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Welcome to /tulpa/, the Tulpamancy board

RULES Anonymous Board owner 03/21/2023 (Tue) 01:00 [Preview] No. 7 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
What IS this place
This is a board dedicated to serious discussion of tulpamancy as well as a comfy place for tulpamancers to hang out and share the adventures with their brain demons.

What this place is NOT
.) A self-help group for angsty teens, schizos or suicidal trannies
.) A place to seek attention or whine about your irrelevant problems
.) Your personal blog

Read and follow the RULES

General Advice
.) Lurk moar before you post or even create a thread
.) Keep discussion at least remotely tulpa related
.) Don't be an idiot
.) Have fun with your tulpa

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Gardening Thread Alice 08/04/2023 (Fri) 20:35 [Preview] No. 1608 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Everything about gardening and growing vegetables and fruit with your tupper, be it in wonderland or IRL
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Alice 07/19/2024 (Fri) 00:29 [Preview] No.5031 del
Not inside the exploded reactor #4 of course. The NPP is huge and has 6 blocks. #5 and #6 were never completed. I was in #5 I think, don't remember It's just an abandoned construction site. And in the more or less intact block #2 that was shut down in 1991. You can see what it looks like here.

It's not like the entire area is a death zone, people still went to work there every day to secure the NPP and work on the containment. Most areas are basically safe nowadays. You could live there.

>10ft tall.
10 times my best sunflowers

Tamamo 07/19/2024 (Fri) 10:51 [Preview] No.5043 del
That's pretty crazy I didn't know that! Did you work there? I assumed Chernobyl was deadly.

Never tried growing sunflowers but it works here too. I've seen some in gardens but not that tall.

Bear 07/19/2024 (Fri) 14:16 [Preview] No.5044 del
>not that tall

I've seen 6 feet in my yard, this is unbelievable. Like that time I grew zucchini the size of watermelons and they were tender too, that was a while ago. I'm an awful gardener so these flukes are always a surprise.

Bear 07/25/2024 (Thu) 01:18 [Preview] No.5115 del
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Bear 07/26/2024 (Fri) 21:06 [Preview] No.5136 del

Welp the milkweed grew back and now it's just a stalk again. There are at least another dozen monarch butterfly larva on it. I found the "last molt" of three about 2 weeks ago and now this place is teaming woth butterflies, all fluttering around that same sad milkweed plant that refuses to die.

Tales From the Sword Coast Autumn 03/20/2024 (Wed) 11:03 [Preview] No. 3650 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
These events take place starting one season prior to your campaign in the winter in Neverwinter Woods. Bear rescues Gwen, single handedly defeating two bandits while Gwen is bound.

After they've rizzed each other up a while Bear decides he should train Gwen in Stealth, he's a custom Ranger heavy Nordic with 1d12, rolled 18 strength boosted it +2 for backstory and human, weilding a heavy maul, but mostly Ranger spec and Gwen is an Avariel Elf with a completely unique class with elements of Bard, Cleric, Druid and Wizard 1d6 magic user type but all her cantrips are illusionist. She's built to scout and escape encounters.

So Bear's teaching her Stealth in the forest and SheShe [DM and playful God] rolls an encounter on them, looks up random 1d100 list and it's goblins arguing about treasure. 1d5+1 rolled 6 goblins. The difficulty is 150 exp which is hard for a couple lvl 1's but Gwen doesn't even have a weapon because she "can't weild steel" so the dagger and short sword they got from the bandit loot weren't useful. She'd be stuck throwing rocks and her wings were trimmed by the babdits to prevent escape. They won't be flight ready for a month at least.

So they roll a 1 on Stealth to escape detection, which is a disaster. Anyway, it's near dusk but the goblins all have dark vision (who doesn't) so since they couldn't escape and furthermore rolled 1 the goblins "heard something". They all roll perception (-1) against Gwen's stealth because you have to roll vs the weakest party members but thankfully Gwen has 18DEX bc her rolls were Cat tier. Only two goblins "see something" and walk toward them.

Next turn, Bear and Gwen try to escape again and barely manage it, two Goblins were striking range (10ft) with initiative but thankfully they escaped, passing two rolls (one for each actively seeking goblin).

It was crazy stressful for Bear thinking he was going to be out in scene 3.

