Bear 12/07/2023 (Thu) 21:30 No.2691 del


Well, lemme tell ya a little something bout the birds and the bees kid. Take a seat and pay close attention.

When a girl is... eh, not so fresh, or she baking bread downstairs if ya know what I mean, well she can still smell fresh as a flayed salmon but the taste ain't so sashimi. She got the salt-free soy sauce and it can turn a happy time into a chore. Not to worry, it's not like you'll start coughing up biskets tomorrow, it doesn't seem to matter and girl likes the tune-up, you know, oil that under carriage so you can take them curves full speed.

Ime you don't gotta lick it before you stick it, but if she asks, it's polite to chow down. But it shouldn't taste worse than raw oysters in season so if it do, after all is done, not before baka, let her know she needs that ole Monistat Lotrimin. Quick fix.

Okay, so if she needs the D and you choking on fumes and gonna die, just get assertive, use a fingy and she'll forget all about the oil change.

Got it son?