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Welcome to /tulpa/, the Tulpamancy board

RULES Anonymous Board owner 03/21/2023 (Tue) 01:00 [Preview] No. 7 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
What IS this place
This is a board dedicated to serious discussion of tulpamancy as well as a comfy place for tulpamancers to hang out and share the adventures with their brain demons.

What this place is NOT
.) A self-help group for angsty teens, schizos or suicidal trannies
.) A place to seek attention or whine about your irrelevant problems
.) Your personal blog

Read and follow the RULES

General Advice
.) Lurk moar before you post or even create a thread
.) Keep discussion at least remotely tulpa related
.) Don't be an idiot
.) Have fun with your tulpa

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Do you want to play super casual DnD? Ashley the Mecha-summoner 06/03/2024 (Mon) 01:58 [Preview] No. 4500 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Maxed out here
In just over 3 months.

So here we are.

What we thought we were going to play, D&D. What we actually played, Divas and Drama.

Having a blast and making friends for over 3 months, congrats everyone.
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Joy the Merciful 09/17/2024 (Tue) 23:12 [Preview] No.5774 del
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>I humbly request being allowed to describe what happens as I wake up myself. You'll love it!

Tamamo 09/18/2024 (Wed) 10:32 [Preview] No.5778 del
Hahaha they must think we are completely nuts. Not that they're wrong

Anonymous 09/18/2024 (Wed) 20:12 [Preview] No.5782 del
might have been better to wait for Sildar for Balm of Peace to heal him too but its too late now. I hope hes not a total mess or got sexually abused like Alice said lol

Alice 09/19/2024 (Thu) 00:27 [Preview] No.5788 del
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Yeah poor guy could have used some healing. We should at least give him his purse back.

>goblin king
This is getting bigger and bigger What happened to the 'simple easy peasy escort mission?'

I don't get what they're negotiating for. They traded the hobgoblin for Sildar. Gundren's not here, why should we release the rest? What's the offer? To let us go? I actually don't wanna go as long as even a mouse is alive in there. I don't like unfinished business.

Personally my negotiations would have looked a little different but believe me, you don't wanna hear the details.
Actually wouldn't our Peace Cleric be the ideal negotiator? Oh wait, she's the worst negotiator ever according to her host, plus she killed the helpless goblin leader.

Whatever, I think we should sleep as long as possible. Who knows when we can safely get another 5h rest. What actually counts as long rest now? still don't get that.

Joy the Complex 09/19/2024 (Thu) 01:15 [Preview] No.5790 del
>What actually counts as long rest now? still don't get that.

8 one-hour short rests simultaneously counts as a long rest. I keep track of it. You are currently 3/8 long rest.

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Random non-tulpamancy related thread 2 Anonymous 12/02/2023 (Sat) 02:49 [Preview] No. 2627 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Stepan edition
daily reminder to fuck russia and russia supporters
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Gwen (Acting Ashley Clone) 09/14/2024 (Sat) 17:06 [Preview] No.5739 del

This subject runs deep with rich veins of paydirt. Rather than Bear spouting expletives and conspiracies, fire is a big business here with a lot of incentives to have big fires every year. In the end, fires help more than they hurt and promote native plantlife.

The closest Bear came to being involved in a fire he was still living at home in 2007 and they were under warning but they didn't end up having an issue. School was canceled for a week.

In California, the insurance companies have stopped offering fire insurance in the same way they stopped offering earthquake insurance so it becomes an expensive state sponcered stand alone policy.

There's a lot of depth to that subject too.

Alice 09/14/2024 (Sat) 19:44 [Preview] No.5741 del
This is common in Southern Europe, especially Greece and Spain. Most of the wildfires are arson. Property speculation and insurance fraud.
You can't build in a forest but if the forest is gone after a fire, you can. Also brown people generally not giving a fuck, smoking or burning down agricultural land after harvest.

