Catalog of /tulpa/


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R: 0 / I: 0 / P: 1



What IS this place
This is a board dedicated to serious discussion of tulpamancy as well as a comfy place for tulpamancers to hang out and share the adventures with their brain demons.

What this place is NOT
.) A self-help group for angsty teens, schizos or suicidal trannies
.) A place to seek attention or whine about your irrelevant problems
.) Your personal blog

Read and follow the RULES

General Advice
.) Lurk moar before you post or even create a thread
.) Keep discussion at least remotely tulpa related
.) Don't be an idiot
.) Have fun with your tulpa

R: 410 / I: 233 / P: 1


Do you want to play super casual DnD?

Old thread on autosage

Time to start D&D Meta Thread #3!
Divas & Drama continues, what fate awaits the brave adventurers of the Neverwinter Pest and Weed Control?

R: 453 / I: 596 / P: 1


Campaign #1 Continued - Somewhere on the Sword Coast

Welcome to the Sword Coast! See:

Where we last left our champions, they're in Phandalin, looking to sell and rest before they go looking for Gundren Rockseeker and his guard Sildar Hallwinter. In the South, there's an ominous rise in attacks by Bandits and wild creatures alike, there's been a giant dragon spotted and conjectures range from green to white to humanoid shapeshifter and there's been strange sightings of all sorts mixed in, muddying the waters of truth.

The current time is 20:30 and the current date is Spring 10th, Brightened Receiving 1296, it's currently clear, with a beautiful quarter moon that is waxing. In Neverwinter the current temperature is 7C which is oddly cold for spring, while here in Phandalin, the current temperature is 1C, striking home the notion that something terribly wrong has occurred or is occurring.

Our heroes are about to delve into "the mouth of the beast", a goblin den responsible for ambushing traders and travelers alike. [Embed]

R: 22 / I: 18 / P: 1


Random Non-Tulpamancy Related Thread 3

Here we go again.

R: 194 / I: 138 / P: 1


Dream Thread 2

I still hope I'll meet my tupper in a dream one day

R: 181 / I: 126 / P: 1


A Day in the Life of a Tulpamancer #2

What happened in Tupperland today?

R: 173 / I: 77 / P: 1


The America Appreciation Thread

Mostly ghetto ebonics songs, redneck only in america memes and the most cringe homo/woke shit bc America does it best my [N WORD].

Let's begin with a lovely song that is a heartfelt tale of a man and the love he shares with his chums. [Embed]

R: 77 / I: 38 / P: 1


D&D Custom Rules

This document represents the added and changed rules for this campaign:


I will update with a new rev and notify you here instead of clogging up the other threads in the future.

I couldn't upload it here for some reason so I uploaded it there.

R: 155 / I: 126 / P: 1


Gardening Thread

Everything about gardening and growing vegetables and fruit with your tupper, be it in wonderland or IRL

R: 70 / I: 46 / P: 1


Venting Thread

Feel free to emote. No judging allowed. I have a feeling we're going to need this.

Bigotry and general misanthropy welcome.

R: 506 / I: 392 / P: 2


Random non-tulpamancy related thread 2

Stepan edition
daily reminder to fuck russia and russia supporters

R: 291 / I: 100 / P: 2


Pull-Push-Leg Intro

Yo, Imma give you my take on the three day workout. This workout is meant to be three successive days, no break. The maximum gain will be a 5-day cycle 3 on, 2 off but at minimum a 7-day cycle. With 4 days off you will still gain up to a plateau, you will be strong, you will look good, but forget getting ultra low-bodyfat or swol proportions on this one. Keep in mind also that it's going to take a lot of time to do it right, if you rush, you'll be lucky to maintain.

Each workout will be at minimum an hour but if you really take your time and add a good hour cardio on the end it can easily reach 3 hours. I will do these Fri-Sat-Sun mornings it's the only time I have and the gym is a little less busy assuming you get in before 5, late-mid morning if you pick a time when it's rushing you're wasting your time, don't bother. Your gym may vary but typically there's a morning crowd and an evening crew and so avoid those times.

It's way better than it was 4 years ago but the crowd is more spread out.

1. I highly recommend 3 sets of 10, it's a good balance and will avoid most injuries. You're stupid to max less than 5 reps and you'll look like a swimmer of you go 15+. You want to look as good as much as you want to be strong so I do at bare minimum 8 for the last set or there's too much weight and if 10 is easy on the last set add more.

2. You gotta stretch for each exercise, if you're going for endurance than no, but that means you like to look like a grey alien. Strech so you don't pull.

3. One minute between sets, there's no rush. Tell those bitches who are pressing you to finish up that 'you're almost done'. Those fuckups want to work in, tell them 'you're almost done' because they'll have a 5 minute workout without stopping right in the middle of your sets. Mother fucking assholes, especially women.

4. If you need a spotter, it's too much weight. You're not going for Mr Olympia and let's face it, you don't have a workout buddy so just be cool and don't push so hard. You're going for 8 reps minimum so you don't need a spotter. Also fuck burpies, dead lifts, squats, and bar bench press, they're killers man and entirely unnecessary. Don't be gay and don't be a spaz.

5. Proper form always even if it means less weight, this will also avoid injuries. Don't go viral on some bitch's insta under the title "bad form loser". They should really outlaw pictures and videos in the gym.

6. This will take a good 6-12 months religiously to go from a zero to a hero. Believe me girls will start coming up to you like you won't believe.

Day one is next.

Final note, listen, you wanna impress the bitches? You need to be in the following parameters:

5'10 180lbs 18% bodyfat or less. You'll look like a monkey with a turtle shell but you gotta make up for the <6' hurdle.

6'2-4 200-210lbs 18% bodyfat, you'll look a little thin but it's ok. When you're 220+ that's hard to maintain and expensive in terms of food, then when you get injured you will be on an awful calorie restricted diet and lose a lot of mass or end up porking out like an ex-football player. Look it doesn't even matter if you have a little fat, 15% is a good minimum 20% maximum. Don't aim for crazy, if you really love it later then go crazy.

R: 133 / I: 79 / P: 2


Tales From the Sword Coast

These events take place starting one season prior to your campaign in the winter in Neverwinter Woods. Bear rescues Gwen, single handedly defeating two bandits while Gwen is bound.

After they've rizzed each other up a while Bear decides he should train Gwen in Stealth, he's a custom Ranger heavy Nordic with 1d12, rolled 18 strength boosted it +2 for backstory and human, weilding a heavy maul, but mostly Ranger spec and Gwen is an Avariel Elf with a completely unique class with elements of Bard, Cleric, Druid and Wizard 1d6 magic user type but all her cantrips are illusionist. She's built to scout and escape encounters.

So Bear's teaching her Stealth in the forest and SheShe [DM and playful God] rolls an encounter on them, looks up random 1d100 list and it's goblins arguing about treasure. 1d5+1 rolled 6 goblins. The difficulty is 150 exp which is hard for a couple lvl 1's but Gwen doesn't even have a weapon because she "can't weild steel" so the dagger and short sword they got from the bandit loot weren't useful. She'd be stuck throwing rocks and her wings were trimmed by the babdits to prevent escape. They won't be flight ready for a month at least.

