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(333.61 KB 1200x1600 20230417_112504.jpg)
Random non-tulpamancy related thread for normie stuff Bear 04/17/2023 (Mon) 18:27 [Preview] No. 387 [X]
This is only tulpa board? But I see and post a lot of non-tulpa stuff, so maybe we should segregate it.

We saw three of these coming by to eat. They're here for breeding apparently but usually live further south.

Alice 04/17/2023 (Mon) 18:58 [Preview] No.388 [X] del
Nice, we don't have spectacular birds here because of generally low biodiversity since ice age and no true wilderness aanywhere close by. I saw a flock of long-tailed tits yesterday, they were gathering insects from the flowers of the cherry tree. But they're far too agile for photos.

Also I saw a lot of migrating swifts following the highway we were driving on. Many birds are now coming from Africa. And I heard a cuckoo.

Anonymous 04/18/2023 (Tue) 16:03 [Preview] No.403 [X] del
we have these fuckers in summer they sing beatiful but are a pest coming in huge swarms and eat all fruit.

Bear 04/18/2023 (Tue) 17:14 [Preview] No.406 [X] del
(342.07 KB 2048x1365 licensed-image.jpeg)
Yeah if I plant seeds, these guys eat them all and the seedlings as they sprout. I have to put up bird netting until they're big enough.

Common Chickadee

Guns Bear 04/18/2023 (Tue) 18:21 [Preview] No.408 [X] del >>409>>418
Being a city boy and never had a father in my life, I can't say I ever handled a gun or even saw one outside a museum and that one time I saw my brother's handgun but that's a long story.

I would like something for home defense, they also have gun ranges within 10 miles from here so I'll probably be practicing on that for a while.

So I'm looking at within the year to purchase a shotgun and a hand gun. I have so far researched the DP-12, I want a double barrel pump bullpup only because it seems like a good choice, again, I'm a novice. For the hand gun I'm looking at a 9mm, probably a 1911 with 9x19 probably colt or springfield but I have no preference and I'm not sure if the 1911 is perfect only that it's popular and reliable. Price isn't too much of an issue but I don't need flippin hand crafted engraved bullshit. I probably want to stay under 5k for both together with cases, accessories and a few hundred rounds.

What will I do with these? Other than train on them, absolutely nothing until they're needed.

Any advice?

Alice 04/18/2023 (Tue) 19:56 [Preview] No.409 [X] del >>410
Haaa, if only you weren't living on another continent - we'd be having soo much fun at the range!

First of all the most important thing is that you try out guns before buying them to see if they ergonomically work for you. You're a Big Guy after all. Try several models, not everything that looks great feels great in your hands. Check if you like the sights and the trigger, people are different. If you can shoot them at the range before buying.

Then book a course with a shooting instructor and get some hands-on training, regularly train at the range and at home. Especially muzzle and trigger discipline. This is absolutely essential! The best firearm is not only useless but an outright hazard if you are not proficient at handling it. Once you got this, book advanced courses at home defense to make sure you tactically and legally do the right thing in a SHTF situation. Not having any prior experience can also be a blessing because you don't have to un-learn bad or dangerous routines you may have picked up without professional training.

Be sure to familiarize yourself with local gun laws and follow then to the point. There's no room for 'creative interpretations', no matter what more seasoned shooters may tell you. With great power comes great responsibility.

You should oviously also be able to do cleaning, maintenance and basic repair which shouldn't be a problem for a mechanic. It's really not hard, we easily learned do that now for our 10 different firearms and have built two AR-15s from scratch.

Regarding models, the DP-12 is a beast! Never seen let alone shot one because it's too short to be legal here. Would buy immediately if we could but even we can't. I don't think you can do much wrong with this gem. I'm already jealous!

About handguns, it's really up to your preference. I suggest you try several and see which you like best. I, law enforcement and military go with Glock, it's a masterpiece of engineering, simple and very beginner-friendly. Inherently safe trigger that can never go off if you drop the gun, no safety needed. The Glock 19 is probably the most popular gun for concealed carry worldwide - for a reason. Of course the 1911 is also a great gun but you must never forget to enable/disable the safety even under stress situations. Not a problem with adequate training but you need to be able to do this unconsciously and flawlessly or else there will sooner or later be a severe problem of you forget. Glock vs. 1911 is an endless ideological war, just try both and go with whatever you like best. 9mm is a good beginner round, cheap and easily available.

Oh yeah and if home defense is your main objective be sure to get simple and popular models that have sufficient spare parts available and buy those in advance. The last thing you want is a gun that's useless because you lost or broke some tiny spring you can't get anywhere. Oh yeah and buy ammo. Lots of ammo in bulk. Like 1000 rounds. Seriously. It's much cheaper and you need far more for training than you think. You easily shoot a hundred rounds on a serious range day. Also ammo doesn't go bad, lasts forever. Buy the cheapest stuff available for the beginning. Paper targets don't need hyper-modern expanding bullets. I can't tell you much about best self defense ammo though because I don't routinely shoot people

Bear 04/18/2023 (Tue) 20:40 [Preview] No.410 [X] del >>411

I knew you'd say Glock, how could I have guessed that? It was my second choice.

I myself am surprised the DP-12 is legal in the place where I'm living given the fact that this place is crazy progressive liberal loonies. It's so bad that I literally don't have any friends who know shit about guns. I used to of course but not anymore.

The handgun is up in the air. After what you said I'll probably go with number 2 on my list and nix the 1911 as a preliminary choice, the G17 9x19 is now my first choice. As you said, I've also gleened from videos. Some gun ranges rent guns so that might work out otherwise I can handle pretty much anything I'm sure.

The training is no big deal. I already planned on the cleaning and repair myself, having spare parts is a great idea.

I see like 1000 round boxes are maybe $150 which isn't too bad as far as I'm concerned.

Thanks for the help.

Alice 04/18/2023 (Tue) 21:35 [Preview] No.411 [X] del >>412>>413>>842
(77.80 KB 1280x720 That's way too cheap.jpg)
I saw they have 'Commiefornia compliant' models of the DP-12 whatever that means. I guess only 10 rounds capacity. You never know when they're gonna tighten regulations so I wouldn't wait forever to get one. Just rumors of tighter gun laws can make prices skyrocket everything sell out.

The G17 is my standard pistol. It's not exciting but I love it. You definitely should try out the 1911 as well. I'd stay away from everything else and overly exotic. It's not worth it.

>1000 round boxes are maybe $150
Wah, here the price is almost double of that. You sure? 150 seems overly cheap. Definitely buy everything you can get for such price.

Be sure to keep us updated!

Anonymous 04/18/2023 (Tue) 22:20 [Preview] No.412 [X] del

No, you're right it's like $250 per 1000 9mm, the 12 ga are like $450 for 1000.

Anyway, this won't happen until fall at the earliest.

Bear 04/18/2023 (Tue) 23:16 [Preview] No.413 [X] del >>415

Well if you want to be even more jealous, you know those friends I help and expect nothing in return? They want to take me with them on vacation and my business partner too. This will be the first vacation I've had since 2014. All expenses paid, three days, two nights. To an undisclosed 5 star hotel.

Personally I don't even know what to do on vacation anymore but I'm sure they'll think of something. Apparently it's fancy. Of course I can't just go and not work on the side, but you know.

Also, I just 15 minutes ago learned that I'll be receiving a small inheritance, it's not much but it's still oddly and coincidentally fortunate since I just found out about the vacation on Sunday.

[Ashley] this kind of stuff happens to him at least yearly since we've been around.

Alice 04/19/2023 (Wed) 10:49 [Preview] No.415 [X] del >>416>>419
(126.08 KB 734x960 best vacation.jpg)
>They want to take me with them on vacation
>All expenses paid, three days, two nights
>To an undisclosed 5 star hotel
They're not Jewish billionaires with a private island, right?
inb4 date raped

Bear 04/19/2023 (Wed) 10:58 [Preview] No.416 [X] del

Alice! How dare you. Let me give you one piece of advice, never work for a billionaire. Billionaires see us as we see cattle, and that's no exaggeration.

If you owe a million dollars to the bank, the bank owns you. If you owe a billion dollars to the bank, you own the bank.

Kashtan 04/19/2023 (Wed) 12:02 [Preview] No.418 [X] del >>420
(63.20 KB 1200x679 DP-12.jpeg)
from birds to guns we go

ffffuuu i want that. why has nobody told me this exists? should be legal here but i'm afraid nobody will import it from the us at least not for a fortune. would probably cost 2-3x of us prices here. i'll look into it

agree with everything world's most heavily armed tupper said. try it out, train with it all that counts is that you're familir with what you use. forget expensive gimmicks

and maybe don't headshot the first niggerboy that rings your doorbell, i hear it's increasingly frowned upon in america

Kashtan 04/19/2023 (Wed) 12:09 [Preview] No.419 [X] del >>420
(59.20 KB 1280x720 the don.jpeg)
loool yeah it smells epstein-tier but you're not a teen girl you should be fine bear. still nobody invites you on a luxury vacation out of charity it's an invvestment and sooner or later you'll have to return the favor mafia style. grant favors ask favors thats how the world works

t. liver in corrupt country

Bear 04/19/2023 (Wed) 12:25 [Preview] No.420 [X] del

You act like I have a choice.


I'm looking forward to it. Will report.

Alice 04/20/2023 (Thu) 12:15 [Preview] No.427 [X] del >>429>>430
(35.15 KB 396x571 birthday hitler.jpg)
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It's 420
Happy Birthday, Adolf Hitler!

Bear 04/20/2023 (Thu) 15:50 [Preview] No.429 [X] del >>430>>434
(7.71 KB 189x267 download.png)

Anonymous 04/20/2023 (Thu) 16:14 [Preview] No.430 [X] del >>433>>434
imagine going to jail for this post on the germony

das uncle joe

Alice 04/20/2023 (Thu) 17:05 [Preview] No.433 [X] del
(31.78 KB 530x668 trotzdem heil.jpg)
They'll never silence us!

Anonymous 04/20/2023 (Thu) 17:28 [Preview] No.434 [X] del >>435>>436>>437>>442
(20.74 KB 500x375 Ken.jpg)

Anonymous 04/20/2023 (Thu) 17:45 [Preview] No.435 [X] del
aaand i'm out

Tamamo 04/20/2023 (Thu) 18:19 [Preview] No.436 [X] del
(21.91 KB 202x408 wrong people.jpg)

Bear 04/20/2023 (Thu) 19:26 [Preview] No.437 [X] del >>439

Where did you find that picture of my evil twin?

I would never have a porn-stash like that. Otherwise pretty accurate. Oh and not that hair either. Tbf, like 50% of the guys at the gym look like that.

Also, being moderate I don't give a shit if someone wants to be a Marxist or a neo nazi, they're all fascist to me.

Anonymous 04/20/2023 (Thu) 20:53 [Preview] No.439 [X] del >>440>>442
(72.47 KB 640x480 1517929977647.jpg)
i'm surprised you know kenneth. does masterchan still exist? that was a wild ride

also yeah, not much difference between commies and nazis. all totalitarianism

Bear 04/20/2023 (Thu) 21:19 [Preview] No.440 [X] del

If the aspect ratio of that picture is correct then no, boy's got a set of wings I never had. Mine were like half that span ratio chest, abs, arms look right my shoulder caps always looked anemic, my legs also never got really defined but they were strong af like north of half a ton on leg press. I was maybe between 10-12% bodyfat at 200 lbs at my peak doing 3 hour workouts. Less than that and you're sick dude, like I couldn't. And usually I'm between 15-20 but 25 say December 2020 bc no gym time and no aero. So like October 2022, I was 200 and probably 17% ish but today I'm like probably over 20 at 204 because I've been slacking like a slob. Just busy with bullshit and disgusted in myself. I can really see it in the abs, if I'm not seeing that 6 pack then I am ashamed.

Summer, summer I'm heading down to 195 again, will definitely be below 20% at the least but really who cares anymore... (i do).

Tamamo 04/20/2023 (Thu) 22:58 [Preview] No.442 [X] del >>444
(3.97 MB 700x375 1546630877564.gif)
Stop trolling Bear he's a decent human being and doesn't know who that is. It's only thanks to you idiots that I do, that's bad enough.

Err, back to the body fat, guess I'm not in the pic, I'm not fat but have no muscles either.

Bear 04/21/2023 (Fri) 01:17 [Preview] No.444 [X] del

That's ok, if not for trolling me, no one would have posted anything today.

Yakumo 04/21/2023 (Fri) 10:28 [Preview] No.446 [X] del >>448
look up Kenneth Freeman
Some years ago I had a Dexa scan of my body for a research project and body fat was something like 19% if I remember correctly. Definitely under 20. Not great, not terrible. I look like the 20% guy, optimistically speaking.

Bear 04/21/2023 (Fri) 10:54 [Preview] No.448 [X] del

I know who the guy was when I looked up the picture. I can still appreciate the body's form even if the soul is corrupt. Evil twin because I never held a gun or raped a child.

In the end I'm just a misanthropic Bear. All humans are narcissistic, egocentric, vile, fetid and depraved, it's in our nature.

Yakumo 04/21/2023 (Fri) 19:29 [Preview] No.454 [X] del
Scale says I dropped below 70kg again. I have been doing that intermittent fasting thing for some months now but it seems I need to both eat and exercise more. Been lazy lately.

Tamamo 04/23/2023 (Sun) 15:04 [Preview] No.481 [X] del
(62.30 KB 912x912 starship boom.jpg)
Starship went boom a few days ago, do you think they'll make it to the moon til 2025?

Bear 04/23/2023 (Sun) 15:23 [Preview] No.482 [X] del
I'm not exactly a Musk fan, I will not follow the machinations of any billionaire anyway. I don't like the environmental toll that electric cars reap through their huge expensive and basically toxic waste batteries, I think starlink will eventually cause Kessler syndrome not to mention the 500kg of toxic electronics they add to the atmosphere every time one deorbits which will be thousands a year, I think the idea that you need a substation just to charge a tesla semi is hilariously obscene.

Aside from all that, the ptivate rocket program is not doing well. It may be impossible to hava a private space program that is for profit. They can't afford it. I saw the video and it looked like several of the rocket engines had failed even before the separation so I'd bet the excessive G-forces due to the instability mechanically locked the clamps. You'd need explosive mounts to overcome that or something with no guarantee the second stage could stabilize the rocket.

The failure of their engines is a common issue that they've not addressed in subsequent design schemes because rocket engine reliable designs are very very expensive.

Good luck to the chief twit and his randomly idiotic/ingenious endeavors.

Yakumo 04/23/2023 (Sun) 20:30 [Preview] No.485 [X] del >>492
(432.96 KB 1920x1347 Iron Sky.jpeg)
They obviously did not hire enough German rocket scientists.

Well for satellites private rocket programs have achieved a lot by crunching prices. It's also quite profitable because everyone wants to launch satellites and pays well for it. But space exploration? Nope. There's no profit to be made in space so it's all taxpayer's money for science/prestige. Well for now the US is in a space race with China and has the obligation to bring a man (or rather a nigger tranny) to the moon before the Chinese do. But in the long run who's supposed to pay for all this? Private investors? Good luck with that.

Throughout history explorers set out to new frontiers for profit. But as said, there's no profit in space, only death.

We'll see how the Artemis mission to the moon will go, I think it will take a bit longer than 2025 and I highly doubt there will be people living on the moon anytime soon. Too expensive, too dangerous, pointless from a scientific perspective. Robotic probes are far more efficient and cost effective than humans. And let's not even talk about Mars. What would you even do there?

Bear 04/24/2023 (Mon) 01:45 [Preview] No.492 [X] del >>494>>496
(335.70 KB 1400x1400 red-moon.jpg)

Anonymous 04/24/2023 (Mon) 13:28 [Preview] No.494 [X] del
>russians on the moon

Alice 04/24/2023 (Mon) 14:51 [Preview] No.496 [X] del >>498
No commies or chink rabbits allowed on the moon!

Bear 04/24/2023 (Mon) 18:31 [Preview] No.498 [X] del >>500

The landing gear gattling guns are a nice touch.

The capability of an obsolete space shuttle meant for atmospheric landing and Earth orbital maneuvers to hover above the Lunar surface is as humorous as Musk sending people to Mars in his play toy rocket lander but I like it.

Alice 04/24/2023 (Mon) 21:24 [Preview] No.500 [X] del
Space shuttles don't need landing gear, they just burn up upon re-entry and go straight to hell / gensokyo.

Also only in Touhou the Goddess of hell would send a fairy in an American flag clown costume to the moon to fuck up rabbit girls for the lulz. And of course in the end everyone becomes friens after Reimu beat them up

Tamamo 04/26/2023 (Wed) 23:23 [Preview] No.520 [X] del >>521
Clownpiece also rekt the Japanese lunar probe yesterday. Ironically only the Chinese Chang'e made it. We'll see about the Americans.

Bear 04/26/2023 (Wed) 23:48 [Preview] No.521 [X] del >>528

ha, jokes on them da moon doesn't even come out in the day, lol fake news, chicoms can't drive let alone fly rockets

get rekt china yeet!1!!

Anonymous 04/27/2023 (Thu) 12:33 [Preview] No.528 [X] del >>529
The joke is that In Touhou 'Legacy of the Lunatic Kongdom', Hecatia the Goddess of Hell decided to help out her friend Junko (the lady with the Chinese dress in Tamamo's pic). Junko is a divine spirit who went insane with hatred after the moon goddess Chang'e's husband killed her son and after killing him, she devoted her existence to getting revenge on Chang'e. So Hecatia lent Junko her hell fairy Clownpiece for a full scale attack on the moon.

Lunarians are eternal godlike beings but therefore must keep themselved pure from all lifeforce or they get tainted and lose their immortality. Fairies on the other hand are manifestations of lifeforce and Lunarians' natural enemy they cannot counter. Clownpiece and her fairy army, powered up by Junko, wreak havoc on the moon just by playing there and the Lunarians decide to inavde earth with their moon rabbits, eradicate all life and move there instead. Now you gotta stop both the Lunarians and Junko and beat some sense into them.

Even after defeated, Junko continues to plot her revenge angainst Chang'e, even a moon rover with her name on it would be good enough for some stress relief. But surprisiggly so far the rover is doing well.