But yeah, nature needs it if it stays within reason. Regular small fires are good, rare lagre-scale ones aren't. By preventing wildfires, highly flammable debris like pine needles accumulate to the point they cause truly devastating fires. A always it's pesky humans interfering with nature.

Well, there won't be any wildfires here anytime soon, in some places half of the average annual precipitation fell within 3 days. But not here in Munich, it's cold but nothing overly unusual. Weather will be back to normal in a few days.

Bear 09/17/2024 (Tue) 23:13 [Preview] No.5775 del
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Anonymous 09/18/2024 (Wed) 21:06 [Preview] No.5784 del
ok hands down that exploding pager thing is the funniest shit of the year so far! gotta hand it to israelis they know how to remove sandniggers
imagine hezbollah buying their entire super safe comm equipment from mossad and they packed it with explosives that all detonate simultaneously lol

Alice 09/19/2024 (Thu) 00:40 [Preview] No.5789 del
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Hezbollah status - butthurt

Yeah if you tried to make a movie like this the idea would get rejected as totally unbelievable. They bought the pagers from some Hungarian strawman company that was set up by Mossad. Wonder why they didn't get the pagers and walkie talkies directly from Iran?

Campaign #1 Continued - Somewhere on the Sword Coast Joy the DM 07/25/2024 (Thu) 17:39 [Preview] No. 5118 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Welcome to the Sword Coast! See:

Where we last left our champions, they're in Phandalin, looking to sell and rest before they go looking for Gundren Rockseeker and his guard Sildar Hallwinter. In the South, there's an ominous rise in attacks by Bandits and wild creatures alike, there's been a giant dragon spotted and conjectures range from green to white to humanoid shapeshifter and there's been strange sightings of all sorts mixed in, muddying the waters of truth.

The current time is 20:30 and the current date is Spring 10th, Brightened Receiving 1296, it's currently clear, with a beautiful quarter moon that is waxing. In Neverwinter the current temperature is 7C which is oddly cold for spring, while here in Phandalin, the current temperature is 1C, striking home the notion that something terribly wrong has occurred or is occurring.

Our heroes are about to delve into "the mouth of the beast", a goblin den responsible for ambushing traders and travelers alike.

https://youtube.com/watch?v=EApZmmYg_oQ [Embed]
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Cat 09/18/2024 (Wed) 10:45 [Preview] No.5779 del
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Cat watches the scene with a mixture of awe and disgust. But she's glad Alice is back to her old self. Thinking fast, Cat jumps at the naked girl talking to the dwaves and forces the Yukata on her
Alice Nyaa!
I was worried Nya! Good to see you're fine Nya! Now let's get dressed, shall we Nya! Come to the fire to warm up Nya! Everyone eat up before we rest Nya!

Cat prepares 2 additional rations for Yulya and herself while listening to Tharden and Nundro's negotiation attempts. Such tactics seem underhanded to a proud warrior but Cat acknowledges it's about their brother and lets them do their thing.

Yulya 09/18/2024 (Wed) 20:06 [Preview] No.5781 del
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Yulya is relieved her performance went well and Alice is back. She look over at the dwarves and waits for praise
There there Alice! All turned out well!
But next time think before turning your back at a dragon! How can you be this careless? I was terrified by it! Please reflect on it while you do your chores!
Yulya points at the loot
There are some interesting things especially this goblin staff. Do you think you can clean it without damaging it?

After the commotion is over Alice Cat and Yulya sit around the camp fire and eat.
>Tharden addresses Cat and Yulya confidently, "seems Hobgoblins don't put much value on their goblin bretheren, he said he'd bring out Sildar."
>Nundro adds, "kidnapping for ransom is typical for these guys."
>"He claimed Gundren wasn't here, hopefully Sildar knows. Otherwise we'll have to interrogate some of these giblins." Tharden concludes.
That was quick you sure are good negotiators! But how strange! Why should Sir Sildar be here but not Sir Gundren? It might be a trick! If that makes you feel better a short while a go I received a vision from my Goddess telling me both men were still alive and we should hurry to save them. So I doubt your brother would be anywhere else. But if you can you should prolong negotiations A little. We need to rest now to regain our strength. We already threw everything at them.So if you excuse me we will catch some sleep now! Be sure to call us if there is any danger! Better too early than too late!