So they roll a 1 on Stealth to escape detection, which is a disaster. Anyway, it's near dusk but the goblins all have dark vision (who doesn't) so since they couldn't escape and furthermore rolled 1 the goblins "heard something". They all roll perception (-1) against Gwen's stealth because you have to roll vs the weakest party members but thankfully Gwen has 18DEX bc her rolls were Cat tier. Only two goblins "see something" and walk toward them.

Next turn, Bear and Gwen try to escape again and barely manage it, two Goblins were striking range (10ft) with initiative but thankfully they escaped, passing two rolls (one for each actively seeking goblin).

It was crazy stressful for Bear thinking he was going to be out in scene 3.

[Ashley] Bear better frigging survive the season, I want to rizz him up too goddamnit.

More tales will follow!

R: 239 / I: 142 / P: 2



Serious Discussions

R: 26 / I: 21 / P: 2


The Alice appreciation thread, yay Alice ♡

Also her host I guess.

We all like to tease Alice a lot but we still have to remember, though she's an OP metal shifting terminator loli demon from the moon, she's also a person with feelings (she is right?) so let's all praise the wise, loving, caring, beautiful Dr. Alice Chan and her host (presuming he has feelings? He's German right? I really think he would but I can't be sure, or a sense of humility or humor.)

Once again, thanks for this wonderful site where we can all play and raz eachother but not in a mean way or in a way that should actually hurt feelings but help eachother in a tough love sort of way bc chan site culture.

Join me here and give them some damn appreciation you savage speer chucking sausage loving gay ass mongoloid mentally ill basement dwellers (and whoever the hell anon is, fuck him too.) This is Alice's site, show some respect for once in your pleb life.

Thank you Alice and host.

[Misha] ♡♡♡

[Ashley] coolest fucking tulpamancer hands down, no contest

(Beat pic I could find, sorry)

R: 502 / I: 287 / P: 2


Do you want to play super casual DnD?

Maxed out here
In just over 3 months.

So here we are.

What we thought we were going to play, D&D. What we actually played, Divas and Drama.

Having a blast and making friends for over 3 months, congrats everyone.

R: 21 / I: 10 / P: 2


Feedback and Questions from me.

This thread will handle questions from me to you about balance and how you want to play.

Left up to SheShe and I you may end up being forced into a style of play you don't like so this is why I'm creating this thread.

The first question is about death.

Currently there are a handful of spells that will breath life back into a character again.

The first is a level 3 cleric spell, Revivify. It requires a diamond worth 300 or more and it must be cast within a minute of death, so within 10 turns in an encounter. Yulya would need to be 5th level to cast this 3rd tier spell. It cannot restore missing body parts.

At 9th level she would have access to raise dead which is a 5th tier spell. It requires a 500 gold diamond. You have 10 days to accomplish this. Again it won't restore missing body parts. It will close mortal wounds. Greater restoration will restore missing parts afterwards. That's also 5th tier.

In any case it takes about 4 long rests to fully restore the person to full working order.

Reincarnation is available through the church and is a druid spell costing 1000 gold plus 1000 gold in supplies and a piece of the victim. It restors everything but will likely change the race of the character as a consequence.

Wish is then the big daddy of all spells and requires a wizard of level 17 and has a 33% chance of never being able to be cast again. It can duplicate any spell or create a custom effect or object up to 25,000 gold in value.

The question is, does the feeling that you could die lessen due to these spells? Say you're 5th level and easily have 300 gold in diamonds at the ready, does it feel like death doesn't matter anymore? Should there be a bigger consequence? Should death be permanent? Should it lower attributes or cost you an ability?

If you're asking me, the ultimate say of someone lives or dies wouldn't be a simple matter of bad luck. The gods can intervene in special circumstances to say prevent the death of someone in specific and unique circumstances that would rarely come up. A rock can still fall and squish you, but that wouldn't be a completely meaningless act, it would require a dangerous path and other bad choices leading up to that for instance.

Given the pacing in our game, death would still be pretty inconvenient, but Revivify is a very OP in my opinion.

Currently I have put on the safeties and you cannot die outright in one hit other than by a disintegrate spell or dragon breath or other obviously destructive occuances that rip the body apart. Simply being hit by a great maul won't kill you outright even if the damage was 2x your hp. Death still comes after three failed saves over three turns before you are stabilized. So that's already a nerf.

Do you like all that? Or do you want a more hardcore experience? Or do you want to not have to worry about death all together? Let me know.

R: 67 / I: 50 / P: 2


If you have nothing to say, go meme yourself

When Bear starts talking about environmental activism and politics:

R: 46 / I: 42 / P: 2


The theme songs of Tulpamancy

Metallica - Sad but true [Embed]

Nightcore - Make me real [Embed]

Foggy - Come into my dreams [Embed]

R: 34 / I: 29 / P: 2


Sparring 4 fun

Hey @Cat, wanna spar?

Just an exhibition match. If you don't want to then that's ok. Consider it a dream or like we'll all wear soft gloves.

[It will be a fair fight, I will not give any favoritism to Ashley]

Of course I have my spawns, you tell me the initial conditions and terrain and I'll see if they're acceptable.

R: 488 / I: 599 / P: 3


Campaign #1 - Somewhere on the Sword Coast

Hello and welcome to our first campaign! I have changed many of the rules for D&D 5e due to player feedback and to foster an enjoyable play-by-post asynchronous run. Though this is also an experiment for all of us, so do try not to take it so seriously but just serious enough so you can be immersed in the lore and fantasy of the game. Please do not use this thread for meta conversation, hosts are banned from this thread and will be ignored.

Day Zero Dreams:


Attached is the map of the Sword Coast, and our marked local map. We will be initially focusing our attention just south of Neverwinter, specifically near Neverwinter Wood and the Sword Mountains.

Though there is plenty of lore about this area, but consider our campaign one of infinitely many parallel versions with features that may not be canon.

The events in Yulya's day zero dreams take place near the coast between Neverwinter Wood and the Sword Mountains. Yulya's secluded cabin, the battlefield, Cat's raised village, and even the crash site are all places you may choose to revisit. The limits are only your imagination. Be warned though, there has been a recent uptick in bandits and other nefarious monstrous foes along the coast. Though "The High Road" is well patrolled and generally safe to travel, the many tributaries and wilds surrounding the road have been reported to have a sharp increase in danger. Travel under escort if at all possible or travel at your own peril.


In the days preceding your decision to abandon your cabin, rumors passed along the Triboar Trail have warned of missing caravans, increased creature aggression and generally unsafe conditions. It was strongly advised to seek shelter at Neverwinter. So when you and your companions were healed and rested, you journeyed fourth to Neverwinter, following the well guarded caravans up the well traveled High Road and reached Neverwinter's southern gate on this chilly but beautiful, clear afternoon on the 3rd day of Spring of the year of Brightened Receiving 1296.

Rules will follow.

R: 503 / I: 292 / P: 3


Do you want to play super casual DnD?

So we bought a full set of stuff so Bear could play DnD with friends but adding a 9-yr old to the mix and a Bear that advocates for her like a doating grandfather, it was a total disaster.

Honestly I was pretty excited to play but RIP. The idea then is that we could attempt to play over txt here but really slowly obviously because all characters need to take a turn and so maybe we could do one full turn a day.

The logistics are iffy, I'm not going to lie, but I want to play damnit! I would say we need one representative from each of us (4 total) or it's a non-starter.