Bear 04/27/2023 (Thu) 16:08 [Preview] No.529 [X] del >>553
(9.06 KB 329x230 download (13).jpeg)

Now this is lore that's relevant to our practice. So Clownpiece, not to be confused with clown-peace is a humicidal loli fairy demon who symbolically wears the actual American flag because Lunarians hate America for planting a flag there in Japan after WW2, oh no, sorry typo, I mean the moon.

Created by Zun, through the dojin group Team Shanghai *Alice*.

Wow, Alice was a fictive all along. You see, I'm a Bear so sometimes it takes me a while to piece things together.

Alice 04/27/2023 (Thu) 19:23 [Preview] No.532 [X] del
You know host loves those 4D multilayer jokes. Much like ZUN with 'Team Shanghai Alice' - which only consists of himself.

But I was created 6 months before Legacy of Lunatic Kingdom was released. So I'm older than Clownpiece. Host made such a costume for me though, just the German version. We'll draw it one day, you'll love it. Unfortunately he refuses to wear a Hecatia costume in turn. But she vaguely looks like his Yakumo Kurama avatar which is another of his dumb jokes.

Also fun fact - you can play as Reisen in the game. If Lumi ever manages to hug his tuppers in a lucid dream we'll release a magnificent artwork we made for him. But it will probably never happen. Which is good because it's still far from finished and also probably never will.

Tamamo 04/29/2023 (Sat) 10:25 [Preview] No.553 [X] del >>554
Seems ZUN is running out of ideas, the last games had really boring characters that no one remembers.

Bear 04/29/2023 (Sat) 11:33 [Preview] No.554 [X] del >>557

Make a good game and the characters will be remembered. It's probably all sweatshop Indian programmers, designers, story editors, level designers and character creators, given too little time, too little money and zero support, so all they can do is copy paste bad code and fake in whatever comes to mind. I doubt Zun is up at night worrying how he's going to make rent.

Bear 04/29/2023 (Sat) 11:47 [Preview] No.556 [X] del
What an awful day for internet to be down and I don't have unlimited cellular internet because it's fucking experience as fuck and there's literally one plan offered anymore. I'm grandfathered in on a cheap limited plan and it's dirt cheap but for almost nothing. I don't stream on my phone but now I can't hot spot either or I'll run out of data and then it'll be stupidly expensive per GB over the limit. One thing about the states, we're raped daily for data.

One plan $50/mo per line and I have 3 lines so it will double my bill at least.

This actually came down recently because I looked into it at Christmas and it was $100 per line I'm not kidding. I guess they were losing customers or something had to chop the price I wonder why?

Alice 04/29/2023 (Sat) 16:38 [Preview] No.557 [X] del >>560
I'll never understand why internet is so fucking expensive in the US. Here both flatrate internet and unlimited mobile is around 20€/month. No one would ever pay a hundred bucks for an ordinary internet connection. Even Starlink only costs 65€/m + 300€ for the hardware.

We have extremely low requirements though because speed is limited by being behind 7 proxies anyway and we almost never use mobile. Prepaid for a few bucks is enough. I guess it's one of the few cases where market regulation to induce competition works in the EU.

You understand ZUN does everything by himself yes? Story, programming, graphics, music. It's all made by a single guy, and for over 20 years. He's even older than us. And definitely not rich. The fact that he refused to commercialize his creation makes it so wonderful.

Bear 04/30/2023 (Sun) 12:33 [Preview] No.560 [X] del >>563

Oh even worse, a sell out of the worst kind. Releasing substandard sequels to squeeze every last penny out of a franchise to aford the best penthouse in Tokyo for all his bunnygirl maids to pamper him.

Gezzus I just looked up rent in Tokyo, supposed richest city in Japan and I couldn't rent a single garage conversion studio for what they're resting a one bedroom apartment for.

Trust me, this neighborhood isn't fucking all that it's just a great location. It's quiet, I'll give you that but seriously. It's ponderous.

[Ashley] Meanwhile in Bear's neighborhood, random beautiful young women see him outside and walk by saying what a great job he's doing.

[Bear] where do they come from? Like yesterday I'm pulling out nails and what did she mean I'm doing a great job? She likes my nail pulling skills? It was such a weird comment, why? What did she want from me?

"Oh, do you like my pile of old bent nails and split wood? Would you like to have one?"

Trust me, I'll never see her again. The last time I was washing my unremarkable 15 year old sedan and girl gives me the widest smile as she walks by.

[Ashley] meanwhile: Bear... (pic)

Alice 04/30/2023 (Sun) 22:14 [Preview] No.563 [X] del >>564
(385.44 KB 960x2600 invisible.jpg)
>Like yesterday I'm pulling out nails and what did she mean I'm doing a great job? She likes my nail pulling skills? It was such a weird comment, why? What did she want from me?
She wanted the D

Meanwhile host is so inconspicuous he routinely gets locked in closing museums and restaurants even if right in front of people. It's comically absurd. At least his parents never forgot him at a gas station as a kid. But only because he always stayed close to them.

Bear 05/01/2023 (Mon) 02:55 [Preview] No.564 [X] del >>568

>She wanted the D

Well she can't have it, I've grown attached to it and it has sentimental value. Life's so much easier not worrying about relationships. I don't feel obligated to actually talk to anyone or even look their direction... well unless they're beautiful because it's beautiful people's club etiquette that must be strictly maintained.

[ASHLEY] again Bear: (pic)

You know, when I was hideously under weight with bad hair, dubious fashion sense and poor hygiene habbits, people would see me coming and go out of their way not to look at me or even scowl.

I had roommates during the t.ra.n.sition to beautiful, when I actually started to care about these things. One of my roommates was a girl and she was polite but as I tr.an.sitioned all of a sudden all her girlfriends started hanging out and kept inviting me to go out with them (group), and I did, me and three or four college girls out on the town, their treat. You see, when you're in the club, girls simp for you. Makes you wonder how I got depressed, well because my live in gf broke up with me and I kind of had zero self-esteem after that. Well I had zero time for her, so... Sounds silly now. But the depression itself then dredged up everything that ever happened in my life to torment me. Luckily that shit ended when I... started to rely on 3 or more beautiful headmates doting over me. Funny how that worked out. She ruined be though, it turned out well though. Couldn't be happier.

Tamamo 05/01/2023 (Mon) 10:22 [Preview] No.565 [X] del >>568
I can't remember that a girl stranger ever talked to me outside of school or work or wanting to sell me something

Alice 05/01/2023 (Mon) 13:36 [Preview] No.568 [X] del >>570
(41.67 KB 696x464 jap.nazis.jpg)

Host was surprisingly popular when we were travelling in East Asia and random posh girls would rush across the street and drag him off for a photoshoot. Sometimes in groups. At first we thought they were hookers or something but they just wanted exotic gaijin for instagram photos. Never been to Japan but I guess he'd also get a lot of attention there for being stereotype of Greatest Ally.

Yakumo 05/01/2023 (Mon) 13:51 [Preview] No.569 [X] del >>570
(73.28 KB 1280x720 what's going on.jpg)
Also at university I'm often approached by people who enthusiastically greet me and know my first name though I could swear I've never seen them in my life. Am I this famous? Well, it's probably due to the fact I rarely pay attention to people unless they're pretty girls. Still awkward. Good thing the body OS is very good at pretending to know what's going on and holding heuristic small talk. It's like ChatGPT. Quite convincing unless you dig too deep.

Bear 05/02/2023 (Tue) 03:00 [Preview] No.570 [X] del

Yeah they did that to me a lot after I polished up and I can't even remember my coworkers names that I worked with for years so remembering anyone else's names, or faces or even if we met before... I can't be bothered.

You'll find me in Asia never, there's an elephant in the room aka China and we're seriously going to exchange nukes soon.

Fun game: for every dozen or so city leveling nukes subtract 1C global temperature for the next two years.

Yakumo 05/02/2023 (Tue) 12:17 [Preview] No.572 [X] del >>575
(351.97 KB 1024x1024 Winnie.png)
Have you ever even been outside the US?

Fun fact:
Almost all Asian countries hate China with passion, it's like with Russia in Eastern Europe.

Still I think 'nuclear war' is BS, who profits from mutually assured destruction? The Chinese are not that insane. It will rather be a long series of proxy wars in which the West gradually loses its influence. Both Russia and China have something, Western politics lack - time. The leaders don't have to win elections and appease the ignorant masses. And the West and its values are demographically dead anyway. So China has no need to nuke anyone. They'll gradually take over everything anyway.

We'll see how things play out in Taiwan.
I think the outcome of the Russian 'special military operation' has somehow cooled their passion for a full scale invasion.

But yeah, in any case, nuclear war is one of the few promising environmental protection measures. No people, no problems. Nature quickly regrows.

Bear 05/02/2023 (Tue) 17:54 [Preview] No.575 [X] del
(153.12 KB 735x1088 20-0378M.jpg)

>It will rather be a long series of proxy wars in which the West gradually loses its influence.

You underestimate the power of the dark side. The Chinese may not me that insane, but you presume Americans are reasonable, sane people. Well I can assure you sir that I'm the sanest person I've ever met, and even I would sacrifice the world to avoid losing to Chicoms. There is no life after the U.S. surrenders, not for me, *not for you*.

>The leaders don't have to win elections and appease the ignorant masses.

You still think America is run by elected leaders? Did you see our last two presidests?

>They'll gradually take over everything anyway.

How can you possibly say this and not be joking?

>Nature quickly regrows.

Nature has time, a failing communist regime does not.

Anonymous 05/02/2023 (Tue) 19:46 [Preview] No.577 [X] del >>578
nuke russia and nuke china

Bear 05/02/2023 (Tue) 20:19 [Preview] No.578 [X] del >>579>>581

Whoever you are, no.

I have no beef with Russia nor Ukraine. I've had Russian friends, I had a Jewish Ukrainian friend. I see Putin trying to unite his people and maybe he's gone too far, but he's an idiot. I'd like to rescue all the peoples of Russia and Ukraine. To where? I have no idea because America is a very harsh land, they deserve better.

China is culturally incompatible with U.S. and I'd like to gift one-way tickets to any China (the regime) sympathizers so they can fulfil their communist fantasies.

Additionally, I'd happily try to save Chineese and N. Koreans from their predicament. We have plenty of food here as long as they're willing to eat our morbidly obease population, drug addicts, homeless, gangs and violent criminals. We could solve so many problems together.

Can't we all just get along? All I am saying is give piece a chance. War, uh, what is it good for? Imagine all the people livin' for today. Imagine all the people livin' life in peace (and sterile bc we need like a 99.995% decrease in population immediately and start with anyone who isn't valuable to the further subjugation of the world under our supreme A.I. overlords.)

Kashtan 05/02/2023 (Tue) 21:10 [Preview] No.579 [X] del
you know nothing about russia. it's not just putin it's the entire fucking mafia state which is butthurt about collapse of the soviet union and full of rage against the successful west. you cant be friends with the russian state because they dont believe in friendship. only terror and subversion. like mafia. or like wanting to be friends with nazi germany. what the brits tried with their appeasement policy. worked really well. and the dumb western europeans tried to be friends with russia for decades and develop something together. what did they receive? absolute hatred. russian state tv daily fantsizes about destroying and killing us. this is all they can because they never managed to make anything out of their country. and most russians still support the system. again like nazi germany. it wasnt hitler it was the german people who made WWII and the holocaust possible. at least they learned their lesson. well most except our german friend here

but i dont think even the russians would start nucler war. even if putin orders it he'd have a tragic accident. i hope. but everyone fears what happensafter putin, if russia collapses or breaks apart. dozens of warlords with nukes? if ccp collapses in china there would still be order. in russia? nobody can even imagine.

Alice 05/02/2023 (Tue) 22:37 [Preview] No.581 [X] del
(61.54 KB 1024x768 extremely peaceful.jpg)
>Can't we all just get along? All I am saying is give piece a chance.

That's exactly the type of commie fantasy you're critizising and only works in a totalitarian surveillance dystopia. As soon as even a single of your opponents simply doesn't want to get along with you, you're fucked unless you are stronger and able to deter or kill him first. You can't make peace with an invader who wants to eradicate you except by committing suicide. And even if a peace agreement is reached, it is dictated by the winner, the loser can only accept or perish.

You can be peaceful but that's a privilege of the strongest who do not even need to fight as no one would dare to challenge them. As a lion would not attack a mouse. If you are too weak to even harm your opponent you are not peaceful. You are harmless and at the mercy of others.

Alice 05/02/2023 (Tue) 23:02 [Preview] No.582 [X] del
>War, uh, what is it good for?
I saw a documentation about two male tigers fighting to the death over a female. It was absolutely pointless violence but if you don't fight you don't reproduce and if you don't reproduce your genes disappear. Evolution inevitably selects for the most brutal and aggressive assholes and against the humble, smart and merciful. Life is eternal war, kill or be killed. That goes from bacteria to entire civilizations I hate it but that doesn't change anything.

Traits associated with self-control and introspection are also the biggest factor negatively correlated with human reproductive success. Be educated and reasonable and you will statistically have far less children that an impulsive aggressive subhuman. This is why we can't have nice things and Plato's philosopher state is not viable. It's not resilient and would get wiped out by the first barbarians passing by. So yeah, a civilization unable and unwilling to fight wars is heading straight for the fossil record, just like a civilization that picks a fight with the entire world. You gotta find a middle ground. I wonder who will.

Ashley 05/03/2023 (Wed) 00:54 [Preview] No.583 [X] del
I hope you didn't actually think Bear wants peace? Look at what happens in peacetime, then look at during wartime. He's a moderate nationalist and if you don't think America is a nationalist country you're not paying attention. Read between the lines. Subjugation by other nations isn't an option. It's U.S. vs them.

I do think Bear thinks anyone on their own out of the context of their nation can be peaceful.

1. I don't imagine bullshit
2. Peace is just another word for nothin left to lose.
3. War, war never changes.

https://youtube.com/watch?v=gEX7Xxfr-qc [Embed]

https://youtube.com/watch?v=ugrAo8wEPiI [Embed]

https://youtube.com/watch?v=ztZI2aLQ9Sw [Embed]

Bear 05/04/2023 (Thu) 01:36 [Preview] No.592 [X] del
This reminds me of the book I'm writing.

https://youtube.com/watch?v=EHK5fBm1YWk [Embed]

Alice 05/04/2023 (Thu) 12:20 [Preview] No.596 [X] del >>598
(289.47 KB 1242x1547 mettes hörnchen.jpg)
>Just to inform you about my books which you will never be able to read

C'mon, give us at least a few entertaining sentences

Bear 05/04/2023 (Thu) 16:09 [Preview] No.598 [X] del
(6.09 KB 159x316 images (20).jpeg)

I'm willing to post an excerpt of Gwen's first book, basically her dreaming in the book. It's been polished so it's not going to cause you a stroke trying to read it. My rough drafts are written with spell check and grammar off in Word so I can get 2000/words an hour uninterrupted by my piss poor spelling and grammar.

After two or three edits it becomes readable and this one has been posted before on reddit so it's decent based on feedback. I just need to find the latest rev.

Alice 05/04/2023 (Thu) 21:50 [Preview] No.599 [X] del
(14.13 KB 385x190 Lv1 idiot.jpg)
Well at least you're good at math, host is lv.1 math idiot. Not sure how he ever graduated from primary school. Oh yeah, lots of cheating and being teacher's pet. Straight to PhD.

Bear 05/05/2023 (Fri) 08:53 [Preview] No.602 [X] del
The level of bullshittery in my life currently is off the chart. These people are trying to kill me, not literally. The situations and scenarios are PTSD forming, but I'm either numb or immune to it now. Why so much drama? I mean something happened that could have been much worse but fate said, "you have a 50/50 chance" and my luck is so good that I avoided the consequences by chance. Very stressful. Same day, continuation of the saga mentioned earlier. Do I have any time for any of this? No.

I'm about to spend the next four 14 hour days doing hard labor so that's a plus. Hopefully I can catch up without dying, it's painfully slow but the day drags on, so that's a plus. Last weekend felt like 2x longer.

I'm not complaining though, no, and not looking for sympathy. It's just so strange that it's unbelievable yet at the end of the day nothing's really changed in my every day life. Like a bad sitcom-romcom but I'm the bumbling, hard working, comic relief with a foreign accent that gets dumped on.

"Generic catchphrase"
*cue laugh track*

If I put this in a novel, it would seem obviously contrived and unrealistic. Having that spiritual awakening allows me to look at all this from a distance and say, "wow, that's funny." Otherwise I'd be breaking down surely. Instead I'm mildly amused.

Yakumo 05/05/2023 (Fri) 21:36 [Preview] No.607 [X] del
>see WWII documentary
>the Nazis murdered 11 millions in concentration camps
>gas came out of showerheads
>they made lampshades of human skin

Only thing missing was human soap made from jew fat.

Anonymous 05/05/2023 (Fri) 22:22 [Preview] No.609 [X] del
oh boy here we go again

Yakumo 05/05/2023 (Fri) 23:08 [Preview] No.610 [X] del
(16.92 KB 269x270 Zyklon_B.jpeg)
I still remember when I was in primary school and about 8 years old some other kid came up with that showerhead nonsense in class and I replied that's wrong and never happened. No gas ever came out of any showers. That's not how Zyklon B works, you gotta throw the pellets in from above and wait for the body heat to release the HCN from the adsorbent. Grandpa knew, I knew.

mfw I learned quite interesting stuff from my grandparents as a little boy

Anonymous 05/05/2023 (Fri) 23:35 [Preview] No.611 [X] del
your grandpa gassed jews?

Yakumo 05/06/2023 (Sat) 00:04 [Preview] No.612 [X] del
No but the army also used Zyklon B for delousing their own barracks and clothes. Zyklon B was never intended to kill humans, it's a pesticide for industrial use and was produced for decades after WWII.

Alice 05/06/2023 (Sat) 00:28 [Preview] No.613 [X] del >>616>>618
Watching documentaries with host is a nightmare
>reee, this historical hypothesis is outdated
>reee, they clearly don't even understand that scientific principle
>reee, they misnamed that flower
>reee, it's not the same leopard in all those scenes it got another pattern
>reeee, that predator/prey shown in alternating scenes aren't even in the same habitat
>reee, they obviously filmed that in a terrarium not in nature
>reee, another token nigger/strong independent woman scientist

I think I'll get him one of those bells as well.

