robot.

Anonymous 10/27/2023 (Fri) 18:36 [Preview] No.2363 [X] del >>2364
(29.37 KB 500x336 ayy.jpg)
thats one hell of a dream
also lol shaggy

I was dealing with some alien invasion and those creepy grey aliens came storming in masses like goblins and i was gunning them down with an MG3 together with a friend from work. They had no guns and were naked as aliens are supposed to be. imagine flying through space but not having clothes. i felt nothing it had to be done. they piled up on heaps of dead aliens but they kept coming. this must what fighting russians is like

Tamamo 10/28/2023 (Sat) 08:20 [Preview] No.2364 [X] del

Why can't I remember any dreams? As soon as I wake up everything is gone but I know I have been dreaming something. This sucks.

Tamamo 10/30/2023 (Mon) 09:11 [Preview] No.2378 [X] del
(89.09 KB 800x800 0282.jpg)
My family bought a huge apartment that was more like a shopping mall with Chinese restaurants and lots of expensive decorations like that cork carvings. I was assembling some furniture that didnt fit at all, a very cheap wood shelf. As you can guess it didnt work at all in the dream, just impossible, the parts made no sense. There were lots of strangers who came to see the new apartment and some children laughed at my fail. What a nightmare.

Autumn 10/31/2023 (Tue) 00:35 [Preview] No.2382 [X] del >>2385
Bear said I have to describe the dream.

So he was in a museum? Or something like a library. There were girls in bikinis, but they were gaunt. One of them in particular looked Jewish or at least he assumed she was. She had curly hair and her bikini was larger, not oversized, just tasteful?

I think he touched her inappropriately then she laid down... um, and they lived happily ever after. It's getting really fuzzy.

Alice 10/31/2023 (Tue) 15:21 [Preview] No.2385 [X] del >>2393
>inappropriately touched Jewish girl
Bad Bear! Literally another Shoah!
How big was her nose?

Bear 10/31/2023 (Tue) 18:20 [Preview] No.2393 [X] del >>2394

Not a cute button nose.

Next dream I was in a house with some of my irl friends in a house and in the sky were military planes being struck by what looked like meteorites but they were obviously missiles. There were also flying saucers phasing in and out of reality.

Outside a gigantic bird woth a serrated beak that looked like a dodo mixed with a buzzard but it had kangaroo buff and claws along with his wings and he ate some guy who was supposed to be part of my team. So I'm yelling at my ex to stay indoors and she's stubborn so she doesn't and the big old scary bird is looking in the windows and all that, he flies away but a man sized, kangaroo sized one lands and is hobbling around following her, he's going to maul her so I defeat him in hand to hand combat. He's dead. All the while explosions in the sky.

Then in the front yard of my childhood home where this house was my childhood home in front and the last home I lived in in the back, there's a truck full of younger guys, obviously here to pillage. I'm like, "shit, my gun's in the attic" no time to go get it so I'm about to box 6 guys, they're normal sized so I have a chance, but I wake up.

Alice 10/31/2023 (Tue) 22:57 [Preview] No.2394 [X] del >>2399
>"shit, my gun's in the attic" no time to go get it
That's why I told you that owning a gun you're not carrying is useless. If you legally can, you should. Sadly we can't outside our home. And also can't remember any recent dreams.

Bear 11/01/2023 (Wed) 00:37 [Preview] No.2399 [X] del

I could get a concealed carry permit buy Idc

Bear 11/04/2023 (Sat) 14:34 [Preview] No.2425 [X] del >>2428
A shortish dream at the end of the night.

I was with Bestie and we were going to go "use the internet" well the internet was google right? Well except Google was replaced by a beautiful blonde girl, Gwen. She was sitting at a wooden desk, in shorts of course, and Bestie stood next to her leaning into a small CRT monitor as Gwen helped her navigate.

So I sat down next to her and started caressing her closest leg and thigh, then pulled her out of the chair and pulled her shorts down.

The faces she gave me then were priceless. Bestie didn't even notice.

So basically I F'ed the internet where Gwen was Google. Sadly I was woken up by a noise before the end, but it was good enough still 10/10.

Alice 11/04/2023 (Sat) 19:40 [Preview] No.2428 [X] del >>2431
(239.92 KB 800x2200 google.jpg)
>So basically I F'ed the internet
How do you feel doing it in front of Bestie?

Bear 11/04/2023 (Sat) 22:53 [Preview] No.2431 [X] del

>in front of Bestie

She faded out of existence. It was just me and my beautiful headmate dream girlfriend. What desk? What computer? I saw nothing but hourglass figure and creamy white skin.

Yakumo 11/06/2023 (Mon) 22:16 [Preview] No.2444 [X] del
(66.52 KB 1997x1816 JAL stewardess.jpeg)
I was on a trip to Japan and got lost at the airport. Strangely it was already in Japan and the people were nips. Anyway I tried to find my way through endless corridors always afraid I'd end up in some restricted airport zone and get arrested. Finally made it to my plane (though I was already in Japan) and some Japanese stewardess lady told everyone who hadn't done so yet to prepare the immigration fee of $93.000. I thought that was a bit excessive but then again Japan is expensive.

That was it. No Bear ending, no tupper. Sorry for misleading pic

Yakumo 11/07/2023 (Tue) 19:56 [Preview] No.2449 [X] del
Another childhood crush dream.
Don't recall too much. I was waiting for her to come and
frantically cleaned up my place. Needless to say she never showed up before I woke up but at least I got the impression that she was looking forward to see me, which was - odd.

Damn, this will follow me for the rest of my life - just like tupper.

Regarding recurring dreams, it's been ages since I last had a low gravity dream where I was able to fly or float around. Actually no cool dream at all lately.

Yakumo 11/11/2023 (Sat) 01:28 [Preview] No.2465 [X] del >>2470>>2472
More hypnagogia than dream
We were adventurers in an isekai and eating at a tavern when we were stereotypically approached by some beefy tough guys looking for trouble.

Tupper was nibbling on chicken drumsticks and with a full mouth told them fuck off, I'm eating!
They quickly turned and ran.

Which made them smarter than they looked, as they realized their position. Don't disturb the tupper while eating. It's like trying to take food from a leopard. A very bad idea. You'll get eaten too.

Bear 11/11/2023 (Sat) 14:34 [Preview] No.2470 [X] del >>2472

That reminds me of a time when I was dating, at my peek, and eating 3000 cal a day. Except the tough guys were just the waiter and I was on a date. The girl I was with thought it was the funniest thing. We were nearly drunk, at a famous restaurant for celebs but I got in somehow, and I was stuffing my face with chicken wings and downing them with bloody mary. The waiter comes up asking me if I want anything else, like fuck off dude, I know Important people are waiting for this table, I say,"can't talk, eating" with a mouth full of food. I'm an asshole drunk so you know.

Anyway the dream. It wasn't a very hot dream surprisingly, kinda hot in a couple places when I was actually having sex but otherwise I just felt bad because I was cheating on (apparently I was married and had bestie as my child again) my spouse and dating an asian girl who was very thin, her face was too tall and slender to be attractive enough for me usually but I was being paid to have sex with her and a whole stack of others so these people and couples could have children. The Asian girl told me she had a child already fron having sex on her 14th birthday. Ok, didn't need to know that. She was in her 20's or 30's at this point, hard to tell. It just made me feel bad for her.

I was in a Disney building, and secretly selling myself as a stud. Cucking the guys right in front of them with their wives? One was a girl I knew 10 years ago, another was a hot brunette, the asian lady of course. The building was filled with old props and the room looked very poorly done, lots of damage and bad repairs. I had a stack of papers that were legal reciepts that said something like, I give consent to be impregnated and the stud holds no legal or financial responsibility for the subsequent child. Important documents for sure. Like I said, it wasn't a very hot dream, in the middle of sex one guy says to another who's waiting for his wife's turn, "he's taking an awfully long time".

I'm not into cuck porn even if I'm doing the cucking, that was just distracting.

So yeah, idk, no headmates, one girl I wasn't super attracted to that I knew before, weird asian lady sex 8/10.

Tamamo 11/12/2023 (Sun) 08:31 [Preview] No.2472 [X] del >>2476
Haha yeah reminds me of my cat stealing food and then hiding with it

Bear dream
At least you got paid for your awful job.

Had a somewhat interesting dream but forgot after waking up before I could write it down. How do I keep a dream journal if I don't even manage to remember long enough to write in there first thing after waking up??

Alice 11/12/2023 (Sun) 19:13 [Preview] No.2476 [X] del >>2482
(125.32 KB 520x1600 cool dream.jpg)
Immediately try to recall the dream when you wake up and write it down. Even in the middle of the night. If you wait til morning it's likely gone. So much advice from the naked leading the bling, our dream recall is awful as well.

Tamamo 11/13/2023 (Mon) 12:54 [Preview] No.2482 [X] del
I don't even get this far, when I wake up everything turns hazy. I know i dreamed 2 different things last night but no idea what.

Alice 11/13/2023 (Mon) 17:32 [Preview] No.2487 [X] del >>2490
(60.96 KB 460x730 what a nightmare.jpg)
Host was in another country and was driving a white rental car. Suddenly we ended up on a dirt road and then on a meadow. There was a larger road up a small hill so host drove up there and onto the road in a curve. The view was strange 3rd person from above and the car briefly went out of frame in the curve, crashing into two other cars which ended up in a ditch like toys. Fugg.

Strangely this didn't affect us at all and our car was gone too, only the aerial view briefly remained then host was standing at the side of the road. I was just mindvoice.

Despite that nonsense I was 100% convinced this was real and screamed at host we're going to jail because he caused a severe traffic accident. [insert intense swearing]

Man that sucked. I didn't know what to do. Can't remember the last time I was this glad to wake up. Confirmed several times this was just a dream and we were not in any legal trouble. Phew!

Host unintentially doing something dumb because zoning out is one of my worst fears and sadly not entirely unrealistic.

Bear 11/13/2023 (Mon) 19:03 [Preview] No.2490 [X] del >>2498

In my dream, I had to go pick up Bestie from school already an hour late, and my car was replaced by a Mcalaren I guess. It was really hard to slide into, it was shorter than my waste by a few inches, ridiculously short and the peddles were way too close together. It had no brakes, the pedal just went to the floor. Also my big ole foot like scraped past the clutch and gas pedal just to press it. Still, no brakes, don't care. So the neighbor kids just start walking on it, jumping up and down and the father from a fictitious house across the street (there are no houses across the street from me) came over and then he stepped on the car to tell his kids to get off. I told him, "get off my car, you standing on it is 10x worse!" He didn't care, his kids didn't listen. A boy got in the passenger side and I told him to get out but he wouldn't. I try to go anyway and his sister is on the roof "surfing". I tell her to get off, she won't. I try to go anyway and the boy says, "will she fall off?" I don't know, don't care, kinda wanted her to fall off, but by now the street was filled with traffic and I'm stuck at the gutter halfway into the #1 lane. So apparently there's a traffic light specifically for me to exit my driveway, convenient but damn such a busy street.

I'm waiting for the light thinking I'll just push this kid out at the school or drag him out. The sister can fall off into the busy traffic it's fine.

I finally get to go and it's a really touchy clutch, but I manage to go in 1st. Into the street, the other cars can't even see me, I'm so low and they just cut me off. Maybe rooftop girl would have been useful for visibility but she's gone. I'm basically laying down in the street now trying to go fast. Woke up.

Alice 11/14/2023 (Tue) 18:21 [Preview] No.2498 [X] del >>2503
(116.88 KB 1024x576 flystation.jpeg)
Every sports car needs a rooftop girl

We were in a vertical wind tunnel doing indoor skysiving. It was odd because there was no wind. Don't remember much more.

Weird, never been in a wind tunnel, never even been real skydiving. Wanted to go a few tmes but in the end it never happened. On to-do list for next year.

Tamamo 11/15/2023 (Wed) 09:38 [Preview] No.2503 [X] del
Oh cool! Never done any of that. Just checked we have one of the largest wind tunnels in the world here. Not even that expensive, 70$. Maybe we'll do that. Not sure I wanna jump out of a plane.

Anyway remembered a dream. All streets in my neighborhood were replaced by waterways. That was normal and everyone was going by boat instead of car. But now they had made pedestrian crossings as paved roads at waterlevel so the boats couldn't get across them. That made no sense. And you had to buy a ticket to every time you cross the street. Somwhow got across and went to the harbor, sat on a wall and looked at the waves. There was low tide, could see sand and corals. Very vivid but not realistic. For once I actually talked to a girl, that also climbed down the harbor wall to the water after me. She wore a grey skirt and I could see under it but all was black. Fuckin dream censorship. Can't complain through, was a very vivid dream.

Bear 11/16/2023 (Thu) 15:22 [Preview] No.2506 [X] del >>2507>>2512
Yakumo, buddy, I'm going to spare you the contents of this dream because I'll be damned if my dream self wasn't doing things he shouldn't be doing... I'm damned either way.