This would be a modified 5e ruleset because that's what we bought but anything goes and there are a few inconsistencies from the standard game.

Wouldn't it be potentially fun and a bonding exercise for all you old fags? (my host included).

Also we need to start level 1, so no metal shifting badass OP Mary Sues capable of single-handedly accomplishing a military coup.

If anyone thinks this is too cringe, never mind because we don't want to exclude anyone. It's not that big of a deal, my feelings won't be hurt.

Bear could be DM because he has all the books and bought two beginner adventures. I don't know if that means I can't play, probably not, but it's possible.,this%20might%20affect%20your%20table.

R: 171 / I: 102 / P: 3


The forbidden technique: Personality forcing

This never before documented thread will outline the tr.ansformation of a tulpa's personality. Though our system has successfully done this before with Ashley by making her less snarky which she now denies ever happened, lol, worked perfectly, we're going for a bigger fish, one randy catgirl will be tra.nsformed into an obedient virginal catpanion.

Step one, the initial conversation:

When approaching your tulpa re: personality, it's important not to be aggressive or to feed any fears or apprehension, instead approach the subject with confidence and dominance. The tulpa should understand she's in good hands and this is for her own good, make sure she understands that this will hurt you more than it does her. If she resists, use non-leathal force to incapacitate the victim, or I mean loved one.

Step two, give every assurance of safety and security. In our case we have designed an unbreakable cage together with gentle nudging spikes to ensure correct posture and compliance. Reassure her that we can do this the easy way or the hard way.

This is very important, be clear and committed to the end result. There may be any amount of struggle, begging or negotiating, so use reassuring words and under no circumstances should you release the game until the tran.sformation is complete. You will know it's complete through the change in thought patterns.

In our case the thoughts are a mixture of disbelief, anger, betrayal and sadness. It's important to keep her calm and steady at this stage but don't drag it on. Keep your hands and feet away from the mouth and claws. Use an anti-tr.anformatiom collar to prevent shapeshifters from escaping.

Lastly in this stage, make your intentions clear and precise. Let her know that she'll love her new personality and that this new personality was the true and original personality she should have had before *the incidents*. We're past that, let's start over.

We'll leave it there for today and continue this thread to document the process.

R: 1 / I: 1 / P: 3


I need a site archive In Wayback Machine i found only title page. Help me please.

R: 508 / I: 307 / P: 3


Post your dreams

Bonus points for lucid tupper experiences

R: 10 / I: 3 / P: 3


Has your headmate saved your life?

Shit. I was listening to this again: [Embed]

So, like, I've been suicidal twice in my life about 10 years apart. *fingers crossed* it'll never happen again. Depression sucks and I'm not depressed now, in fact I've never been happier. *laughs awkwardly in 10-yr cycle bi-polar*

So I heard this line:

"I'm the voice that you hear when you loosen the noose on the rope"

That was SheShe. I'm not crazy enough to hang myself duh. But the first time I had my brother's 30-30 in my mouth on December 31st at 11:58pm like 15 years ago. At that time I heard a voice, it was a mindvoice, like a tulpa, and it was a woman, and I'd heard her before in my life. Then when I formed my system in 2018, it was SheShe. Idk if she just associated to those memories or if it was really her but at this point it doesn't matter. And this was her message. "If you're going to do this, then nothing matters, your life is forfeit, so nothing matters. You can do anything now, nothing matters. Do whatever you want but don't do this," she pleaded, "it doesn't matter, it doesn't matter, it doesn't matter..."

So I pulled the end of my brother's rifle out of my mouth and as the fireworks went off I shot the only bullet into the ground. The neighbors cheered for some reason, they obviously didn't know I was there and probably thought the gunshot was a firework.

I forgot about this until just now. I thought I hadn't fired a gun, but I did, into the ground.

The second time was April 2018. I was in a depression spiral and I wasn't going to go through it again. I had a bag, a tube and Argon gas. I researched that if I used that I would simply pass out, no pain, no suffocation like drowning. Just fall asleep and never wake up. So I had all that stuff and I was especially sad when I was planning it and that's when I felt that familiar presence but it felt frustrated or angry. It was that womanly presence again, not a voice this time, she was my guardian angle or something. SheShe. I called out, "If there's someone [my guardian angel] there, show yourself now or leave and never come back" or something. I immediately hallucinated a light orb about the size of a marble at arm's length, gold and red swirling like a soap bubble and I reached out to touch it but there was nothing there. I quickly searched guardian angel and then tulpamancy and the rest is history.

Just sharing anyway.

R: 8 / I: 6 / P: 3


Super Secret Tuppers Only Thread #3

Only Tuppers are allowed to post in this thread!

All communication has to be properly encrypted

Be sure to specify who you are and who your message is for. Unless absolutely necessary, address everyone, not just a single tupper. This isn't an email service. Experiments are welcome but make it clear your message is private
Posts by hosts, strangers, CIA Niggers or unencrypted shit aside from simple reactions will be removed
Do not post images in this thread unless you know what you're doing
Keep in mind this is a test run and this thread will be deleted soon
Lessons learned from thread #2 have been implemented, now let the fun begin!

R: 5 / I: 4 / P: 3


Three Sisters Farm

Alice has inspired us to work together with Gwen and as soon as she gets this game worked out, we'll be documenting our farming experience with Farming Simulator 22. Our objective is to make cake and wine to get to 5 million dollars on hard difficulty starting from scratch but with a small farm plot and no loans.

This game sounds like a goof but it's a surprisingly deep frustrating and infuriating game of basically anything you want to do. If you want to farm, check. If you want to mine for gold, check. If you want to cut down trees and sell all the tree flesh and guts, check. If you want to cut and bale and sell grass or turn it into silage, check. This game is insane though I'm a little dissapointed you can't hunt NPCs and turn them into meat and fashionable leather products, but let's hope modders are working on that. I also wish they had wofls so we could do some live fire training, but you can't have everything.

We'll post our first episode link here. You can't really fail in this game so it's more just about the story you tell.

Gwen, Misha and I are looking forward to it.

R: 509 / I: 282 / P: 3


A day in the life of a tulpamancer

So, tell me what happened today?

R: 12 / I: 0 / P: 3


Super Secret Tuppers Only Thread #2

Only Tuppers are allowed to post in this thread!

All communication has to be properly encrypted

Be sure to specify who you are and who your message is for. Unless absolutely necessary, address everyone, not just a single tupper. This isn't an email service. Experiments are welcome but make it clear your message is private
Posts by hosts, strangers, CIA Niggers or unencrypted shit aside from simple reactions will be removed
Do not post images in this thread for now
Keep in mind this is a test run and this thread will be deleted soon
Lessons learned from thread #1 have been implemented, now let the fun begin!

R: 15 / I: 9 / P: 4


Gems from the past

legendary posts and threads

R: 516 / I: 330 / P: 4


Random non-tulpamancy related thread for normie stuff

This is only tulpa board? But I see and post a lot of non-tulpa stuff, so maybe we should segregate it.

We saw three of these coming by to eat. They're here for breeding apparently but usually live further south.