Anonymous 05/06/2023 (Sat) 16:42 [Preview] No.618 [X] del
german coomplaining at its finest

Yakumo 05/06/2023 (Sat) 21:04 [Preview] No.620 [X] del
We all have to live up to our stereotypes.

Anonymous 05/07/2023 (Sun) 13:07 [Preview] No.628 [X] del >>629>>630
wait wait, in times like this you unironically shut down all your nuclear power plants bc of environment concern and replaced them with coal? why germany like this? are you fuckin nuts?

Ashley 05/07/2023 (Sun) 13:14 [Preview] No.629 [X] del >>630
(599.39 KB 220x155 indian-crying.gif)

Oh no, not again (Bear rn)

[Bear] when will they ever learn, when will they ever learn

Yakumo 05/07/2023 (Sun) 15:39 [Preview] No.630 [X] del >>631
Such is life under leftist suicide cult regime that is de-industrializing Germany. Getting rid of NPPs was decided after the Fukushima disaster 2011 and they were gradually replaced by gas power plants running on cheap Russian gas. After no more Russian gas because of the Ukraine war they still decided to shut off the last NPPs in 2023 because no nuclear is the core doctrine of the German Greens party. It's basically their religion and the main reason their movement was established after Chernobyl '86.

Even if they have to use fucking brown coal as replacement which on top of tons of CO2, SO2 and heavy metals also emits more radioactivity than an NPP from naturally occurring radionuclides in the ash. Even with German tech super-filters thousands of tons of ash are released into the atmosphere every year and the remaining ash produces mountains of toxic waste. But whatever. Keep in mind the nuclear power plants were well maintained and could have safely operated for another decade. But apparently we don't need this. People should just use less electricity and pay moar for it to save the world. Ideally stop existing alltogether because wypepo racis.

Bavaria wanted to independently keep our last NPP running but ofc that's not possible because the entire nuclear industry is kill, personnel retired or went abroad in wake of the shutdown that was decided more than 10 years ago. It's over. So we import additional electricity from NPPs and coal power plants in eastern Europe which operate at far worse environmental and safety standards. Clown world -tier

Bear 05/08/2023 (Mon) 03:11 [Preview] No.631 [X] del
You know what's great about living in a world where leftist progressive retards rule? I don't care if I live or die.

[SheShe] Just thinking here, Bear showing apathetic tendencies and suddenly wants to buy guns, *concern intensifies*.

Tamamo 05/08/2023 (Mon) 08:39 [Preview] No.633 [X] del >>634
Inb4 another US mall shooting

Bear 05/08/2023 (Mon) 11:52 [Preview] No.634 [X] del

Mall shooting? Do they even have malls anymore? Oh right, no you're mistaken, malls are where the organized crime syndicates go to rob, smash and grab jewelry stores, food and clothing outlets. That's why all the stores are closing.

The shootings generally happen at schools and children's birthday parties. We're on track to beat last year's record.

You see the progressives say that police are evil and part of the problem so they defund them and spread hatred, in that way only criminals want to be police anymore, they can't recruit anyone of value anymore and that makes the original statement true. Not only that, they're trying to handicap the police we have left by arresting them for doing their job and convicting them for shootings in the line of duty. Also 3x the paperwork for everything, and they're decriminalizing everything so they can shut down prisons. But it's not just here, so don't worry, you'll see it soon, that's what the WHO is for.

Hm, every day we move closer to a 2000's batman movie script only everyone's a joker.

Bear 05/13/2023 (Sat) 03:14 [Preview] No.661 [X] del >>664
It's so weird. I'm at the Home Depot and I like push my gimp oversized cart thingy that was obviously hit by a truck because the wheels were not working well, and I push it into a bunch of boxes. Then this middle-eastern guy who doesn't work there rushes to fix all stuff I knocked over and I stop to fix it myself and I say, "thanks but I'll take care of it" and he says, "I'm sorry" and he's smiling at me like he loves me or something and I just ignore him but like, he was scrambling to fix the mess I made. *confused noises*.

[Ashley] meanwhile Bear (pic) also I have to add, a couple cute girls seemed to follow him around but I can't confirm.

[Misha] because he's somehow even hotter and way more confident then he was 5 years ago. (Pic 2)

Bear 05/13/2023 (Sat) 12:35 [Preview] No.665 [X] del

It's so true, everyone just cowers in shock and awe (and smiles). Like a true American, a dying breed.

Anonymous 05/13/2023 (Sat) 21:11 [Preview] No.666 [X] del >>673
(270.14 KB 2000x1126 jackass 2022.jpeg)
(34.29 KB 700x700 bam.jpg)
i miss old jackass. they all look like grandpas nowadays, jesus

except chris, why does he look so much better?

Yakumo 05/14/2023 (Sun) 11:20 [Preview] No.673 [X] del >>700
(16.24 KB 425x283 trump checkem.jpg)

Oh man, Bam is basically my age. Kids, don't do drugs. Apparently Chris is even older, born '74. Where did all the time go? I thought 2000 was just yesterday...

Bear 05/16/2023 (Tue) 20:21 [Preview] No.700 [X] del >>701
(520.57 KB 1200x1134 Mematic_20230516_132002.jpg)

Me: 01/01/2000 0:01

And not a single computer failed. What a scam.

Yakumo 05/16/2023 (Tue) 20:48 [Preview] No.701 [X] del
(943.53 KB 500x308 1546256696728-0.gif)
I was on holiday in another continent on 01/01/2000 0:01. It was rather unspectcular. Would have been better if I had tupper back then.

Bear 05/16/2023 (Tue) 22:35 [Preview] No.702 [X] del >>705
You may not be able to escape this gravity well of fashion, AI, and comedy

https://youtube.com/watch?v=aDCSU5KLwgM [Embed]

Bear 05/16/2023 (Tue) 23:47 [Preview] No.703 [X] del >>705
Top Tier

https://youtube.com/watch?v=IMqxXAHn74o [Embed]

Bear 05/16/2023 (Tue) 23:50 [Preview] No.704 [X] del >>705
https://youtube.com/watch?v=1bqcojPYZKQ [Embed]

I will gladly give my life to the AI if it makes everyone swol in Harry Potter movies.

Too much fun. Back to back breaking work.

Yakumo 05/17/2023 (Wed) 12:18 [Preview] No.705 [X] del
I happen to excel in escaping gravity wells of fashion, AI, and comedy

Bear 05/17/2023 (Wed) 13:16 [Preview] No.706 [X] del
(131.27 KB 220x220 kopa22-anime.gif)
I have seen the grub hub cringe. Harry squatter is just a seed. A seed that will grow weeds of comedy that's irresistible to mortals. Comedy that's written, drawn, and directed by genius AI will beat anyone, there will be no escape!

2025 AI input: Harry potter movies but all characters are half-dressed catgirl lolis.

Time is ticking, the end if the world will come by our own choosing, and it will be glorious.

Tamamo 05/17/2023 (Wed) 14:14 [Preview] No.707 [X] del >>708
It'll be more interesting if they can move. Imagine what San Bernardino and best loli tupper could create with AI. I both want and don't want to see it.

Yakumo 05/17/2023 (Wed) 21:00 [Preview] No.708 [X] del
(35.83 KB 500x530 SOON.jpg)
I don't have the necessary hardware and time to play with stable diffusion but once this gets a bit less resource hungry you can get ready for OC beyond your imagination. My drawers are full of fleshed-out ideas.

Bear 05/18/2023 (Thu) 03:12 [Preview] No.711 [X] del >>712>>715
(643.49 KB 1200x1200 Mematic_20230517_201106.jpg)

Yakumo 05/18/2023 (Thu) 12:06 [Preview] No.712 [X] del
So you've seen the new banner? I haven't yet though I've uploaded it about a week ago, there are about 200 now so it takes a while for a specific one to randomly pop up. There's still a lot of banners I need to finish includin the one Kasthan requested - I'll do it when I find the time. This should be a full-time job.

Anonymous 05/18/2023 (Thu) 14:45 [Preview] No.715 [X] del >>725>>728
good one
wait this is a banner? havent seen it

Alice 05/18/2023 (Thu) 18:16 [Preview] No.725 [X] del
(36.48 KB 562x437 Ha ha ha Sieg Heil.jpg)

Tamamo 05/18/2023 (Thu) 19:46 [Preview] No.728 [X] del >>729
I don't get it

Bear 05/18/2023 (Thu) 20:19 [Preview] No.729 [X] del

Neither did I. What would a mentally ill picture frame do?

Anonymous 05/18/2023 (Thu) 21:24 [Preview] No.730 [X] del >>733>>737
guyse i am disappoint
the emo lawn cuts itself
the tranny picture frame
hangs itself

Bear 05/18/2023 (Thu) 22:12 [Preview] No.733 [X] del

Naturally, but not exclusively

Bear 05/18/2023 (Thu) 23:20 [Preview] No.737 [X] del

Wait, unless you bought them on wish.com, then ok.

Bear 05/19/2023 (Fri) 01:47 [Preview] No.739 [X] del
Oh wow, it's me back when I was in college!


Anonymous 05/21/2023 (Sun) 15:00 [Preview] No.764 [X] del >>767>>778
imagine living in $200 million house what plebs. putin palace at the black sea coast did cost over $1 billion and also has a private strip club

Bear 05/21/2023 (Sun) 20:19 [Preview] No.767 [X] del

I saw a video tour of that house by someone saying "stupidly expensive ugly houses that are dysfunctional."

Apparently he was a critic and didn't like it. It was for sale at the time.

Bear 05/22/2023 (Mon) 19:19 [Preview] No.775 [X] del >>780
Recycling plastic is a scam.

Also, I shaved my head basically and my friend told me "girls are going to come out of the woodwork for you now." Which was nice of her to say, but I told her, "that's why I'm buying guns."

[Ashley] I had a dream related to this!

Alice 05/22/2023 (Mon) 20:07 [Preview] No.778 [X] del >>779>>781>>788
Yep, it's ugly, do not want. But at least it's a safe home. In contrast to JayZ and Beyonce, Putin will never be able to live in his superexpensive house because he'd get droned by Ukraine the second they know he's there.

Bear 05/22/2023 (Mon) 20:16 [Preview] No.779 [X] del

Me just trying to understand a video about a missile while an anime girl dances to unfitting music.

Alice 05/22/2023 (Mon) 20:20 [Preview] No.780 [X] del >>787
>Recycling plastic is a scam.
Host unfortunately can't comment because he's fasting until Wed. and is b& from posting. Too bad.

>I shaved my head basically
Wat the Bear is bald? I can't get that into my head. Host would look weird without hair, he already looks weird with very short hair.

Also how is buying guns gonna impress girls? You gonna open-carry your DP-12 in Commiefornia? Damn, I still want one.

Alice 05/22/2023 (Mon) 20:22 [Preview] No.781 [X] del
https://youtube.com/watch?v=bZe5J8SVCYQ [Embed]

Bear 05/22/2023 (Mon) 23:52 [Preview] No.787 [X] del >>788

Not bald, buz cut.

The guns aren't to attract girls, I never had any issue with that, they're to keep the girls away zombie apocalypse style.

[Ashley] remember one very important thing, always double tap.

Hence the double barrel.

Anonymous 05/23/2023 (Tue) 00:04 [Preview] No.788 [X] del >>791
if only brits had given them storm shadows earlier they could have blasted that faggot off crimea bridge when he drove over it last dec

shoot girls because they arent attracted to them

shoots girls because they are too attracted to him

Bear 05/23/2023 (Tue) 00:27 [Preview] No.791 [X] del

Some get really pissed when you say no. It's self-defense.

Bear 05/24/2023 (Wed) 14:51 [Preview] No.814 [X] del >>816
Well, we're off to an overpriced stressful hotel to "try to have fun" all the while pining for back-breaking labor. Might not post for a while, gotta make every second count.

Anonymous Admin 05/24/2023 (Wed) 16:59 [Preview] No.815 [X] del >>816
(113.64 KB 800x1200 Solaris-1972-poster.jpg)
Hello Tulpa. I almost forgot about you, I'm sorry.
Here's the invite to the May 25th Towel Day stream. With 22:00 UTC start (6pm US East Coast time) we'll watch Solaris, the 1972 Soviet sci-fi, and assorted Douglas Adams related videos.


Alice Board owner 05/24/2023 (Wed) 19:53 [Preview] No.816 [X] del >>828
(49.15 KB 960x720 fun.jpg)
Have 'fun' and come back alive!

Nice, thanks!
I'd watch it but we're also outta here until Sunday, it's up to the others to provide some entertainment while Bear and us are gone. Don't disappoint me!

Anonymous 05/26/2023 (Fri) 21:21 [Preview] No.824 [X] del >>833>>845
board owner is gone, post stuff Alice hates

btw i saw one of this guys a few days ago and learned its called hoopoe in english they are very rare here

Bear 05/27/2023 (Sat) 14:07 [Preview] No.828 [X] del >>833

Long drive both ways, we took my car.

I'm not sure how much I want to say about it, went with 4 others, barely fit the luggage. Surprise destination I wouldn't have wanted to go to because it's extraordinary experiensive to do anything and it's generally overcrowded. It turned out ok.

Tamamo 05/27/2023 (Sat) 21:00 [Preview] No.833 [X] del >>834
Looks exotic, didn't know you had something like that in northeast Europe

Ah, you're back already? How did you manage to walk such distances in your holiday? I know Alice drags her host to hiking trips but I doubt you did that.

Bear 05/27/2023 (Sat) 22:02 [Preview] No.834 [X] del >>846

No I wouldn't have chosen to walk a full marathon in 3 days by choice. No I didn't train for that. Yes I was sore, but it was ok. Yes my friends all were babies and had issues. I ended up rubbing feet etc.

They didn't tell me where we were going. It wasn't about hiking, but a lot of walking was involved. It was a resort hotel with a huge resort next door. If you could put everything together from that you might have figured out where we were.

I want to draw a picture of the experience but I probably won't have time.

I do like hiking and walking, I just hate spending 10x more for the normal things you need to live inside a resort though. I would have preferred Yellowstone or Yosemite but they're crowded too it's stupid.

I'll try to commemorate the experience in an Alice quality picture.

Bear 05/27/2023 (Sat) 22:36 [Preview] No.835 [X] del
Spent too much time, fucked it up twice, no picture.

Bear 05/27/2023 (Sat) 22:41 [Preview] No.836 [X] del
Just imagine these references in a beautiful fully fleshed out group photo. These are the girls I spent three days with. They're all younger than me, some by a lot. I don't really have guy friends, I don't drink or watch sports so that pretty much alienated me from most of them.

Anonymous 05/28/2023 (Sun) 11:15 [Preview] No.837 [X] del >>841
(16.23 KB 400x407 u wot m8.jpg)
wait wait wait wait
you spent holiday with 4 beautiful girls younger than you in a luxury resort, real girls not tuppers, and all you did was walk? that's beyond bernd tier man i thought you were going with some shady businessmen for hooker and drugs

Bear 05/28/2023 (Sun) 12:43 [Preview] No.841 [X] del >>848

Let me break it down further for you.

First of all, I've been surrounded by beautiful women since I first got swol over a decade ago. Muscles magically call for beautiful womem to appear like butterflies in a meadow. So that's a given.

Second, one of them is my business partner, nothing sexual there but the occasional teasing, one is her way younger sister, one is her sister's bestie who never talks to me but does laugh at my jokes at least, not my type trust me, and one is my bestie who is actually related to my ex but we're tight and I tutor pretty regularly in math and we play xbox that kind of stuff. It's a totally daddy/bro thing nothing sexual at all but super cute. I thankfully don't think in any sexual way and I had an appalling dream once with her like trying to suck my D and I fought her off so even my dream self won't go there. Also I'm not allowed to take her anywhere without supervision because she's under lock and key, she's the narcissist's kid who's older than us and didn't come.

The younger sis of my ex had a crush on me once but she was still a teenager and I don't mess with teens, also I was dating the sister obv. These girls are all psycho too like they're nice to your face but plotting revenge on everyone, serious trouble.

So I'm really stuck with them in like a mob style way, there is no escape.

It's nice on the eyes though. I'd wither and die of they were uggos.

Bear 05/28/2023 (Sun) 19:26 [Preview] No.842 [X] del >>849

So on the gun front, I spoke with an ex-cop and this is what he said:

Re: shotgun
1. No one does shotguns anymore. They're too harsh, if you're not having fun on the range you don't want to use that for defense.
2. You'll be sore after 10 rounds
3. Big and bulky, can't conceal it, so you can't surprise the perp.
4. Aim is terrible
5. Kick is too high to have fun.

Re: handgun
1. 9mm is great because there's a lot of options in rounds, recommended Magnum, but they're more meant to wound and you want one shot one kill for home defense.
2. 40 cal is the way to go, you don't want the perp to have more firepower than you, also, if you only have 10 rounds, make each one count.
3. Sig was his choice because after the first round the trigger is lighter. He liked the external hammer couldn't understand his logic though.
4. He personally has a 9mm glock and 40 cal sig and the glock has a heavier pull so you get less rounds off. 9mm has less range unless Magnum.
5. Says his wife has a .22 glock and she loves it because it's really light but he said it would take a few rounds potentially to stop someone.
6. He said if I liked the glock more, he recommended the the G22 not G17.
7. He recommend two handguns rather than a hand and shotgun.

Alice 05/28/2023 (Sun) 23:46 [Preview] No.845 [X] del >>871
(267.27 KB 600x900 Pirol_m.jpg)
Oh neat, it's called Wiedehopf.
Saw several ones last year, they're coming here more frequently due to climate change. Did you ever see an Oriole? I have never ever, host once saw one as a kid decades ago. They're very beautiful.

Alice 05/28/2023 (Sun) 23:48 [Preview] No.846 [X] del >>850>>871
(224.09 KB 1442x1048 The Walker.jpg)
Lies, Americans don't walk!
Also come on, I have to do all the art by myself.

Alice 05/28/2023 (Sun) 23:58 [Preview] No.848 [X] del
Host went the opposite way unfortunately. From all girl-friends to no girl-friends. In his late 20s to early 30s he was regularly surrounded by a flock of 12-14 year old girls, friends of a relative. They were cool. Officially host was to look after them but as you know him, in reality it was the other way round. Personal loli army. Lost contact with almost all though, they're married and have kids now. He'd like to say more but that would result in drama again and it's not time for another punishment round.