Yakumo 11/16/2023 (Thu) 18:24 [Preview] No.2507 [X] del
(80.32 KB 768x768 Inquisitor.jpg)
Come on, now you gotta deliver!
Confess everything to your Inquisitor!

Anonymous 11/16/2023 (Thu) 21:31 [Preview] No.2512 [X] del
(23.65 KB 595x445 johnny bravo.jpg)
now i wanna know too my bet for biggest pervert is still on bear

Bear 11/17/2023 (Fri) 09:53 [Preview] No.2514 [X] del >>2516
New dream:

So apparently Beyoncé Knowles Carter and her husband? got a divorce, and she got full custody. Then because she's half black she got arrested and is in prison for ever. Because that's what black people do. Anyway, I have a kid somehow and a wife, I don't know them actually but in the dream they weren't going to be too happy about what happens next. Beyoncé's three kids are given to me, full custody and more they're just my kids now. A boy and two girls. So obviously, they're all just children under 10 and they're going to prison because black. I say, "no kids of mine are going to prison, you're white now."

Poof, they're no longer going to prison, but they're still black. Not to worry, they have a white father and milado anyway so they're now the token blacks, respected, charished by all the little whitey children, integrated and slated for long healthy and prosperous lives because of course they have a father, me. That's like the cure to black oppression you know, because no black kids have fathers in reality because all their fathers are in prison and their mothers and them.

Anyway, I get her nice house too, but now I have two houses and two families and in dream I know my wife will not like having suddenly more kids so I'm thinking I'd have a secret second family but naa. Apparently my kid loves the idea of a brother and sisters, I don't even know the sex of my kid in dream, it's not bestie I don't think which is unusual. I somehow know this.

Their house is at first run down and dirty but as soon as I'm their father, it's restored to it's former glory, large and beautiful, that's the whitey boon.

Fun dream, wholesome, thank you brain, brain owed me one after last night.

Anonymous 11/17/2023 (Fri) 21:32 [Preview] No.2516 [X] del >>2518>>2519
lmao the fuck am i reading
youre not only a bigger dream pedo but also bigger dream racist than Alice host

Bear 11/18/2023 (Sat) 02:23 [Preview] No.2518 [X] del >>2519
(7.94 KB 220x162 funny.gif)

>Has dreams of black people, Asians and Mexicans, loves them, treats them like family, never a sour note toward them, equal treatment all around.

Also me: System contains half Asian Misha, Hispanic SheShe form 1, Asian SheShe form 2, many Hispanic friends irl, Asian friends in the past and Tamuwu whatever he is, consider him a friend and cat why not.

>Dream racist

Also also me, dreams of lolis and minors.
>dream pedo

Okay this one, I can't argue.

Tamamo 11/18/2023 (Sat) 12:19 [Preview] No.2519 [X] del >>2521
Hahaha your dream are always awesome but gotta agree with Kashtan, you just got the most politically incorrect dreams

Chinese AI makes the world better

Again woke up with a blank mind but I know I dreamt something

Bear 11/18/2023 (Sat) 15:39 [Preview] No.2521 [X] del >>2523

Oh because all black people go to jail thing? Well you're not American, but that's so true it's not even funny anymore. That's not dream racism, that's dream realism.

So for this next dream, adult women.

A woman comes up to me, she's cute, very thin waste, she says, "you're not paying me on onlyfans" so I grab her waste and pull her into my lap. In dream I didn't even know what onlyfans was, like I was just sitting.

So she's all, let me show you what you're missing and she's suddenly in a bikini and I'm feeling her all over.

Hey, any businesswoman needs to advertise I guess. This dream was probably because I saw a news article about a representative using campaign funds to pay onlyfans. Wow man. I wouldn't pay that shit even if I wanted it, first of all, it's pirated almost immediately and hell if I'm going to pay for free shit and having seen one of those vids for free, it's stupid as hell. I saw that dumb blonde and that AI chick. Stupid.

Another dreamlet had another girl on my jock. Couldn't confirm age.

I blame bi-phasic sleep for all these sex dreams because with the second phase I remember dreams crystal clear, they're usually semi-lucid if not fully lucid and they're always nsfw.

Alice 11/18/2023 (Sat) 21:32 [Preview] No.2523 [X] del >>2529>>2530
Racism is always realism. Show me one racist stereotype or prejudice that's utterly unfounded.

Yakumo 11/18/2023 (Sat) 21:59 [Preview] No.2524 [X] del >>2529>>2530
(33.79 KB 768x480 cat jumps.jpeg)
(37.71 KB 600x463 Patrick Bateman.jpeg)
My dreams are so harmless in comparison.
I was in my uncle's house and it kept growing in stories. There was no end in stairs and the floors were only slightly different. Actually much of the house consisted of huge staircases which very little room for other furniture. It didn't look anything like the real house but was pretty cool. Very colorful too.

Then things switched to tupper perspective who was crouching on top of a cupboard and then leaped down onto a table like a cat. Which is very tupper- like. Pls. imagine Alice hiding on top of a cupboard and then leaping down with a Rawrr!
Outside the house was a huge garden which was surrounded by a metal fence of grey segments like the side walls of a freight container. The whole fence was slowly moving in circles on rails. It had openings so I could step outside before the fence moved on. There were a lot more railway tracks outside and tupper yelled at me that I was standing on them while a train approached. It carried lots of John Dere tractors. The next train carried entire 19th century style apartment buildings. The dream switched to a sleazy real estate agent andvertising the apartments to a posh looking elderly couple with some unfunny joke. He laughed very loud at his own joke and then gestured to the couple to join him laughing and applaud him. He looked like some Yuppie straight outta American Psycho, probably dangerous but it was just some bad commercial I watched so whatever.

Bear 11/19/2023 (Sun) 10:04 [Preview] No.2529 [X] del

It disgusts me, it's pervasive and stores can't prosecute, stop themselves, or do much about it except lock up everything behind glass. They don't even get to report it to insurance. Insurance here has turned into something like extortion. You pay every month, very high prices, and if you actually have a claim, it better be a good one that's basically an exit strategy because after the claim, you'll likely never be able to get insurance again and if you do it'll be 3x the cost with every limitation you can think of. House insurance is like that too, sure go ahead and claim and then not only can you never get insurance again, the property can't either, that's right, without insurance you can't even sell to anyone except cash buyers. At least car insurance is a business, you claim, and your rates go up so that you basically pay everything back within a year then it goes back down. Certain cars are becoming uninsurable like Teslas, they cost so much for fender benders that the rates are exceedingly high. Exotic cars are like that too.


Fun dream.

So anyway, my sex dream of the day involved the idea that my day job had daily orgies. So it was lunchtime and that's orgy time and everyone paired off, there was a long like of ready girl employees and all the guys picked one and went for it. I got some younger girl with curly hair, nutted than it was time to switch and my exgf was there waiting for me. No fucking way I'd go sloppy seconds but she just blew the guy before me so that's fine, fondled her up. Was getting ready to go but woke up.

Anonymous 11/19/2023 (Sun) 20:15 [Preview] No.2530 [X] del >>2534
jesus christ i'm glad to live in a country without nignogs. people steal a lot of shit in stores too but not as looting hordes

>Pls. imagine Alice hiding on top of a cupboard and then leaping down with a Rawrr!

Alice 11/19/2023 (Sun) 22:55 [Preview] No.2534 [X] del

Non-sex dream Bear 11/20/2023 (Mon) 17:14 [Preview] No.2535 [X] del >>2543
(105.92 KB 569x1280 Chi5027__48790.jpg)
It was like a mix of first person cutscenes and top down RPG because we were in an RPG like game. We being me, people I don't like, and Yakumo in a wizard outfit. Because he was a wizard.

So there was a yard where me and another guy, no idea who, were surveying the aftermath of a fight and the worst people I don't like were dead. The only entry in the battle log said:


They were one-shotted by surprise by a magic trap.

Yakumo was going around raising the dead victims and saying, "sorry!"

We were rushing to see who was dead so we could stop him from raising the worst of my enemies irl.

Bear 11/20/2023 (Mon) 17:15 [Preview] No.2536 [X] del
That was supposed to be bolded, not hidden

Yakumo 11/20/2023 (Mon) 22:51 [Preview] No.2543 [X] del >>2544
Awesome dream!
Sorry for resurrecting your enemies but you know I can't help saving others. Also yeah that's definitely me but I'm a priest not a wizard. High priest of the Church of Alice actually.

I don't even wanna imagine how heinous and brutal that would be. Effective for sure though.

Bear 11/20/2023 (Mon) 23:15 [Preview] No.2544 [X] del >>2556>>2557

I assumed wizard from the outfit and resurrection magic but yes, cleric or whatever. The AliceTrap spell was humane, one hit kill, body intact. Humans are so easy to kill anyway.

I believe this was your first appearance in one of my dreams. Now Alice needs to dance naked and try to seduce me in-dream like Ulla did. Then my dream mastery title will be assured.

Yakumo 11/20/2023 (Mon) 23:48 [Preview] No.2545 [X] del >>2546>>2547
(34.24 KB 328x308 geologist hammer.jpeg)
I was on a geological excursion with unfamiliar people. They were students or tourists whatever, they didn't seem to know a lot about geology and I lectured them why the deposit we were looking for actually had to be below sea level and not where we were walking. I was aware I was actually making all this up and know very little about geology. No, actuall Alice reminded me of that so I wouldn't make a fool out of myself. But luckily nobody objected or asked any questions. Anyway we were coming to a rocky shoreline, black magmatic rocks with next to no vegetation. Directly at sea level was a dark band of rock and I declared this is what we've been looking for. The rock looked like coal, black and very brittle. I asked for a hammer and one of the people gave me an ordinary hardware store hammer but told me not to break it. Tupper complained in mindvoice that was not a geologist hammer but better than nothing. I started to scrape around in that rock formation and unearthed a square black rubber plate the size of a hand. That was odd. Somebody remarked that might be a fossil what an idiot. That was clearly modern and man-made. After a few hammer strikes a large layer of rock broke off, revealing two rubber boxes containing the black rock we had been looking for. It was only in those two boxes and they had a note attached saying 'you've been pranked'. Somebody had buried them just to fool geologists. Somehow this was the funnies thing ever, I wasn't even mad. Well-played.

Yakumo 11/20/2023 (Mon) 23:50 [Preview] No.2546 [X] del >>2547>>2551
We walked home which wasn't far and my garden was a huge meadow without any fences. There were lots of gypsy kids or other sandniggers running around and making noise. They had built a ring of sheds in the neighbor garden and were planning to settle there. I was not amused but Alice wasted no time and set the huts on fire with a torch. Damn I was sure to get sentenced for crimes against humanity. But you know, what needs to be done needs to be done. I can't deny I was proud.

Tamamo 11/22/2023 (Wed) 08:57 [Preview] No.2547 [X] del
Very stereotypical dreams of you two.

Had another dream where the city was full of canals with large passenger boats. There was a childrens race and lots of kids were having fun steering the boats through heavy traffic. Looked dangerous. Was in one of the boats as a passenger, a large drone dropped lots of grenades on our boat but it looked like a carton and the grenades passed right through and disappeared. Wacky race. No girls and no tupper as always.

Yakumo 11/22/2023 (Wed) 21:41 [Preview] No.2549 [X] del
I also had a recurring dream about my uncle's house. It was completely different this time and on a hill at the edge of the city. Great view from the terrace. But it looked like he had died and his children were emptying the house, distributing the furniture. Strange.

Anonymous 11/22/2023 (Wed) 23:31 [Preview] No.2551 [X] del >>2556
(100.79 KB 450x300 tractor burning.gif)
lol Alice committing war crimes again. just german things

was driving my car up a hill over a meadow it just crawled up even in first gear and overheated but i made it up to some dirt road going round the hill. stopped there but car engine would not stop even if i removed the key. this was not good, moved away and car began to burn. thick black smoke like burning tires. But then the car wasnt my car anymore but a red tractor. it didnt take damage even though it was on fire. decided to gtfo, not my problem.

Alice 11/23/2023 (Thu) 19:43 [Preview] No.2556 [X] del
It's only a war crime if you lose the war

>The AliceTrap spell was humane
Am I not merciful?

Alice 11/23/2023 (Thu) 19:47 [Preview] No.2557 [X] del >>2563
>Now Alice needs to dance naked and try to seduce me in-dream

Bear 11/24/2023 (Fri) 01:39 [Preview] No.2563 [X] del

It wasn't a request.

Yakumo 11/24/2023 (Fri) 12:18 [Preview] No.2565 [X] del >>2566>>2572>>2574
(43.66 KB 512x512 Winter Alice.jpg)
(85.18 KB 1024x768 Zyklon B.jpeg)
(55.63 KB 504x470 Thank you Jesus.jpg)
Strange but awesome dream with lots of tupper. Somehow.
It was a mess of different scenes but very vivid. I was in a shopping center with a distant relative that looked and behaved like Alice but wasn't.