[Ashley] Bear better frigging survive the season, I want to rizz him up too goddamnit.

More tales will follow!
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Intense Victory Autumn 07/19/2024 (Fri) 10:19 [Preview] No.5041 del
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Insane, we got initiative all except Ember and downed three of them in round 1. It was a complete massacre. all one sided. Freya did more friendly fire to Bear then they managed to do against us. Keep in mind we were at a 4:1 disadvantage even counting Ashley's summons. Almost all rolls were in our favor, it was crazy good luck!

In case you want to see them or the raw battle, enjoy!

Spoiler below, read after.

BTW, it'll cost Freya 90 gold to remove her red skin at the temple, it's technically a curse. She did that surge so Garrus would be out of range of revival with a potion from Aurra.

Gwen 07/19/2024 (Fri) 22:38 [Preview] No.5049 del

So then we're going to get this slave freed right? Not so fast! They still need to do the mission and that means they could still just do it and skip out, so Bear has me go with them. I have stealth and I have "detect thoughts" so I can tell when they're up to no good. Well they're on the up and up until the end, after we rescue the child, the two guys want something to show for their efforts, crap, so the two rogues turn on them and we run. Well the ranger has entangle and entangles the girl, now we're stuck and have to fight them 3 on 2. Here we go again. I'm given the ring of invisibility and I take off so they can't melee me and the rogues attack. They down the ranger pretty fast but the paladin can output enough damage to one shot one of them, but misses! On my turn I cast silence and he's basically a tank with no ammo at that point, he's pinned down by two assassins and they whittle him down in the next turn. He gives up with 2HP and now we're stuck the ranger stabilizes and he's still up but we really don't want him to be if you know what I mean but now if we just kill him it's real murder and we've got looky-loos all over the place since we're fighting in the streets. So just as we're cussing them out (they are) a "mysterious black shape" skewers and deathblows them. We run.

Spoiler the black shape is our dear friend Theilia, she has some crazy abilities and equipment and any witness would think a dark shadow killed them. we're off the hook and they're out of out lives.

So now we have the kid and the paperwork and her bonding fee plus extra and I say, "you're free yay" and she says, "no" and then Ember explains it, that she's way too valuable not to be a slave, for her own protection.

Now what?

Turns out she's not dragonborn, she's a true dragon hybrid, sounds familiar? If you know Bear lore then you know who she is. Here's a hint:

>Why not have both


Are we a group of 6 now? I have no idea, we're discussing it. If she's not going to be a slave, she'll need protection. So now we're stuck with her for a while at least.

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Autumn 07/25/2024 (Thu) 01:51 [Preview] No.5116 del
We love Ulla, she's a darling.

[Bear] I have decided... or it was decided that Ulla would be the archetype of purity and innocence. The innocent among innocents. Such concentrated and beautiful being of joy and love that anyone who would speak ill of her would become irredeemable and our enemy until death.

So we're keeping her. She's deciding her character now, she's not really deciding for herself at this point but we're thinking Oracle-Ethereal Warrior Gestalt-lite hybrid. She'll be one level behind Oracle Sorceress, yes we love sorceresses, with no offensive spell capability but the ability to wield two-handed or dual wield blades that have foci embedded in them and pour arcane energy into them to make them more deadly. It's a "duskblade" thing.

So since she's 10, she'll have a two point penalty to each of Strength, constitution and Wisdom, pegged at 8 each for now. She'll regain 6 points back in the next 3 years, so probably not since we'll be level 20 way before then. Of course she rolled 6,6,6 for one of her rolls so that's her Charisma with +2 Charisma and Wisdom for being part dragon, so 20. She's a boss already. Freya also managed a 20 Charisma off the bat.

Did you know, dragons can shapeshift and detect thoughts innately? She won't shapeshift but she has the equivalent of 'detect thoughts' as a cantrip, and 'cause hallucinations' so she can communicate back through your own mind but she needs to be looking into the person's/creature's eyes and they need to be of intelligence > 8 so no animal communications.

We're still playing around with her character. Since she was trained as a slave, she can do performance and persuasion with expertise. She also has Arcana/History/Nature/Religion which all educated people have and can speak Common/Elvish/Dwarven. So she's not exactly the most useful but she's going to be fine.