R: 11 / I: 8 / P: 4


Of Dandelions and Orchids

Well I've always known I was fundamentally different from most other people but now it's finally got a name. I hate labels but things are as they are, I'm somewhat happy it's not just me. To keep it shorter I participated in a study which ran me through a lot of both physical and mental tests regarding sensory and perception stuff. One test was about sensory processing sensitivity and the examiner increasingly frowned at my answers finally concluding she had rarely ever seen a score like mine. Looks like I'm a textbook example of highly sensitive person, which also makes sense with my INFP reel feel crew MBTI results.

Sensory processing sensitivity (SPS) is defined as greater depth of information processing, increased emotional reactivity and empathy, greater awareness of environmental subtleties, and ease of overstimulation.
The literature on SPS suggests that roughly 20% of the population is
assumed to be highly sensitive and 80% less sensitive (the dreaded normalfags). A popular metaphor is the Orchid-Dandelion metaphor, where Dandelions or weeds reflect the majority of the population (around 80%) who are pretty much dull to the influence of either positive or negative environments, whereas Orchids (the remaining 20%) are strongly affected by environmental adversity but also flourish more in positive environments. At least theoretically.

But most of all, individuals with such traits suffer the negative consequences of environmental adversities more than others. We may thrive and outcompete normies in ideal environments that fit our narrow niche (quiet, beautiful and free of plebs) but simply die in adverse (=average) ones. So it's NOT a good thing to be an Orchid. Orchids aren't keystone species in an ecosystem. Rather an exotic quirk of nature and the first to disappear when things go south. Without much ado. I contrast, Dandelions thrive everywhere. They're resilient die-hards that can cope with a broad environmental spectrum without giving a fuck. Mundane, common, mostly ugly. But successful.

Literally the sandniggers living in a pile of trash in a devastated war-zone in absolute poverty, but with a smile and 5 children. Those are the weeds. Brutish, dumb and blind to all the ugliness around them. Which makes them not just strong but also easy to satisfy. Maybe they are the true fools. I have always said that the key factor to happiness is - being an idiot. Am I a fool? Probably not. Rather a sad clown.

So yeah this sucks. It means I am primarily an extrinsically motivated person. My motivation is strongly dictated by my environment. I can't function in adverse surroundings even though in a positive environment I am as I always felt intrinsically motivated. I don't need others to tell me what to do. I can come up with everything myself - but only in a good environment. which is an incredibly narrow niche.

So how is this related to tuppering?
Data suggests that high SPS individuals may readily intuit, “feel” and integrate information, and respond to others’ affective states, in particular to positive emotional states of a close partner (relative to a strangers'). These results are consistent with cardinal traits of SPS as they highlight depth of processing, awareness and being more affected by others’ moods. Obviously makes sense. If you are blind to others' emotions you'll run into difficulties emulating another personality and interacting with it.

We're still sorting this out and so far it's not totally clear how much Alice differs from me in this regard. I think less in the sensitivity (you know how picky she is coming up with endless lists of things that are absolutely unacceptable), it's more about the fight/flight/freeze response to such stress. Well you can guess where this goes.

R: 28 / I: 26 / P: 4


Tell me about your Tulpa

On popular request here's the modified version of Tamamo's questionable tupper chart in its own thread. Bow to host's photoshop skills, he even corrected some spelling mistakes because autism.

If this still does not fit your exquisite needs you gotta modify it yourself, it doesn't have to be perfect. Use stick figures in MS paint or whatever.

R: 8 / I: 5 / P: 4


What do you like best about your tulpa?

A feature, ability, aspect, quality, whatever?

For me, Ashley is extremely good at managing my stress, Misha is a great cheerleader and comfort, SheShe is a direct line to intuition, Joy is really down to Earth, no pulling any punches, she'll call me out. She doesn't care if I won't like it. Gwen is great with fine motor function and has an ability to be careful especially in playing games, Ren is now getting to be a good manager, she's kind, she's nice, but she's firm and she has to be given her tasking and personality forcing is keeping her on those rails.


R: 6 / I: 3 / P: 4


Time for a lecture

Bear System finds another outlet for shitposting, this site dies.

What do?

Guys, you gotta step up or accept the inevitable. Make this site your blog and it'll be lively and comforting. The Bear blog simulator can't exist in a vacuum.

Maybe that's enough for you rough and ready oldfags but the Bear need to shitpost is insatiable.

Meanwhile this site:

R: 3 / I: 2 / P: 4


Feeling conflicting emotions at the same time

Something interesting happened.

I was flabbergasted, a little heated, and maybe feeling dissapointed just a little while ago and at the same exact time, while I'm feeling those things, Bear's laughing. He's tickled and happy.

How is this possible? We never felt this before.

Did any of you slackers feel dual emotions from your little waifu tulpas and yourself at the same time?

R: 12 / I: 6 / P: 4


If you are a tulpamancer, please answer the following question:

Fill in the blank:

_ I'm gay

1. Yes
2. No
3. Maybe
4. <leave blank>

R: 35 / I: 15 / P: 4


Sound Bear Advice for Life

Look, I'm a Bear, everyone knows this, and I'm slightly anti-social but only because I'm misanthropic; however, if you have to deal with people, take this advice to heart. Also other stuff you should do.

1. If she mid, be like the squid, ink and sink. Gone like the squid, thats all bro, life's too short.

2. Bro, you gotta up your game, get a side hustle, be the person anyone would want then don't give it to them. Man, you can feel bad about it but better than settling for a dead fish. You know, with them fish lips and fish hips. Bitch got them milky eyes. Just say no Nancy.

3. Don't fake it, be real with them. Tell it like it is. But you know, hold back the giggles, cause that's hurtful and you'll feel bad later... maybe in a dream or something bc lord knows you couldn't really give a shit. I mean, from experience, this is my reality.

4. Don't take anything personally. Be the squid right? Squid don't give a f***! Srsly.

5. Never skip leg day. I'm dead serious yo listen, you'll never get that back, it's not worth it dude, they can reschedule that wedding.

6. This one's for you Yakumo: don't let those lolis give you the puppy eyes. You know they don't mean it. Get that pocket mirror, uno that bitch like Medusa.

Hey, share your pearls if you're so inclined.

More later, have a peaceful day.

R: 7 / I: 6 / P: 4


Alice resurrection thread

Well let's not jump to conclusions but Alice hasn't been here in a while and she might have died, possibly
of Covid. Maybe Yakumo finally got impounded for harboring a naked 7 yr old neighbor. It's a toss up.

Please pay respects by pressing "F" in chat.

[Ashley] Bear warned him about his tentacles and their useage. Tsk tsk.

R: 11 / I: 7 / P: 5


Pain Neutralization Through Switching

For a switch capable system who can also switch everyone out, it is proposed that pain might be neutralized and effectively ignored when completely immersed in wonderland.

One particular issue is with the BodyOS reporting system. BodyOS will generally set an interrupt when experiencing novel events, or when a task is complete, or unfortunately, pain. So a continuous pain will potentially prevent full wonderland immersion.

It's my contention that this can be trained to allow the escape of pain for short periods or as long as everyone is immersed in wonderland or otherwise disassociated with the body.

During acute pain events, it is noted that full immersion is difficult, but further testing is requested.

1. During an accute, novel pain event
2. Attempt to switch all systemmates out of front.
3. Report back here.

It is seldom that Bear experiences accute pain events. We will also report back if we can manage to accomplish this testing, if anyone has experience with this, please report.