Alice 05/28/2023 (Sun) 23:59 [Preview] No.849 [X] del >>852
Pls not another 'my guns are better than yours' discussion.
Look, let's be serious for a change. Do yourself a favor and follow this single advice I give you once again:
Go to gunshops and ranges which let you try out stuff and see what you're comfortable with. Take everything into your hands and shoot it, see what fits you best. That's the only thing that really counts. Don't rush to buy anything because someone recommended it.

Shooting is a lot like tuppering, if you want to git good you gotta obsess over it, it needs to be imagistic, not doctrinal. This means - the right gun for you is the one you like to look at, the one you like to shoot, the one you like to take apart and clean. It needs to become a part of your life, a part of your body. The most advanced tech is useless if you lack the will and thus experience to safely use it. Practice, practice, practice. Be prepared that this will cost you a lot of money and time.

Now if you are really serious about home defense this is yet another level. I'm gonna tell you an unpleasant truth. As soon as someone breaks into your house with the intent to harm you, you have already lost. You cannot win as a law-abiding citizen in such situation. Especially in Commiefornia. So first of all think about investing in home security to prevent / deter random crackniggers from invading your property. Don't make it look like a worthy and easy target. Only then comes personal defense as last resort.

Bear 05/29/2023 (Mon) 00:00 [Preview] No.850 [X] del

This guy sure had some stories to tell.

It never rains here and taxis are expensive, we walk or drive, but we do look for really close parking spaces. I walk every morning too, so fuck lazy American pot smoking assholes.

Alice 05/29/2023 (Mon) 00:02 [Preview] No.851 [X] del >>859
I still very much vouch for a shotgun and especially the DP-12. It is reasonably short, yet looks extremely intimidating. You have a 10rd capacity limit in California so you'll only get 2x5rds, 5 per barrel. That's already the max, you won't get more with any other gun either and it should be more than enough. About recoil, that's ridiculous. Host body weighs less than 70kg and I can shoot 50 rounds in short succession. You will have no trouble with recoil. Yes it's harsh in the beginning but you'll quickly get used to it.

An AR-15 is ofc another great choice even if it has to be California compliant and with 10rd mags. Biggest con for me is you really need to be sure of what's behind your target. Rifle rounds fly very, very far. You don't want to hit a child a mile away. Also you'll go deaf if you fire rifle rounds inside a building. In any case you should also try out an AR.

Regarding pistols, this is the hardest part. Ideally you should always - always carry a pistol with you if that is legally possible. Try to get a concealed carry permit. Guns are useless for home defense if they are tucked away in a safe. You should at least carry your handgun in your home. So you need to find one you're comfortable with and the right holster. The G17 is great but it's designed for open carry in external holsters by military / police. Even a big guy like you will probably find it uncomfortable to carry this thing with you. Again - try it out as well as the smaller G19 and ofc the 1911 and whatever else you get your hand on.

I would however strongly recommend staying with 9mm for the beginning. I am generally not fond of .40 for your only handgun for a simple reason - ammo price. You absolutely need to practice shooting. A lot. And .40 will cost you almost 50% more than 9mm, with negligible to outright doubtful benefits. Modern defense 9mm ammo is nearly as effective as .40 with less recoil, less weight and for less cost. Almost all western law enforcement and military uses 9mm, even the FBI went back from .40 to 9mm. From a practical standpoint 9mm is the only reasonable handgun round just like 5.56 is the only reasonable semiauto-rifle round in the west. This is the stuff you can buy in bulk and easily shoot large volume as a beginner. You're American, you can always buy more afterwards. But start with this. It's already expensive enough.

The only thing that matters is your ability to safely and effectively use the guns your have, models are much less important. Get what you are comfortable with and can afford to shoot regularly.

Bear 05/29/2023 (Mon) 00:09 [Preview] No.852 [X] del >>858

Okay okay, you talked me into it, the G35.

Actually there's a gun range walking distance to my home, so I'll drive there and ask them.

Alice 05/29/2023 (Mon) 21:45 [Preview] No.858 [X] del >>861>>871
(85.96 KB 1011x234 Americans.png)
(114.09 KB 1091x681 Anon goes to Europe.png)
Don't forget to randomly clap and tip everyone you come across.

Bear 05/29/2023 (Mon) 21:57 [Preview] No.859 [X] del >>867>>871
(48.52 KB 420x281 PI35300103-2.jpg)

So, a friend of mine from highschool that I haven't seen for 10 years called me and we talked about guns.

He's an ex-cop and apparently they're still defunding police and got cut, now he's a realtor. Anyway scraping the bottom of the barrel for leads. I don't need to buy or sell a house but I do need help with guns. So he's gunna help.

This'll be the second ex-cop I've spoken to about guns recently. He also said shotguns are a pain and no one uses them anymore.

He suggested an AR but I'm not even going there.

40cal ammo is 350/1000 vs 299/1000 and available. He has 9mm glock and 40cal sig and likes both but prefers sig for lighter trigger.

Bear 05/30/2023 (Tue) 00:23 [Preview] No.860 [X] del
My people are on the warpath again. A Karen in my neighborhood complained (incorrectly) that I was exceeding a noise ordinance. I told my crew and that's all they've been scheming about since Sunday.

What my Karen neighbor thinks is I complied. What actually happened was she just dipped her toe in shark infested water. Did I mention we have a very rich family lawyer who works for free for us? Not that we ever need him.

Anyway, as always, they won't know who, they won't know why, they won't know when, they won't know how, and this curse upon them is permanent.

This is when being the equivalent of a made man in a family pays off. They're angels you see, but only if they're on your side. Otherwise you may as well be a sinner of Sodom. Genesis 19:24

Bear 05/30/2023 (Tue) 01:58 [Preview] No.861 [X] del

[Bear] I got me a big old American truck, soon to have a gun, just need a dog and I can finally call myself a true American.

The extra pedal means you're driving a man's car. All my cars always have at least three, except the girly car I was given for inheritance in 2018. What kind of fag buys an auto, seriously, go grow a pair. My truck has 4 pedals and 2 sticks, beat that you auto driving commie bastard.

[Ashley] alright, too much green tea for this guy.

[Misha] why does it only affect him though?

Alice 05/30/2023 (Tue) 16:51 [Preview] No.867 [X] del >>870
>40cal ammo is 350/1000 vs 299/1000 and available.
Both is insane. We bought good quality 9mm for 180/1000 a few years ago. Prices are almost the same as in the US now, though .40 is much more expensive, more like 500/1000 from what I've seen. You can still get 9mm for 260/1000 if you are lucky but most are more like 300.

We don't have time for reloading, this could still save a bit but it's tremendous work and/or needs expensive machinery. Only pays off if you shoot a lot and only works if you can get all components which is a pain for percussion caps. Host still wanted to try it out of principle but I objected. Waste of time that never pays off for us. We already have enough insane projects.

Alice 05/30/2023 (Tue) 19:59 [Preview] No.868 [X] del
(209.20 KB 717x1024 Kuckuck.jpg)
Sitting in the garden with cat at dusk, watching bats circle overhead. Goddamn I missed this in winter.

Saw a cuckoo today from about 10m distance, not really a colorful pird but it is rare to see one because of that. Normally you just hear them somewhere in the distance. It made really loud cuckoo sounds, was probably looking for a mate.
It's crazy how those brood parasites lay eggs which look almost exactly like those of the host birds but different females lay completely differently colored eggs matching their prefered host species. But the host birds also evolved the ability to detect and discard cuckoo egs which imperfectly mimicked their own which drove a host-parasite arms race leading to more and more perfect egg mimicry. Co-evolution at its finest.

Bear 05/31/2023 (Wed) 02:46 [Preview] No.870 [X] del >>871

Whenever a democrat mentions gun laws, there's a run on guns and ammunition. There was a while there that you couldn't get any ammo because it was all backordered, people were spending $.50/round or more or buying expensive specialty rounds for target practice apparently. It's okay now though.

Anonymous 05/31/2023 (Wed) 10:15 [Preview] No.871 [X] del >>913
nope never seen this bird didnt even know it existed. heard a cuckoo some weeks ago but cant remember ever seeing one

lol i remember seeing this, gets posted frequently

get a desert eagle in .50 for the lulz. admit i've never shot one but i know Alice has

in europa ammo prices are crazy because of the war. nato armies woke up and realized they had no ammo i think german army has ammo for 2 days of warfare so they pretty much bought total capacity of all ammo plants to manufacture nato calibers for the military. they pay whatever price asked so the ammo plants have no reason to produce for us plebs atm

Alice 05/31/2023 (Wed) 23:55 [Preview] No.879 [X] del
New critters on our wall:

Beetle Cicada - Issus coleoptratus, a small planthopper, about 0.5 cm. Feeds on tree sap.

Dead Leaf - Drepanepteryx phalaenoides, a neuropteran related to antlions, about 1.5 cm. Feeds on aphids.

Tamamo 06/01/2023 (Thu) 08:45 [Preview] No.882 [X] del >>885
Woah cool!
You have such exotic stuff in Germany? And you can even identify them. Post more insect pics!

Bear 06/01/2023 (Thu) 14:00 [Preview] No.883 [X] del >>885
In addition to actual hummingbirds ofc, we also have a thing called hummingbird moth. They're as big as hummingbirds and hover to drink like a hummingbird. They spook the heck out of me because they sound like giant bees.

The grubs eat all the tomatoes I ever attempted to plant and they can get like 6 inches long and an inch in diameter.

I had some two years ago like that and the adults visited to say boo.

Alice 06/01/2023 (Thu) 15:05 [Preview] No.885 [X] del >>1108
(152.60 KB 1620x1080 Vespa crabo.jpeg)
They're cool!
We have smol hummingbird moths with about 4cm wingspan but I haven't seen any this year yet. They're migratory and usually arrive in late June.

Seen a lot of young hornet queens recently, they're leaving the nest they were born in looking for new nesting sites to start a colony so they often fly in through open windows. People are often terrified of them because they are huge and make a low humming sound, some girls at university we work with ran away screaming when the hornet queen repeatedly entered different rooms through open windows. I carefully shooed it out with my hand every time, no fucks given. You know me.

They're harmless and not aggressive unless you really annoy them or attack their nest. Honeybees are much more dangerous. Anyway, the hornets rarely sit still so no photos from me.

We'll take some pics of our wild roses for you this weekend, they're full of insects and spiders. Please wait warmly.

Anonymous 06/01/2023 (Thu) 21:29 [Preview] No.887 [X] del
hornets are awesome but they eat bees. my granduncle had bees and he wasnt happy when hornets showed up. also they damage fruits like pears in autumn just as wasps do. but they also eat wasps.

Bear 06/04/2023 (Sun) 02:06 [Preview] No.904 [X] del >>912
(1.78 MB 2149x3958 20230603_173459.jpg)
When you realize those stray weeds are actually Barley growing wild.

Yakumo 06/04/2023 (Sun) 21:04 [Preview] No.912 [X] del
Yes, definitely barley. Now you can make your own beer!

Alice 06/04/2023 (Sun) 21:24 [Preview] No.913 [X] del
(168.83 KB 1332x850 desert eagle.jpeg)
>get a desert eagle in .50 for the lulz. admit i've never shot one but i know Alice has
Yes I have. Once. That was enough.
Recoil was less bad than I imagined because that thing is huge and heavy but still. It's fucking loud and I didn't hit anything. Not to speak of .50AE ammo prices. No Sir, I don't like it!

Bear 06/05/2023 (Mon) 14:30 [Preview] No.914 [X] del
Oml it's $3.40 per round.

Bear 06/07/2023 (Wed) 03:34 [Preview] No.927 [X] del >>933
I'm finally near the end of my intense manual labor. I'm ramping down to 44 hours of that on top of 30 hours of day work and like whatever the rest on the other business. I haven't really had even an hour of free time a day, I can't, burning vacation on hard labor *is* my free time

And I think back fondly of it, I'm nearly done and it's unlikely I'll ever have this level again. So, I'll ramp up my workouts. I will have time Fri-Sun mornings to do legs and cardio, the rest I can do with my home equipment.

I could tell my legs have gotten weaker since 2019. It's pathetic. I used to do what, half a ton, I wonder if I could even do half that now. We'll see.

I spoke to Joy and Ashley and they're very supportive.

I thought about life today after I argued with a little girl about carbon dioxide. She said it was flammable. I couldn't stop thinking of ways she might be right. It's not though. She didn't agree. They use it as a shield in welding, it can't possibly be flammable even at 7000 degrees.

I thought about the afterlife and figured I'd reincarnate as a slave working to build the pyramids or the great wall, maybe then I could work hard labor every day till I die and they could entomb me in between the stones as a testament to my endless toil. I'd like that.

Alice 06/07/2023 (Wed) 20:30 [Preview] No.933 [X] del >>937
Probably won't comfort you but I'm sure 2 hosts fit into your body and you're at least 4 times stronger than him. However I'm proud his mediocre strength and endurance at least haven't deteriorated in the past 10 years, he's fitter than before thanks to my 'motivation skills'.

>I thought about life today after I argued with a little girl about carbon dioxide.
What's the context of this and who could think CO2 is flammable? It's the end-product of oxidation. You can't oxidize carbon further than CO2 with an oxidation state of +4. Also duh it's used in fire extinguishers. Was that greta or what?

Host has to add that pyramids werent built by slaves but highly motivated and excellently supplied workers who indeed saw it as an honor to be buried close to their Pharaoh if they died during construction. So yeah, you'd probably have fit in there even though you would have looked like a space marine compared to a bronze-age Egyptian who barely reached 170cm.

Bear 06/08/2023 (Thu) 03:34 [Preview] No.937 [X] del >>940

Oh so you've bought into the whole "Pharoahs built the pyramids" trope. Obviously they were complex, purpose vuilt energy mentally illformers from 12000 BC. Like the whole stupid Sphinx thing, it was a lion, and they probably borked it up one night while partying and recarved it to look like a Egyptian. It's so obviously stupid.

CO2 is pretty stable, I'll give you that.

Anonymous 06/08/2023 (Thu) 12:00 [Preview] No.940 [X] del >>948
Wordfilter got you again.
The pyramids must have been really spectacular. Imagine they were covered with white polished limeston e and gilded on top, they must have looked like giant crystals glittering in the sun. All this stuff was spectacular, the temples painted in the brightest colors. You only see the skeletons of buildings nowadays, drowning in sandnigger thrash. What a sad end to a great civilization. No doubt Europe will face the same fate.

Also CO2 is ultrastable, just try to crack those two double-bonds with oxygen. It's amazing plants can do that in photosynthesis but making fuel out of CO2 is an energetic nightmare even with new catalysts.

Bear 06/08/2023 (Thu) 15:11 [Preview] No.948 [X] del

>CO2 ultrastable

Simple algea at room temperature using only organic molecules: I got this.

Bear 06/08/2023 (Thu) 18:32 [Preview] No.950 [X] del >>952>>954>>964
(1021.46 KB 320x179 meme.gif)
I just watched a video about the dangers of SARMS. Just saying, anyone who uses SARMS, juicing, or even creatine are unnecessarily ruining their body and organs just to *slightly* shortcut the process. Don't get me wrong, the idiots that are injecting anabolics are by far going to get way more yoke than I could ever be and probably be like sub 10% bodyfat without that intense discipline, dangerous and probably close to impossible gain/loss.

Who needs that. Veins popping out everywhere and seeing muscle fibers is like a card trick if you're jucing anyway. Girls also don't really like that, that's more for the homos.

I'm getting back sub 16 and that'll be absolutely fine. I'm going to look good, I'll have great abs and be healthy, and it's going to take 3x the effort and Idgaf bitch, fight irl with your drug induced microphallus.

Did I tell you that time I was at the college gym and this somewhat ripped but still kinda too thin guy asked me if I was juicing in the lockerroom?

So I wad dressing out and this guy sees my forearms or something and was all, "you juice?" I'm like, naa, I just spend 3 hours a day here 3 on - 2 off.

The guy was practically in tears and said, "good, never do it, if I could go back I would, it's not worth it man."

I say, "what's going on?"

"My balls are like raisins man."

I say, "shit dude."

The guy couldn't say anything else. I was probably the only one he ever told. He looked ok but yeah, a girl's not going to like a guy with a micro-dick and balls. I already heard that could happen, I hate drugs of any kind anyway.

Yesterday this guy at the home depot just gave me the biggest smile and he was just an average potato white dude. I can't figure out what they're seeing when they look at me. I must look like a celebrity or something. Granted there's almost noone my age outside a gym that looks like me. Almost everyone is either scrawny and way too thin or fat.

Alice 06/08/2023 (Thu) 21:33 [Preview] No.952 [X] del >>964
Kids, this is what happens when you don't watch Drawn Together!

Anonymous 06/08/2023 (Thu) 22:17 [Preview] No.954 [X] del >>964
(508.54 KB 667x4700 Russian bodybuilder.jpg)
real pros juice with petroleum jelly

Bear 06/09/2023 (Fri) 00:51 [Preview] No.960 [X] del
Feels good to be drug free and not an idiot.

Bear 06/09/2023 (Fri) 03:28 [Preview] No.961 [X] del
My desire for this remake is causing me suffering, but no pain, no gain.

https://youtube.com/watch?v=NY7v6SqYXcY [Embed]

Tamamo 06/09/2023 (Fri) 16:53 [Preview] No.964 [X] del >>1013
Lol what retards. I'll never understand bodybuilders

Yakumo 06/09/2023 (Fri) 20:44 [Preview] No.965 [X] del >>969
Some Syrian 'refugee' sandnigger stabbed small kids and toddlers at a playground in France because he felt insulted by being denied citizenship in Sweden on top of his asylum status. French people watched and filmed, some guy half-heartedly swung his backpack at him. Syrian calmly walked away with a knife in his hand after seriously injuring 7 people, most of them children and was arrested later. Will probably be declared mentally ill and released after a few months of treating his depression caused by structural racism and white supremacy. Media are doing their best to hide the nationality and refugee status of the perpetrator as usual.

Meanwhile French authorities are busy spying into peoples gardens with aerial photos to find illegal pools and fine citizens for not paying their pool taxes.

Europe in a nutshell. People have been turned into dumbed-down obedient sheep utterly unable to defend themselves or even run away. Zero situation awareness.