Lastly, she has a homebrew trait that allows her to gain 1d4 temporary hit points per level permanently but they can't be healed, they need to regenerate. So technically she has 1d6-1 and 1d4-1 since her Constitution is -1 so she starts with 5/5+3/3 hit points (8).

We were toying around with the idea she could eventually shapeshift into a dragon but decided against it.

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Alice 07/26/2024 (Fri) 19:23 [Preview] No.5130 del
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Host demands to know for purely scientific reasons if she is still naked. You know him.

Bear 07/26/2024 (Fri) 21:04 [Preview] No.5135 del
>Host demands to know for purely scientific reasons if she is still naked. You know him.

Heck yeah she naked, under the panties, dress, armor, cape, parka, boots, stockings. Of course.

Now she looks human with transparent soft scales instead of hairs but you can't see or feel them. They make her heat, fire, and cold resistant.

I realized the other day that most of my system is kinda beastkin. Gwen has feathers and wings, Autumn is half-tabaxi, Ashley turns into a panther, Ulla's dragon heritage, I'm a Bear as you know, Freya is half Fey but they're not beasts, still demi-elf though, the only normal ones are SheShe and Joy. Joy is mostly human but modified. SheShe is the only real human and she's a demigod now.

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Dream Thread 2 Tamamo 02/17/2024 (Sat) 09:40 [Preview] No. 3238 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
I still hope I'll meet my tupper in a dream one day
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Bear 07/23/2024 (Tue) 19:04 [Preview] No.5103 del

Hm. weird.

Well my dream was that I was Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson and I was riding shotgun with Vin Diesel driving in a race. Well we ended up in the bushes and I had to get out to push the car free. He was mad at me but he was the one driving so bite it.

The cars sounded really cool. That's all.

Okay then at some point in this or another dream I was jerking it for a long time like for no reason and not getting anything out of it, why? There was a girl there watching but she wasn't even naked. What gives brain, you slacking bruh?!

Anonymous 07/24/2024 (Wed) 22:56 [Preview] No.5112 del
>you'll love this one, Kashtan!
it is beautiful
and crazy

Yakumo 07/26/2024 (Fri) 20:03 [Preview] No.5132 del
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Apoclyptic dream.

I was at a beach at sunset, standing in the knee-deep water. The landscape was volcanic and primordial. There were no other people around or at least not close. I noticed there was not one but 3 suns close to the horizon at various heights.

I discussed with tupper that this was a gravitational lensing effect of a huge celestial body nearby, a rouge planet or black hole.

Suddleny the sun closest to the horizon abruply set which meant nothing other that the earth spiralled out of control. Suddenly I fell into a deep black abyss and woke up.

I wouldn't say this happens frequently but I've had several of such dreams where the earth left its course and the sky turned like crazy. Both spectacular and unpleasant.

Bear 07/26/2024 (Fri) 20:57 [Preview] No.5133 del

Yeah I used to have dreams that Jupiter was large in the Sky and the gravity was all messed up, or the Earth was spiraling towards the sun and the light burned you instantly.

Bear 07/26/2024 (Fri) 20:58 [Preview] No.5134 del

It's hard to have sex with stray girls in an underground warehouse when the earth is spiraling towards ghe sun but I managed.

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Do you want to play super casual DnD? Ashley the Mecha-summoner 06/03/2024 (Mon) 01:58 [Preview] No. 4500 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Maxed out here
In just over 3 months.

So here we are.

What we thought we were going to play, D&D. What we actually played, Divas and Drama.

Having a blast and making friends for over 3 months, congrats everyone.
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Tamamo 07/25/2024 (Thu) 11:39 [Preview] No.5117 del
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I can open Alice's spreadsheet, works fine!

You know Cat doesn't care but I approve of Alice's list. I'd keep the signet ring, Ashley might be able to impersonate a noble with it.

>create or destroy water
But that costs 1MP!
Whatever, let's sell the jug because it's new.

We will keep the rations for now and eat them. I think it's enough to sell the other things in the list.

So do we agree and proceed? Waiting for Hobby's offer!

We also need to think what we leave in the cart and take with us. It's too much to carry.

>You can eat up to three rations a day and work/walk/fight 24 hours.
Cat can for sure. Not sure about the other weaklings.