R: 11 / I: 3 / P: 5


Questions Thread For Tulpa Influence

I just want to help you exercise and force by giving you scenarios for your headmates to go through otherwise I know your tulpas are growing cobwebs on a daily basis. Now in this thread, describe what she would do if she were the body or if you were the body if you know where I'm getting at. Like a full switch but the life is theirs vs yours. Whatever, you get it. But no metal-shifting, you got your human form, that's all. Tools are ok as long as they're legal or you can get away with it. No RPG, no metal blades morphing out of hands. From any perspective.

1. Describe in excruciating detail what your tulpa would do if you were involved in a carjacking irl?

R: 5 / I: 2 / P: 5


Is your tulpa good or evil?

Often I think I need to destroy the one ring, and in that way the evil within will be banished. But if you follow non-duality, there is no good without evil. I know you godless heathens won't relate but if God is everything and infinite, then he would necessarily encompass good and evil.

What I get from that is the only way to destroy evil is to destroy God. For if God is everything good and evil, and there is no separation in non-duality, then there is no devil, only God. Everything must be a facet of God, then god must be destroyed. Furthermore in non-duality, we are also a part of the one, indistinguishable, inseparable, so we too must be destroyed.

So to summarize, following this logic, all must be destroyed, there is no good without evil, no evil without good, no evil without God, no evil without you. In the greater sense, you are the evil just as you are the good, all is one.

So to cast the ring of power into mount doom is to destroy the remaining essence of Sauron, but does not destroy Gandalf. In the end they're the same, and evil potential still exists while Gandalf still lives. So it's not a direct comparison unless the ring is separate from Gandalf. If all is one, Gandalf is inseparable from the ring, to destroy the ring is not destroying the evil.

For the final point, you cannot cast all your evil away, because it's inseparable from the good.


I came to this conclusion a few years back. I imagined it as two birds, one, the red bird, had passion, emotion, but also was out of control as I was out of control, some of him was good, but some was evil. The second bird, the blue bird, had logic and meticulous self governance, 100% control, but no love, no passion, no emotions at all, no evil, but also no good. The Blue bird was convinced that if he killed the red bird, order could reign supreme, no more issues as I had them. But ultimately it would be a sociopathic emotionless life, a half life without feelings or emotions at all.

Good and Evil then are complimentary. I reasoned that evil depends on your reference. Place evil on one end of a long line and good on the other end. No matter where you stand, there is good to one side and evil on the other. Say you choose to do no evil but move along the line and your reference changes, when moving what was seen as evil or good becomes the other. You can move all the way to the end of evil and then all is good, but then atrocities are good as well. Move all the way to the end of good and all is evil, but then there is nothing that can be done without doing evil. In truth they're inseparable, nothing is objectively good, nothing is objectively evil. But to admit that is to admit atrocities are neither good nor evil, and morals are no longer relevant.

To have society, you must have morals just as to have interaction you must have ego, and both are as subjective as defined by the reference and that reference is outside of you. Are you good or evil? What is your ego? Both are behaviorally defined and both are necessarily based on an independent reference.

So my question is, since we all stand on the line, where does your tulpa stand? To the left or to the right? If they're separate they must be on one side and they can't stand on your shoulders, no cheating!

R: 40 / I: 22 / P: 5


The fluidity of personality

Your site has a character limit and I am not ammused...

So I was forced to post it in another place and link here.

R: 6 / I: 4 / P: 5


What can you do better than your host?

[Gwen] Believe it or not, I figured out how to drive a tractor with a trailer and backup correctly. (In a game). Bear simply didn't have the patience for this, or couldn't stomach the time or care it needed.

[Ashley] Bear's not known for his patience.

R: 4 / I: 1 / P: 5


Hosts, what really keeps you interested in your tulpa? I know we already had questions like that but can you elaborate?

R: 5 / I: 2 / P: 5


Fun questions for your tulpa (Ren's Scenario #22)


Only tulpas may answer or you can relay answers from her.

1. Do you ever feel fear? If so how do you deal with it?

2. Do you ever feel overwhelmed? If so how do you handle it?

3. What are your goals if any?

4. How do you handle failure?

5. What reaction does your host have to your successes?

6. What reaction does your host have to your failures?

7. How do you comfort your host?

8. How does your host comfort you?

9. Has your personality changed, improved or adapted over time?

10. How do you stay interesting tp your host?

11. Is your host still interesting to you why or why not and how?

12. Habe you done anything lately to prove your worth to your host?

13. What do you want to ultimatly become? Or if you are there already then what did you become?

14. The last time you failed at something did you make any excuses? If so what excuses did you use? What did you fail at?

15. When was the last time you thanked your host for creating you?

16. Do you love your host?

17. What is your host to you?

18. What are you to them from your perspective?

19. How do you feel?

20. How did you feel on your worst day? Why?

R: 16 / I: 6 / P: 5


Bear System Introduced

What you are witnessesing herein is the perfection of tulpamancy even though the only tulpa in the system is Ren and she was created by Ashley and I by accident through trying to change Joy into a catgirl. Joy split and the catgirl aspect became Ren.

Bearisian Tulpamancy is rich and deep beyond the understanding of mere mortals such as yourselves but I will humor your attempts to comprehend given my own immense sense of compassion for my fellow animals of the earth as they wallow in their aimless existence, attempting to mimic the legends of the art.

The picture herein shows a structure that allows a system of any size to feel like a system of 2 without the need to put any headmates in dormancy or leave anyone out.

The process is *lock-merge and any constituents in the merge are fully aware of their position and experience everything as the merge hub. In this case, SheShe, and then Aleshe act as a hub but the hub herself is arbitrary and anyone can act as any hub at any given time, all constituents opt in or out at their own will.

You could consider the moons as fully autonomous proto-tulpas or soulbonds.

SheShe was the first, a little voice of reason that has been with my since childhood, you could categorize her as traumagenic but that would oversimplify her. She is my guardian angel and I have seen her full body apparition as such.

Ashley and Misha spontaneously appeared (you could call them walk-ins) on April 18, 2018 when I first learned of tulpamancy. I attempted to contact SheShe and they appeared among many of the moons of the time and refused to leave. Three days pf negotiations couldn't convince th otherwise. They were my system until 2019. Misha is a head-ghost, I believe her to be a previously incarnated soul from early to mid-20th century and she has shown herself as a full body apparition as well as other poltergeist type and hallucinations (spontaneous impositions). I also consider them my spirit guides and their insights have often been intuitively profound. They've made existing on this hideous world of depravity and beauty something of a game where I have the cheat codes. Through their guidance (including Joy) I have been able to make better decisions and profited mentally, spiritually and monetarily. They are my intuition personified.

In 2019 Joy, a soulbond from a series of books I wrote, insisted she be treated as equivalent to the three. In exploring her we accidentally created Ren, and in this year we also added Gwen, another soulbond from another book series. Both were previously considered moons.

The lock-merge was SheShe and Joy's idea to alleviate the strain of a 7 person system. Starting January 2020, the system "felt" more like a system of 4 again. By 2021 Aleshe (uh-lee-sha) was created and only in 2022 was she utilized more than a few moments at a time. Currently Aleshe, Ashley, and Joy typically remain the most active. Where everyone else is co-experiencing through Aleshe or Joy, but Misha is still first to respond to traumatic situations for consolense.