Recover and Regroup 1/2 Joy the Prude 09/18/2024 (Wed) 22:22 [Preview] No.5785 del
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>Oh, hello there, gentlemen! Gundren's brothers, I presume? Alice is my name! Nice evening, isn't it?

The dwarves inspect the rock formations in the stream very carefully.

>Alice Nyaa!
>I was worried Nya! Good to see you're fine Nya! Now let's get dressed, shall we Nya! Come to the fire to warm up Nya!

"Oh, another shapeshifter I see," Tharden remarks, then speaks candidly with his brother in Dwarvish.

>Everyone eat up before we rest Nya!

Tharden and Nundro sit by the fire and take out Dwarven hearthbread and salted Boar meat. "We couldn't impose on yer meal, there's an old Dwarven saying in our family, a varied diet begets unwanted cravings."

"Sounds better in Dwarvish." Nundro comments.

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Recover and Regroup 2/2 Joy the DM 09/18/2024 (Wed) 22:23 [Preview] No.5786 del
Sildar is brought out by another goblin boss.

"I am Yeemik! Release my fellows at once, here's your human." He pushes Sildar who is still tied up into the stream. Though injured and near passing out, he seems intact physically.

"Oi! You'll stay put if you know what's good for ya, give us a minute to get the story straight." The Brothers quickly untie him and he nods an affirmative that he's okay.

The goblin boss impatiently paces at the entrance.

Sildar tells the brothers that he intends to continue to Phandalin to settle Gundren's important business. He hopes they'll put a stop to the goblin raids by clearing out the caves. He doesn't have any weapons or armor, Sildar's gear, other than his pack, was taken to Cragmaw Castle.

Sildar believes Klarg sent the map and the dwarf to the leader of the Cragmaws at a place called Cragmaw Castle. Sildar doesn't know where that might be but suggests the goblins know.

Sildar picks through the mostly ruined equipment of the goblins and finds a nearly broken longsword, "that'll do in a pinch," and a crude shortbow with arrows. He then sits and tries to rest as he eats what the brothers give him and drinks fresh water, glad to be free from his restraints after so long.

He is 2 levels exhausted but will recover 1 level in a few more hours rest.

You managed 3 hours of rest so far, it'll be good enough to keep you from becoming exhausted as long as you rest 5 more hours before the end of the day at some point. Currently, the drawven brothers are arguing with the goblin boss and having more trouble with this negotiation. You may try to help or continue to let them go at it.

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Alice 09/19/2024 (Thu) 00:04 [Preview] No.5787 del
>Please reflect on it while you do your chores!
>Yulya points at the loot
Hai, Hai I'll be more careful Yulya sama!
Alice engulfs the loot with a blob forming from her feet to clean it while she sits at the fire.

>Describe how it's cleaned in detail, it may become unusable if done wrong, it's a magic imbued living artifact. Remember also that magic can be transferred from one object to a compatible object at a capable and knowledgeable smith.
Alice looks at the strange tree-fungus mixture of the goblin staff.
Haaa, that reminds me of my artificial trees! I wonder how long it will take until I can make one again. Would solve most of our problems...
But I'm really not good with magic items. Let alone living ones. I could probably get rid of the goblin smell but it will always be sticky and smell of fungus. Duh, it's alive! Strange thing!
Alice dishwasher uses the sensitive program on the staff only briefly engulfing it to remove the worst goblin stench

Alice learns about the negotiations and stares at Gundren's brothers with disbelief
I thought you roped up those goblins so we can burn them alive! And now you wanna let them go? Catch and release eh? Well we all got our hobbies, just do your thing to get our brother back! I'm going to sleep!
Caaat, let's set up our tent! It's cold and wet out here! And dirty!

