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Tupper vs. girlfriend Tamamo 04/17/2023 (Mon) 11:01 [Preview] No. 380 [X] >>381>>399
In response to this
Do you think having a tulpa lowers your chances of getting a human girlfriend even further? Would that even work out to have both? We already talked about the awkwardness of that. And what is your tupper's opinion on this?

Cat doesn't really care and would at best laugh at me like as if, but ofc she doesn't want to be forgotten or even dissipated.

Bear 04/17/2023 (Mon) 11:51 [Preview] No.381 [X] del

[Bear] I would say it increases the chances if your headmate(s) help with your confidence, self-esteem, hygiene, motivation, etc. The number one best way to attract a girlfriend would be to get in shape. No one wants a slob, blob, or scrawny runt. You don't have to be tall but it helps, if you're tall and any of the slurs above it definitely doesn't help. Get in shape period.

[Bear] Whether you have both or not, it all depends on how. Would you want a girl with a chad tulpa? Imagine even what that woupd mean for you or your headmate(s). Unless you're into that sort of thing, it certainly doesn't appeal to me. If she had a hot tupper catgirl then hell yeah but even if you do, unless the girl is into that sort of thing it's probably a dealbreaker. So what do? Nobody knows about my system period. And the only ones I ever told ghosted me, that should tell you something eh?

[Joy] I have joined the system knowing that I'm a secret outside this community and that's fine with me. My family and friends are here with me.

[Ashley] I've even switched in and interacted with outsiders and they didn't know about me. They saw that I was different than Bear, Bear is a very diplomatic, but sometimes passionate person, I'm a bitch who will call out your bullshit and I can think faster than Bear so I can spar with people verbally better. It's an obvious difference but no one needs to know the truth.

[Bear] I haven't "had a girlfriend" for over five years but I have had physical relations with women I already know and they don't, nor will they ever know, about my headmates. My headmates, especially Misha, loved the experience, but she kinda gay so just saying. Mostly they stay out of it. No one objected. It's simply like I handle the material world and we share the ethereal worlds. I'm not going to say no if one of my friends needs the D, but they know it's not an invitation to a relationship, I work way too much to afford that and as I said, the second job ruined my last relationship anyway. This is one of the main reasons I asked my system to help me not get entrapped into something.

[Bear] if you want my opinion, relationships are a bad deal for both parties. It feels like the compromises aren't good enough on both sides. It's great when it's great and hell otherwise especially when there are issues.

[Misha] we want Bear to be happy, but you shouldn't start a relationship if you're not already happy, and if you're already happy, then a relationship isn't necessary. If you or Bear wanted the experience then we headmates are here to spot red flags, vet the partner, and it would require our approval. We don't currently approve of anyone in his life and no, I can speak for everyone here anyway, we don't want an ERP chad tulpa from some girl, ew ew ew ew, and we don't want to compete or intimidate anyone either. It's a secret we want Bear to maintain.

Yakumo 04/18/2023 (Tue) 10:39 [Preview] No.397 [X] del >>398>>399
(149.22 KB 1280x720 Melonpan.jpg)
The first rule about tuppering is - you do not talk about tuppering. Of course this is a problem in intimate relationships, at least as soon as you start living together. Considering the amount I talk with tupper I frankly can't imagine how this could work out. I'd always be keeping a massive secret and that's not good. Plus tupper is a bit 'peculiar' about people she is willing to accept. So I haven't been in a relationship since she was created more than 8 years ago. Fuq.

So well yeah, the negative impact is definitely there but it's one of my lesser problems.

Bear 04/18/2023 (Tue) 11:03 [Preview] No.398 [X] del >>399

I think only a Mistgod level personality could pull off coming out successfully.

I recommend against it and I was still living with my ex gf when I joined the community.

No, we still talk and sometimes even hang out, we're good friends, but she'll never know.

Anonymous 04/18/2023 (Tue) 15:27 [Preview] No.399 [X] del >>402>>407
(26.11 KB 328x268 phd in loneliness.jpg)
yeah i wouldnt talk about tupper to any girl either its a death flag for relationships. could maybe pass her off as something religious but thats not much better. so not really helpful though Yulya would like me to see in a family with wife an kids. we'll see maybe i'm not as old as you boomers

>it's one of my lesser problems
how do you cope with never being able to have lgf sounds like hell. wait you had a long time gf right?

whos mistgod

Bear 04/18/2023 (Tue) 15:58 [Preview] No.402 [X] del

>who's Mistgod

Maybe Alice has a ready explanation for him and Melian. He may have been a tulpa.info exclusive.