Anonymous 06/09/2023 (Fri) 22:14 [Preview] No.969 [X] del >>970>>971
what would you or Alice have done in this situation?

i'd probably have tried to tackle and punch the guy out but i'm so glad these fuckers dont come to my country and if they do they quickly travel on to west or north europe. problems weren't.

Yakumo 06/09/2023 (Fri) 22:42 [Preview] No.970 [X] del
Guy identified as Christian btw

I would have yelled ‘’’Refugees welcome! No Border No Nation! Defund the Police!’’’
and walked home. Even Alice has zero ambition to risk our health or even life defending those idiots or the society they created and then go to prison for committing a right-wing hate crime afterwards. This is the fate they chose by importing savages and declaring everything that was considered just and normal a few years ago ‘highly problematic’. Well it’s not my problem if their children get killed. It’s called living with the consequences of your actions.

Bear 06/10/2023 (Sat) 01:07 [Preview] No.971 [X] del >>975

Call 911 then grab a cane, umbrella, hammer, large branch, anything and draw his attention. If that asshole came to me with a knife, one of us is gonna die and it's justified. If I get that knife, he's gonna get a new hole in his trachea.

I'll take a stab for the kids, no hesitation. However if any of my friends are there, my first priority is to get us out of there. And if anyone is filming it I'll cuss them out as we run.

Man I would fucking love to kill that bitch and get away with it. Then when the news shows up, I'll cuss them all out too. I'll make their little sound bite so riddled with expletives they won't be able to use the audio. Gtfo you assholes are part of the problem.

If dude's got a gun, well imma run. Bye Felicia.

1/2 Bear 06/10/2023 (Sat) 07:53 [Preview] No.973 [X] del >>981
(160.33 KB 500x399 187fig01.jpg)
A dream made me realize that I'm part of the Adam's Family, or by similarity, the Munsters.

My bestie was bullied at school this year, she's under 10, she went with my immediate group on our little trip in case you forgot, and one little piece of background, it was her birthday and she didn't have a party partially because of this, and she didn't care. Of course I helped her and her mother deal with it along the way, they both love me ofc, and she left the brownies because the parent of her prior best friend and the parent of the other 'frienamie' were the den leaders or whatever they're called. Those two of her prior friends were so insanely mean to her they coordinated with several older kids to help in bullying her. The one in particular was the best of friends with her last summer but for some reason the little jerk just got meaner and meaner to her this year. That one and another who has known developmental and behavioral issues are basically outcasts, but there are enough outcasts in this school to basically have a click of outcasts. Anyway, she's otherwise well liked though she's somewhat shunned for being a bit sensitive. I digress, she's fine, she's surrounded by loving and doting people, she's loved by normal children and especially those younger then her and she takes every opportunity to play with them, though she's not really interested in some of the dumb games, especially mean games her peers play, and she doesn't like to play sports so basically all the kids are playing sports at their leisure nowadays, so she doesn't fit with them and she could if she only would but it's her decision. Enough background, on with the story.

I was her father now in this dream and her mother was somehow my Ex. I shudder to think but you know.

We went to a get-together with all the parents of all the kids in girlscouts or brownies or whatever, which happened to be at a park or something with a building. There was a baking contest and we didn’t do anything and that ticked off the parent of her previous best friend who she no longer speaks to and they were having a tizzy. We had a limited interaction that didn’t tick them off, but then several parents started saying things like, “you wiped your child’s butt and didn’t wash your hands.” To which everyone gasped.
I simply said, “it’s not true.”
Another said something similarly accusative and I didn’t have the reaction they expected, to which I said, “why would I be upset when these accusations are obviously made up?”

My ex there, completely calm, but I knew that she was like a coiled cobra in the grass.

Then they all started to leave and one picked up a full cup of coffee and poured it on me. In the dream I said, “you’re lucky that wasn’t boiling hot or you’d be regretting it now”. Which in the dream I realized was a threat and recovered in dream, “or you’d be hearing from my lawyer.”

I woke up and thought, “hey (let's call him Dave), your kid and (the other parent let's call them Sam)’s kid coordinate to have a bunch of other kids bully our daughter and then you and Sam coordinate their parents to bully us, how fitting.”

My bestie is having trouble fitting in with all those hideous rotten kids and say we’re having trouble fitting in with all these mean rotten adults (which isn't actually true irl but partially so). I never felt so like the Adam’s family before, and frankly that doesn’t bother me at all.

2/2 Bear 06/10/2023 (Sat) 07:54 [Preview] No.974 [X] del
Isn’t it funny, a happy, loving, slightly off (don’t drink, don’t party) family with well taken-care of and loved children, with an extensive supportive family network, well off, and their children want for nothing, basically bullied by society and Puglsey Adams bullied at school. It probably wasn’t fiction, it was probably just a commentary on life. Either you fit in with all the hideous, conniving, bullies of society or you’re outcast by their nature.

I must be Marylyn because despite my best efforts I still somehow manage to fit in wherever I go. Beauty just forgives every bit of my underlying boorish and brash personality but my Ex's younger sister is certainly Wednesday, she is beautiful skin stretched over pure villainy.

I've never been so at peace with being askew with society as I am right now. Now I understand the necessity or tribal war.

Tamamo 06/10/2023 (Sat) 08:15 [Preview] No.975 [X] del >>979

Imagine living in Europe in constant fear of getting robbed, raped or killed by refugees you took in or getting arrested for saying something bad about them. It's all so bizarre. Reality truly is the greatest satire.

Bear 06/10/2023 (Sat) 09:43 [Preview] No.979 [X] del

Oh you can bet I'll be arrested and made out to be the criminal, probably charged with a hate crime. But I'll sleep well.

Alice 06/10/2023 (Sat) 21:09 [Preview] No.981 [X] del >>983>>984
(28.16 KB 590x208 lucky bastard.jpg)
Waaait a minute, where does reality end and the dream begin in this?

Your bestie irl is an under 10 year old girl who got bullied and you went on a luxury holiday with her on her birthday to make her happy?

Never ever tell my host about this or he'll curl up in the cold dark basement for days and whine at me about how unfair the world is - ohwait...

Kashtan 06/10/2023 (Sat) 21:57 [Preview] No.983 [X] del
uh oh

Bear 06/11/2023 (Sun) 01:08 [Preview] No.984 [X] del >>988

https://youtube.com/watch?v=Lh7V2_uJhkY [Embed]

She loves me more than her own mother, ha ha. Been that way since she was born. I'm like an uncle really, but unrelated. I also sometimes play with the kid down the street he's about the same age. His mother made me a cake recently, was blah but I ate it.

My question is, where are the fathers? I don't ask.

I played with another boy like 7 years ago but he grew up and never came back. It's ok. Bestie will probably stop wanting to play in a couple years too, it's fine.

Yakumo 06/11/2023 (Sun) 11:35 [Preview] No.988 [X] del >>989
To be honest, I never was envoius of Bear. His good looks, physique, talents and skills, wealth, life, story, whatever. He deserves it. I am not a jealous person and quite content with who I am and what I have achived.

But getting loli friend on top of that is a bit hard to stomach. So I'll be in the cold dark basement sulking for a while now, don't wait up!

Bear 06/11/2023 (Sun) 16:16 [Preview] No.989 [X] del >>991

Look brother, I grew up with a hot sister, hot cousins both older and younger, and I didn't have any sexual attraction toward them. If I had a daughter I know it wouldn't cross my mind.

This is the same way. Whatever weird fantasy you're expecting doesn't apply here. We also don't spend a ton of time together because I work like a dog and who cares anyway.

Here's some examples of our interactions:

Yakumo 06/11/2023 (Sun) 20:39 [Preview] No.991 [X] del >>992
(28.83 KB 200x640 what I want to do.jpg)
Look Brother Bear, nobody said anything about sexual attraction or weird fantasies. It’s about friendship and trust.

Many years ago I had a group of girls, friends of a distant relative who sort of adopted me. It started when they were about 12 and lasted until they finished school at 18 and went separate ways. Nowadays it seems like a distant dream, well it was 20 years ago, and would be absolutely unthinkable in our neo-puritan times. So I was ‘looking after’ 2-5 girls but ofc in reality it was the other way round, sending a lamb after a lion. They were smart, responsible and fierce - but kind to me. Well, I was extremely useful after all. We mostly stayed at my relative’s apartment, sometimes at mine, without supervision of any parents for days. They even went on holidays together with me and we often slept together crammed into one bed. They also were my dance partners. I felt – accepted. Still can’t believe their parents left their pre- to early teen daughters in the care of some weird 20something guy they barely knew. These were conservative middle – upper-middle class people, not some trash. Oh well, my relative’s parents knew they could go on a trip for a week, leave their daughter and her friends with me and return to an apartment that was cleaner and more orderly than when they left. I also helped them with school which was barely necessary though. In the end I’m certain I learned more from them than they from me. Including that chans existed. Let that sink in. I learned about 4chan from little girls. Seriously. Must have been around 2005. We had a lot of fun. Nobody was ever seriously drunk, smoked, let alone did drugs, got tattoos, or pregnant. We lived in the flow, it was peaceful. I miss those times a lot.

Nowadays I’ve lost contact with everyone but my relative. They moved away, married, had kids or whatever and are in their 30s now. Chances of something like that happening again: zero

Bear 06/11/2023 (Sun) 21:57 [Preview] No.992 [X] del >>997>>1002

https://youtube.com/watch?v=L3LHAlcrTRA [Embed]

Such things repeat when you put yourself in the situation for them to repeat. Granted you may need to wait for your next life for what you described.

I had strictly all-girl study groups before, we went out, had fun, and it was temporary. This is temporary. It's not the first time, it may be the last time -> and that's okay.

Sounds like the attachments are causing you suffering, you're holding on to things that may never happen again. Why can't you enjoy the times for what they were, can't you cherish memories?

When I moved out from my rented room with the three girl roommates, I felt lonely for a long time even though I had a girlfriend. Moving in with her was good, good times. They don't last forever. When I was depressed I lamented those times, I couldn't think of them yet my dreams were littered with them. I can think of them fondly now, I don't need them to repeat to know they happened and feel good about it.

My first niece was born when I was 18, I didn't want to have anything to do with her and I lived in the same house, it was right before I finally moved out. Ofc she loved me, I was the only man in her life and I did play with her even as a 1-3 yr-old. Her father was a loser and she knew it.

I stayed in touch for years and I had to cut all ties because of my asshole brother and abusive mother. That was it. And it hurt, but ultimately I didn't care. I had fun with her and her girlfriends, we played together on the first Xbox one, I think I drove them to McDonalds once. What's the big deal? Nothing.

Again it continues to happen, not that I expected it or care for it to happen. I'll have fun if there's fun to be had, but I don't need others to have fun. Neighborhood kids will continue to come up to me and I'll continue to interact with them, when they don't that's fine too. If they never do again, that's fine too.

You'd probably be able to volunteer places where trust could be earned if you cared that much about it. Otherwise you aren't willing to put in the effort then get over it. It's not enviable, it just is, and it'll end and it'll be fine either way.

Life is about change, and so it changes. Then life ends. If we repeat, then it repeats, if it doesn't then I'll happily sleep.

Tamamo 06/12/2023 (Mon) 10:28 [Preview] No.997 [X] del >>1001>>1007>>1012
No offense Bear, I agree but you sound like one of those rich guys being all 'money isn't important'. Ofc not if you have so much it doesn't matter and the opportunity to just make more even if you lose it.

I always make fun of Bernd for being Bernd but if you think about it it must be hell.
>most hated minority in the world
>no lobby
>criminal for how you feel
>have to live in secrecy
>society basically wants you dead
>no chance for love, romance, friendhip let alone sex with who you like ever

And then you're told 'you have attachments bro, better luck next life bro'. Even I'd be mad if you told me that.

Be honest Bear are you really the lvl99 fool who'd say whatever and live on happily if you woke up in a world where only being homo is allowed and you never could interact with any women ever again without becoming the worst imaginable criminal? Wait, you could still rape them in lucid dreams that's a cheat skill!

Just saying I'm not a chick magnet but I sure as hell glad I'm not as fucked as our German frien here. At least you have Alice, man!

Bear 06/12/2023 (Mon) 12:18 [Preview] No.998 [X] del
(35.47 KB 600x258 1d7bh7.jpg)
>No offense Bear

Alice 06/12/2023 (Mon) 14:26 [Preview] No.1001 [X] del >>1003
>At least you have Alice
What do you mean by 'at least'???

Kashtan 06/12/2023 (Mon) 20:29 [Preview] No.1002 [X] del
(39.42 KB 439x441 Yotsuba.jpg)
>volunteer at places with kids
lol what could possibly go wrong?

Kashtan 06/12/2023 (Mon) 20:34 [Preview] No.1003 [X] del

>be tamamo
>try to be compassionate
>get btfo by everyone

Yakumo 06/12/2023 (Mon) 23:30 [Preview] No.1007 [X] del
(107.23 KB 1024x1023 live with the pain.jpg)
It's alright, I appreciate it my friend!

Bear 06/13/2023 (Tue) 02:49 [Preview] No.1011 [X] del >>1016
(2.62 MB 640x360 boys-the.gif)
Here's a recipe for my favorite smoothie:

Add one single serving yogurt (with fruit not that gay plain shit, and no goat yogurt you heathen mongoloid) to a blender.

Peal a small chunk of ginger and turmeric root. Throw that in and don't question it, trust a Bear ffs.

One raw egg goes in, no shell obv. Stop worrying, 1 in 10,000 eggs will kill you, this one won't. I mean look and smell it first unless you're just dumb.

One peeled banana, do I have to say peeled? 24% of Americans are retarded so forgive me if you're not.

Small handful of frozen mixed berries, get that in there. You do have a freezer right? Idk what they cram in those tint euro apartments.

Small amount of powdered green tea and gensing tea. Yes, yes, do it.

Grind that all together to a smooth consistency. It's prolly gunna be loud.

Pour into your favorite cup? Glass? I use a mug because it's slightly more than a large glass.

Drink it! Now! Yeah, tongue that bitch! You like that doncha, ha, knew it. Most tulpamancers are in the closet, don't be ashamed.

Then relax assured in the knowledge that it has enough calories for a full day, but many overweight Americans will definitely eat a full meal with it. Those fat ass, pot smoking, body positive fit-phobes.

Bear 06/13/2023 (Tue) 09:55 [Preview] No.1012 [X] del >>1014>>1027

Who the heck is Bernd and what race is he?

>most hated minority in the world

Black? Jewish? Arabian?

>no lobby


>criminal for how you feel


>have to live in secrecy


>society basically wants you dead


>no chance for love, romance, friendhip let alone sex with who you like ever


Ok ok, so Bernd is a white, Kurdish, furry, simp and ofc tulpamancer. Damn, that's rough dude.

Bear 06/13/2023 (Tue) 10:08 [Preview] No.1013 [X] del >>1014>>1016>>1027
(564.90 KB 1622x1197 430zkq.png)

https://youtube.com/watch?v=LsR_ZYCXRPg [Embed]

No captions needed.

Why do I lift?
Because ganz matter.
Because people notice.
Because I was tired of being treated like a leper
Because I can do things that seem to need intense strength, like basically anything manual. Ever get to a bolt or pipe or anything heavy and think, wtf is this so hard? Well, it's not for me.
Because confidence
Because truth justice and the American way
Because I can
Because I ain't a puss
Because I run my mouth a lot and peace through strength
Because I get laid because of it and not without it.
Because I would otherwise look like a potato
Because my face is actually rather plain and wouldn't land me quality poon
Because it's fun
Because it feels good
Because I like to
Because the gym is my happy place
Because I wouldn't break a sweat, ever, if I didn't.
For mental health
To take out aggression
To feel like a man
To look hot
Self defense

Tamamo 06/13/2023 (Tue) 11:04 [Preview] No.1014 [X] del >>1027
Yep, that's Bernd in a nutshell.

Me on the right

Alice 06/13/2023 (Tue) 14:36 [Preview] No.1016 [X] del >>1017
Based and smoothiepilled!
Our typical breakfast consists of a blended mixture of:
>500g yoghurt, 1% fat
>teaspoon of linseed oil
>handful of linseeds, sunflower seeds or pumpkin seeds
>a few ground almonds or walnuts
>fruits we have at hand from the garden like an apple, pear, peach, apricots, grapes or berries. Blueberries with a banana and a bit of ground vanilla pod is bretty gud.

Must say we never used eggs so far, I actually dunno why. Host never had a single problem with raw eggs in his life and he's very much used to eating questionable stuff past the expiration date. Same goes for adding tea, ginger or tumeric. Sounds like a good idea. We'll try and report, or rather won't if we die from Bear advice.

This breakfast also usually lasts us until dinner. It would easily last for a day as well but host is already underweight and needs to get beefed up instead of losing weitht which leads us to

Also based and fitpilled. Share workout routine to make all of us here feel even more potato.

I'm now torturing host with HIIT by running uphill but starting slowly. Won't do much for looks but that's not the point here.

Bear 06/13/2023 (Tue) 15:41 [Preview] No.1017 [X] del

>Share workout routine

Fuck yeah but I need to hand craft it again because I can't find my cheat sheet and my workout bag is missing too, BS. I haven't gone tothe gym for a while because I have half my routine at home and it was enough for maintenance but not legs dangit.

I also don't have time to go during the week so I'll only go Fri-Sat-Sun handle 3/4, then probably Wed for other 1/4 at home. That's 3-2-1-1 and not awful but 3-2 is ideal. Sadly I'm doing this for legs and I can only do that justice at the gym aand you can't do legs more than 1 in 5 days so 1 in 7 is awful, but it is what it is. It'll help.

Your smoothie sounds ok if you like it, after a few weeks of mine it starts to taste like milkshake because it's so flipping healthy and the body knows it.

Kashtan 06/14/2023 (Wed) 17:11 [Preview] No.1027 [X] del
(72.57 KB 960x540 loli pervert.jpg)
>Who the heck is Bernd
a loser

>and what race is he?

oof yeh i should lift more as well but you know i should do a lot of things

>Me on the right
youre princess leia?