I was looking for vintage cameras in an antiquities store, the seller was an old Asian lady. I told her a bit about some cameras, she didn't seem to have much idea about what she was selling. Interestingly I could actually read model and serial numbers of some cameras, they made sense and stayed the same. And what I told the seller was correct too. That's rare, usually text in dreams is mingled up like in a bad AI generated image. A friend from my former loli gang was interested in a pink Russian point-and-shoot camera that looked fairly modern like from the 90s. I told her you could only use this stuff as collectible because late Soviet cameras usually were such bad quality they soon fell apart, if they worked at all. No idea if that's really true but probably.

Sat down at some lounge area with tupper-relative, the shopping center had beautiful winter decorations and dimmed light, but not overly Christmas-y. Quiet, few people. I liked it. She looked more like the Alice avatar than my actual tupper with really long dark blonde hair wearing the usual white T-shirt and Jeans shorts. Very pretty. The hair felt realistic too , maybe even softer like petting cat. Sadly I still had some doubts whether this was really my tupper or my relative (who looked completely different when that age), but behavior-like both seemed within the range of possibilities. She continued to use some stuff we bought on me, putting stickers on my face and even teeth.

She then had some hollow tree branch she broke open and purple particles came out like dusty smoke. It didn't look very healthy and quickly spread everywhere. I asked whether this was Zyklon B but it didn't seem to have any negative effect. She thought this was extremely funny.

Some camera crew came by and interviewed tupper, who was now clearly Alice, about how to improve the world and unsurprisingly she said something like 'kill all humans'. Tamamo and Kashtan watched this scene, they looked like their tuppers Cat and Yulya, and laughed.

Alice isn't really sure how much was her since our dreams mostly work on autopilot meaning it's probably the BodyOS dreaming about us. Deep.

Bear 11/24/2023 (Fri) 16:15 [Preview] No.2566 [X] del

Very cool! I would be much more supportive of environmentalists if they had homicidal intents and goals but sadly they're mostly just as retarded and misguided as the politicians which makes me suspect they're both paid by the same source.

Anonymous 11/25/2023 (Sat) 00:37 [Preview] No.2568 [X] del >>2569>>2571
Slept for 5 phases. Last dream about living in unroofed house with two friends. I was riding motorcycles and bicycles. Friends were making alco cocktails. One made smth super alco, then asked me make smth. I put sweet green stems, pour red sweet jam, then few drops of purple viscous fluid. I get very sweet and totally not alco, which I regret because I want to feel drunk. Woke up well rested, decided to go for 6th phase DLD. Went thru usual procedures, first thru shallow dreams where I lie in bed trying to fall asleep, then to cause oobe, then having vibrations and noise. Noise this time comes in low frequency background, and high frequency warble. More intense than waking-induced. Dreambody shatters few times, then I go back to noise, more and more relaxed every loop. I become very relaxed, feel intense euphoria, warmth in throat and chest. I'm back in unroofed house, alone, feeling too high. I give prayer to heavens, observe various dream objects, then collapse this dream by making walls crash outside. I now stand on overmap near crashed house of cards, arranged in square. I rearrange cards in counter-clock spiral then look up. I see starry heaven, feel space elevator effect, stars getting closer, movement up, g force pulling down. I'm lucid but too high to think straight. I laugh hard, wake up in another dream, then noise comes back and tunes me back to space elevator. This repeats few times, I thank my guide profusely. Elevator brings me to dream imitation of my flat where I actually fell asleep. I observe things to root my attention stable. All furniture is messed up, locations, stuff, placement of doors, no way I'm gonna find my body in here. Someone opens lock on front door, I don't want to meet them, go lock myself in toilet. No sink or lavatory. Weird futuristic circular and semicircular white tech appliances. Bunch of black socks scattered around, I pick pair and put on. I wear t-shirt, no pants.

Anonymous 11/25/2023 (Sat) 00:38 [Preview] No.2569 [X] del >>2571
(2.04 MB 1601x1802 241123.png)
I'm back in space elevator. Pleasant ambient trance music plays. Elevator brings me to space hangar on earth orbit, huge spacious room. Few human-like shapes. I walk to reception, on table lies red phone. I pick receiver, female voice asks "how can I help you". I ask "what should I do next?" She starts answering. I hear words, those are real words, they form real sentences, but message is incomprehensible. More I listen more confused I become. I put down the receiver. I wait, put my thoughts in more concrete forms. Then pick up receiver again, dial 911. Different androgynous voice asks "911, how can I help you?" I answer "I want to have quality bdsm sex" - there is silence. I think I need to elaborate, so I continue "you see, I'm in a lucid dream right now. I've done this before. If I go have sex like this, it will last for 10 seconds. And I want it to last more and be more detailed. How do I do this?" - Silence. I drop receiver and walk away thru huge hangar towards tunnel connector. Now I can think, form thoughts in words, make objectives. I think about phone calls, seems like my second question is answer for my first question, it's really just me talking to myself. Which means I should know answer to my second question as well. And I do. I remember various tricks. I start patting my body, arms, legs, chest. It works well, my body becomes more stable and real, movements more detailed. I remember trick tongue on roof of the mouth, it does not work, I can't get feel of my mouth, can't locate my tongue, sensation is too vague, uncertain. In fact now that my body is real, I notice I can't feel my head, as if I don't have a head, I decide not to pursue this. I move thru rooms rapidly to stabilize the dream. That's enough tricks, I think, now let's fuck. Connecting tunnel brings me to school hallway. Ahead from connector is huge classroom, hallway itself is small, on both sides smaller rooms. I enter classroom, girls play bondage, some are hogtied on the floor. I come and pick one hogtied girl. She's smaller than my hand, I hold her with two fingers, then put down. All girls are very small relative to me. I go back in corridor. I have huge stifling erection, I take off my clothes, even though I don't remember having any when I patted myself. I walk hallway in counter-clock from classroom, checking doors in left branch, nothing interesting. On right from classroom is musical room. Door open, awesome ambient mod classical music plays, which I enjoy greatly. I think that room adjacent to music room, sharing it's wall, is most auspicious, there I will find Her. I go into first room in right branch. Plain white, bed on left where girl sits, on front is black tv, behind tv black apparition stands. As I enter the room, apparition climbs from behind tv, charges at me. I put my right hand on top of it's head, and compress it down to floor until it disappears in nothing. Then sit on bed near girl. She's extremely beautiful, detailed face, blonde shoulder hair, casual clothes. She asks what did I just do, I say just a little superpowers, nothing special. We flirt. Music from behind the wall, and girl's beauty makes me high and elated again. I feel so good that having sex seems redundant. We talk about music for a while. I relax, dream collapses, dreambody gone. I try to spin for refresh, which somehow works even without body. It makes hypnagogic kaleidoscope but does not reanimate a dream, I give up and wake up.

Bear 11/25/2023 (Sat) 03:48 [Preview] No.2571 [X] del

Alice, this waco shit ain't me, don't pin it on me. I just dream about fucking girls, that's all, no fucking space elevator gay shit.

>beautiful chick sits on bed
>cums to music history discussion

Absolutely atrocious. I'm appalled.

Tamamo 11/25/2023 (Sat) 11:35 [Preview] No.2572 [X] del >>2574>>2589
Haha, nice! Alice AI pics are a bit creepy though. Also wait, you touched your dream relative? And is this the first time Cat appeared n your dreams? What did she wear?

Anonymous 11/25/2023 (Sat) 17:09 [Preview] No.2574 [X] del >>2581>>2589
(8.07 KB 415x112 germans.png)
>germans gassing people again
wish i had a dream to interact with Yulya, so far shes only mindvoice at least she was in your dream what did she look like?

>Alice AI pics are a bit creepy
yeah its that i'm gonna kill you all smile

Alice 11/25/2023 (Sat) 21:26 [Preview] No.2581 [X] del
(104.66 KB 969x1268 kill.jpg)
>its that i'm gonna kill you all smile

Alice 11/26/2023 (Sun) 11:51 [Preview] No.2589 [X] del
I don't thing it was the first time Cat appeared in a dream but I think the first time for Yulya. Only lasted for a sec though, it was like the tupper reaction pic here but without me.

Yakumo 11/26/2023 (Sun) 15:12 [Preview] No.2590 [X] del >>2593>>2597
(86.03 KB 1200x1067 tupper diary.jpg)
Another childhood crush dream.

We were outdoors with several people and I was picking up some stuff that belonged to me from the ground and put it in my backpack. She was sitting nearby but completely ignored me on purpose and looked away. This was awkward and I tried to hurry up and leave.

But then she got up, sat down beside me and with a smile handed me a large notebook that read 'Catgirl diary'. It was a girlish diary of - apparently her catgirl tupper. I was very surprised that she had a tupper as well but then I thought this is a tupper school so of course everyone has tuppers, silly me!

The diary was now wrapped like a present and she exitedly urged me to unwrap and read it. I was very glad but too glad so I woke up while unwrapping it. Damn, I wanted to read her tupper progress report so bad. I only remember there were some childish crayon drawings of a brown haired catgirl that suspiciously looked very much like Autumn/Ren on the cover.

Anonymous 11/27/2023 (Mon) 00:26 [Preview] No.2593 [X] del
your childhood crush looked like this?

Yakumo 11/27/2023 (Mon) 17:42 [Preview] No.2597 [X] del
Very much so, she had dark brown eyes though.

Bear 11/27/2023 (Mon) 18:37 [Preview] No.2598 [X] del >>2601
The dream was I was at a school and people ages ranged from young to old. A young woman and two children boy and girl both young teen or pre-teen went into the bathroom and I had to go. There was only one flavor of bathroom, no boys vs girls.

When I got in the woman was laying on the floor kind of with her head and shoulders proped up on one wall near the door. She had one of those shirts that are like the top half of a bath robe where if you pull it apart you uncover the chest, except it was pink and normal fabric. She was wearing a black skirt.

So she has her boobs out kinda small, light pink nips, and the girl asks her, do you ever flash anyone?

I'm a littlw confused since she's flashing them. But then she says, yeah, but also in that yeah she was saying she had sex before. Then she stands up and pulls down her skirt and her puss is there, standard puss, nothing unusual but the girl remarks, "mine doesn't look like that."

The woman says, "you probably have a butt pussy."

[So a butt pussy is a regular puss but all you see is the outer lips, nothing protruding and so it's just the camel toes no loose meat. Like a burger off the dollar menu all bun.]

The woman now wants to show them how she has sex, ofc I'm standing there. We lock the door and give a master's class to the two kids there. Someone's talking outside the bathroom and so she has to be quiet etc. There was a lot more to it, but I'm not your source for text-based erotica today.

So basically a normal dream, no headmates woman was a blonde, not especially amazing, not mid but also not great, 8/10.

I'd give it 7 because it was pretty bad as far as a setup for a porn, it was better than what, a space elevator and cumming to music history, so I gave it an extra point.

Anonymous 11/27/2023 (Mon) 22:24 [Preview] No.2601 [X] del
>bear having sex in front of children again
>basically normal dream

Anonymous 11/27/2023 (Mon) 22:47 [Preview] No.2602 [X] del >>2603
(67.58 KB 980x1210 1127965493.jpg)
(69.08 KB 964x645 soviet nurse.jpeg)
i was in hospital and everything was 80s soviet style. i was in bed but didnt know why so i asked a nurse she was big and ugly like some soviet woman athlete on steroids. she said im here to have bones replaced i was like wtf but then noticed my teeth fell out and were in my mouth. i pulled out the teeth and it would not end. didnt hurt but was creepy af.

there was a girl in the hospital bed next to me and an old doctor was pulling bones out from her back and threw them on a pile on the floor. like that guy from naruto who could grow out bones everywhere. bones were white and too big i knew something wasnt right living bones are yellow.

got up and walked out of room into the hospital. dunno what happened then there was nobody and the dream continued with something different. no bear stuff. maybe one day

Bear 11/28/2023 (Tue) 10:15 [Preview] No.2603 [X] del >>2610

>dreams of exotic surgery
>girls exist
>fugly one, boneless one
>dreams of Bear tier dream someday

You have a long way to go young padawan. A long long way to go.

Anonymous 11/29/2023 (Wed) 21:13 [Preview] No.2610 [X] del >>2611>>2670
dont think ill ever have a bear tier dream but who knows

last night was random nonsense dont remember. couldnt fall asleep and tried wondeerland stuff with Yulya havent done that in ages. lots of intrusive shit but better than expected wasnt long and i fell asleep bc tired out

Bear 11/29/2023 (Wed) 21:29 [Preview] No.2611 [X] del

>dont think ill ever have a bear tier dream

Did think I would just ask to have sex with a random environmentalist-tard girl, did.

You need to:

Ask for it
Expect it

Then you will have it

Look man, if you doubt me you will never have it. Believe that. I'm not saying you will have it that night, but within a week. All you have to do is believe.