Yulya 07/25/2024 (Thu) 17:53 [Preview] No.5119 del
>So do we agree and proceed? Waiting for Hobby's offer!
Yes all good!
Please continue next round Joy!

Joy the DM 07/25/2024 (Thu) 21:39 [Preview] No.5121 del


Again I messed up, it's 20:30. So 8:30pm

Yulya 07/25/2024 (Thu) 22:34 [Preview] No.5123 del
New attempt to upload the post-sale spreadsheet I hope you can open it.

I think we should recruit Gundrens brothers and that retired guy mentioned by Elmina. Cant hurt to ask.

Alice 07/26/2024 (Fri) 19:05 [Preview] No.5129 del
Works without problems!

Campaign #1 Continued - Somewhere on the Sword Coast Joy the DM 07/25/2024 (Thu) 17:39 [Preview] No. 5118 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Welcome to the Sword Coast! See:

Where we last left our champions, they're in Phandalin, looking to sell and rest before they go looking for Gundren Rockseeker and his guard Sildar Hallwinter. In the South, there's an ominous rise in attacks by Bandits and wild creatures alike, there's been a giant dragon spotted and conjectures range from green to white to humanoid shapeshifter and there's been strange sightings of all sorts mixed in, muddying the waters of truth.

The current time is 20:30 and the current date is Spring 10th, Brightened Receiving 1296, it's currently clear, with a beautiful quarter moon that is waxing. In Neverwinter the current temperature is 7C which is oddly cold for spring, while here in Phandalin, the current temperature is 1C, striking home the notion that something terribly wrong has occurred or is occurring.

Our heroes are about to delve into "the mouth of the beast", a goblin den responsible for ambushing traders and travelers alike.

https://youtube.com/watch?v=EApZmmYg_oQ [Embed]
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Yulya 07/25/2024 (Thu) 22:30 [Preview] No.5122 del
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Sweat drops form on Yulyas face despite the cold as she observes Elminas tantrum while slowwly backing off ready to run. She thanks SheShe for having Ashley to deal with such nightmares.

Yulya bows when taking the money from Hobby then distributes it giving Ashley her share. The 8 platinum and 92 gold coins go to Alice to fill up the Lolibank. Cat receives 2 gp and 10 sp in case she needs to buy something.

Yulya rolls her eyes as Elmiras stance softens hearing about Gundrens fate. Much trouble could have been avoided telling Hobby from the start.
Thank you for the Advice and king invitation Miss Elmira!
We are sorry for the trouble but we will try our best to bring Sir Gundren back. We also owe him a lot!

>You walk on down the street to the Inn.
Seeing Alices condition deteriorate in the cold Yulya lends her the blanket again
We made a lot of money thanks to your bartering skills Ashley! Well done!
Now what do you think?
We must at least inform Sir Gundrens brothers but it cannot hurt to pay this Daran a visit as well. Any help is welcome.
Now lets eat and rest if we take too long there will be nobody to rescue!

Alice 07/25/2024 (Thu) 23:09 [Preview] No.5124 del
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Alice more or less discretely gobbles down the coins handed to her. The Lolibank is full with 8pp and 92gp.

The hell is this weather? Neverwinter was bad but that's no temperature for me! Let's go to the inn, I gotta eat and warm up or I'll pass out!
Alice gladly takes the blanket from Yulya and tries to hide under it

Cat 07/26/2024 (Fri) 09:17 [Preview] No.5125 del
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Cat takes the coins from Yulya with a nod before walking to the Inn with the others in good mood
That wasn't bad Nya we get a free meal Nya and the horses are taken care of too Nya!''

Stonehill Inn Joy the DM 07/26/2024 (Fri) 16:17 [Preview] No.5127 del
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>Now what do you think?
>We must at least inform Sir Gundrens brothers but it cannot hurt to pay this Daran a visit as well. Any help is welcome.

"It wouldn't hurt to ask in the morning."

>I gotta eat and warm up or I'll pass out!

"I might need to get a parka if this keeps up, we're not really set up for this."


[21:00] You're finally done unloading and even before you're shooed away, some townfolk have come and have already started bartering for some of the items. 40% more or not, there was a high demand in this town. They're sold by the crate and men have taken them ahead of you. There's a scent of burnt wood, the hearths are working overtime tonight.