Kashtan 06/14/2023 (Wed) 17:18 [Preview] No.1028 [X] del >>1029>>1031
(77.54 KB 1200x675 phone is kill.jpg)
and now for something completely different

guyse dont ask me how but i managed to run over my smartphone with my car today so i need a new one. any advice? destroyed phone was samsung a13 5g btw

dont need anything fancy and dont really take photos. never been a phonefag but you need this shit nowadays. looking for some simple android phone thats unlocked not bloated and maybe less ad ridden spy device but still works. reasonable price. no apple no pinephone crap. Does tht exist? curious what you guys use Alice, i'm sure its as insane as everything you do

Bear 06/14/2023 (Wed) 20:57 [Preview] No.1029 [X] del >>1041

Don't buy an Apple ffs. Just say no.

I got a s22+, it's ok, works as advertised, never an issue.

All my friends have apple and they're constantly having issues and need to buy a new phone every other year because Apple.

My friend just got a new one, old one 2 years old battery issue, this one brand new battery issue, won't vibrate, menus are messed up.

Apple sucks and I can't express this harshly enough. Apple fan boys are fucking mongoloid donkey raping shit eaters!

You like shit and yiffing with farm animals? Get an Apple.

Anything samsung is great but if you get an old one, check the thickness for battery swelling because don't store it with the battery at zero or it will self-destruct in 6 months.

Apple will eat your cat and fuck your girlfriend, you cuck. Jesus... I call up Verizon to switch the phone and the lady talks my ear off about how her Apple has problems and everyone calling has Apple. Awful.

Alice 06/14/2023 (Wed) 22:08 [Preview] No.1031 [X] del >>1041>>1093
(13.77 KB 400x373 Pixel 7a.jpeg)
>i managed to run over my smartphone with my car today
Nigga what

>curious what you guys use Alice
I'm a tupper I don't use phones. And host probably hates smartphones even more than you. He avoided getting one for a long time but as you said there's no escape.

If you wanna take this seriously the only acceptable smartphone is Google Pixel + GrapheneOS.

This is what we use but we keep it to a minimum. So I can't tell you if it's a viable replacement for you. Never had anything else. GrapheneOS only works with Google Pixels but it works surprisigly well. You get a fully functional high-end Android phone without spyware and Google crap and you decide what you install and what each app is allowed to do. Apps can't spy on other information that's none of their business. You can also create several profiles and isolate them from each other. Probably the most secure and private smartphone you can get. Installation of the new OS is easy and fool-proof.

I highly recommend it but be aware that it's not cheap. The newest, most affordable and only reasonable option for you is a Pixel 7a which will get you 5 years of support at least until May 2028. Costs about 500€.

I can help you set it up if you are interested but it will be some learning curve. Maybe you'll still need some cheap secondary phone as backup. Never a bad idea. We just have a dumbphone for that though.

Bear 06/15/2023 (Thu) 00:55 [Preview] No.1035 [X] del
I'm starting to really like how this timeline is going.

https://youtube.com/watch?v=ffPW2HVo2E0 [Embed]
https://youtube.com/watch?v=8e-muAXVu10 [Embed]
https://youtube.com/watch?v=uiaRVp5F-m0 [Embed]


Anonymous 06/15/2023 (Thu) 17:58 [Preview] No.1041 [X] del
yeah heard the same about apple, overpriced hipster shit

looks interesting i'll msg you!

Bear 06/16/2023 (Fri) 16:24 [Preview] No.1054 [X] del >>1055
Look at this bullshit?

Why is my future dream conquest on billboards here beconing me to take her in adream?

Calm down sweetie, wait your turn.

Yakumo 06/16/2023 (Fri) 19:59 [Preview] No.1055 [X] del
Even I would file this under 'nightmare'

Bear 06/17/2023 (Sat) 02:39 [Preview] No.1060 [X] del
(1.10 MB 1024x679 large.jpg)
Quite a mug on that Gretta, might need a bag.

Saw this in my garage. Had to wrangle it into the bushes across the street.

It's a gopher snake, this one was probably 5 feet stretched out but a small head like 2cm wide.

Idk if they actually eat gophers, them bastards are big.

Tamamo 06/17/2023 (Sat) 16:34 [Preview] No.1064 [X] del >>1065
Is it dangerous? Snakes are cool but I don't need them in the house. We have some venomous snakes here but they are rare and it's too urban. Never seen one in the wild where I live.

Bear 06/17/2023 (Sat) 18:06 [Preview] No.1065 [X] del

These are not venomous and the way they strike is by poking you with their head they don't even bite.

Anonymous 06/18/2023 (Sun) 00:15 [Preview] No.1069 [X] del >>1075
i think we only have one poisonous snake here the adder. seen a few while hiking. but theyre not really deadly. i couldnt live in a place full of deadly animals like australia. in europe wildlife is mostly harmless

Alice 06/18/2023 (Sun) 11:42 [Preview] No.1075 [X] del
Same here, we also only have Vipera berus, both the brown and the rare black version. You only see them in mountains or bogs. No documented deaths in 21st century.

First heatwave of the year, temperatures around 30°C. May and June have been unusually cool and wet.

Bear 06/19/2023 (Mon) 16:00 [Preview] No.1086 [X] del >>1087>>1093
I just spent 6 weeks, doing basically a third job while on vacation from my first and second jobs and managed a feat that usually requires three or four professionals a week as their only job. Keep in mind:

1. Knew nothing about it before
2. Never shown how
3. Invested 15k my own money +300 hours, received 45k under da table bitch!
4. Did a boss ass perfect job, looks beautiful. I wish I could share pics or tell you but it's possibly doxing info for my customer.
5. 16 hour days for 6 weeks with three jobs.
6. Wish I could do it again.

Just relaxing with my two jobs for a while now. I don't even know what to do with the little free time I have...

Alice 06/19/2023 (Mon) 18:41 [Preview] No.1087 [X] del
(65.69 KB 480x480 sunbasking.jpg)
Simple. Draw stuff for us!
It doesn't have to be hyper-realistic, just some pencil doodles!

I'd do it but we're busy basking in the sun in our free time to get the most out of summer. It's almost 9pm and still bright as day. Everything is blooming in Nymphenburg park and the scent of linden tree flowers in the evening is quite something.

Kashtan 06/19/2023 (Mon) 23:16 [Preview] No.1093 [X] del
we graphene nao!
thanks again Alice for helping me out, everything works now. was a lot of work to set everything up from scratch and i would have gotten lost on my own but it was worth it. already feel like an idiot for running around with a spy phone for years, this is awesome. pixel 7a is a decent phone too. more than enough for a phonehater like me. we'll see if i run into any trouble but i doubt it. the less app crap the better

Not bad, 100$/h. How many decades do you go to prison for tax fraud in the us?

Bear 06/20/2023 (Tue) 02:15 [Preview] No.1094 [X] del
I'll probably claim it because I'm a fool. Still worth it -40%.

I was "given a gift" though so I think you don't pay tax on that. It's not a customer/worker thing.

"You do not need to pay gift tax until you reach the $12.06 Million gift tax exclusion." Also the giver pays the tax.

Sorry if my words made it sound shady, your honor.

Bear 06/20/2023 (Tue) 02:28 [Preview] No.1095 [X] del >>1106
I knew they were all in on it together! Those Octopus eating bastards!

https://youtube.com/watch?v=gYZs4psQIGw [Embed]

Actually it's nice to see them all really enjoying each other's company as they eat a live octopus.

Bear 06/20/2023 (Tue) 02:37 [Preview] No.1096 [X] del >>1106
It's heartwarming to see everyone coming together and playing nice.

https://youtube.com/watch?v=WgREV-fPXE0 [Embed]

Alice 06/20/2023 (Tue) 22:03 [Preview] No.1106 [X] del >>1107
You really like this AI stuff huh?

Ashley 06/20/2023 (Tue) 22:32 [Preview] No.1107 [X] del

[Ashley] Well to be fair, he was enthralled with lolcats, PTKFGS, and YouTube poop, this is basically that if you think about it.

[Bear] it's blisssssss, so comforting.

[Joy] I wouldn't allow it if he wasn't so entertained by it, it's more likely nightmare fuel or some kind of brain damaging noise. The body enjoys it though him so in turn we get that good stuff, though in terms of entertainment it wouldn't be my first choice. I think it's funnier that he thinks it's funny. There has to be some kind of deep seated psychosis to enjoy this as much as he does.

Alice 06/20/2023 (Tue) 22:45 [Preview] No.1108 [X] del >>1115>>1120>>1141
Now finally our wild roses full of critters. The Lachnaia leaf beetles really maim the flowers when they come in masses but that's ok, there's enough for everyone.

The rose chafers do less damage and only harvest pollen. This is a rare species whatever it is, not the common Cetonia aurata. It's probably Protaetia cuprea but there's several species that almost look the same unless you dissect them. These beetles reflect left circularly polarized light which gives them their shiny green metallic color. When viewed through a right circular polarizer, the beetle appears black. I'll show you some other time.

The crab spider had caught a beetle but dropped it before host could take the photo. This is one of few spiders that can also eat pollen if insects are rare. They can also change color to match their flower and catch prey many times larger than themselves like butterflies.

There, you learned something from a tupper. We take education very seriously on /tulpa/

Bear 06/21/2023 (Wed) 02:15 [Preview] No.1110 [X] del
When you like cats, and bodybuilding, now you can have both.

https://youtube.com/watch?v=E1kisF5G4ik [Embed]

Tamamo 06/21/2023 (Wed) 13:06 [Preview] No.1115 [X] del >>1121>>1723
Wow awesome!
This is some mindfulness exercise. There's so much to discover if you pay a little attention. Most people are dull and blind to what's going on around them. I didn't know about the polarized light, does that happen with all beetles? I know about metallic structural colors though, they're extremely beautiful. Pls post photos of the beetle with a polarizer!

Bear 06/21/2023 (Wed) 18:07 [Preview] No.1119 [X] del >>1121
A friend compared me to a genuinely nice person we know and said I was a nice person like him. I think she's just very happy with me lately. I guess that's good.

When I was the Angry Bear back in 2017-18, she wasn't so complimentary.

Alice 06/21/2023 (Wed) 19:54 [Preview] No.1120 [X] del
I will!
Might take a while, gotta find the polarizing filter, it's 'somewhere'. Host has too much stuff. I've already thrown away a lot but there's no end. More beetles also to come.

And yes, just look around a bit instead of staring at screens, you'll be surprised how much you can find no matter where. Photography is also a good way to discover hidden treasures, we often only find stuff in images later that weren't visible to the naked eye. And try to learn about what you see and put it into context. Why is this flower growing in this spot and nowhere else? What is this insect doing in this ecosystem? What are those stars, and what is their development stage?

That's the difference between an educated person and an indifferent moron.

Alice 06/21/2023 (Wed) 20:01 [Preview] No.1121 [X] del
(199.68 KB 320x558 Of course - not.png)
Why am I quoting myself?
This was meant for Tamamo

Also did you find the tiny emerald green Phyllobius beetle in the first rose picture?

Nobody likes angry people, more news at 11. Also I'm a bit allergic to girls calling host 'such a nice person'. It is usually followed by 'could you do this work for me for free / pay that for me'?

Bear 06/22/2023 (Thu) 10:32 [Preview] No.1126 [X] del >>1129
Elon bans "cis" and "normal" on twitter.

I've not heard anything so delicious in ages. I am now a fan based on his actions.

I always knew he was a supervillian but having one on your side is a tenuous victory, but it is a victory.

Isn't it fun to watch the tide turn? The progressives try to put up dykes (literally) and common decency prevails.

It's poetic.

Alice 06/22/2023 (Thu) 13:53 [Preview] No.1129 [X] del >>1131>>1134>>1141
I want to see this

Bear 06/22/2023 (Thu) 14:41 [Preview] No.1131 [X] del >>1134

Cuckerburg doesn't stand a chance. Dude's got girl arms. Elon's never seen the inside of a gym but I bet he's got retard strength and a weight advantage.

Tamamo 06/22/2023 (Thu) 17:43 [Preview] No.1134 [X] del

Imagine the money people would bet on this fight worldwide. Those two will probably rig it and become even richer.

I dunno, that skinny alien guy looks fast and knows Jiujutsu. Musk probably has never been in a fight all his life.

Anonymous 06/23/2023 (Fri) 11:13 [Preview] No.1141 [X] del >>1147
lol beetle orgy. very good photos but thats with your dslr right? not the pixel

they wont fight its just some pr stunt

Anonymous 06/23/2023 (Fri) 11:37 [Preview] No.1142 [X] del >>1145>>1147
(181.80 KB 1600x1100 oceangate.jpeg)
onions on submarine gone boom?
>pay fortune to dive to titanic in homemade sub steered by logitech
>ceo is like fuck experienced navy submariners anyone can do this
>become titanic 2

would your tupper let you board this thing?

Bear 06/23/2023 (Fri) 12:27 [Preview] No.1145 [X] del >>1147

So what I heard is 5" thick carbon fiber cylinder, steel endcaps and almost stand up in it so let's give them the benefit of the doubt and say 5 feet ID. 22ft long so assuming hemi endcaps then 17ft cylinder bonded ends 5'10" dia.

Additionally what we have is 12,500 ft depth, so 3800m and 5500psi. That's a lotta p.

According to my napkin calcs, that wouldn't be enough if it was all steel, close though. Given Aluminum with a .07 thickness to diameter ratio given infinite length, that would get to about 3500m without buckling, so not enough.

But for carbon fiber... well Google tells me the Young's modulous is 200 GPa min (29,000ksi) that's as good as steel minimum. With a tensile strength of 3 GPa min, 450ksi, big.

Ok, so it looks to me like it had a healthy safety factor in theory which is surprising.

So let's talk windows. 1ft diameter assuming it had a window, at that depth I doubt they'd use acrylic. So let's say 5000psi for the apparent elastic limit. The t/D ratio is about .35 for minimum safety. So it would be about 4-5 inches thick too, nothing shocking.

So if it's ideally ok, what happened?

My theory notes:

1. They done fucked it up son, in manufacturing.

2. That guy who wouldn't qualify it, the whistleblower, must have known some other issues as well.

3. If they only found the endcaps, it wasn't a slow leak. The Navy picked up a bang on Sunday so we can presume it was an implosion.

4. Logitech/Playstation controller doesn't bother me.

It's pretty well known that carbon fiber is only as good as its manufacturing. Untested in theory it should have survived, but if there was bubbles or improper layup, not cured correctly (that boy is thicc), then you could have a quick crack propagation leading to catastrophic failure. Probably faster than they could react.

Would I go? Fuck no. First of all wtf would I want to see a stupid sunken ship? Second, I hate boats, I hate cold water, I hate people in a small space with me, it's the smell.
Thirdly $250k for a "three hour tour, a three hour tour" no thanks Skipper, take your little buddy and go fuck right off. Lastly, ain't no way no how I'm gonna be in the same room with a billionaire. Look, they'll cuck your gf in every orifice, pass her around to their friends and you can't touch them.

Yakumo 06/23/2023 (Fri) 15:38 [Preview] No.1147 [X] del >>1148
(56.99 KB 714x531 fuck certification.png)
Yeah of course. DSLR and macro lens. Costs about 5 times as much as the pixel which makes excellent landscape and portrait images but it sucks at macro.

>what happened?
culture of optimism
disregard for safety
muh innovation

I'm no engineer but Stockton Rush clearly was a madman who openly said safety is for pussies and hinders innovation. He got what he deserved. I have no sympathy for the tourists either, if you don't do your research before going on such a trip it is likely one-way. The OceanGate company was known for questionable safety and lying about their merits like working with NASA. Never happened. The entire thing was very improvised. That worked for a while but at some point you're simply out of luck. And dead.

Again I'm no expert on this but one does not simply build a submarine from carbon fiber composite material. This stuff is complex, behaves unpredictably and undergoes fatigue with no obvious warning signs until a sudden breaking point is reached. It isn't ductile like metal. Metals like steel are much more predictable and show clear signs of fatigue before they fail catastrophically and these signs are relatively easy to detect. Composites are much more difficult to analyze for defects and basically a black box. You have no idea what's going on deep inside that material regarding delamination a d cracks of the epoxy matrix. There's a reason most submarines are still made of metal. Because it works. But that wasn't cool enough for this guy.

So if you ask me, what happened is the sub imploded from microscopic fatigue accumulated over time, likely at the contact zone between the carbon fiber tube and the titanium end caps / porthole window which was blown out. Put the screw-on cap loosely on a toothpaste tube and step on it. Pretty much this. Rush said himself he knew the Titan suffered from fatigue but employees pointing out this was potentially dangerous were fired.

To me the real question is - why was this company even allowed to commercially operate this sub with tourists on board though it wasn't certified for it? People always make fun of us Germans for overregulation and Deutsche Industrienorm but something like this could never have happened here. Your craft is not certified for the commercial application you intend to use it for - you cant use it. And there are over 9000 regulations involving every component making sure you don't do stupid shit like this company. They claimed the Titan wasn't classed because it was an 'experimental vessel' and classsing is bs anyway. Well you can't take tourists on an experimental vessel for money, it's that easy.
I’ve read this was only possible because the operation took place in international waters lol. Let that sink in

>would your tupper let you board this thing?
Never ever. Alice hates wasting money an like Bear doesn’t like boats, being in confined spaces with people (Pakis lol) or generally underground. Scuba diving to 30 m / 100 ft was already beyond her limit. Same goes for going to space. Not even if we were paid for it.

Bear 06/23/2023 (Fri) 19:42 [Preview] No.1148 [X] del

>why was this company even allowed to commercially operate this sub with tourists on board though it wasn't certified for it?

Did you read your own picture? U.S. can't stop someone from doing anything in international waters.

Look up what billionares do in international waters. You know it's a real pain in the ass having to bribe and silence local officials every stinking time people come up missing. In international waters, dead men tell no tales.

Let me reiterate, the billionaire owns you. You don't know it until your forced cooperation. When you hear, "we can do this the easy way, or we can do this the hard way." You might as well go along with it. Which is why you don't deal with billionaires. With billionaires, you're here ar their grace, and if you want to continue to live, be entertaining.

In the entertainment industry, and I've had a taste a while back, whether you know it or not, you are *owned*. Models are *owned*, actors/actresses are *owned*.

So, international water just lets them do things more cheaply and with less opposition by those who don't understand they were not "invited" that's just the polite and easy way. Once they want you, it was always going to happen.