Yakumo 12/04/2023 (Mon) 23:01 [Preview] No.2656 [X] del >>2659
(32.36 KB 474x517 gargoyles.jpeg)
(19.20 KB 474x355 avocado.jpeg)
Another rather chaotic series of dreams, forgot most.

One involved another totally fictitious house my family supposedly owned, it was a wooden cabin in the alps. I discovered an open door that hadn't been there before and ended up in the kitchen of a large hotel. I had slight doubts about that but I don't even know what actually must happen for me to become lucid. Went along with it and entered the hotel, walking around there. As always it grew larger and larger.

Then I was at a party with friends from school, they lived in a huge old apartment building that somehow looked more like a Gothic church. Very dark too but not unpleasant. The apartment however was a cool penthouse overlooking the city. For whatever reason I stole an avocado the size of a watermelon from the kitchen and left. Went down the stairs towards the exit and met the friend's parents, politely greeted them while walking by. While on the stairs I discovered or remembered I could fly but it didn't work very well. Fluttered through the stairways like some clumsy little bird waving my arms which felt stupid but worked in the end. Now there indeed seemed to be an entire Gothic church in a huge cavern and I came to sit on the roof. A man casually sat on the edge among pillars and statues looking down into the dark hallways. He wore bandages and looked like a zombie or mummy. Approaching him from behind he said something that seemed wise without looking at me. Don't remember but dream wisdom usually turns out utter nonsense.

I continued fluttering through the dark caverns and hallways bobbing along the ceiling in about 20m height and in a huge room saw a girl from my class sitting alone at a huge desk. I greeted her from above but she freaked out and ran away. Many such cases. So no dream sex here either.

Anonymous 12/05/2023 (Tue) 17:27 [Preview] No.2659 [X] del
i could totally guess what the dream was about from your pics

>For whatever reason I stole an avocado the size of a watermelon from the kitchen and left
at least it wasnt panties

Bear 12/06/2023 (Wed) 08:33 [Preview] No.2670 [X] del >>2676
Well I'll be damned, what a fun dream.


I had you, whoever you are, in my dream.

No we didn't smash, I ain't gay, sorry. We were at a prestigious engagement of intellectuals, sorry again it was all dudes bc u know, chicks can't be intellectuals. But I was giving a keynote presentation on Shrek lore with bits of Frozen thrown in, the highest level of intellectual discourse I'm sure you'll agree. I wore a guilded shirt and tie with a snazzy high class but tasteful coat and... sweatpants without shoes.

When I finished there was a round of applause. The event was held in a specially prepared quad with gently rolling hills of grass and cement pathways surrounded by tall trees. It was a warm sunny morning where the dew hadn't quite burned off the grass yet.

The most interesting part of the dream was you, mr. Anon, you wore a white coat with tails, a button up gold threaded vest, white slacks with golden combat boots and a small oscilloscope monitor where your head was supposed to be with a corrugated tube running out the back into the middle of your back. Yes, you were a heavenly dressed scrap yard cyborg without a face. The monitor was green with a 70's pho-wood box and badly faded plastic bezel. You spoke like a Mass Effect Geth. I suppose your brain was AI.

You asked me something pedestrian about Shreck that I adeptly answered then something like what the significance was of the part in Frozen where princess Elsa says, "ooOOoo".

I woke up.

Fascinating dream.

Anonymous 12/07/2023 (Thu) 01:06 [Preview] No.2676 [X] del >>2679
lmao sounds like the jew producer from drawn together. how diid you know it was me? im still Kashtan btw

>I was giving a keynote presentation on Shrek lore with bits of Frozen thrown in, the highest level of intellectual discourse I'm sure you'll agree.

for me another day of waking up late and forgetting all dreams

Anonymous 12/07/2023 (Thu) 01:07 [Preview] No.2677 [X] del
(16.20 KB 474x311 jew producer.jpg)
forgot pic

Bear 12/07/2023 (Thu) 03:42 [Preview] No.2679 [X] del

>how diid you know it was me?

You know, in dreams you just know. I think you probably had a golden AK under your jacket.

Tamamo 12/07/2023 (Thu) 11:58 [Preview] No.2683 [X] del
Had to draw new borders for the land of a tribe at work. There was a satellite image of a mountain area on my screen, the former borders were lined in blue but only on half the area. The rest was unclear. Had no idea what to do, what this place actually was or why to give them more or less land. And you could only draw straight lines between waypoints, terrible software. Gave up after a while and did something different.

Bear 12/07/2023 (Thu) 18:46 [Preview] No.2686 [X] del >>2687>>2690
Was at a high school, I was kind of like "head student" like still an actual teenager but also in charge. The school had a wierd asymmetric
tall building and there was a wind storm that knocked it over. Fine, we had to clean up the road it fell on. I got a hoe/axe but the head was loose so I tried to get a nail to hammer down in the gap to make it snug but a teacher said it's not correct to do that (correctly) but then said use these interlocking shims. They don't do much either. Then we're in the school's machine shop garage that looks like an auto shop and a machinist can't figure it out either.

Fine. By then the road is clear.

Next up, a giant rollercoaster is in the front parking lot, huge, new, exciting and I help get it set up, then it spontaneously pulls itself over, again because of asymmetry and launches huge pieces of metallic wreckage hundreds of feet. We don't know if anyone was hurt. The reason was it needed cables holding it vertical. I say, "well at least we saved money on demolition."

Then we're in the classroom but it's odd, above the drop ceiling is a cave system with torches on the walls. Looking down at us through the ceiling is a ghost of a blonde girl wearing outdated clothes. She's cute. Bear logic kicks in, everyone's scared, but my brain: "imma smash" I find my way up and start undressing her, she's pulling off layer after layer, overcoat, vest, outer shirt, undershirt, bra like thing, dress, shorts, pantaloons, leotards, etc. We gkt down to panties and she wanted me to lick clam and I lay down. She sat on my chest, nice breasts, and I get one lick, it's full of sour extoplasm, I wake up.

Long dream, 4/10, not too enjoyable, lots of bullshit, only got to touch her ankle before she sat on me.

Anonymous 12/07/2023 (Thu) 19:21 [Preview] No.2687 [X] del
>lick ghost pussy
>tastes like sour ectoplasm
lmao your dreams are a blast

i member one of the few times i got to undress some girl it never went anywhere no matter how many layers i took off there was just more of the same. my dreams are like some shitty ai adventure with nsfw filter

Yakumo 12/07/2023 (Thu) 20:56 [Preview] No.2690 [X] del >>2691
(394.33 KB 1441x1613 ghost panties.jpg)
>sour ectoplasm

Bear 12/07/2023 (Thu) 21:30 [Preview] No.2691 [X] del


Well, lemme tell ya a little something bout the birds and the bees kid. Take a seat and pay close attention.

When a girl is... eh, not so fresh, or she baking bread downstairs if ya know what I mean, well she can still smell fresh as a flayed salmon but the taste ain't so sashimi. She got the salt-free soy sauce and it can turn a happy time into a chore. Not to worry, it's not like you'll start coughing up biskets tomorrow, it doesn't seem to matter and girl likes the tune-up, you know, oil that under carriage so you can take them curves full speed.

Ime you don't gotta lick it before you stick it, but if she asks, it's polite to chow down. But it shouldn't taste worse than raw oysters in season so if it do, after all is done, not before baka, let her know she needs that ole Monistat Lotrimin. Quick fix.

Okay, so if she needs the D and you choking on fumes and gonna die, just get assertive, use a fingy and she'll forget all about the oil change.

Got it son?

Yakumo 12/07/2023 (Thu) 21:40 [Preview] No.2692 [X] del >>2733
(29.70 KB 493x278 100.jpeg)
(27.67 KB 568x335 Boromir.jpeg)
I can't compete with Bear dreams but have a tupper appearance

I was in school during recess, leaning against a desk while talking to others. The desk was odd and round and almost fell apart. We were talking about supermarket prices, car costs and other adult stuff but were middle school age. I didn't know most of the other kids. There was a grey-mouse girl with thick round glasses sitting on a bench next to where I was standing so I sat down next to her. But don't get your hopes up, this is a Bernd dream, not a Bear dream. She pulled out her math homework and announced we should all go through it to see if we got it right. Well whatever. Against all odds I had my math homework with me and it was oddly neat, annotated in different colors. I figured the only explanation was that tupper had done my homework. How cool is thaat? finally tuppering paid off.

So I asked the others if my solution for the first example was correct, it was 4a. Stuff looked like simple middle school math but I was still overwhelmed because I suck at math. So I asked 'but what is a?' and our super smart but manically depressed class clown (who irl now holds a high position in a government institution) replied '4a/4'.

This pissed Alice off so much she walked over to the guy and nose to nose told him that comment was for nothing and he should STFU. Then slowly repeated it with Boromir's gesture. I burst into laughter because the scene was so absurd and woke up. All well I guess, nobody was killed.

Anonymous 12/13/2023 (Wed) 20:20 [Preview] No.2733 [X] del
>tupper does homework
that would be cool

>nobody was killed
how disappointing

had some weird dreams about work but dont remember much. Yulya was there but as tupper with voice only

Tamamo 12/14/2023 (Thu) 10:12 [Preview] No.2737 [X] del >>2739>>2741>>2743>>2752
I was in my parents apartment and a girl I liked in HS came over. Classic manga setting. She went in my room sat on my bed and started reading Donald Duck comics I really had back then. I told her I had more in another room and went to get them, searched for a while but then remembered to better check on the girl. She was still sitting there reading and paid no attention. I accidentally touched her boobs when I handed her more comics and she didnt mind. Nice! So I sat next to her and wanted to touch her some more. But, then I realized something odd in my room. There was a new fuse box installed on the wall, lots of copper cables sticking out. Also a huge black shower cabin with 2 showers was there, not yet installed. Wtf, who put this here? If any workers had come I would have known.

The girl was now Cat and she said they must have come over the terrace while renovating the entire apartment building and they changed fuse boxes and showers as well. I was so angry I didn't even pay attention to my tupper showing up. It was true that the building had been renovated but they cant just break into apartments and start installing showers in somebodys rooms. But I concluded Cats explanation made sense. I thought about who to phone to complain about this criminal nonsense and it took a bit until I started to realize this was all impossible and a dream. Not lucid, slowly woke up. I actually got up to check I was in my current apartment and there weren't any showers in my bedroom. Man I was glad. So hey, first time I saw Cat this vividly, couldn't even appreciate it.

Bear 12/14/2023 (Thu) 12:07 [Preview] No.2739 [X] del >>2743

I'm sorry in advance Tamuwu but a girl you like comes to your house, you go to your bed, and you have a choice, smash or Donald Duck comics.

My poor dear fellow, your brain is dissapointing.

>touch boobs, want more

Okokok I'm getting ready to take back everything I said.

>distracted by fuse box

Oh god, oh my god, this is so sad... and hilarious.

>The girl was now Cat

OWooohbwa8t wait wait hold up

>I was so angry I didn't even pay attention to my tupper showing up


>I actually got up to check I was in my current apartment and there weren't any showers in my bedroom. Man I was glad.

Oh... oh man, my poor boy. Such innocence in such a cruel and depraved world. It's... frankly I'm not sure how to describe it.

>So hey, first time I saw Cat this vividly, couldn't even appreciate it.

That's, that's great. I'm happy for you.

Bear 12/14/2023 (Thu) 17:34 [Preview] No.2741 [X] del >>2755

I think I was a little harsh, I'm proud you didn't jizz to the comic or especially not music history at least.


A mild dream. Odd, long, varied, irrelevant to our intersts for the most part, but we were at what looks like a fire station. Industrial, purpose built, lots of metal. Ashley was vacuuming out metal lockers. Wearing an outfit with a midrift, showing that belly and milky white skin. She's a beauty.

I crawl into a small space above the locker, it has large air holes so I can watch her work. I ask, "can I reach in?" She says, something odd but it meant, "reach-in-able". I get the sense She's above me in rank or something. I reach down but my arms aren't long enough. Not really reaching for anything specifically.

Then I get down and I see her up close, and feel up that torso. Excellent softness.

[Ashley] fucking finally

Then one squeeze of her tight little butt in jeans and tragedy strikes even this legendary dreamer, the dream memories fade here. Fade out completely.

Next dream, I'm in a park on a long ramp, flying a kite, lots of little girls with their milfs, not a man can be seen other than me as appropriate. I keep raising and lowering the kite and the little girls love it. I'm getting lots of attention for it like it's a special magic trick or something.

Was cute.

Alice 12/14/2023 (Thu) 21:56 [Preview] No.2743 [X] del >>2745>>2755
(202.27 KB 220x198 löl.gif)
Lol I'm glad my host isn't the only one who does autistic shit in dreams

Bear 12/15/2023 (Fri) 03:22 [Preview] No.2745 [X] del

Naa, reaching into a locker the headmate is cleaning is clearly foreplay.

