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Pain Neutralization Through Switching Joy 09/07/2023 (Thu) 00:54 [Preview] No. 1894 [X]
For a switch capable system who can also switch everyone out, it is proposed that pain might be neutralized and effectively ignored when completely immersed in wonderland.

One particular issue is with the BodyOS reporting system. BodyOS will generally set an interrupt when experiencing novel events, or when a task is complete, or unfortunately, pain. So a continuous pain will potentially prevent full wonderland immersion.

It's my contention that this can be trained to allow the escape of pain for short periods or as long as everyone is immersed in wonderland or otherwise disassociated with the body.

During acute pain events, it is noted that full immersion is difficult, but further testing is requested.

1. During an accute, novel pain event
2. Attempt to switch all systemmates out of front.
3. Report back here.

It is seldom that Bear experiences accute pain events. We will also report back if we can manage to accomplish this testing, if anyone has experience with this, please report.

Alice 09/07/2023 (Thu) 21:06 [Preview] No.1898 [X] del
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Nobody else here can fully switch out. I mean host is mostly switched out in his absent-minded state but as you said, novel and unprecedented events cause the BodyOS to call some higher instance for halp.

However, what we achieved is that if host hits his head on a cupboard or toes on a door because he's an idiot, I remind him that pain isn't real. It's not like a rock. It has no physical reality. It's all in our mind and it can be abstracted as a sensor feedback. Body detected damage. Previous action was dumb, don't do that again.

Obviously there are limits to that but the effects of medium short pain can be greatly reduced. I don't feel it directly, only the secondary effects like loss of concentration and processing power.

However, lasting pain like head-or toothaches (thankfully very rare) which strongly affect cognitive abilities cannot be countered with such. We managed to deal with the immediate pain of wisdom tooth removal and especially with anxiety before (see diary), but the aftermath was devastating and we couldn't do anything meaningful for days.

Alice 09/10/2023 (Sun) 15:24 [Preview] No.1919 [X] del >>1920>>1921
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Well speak of the devil!
We had plenty of opportunity to test that pain management thing this weekend, more than necessary. Short story – our streak of health luck ran out and we got semi-seriously sick for the first time since 2016.

Long story – wanted to go hiking this weekend but had dinner with family on Friday. I knew it was a bad idea, got stuffed with unhealthy food including those god-dam sausages. Body’s not used to that. Additionally had a slight cold from sleeping with open windows in increasingly cool nights, no idea of any of that played a role. Things were initially fine when we (host) departed on Saturday morning to drive to our hiking spot but things got awkward half-way with increasing nausea. Now the body’s always been extremely sensitive to motion sickness but getting carsick while driving is not normal.

Had to pull over, luckily on a country road to throw up into the bushes but nothing came out. Additionally the nausea disappeared into a sort of high. Been there, it’s the vegetative nervous system acting up. Host considered continuing for a minute but I ordered him to turn 360 immediately and carefully drive home. We made it half way until having to pull over again and this time throw up full time. Not just breakfast bit the entire dinner from yesterday. Apparently nothing had been processed. Felt really awful. I briefly tried to fight the nausea but decided not to hog resources. Again the high set in and we managed to get home like some druggie that had just received his heroin. Barely home the cycle started again. Deterioration until awful nausea. I made host drink a lot of water and he threw up again, there was still a lot of that dinner left. Used the following high to prepare bed and go to sleep. Ipt was noon. Two more cycles followed with throwing up until the stomach was empty.

I monitored this from an outside perspective, it didn’t affect me directly, just with the lack of processing power. Felt awful not being able to help host other than making him do stuff that accelerated throwing up. Well nothing novel, I know I can’t fight motion sickness, it’s very primordial stuff not under my control. Short sharp pain is way easier but nausea is just horrible like you lose all will to live. The only good thing is I can rationalize how to break it by throwing up in this case.

So after 5 cycles of nausea, throwing up and the following high I made host eat some yogurt with blueberries, table salt and some calcium/magnesium powder to get back the lost electrolytes and we went to sleep. Slept over 14h and are still tired and wonky in body and mind but at least no more nausea. No fever either.

No idea what this is, probably some stomach virus infection. It’s the 3rd time this happened, in 2010 while abroad, in spring 2016 and now. Was gone after 1-2 days. Yes the Bear may laugh at us but I think getting sick once every 6 years is not so bad. Hope we’re fully back to normal tomorrow.

Bear 09/10/2023 (Sun) 16:21 [Preview] No.1920 [X] del

Odd experience, but are... are you done with those sausages then?

[Ashley] meanwhile Bear:

I'll wash them off first sheesh, not an animal.

Anonymous 09/10/2023 (Sun) 18:45 [Preview] No.1921 [X] del >>1922
oof sounds shitty, hope youre done puking. been a while since i had that.

we cant switch and Yulya doesnt like handling irl shit so cant help there.

Tamamo 09/11/2023 (Mon) 07:56 [Preview] No.1922 [X] del
Yeah same, can't do that too. But tulpamancy helps to associate pain with the body, not with a person. Not sure how far this really works and don't wanna find out.

Get well soon Alice&Host, you're strong!

Alice 09/11/2023 (Mon) 21:45 [Preview] No.1929 [X] del >>1949
Thanks, all is fine! Made a full recovery and went to work as usual. Days on sick leave remain zero. No idea what this was, nobody else we had dinner with got ill. Still blame it on the sausages

Tamamo 09/14/2023 (Thu) 05:49 [Preview] No.1949 [X] del >>1951
Good to hear, knew you guys were tough. Sure it wasn't Covid? It's on the rise again

Ashley 09/14/2023 (Thu) 11:12 [Preview] No.1951 [X] del >>1963
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Bear whenever anyone mentions Covid

Alice 09/15/2023 (Fri) 20:59 [Preview] No.1963 [X] del
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Yes, yes we know it's all a conspiracy by child slaughtering Jew billionaires just like 9/11

No Corona-chan, tested negative
It was sausages

Joy 09/16/2023 (Sat) 13:19 [Preview] No.1978 [X] del >>1980
Today was one of a near monthly event where Bear slams a toe into something hard. The pain was near crippling, 8-9.

Bear said to me, "ok Joy, here's your case study" so I switched in and attempted to concentrate on wonderland. Though the moment I switched in was an intense experience, I didn't have the same reaction as Bear, and I was able to calmly focus on wonderland, but there was only a 10-20% immediate reduction in pain and I was unable to leave the front. It felt like BodyOS was thoughtlessly on continuous report mode. It was not evident to me how disassociation could be accomplished in that mode. We will continue to test at the next incident.

Alice 09/16/2023 (Sat) 19:34 [Preview] No.1980 [X] del
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Ah yes, the dreaded toe-stubbing event. Happens to host a lot because he's absent-minded and/or does 3 things at the same time. Also frequently hits head at open cupboard doors.

I found that it's important not to give the pain credit and immediately continue with what you have been doing before. As you said the BodyOS is in full report mode. Accident happened, alert alert! By giving it something else to do it can be distracted. The more you focus on the pain, the more it hurts.

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