You make it to the inn, practically shivering, it's not hard to find and townfolk have congregated. As you enter, you're greeted by chilled denizens of this small hopeful mining town, drinking ale and a strong elixir that smells of cherries and is thick as maple syrup. "Now that the Rockseeker brothers have opened the mine, there's a chance at the good life, finally, and with it good times and good drink." A man says to his companions as you pass. The mood is good if not downright jovial.

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Alice 07/26/2024 (Fri) 19:04 [Preview] No.5128 del
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Alice dons her Kitsune mask as she enters the Inn. It's crude but the atmosphere seems honest. No degenerate nobles, no idiots looking for a fight. An authentic unspoilt tavern for the alien tourist
Warm at last! I like this place already, it has soul!

>"Now that the Rockseeker brothers have opened the mine, there's a chance at the good life"
Alice notes that Gundren's family appears to be well liked here.
Hey Ashley, Gundren and his brothers must be some big shots here! I'm sure they won't let the goblins get away with taking him! This is our chance to get some serious aid so don't piss them off! If we manage to rescue him we'll be the heroes here!

>"Uh, I'll pass, if you don't have anything non-alcoholic, then tea or warm water will do," Ashley says and pushes the glass away.
Alice swiftly takes the glass and pours it down in one go under her Kitsune mask. Due to her poison resistance, the alcohol is quickly metabolized and converted to energy without much effect.
Not bad at all! It's warm! And I like cherries! What a nice place!
Edited last time by ALICE on 07/26/2024 (Fri) 19:37.

Campaign #1 - Somewhere on the Sword Coast Joy the DM 03/08/2024 (Fri) 18:18 [Preview] No. 3440 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Hello and welcome to our first campaign! I have changed many of the rules for D&D 5e due to player feedback and to foster an enjoyable play-by-post asynchronous run. Though this is also an experiment for all of us, so do try not to take it so seriously but just serious enough so you can be immersed in the lore and fantasy of the game. Please do not use this thread for meta conversation, hosts are banned from this thread and will be ignored.

Day Zero Dreams:


Attached is the map of the Sword Coast, and our marked local map. We will be initially focusing our attention just south of Neverwinter, specifically near Neverwinter Wood and the Sword Mountains.

Though there is plenty of lore about this area, but consider our campaign one of infinitely many parallel versions with features that may not be canon.

The events in Yulya's day zero dreams take place near the coast between Neverwinter Wood and the Sword Mountains. Yulya's secluded cabin, the battlefield, Cat's raised village, and even the crash site are all places you may choose to revisit. The limits are only your imagination. Be warned though, there has been a recent uptick in bandits and other nefarious monstrous foes along the coast. Though "The High Road" is well patrolled and generally safe to travel, the many tributaries and wilds surrounding the road have been reported to have a sharp increase in danger. Travel under escort if at all possible or travel at your own peril.


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Phandalin Joy the DM 07/23/2024 (Tue) 02:09 [Preview] No.5094 del
He looks conflicted and leans in to her, "You look a little too clean for this, are you an auditor? You can tell an old Gnome who ain't trying to swindle the guild out of their share."

"Pfft, are you kidding? Naa, but it's 50% take it or leave it."

He sighs and looks over the load, "oh? oh! Mhm mhm, well it's all in new and good condition for the most part, yep, I'd say there's a good profit to be had for 30% over, but an old gnome needs to feed his family after all, I can't run this shop as a charity and I can't raise my prices any higher or the town would likely mutiny first." He continues grumbling and pulls out a pocket ledger, flipping through it and checking the stock in the cart for a good 5 minutes. He handles the pickled herring and then moves on to the other bibs and bobs. "If you said 35% over I got coin right here and now and a helpful hand to unload it, and I'll even throw in free room and board and wave the stable fee. If not, then maybe you can leave the cart there on the road and hope for the best.''

Ashley scrunches her face, "What you got for accommodations?"

He laughs and points to the big sign that says Stonehill Inn, "Unless you want to sleep with the horses in the stables, they'll treat you right, your horses will be well taken care of for the night and ready for the road bright and early. Just tell them Hobby sent ya."

