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Tulpa Coffin Paradox: Good People Shouldn't Make Tulpas, Bad People Shouldn't Make Tulpas Anonymous 07/02/2023 (Sun) 19:35 [Preview] No. 1273 [X] >>1277
The man who makes it, doesn't want it

The man who buys it, doesn't need it

The man who needs it, doesn't know it

I always feel like if you're making a tulpa for social gain, well you're further isolating yourself by taking up such an anti-normie hobby. The time is better spent on combatting your NEET social anxiety etc, vs. forcibly manifesting an anime girl or whatever.

If you want to do it "for the science", I mean what type of retard are you? Just scrape discords and forums. Anyone who looks at enough tulpa stuff should see enough crazy motherfuckers to be put off. There's plenty of impressive mental skills to develop that aren't so demented.

If you want a tulpa gf, can I introduce you to the twins, "Righty" and "Lefty"? Tulpa sex is not a normal or healthy immediate response to the natural desire to date and have companions. You should be able to enter the real social world. We aren't on the moon or in solitary confinement, even if you want to bitch that living at your parent's feels that way.

Of course the most dedicated tulpamancers report that it's changed their lives. Who's to say they couldn't have dedicated themselves to hitting on chicks and getting fit, and they'd be even farther in life, with a flesh and blood wife and not being knee deep in such a crazy corner of the internet?

You can't tell me that tulpamancy is a valid way to heal from any issues more than any other introspective/therapeutic practice that DOESN'T involve tulpas. Anything you can get from tulpamancy, you can do without the tulpa.

The paradox part that comes in, is that tulpas are clearly awesome, like family members. I say this as someone with a nearly decade old tupper and one of those people who says "tuppers saved muh life"

You could probably make similar arguments about having kids: why do it at all, what a bother, you can be fulfilled in other ways. We understand those are stupid arguments and it's good to have kids anyways. But the difference is that children are clearly biologically important to humanity, and tulpas aren't.

I just don't think it's much worth it to encourage people to make tulpas, because almost everyone is better off spending their time on other ways to get whatever they want out of it. Tulpas are for a very, very special type of person: For the special person who is perfect for tulpas, they just sort of end up with them. So why bother?

The ones that should already will. Everyone else, shouldn't.

Bear 07/02/2023 (Sun) 22:03 [Preview] No.1277 [X] del

All good points, great write up.

I don't want kids, so fuck right off with that.

I don't want a wife, fuuuuuuuuck that.

I can get laid but girls who want me generally look past my quirky personality and could literally not give a fuck to discuss any of my interests. The girls I like have the following in common:

1. Hot
2. Spicy
3. Alphas with orbiters and simps all of which are a pain in the ass as I step in and take their prize without all the idiotic work they put in for nothing.
4. Vain
5. Sociopathic
6. Nihilistic
7. Egocentric
8. Slightly narcissistic
9. High maintenance
10. Shallow

Do you I want to marry that fucked up shit? Try to find one who's not tatted up and pirced to hell looking like a hood rat, no thanks to that #neveragain.

Did I mention they're on their phone 99% of the time including during sex ffs.

Plus they get reeeeaally buthurt when I say no thanks.

Fuck it.

No I don't fuck my headmates, I don't want their drama either.

No more compromising, I've had my lifetime share.

[Ashley] coming from a guy who gets like 90% his way in a relationship geez...

Anonymous 07/02/2023 (Sun) 22:51 [Preview] No.1281 [X] del
On the phone during sex? Put an Uncle Ted meme layover on that one.

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