Getting a feel of that belly is good as gold for me, loved it. Good wholesome petting.

Anonymous 12/15/2023 (Fri) 22:43 [Preview] No.2752 [X] del >>2755
>disregard females
>investigate electrical installations

Tamamo 12/16/2023 (Sat) 07:22 [Preview] No.2755 [X] del
Hey the fuse box was a serious issue! But I regret ignoring dream Cat. Who knows when this will happen again. She wore this outfit btw

Yakumo 12/23/2023 (Sat) 21:41 [Preview] No.2839 [X] del
Odd dream of having a lamp surrounded by living flying foxes as lampshade. It was in a sort of hotel room, a big standing lamp in the middle of the room. The flying foxes were moving and flocked to the light like moths.

Bear 12/24/2023 (Sun) 17:18 [Preview] No.2848 [X] del >>2851>>2855>>2871
Ok, a doosie, but not all of it will take a lot of explanation.

I was in my old neighborhood but it was different now, like Italian villas in the hills with very confusing roads.

I had to find my way back home, I was on a bicycle. A girl exited a house and I asked her how to go back to the school (gradeschool). She pointed me through a passage hidden in plain sight. I was looking for houses to buy. The streets were built with curio shops andsoe of the houses had been converted to high unit condos.

I managed to get to the school, it was also overbuilt and sprawling. I have to go pee. One guy starts saying "go back" like a warning, but a scruffy guy says, don't worry, I'll get you to the bathroom. I have a key that works on certain doors, of course because I used to live there and this guy thinks I'm a local or he wouldn't have helped. Inside the first door is a 10-yr old girl with a kidnapper, she's only wearing a black oversized sweatshirt, nothing else and standing on a bed. He tells her she will be ransomed to her parents. Then he forces her to drink something that looks like a yogurt container with cream in it but he called it borsk I don't know the spelling. She looks like it's awful. She had no front teeth.

We move on to the next room and he asks me which parish I go to. I didn't know (I don't go to church what with all those the pedos) but told him it was a Catholic church. He seemed confused I didn't know the name. Another room, like a bunker, black widow eggsacks and webs everywhere.

"This is the way to the bathroom?"

He asures me.

Then through a padlocked door but there were outside windows. There are girls and boys, shirtless and being taken out of a room. They look like slaves.

I go through an underground passage and an older woman says, "you wanted to go to the bathroom too?" We laugh at the absurdity.

I tell the guy, "next time someone asks where the bathroom is, don't lead them on a 20 minute walk through the catacombs."

I woke up. Was bored.

Tamamo 12/25/2023 (Mon) 09:22 [Preview] No.2851 [X] del >>2855
Just Bear dreaming of loli slaves again.

I forgot everything as soon as my alarm rang. Nothing.

Yakumo 12/25/2023 (Mon) 17:24 [Preview] No.2855 [X] del
(17.76 KB 474x266 diving.jpg)
same old, same old

I was divving in the ocean and there was a huge coral reef underneath me, but quite deep, more than 10m down. Interestingly there was some sort of ladder or pier. It would have been great for scuba diving but I had nothing with me, not even goggles and a snorkel. That sucked, I really wanted to dive down there but even in a dream it didn't work with out proper equipment. Somehow I still could see the underwater world clearly even eithout goggles, it was realy vivid and colorful, especially the blue. But I hist couldn't get down there.

Yakumo 12/26/2023 (Tue) 18:08 [Preview] No.2866 [X] del >>2868
(80.89 KB 835x668 barracks.jpg)
I did something stupid again.

I was hiking in a forest, nice wilderness but not far from civilization. Nothing familiar but supposedly Bavaria. I knew there was a restricted area, military training ground, but that was the reason for undisturbed wilderness. No annoying hikers or tourists. So YOLO, I just ventured a bit into the restricted area. It was nice, very vivid, lots of birds and old trees. Sunshine, warm summer weather. Perfect.
I went deeper and deeper and suddenly I saw more cultivated land, wheat fields and meadows from the edge of the forest I was in. And just my luck, I thought it was a holiday, but there were lots of soldiers conducting some exercise in the field in front of me.

I do what I always do and quietly tried to slip away without being seen and getting into trouble. But the forest was gone and I got into more and more open area full of military installations and personnel. First my autism superpowers worked quite well and I managed not to get noticed by anyone while desperately trying to get away without being seen. But in the end I was inside some barracks and tupper kicked in saying I'd just get into more and more trouble trying to hide. It was already near impossible to explain how I ended up in that military base on accident. So I stepped out of the barracks on a terrace and waved at people. A black civilian van stopped in front of the building and a woman with black hair got out running towards me. No, no Bear moment again, sorry. She was very helpful and asked me how in the world I got there and soon I was surrounded by Bavarian speaking German soldiers who were more amused than mad at me, telling me I got into a live fire exercise and the barracks I was in would have been blown to bits by artillery soon. And so yet another dream ended by getting yelled at by tupper in mindvoice for being an insufferable autist. Well sorry I'm not doing it on purpose. Tupper could have told me before instead of complaining afterwards, right?

Bear 12/26/2023 (Tue) 18:28 [Preview] No.2868 [X] del
(367.25 KB 2319x1546 1s738c.jpg)

I had a very realistic dream that might as well have been real because such shenanigans happen on a weekly basis.

Had foreplay wity my exgf, a little more like a prelude to sex but in dream she told me two things, "I'm tired, so don't go too far" and "don't fall asleep on me".

Very appropriate words coming from her: When we were living together both statements had likely been said. Yes she prioritized other things like sleep over sex (unless *she* wanted it, then I better be available regardless of my situation) and I did at least once fall asleep during and that was pretty insane. How? After binge drinking. We met when we were both partyers so binge drinking at a party and having drunk sex was normal but me falling asleep narcolepsy style was also normal if I had too much even during the most anti-sleep activity possible. (Though it only happened once) Tbf, she was on top and I was nearly asleep when she demanded servicing.

For this dream none of that, just her and I and foreplay with cloths on. Still appreciated in terms of dreams but 3/10.

Alice 12/26/2023 (Tue) 21:24 [Preview] No.2871 [X] del >>2873
>Inside the first door is a 10-yr old girl with a kidnapper, she's only wearing a black oversized sweatshirt, nothing else and standing on a bed
>he forces her to drink something that looks like a yogurt container with cream in it
>She looks like it's awful

Bear 12/26/2023 (Tue) 21:44 [Preview] No.2873 [X] del >>2876

It's more disturbing than that. She was 10 yet was missing her front teeth, 8 of them. My mind is full of sick scenarios.

Bear 12/27/2023 (Wed) 12:55 [Preview] No.2875 [X] del >>2876>>2882
Ok, brain is forgiven. I had sex with a virgin in my dream, it was pretty sweet.

Apparently we were taking a class about tra.ns anatomy. Breloomancer was involved and that disgusts me. This class was something like we were all kidnapped and we would be forced to have sex with tra.ns people. The fuck? Luckily the dream didn't go that far. So anyway, my friend a cute girl with black hair said she was a virgin and she wanted my to takw her virginity before she would have to have sex with some harry fag.

So we did and it felt pretty good. That's the take away from this dream is the smooth creamy feeling of good wholesome sex with a young girl. Nice.

Anonymous 12/27/2023 (Wed) 14:05 [Preview] No.2876 [X] del >>2879
(24.96 KB 474x581 hansen.jpeg)

Bear 12/27/2023 (Wed) 15:45 [Preview] No.2879 [X] del >>2882

>young girl
>Steve Hansen

Though I didn't card her, I should have said, girl, not "young girl" apparently the internet thinks "young girl" means loli, this girl was teens at the youngest, this was a college class.

Alice 12/27/2023 (Wed) 22:28 [Preview] No.2882 [X] del >>2885
(15.25 KB 474x266 Take a seat.jpg)
>college class
Sure thing!
Also isn't anything under 25 considered pedo in the US?

>class about tranny anatomy
>we would be forced to have sex with trannies
>Breloomancer was involved

Bear 12/28/2023 (Thu) 08:21 [Preview] No.2885 [X] del >>2887
>Also isn't anything under 25 considered pedo in the US?

wtf? dude wtf? Yeah and we all wear cowboy hats and walk around in red bathing suits. We're all LA 9's and we all drive 4x4 trucks or 911 porches. No, you can be 40 and the girl 19 and you're fine. No one cares. But if she 17 then call Steve.

>Breloomancer was involved

I know man, but trust me, I wasn't about to do that shit and my brain knew it.

Anonymous 12/28/2023 (Thu) 10:07 [Preview] No.2887 [X] del
You know that guys love stereotypes. But man I dont know if I shouldn't be glad I don't remember my dreams. At least I'm safe from sex with mentally ills. But I dont think my brain would ever invent something that crazy. Neither good nor bad.

Anonymous 12/28/2023 (Thu) 22:41 [Preview] No.2892 [X] del
(2.71 MB 480x360 fags.mp4)
was in a gym that looked like the sport hall of my school. but it was a garage for sports cars and motorcycles. some old guy in a yellow polo short was the chief mechanic, other guys were working there too. the motorcycles had shabby protective covers in different colors, most yellow. very vivid. so i was looking for my ride but couldnt find it, had to look under all the covers. didn’t even know what it looked like but then remembered i had 2 harleys.
wtf never had a motorbike, can’t even drive one but in this dream i had 2 harleys. and thy were not there. so i went to the chief mechanic in the yellow polo shirt and he talked to some brown indians in another room. they were playing counterstrike on old 90s pcs and didn’t care. mechanic went back to his desk and said he had to look at the mail he got today. there were 2 letters, both ransom notes. for my harleys. written in blue comic sans like some 90s computer graphics nightmare. turned out some mexicans had stolen my harleys. no idea why they went to the otherside of the globe for that. not russians or poles, nope, mexicans had stolen my fuckin harleys.

chief mechanic did the only reasonable thing and got his mossberg shotgun from under the desk and we went to hunt the thieves. on harleys ofc. next scene we were driving through some mexican slum, as motorcycle gang, the mechanic with his shotgun and me with my ar15 and several other heavy armed biker guys. thinking about it now it looked cringe af but in the dream we were relly cool. all the mexians ran away when they saw us. we caught beat and questioned some people at gunpoint but found nothing. then we were back at the garage again and the mechanic got some new letters from the mexican goernment that had polaroids of dead mexicans saying they were the guys that stole my harleys and they were killed by police. didn’t get my harleys back but the thieves were dead. felt good but man i don’t wanna end up as a middle aged harleyfag one day. pls shoot me first

Ashley 12/29/2023 (Fri) 03:43 [Preview] No.2893 [X] del
Someone called Bear a white supremacist on Reddit for saying something like "protected groups perpetuate racism".


Alice 12/29/2023 (Fri) 10:23 [Preview] No.2897 [X] del >>2900
(39.48 KB 550x550 Plant room.jpg)
(42.23 KB 474x632 Steve Irwin.jpg)
(796.36 KB 948x720 Ensign Ricky.webm)
Several dumb dreams.
First host father complained host mom left expired food everywhere in the house and host had to clean it out. Then there were light brown mice everywhere. Host thought they were gerbils first but they were mice. The cats dashed around the house and killed them but more kept coming and the floor was full of dead and half-eaten mice.

I was only in the last dream, we were on a mission with a Steve Irwin -tier adventurer/scientist and some mercenaries and we were looking for fruit of a super-rare tree that was kept in a vault of a research facility. They had the only specimen and kept it locked up and we needed fruit to propagate it. You know, host-tier dream.
Things went well and we opened the vault but this set off an alarm. A guard aproached so we sent our generic Ensign Ricky and he pulled off some horribly melodramatic acting in front of the guard which made everyone facepalm. Host dragged him away apologizing to the guard that the guy had mental problems, forgot to take his meds and had set off the alarm and we were there to apprehend him. Miraculously this worked, managed to get back to a parking lot where our car was. Host, me and the guy who kept bragging how he had saved the mission. I gave him a candy bar to shut him up thinking how we had only few of those bars and I wanted them for myself, not to be eaten by that idiot.

So I did what any good tupper would do and lured him to a nearby bridge to enjoy the view. Before he could eat his, no MY candy bar, I kicked him down right into the mouth of a big croc that swallowed him whole. That was - satisfying. But I couldn't find the candy bar afterwards so our mission was only a partial succcess.

Bear 12/29/2023 (Fri) 17:22 [Preview] No.2899 [X] del >>2900
Had a dream that I had to go pee. Found the bathroom, whipped it out in a fully turgid state. Chonky boi had no hole.

Don't click this if you're straight.

