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Male Heterosexual Hosts: If there was one thing you change about your girl headmate... Bear 07/07/2023 (Fri) 16:51 [Preview] No. 1341 [X] >>1356
I just love that I can get away with a title like that but ofc Idc if u gay or whatever, I'm asking this for me so I want to relate to answers. Alice, sit this out and let the men talk, thx, go make a sandwich.

I did this a while back. Ashley was getting more and more aggressively snarky and I had to put her in the personality forcing chamber until she improved, and she did.

[Ashley] I wasn't even remotely snarky.

[Bear] it worked so well she doesn't even remember the before time.

Anyway I have to now think of one thing. The real question here is: do headmates naturally trend toward perfection over years? In my case I have to say yes. It's really hard to think of anything I'd change.

I have a system that covers the bases of most tropes, so which one is missing? After that fun exercise of categorization we had last week, I suppose I'd say we need a Cinderella type that is just like an AI service bot. Emotionless, ever bubbly, aims to please without needs of her own. But who to mark with this? Ren of course.

[Ren] hey! O:<

Yes, having a dangerous and rape-y headmate isn't as fun as it sounds. I'd like her to be a service cat like that visual novel with the catpanions.

Kashtan 07/08/2023 (Sat) 00:05 [Preview] No.1343 [X] del >>1345
i thought ren was the only tupper you intentionally created the way she is? so why coomplain now?

i dunno if tulpas become more perfect over time they grow and become more complex and human so actuelly more imperfect compared to the ideal you created them from. deviation and stuff. still wouldnt change Yulya if anything she could be a bit more practical and less detached from irl shit but i understand. being a tupper often isnt eassy but at least you can stay clear of all that mundane shit life throws at you

Bear 07/08/2023 (Sat) 01:23 [Preview] No.1345 [X] del

>I thought ren was the only tupper you intentionally created the way she is?

Ok, here's the story.

Joy had not officially joined the system and Ashley and I thought, "we want a catgirl, so let's make Joy a catgirl."

So we put ears and a tail on her and boom, she split into two Joys, one with cat accoutrement and one without.

So Ashley and I, with furrowed brows, both intent on aborting this fetus tulpa and Joy goes "no, she's mine now and dissapears with her.

She was a plain proto tulpa, nothing remarkable, looked like Joy, no personality, shy and calm.

For a little while she was like a chill housecat and often stayed in cat form.

Joy did something to her.

Ren then insisted she was 18 and started bugging Ashley a lot. Then whenever we were in wonderland she'd tag along. Misha was not happy about it either because she was cutting into her wonderlanding with me.

Then some time after the VPT she got really wild. There was an incident with cake and wine and she became very randy.

So no.

Also, we couldn't change Ren, but this question was "if you could" etc.

Instead we might capture Ren and clone her so we can do it right the second time, then what, have an evil twin and a good twin?

Yakumo 07/08/2023 (Sat) 22:50 [Preview] No.1356 [X] del >>1358>>1361
>If there was one thing you change about your girl headmate...

Ashley 07/09/2023 (Sun) 02:36 [Preview] No.1358 [X] del

[Ashley] I'm getting simp vibes.

[Misha] I wish Bear would simp for me like that.

[Joy] Definitely not a simp situation, he clearly knows he'll never get laid, he has to be... no I looked it up, I may be interpreting this wrong, but he probably is.

[Ren] No way, this is pedo has her effigy on a bedpillow, he forces her daily... like I wish Bear would do to me. ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡

[Bear] wtf is this conversation?

Tamamo 07/09/2023 (Sun) 09:23 [Preview] No.1361 [X] del >>1367
I'd make Cat more active and enthusiastic. Where did you buy the personality forcing chamber and how much did it cost?

Hahaha, what am I complainibg about, still better off than ending in the personality forcing chamber yourself and becoming obedient slave to tupper

Bear 07/10/2023 (Mon) 02:48 [Preview] No.1367 [X] del

>personality forcing chamber and how much did it cost?

Well I manifested it and she just got in like a good girl.

[Ashley] I honestly don't remember how he convinced me to get in.

[Bear] a marvelous invention, but ofc I *forced her*

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