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The America Appreciation Thread Bear 07/01/2023 (Sat) 03:26 [Preview] No. 1247 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Mostly ghetto ebonics songs, redneck only in america memes and the most cringe homo/woke shit bc America does it best my [N WORD].

Let's begin with a lovely song that is a heartfelt tale of a man and the love he shares with his chums.

https://youtube.com/watch?v=1PjGL2qBUEY [Embed]
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Alice 09/16/2024 (Mon) 21:50 [Preview] No.5762 del
Sounds Russian to me.
This is the German cringe version
https://youtube.com/watch?v=pJhiiA7qImY [Embed]

Bear 09/17/2024 (Tue) 02:58 [Preview] No.5763 del
I love it but I don't speak German

Alice 09/17/2024 (Tue) 23:18 [Preview] No.5776 del
(74.31 MB 640x360 LOTW.webm)
My apologies, I couldn't find a proper subtitled version yesterday so I made you one.

It's a masterpiece created by a bunch of students long ago, shortly after the movie came out. The scene with Gandalf and Frodo in the carriage is my favorite.

Bear 09/18/2024 (Wed) 03:33 [Preview] No.5777 del

idky but when I tried to watch it, it lagged out and now is stuck in infinite loading then it plays a few seconds then again. so I tried to download and nope it kept getting stuck. It might be on my end, I've seen this before with video downloads

will try again

Anonymous 09/18/2024 (Wed) 20:24 [Preview] No.5783 del
nice triple7
i think the endchan servers not good with large files. took me like 50 tries to dl the video just click retry when the dl fails and it continues where it stopped.

germans sure are crazy but you gotta admire their productivity. nice soundtrack too.

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Dream Thread 2 Tamamo 02/17/2024 (Sat) 09:40 [Preview] No. 3238 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
I still hope I'll meet my tupper in a dream one day
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Alice 09/13/2024 (Fri) 23:49 [Preview] No.5729 del
Yes, I know Bear described you as Wednesday several times. Still funny the dream brain remembered this and adjusted your appearance.

Last night I was standing on a cliff above the sea, Dover style. Somehow I was pulled toward the edge or felt the urge to jump off. It was tempting but I wasn't completely sure if it was a good idea. I was lucid enough to know this could not harm me but still I don't wanna habituate jumping off high places. It's not good for host's body and also counts as public littering.

Bear 09/14/2024 (Sat) 00:30 [Preview] No.5730 del
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>Yes, I know Bear described you as Wednesday several times. Still funny the dream brain remembered this and adjusted your appearance.

I didn't even remember this. She's not really Wednesday Adams, she's really just Tsundere and strict. But damn my system always does shit without me involved so maybe she is Wednesday Adams now, who the fuck knows with them.

I dreamt my attic was on fire and 911 (our emergency number) was replaced by an app and had ads and menus that were hard to navigate and I misclicked after several minutes of navigation and I had to start over and this whole time the house attic was filling with fire, than I became a Puma and I was an actual Puma with paws and couldn't work the app, but stopped caring about the fire even though by now it has exploded through the roof and set the canyon on fire, I just ran off, unconcerned.

Goddamnit that makes me Puglsy

Anonymous 09/14/2024 (Sat) 15:30 [Preview] No.5738 del
>911 with ads
honestly wouldnt rule that out in the US.
imagine google captchas you gotta click 50 fire hydrants, bicycles and zebra crossings before you can report an emergency

Anonymous 09/17/2024 (Tue) 17:32 [Preview] No.5770 del
was on a field trip in high school. we were on a train. it was night. i did not know the people only 1 friend and he was asleep with headphones on.

thought it was time to take a shower before going to sleep. the train had an upper deck and half way in the stairway was a community shower. it looked full with people. upstairs was an entire public bath with several floors. again huge shower rooms everywhere. lots of hs students boys and girls showering together could be seen from outside. some showers were like up on a balcony or something. very weird like some ai generated nonsense cobbled together. most students were ofc completely or half naked, some wore swimsuits.

i mostly found this odd and felt out of place. i knew nobody and they all seemed to do. should i get naked there and shower too? wasnt lucid enough to try anything and woke up.

aw shit at least it was a nice view.