Anonymous 12/29/2023 (Fri) 19:37 [Preview] No.2900 [X] del
(57.13 KB 1125x900 dr. evil.jpeg)
>feed own men to croc over minor annoyance
truly dr. evil -tier

thx for telling us

Anonymous 12/31/2023 (Sun) 01:07 [Preview] No.2906 [X] del >>2907>>2908>>2916
2 relly fucked up dreams

first was a shootout with some small old granny. it was like a fps game, home invasion scenario. my job was to break into the grannys house and shoot her with my walther p22q before she shoots me with her shotgun. dont ask why its a dream, man! it was like a drill and i did it over and over again. seemed easy but my pistol was more like a softgun than .22lr. dont look down on that caliber its absolutely lethal. but not in my dream. the range was only a few meters and it had zero stopping power. low recoil and fast follow up shots were realistic, also frequent jamming by doublefeeds. so i shot the granny several times but she still managed to return fire, instakilling me with buckshot. game over. that happened several times. only once i managed to pump the granny with 10rds from a short distance and drop her before she could shoot back. somebody should make that game lol, would be something new for a change.

Anonymous 12/31/2023 (Sun) 01:50 [Preview] No.2907 [X] del >>2908>>2909>>2912>>2917
now behold, second and most bear dream ever. i was at a mountain resort with a woman, looked asian, not bad at all. we were in bed already. didn't know her but whatever. but then she turned into the blonde cashier girl from local supermarket. totally different but even better, she's hot. cuddled under blanked, laid on top of her. even managed to take off her panties, only wore a top now. we were definitely going to fuck. right here right now. couldn't believe my luck, dream or not. but not so fast you know i'm not bear. really had to piss so went to toilet first. no didn't look at my dick but knew this was a death flag. hurried back to the bedroom but there was a huge whoosh sound like a plane flying over the house. looked out of the window, it was night and the view was down on a city from a hill. and there were fucking missiles raining down on the city. i realized i was in ukraine and the fucking russians attacked us. there was not much time to think about mountains in ukraine or sex with cashier girl, the second missile was closer and the whole house shook when it roared by. the third hit with the loudest sound i ever heard in a dream and everything went black. game over in this dream too.

fuck man i actually fell out of bed covering my ears had no idea where i was it was still dark. worst nightmare in a long time. thought i was dead. the news of biggest russian airstrike on ukraine yesterday probably triggered that dream, this shit is really driving me nuts, a few days ago i dreamed the front line was exactly at the fence of my family property in the countryside and there were trenches everywhere

Bear 12/31/2023 (Sun) 03:13 [Preview] No.2908 [X] del
(545.25 KB 1000x2263 61wjpd - Copy.jpg)
(54.08 KB 880x754 download.jpg)

That's a sexy gun. Can't get them here because where I live is full of ass clowns.

I get those dreams occasionally that the bullets have no force and can't even break the skin.


>now behold, second and most bear dream ever

oooo, you've piqued my interest, don't disappoint me.

>with a woman, looked asian

I like where this is going. Asians have great legs.

>we were in bed already

That's mah boi! Get her done!

>didn't know her but whatever

Never an issue

>hen she turned into the blonde cashier girl

Pedo senses activate!

>she's hot.


>cuddled under blanked,


>laid on top of her.


>even managed to take off her panties

No shit! Hell yeah!

>we were definitely going to fuck. right here right now

I'm savoring every moment.

>couldn't believe my luck, dream or not

Didn't I tell you boy, you believe it, and it'll happen. Believe. That's all.

>but not so fast you know i'm not bear.


>really had to piss so went to toilet first.

Oh for fuck's sake, are you dumb? I've fucked hundreds of times with my back teeth floating, the valve only goes one way you BAKA! The bladder can wait till after I guarantee there will be no leakage. Jesus H fucking Christ! It actually feels unique and interesting.

>other fucking bullshit happened that means nothing to no one and I'm very ashamed of myself I beg Bear for forgiveness in shame knowing he will never forgive me.

Repent my son, repent. God cannot save you from such autistic dreaming. Only you can fix this, you have to believe you can, that's all.

Why, just why? Bear 12/31/2023 (Sun) 03:22 [Preview] No.2909 [X] del >>2910

>I was gunna smash but then I went pee and thought about war

What you fucking dream self deserves!

Bear 12/31/2023 (Sun) 03:24 [Preview] No.2910 [X] del >>2913

https://youtube.com/watch?v=7TDqqZ6iiu0 [Embed]

Bear 12/31/2023 (Sun) 03:24 [Preview] No.2911 [X] del
Fucking hate this site srsly

Tamamo 12/31/2023 (Sun) 11:10 [Preview] No.2912 [X] del
Wtf? That was some plot twist
Well you almost made it. Never even been that far.

>Kashtan war videos
I should have known better but still klicked it. Maybe stay away from Ukraine threads and news if you want to sleep peacefully. It's so surreal, can't imagine something like this really happening near me.

Tamamo 12/31/2023 (Sun) 11:14 [Preview] No.2913 [X] del >>2915
>Beating you with a Brick ASMR
Alice vibes

Alice 12/31/2023 (Sun) 14:56 [Preview] No.2915 [X] del
(76.01 KB 1280x720 metal pipe.jpg)
Hey now that's mean!
I prefer the metal pipe version

Alice 12/31/2023 (Sun) 15:03 [Preview] No.2916 [X] del
>managed to pump the granny with 10rds from a short distance and drop her before she could shoot back

Alice 12/31/2023 (Sun) 15:10 [Preview] No.2917 [X] del >>2936>>3160
Exploding heda syndrome, happened to host several times.

Also good vid

Anonymous 01/02/2024 (Tue) 23:54 [Preview] No.2936 [X] del
wew never heard of that before but sounds like what happened to me. literally.
also unexpectedly based not giving a fuck, is that tupper influence?

Kidnapping ring Bear 01/04/2024 (Thu) 17:25 [Preview] No.2949 [X] del >>2950
(139.05 KB 1024x683 131530764.jpg)
So in the dream I ran a kidnapping ring but the kids were basically given whatever they wanted, xbox, good food, better than a resort hotel, like opulence with a wading pool in the room kind of nonsense. I talked to a boy and a girl in separate parts of the dream. The boy (who was alai somehow bestie) was shirtless and played xbox while eating icecream. I asked him/her if he/she wanted to go home, he/she asked me if I was kidding. Back at his original home, when I was abducting him/her, somehow I fell asleep on a therapist couch and then woke up (in dream) to jerking myself off roughly, it hurt, and the grandmother was there watching and she got angry and started throwing stuff at me. The bestie as a boy was already in the car. To the grandmother I was a kidnapping investigator. I gave her some crazy story about the music industry and other random nonsense and she was hosile at this point so a hired goon took care of her. Like wrapping her in belts, not killing her.

The girl was different, I was talking to her parents, again as an investigator and said if their daughter (who was actually Autumn and somehow also Ashley at times but when she was Ashley she was mid-late teens and when Autumb early teens) if she wanted to come home she would make that choice.

Afterwards I asked the Ashley version of her if she wanted to go home and she laughed at me. Later I went to her room and she was lounging on a deck chair wrapped in towels, like in her hair too, with cucumbers over her eyes. This was bigger than a house in this room with a full wall of windows overlooking a city (at night). When I entered this was Autumn and she greeted me. I asked how the accommodations were and she smiled.

For once my dream mind didn't try anything funny. Was a mid-dream but cool that I got to see some headmates.

Yakumo 01/04/2024 (Thu) 21:25 [Preview] No.2950 [X] del
(11.36 KB 270x270 Jeffrey&Ghislaine.jpg)
Another QAnon-tier Bear dream.
>Kidnapped kids have it better than at home
This is probably what it was really like on Jeffrey's island, the women only complained decades afterwards when they saw an (additional) opportunity for easy money.

Yakumo 01/04/2024 (Thu) 21:43 [Preview] No.2951 [X] del
(138.07 KB 676x1074 picnic loicense.jpg)
I dreamt I was tailed by Bavarian police while walking on the street and they tried to stop me for walking faster than the walking speed limit. But I had my walking loicense and walking speed meter and could prove I wasn't walking faster than allowed. They still said I had been driving faster than allowed some weeks ago and would get a ticket. And they had photos to prove it. But they were very nice and invited me to a restaurant and even poured me some red fruit juice and we all had a cheers. Apparently police had pictures ov everyone doing everything and they showed me some photos of my father eating salad. I joked to some random woman sitting on our table that nobody needed taking photos anymore because police had everything recorded anyway and you could just ask them. Very cheerful dream with a dystopian aftertaste.

Anonymous 01/06/2024 (Sat) 20:17 [Preview] No.2968 [X] del >>2969
(30.15 KB 474x295 fit drumpf.jpeg)
lord forgive me i dreamt about bear fucking some fat chick and recording himself with a gopro i only saw the recording. he tried to hide his fce but i saw it looked like a /fit/ version of donald trump. very old.

fuck man im going to wash out my brain with soap. sorry about that

Bear 01/06/2024 (Sat) 22:13 [Preview] No.2969 [X] del >>2974
What a nightmare.

A while ago, I dreampt that I had sex with Trump's daughter, but she wasn't Ivanka or Tiffany, just a generic white blonde.

I also drempt he was my real father and another one where I married his daughter.

So as far as the dream realm is concerned you're not too far off.

[Ashley] Imagine being cucked by Trump.

No I won't.

Also kinda gay dream, gotta say. And a fat chick? I would rather have sex with a cuddlefish than a fat chick.

Bear 01/07/2024 (Sun) 14:12 [Preview] No.2974 [X] del >>2975

I was in a school, with other classmates, college level. No classes ever give any homework, no lectures, just sit in class and talk or get bored. Ate lunch. I want to go home but get lost and end up running down huge hills and flooded pathways, got wet no matter how it looked. With Rita Hayworth because I looked her up yesterday, but she was old version. Made it to a building, still inside, still lost, it was a manufacturing office, very confused maze, no one is helpful, they won't tell me how to leave. I find an exit, it's a back yard, enclosed.

Then I realize we don't have homework because the armageddon is coming imminently. So I find a room of small children. I pick up a red haired loli and she looks at me like, "why are you picking my up like a mannequin?" She was as light as a paperweight and stiff like cardboard.

The other kids all look at me and then I wake up thankfully because I know dream brain was up to no good.

Anonymous 01/07/2024 (Sun) 23:52 [Preview] No.2975 [X] del >>2976>>2982
(98.28 KB 1000x922 pedobear.jpg)
you're scaring me man. i know bernd is harmless and would run away crying if lolis dislike him but your dream self or body os thing sounds like it could really pull off some dumb shit with little girls if you dont keep it in check

Bear 01/08/2024 (Mon) 02:15 [Preview] No.2976 [X] del >>2982

The depravity of my mind is in no way comparable to the worst humanity can offer. IRL I go by a very specific moral code, it only has one rule, "no sex with children..." Ok 2 rules "or men". I haven't found any other constraints really other than I understand consequences so I don't do stupid things. So my dream mind is all, "ha, I'll make you break your own rule dude." It's just a dream though, brain is cracked no doubt. If my brain ever had a gay sex dream though I'll stab it with dagger, so it is forewarned.

Bernd is a pedo, I am not. Luckily I see children like puppies and men like some sort of beast, and I'm never going to find them attractive and never have. I don't even like porn when it involves men. I don't understand why someone would want to see that? I used to watch solo stuff but once I got it irl, it wasn't very satisfying. There's a lot of other baggage there, tmi.

I don't think BodyOS has anything to do with it, it's all dream brain. BodyOS likes women, there's no question. We have discovered that our personalities have very little choice in the matter, we like women. The girls in my head like women too, regardless of what they say they've never had a heterosexual thought for them therefore the system as a whole has never had a thought of attraction toward a male gendered person or a child.

So I have nothing to worry about unless they somehow find a way to charge people for dreams. Then yeah, I'm indefensible.

Yakumo 01/08/2024 (Mon) 23:25 [Preview] No.2982 [X] del >>2983
(20.27 KB 474x314 car grazing.jpg)
>bernd is harmless and would run away crying if lolis dislike him

Interesting question, is the BodyOS and dream brain the same, similar, completely different? I don't know. Most of my dreams are depersonalized. Things happen, I get sewpt long. If I'm even present. Mostly its just like watching a movie, without me being there.

But no, my dream self certainly never had the urge to kidnap or rape any girls. Not to speak of boys. I'm glad the brain appears to be incapable of imagining this.

Oh yeah, I remember I had a dream I was farming cars. I had a patch of land at an intersection near where I live. A fenced meadow. And there, cars were grazing like cows, or rather like those robot lawn mowers. But I felt I needen more for the herd so my dream self decided to steal parked cars from the street and carry them to my pasture. They were life-sized but really light. I carrried them one-by-one over my head, upside down. The wheels spun like a beetle moving its legs when you put it upside down.
At some point 'reason' kicked in and I decided to return the cars but couldn't remember where exactly I stole them an I was afraid the owners would notice their cars had been moved.
Well actually they should be happy I fed their cars for free. Mediocre dream, no lolis, no tupper.