Laws are for simps and pussies anyway. I've seen some things done on private property that would be considered war crimes if it was done during wartime. You want to whistleblow? Yeah, no one's going to protect you.

Believe it.

It's funny to me when people don't, but to be fair it's easier on the mind if you don't.

Kashtan 06/24/2023 (Sat) 11:04 [Preview] No.1151 [X] del >>1152>>1158>>1752
excuse me for bad english
when were you when russia was civil war?
i was sleeping in bed when friend call:
'russia civil war'
but then who was phone?

Tamamo 06/24/2023 (Sat) 12:27 [Preview] No.1152 [X] del >>1158
Lool wtf is even going on there? I'm glad to live far away from Russia. So who will win?

Alice 06/24/2023 (Sat) 16:15 [Preview] No.1158 [X] del >>1160
God bless the Pope, I hope he takes Moscow today.

>So who will win?
We all win when Russians are fighting themselves.

Kashtan 06/24/2023 (Sat) 17:25 [Preview] No.1160 [X] del
i've seen this coming prigo was way too powerful he knew he'd get offed unless he takes action first. but going straight for moscow, guy's got some balls. they already shot down 6 russian helicopters and one plane and are past voronezh. well as you said the more those clowns kill each other the better for us. unless they start throwing nukes at each other.

Alice 06/24/2023 (Sat) 18:13 [Preview] No.1165 [X] del
He turned back, looks like habbening is ogre. It had some Spartacus rebellion vibes but turned out meh. Ah well it's not over yet.

Bear 06/25/2023 (Sun) 01:33 [Preview] No.1179 [X] del >>1186
https://youtube.com/watch?v=bJP3bYnRRrM [Embed]

It says Elon is 180lbs, but seriously, he must be 5'8 or less then, dude is thicc.

Tamamo 06/25/2023 (Sun) 09:53 [Preview] No.1186 [X] del >>1193
I told you Musk is not fit for a fight

Anonymous 06/25/2023 (Sun) 21:24 [Preview] No.1193 [X] del >>1195
>richest man on earth
>such pathetic body
>dat skin color
does he ever go outside?
he gotta be the whitest african on earth

Bear 06/26/2023 (Mon) 02:38 [Preview] No.1195 [X] del

I potato vs a ginger root. I still have my money on the spud.

Bear 06/26/2023 (Mon) 19:49 [Preview] No.1202 [X] del >>1203
So, Dr. Alice Chan, listen to this. So I was told that if I get the glock .40 cal and subsequently buy a 9mm barrel and clip, it's a 5 min swap and now I have a choice but you can't do that if you buy the 9mm.

What say you?

Dr. Alice 06/26/2023 (Mon) 23:56 [Preview] No.1203 [X] del >>1205
(11.42 KB 400x400 Glock-22-Gen5-.40.jpg)
Yes, you can use a special conversion barrel to shoot 9mm out of a .40 Glock just as you can use an entire 9mm G17 slide (the upper metal part) on a .40 G22 frame (the lower polymer part). I have no experience with it but it should work reasonably well. The ejector of a .40 Glock frame is not designed for 9mm but how much of an issue that is remains debatable. May eject brass in your face at worst but that's all. Recoil springs of new .40 guns may be too strong to reliably eject 9mm rounds as well but that rarely seems to happen.

The more serious question is - WHY would you do that? It makes sense in Germany for legal reasons as it's far easier to buy an additional barrel / slide than getting a permit for a second gun. But in the US? I dunno how much these special replacement barrels cost but the cost of the entire slide is only marginally less than an entire gun. My guess is you could almost get a used Glock for the price of the replacement barrel.

So seriously - money is not an issue for you and Glocks don't cost a fortune, especially used. Why not get both? A G22 in .40 as you're so fixated on that caliber for whatever reason and a G17 in 9mm. Or maybe a compact G19 for concealed carry in contrast to the large and heavy G22. Anyway, what's better than a Glock? 2 Glocks!

Then you have two serious and reliable pistols not one and a half. In case something breaks or you lose parts you still have a secondary gun and many parts are even interchangeable between G17 and G22 right down to using the G17 slide on the G22 frame. Doesn't get more apocalypse-proof than this.

Bottom line - guns are not the right subject for extreme bargaining and funny experiments, especially as a total beginner. A conversion barrel is always a gamble. It should work well in theory, but it still may cause issues. I wouldn't do it just to save a few hundred bucks and I certainly wouldn't bet my and host's life on such setup.

If you really wanna save money, look if you can get a G22 from LEA trade-ins, law enforcement went to 9mm and sold lots of G22 for cheap money.

And I can only say it again - go to a gun dealer and take those guns into your hand first / shoot them at a range. Then decide what's best for you. G22, G17 or compact G19. The .40 and 9mm. Just give all options a go.

If you still decide to go for a conversion barrel don’t ask me which, no idea.

Bear 06/27/2023 (Tue) 00:30 [Preview] No.1205 [X] del >>1219

Naa. I'm just getting a G35 unless the 9mm really is just wow. I don't need two guns wtf? I'm not really that enthused but I figure as part of my prepping for the Chi-com land invasion I should have a gun.

I really don't care to have 2 guns or 1 and a half guns, one is fine with some spare parts I guess.

Kashtan 06/28/2023 (Wed) 14:13 [Preview] No.1219 [X] del
G35 is competition pistol. never shot it but it is huge and weighs ovr 1kg loaded. perfect for precision shooting but not for carrying iwb all day. well you are big it could work for you. i have G19, best combination overall and small enough for concealed carry. heh i have a license that Alice will never get on the Germony. in military we had G17 but you have external holster so size doesnt matter much.

whatever, you gotta like it not us. but listen to Alice and try this shit out before you buy. best gun is the one you shoot best with.

Bear 06/30/2023 (Fri) 03:38 [Preview] No.1233 [X] del
Oh man, this is exactly accurate.

https://youtube.com/watch?v=RfhcotADIxM [Embed]

Heck yeah boy, this country tis of thee, sweet land of ebonics and blood/cript wars. Ev'ry [N WORD] knows this place is kicken like fried chicken, we rollin with the homies and the hood rats. It's like 95% black, guns everywhere and gtfo if you a house elf, we don't need that doofy turd herder. [N WORD] please. Visit at your own peril bitch.

Anonymous 07/02/2023 (Sun) 17:20 [Preview] No.1269 [X] del
Got a new, second job.

It hasn't started yet but I already feel a little overwhelmed. I'm definitely entering some sort of GRINDSET meme. It shouldn't be more than 50hrs a week between both jobs. Neither pay well.

Bear 07/02/2023 (Sun) 18:06 [Preview] No.1271 [X] del >>1272
(12.66 KB 242x208 download (18).jpeg)
>Got a new, second job.

Like a real man, welcome to your new life as a slave to time management. However, if you're like me working as much as 100 hours a week but some weeks it feels like 50, it can be the best feeling of self worth and self-value. Then you don't feel bad pissing on the peasants and laughing at their complaints.

>It hasn't started yet but I already feel a little overwhelmed.

I know exactly how this feels, kind of the worst feeling you'll ever have in this regard. Believe me you will find productivity you never knew you had and end up feeling overjoyed when you get one full day off only to be bored out of your mind. It's like flipping a switch in your mind. (For me anyway.)

Do not rely on caffeine it's a trap!

>I'm definitely entering some sort of GRINDSET meme. It shouldn't be more than 50hrs a week between both jobs.

Ameture! You still have time to start a home business!

>Neither pay well.


It's all relative. Live frugally as I drive around a German car that would cost $2400 to replace the brakes if I couldn't do it myself. I worked at a dealership I talked to service writers and no you don't need new rotors and calipers you dope!

Anonymous 07/02/2023 (Sun) 19:04 [Preview] No.1272 [X] del >>1280
I AM trying to start a home business!!!! That's the horrible part! The limiting factor is needing to purchase sellable quality goods rather than student/hobby level shit, but I've told myself I won't commit the money until I finish my online classes and get settled into the new job!

I brought some stuff into job no 1. and all my coworkers and my boss asked if I am a professional seller. It made me feel dread: I miss when people kind of laughed and thought it was a silly idea. Now everyone's first comment is, "Do you sell those?"

My idea is that I'm young and things take time. If I can even just get this to break even I've subsidized the entire hobby, the entire training process. So even if I have to take a break for a few years to do other things, when I want to return, my chances of being a full-time dream-job person are higher, because I won't be starting from scratch.

The rough part time management-wise is switching between night and day shifts, while living with homebound elderly family for which I cook clean etc. I haven't figured it out.

Bear 07/02/2023 (Sun) 22:39 [Preview] No.1280 [X] del

In business, follow your intuition, do what the customer wants, exceed their expectations by a noticeable amount and you're fine. It becomes second nature. If you fail try again. My first business failed miserably because people suck and I hate them. This home business is very specialized and my customers are all booked years in advance. No public shit, no tatted raimbow ABC militia, emos, Karens, general a-holes. But my success is my undoing. My last vacation was in May but before that was 2014 just before I started this business.

My day job is solid, they love me, fun work, research and analysis type brainy meaty habbit holes at PhD level.

I love my jobs, very awesome jobs, well paid, fair work for pay.

1/2 Bear 07/04/2023 (Tue) 21:37 [Preview] No.1313 [X] del
(2.81 MB 4000x3000 20230704_141936.jpg)
(3.32 MB 4000x3000 20230704_141731.jpg)
(2.94 MB 4000x3000 20230704_141705.jpg)
(2.72 MB 4000x3000 20230704_141614.jpg)
(2.80 MB 4000x3000 20230704_141518.jpg)
Shit I drew in grade school/jr.high/highschool

These are the creme of the crop critique if you must it was literally decades ago.

2/2 Bear 07/04/2023 (Tue) 21:40 [Preview] No.1314 [X] del
(2.75 MB 4000x3000 20230704_141402.jpg)
(1.50 MB 2954x2573 20230704_141228.jpg)

Anonymous 07/05/2023 (Wed) 11:40 [Preview] No.1320 [X] del >>1322
lol someone finally used the crying nigger spoiler
i like the pic of the angelfish and catfish whats the background of angel and devil shaking hands? problem solving grenade is also nice. how old were you when you drew them?

Bear 07/05/2023 (Wed) 15:17 [Preview] No.1322 [X] del >>1330

The fish 10-12 that's the years I had them.

The dragon, demon/angel, and grenade 15-16 high school.

The others in Jr. High 12-14.

I had several books I drew in forget about the ones I drew on notes in class those were all lost.

There is no background in the angel/demon. It's vut out of notebook paper and taped into this drawing book.

I was always drawing something. In high school I continued to doodle ony notes but I didn't save anything. The next thing I saved was tulpamancy related.

Bear 07/06/2023 (Thu) 15:49 [Preview] No.1329 [X] del >>1330
(159.90 KB 220x220 krzak-tumbleweed.gif)
I was uncomfortably warm in the lab at work for no reason and now I'm soaking in sweat back in my office and freezing. I'm serious it wasn't hot in the lab, I don't get it.

I have to go back to the lab soon so no point in changing. It was just weird. It's maybe 70 outside, overcast because it's always overcast in the morning.

The lady down the street that I affectionately call Grandma though there's no relation, said she wanted me to have her old car. It's a good car actually, newer and lower miles than my current beater. She said not yet but wants me to drive it around so the battery won't die. I believe that she'll give it to me but I don't believe it'll happen in less than 5 years so I hesitate to agree to drive it around because basically I'm doing work, taking time to do that. She doesn't want her own son-in-law to drive it? I don't understand her sometimes. She actually delicately helped me when I was depressed 5 years ago so she's a good person.

This'll be the 4th car I was "given" for no reason other than inheritance and because they know I'll take care of it. They know I'm a car guy. Two of these weren't worth much but they were solid, the third is the one I'm driving now that my ex gave to me.

So why would my ex give me her car? Mostly because I took care of it and she got a new one. Dealers won't give you shit for a trade in anyway.

I wanted to buy a car but I keep getting cars given to me.

[Ashley] That was "Bear complains about getting free stuff", hope you enjoyed it as much as we did.

Yakumo 07/06/2023 (Thu) 16:03 [Preview] No.1330 [X] del >>1332
>The fish 10-12
That's very impressive for such age. We also had this Pterophyllum scalare and Corydoras fish when I was a kid. The aquarium was the cat TV. But I never drew anything so I can't even draw decent stick figures today.

I was uncomfortably warm in the lab at work for no reason and now I'm soaking in sweat back in my office and freezing. I'm serious it wasn't hot in the lab, I don't get it.

It's the ice cream from
Soon you'll be dead.
Used cars are incredibly valuable here, there was a huge shortage due to Covid supply chain fuck-ups and German industry fuck-ups recently so you had to wait half a year or longer for many popular new car models. People sold used cars for way more than they bought them for 5 years ago. Plus a lot of people don't want to buy modern cars full of (((infotainment))) spyware that constantly phones home which is now mandatory for new models. Plus new cars afe fucking expensive bc car manufacturers go electric which brings higher marges and phase out their cheapest combustion models instead.

Bear 07/06/2023 (Thu) 17:45 [Preview] No.1332 [X] del

>Soon you'll be dead

Well that's good to know, but I'm already prepared. After my awakening it's inevitability is more reassuring than frightening. Like I said, if there's nothing else, I had a good run, I've done everything I wanted to do, it's all cake from here, but I'm no hedonist.

Alice 07/16/2023 (Sun) 22:13 [Preview] No.1433 [X] del >>1437>>1459
We were in the mountains over the weekend, it was great!
So many stars at night and a clearly visible milky way, tons of satellites too but no shooting stars. Been a while since I've seen one, where did they go?

Also fireflies again. They're beautiful as flying lights but the animals are actually pretty nightmarish. The flying male beetles are hard to photograph but the wingless females are easier. They just sit on the ground and give off permanent light. They're really ugly straight outta some alien movie.

Tamamo 07/17/2023 (Mon) 12:22 [Preview] No.1437 [X] del >>1455
(178.70 KB 731x1024 milky way.jpg)
Oh cool!
We have lots of fireflies but not in the city I can't remember seeing one. Maybe I should go out in nature more. Didn't know they looked this disgusting I thought they were normal beetles. Same for the milky way there's so much artificial light here you barely see any stars.

Bear 07/18/2023 (Tue) 02:35 [Preview] No.1454 [X] del
When you don't stop at impossible

https://youtube.com/watch?v=_jxegEu0ZWI [Embed]

I would think what Ren is in charge of is on the level of effort of this. Game breaking. I have no doubt.

Bear 07/18/2023 (Tue) 02:37 [Preview] No.1455 [X] del

Sadly they replaced all the sodium lights with bright LEDs to save energy because FUCK LIGHT POLLUTION.

Now there are "zero point zero" stars in the sky. I see two planets and a moon, that's all.

Anonymous 07/18/2023 (Tue) 11:56 [Preview] No.1459 [X] del
disgusting thx for ruining fireflies for me. honestly cant remember ever seeing one

guess its same with stars everywhere they built so much new streetlights as leds are cheap that its bright everywhere at night. when i was young even the cities were dark because soviet union

Bear 07/18/2023 (Tue) 15:55 [Preview] No.1467 [X] del >>1473
Oh shit I finally saw a video on YouTube that matches what I saw in the sky in the Winter of 2014.

Two streaks of flames in the sky doing swirling maneuvers.


Alice 07/18/2023 (Tue) 23:23 [Preview] No.1473 [X] del >>1477
(37.66 KB 990x550 moonlight parade.jpeg)
It's called wingtip pyrotechnics

Alice 07/18/2023 (Tue) 23:44 [Preview] No.1474 [X] del >>1477>>1484
Host AGAIN wanted to pass by a dehydrated earthworm lying on the road. Where did I go wrong in educating this boy? Maybe I need to borrow the personality forcing chamber as well.

Had to drag him back 10m and put the earthworm into a plastic bag with a bit of water and carry it home. It was really dried up but those guys are surprisingly tough. After being put in intensive care overnight, the worm made a full recovery and was released in the garden.

Bear 07/19/2023 (Wed) 02:19 [Preview] No.1477 [X] del >>1484>>1488

Good, good, no fire serpents in the sky, no cgi, no hallucinations.


You mean they just pop back to life? Wow. as a kid I ate one. kinda tasted like dry cat food. Lightly salted, little bitter. I ate everything except my boogies, I had standards. I did however eat rotten stuff that looked bad, smelled bad and tasted bad, so not high standards. If you ever tasted my mom's cooking, you'd understand why.

Kibble was pretty good, but the bits that looked like cheese were not cheese and they were horrifying. Strange after taste. Milk bones were not awful as long as they weren't stale.

Anonymous 07/19/2023 (Wed) 20:01 [Preview] No.1484 [X] del >>1486>>1488
lol whats with your earthworm obsession Alice?

ghetto tier whats kibble and milk bones?

Bear 07/19/2023 (Wed) 20:19 [Preview] No.1486 [X] del >>1489
(637.39 KB 1200x1200 Mematic_20230719_131748.jpg)

Kid's gotta eat bruh, fat dogs got enough, fat brother hogging everything else, fat mother not home till 5:30, get drunk, makes burnt spaghetti.

Bear 07/19/2023 (Wed) 21:30 [Preview] No.1487 [X] del
I've been in this day job just long enough to see kinda cute twentysomethings turn into some hella fugly frompy thirtysomethings. Awful. It's like faces of meth except it's with McDonald's and cookies, bad posture and poor wardrobe choices.

Alice 07/19/2023 (Wed) 21:58 [Preview] No.1488 [X] del
It wasn't completely dried up but already shriveled. Earthworms can generally survive a loss of 50% of their body weight in water which is huge. They also can go into a stasis called estivation during droughts but they have to curl up deep inside the soil for that. Out in the sun on a hot road it's soon curtains unless I come to the rescue.

>lol whats with your earthworm obsession Alice?
I don't exactly love worms but I don't like to see helpless animals suffer. There's already enough shit in this world.

Alice 07/19/2023 (Wed) 22:23 [Preview] No.1489 [X] del
>sounds like dog treats
>indeed are dog treats
Well it's probably healthier than fast food. But don't eat raw earthworms ever again, they can carry some nasty parasites like nematodes

Bear 07/22/2023 (Sat) 03:31 [Preview] No.1514 [X] del >>1522
(37.84 KB 177x289 carnivore.png)
I'm considering a carnivore diet just for fun. Also for my workout routine, I'm going to need a lot of protein so it meshes well. When I did this last time, my bodyfat was the lowest it ever was. I did it for a year last time or so and I got down to something like 15%? I can't remember other than I could see my ribs and it wasn't really a good look imo.

