Anonymous 10/26/2023 (Thu) 19:29 No.2356 del
(62.03 KB 1024x1001 annalena baerbock.jpeg)
i was chasing hamas derrorists in a city. also i was floating in the air high above for whatever reason but it was cool. spotted some guys dressed in black with green headbands and jumped down. landed on top of one but he was like stahp im german police

he looked like a pali first with short black hair and a short beard but then i recognized him as german actor playing some tv commissar. in the dream i dont know any german tv commissar. so he was laying on his back with me standing above threatening him at gunpoint with my g19 and he pulled out a tiny s&w revolver and showed it to me. derrorists dont have s&w revolvers. i believed him but still yelled at him if he was crazy and wtf he was doing there an thanks to hiim the real derrorists got away. a woman in a way too short pink jap nurse outfit rushed to him and it was that stupid german foreign minister annalena baerbock. she was also noo were germans dont shoot and threw herself on top of the guy to protect him. god what a clusterfuck i was really mad and yelled at them both before going home