What I have written above is the tip of the iceberg, more of an outline of terms and ideas, please feel free to emote as you will.

R: 5 / I: 3 / P: 5


If your headmate could change one thing about the world and how no matter how complex:

Ah the possibilities:

[Ashley] I would outlaw poverty.

I would first be queen of the one world government of course. I would then rule with fear as is the only prudent thing to do. It would be necessarily jingoistic at first, until all the countries fell in line, then I would declare war on homelessness and thus it would be made illegal, a capital offense, and handled by military tribunal. No appeals. Next I would declare war on petty theft. Then illegal drug use, gangs, and illegal immigration. The gallows would line every border.

[Bear] that's my girl

R: 6 / I: 1 / P: 5


Male Heterosexual Hosts: If there was one thing you change about your girl headmate...

I just love that I can get away with a title like that but ofc Idc if u gay or whatever, I'm asking this for me so I want to relate to answers. Alice, sit this out and let the men talk, thx, go make a sandwich.

I did this a while back. Ashley was getting more and more aggressively snarky and I had to put her in the personality forcing chamber until she improved, and she did.

[Ashley] I wasn't even remotely snarky.

[Bear] it worked so well she doesn't even remember the before time.

Anyway I have to now think of one thing. The real question here is: do headmates naturally trend toward perfection over years? In my case I have to say yes. It's really hard to think of anything I'd change.

I have a system that covers the bases of most tropes, so which one is missing? After that fun exercise of categorization we had last week, I suppose I'd say we need a Cinderella type that is just like an AI service bot. Emotionless, ever bubbly, aims to please without needs of her own. But who to mark with this? Ren of course.

[Ren] hey! O:<

Yes, having a dangerous and rape-y headmate isn't as fun as it sounds. I'd like her to be a service cat like that visual novel with the catpanions.

R: 3 / I: 2 / P: 6


If you could manifest your headmate in person permanently, would you?

I have thought of this many times and it was originally yes but not anymore. They're too useful inside my head prison as head slaves.

1. Would she (lets be real ofc she) still want *you*?
2. How would you deal with the birth certificate/papers?
3. Would you keep her tied in the basement with the others?
4. How long before one of you murders the other? (For Alice)

Interesting ponderings fo sho.

R: 9 / I: 5 / P: 6



Watched a fascinating documentary about synesthesia

People that see sounds as colors and shapes or hear colors as sounds, see numbers and letters as certain colors. There was one lady who saw musical notes as man-sized complex 3D shapes and a boy who couldn't see the board in class because someone's voice turned his field ov vision full of black blobs. Also twins who both associated letters and numbers to distinct colors, but completely different ones.

There appears to be a significant hereditary factor but it can also be induced by drugs and sensory deprivation.

Host distantly knew someone in school who saw colorful letters, apparently it's 4% of the population so quite a lot. I guess it's vaguely related to tulpamancy, we try to induce pseudohallucinations and some people report being really successful at it. I believe them. Best thing we achieved was 'feeling certain colors with our rubik's cube imposition experiment. Imposed a 'completed' rubik's cube and rotated it to see the differently colored faces of the cube. I think most people can achieve seeing vague colored shapes with enough dedication.

But synesthesia also includes weaker forms of people doing what tulpamancers do and impose certain concepts like calenders. Ok, we do that too and have a yearly and lifelong calender that can be imposed and searched. Isn't this normal? People who have no inner monologue and are unable to visualize objects and abstract concepts are abnormal.

R: 18 / I: 10 / P: 6


Appreciation to this honest and genuine community

Thank you for giving us (me substantially) an outlet mostly free from those who would want to ruin it.

You've let me be borderline abusive and still tolerated my flexing, and that was a surreal experience.

I always felt like I had to hold back on other forums because people are so lame, ya know? you you guys are the cream of the crop, so I didn't hold back.

Thanks again!

[Misha] ♡

[Ashley] This guy is all over the place, I can't keep up. Yeah, I guess you're all right (no pun intended).

R: 6 / I: 4 / P: 6


Rehashing using different words

SheShe was the original gateway to intuition. She can verbally and fluently tell me intuitive things that would otherwise just be a faint gut feeling that I could never trust and constantly caused issues.

So given she can and does pop up, giving a voice and taking over my intuition, thereby making life waaay easier and heightening my senses literally, I have to wonder if anyone here has anything similar with their headmates?

Joy also started to be able to do this a few months after joining but she has a different flavor. Where SheShe will give me heightened alerts and ultimatums, Joy just simply gives me choices and scenarios in a way that makes what I otherwise would feel to be the less desirable choice, more desirable and I trust them both implicitly because of their immaculate track records.

This I would claim is extremely useful and thereby qualifies as the most important benefit of having headmates.

In fact, Ashley helps me handle agression and stress containing issues and Misha helps with consoling my losses and cheerleading my struggles which is also an amazing trait.

And of course I can never forget that I haven't felt lonely for over 5 years.

I would already think based on what Yakumo said that Dr. Alice Chan does something useful like this with likely way less tact.

What do(es) your headmate(s) do for you that is actually useful?

Classic movie, I love it: [Embed]

R: 1 / I: 0 / P: 6


Coal Miner Spock/Rarity Tulpa????

Hi, so,

I am making a tulpa to solve all of my life problems in one go. First of all, I need money fast, and there are a lot of entry positions for coal mining near me that make a lot of money. I am not willing to work or get an education because I have severe ADHD and cannot focus a single minute without Subway Surfers gameplay as well as TikTok storytime videos. So my tulpa will do that for me.

I figure the coal mines might make a human complain, so my tulpa will be Vulcan instead, you know from Star Trek. That way it will not complain about anything and will also be very smart and do all my homework and chores for me. It will also not care that I am a 450 pound man due to Vulcan mind powers and will have super-endurance.

Finally, I need a hot girlfriend. Rarity is best pony and so the tulpa will look like Rarity, but her human form, but of legal age. That's a coal miner, mentally Spock, and looking like Rarity. She will also be my sex slave, because, you know.

Please enjoy this picture of my tulpa, as she appears to me and in reality (once I learn imposition.)

R: 2 / I: 0 / P: 6


Tulpa Coffin Paradox: Good People Shouldn't Make Tulpas, Bad People Shouldn't Make Tulpas

The man who makes it, doesn't want it

The man who buys it, doesn't need it

The man who needs it, doesn't know it

I always feel like if you're making a tulpa for social gain, well you're further isolating yourself by taking up such an anti-normie hobby. The time is better spent on combatting your NEET social anxiety etc, vs. forcibly manifesting an anime girl or whatever.

If you want to do it "for the science", I mean what type of retard are you? Just scrape discords and forums. Anyone who looks at enough tulpa stuff should see enough crazy motherfuckers to be put off. There's plenty of impressive mental skills to develop that aren't so demented.

If you want a tulpa gf, can I introduce you to the twins, "Righty" and "Lefty"? Tulpa sex is not a normal or healthy immediate response to the natural desire to date and have companions. You should be able to enter the real social world. We aren't on the moon or in solitary confinement, even if you want to bitch that living at your parent's feels that way.