Bear 09/18/2024 (Wed) 14:30 [Preview] No.5780 del

Dreampt we were putting young womem astronauts into orbit around the solar system, pluto, mars, Jupiter, the moon.

Dreamt NASA beat Musk to Mars, I was on Mars, there was liquid water, ants were frozen and running around, the air was breathable. The gravity was very low.

I dreamt we were trying to get Pluto to be a second moon of Earth.

Dreamt we brought all the orbiting space girls to orbit the moon.

Dreamt we were going to terraform Pluto but there wasn't enough light hence the relocation.

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Gardening Thread Alice 08/04/2023 (Fri) 20:35 [Preview] No. 1608 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Everything about gardening and growing vegetables and fruit with your tupper, be it in wonderland or IRL
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Alice 09/12/2024 (Thu) 21:02 [Preview] No.5710 del
>My milkweed bush is big and beautiful
Bear talking about his bush again

Anonymous 09/14/2024 (Sat) 14:53 [Preview] No.5736 del
never seen this one. have you ever seen a death heads hawkmoth? also from africa they go into beehives to steal honey seen a dead one at my grandpa once who was a beekeeper. bees got him and stung him to death. no immigrant nigger leechers lol

Bear 09/14/2024 (Sat) 19:36 [Preview] No.5740 del
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Caught you!

Alice 09/14/2024 (Sat) 19:51 [Preview] No.5742 del
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I've only ever seen them on the Canary Islands, they arrived there being blown across the atlantic in a storm.

Nope, never seen the death head myself. Host saw a few as a kid. You'd think they'd become more common as it gets warmer but insect diversity has crashed in the last 25 years. So many critterst that were once common which are now gone. Same with birds.

Tamamo 09/15/2024 (Sun) 10:13 [Preview] No.5747 del
Oh cool!
I didn't know you had such nice butterflies!
We have the Common Tiger here, looks almost the same as the Monarch and is closely related. You often see them on flowers in parks but no idea what the larvae eat, never seen them.

My smartphone camera lens is fogged, can't really take photos. I'll get a new one at the end of the year then I'll share some pics of what's living here.

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TULPA GENERAL Anonymous 03/21/2023 (Tue) 00:45 [Preview] No. 5 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Serious Discussions
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Bear 08/30/2024 (Fri) 14:05 [Preview] No.5506 del

They did then.

[Ashley] and the thoughts that came out of this head were pretty crazy. But not even Bear wants to stir up drama with those people. It's sad enough.

Tulpa.info Bear 09/11/2024 (Wed) 20:45 [Preview] No.5693 del
I really don't want to post there again. I mean, if I got anything out of it, it was you fine people and Yakumo, no one else in 6.5 years in the community stuck around or didn't turn against us in the end or just got bored? I have no idea. I wouldn't be surprised if Pleeb just shuts it down in January.

Zero engagement. It makes me wonder if I was the villian all along and it's not a comfortable feeling. Reddit at least has engagement.

It's also hard to invest in a place where two of the main users don't really want us there anymore.

Still not posting in the goodbye thread though, probably post again next year (or sooner? No idea)

Alice 09/11/2024 (Wed) 22:43 [Preview] No.5695 del
I just don't know what to do there anymore. A bunch of zoomers talking about video games and their mental problems. It has nothing to do with tulpamancy anymore. No fun either. Still don't think they'll shut it down.