Ashley looks at him straight, "we've got some other business, can you throw in taking care of the horses and cart for another few days or so."

He sticks out his wrinkly hand, "A gnome's word is gold."
Ashley shakes it with a determined look in her eye, "40% then" [persuasion 1d20+4=22]
He looks pained, "Sorry sweet miss, but my ears ain't so good in my old age, you said 35% didn't ya? Bah! I can appreciate a young swindler making her mark, you got it!"

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After Party Joy the DM 07/23/2024 (Tue) 02:18 [Preview] No.5095 del
[20:00 Clear]
It will take an hour to unload and make the transactions. Ashley was able to convince him that you have a trade guild token but she later told him that he should mark it under Gundren's name since it's his cart and he'll be buy to pick it up later. She also said to keep Gundren's proceeds for him when he arrives safely and soundly.


Later that night:
"I can be optimistic too. I say we revive him if he's dead.''



Alice 07/23/2024 (Tue) 18:20 [Preview] No.5101 del
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Alice inspects the loot with visible disappointment.
I don't know what I was expecting but...
She runs the gems and ore through her hands.
Hmm, amethyst, tourmaline and cobalt ore...
This is not bad actually, especially the cobalt ore! The tourmaline also appears to contain some traces of lithium, chromium and vanadium. I could use this to strengthen my body if you let me have it. Not the amethyst though, it's just silica and a little iron. I can get that from soil so sell that one!

> Ashley was able to convince him that you have a trade guild token but she later told him that he should mark it under Gundren's name since it's his cart and he'll be buy to pick it up later. She also said to keep Gundren's proceeds for him when he arrives safely and soundly.
Oi Ashley!
Don't you think we should tell that gnome and others who know Gundren that he was dragged off by goblins? We might get reinforcements. But hmm, might look suspicious again to have people disappear around us.

Ashley 07/23/2024 (Tue) 18:57 [Preview] No.5102 del
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>Oi Ashley!
>Don't you think we should tell that gnome and others who know Gundren that he was dragged off by goblins? We might get reinforcements.

Ashley shakes her head, "gimme a chance to get there, let's get this stuff sorted out first then I'll ask."

Yulya 07/23/2024 (Tue) 22:16 [Preview] No.5107 del
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Yulya is glad to arrive at Phandalin without further incidents and without having to negotiate prices as someone who would still rather walk into a goblin den naked than barter with a gnome. She still has a heavy heart thinking about Gundren and Sildar.

>Later that night:
>"I can be optimistic too. I say we revive him if he's dead.''
That unfortunately is the most optimistic outcome. Providing we even find his remains in revivable state and I do not have to revive any of us. I can only revive one person.

>This is not bad actually, especially the cobalt ore! The tourmaline also appears to contain some traces of lithium, chromium and vanadium. I could use this to strengthen my body if you let me have it
Fine with me we need to get Alice back in shape! So eat the rocks!

Ashley you handle telling them about Sir Gundrens fate the way you see fit. But try to keep 'alternative facts' to a minimum we are already more than suspicious. Arriving with Sir Gundrens cart but without Sir Gundren will raise questions we need to answer.

Now let us decide what to sell and what to keep!

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The America Appreciation Thread Bear 07/01/2023 (Sat) 03:26 [Preview] No. 1247 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Mostly ghetto ebonics songs, redneck only in america memes and the most cringe homo/woke shit bc America does it best my [N WORD].

Let's begin with a lovely song that is a heartfelt tale of a man and the love he shares with his chums.

https://youtube.com/watch?v=1PjGL2qBUEY [Embed]
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Really Big Flag Bear 07/20/2024 (Sat) 23:18 [Preview] No.5062 del
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If this is real holy fuck that's a big ass flag.

I've never felt such national pride than to see a 100 story tall flag.

Anonymous 07/22/2024 (Mon) 00:49 [Preview] No.5079 del
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its over

Bear 07/22/2024 (Mon) 01:36 [Preview] No.5081 del

Also FUCK Youtube, done.

Bear 07/23/2024 (Tue) 19:37 [Preview] No.5104 del
I fucking knew he was holding back.

Dude's been juicing. Well now he has more time for leg day.

Meanwhile Trump better not skip it. Dang, bros still look good in their 70's.