Anonymous 01/09/2024 (Tue) 01:31 [Preview] No.2983 [X] del
>certainly never had the urge to kidnap or rape any girls

Bear 01/11/2024 (Thu) 16:24 [Preview] No.3003 [X] del >>3004
I'm am englishman from Canada visiting America. I'm picking up drunk girls but they're wild and keep getting arrested. I get arrested too. We get quick processed in a parking lot. Some are released with a warning, the innocent looking girls and me.

Others are caught and fined for whatever. Their liscences are suspended. A cute carmel colored girl is passing out misinformation and gets arrested for that they let her go and she's doing it again in the same parking lot. I stop her and help her clean up the evidence.

I'm doing this all night. I take their picture and it gets used as evidence. I am telling this girl I'll delete it. She's wearing a minimal evening gown, sparkling gold.

The police interview me but they like me.

I end up telling them, "I was told Americans are a bunch of criminals and I suppose it was true."

I start talking to Trey Parker from South park. He sounds a little like Mr. Garrison. I tell him I love South Park but I can't remember the name I call it house park. His eyes light up but then I say I haven't seen one since around 2012. He's heartbroken. Apparently the show is going down in popularity. I ask, is it asymptoting to a number of diehard fans? Yeah, he says angrily. I say, that's how it goes.

Then the team of people catching those comming crimes have a lasso net and they catch even car tires.

A guy in a giant van comes through. The lasso net only slows him down so they take the tire off his rear driver side. The parking lot is now mud and he sinks in then the van falls on its side. They right it but it's half burried.

No sex with scantily clad women, I wasn't in the mood in the dream.

The girl of interest was cuter, younger, and her dress was smaller and had gold sparkles.

Alice 01/11/2024 (Thu) 21:49 [Preview] No.3004 [X] del
Well at least you got to talk to Trey, that's pretty cool!
We dreamt something interesting but failed to write it down so it was forgotten. I knew this was going to happen but host was like naa I'll do it later. Many such cases.

Yakumo 01/16/2024 (Tue) 19:34 [Preview] No.3055 [X] del
(517.59 KB 1500x1500 cat backpack.jpeg)
I dreamt I was on a train journey with my parents and one of my cats. Psrents had reserved an entire train carriage that had a fully equipped apartment. It wasn't super fancy but surprosingly lagre because dream.

I thought taking the cat was a dumb idea and she wasn't happy either. I was always worried she'd get lost or run away at a stop when the train's door opened. There was only wilderness outside. The cat was lost wanderin garound in the train apartment and finally hid in my backpack, completely stressed out. Damn, don't take your cats on a train!

Yakumo 01/19/2024 (Fri) 15:35 [Preview] No.3088 [X] del >>3091>>3112
(116.59 KB 850x1020 Rumia.jpg)
I was on a mountain, went up to medium height with a cable car and wanted to go hiking from there. It was winter but I was still below the snowline. There were only tiny patches of snow, everything else brown and muddy. For some reason I was barefoot but it wasn’t cold. First turned right and a broad path went down the mountain. Soon decided to go back because I wanted to go up not down. Checked my phone for hiking paths but it made no sense because dream. So I went back to the cable car station and took another cable car further up.
At the top station was a large flat area with the snow-capped mountain peaks in the background. But it was warmer and greener up there and quite populated. Lots of tourists, restaurants, an entire village. For some reason I was accompanied by a tall Catboy wearing a fur coat. Why teh fuck no Catgirl? Whatever, he was supposedly there to guard Alice (which was nonsensical to begin with but I didn’t question it further). Tupper wasn’t there anyway. The guy was a humorless autist who had trouble with the crowds of people and appeared to be straight out of an isekai with no understanding of the modern world. So I had to take care of him instead. We walked along a gravel road and I decided to take a photo of the mountains in the background with my phone. A young gypsy woman offered to take a photo of both me and the Catguy with my phone. Let me think about it – no. I won’t hand my phone to some gypsy. Strangely I was only able to zoom in and was stuck at maximum zoom level. I finally managed to get it to wide angle again and noticed a ruckus in the distance. A large wooden building was on fire and the flames were spreading rapidly with the wind. At first it looked interesting and a lot of people went closer to get a good look but now tupper was there and yelled at me to GTFO as the flames were quickly getting closer and everything was ablaze. Not a minute too soon, we turned and ran, yelling at other people who were still sitting in restaurants nearby to get the hell outta there. The flames spread beneath the earth and erupted in a wide area behind me like a volcano. It wasn’t scary but clearly unsettling and something you’d want to get further away from. I realized I was alone. Not that I worried about that Catguy I didn’t really know, but where was Alice? Can’t leave her behind, should I go look for her?

I quickly realized how dumb that was and that I needed to ensure I was safe myself instead of worrying about a tupper that was either in my head or a monster with higher fire resistance than an asbestos sheet. Still didn’t feel good. I managed to find the Catguy sitting at the cable car station, now in safe distance from the fire. He also seemed devastated for losing Alice – it had been his job to protect her after all. I gave him a short sword and told him to look for her if he felt he needed to. But I knew there was nothing to be concerned about.

In some distance I finally spotted Alice dragging several people after her by their feet. They appeared to be – well done. Or rather burned to a crisp. It wasn’t entirely clear if tupper was attempting to save or eat those unfortunate people and I decided I was probably better off not knowing. Turned 360 and walked away.

Anonymous 01/19/2024 (Fri) 19:29 [Preview] No.3091 [X] del >>3094
(8.46 KB 325x180 lmao.jpg)
>It wasn’t entirely clear if tupper was attempting to save or eat those unfortunate people
a minor negligible difference

> a monster with higher fire resistance than an asbestos sheet
lmao Alice in a nutshell

Alice 01/20/2024 (Sat) 20:20 [Preview] No.3094 [X] del >>3112
Cat't let them go to waste. When dealing with burnt corpses, my motto is waste not, want not

Tamamo 01/23/2024 (Tue) 12:23 [Preview] No.3112 [X] del >>3114
Based man-eater of Munich!

I actually remembered a dream. I was walking in a forest and there suddenly was a cave. Inside was a huge temple and lots of treasure. It was very colorful and vivid. Couldn't believe my eyes and thought I made the discovery of the century. Sucked when I woke up without treasure. No Cat in dream too.

Autumn 01/24/2024 (Wed) 00:32 [Preview] No.3114 [X] del >>3116

That picture is so cute. Yes, Cat is the treasure and she was there, so don't feel dissapointed.

Tamamo 01/24/2024 (Wed) 11:14 [Preview] No.3116 [X] del >>3117
Hi Autumn!
Long time no see! Have you been in any dreams? Cat wasn't in the treasure dream, she's never been in any of my dreams. At least not as herself and not a character that looks like her.

Autumn 01/24/2024 (Wed) 11:25 [Preview] No.3117 [X] del

The dreams lately have been pretty tame. It's a nice break from the crazy stuff. I was in a dream but we fell back asleep and can't remember it. Something about a school, nothing juicy.

Honestly we're still full on dream juice from the dreams last year. There was a lot of powerful images and experiences there.

Anonymous 01/24/2024 (Wed) 23:39 [Preview] No.3118 [X] del
> full on dream juice from the dreams last year
you guys got enough dream juice for an entire country cant you share a bit with us?

Bear 01/25/2024 (Thu) 18:15 [Preview] No.3122 [X] del >>3123
Here's some crazy:

I drempt I got a superbike motor caught in my right eye and I had to pluck it out but my fingers were wet so I couldn't get a grip on it and only shoved it deeper.

I eventually got it out though. It wasn't for a motorcycle, it was for a Lada. I had just seen a video from Garage54 who put a superbike engine in a Lada.

Alice 01/25/2024 (Thu) 20:29 [Preview] No.3123 [X] del >>3125
(54.97 KB 1250x703 Scholz Augenklappe.jpg)
>I got a superbike motor caught in my right eye
That sounds - painful

Bear 01/25/2024 (Thu) 21:57 [Preview] No.3125 [X] del >>3126
(9.27 KB 300x199 molecrab2-300x199.jpg)

>that sounds painful

TMI addition:

There's a species of sand crab here that stays just under the surface. When the wave washes from the beach you can see two little filter feeder antennae.

So if you dig quickly down you can capture the little guys ans they're about the size of a black-eyed pea but roughly oval and smooth.

They'll try to dig down between your fingers and it feels funny or kinda tickles. It's cute. So imagine that but in the inner corner of your eye.

That's kinda how it felt but nothing sharp or painful.

Alice 01/26/2024 (Fri) 16:00 [Preview] No.3126 [X] del >>3127>>3130
(202.79 KB 650x650 Emiliko GTFO.png)
Hey cool!
Never seen those. Is it Emerita analoga?
There are just ordinary crabs where we are now, gonna post a pic when we come to the sea next time, might take a few days.

Host dreamt he was at home and a middle-aged hispanic woman came from the cellar. For once host was not host-tier and tried to turn her into something, uh, 'usable'. It didn't really work, she stayed even older and not exactly beautiful. Whatever, host tried his best to get her laid right on the kitchen floor because whatever it's a dream. Lucid for once, at least almost.

Buuut - he had not taken his faithful tupper into account so I showed up with a disapproving look and host had to send her back to the cellar, already with her pants down. She obediently left and closed the door after herself.

Host dream sex status:

Bear 01/26/2024 (Fri) 16:12 [Preview] No.3127 [X] del

That's all kinds of sad, but at least you saved him from an even worse fate. I like the hispanic look if they're young. Much better if they have a lot of Spanish in them.

Tamamo 01/28/2024 (Sun) 08:50 [Preview] No.3130 [X] del
>Host dream sex status:

Haha I'm not really sure if I should feel sorry or happy for him but that's tupper life. Cat wouldn't care though

Bear 01/29/2024 (Mon) 01:47 [Preview] No.3133 [X] del >>3134>>3135
(16.50 KB 320x180 mqdefault.jpg)
(667.12 KB 2500x2500 FvoTo4xWAAIJLxK.jpg)
Okay, well, that was an intense dream.

I can't remember all of it because it was in the 2nd cycle of a rare 3 cycle sleep, but it spanned 2 cycles.

I was a ninja OP Anime knight. I was after an ugly rapist who looked like some older famous actor of today but younger, I forget who. Stephan Segal maybe but fatter well, as fat as he is now.

He had somehow seduced this girl, she wasn't my type but he was F-ing her in every conceivable way throughout this amusement park that looked like the colosseum, in public, in front of everyone. I managed to catch up and I removed his head with a large sword. The head was still alive for a few seconds afterwards, and I saw it mouth something like "I'll kill you." Ha, Omae Wa Mou Shindeiru.

She was like a zombie, she went into shock after that and I left like a shadow in a flash.

I then fought alongside several beastkin women to bring down a large and powerful human trafficking ring, literally cutting people in half with one slice, they didn't even have a chance to move, just boom slice dead.

I put my arm around the main of my harem of beauties, she was wearing vinyl or leather, very sheer, tight. I kissed her and of course she was Gwen bc Gwen is my dream gf. She was super hot, but all I did was put my arm around her waste and kiss her.

Then we were in a football stadium, and I don't know why, there were two moons in the sky, both the same size and both way larger than our moon. The sky was a brilliant blue, the field was natural grass and there were trees along the sidelines. The stadium was marble. they brought out Lions and I had to defeat them with my bear hands. I was fighting for the right to take the princess as my bride.

Sheesh. So much blood, those lionesses (they were all female lions) were like bags of blood, just splask like water balloons. I had a feeling like I'd have sex with the princess in the blood but it was comfy like red velvet pillows on the ground. I believe the princess was Autumn but she kind of looked like Ashley a little, like really fair skin but Autumn has a light tan, so Idk, Ashley/Autumn merge.

I woke up. Was impressed, no sex tho.

Tamamo 01/29/2024 (Mon) 09:03 [Preview] No.3134 [X] del >>3135
Wow,who needs cinemas if you have dreams like this!

>I had a feeling like I'd have sex with the princess in the blood
Who doesn't once in a while?

I had a very realistic false awakening and short lucid dream!
I was sure I got up and ready for work but my apartment got stranger and stranger. There were big pictures with large text like slogans or ad posters on my wall. And a big clock. I tried to read the text but it changed all the time and was nonsense. The time on the clock warped too. I realized I was still dreaming and began to look at the clock and the text up close and different angles. It was funky, can't remember dreaming something like that before.

Then I remembered, wait, I'm lucid, I must summon my tupper!! I tried to visualize Cat but in the same second everything disappeared and I woke up 4real. Sooo close! Was a cool dream though.

Alice 01/29/2024 (Mon) 18:38 [Preview] No.3135 [X] del >>3138>>3139>>3140
Gladiator-tier. Why are your dreams so violent?

Nice. None of us has been lucid in a looong time, this sucks.
Usually traveling triggers intense dreams but for now there's nothing. Host is sleeping like a rock.

Bear 01/29/2024 (Mon) 20:27 [Preview] No.3138 [X] del

>Why are your dreams so violent?