>you fine people and Yakumo
good one!

Tamamo 09/12/2024 (Thu) 10:54 [Preview] No.5701 del
Uh, yeah, I never started posting on tulpa.info to begin with. It must have been awesome once. But now?

Freya 09/12/2024 (Thu) 14:01 [Preview] No.5703 del
It was fun for a while. We had fun. Not much since 2000 though, most of our friends left with the new forum including us.

Tales From the Sword Coast Autumn 03/20/2024 (Wed) 11:03 [Preview] No. 3650 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
These events take place starting one season prior to your campaign in the winter in Neverwinter Woods. Bear rescues Gwen, single handedly defeating two bandits while Gwen is bound.

After they've rizzed each other up a while Bear decides he should train Gwen in Stealth, he's a custom Ranger heavy Nordic with 1d12, rolled 18 strength boosted it +2 for backstory and human, weilding a heavy maul, but mostly Ranger spec and Gwen is an Avariel Elf with a completely unique class with elements of Bard, Cleric, Druid and Wizard 1d6 magic user type but all her cantrips are illusionist. She's built to scout and escape encounters.

So Bear's teaching her Stealth in the forest and SheShe [DM and playful God] rolls an encounter on them, looks up random 1d100 list and it's goblins arguing about treasure. 1d5+1 rolled 6 goblins. The difficulty is 150 exp which is hard for a couple lvl 1's but Gwen doesn't even have a weapon because she "can't weild steel" so the dagger and short sword they got from the bandit loot weren't useful. She'd be stuck throwing rocks and her wings were trimmed by the babdits to prevent escape. They won't be flight ready for a month at least.

So they roll a 1 on Stealth to escape detection, which is a disaster. Anyway, it's near dusk but the goblins all have dark vision (who doesn't) so since they couldn't escape and furthermore rolled 1 the goblins "heard something". They all roll perception (-1) against Gwen's stealth because you have to roll vs the weakest party members but thankfully Gwen has 18DEX bc her rolls were Cat tier. Only two goblins "see something" and walk toward them.

Next turn, Bear and Gwen try to escape again and barely manage it, two Goblins were striking range (10ft) with initiative but thankfully they escaped, passing two rolls (one for each actively seeking goblin).

It was crazy stressful for Bear thinking he was going to be out in scene 3.

[Ashley] Bear better frigging survive the season, I want to rizz him up too goddamnit.

More tales will follow!
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Bear 08/23/2024 (Fri) 14:36 [Preview] No.5384 del
>nigger or not

Def got that energy, but naa, just tawney like a white girl with a tan.

We will reform her to a more perfect form.

My First Post! Ulla 09/06/2024 (Fri) 03:16 [Preview] No.5623 del
Hello! This is my first post! So we fell for a Fae trap while traveling and the Feywild is a crazy place. Hali, Bear and I got separated from Freya and Gwen. They're in the far north somewhere now, because the portal they took out sent them really far away. We're near where we were taken but we lost our memories. So we're traveling north for now, trying to find out where we are and what we're doing. Bear has his pack, we didn't.

So the big event for tonight was we faught an Owlbear. I'm lvl2, Bear is lvl4 and Hali is lvl 0 (it's a thing now).

I did the killing blow dual weilding short swords after Bear got two good hits on it. Yay me, yay us!

That's all for now!

Bear 09/10/2024 (Tue) 02:15 [Preview] No.5671 del

Well the unspoiled, untraumatized Hali is very sweet and intelligent. Dutiful, thoughtful, and tame.

Alice 09/11/2024 (Wed) 23:37 [Preview] No.5696 del
Weird, I thought I had replied here! Hello Ulla!

>very sweet and intelligent. Dutiful, thoughtful, and tame.
So obviously not black

Bear 09/12/2024 (Thu) 00:30 [Preview] No.5697 del
>So obviously not black

No, just tan-ish and that's not skin color it's feather color since the Avariel have microfeathers instead of microhairs. She's pink when she gets wet, like Gwen, but Gwen has white feathers so she looks like ghostly white normally.