Basically high school math teacher with anger issues that didn't believe in tulpamancy yet had a headmate for 50 years or something, would openly let her switch in front of his wife and kids, would go clothes shopping with his teenage girl and friend as Melian, played with dolls, something like Melian is a 12-14 girl he invented as a girlfriend when he was that age. But again, I could never do this explanation justice. Was permanently banned from tulpa.info twice.

Anonymous 04/18/2023 (Tue) 16:30 [Preview] No.405 [X] del >>407
(93.26 KB 498x498 wut.gif)
jesus this is how i imagine elderly bernd with a wife and kids

Yakumo 04/18/2023 (Tue) 17:18 [Preview] No.407 [X] del >>423>>451
Yeah I had a girlfriend for 8 years, about the same timespan I have now tupper. She was the same age as me and overall very much like me, too much.

>how do you cope
I don't

Yes, thats what we'll be like in 10 years. I'll find you some pictures of Mistgod & Melian later

Anonymous 04/19/2023 (Wed) 20:34 [Preview] No.423 [X] del
(82.53 KB 1101x620 ForeverAlone.jpg)
>no cope

Tamamo 04/21/2023 (Fri) 15:30 [Preview] No.451 [X] del
Cmon I wanna see this guy too!

Alice 04/21/2023 (Fri) 22:39 [Preview] No.457 [X] del >>459>>472
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'ere you go, I present David Devine aka Mistgod and his not-tupper Melian. He was insane but actually pretty based and doesn't afraid of anything. Too bad he didn't like me, I still wonder wh- ohyeah, oops.

Bear 04/22/2023 (Sat) 00:13 [Preview] No.459 [X] del >>463

Makes so much sense. We talked to him for a brief time before that bitch Vos took away our fun on tulpa.info

Guy was pretty intense, not entirely unreasonable but certainly cracked and anger issues. Not a bad guy though.

Alice 04/22/2023 (Sat) 13:46 [Preview] No.463 [X] del >>464
No, absolutely not a bad guy. One of the few tulpamancers with a job, wife, kids and a social life. In a way he's more normal than most. Just a boomer Drumpf supporter who likes to rp as a wizard - and as a teen girl. And Melian is very convincing. They made special snowflakes rage hard and accuse him of being a racist and pedophile. This alone makes me like them.

Wonder what they are doing now, one of the few people I'd like to see here.

Bear 04/22/2023 (Sat) 14:53 [Preview] No.464 [X] del

I would think he'd be bored here. No drama, no mentally ill. He'd say something outrageous like, "you're headmates aren't real, tulpamancy is a lie" and we'd all just let it hang.

Alice 04/22/2023 (Sat) 15:27 [Preview] No.466 [X] del
We're the wild bores

Anonymous 04/22/2023 (Sat) 18:05 [Preview] No.472 [X] del
hahaha oh wow this is so cringe it's based again this guy's got balls to go out in public with all this stuff. who are the guys with the ak and the rifle sherrif santiago and brassow and what's the story of this

Alice 04/22/2023 (Sat) 22:36 [Preview] No.475 [X] del
(58.56 KB 817x575 Santiago.jpg)
Mistgod and his wife hosted a tulpa.info Skype conference in 2015, we obviously didn't participate but as far as I was told Santiago just crashed the chat and posed with his AK, Brassow decided to do the same with a gas mask, everyone had fun. These were better days.

Tamamo 04/23/2023 (Sun) 14:40 [Preview] No.480 [X] del
Whoa, that was more than I expected! Why was the internet so much more fun 10 years ago, what happened?

Bear 04/23/2023 (Sun) 15:53 [Preview] No.483 [X] del
Well they blamed it on snowflakes but it was probably a mentally ill culture shift.

The original internet was a place for incel geeks to share naughty photos, but it devolved into a business of porn and shut-ins.

Then came the mentally ill.

Yakumo 04/23/2023 (Sun) 22:05 [Preview] No.487 [X] del >>489>>490
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Normies took over, everything was commercialized and regulated to death. And it hasn't even begun. Soon we'll have AI-controlled censorship and total surveillance under the killer argument of fighting 'hate-speech' and 'child abuse'.

We're already the last underground resistance.

Anonymous 04/23/2023 (Sun) 23:30 [Preview] No.489 [X] del
>see you space cowboys
fuck thats sad

Bear 04/24/2023 (Mon) 00:42 [Preview] No.490 [X] del
(484.36 KB 1032x1200 Mematic_20230423_174154.jpg)

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