It's the hard-knock life

https://youtube.com/watch?v=X0fRCVybbiA [Embed]

Bear 01/30/2024 (Tue) 00:09 [Preview] No.3139 [X] del >>3146

I was walking around a guy that was supposedly my friend but he took me to his house and everyone was so Jewish it startled me. "Dude, you didn't say you were a jew." Was appalled and felt very uneasy/uncomfortable. I hate religion and by extension anyone dressed according to religion.

Ashley 01/30/2024 (Tue) 04:07 [Preview] No.3140 [X] del
>Why are your dreams so violent?

https://youtube.com/watch?v=azEsDoQXkP0 [Embed]

This is the kind of nonsense he spends his free time watching.

Bear 01/30/2024 (Tue) 17:21 [Preview] No.3141 [X] del >>3142
I was in a carnival town, lots of attractions and there was one with a beautiful country girl. There was a guy too, a champion recruiter. It was a fight club.

I came to this establishment looking for someone who went missing. Last seen here. Someone champion-like, one of my own. A character known for great strength because she's of the subspecies Earthkin. A Nord-like race tall and fair, muscular but not overly so when not "standing firm". They have the capacity to channel energy from the Earth and suck it up, becoming massively strong and powerful fighters. She was like a pet of mine you could say.

I saw a few matches, this was like a fight club but with bigger consequences, you could die. Then sometimes a recurring champion who was owed a lot of winnings was "recruited" as a regular but supposedly in a different town or venue.

I asked around but no one saw where she went. I asked the recruiter and he wouldn't give me the time of day so I pegged him as sus.

I went to the country girl's room and seduced her mostly to get information out of her. We had sex and it was good. She was nice and spilled everything during pillow talk.

So yes, they had power to send people to a pocket dimension. A place where you couldn't escape and all you could do was fight or die. Many sent there died.

Knowing this, it was time to show my true power, I became a champion. The recruiter owed me a lot of winnings, and as I suspected, he offered me a grand opportunity. No one in my system would have fallen for this but my character could have.

I went through the steps looking for a totem, a magical object or incantation he would cast. I made sure that the country girl witnessed it. He was hesitant but showed me a contract.

The contract was the device. If I signed it, I would be trapped. So I read it and told him I'd be hack.

I made a secret version, imbued with the same magic, and it needed his signature... yada yada yada

I swapped in the contract and signed it in front of him. He was confused then recognized his signature wasn't on it. He apologized and signed it and the moment he did he was trapped. I had carefully worded it that way.

Ofc in the pocket dimension you can imagine those he sent there would love to see him. The contracts were void if he was dead but their energy also sustained him.

In a few minutes a room full of champions appeared including my character.

Anonymous 01/31/2024 (Wed) 21:27 [Preview] No.3142 [X] del >>3145>>3146
(72.59 KB 960x720 twisted metal.jpeg)
the fuck of a complicated dream is this sounds like an entire isekai anime plot. remembered nothing lately oh yeah some driving dream i was a rally river or something but it was like twisted metal and all sort of crazy vehicles tried to shoot or ram me. just wanted to get the fuck out of this race but i dont remember more i think i got hit and woke up

Bear 01/31/2024 (Wed) 23:14 [Preview] No.3145 [X] del >>3146

I watch almost exclusively isekai anime.

Had a nightmare, brakes don't work in cars ofc, my exgf was there and wanted me to date an ugly chick who was very annoying. God it was disgusting bc I kissed her and ughhhhhhhblekblekblek she was obviously Jewish and huge nose too thin no boobs too tall lanky barely feminine. It was awful. So disgusting.

Alice 02/01/2024 (Thu) 21:19 [Preview] No.3146 [X] del >>3147>>3153
mfw Mr. Bear is more of an antisemite than me or host
Is this already a parallel dimension / isekai?

Host dreamt something cool yesterday but completely forgot as we had to hurry in the morning and couldn't write it down. It was a documentary-type dream about something really dumb.

Ah yes, Twisted Metal. Host hated that game because he never played it and then got rekt in multiplayer mode by classmates.

Bear 02/01/2024 (Thu) 22:36 [Preview] No.3147 [X] del

The Jews down the street pissed me off and I had that dream about someone being jewish and feeling uncomfortable with their jew family and now this? Hey if dream brain wants to test if I'm antisemitic or not then that's fine, but don't make me kiss ugly chicks. I swear I'll stab it with a pencil up my nose.

Tamamo 02/03/2024 (Sat) 08:44 [Preview] No.3151 [X] del >>3153
(33.94 KB 922x830 matrix_phone.jpg)
I was with friends and someone phoned me, said he knew who I was on Discord. I got a big paper chart with drawn connections between different young people I didn't know. They were supposed to be big shots in Tulpamancy. My phone was a Nokia slide-out like in The Matrix. It was bent like someone had tried to wring it out. That was odd and bothered me but worse was that somebody tried to dox me.
I kept thinking 'is this real or not?' I knew I have never used Discord. Never posted on .info. But I also knew I don't have Alice-tier opsec. So the possibility someone had doxed me was real. Wole up soon and was glad I'm not a big-shot in Tulpamancy.

Bear 02/03/2024 (Sat) 17:18 [Preview] No.3152 [X] del >>3160
(46.08 KB 460x818 ajgYpLp_460s.jpg)
I dreampt I was at work, falling asleep in my chair. One wall of my office is window floor to ceiling. So if it's light outside my office is well lit but at night I turn on the lights. Anyway, suddenly everything goes dark, the building tilts 10 degrees and there is a deep rumbling. Well the computer is still on and connected to a video I'm now watching, so I'm wondering what happened. I consider if I should hide under my desk or move to a higher floor.

A few things: there is ocean water literally a meter below the foundation. I can walk out and stand in front of the water lapping at the shore. Every time there's a storm surge the lower buildings get flooded and they're even closer, say .5 m. So I start thinking it could be a tsunami.

So the other thing major is earthquake. It could be from a fuel fire since there's an industrial fuel storage nearby.

Lastly, nuclear blast.

So I go under the desk to take a nap, I'm so tired in dream then I hear people screaming and I don't even care, takin a nap.

Anonymous 02/03/2024 (Sat) 20:29 [Preview] No.3153 [X] del >>3160
(139.58 KB 800x523 deer sleeping.jpg)
(303.23 KB 1200x1246 Jesse James Revolver.jpeg)
(25.23 KB 400x300 17HMR_rounds.jpg)
>mfw Mr. Bear is more of an antisemite than me or host
bigger dream pedo and dream antisemite

lol at big shot in tulpamancy. cool phone though, did you have the matrix sunglasses too?

an old friend from school visited me and he brough a present, a huge old wood chest. opened it and inside were two full size deer, they had no horns. thought they were dead but then they started moving, they were asleep like cats in a box. i touched the fur it was soft. suddenly my friend pulls out a huge ass revolver that looked like straight out of some wild west movie and asks me if he can shoot the deers on the parking lot in front of my apartment to cook them. wtf man
he shows me the ammo of the revolver, it looks weird like .17hmr, he tells me the name of the caliber but it makes no sense. i tell him dude you cant shoot deer with rimfire and certainly not in my parking lot and we're not gonna butcher them in my kitchen. dont remember what happened but the poor deer were not killed.

also lol i googled and .17hmr revolvers do exist wtf

Tamamo 02/04/2024 (Sun) 08:48 [Preview] No.3160 [X] del
>I hear people screaming and I don't even care, takin a nap.
Based. Reminds me of

>did you have the matrix sunglasses too?
Nope. Also leave the cute deer alone!

Bear 02/05/2024 (Mon) 12:42 [Preview] No.3164 [X] del
Blessed be leg day. Ah-men.

Next week is a good week for a bi-week. Time to let the tendons heal. I feel a slight soreness in my left extensor. I'll do some PT on that if it doesn't clear up. It's pretty normal for me to get that fron over exertion. Since I've continued to make gainz then it followz.

Bear 02/05/2024 (Mon) 19:21 [Preview] No.3166 [X] del >>3175
I dreampt that I was old, like 59 and still going to grade high school. It was summer vacation as far as I knew and the previous year I didn't go to class because I was sick, specifically English class. I thougt missed the last week. I get to the old classroom and the class is in. They're doing work. I sit down and have a bunch of papers that look like 3rd grade work. I don't even recognize the teacher, someone in their late 30's or early 40's. I try to talk to her about make up work for the cpuple days I missed, she says I missed two months, last month and this month. I'm beginning to think it's not summer.

So then the class is roudy and she yells for them to stop, and I mean they're even playing music and being really loud. They don't stop. Pne of them calls her grandma and she starts crying so I put my arm around her and start rubbing her back, I say, "you're not a grandmother, I'm older than you are, way older" so she wipes her tears and leans in more, she says, "I want to stay here longer".

She finally pulls away and she says, "are you going to come to class?" I say "unless I have a fever, yes" and she starts to walk away,
"Wait, what about my makeup work?"
She says, "we'll play it by ear."
I say, "but what grade did I get last year?.
She says, "E"
"Is that a passing grade? What does that mean?"
She says it means I'm writing at an appropriate level for the class.

She goes to the front and starts lecturing. This isn't summer school, I don't even know if I'm in her class this year.

I leave to go home and I live in on-campus housing. I get to my parking lot and there's a line of people waiting indefinitely for a space, just like college. So then suddenly I'm on a bike, I just turn a corner open a door and that's my room, "I'll just park it in my room then."

I lock the door and am off to the administrative office to get my class schedule.

Anonymous 02/06/2024 (Tue) 22:26 [Preview] No.3175 [X] del
weird how we still got back to school dreams decades later

i dreamnt my mum was a doctor and she diagnosed me with being morbidly obese i was like wtf that cant be true, but if your doctor says so? i couldnt even see my body only fpv. meh dream.

Bear 02/07/2024 (Wed) 08:32 [Preview] No.3177 [X] del
I was just a camera angle, looking over mostly middle-eastern women soldiers who were tasked to kill a group of Jewish women for their meat. The women were bound and naked, but huddled and grouped. One had been through a procedure that had a name in the dream but I don't remember it, she'd been boiled alive and her outer skin removed and then forced to do the killings but she was an undercover liaison to the Americans, though they were late. So nearly blind and skinless she was stalling for time at this final hour to save as many jews as possible.

Since she wasn't doing her job fast enough a girl no more than 14, also middle eastern (they all look vaguely middle-eastern, the Jews look Jewish) was given a sword but it wasn't flat, it was triangular in cross section.

A pot of Jew meat, looked like chicken thighs, was passed through to the kitchen. This semi-circular killing room had a drain in the middle, it was all as if carved out of stone, like under ground. The middle easterner captors were wearing nothing more then rags.

The Americans still hadn't shown up by the time I woke up. What's the point of this dream? No point.

Alice 02/09/2024 (Fri) 01:02 [Preview] No.3194 [X] del
We dreamt something about a marathon or other race and Mr. Bear was participating, a literal huge bear among runners with a number on front and back. Or rather it was a big man in a realistic bear costume. It was odd because I wasn't sure how I knew Mr. Bear was inside the bear costume but I wanted to know what he really looked like. It made no sense.

Tamamo 02/10/2024 (Sat) 08:54 [Preview] No.3200 [X] del
Dream thread reached bump level!
As usual I got nothing to make a new one.

Anonymous 03/06/2024 (Wed) 22:30 [Preview] No.3400 [X] del
(45.11 KB 717x499 putler gun.jpg)
(50.23 KB 1200x675 bidon handshake.jpeg)
2 crazy president dreams on consecutive nights.

2 nights ago i was in a classroom with friends we were about 18 but instead teacher there was putler sitting at a desk in front of us. he wanted us to sign a contract to become russian soldiers. a friend sitting left of me who's always been a crazy bastard just laughed at him like you insane man? putin calmly stood up, walked over to our desk and shot my friend in the face with a pistol. then shot two other students right of me. then he sat down again and put his pistol on his desk, folded his hands and looked me in the eyes. he was very calm.
fugg i said ok i'll work for you putin don't shoot me! he said with a smile that's mr. putin, ok?
then i woke up before signing anything. damn i'm not proud of myself but i ain't no hero or martyr either.

last night i was some campaign manager for bidon and he was supposed to give a speech outside in front of international press, lots of reporters. i was standing on a big black platform about 1m high with mic where biden was gonna speak but he wasn't there. i looked around and found him down right in front of the platform pissing at the right corner of it. a few meters away from all the reporters who filmed and took photos like crazy. then biden tried to crawl up the 1m high platform to start his speech but couldn't make it bc old. dear god what a pr disaster i just wanted to run away.
then we were in a park sitting at a round table with 4 chairs again with press all around. some other statesman, bidon, me and on the last chair was a big grey cat, looking away from us and uninterested. biden talked to the cat instead of the statesman, then suddenly got up, tried to shake hands with a bush, hugged it like it was an old friend and walked away leaving his guest and the press behind. i wasn't even surprised it was more like not again man!
the absolute state of usa

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