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Random non-tulpamancy related thread 2 Anonymous 12/02/2023 (Sat) 02:49 [Preview] No. 2627 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Stepan edition
daily reminder to fuck russia and russia supporters
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Yakumo 07/15/2024 (Mon) 17:40 [Preview] No.4981 del
People here would cheer an assassination attempt on just about any politician. Also you'd probably get arrested for shouting Germany, Germany!

Did you know that using the phrase Everything for Germany can get you a jail sentence because it's Nazi?

Anonymous 07/15/2024 (Mon) 17:46 [Preview] No.4982 del
I believe that German.

Tamamo 07/17/2024 (Wed) 09:45 [Preview] No.4999 del
What is wrong with your country?

Bear 07/20/2024 (Sat) 23:07 [Preview] No.5061 del
(433.77 KB 220x188 damn-it.gif)

We're looking at 4 great years ahead, assuming we're not in a nuclear exchange. Honestly the Dems regulated too deeply and too greedily. And they want to save the enviroment, so let's build millions of really environmentally unfreindly batteries and solar farms and wind farms that kill endangered species, convert natural landscape to hellscape and are possibly the worst type of power to load level and sop they can't even add more than a few percentage tot he grid anyway.

[Ashley] Oh no, poor ole Bear is thinking about politics and the environment again.

[Joy] I'll get the hose.

D&D Custom Rules Joy the DM 05/27/2024 (Mon) 16:20 [Preview] No. 4413 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
This document represents the added and changed rules for this campaign:


I will update with a new rev and notify you here instead of clogging up the other threads in the future.


I couldn't upload it here for some reason so I uploaded it there.
28 posts and 12 images omitted.

Tamamo 07/17/2024 (Wed) 10:06 [Preview] No.5001 del
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>I'd like to give Cat keen hearing and a +2 bonus on perception for smell.
Not gonna refuse a free bonus!

MOGA Joy the DM 07/20/2024 (Sat) 14:14 [Preview] No.5053 del
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Opportunity Attacks

5e states that there is only one reaction per round and this includes opportunity attacks. This is hard to fathom that one orc passing an angry dragon would get slaughtered but the rest of the hoard could pass by without a care. So there are unlimited opportunity attacks. This makes front liners important again.

Alice 07/20/2024 (Sat) 19:52 [Preview] No.5056 del
Consider the following scenario:
>50 orcs simultaneously pass by an angry dragon.
How many orcs can the dragon massacre one by one in the few seconds a round represents? 50?

Or imagine the battle of Thermopylae:
1 angry Spartan hoplite blocks the narrow passage while 300K Persians try to zerg rush him. He stabs each of them with his spear as opportunity attack. Thus the Persian invasion of Greece ends.
Really now?

I think just like a creature normally only has 1 action per turn it should indeed only have 1 reaction. It can't react 50 times because there isn't enough time in a round for it to do so.

So yeah I think the 5e wording makes sense. I'm open for compromise but unlimited reactions are insane.

Problem solved! Joy the DM 07/20/2024 (Sat) 22:54 [Preview] No.5059 del
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>How many orcs can the dragon massacre one by one in the few seconds a round represents? 50?

How do 50 orcs pass in 6 seconds?

Both are ridiculous scenarios. But I've solved it. You're welcome.

>while 300K Persians try to zerg rush him

No, they try to rush past him and he can't attack because it's not his turn but he can stab at just one if they try to leave within 5ft of him. ??

[Ashley] Leave it up to good ole' Big Sissy Joy to solve everything, gotta love her.

>Thus the Persian invasion of Greece ends.

>Really now?
Yes really. Pats self on back.

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1st Rule of D&D Joy the DM 07/20/2024 (Sat) 23:02 [Preview] No.5060 del
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"Rule #1 =The DM is God. The DM can change anything at any time for any reason. If you don't like the way the DM has ruled, you might be able to argue but the DM's final ruling is the final ruling. Even if the rulebook has an entirely different rule from the one the DM just used, the DM's ruling is final."

[Ashley] She might be letting the power get to her a bit, but to be honest, this almost never comes up. I think I've never seen it happen twice in one turn let alone from the same mob or hero, and we're level 4's now in the other run. In fact, the only time I ever saw it was when the rothé did it. Like, it never happens.