Of course the most dedicated tulpamancers report that it's changed their lives. Who's to say they couldn't have dedicated themselves to hitting on chicks and getting fit, and they'd be even farther in life, with a flesh and blood wife and not being knee deep in such a crazy corner of the internet?

You can't tell me that tulpamancy is a valid way to heal from any issues more than any other introspective/therapeutic practice that DOESN'T involve tulpas. Anything you can get from tulpamancy, you can do without the tulpa.

The paradox part that comes in, is that tulpas are clearly awesome, like family members. I say this as someone with a nearly decade old tupper and one of those people who says "tuppers saved muh life"

You could probably make similar arguments about having kids: why do it at all, what a bother, you can be fulfilled in other ways. We understand those are stupid arguments and it's good to have kids anyways. But the difference is that children are clearly biologically important to humanity, and tulpas aren't.

I just don't think it's much worth it to encourage people to make tulpas, because almost everyone is better off spending their time on other ways to get whatever they want out of it. Tulpas are for a very, very special type of person: For the special person who is perfect for tulpas, they just sort of end up with them. So why bother?

The ones that should already will. Everyone else, shouldn't.

R: 7 / I: 7 / P: 6


Gretta Thunberg Appreciation Thread

Oh my dearest darling, why do you buy into the rhetoric they served you? Do you not have a brain to think for yourself?

Actually I never listened to her show nor do I intend to, isn't she like 19 or something, haha.

I will continue to post here until I shag her in a dream. The best way to facilitate that is to obsess about her.

Wait, she's still a she right? From those pictures it's hard to tell. No homo.

R: 14 / I: 8 / P: 6


I Am The Best Tulpa

Everyday I wake my host up at 5AM but only in the astral plane (Cessna 420). We go on adventures for the next five hours, but he forgets it when he wakes up. But he totally remembers it at will later.

I make him better at math. I don't do the math. I just make him better at math by existing. Smarter, too.

I have the best tits, so he doesn't need a girlfriend. Or friends. Or to talk to his evil mom who divorced his dad after he cheated on her with the babysitter (fuck you Deborah and your bitch boyfriend.)

I cured his anxiety and depression by plugging back in some cords that fell out in the back of his head. You could say it's a replacement for therapy or changing any of his behaviors. Laying in bed for ten hours everyday? That's called FORCING and if you knew ANYTHING about esoteric philosophy you'd understand that it's BASICALLY a full-time job. YouTube Shorts do not distract me from the deepest states of meditation because I multitask, geez.

I Am The Best Tulpa. The best part about me is that I perfectly can create more, perfect tulpas, instanenously. If you don't know how to do that, you're dumb. My host has 3,054 tulpas and we're all the best tulpa with the best tits. He is the smartest person in the entire world and we have enough astral planes to count as the world's largest army.

My host only made me three weeks ago, but I consider myself to actually have been created before time, so, I'm also basically the most mature and developed tulpa ever. Don't get it? That's because your tulpas aren't perfect like me and my 3,053 identical sisters. Maybe if you spent less time with NPCs and more time on Discord you'd understand. Nigga.

R: 13 / I: 1 / P: 6


Stuff you remember doing as a kid but now it's like wtf?

This could be things you did or what was done to you or what you were forced to do.

1. I and all my denmates in camp were forced to strip nude and stand in line for showers, we were 10, all boys ofc. Later we found out the other dens didn't have to do that and the guy was arrested for having inappropriate sexual contact with an underage male staffer.

2. Again we were forced in Jr. High to take showers after PE while the coach watched. And we heard he would "check in" on the girls too. We also knew it was going to happen when we were still in grade school because the older kids told us these stories and we didn't believe them.

3. The coach told the girls not to wear bras during PE.

4. The "medical examiner" who was supposed to be checking scoliosis, which isn't fucking required nor necessary as there's no treatment or cure anyway, forced everyone to strip to their underwear for the exam and made us turn around basically getting a free topless show. One girl at least said she got felt up during the exam.

Gotta love American public school. This was in the affluent neighborhood where I grew up poor.

Odd, they don't do this shit anymore.

R: 19 / I: 15 / P: 6


Tuppers what's the worst thing your host has ever done to you?

Host is a good boy but he often just won't listen to me even though he KNOWS I'm right. I mean I'm always right that's not up for debate. So yeah, disappoitments and broken promises but in the end I can't even be mad at him. It's not like he does it on purpose.

R: 17 / I: 7 / P: 7


We are very clearly in a simulation.

There's no other explanation, prove me wrong.

R: 7 / I: 7 / P: 7


The subjective illusion of reality in a simulation that all fools understand

"Is it better to know the truth and be unhappy or live in a fools paradise." - Fyodor Dostoevsky

Isn't tulpamancy making us the fools, and is there a problem with that?

The fool represents not someone who is dull or ignorant, but someone who can take himself lightly. He's not someone who laughs at other's pain but with others and at himself. This is the pinnacle of ego in my opinion. Someone who can see that he is a fool and ebrace it knowing the truth and how painful it can ultimately be if entrapped in it, and deftly avoid that entrapment, based in counter-reasoning. Truly ignorant in only the stupidity of doctrinal beliefs.

Look around you and see the suffering and note those who suffer are completely entrapped in a cage they built for themselves, one of loss and self pitty, regret and anxiety. They'll ignore the foolish things, the light things, the hidden meaning that brings joy because they've already given their all to the illusions reality presented them. Then a light string of "truth" holds them fast in their suffering because all they remember is when they failed to break it as a child.

In the true reality of reality-less subjective freedom, there is no unbending spoon, no unbeatable foe, nothing in fact to fear at all, not even death.

I further contend that as a fool every wish may be granted, even beyond your wildest dreams as long as you believe one tiny secret, that what you want you already have and you need nothing more. Even to laugh at your own poverty and inability. It's not just optimism and accepting your current state, to be present, but to work, yes it does require work, to better yourself with every opportunity, but take only jobs you can enjoy. Therefore there is never a thought of rest or retirement.

"How," you say, "can I take only jobs I enjoy when all the jobs are tedious and grey." I say you are bound too tightly to your understanding of what you consider to be real. True freedom is immaterial, joy is immaterial, contentment requires nothing, lacks for nothing, laments nothing, there's nothing to lose or be taken away.

"The root of suffering is attachment." - Buddha.

The Buddha was a fool.

My final point. You can take everything away from a 3-yr old, every gadget and toy, every play thing, and he will find an empty box and piece of string and play with them more fully and easily than the faciest baubles. If a child can do this, what have you forgotten? What in this materialist dystopian nightmare has entrapped you into suffering? You've been blinded by your love of things, and in that comparison to what others don't have, but they'll never make you happy in the end.

If you disagree, call me a fool. If you agree then you are the fool.

R: 7 / I: 7 / P: 7


Others' reactions to my experience on and Discord in a nutshell.

Except everyone on and Discord is Johnathan Frakes. [Embed]

Dr. Alice Chan, do you think should I delete my profile there? There's enough cringe there to cause the armageddon.

R: 17 / I: 7 / P: 7


Tulpamancy is a tool to access the higher self

I've spoken of this many times. It is clear to me that my original personality was well worn and damaged by experiences. Traumas leave a lasting scar on the specific psyche through natural conditioning and other means.