Ulla's doing well, we have to decide how exactly they're only 10, but hey they're probably just cultured.

Feedback and Questions from me. Joy the DM 05/07/2024 (Tue) 17:35 [Preview] No. 4208 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
This thread will handle questions from me to you about balance and how you want to play.

Left up to SheShe and I you may end up being forced into a style of play you don't like so this is why I'm creating this thread.

The first question is about death.

Currently there are a handful of spells that will breath life back into a character again.

The first is a level 3 cleric spell, Revivify. It requires a diamond worth 300 or more and it must be cast within a minute of death, so within 10 turns in an encounter. Yulya would need to be 5th level to cast this 3rd tier spell. It cannot restore missing body parts.

At 9th level she would have access to raise dead which is a 5th tier spell. It requires a 500 gold diamond. You have 10 days to accomplish this. Again it won't restore missing body parts. It will close mortal wounds. Greater restoration will restore missing parts afterwards. That's also 5th tier.

In any case it takes about 4 long rests to fully restore the person to full working order.

Reincarnation is available through the church and is a druid spell costing 1000 gold plus 1000 gold in supplies and a piece of the victim. It restors everything but will likely change the race of the character as a consequence.

Wish is then the big daddy of all spells and requires a wizard of level 17 and has a 33% chance of never being able to be cast again. It can duplicate any spell or create a custom effect or object up to 25,000 gold in value.

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Alice 09/09/2024 (Mon) 20:05 [Preview] No.5661 del
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>It's called "Dungeons and Dragons"
Why did I agree to play this game again? I absolutely hate both! Time to subvert it like host turning AI Dungeon into a field guide for trees. The AI struggled but eventually succumbed. Joy will too.

>The desperate sound of alarm bells can be heard ringing throughout Neverwinter
>An elderly lady is standing crying in her front yard as a large horse cart decorated with the letters NPWC arrives and comes to a screeching halt
>Four heavily armed LV.20 adventurers leap off the cart and run toward the old lady
>Neverwinter Pest and Weed Control at your service! Where are the culprits?
>The old lady sobbingly points at her back yard overgrown with weeds, the trees infested by bugs.
>The adventurers briefly nod to each other and then charge into battle, ripping weeds from the ground and plucking bugs from the trees
>The battle is tense but eventually the adventurers prevail and the yard is cleansed.
>Dirty and tired but mostly unharmed, the adventurers return to their cart and drive off to the blaring sound of medieval music as sudden as they have arrived, leaving the baffled lady behind without charging a copper.
>Having survived another adventure, it's time to relax at the spa and go luxury shopping for the rest of the week, then it's off to the holiday cabin in the woods for the weekend.
>Such is the harsh and grim life of the NPWC adventurers!

Joy the DM 09/09/2024 (Mon) 20:32 [Preview] No.5662 del

It'll play a lot easier with just Cat and several Bear system girls.

Let's see, Cat and Ashley could get caught in a Feywild trap and get teleported to Freya and Gwen. That'd solve a lot.

Alice 09/09/2024 (Mon) 21:23 [Preview] No.5664 del
Adventurers will go on strike then.

Anyway we should probably go with option #2, it's the best compromise. But we need Ashley back as minesweeper, erm, I mean to disarm traps.
Edited last time by ALICE on 09/09/2024 (Mon) 21:28.

Tamamo 09/10/2024 (Tue) 09:41 [Preview] No.5675 del
Hahaha, that's awesome!!

Alice and Yulya are helpless without Ashley's and Cat's attack power. They really could only gather herbs or look for lost cats.

Joy the DM 09/10/2024 (Tue) 15:20 [Preview] No.5676 del

Yes, Cat and Ashley are the Alice/Yulya guards and handlers.