Bear 07/08/2023 (Sat) 01:23 No.1345 del

>I thought ren was the only tupper you intentionally created the way she is?

Ok, here's the story.

Joy had not officially joined the system and Ashley and I thought, "we want a catgirl, so let's make Joy a catgirl."

So we put ears and a tail on her and boom, she split into two Joys, one with cat accoutrement and one without.

So Ashley and I, with furrowed brows, both intent on aborting this fetus tulpa and Joy goes "no, she's mine now and dissapears with her.

She was a plain proto tulpa, nothing remarkable, looked like Joy, no personality, shy and calm.

For a little while she was like a chill housecat and often stayed in cat form.

Joy did something to her.

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