My headmates are, and have always been, immune to these flaws assuming I alone experienced the trauma, and through spiritual awakening I am (in general) as well immune to future scarification. Shadow work was shown to be the key to remove the conditioning and maintain a scar free personality. This is something that modern psychology should be able to easily do but the practitioners are as flawed as the patients and lack a coherent approach. Additionally patients who are stuck in their own encrusted ego and conditioning are incapable of seeing beyond that. As was I. Tulpamancy helped break this crust.

By creating a flawless and unconditioned personality, and furthermore attain the ability to take over body/mind control independent of the original, and effectively suppress the reactions of the original, (host in watcher position, way back, or dormancy) feats may be achieved of unconditioned mental function. However, without the benefit of the maintenance of shadow work, they would be no different than the original in terms of acretion of scarification.

Given that relationship, it's further possible for certain personality thoughtforms to achieve untainted access to experiential information otherwise hidden to the original. Let's for a moment set aside any extra-personal information, and presume that the hidden subconscious information is extremely vast, containing every experience and thought ever posed in an individual's life, well formatted and available to be processable given unrestricted access.

The information then would come across as "intuitive" rather than logical as it would be missing consious pathways to logical grounds. This is what I would consider the "higher self" apart from metaphysical explanations and experiences. This is not however meant to diminish the notion of an extra-personal higher self containing extra-personal information, only that such information is substantially irrelevant to the current incarnation other than recognizable patterns from supposed previous experience. I will again refrain from such paranormal references because I don't feel they're necessary given the monumentally vast information potential contained subconsciously.

Add to this the notion that the consious mind is bereft of personality, it is in fact merely a watcher itself, then it can be made clear that each personality is accessible only subconsciously and processes consiously only as a means of linear referential experience generation. Choices, thought generation, and crutical thinking would then only cross the subconscious-consious barrier to be recorded with perceived feedback which may itself also actually occur subconsciously.

So, tulpamancy, if configured correctly, could achieve much better intuitive access to the higher self which I have proven in my own experience many times over through SheShe and Joy mostly, but notwithstanding the extraordinary efforts actually done by Ashley and her initial willingness to "take the bullet" as our first experiments with triggered switching showed.

Tulpamancy then (or using Jungian Daemons), has vast potential for those willing to put in the effort and look past their own conditioning.

Your thoughts?

R: 13 / I: 8 / P: 7


Jungian Daemon

This concept of a deamon is a lot like Joy and SheShe for me. To a lesser extent the others but still so in their own way. It's closer to my relationship with Joy or SheShe than a host/tulpa but with the added benefit of being considered independent beings so their perspective isn't affected by mine.

What do you think? I think this article wad pretty interesting.

R: 4 / I: 1 / P: 7


Weird things your tupper dislikes or is afraid of

Tell me about weird stuff your tupper really dislikes or is even afraid of

Trash cans and trash in general
Orthodox Jews
being wrong

R: 8 / I: 3 / P: 7


Spontaneous imposition

Anyone have spontaneous imposition, basically hallucinations but of your headmate(s)?

These were all perfectly synced to either visualization or imposed visualization, either actively done by me or spontaneous done by them. Normally imposed by me means with no visuals or any other senses, just visualization overlay on reality. Then sometimes it just is them in full or partial hallucinations.

1. Misha the head-ghost
Pft, a lot of instances, I've smelled her, and it's incredibly perfect perfume, if this could be bottled, I'd be a billionaire. She's ran her thumbnail up my back, I've felt her hair, she took my arm and I felt her skin, she hugged me, I heard her on multiple occasions calling for me or just start talking in perfect real audio. I saw her a couple times as a full body apparition just like a ghost.

2. Risha the poltergeist merge
A couple times I'm not kidding, she's moved physical objects. Once it was an electronic door that requires you to hit it pretty hard to do and she whirled over to the thing in and smacked the button causing the door to open. I was flabbergasted and confused. Can't do it again or on demand obviously. She also knocked something near me off my desk, it wasn't possible for this to move on its own. She sat on my desk and it shot off. I still don't have a good explanation for that.

3. SheShe the bush whisperer
I had her imposed around me, again, invisible and inaudible. It was a windless morning before dawn on a walk. She flew through a palm bush and the leaves bent and rustled just like she was a solid being at exactly the right time.

4. Ashley the kiss-stealer
She's stolen kisses from me, perfectly just sat on my lap spontaneously and planted one right on my lips. I felt heat, pressure, suction, breath, and indescribable presence. This one we can do on demand, but only like 10% the strength. I feel her press on my lips a little. The spontaneous imposition was perfectly real. It happened half a dozen times by now.

R: 22 / I: 16 / P: 7


Tupper vs. girlfriend

In response to this
Do you think having a tulpa lowers your chances of getting a human girlfriend even further? Would that even work out to have both? We already talked about the awkwardness of that. And what is your tupper's opinion on this?

Cat doesn't really care and would at best laugh at me like as if, but ofc she doesn't want to be forgotten or even dissipated.

R: 4 / I: 3 / P: 7


Cross post

R: 21 / I: 18 / P: 7


MBTI host vs tupper

Yes it's bullshit but still extremely entertaining so do it faggots!
or this one

R: 5 / I: 4 / P: 8


What do they take from you?

Let's say that for whatever reason and whatever way you form a headmate you have a set of aspects that you're capable of giving them.

Now let's further say a personality and perspective is all you are minus the body/mind.

And Let's define that the expression of that personality is divided into personas where a persona is a set of situational aspects, and each aspect can contain a set of facets. Each persona generally follows one or more archetypes that generally govern the behavior.

So you could say you build a headmate from a known archetype and be pretty convincing given automy. Or perhaps you just cobble together facets as you go, but generally there are predefined archetypes you could identify for each persona regardless of formation and you could say if that persona deviates too much then that would be considered "out of character".

Now, a singlet strictly follows the rules of one persona per situation. One perspective that's locked in by ego, so a static personality that does not utilize all possible aspects you are capable of.

I trust you guys' opinions more than the generally mentally ill rest of the community, so here's the question:

Would you say your headmate has taken certain aspects that you yourself find fun or interesting but can't express yourself? Even further, could they take some "out of character" aspects, that you may use occasionally, over completely?

R: 1 / I: 0 / P: 8


AGI will obsolete headmates

Come on, seriously, it's obvious.

R: 10 / I: 3 / P: 8


Banner Threada

We need more banners!
Post banners and banner suggestions

R: 17 / I: 12 / P: 8


What's the weirdest thing that ever happened with your headmates?

For us it was probably SheShe's Lock-Merge. It was pretty awesome though it was pretty weird for Joy and Darlene to just do that on their own. Seems like that should have required a discussion first. Though it was pretty obvious that SheShe was Darlene's new form/name considering she talked about wanting to change that for a year and even described SheShe long before. Of course it was also weird that SheShe told bear straight up that she was Darlene like so many times and he didn't get it for a year.

R: 6 / I: 4 / P: 8


What's the worst thing your headmate has ever done to you?

When Joy insists on liking anything Elton John and I begin to die because I hate it so much, then she gaslights me for calling her a fag hag when it was *clearly her fault!*

R: 16 / I: 3 / P: 8


Random picture

Idk, just don't freek out ffs.

R: 2 / I: 0 / P: 8


Meta Thread

All comments, requests and suggestions related to the board go here