Anyway 6 months could be a fun time, I'm interested in how a lack of carbs would affect my workout, I don't think I was working out as hard during the last time. Probably starting in August. We'll see how it goes, I might change my mind or just allow some veg and fruit as well, but sugars would be out other than in milk I guess since dairy is allowed.

I do remember that like milk was so sweet on the diet it was like cheating. I also liked drinking cream. It wasn't as bad as you think. I did eat a lot of sausage and cheese which isn't the best for you being so highly processed and I can't trust companies nowadays.

Alice 07/23/2023 (Sun) 12:29 [Preview] No.1522 [X] del >>1526
>not eating any fruits or vegetables for months
>eating processed shit like sausages, cheese and tons of red meat instead

Bear 07/23/2023 (Sun) 13:46 [Preview] No.1526 [X] del

First realize all your food farmed on modern industrial farms now has the nutritional value of sawdust.

Second I will have to up my protein intake a lot to make gains and I don't intend on drinking powder.

For the next couple months I will be having my standard diet modified to increase protein, in the end of August I will have to tra.nsition to a significantly higher protein intake. I will attempt to modify my diet first but if that's too many calories to get enough protein then some things will have to be cut.

Lo there do I see my gains. Lo there do I see my protiens and my fats and my carbohydrates. Lo there do I see the line of bodybuilders, back to the beginning.

https://youtube.com/watch?v=O5KH3y34rZ4 [Embed]

Lo, they do call to me. They bid me take my place among them, In the halls of the gym! Where the brave may live forever!”

Bear 07/25/2023 (Tue) 16:54 [Preview] No.1539 [X] del >>1541
(11.87 KB 225x225 images (25).jpeg)
Earlier, last fall, I found racoon prints in some sause that was spilled in this highly secure 6 floor bunker building. The trash cans are constantly being tossed and everyone blames the seagulls. Today I saw the culprit reveled himself, it was a very large, fat racoon. He saw me coming at 4am and ran. Dude was on the third floor of the inner courtyard. If the building was actually secure he wouldn't have been able to just run into a stairwell.

Alice 07/25/2023 (Tue) 20:00 [Preview] No.1541 [X] del
I remember about your raccoon on high floors story! They actually climb rough walls. We've seen squirrels on 5+ floors that just came in through the window but they can run on walls as if they were horizontal surfaces. A fat raccoon is suspicious though. Sure it's not a tanuki disguising itself as a pretty girl to get in?

Alice 07/26/2023 (Wed) 14:59 [Preview] No.1547 [X] del >>1550>>1552
(9.41 KB 220x229 wof.jpg)
What is your opinion on Wof? It was extinct for over 200 years here but now we have over 1000 Wofs on the Germony. Lots of people freak out over Wof especially in Bavaria which has extremely few Wofs because Somebody think of the Children and Muh Sheep but attacks on humans are unknown here. You can go to jail for up to 10 years for killing the Wof but it still happens frequently and ofc nobody gets caught. I like the Wof, never seen one in nature though.

Bear 07/26/2023 (Wed) 17:59 [Preview] No.1550 [X] del >>1558

Wofl is bad evel creture, I don't liek worl. If wofl come I will not still liek him. Bear is bettr I liek Bear. Bear id far super to wofl. Make Bear and less wofl please foe chidren.

Tamamo 07/27/2023 (Thu) 10:12 [Preview] No.1552 [X] del >>1558
Why don't you make wonderland wof if you love it so much?

Alice 07/27/2023 (Thu) 22:12 [Preview] No.1558 [X] del >>1568
(42.23 KB 444x333 wofl.jpeg)
>make wonderland wof
I actually have one and he's called The Wofl. Made after one of the real trained wolves appearing in that Narnia movie who posed for journalists in such a hilarious way it looked like some stuffed animal.

My wonderland is certified bera-free zone

Anonymous 07/28/2023 (Fri) 16:13 [Preview] No.1568 [X] del >>1573
gib list of weird wonderland creatures Alice

dumb germans, we have some hundred wolves here, people like them and there were petitions to protect them though they eat domestic animals and in 90s there were some cases where they bit people when rabid. shit happens. some hunters poach them as trophy but population increases i think. also we have very few bears coming over from east recently, never seen either theyre shy and stay away from people and dont go into villages

Alice 07/28/2023 (Fri) 21:52 [Preview] No.1573 [X] del >>1574>>1585
>gib list of weird wonderland creatures Alice
Will do, needs matching reference images though. We'll be hiking in the alps for a week now so probbly only after that.

Misha 07/29/2023 (Sat) 02:47 [Preview] No.1574 [X] del

Have fun!

Anonymous 07/31/2023 (Mon) 21:50 [Preview] No.1585 [X] del
>We'll be hiking in the alps for a week now
nice i'll be in italy at the end of august

Bear 08/02/2023 (Wed) 09:55 [Preview] No.1592 [X] del >>1593>>1594
Endchan is weird, I can't find the serious thread so ok.

Endchan.gg and endchan.net both stop working but apparently endchan.org works?

Anyway, odd.

Tamamo 08/02/2023 (Wed) 12:33 [Preview] No.1593 [X] del >>1594
Yeah happens frequently, couldn't post at all on some days.
It's all run by volunteers, be happy it works somehow sometimes

Anonymous Admin 08/02/2023 (Wed) 13:18 [Preview] No.1594 [X] del
Yeah, .org, tor and loki works. Magrathea works too.
.net and .gg are down, we are working on it.
This is the reason we have several domains, if one or more goes down, there is a chance that the rest is fine.

Tamamo 08/02/2023 (Wed) 13:25 [Preview] No.1595 [X] del >>1597
Wow, Admin lurks on /tulpa/?
Thx for the hard work though!

Bear 08/02/2023 (Wed) 16:20 [Preview] No.1597 [X] del
(91.75 KB 600x450 3jt4vj.jpg)

Oh sh... I hope the dude doesn't actually read any of this.

Bear 08/08/2023 (Tue) 13:42 [Preview] No.1639 [X] del
Only .org seems to work anymore

Tamamo 08/08/2023 (Tue) 14:06 [Preview] No.1640 [X] del
endchan.net works for me but Margrathea doesn't. I can post but the posts never show up.

Bear 08/16/2023 (Wed) 18:23 [Preview] No.1685 [X] del >>1686
Where the heck is Dr. Alice Chan and her faithful sidekick?

Who's going to comment on my naked dancing loli and sex dreams?

Alice 08/16/2023 (Wed) 23:04 [Preview] No.1686 [X] del >>1687
(82.02 KB 848x976 kuma pervert.jpg)
Jeez, so needy!
I'm here, I'm here.
And there's your comment

Bear 08/16/2023 (Wed) 23:25 [Preview] No.1687 [X] del
(64.06 KB 220x165 antm-j-alexander.gif)

Anonymous 08/17/2023 (Thu) 21:47 [Preview] No.1696 [X] del >>1700>>1706
did you ever run over something?
i hit some small animal i think it was marten or something running over the road. didnt get it with wheels but it bumped into the right front near the lights. no damage to car, dunno if the critter survived probably not.

Yulya wasnt happy as if it was my fault there was no chance to avoid that stupid animal running into my car at night

Bear 08/18/2023 (Fri) 00:15 [Preview] No.1700 [X] del

>did you ever run over something?

Back when I was Bear 1.0 I was driving across country to NYCommie from Commiefornia and in the middle of a mountain road a rabbit ran directly in front of my car and I ran it over. In the rear view I saw it tumbling. I was upset by this if you can imagine (I can't) and that night I had a nightmare that the rabbit was still alive but looking like two face with half his face torn off and his eye hanging down. That was disturbing.

Here I see rabbits constantly in the morning and they're not so dumb so I don't run them over because I refuse to swerve for anything that can't sue me or cause big damage. It's more dangerous to swerve and end up hitting another car.

I was on the freeway a year or so later and this guy in a classic, pristine RX7 swerved to avoid a ladder in the lane and lost control then slammed into the center divide. I slowed way down and ran it over. Aluminum can't hurt steel too badly. I was also in a low sports car but it managed to traverse it.

Alice 08/18/2023 (Fri) 23:30 [Preview] No.1706 [X] del >>1713>>1714
(76.75 KB 640x480 over.jpg)
Wtf did the train hit? A cow? Looks too big to be a human.

Host managed to run over a falcon on the highway some months ago. Dumb birb hovered over some roadkill very close to the ground and then suddenly turned right and got sucked under the car. Like bear's rabbit we saw it tumbling in the rear mirror as a cloud of feathers. Actually made me angry because it was so stupid.

In South America host hit a smol capybara that dashed across the road. That was sad. But Bear's right, trying to evade small animals is extremely dangerous and has killed countless people. Oh yeah, also in South America some guy we were working with run over a large iguana sunbathing on the road on purpose. It was collected, grilled and eaten. Tasted somehow like chicken but with different texture.

Bear 08/19/2023 (Sat) 19:19 [Preview] No.1713 [X] del >>1714
(532.09 KB 1024x684 5050.Deshler railfan.jpg)

People self-delete by stepping in front of the train, but the troopers usually don't take a selfie with the human remains.

Two instances from police reports of a cop I know: old lady standing by the tracks, sus, gets questioned, leaves. Reappears next to tracks, is warned, becomes agitated, leaves. 15 minutes later, train comes, dead old lady parts everywhere. Literally arms and legs strewn about.

Next one, idiot jogging near the tracks with earbuds. Bends down to tie shoes, is hit in the head by the train, half of skull crushed in, walking dead, says she's looking for her lost dog, there was no dog. Dies on the way to the hospital. Friend said he could see part of her brain, top part of her skull was missing.

Bonus: strung out girl sleeps on the tracks, train runs her over, severs arm, is seen wandering around with her severed arm in her hand still strung out.

[Ashley] Meanwhile, Bear:

Anonymous 08/19/2023 (Sat) 23:22 [Preview] No.1714 [X] del
expected no less from you lol

yeah happens everywhere either people an hero on purpose or because of stupid. sucks if there is a delay people should at least off themselves without bothering others i mean think of the guys who have to clean up that mess

Bear 08/20/2023 (Sun) 02:51 [Preview] No.1720 [X] del >>1722
(3.57 MB 3000x2688 20230819_193635.jpg)
(2.95 MB 2893x2338 20230819_193645.jpg)
I thought this was corn but it looks a lot like sorghum. Maybe it's in the birdseed.

No water, no prep, this was previously where dead grass was. As you can tell from the surroundings it's like amazing healthy next to struggling weeds.

Alice 08/20/2023 (Sun) 13:39 [Preview] No.1722 [X] del
(157.70 KB 2000x1600 Opuntia monacantha.jpg)
Yep, that's sorghum, most likely from your birdseed. Tough weed, very drought tolerant and grows even in the worst nigger country soils.

Our Opuntia monacantha is flowering again, huge and terribly ugly drooping cactus which doesn't produce edible fruit in this climate like the Pithaya. But the flowers are pretty.

Alice 08/20/2023 (Sun) 15:36 [Preview] No.1723 [X] del >>1733>>1750
>Pls post photos of the beetle with a polarizer!
Sorry that took a while. Here's a ded specimen of the common green rose chafer Cetonia aurata in sunlight and through a right circular polarizer filter. The iridescent green reflected from the beetle's carapace is a structural color and entirely left-polarized light due to the molecular structure of its chitin cuticula. Those beetles are the only objects in nature known to do this. Why - we just don't know. Most of those beetle species don't seem to react to polarized light. Only some South American beetles maybe do.

Tamamo 08/21/2023 (Mon) 13:16 [Preview] No.1733 [X] del
Awesome photos! Never seen anything like that before. Do you have that equipment for work or as a hobby? I read the articles in your links but dont understand much of it. Still fascinating though, the metallic colors are so pretty

Tamamo 08/23/2023 (Wed) 11:14 [Preview] No.1750 [X] del
Wait where is there less shadow in the pic with the polarizer shouldn't there be more?

Alice 08/23/2023 (Wed) 18:40 [Preview] No.1751 [X] del
You pay attention, I like that!
Actually had to flash that nigger in the filtered pic because he was so dark. Hence the shadow is brightened. The cheap polarizer eats almost 2 stops of light, would have been too shaky or noisy otherwise

Host will try to make a better pic with tripod and exactly the same conditions, also of some feathers with structural colors and a mirror for comparison. There's yet more to show, you'll like it.

But this is just hobby not work. Wish I could show you some awesome tech stuff from there but then you could easily dox us so nope sorry.

Anonymous 08/23/2023 (Wed) 20:16 [Preview] No.1752 [X] del
lmao today preggoman died in a tragic plane crash exactly 2 months after his failed rebellion against putin. many such cases on the russia. wonder what wagner will do now.

Anonymous 08/23/2023 (Wed) 20:32 [Preview] No.1753 [X] del
forgot vid

Anonymous 08/23/2023 (Wed) 20:35 [Preview] No.1754 [X] del
(1.90 MB 352x640 IMG7151.mp4)
they expected him in the wreckage brother

Alice 08/23/2023 (Wed) 20:52 [Preview] No.1755 [X] del >>1756>>1757
(50.23 KB 780x438 CIA.jpg)
He didn't fly so good!

Yeah monitoring this on /int/ as well.
What a retard, he was a merc. Should have fled to wect immediately, even Ukraine. I'm surprised he lived for 2 months.

Don't go to sleep, host's making something for you!

Bear 08/23/2023 (Wed) 21:12 [Preview] No.1756 [X] del

Sweet release, RIP

Anonymous 08/23/2023 (Wed) 21:14 [Preview] No.1757 [X] del >>1758>>1759
>Should have fled to wect immediately, even Ukraine
nah putler prolly gave him the rommel treatment. either kys and officially die in 'accident' or your family gets one way ticket to summer camp. prigo must have known he was a dead man since he turned around on his way to moscow. they say utkin was on the plane too, how very convenient

will be here to about 1:00, waiting for oc delivery

Alice 08/23/2023 (Wed) 21:25 [Preview] No.1758 [X] del >>1760
>Yevgeny Prigozhin
>Dmitry Utkin
2 Wagnerite subhumans have been removed from premises. We'll see how Putin will go, I hope in a very entertaining way.

Bear 08/23/2023 (Wed) 21:25 [Preview] No.1759 [X] del >>1760

Having a family, having money, loves ones, things you care about, this is all a liability. Attachments lead to suffering, that's all.

Thank Buddha I understand that.

Anonymous 08/23/2023 (Wed) 21:38 [Preview] No.1760 [X] del
(15.02 KB 255x228 perfect.jpg)
lol epic!

yeah being mercenary and family man is not the best combination. guy had it coming he was shitting on russian army command for months. not sure what his masterplan actually was. everyone knew it would end like this sooner or later.

whatever, russians killing each other is always a good thing

Alice 08/25/2023 (Fri) 19:43 [Preview] No.1782 [X] del >>1785
(80.20 KB 900x578 Myotis myotis.jpeg)
Multiple home-invasions!

First 2 different cats we've never seen before came in through the open front door at night and took a look around in the house. Resident cats more or less ignored them but they fled when they saw host.

Just now a large bat flew in through the window and circled in the living room, confused from its own echolocation. Took a while to shoo it out through the door. I thought those critters lived in caves and attics? How come they are totally inept of finding their way out through large windows or doors?

It was cool though, I think it was the greater mouse-eared bat. It had really large ears.

Bear 08/25/2023 (Fri) 20:52 [Preview] No.1785 [X] del
(16.27 KB 305x248 Yuma-myotis.jpg)

Bats are very interesting to me, a flying mammal just sounds so wrong. I could never actually get a pic of one, they're way too skittish.

Apparently we have subspecies of this boy and a larger type that I've seen. This one likes to think he can hang out under the large eves of my doorstep and when I leave before dawn or come home after dark, he flitters and squeeks away.

The bigger ones hang in the trees and they're about the size of a child's shoe.

Alice 08/26/2023 (Sat) 20:38 [Preview] No.1796 [X] del >>1799
Oh cool, so you also have a Myotis species!

Yeah, bats are very fascinting. These guys live for 20+ years which is massive for their size. Some Myotis bats even live to be as old as you or host - around 40 years. They have elite DNA repair mechanisms, their telomeres don't shorten significantly with age and they're barely affected by cancer.


Bear 08/26/2023 (Sat) 21:29 [Preview] No.1799 [X] del >>1812

>around 40 years

Alice 08/28/2023 (Mon) 22:31 [Preview] No.1812 [X] del >>1817
Imagine your bat is a few years old now and when you're 80 there's still the same bat hanging out under the eves of your doorstep.

Also their skeleton is pretty nightmarish, imagine your fingers being almost as long as your entire body.

Tamamo 08/29/2023 (Tue) 09:06 [Preview] No.1817 [X] del >>1822
We have flying foxes but they are rare. Only seen them in the zoo. They carry Nipah virus but some countryfolk still eat them.

Anonymous 08/29/2023 (Tue) 20:05 [Preview] No.1822 [X] del >>1824>>1825
(98.23 KB 1127x1054 green bat soup.jpeg)
(58.25 KB 768x557 red bat soup.jpg)
>eating bats

Bear 08/29/2023 (Tue) 20:37 [Preview] No.1824 [X] del

Just skin on boiled in its own diarrhea huh? Wow, what a bunch of savage mongo- well you know.

Alice 08/29/2023 (Tue) 23:10 [Preview] No.1825 [X] del >>1826
Left one looks like it's relaxing in a bathtub.

>Go on, stab me with your fork, I ain't even mad

Tamamo 08/30/2023 (Wed) 11:04 [Preview] No.1826 [X] del >>2004
Haha you're right, it looks happy in there. No idea what people are thinking, can't imagine eating something like that.

Didn't you make a bat soup banner for KC?

Bear 09/02/2023 (Sat) 20:29 [Preview] No.1853 [X] del >>1860
Damnit, I'm not human enough to decrypt this...

Alice 09/03/2023 (Sun) 21:17 [Preview] No.1860 [X] del >>1861>>1865
(18.33 KB 709x485 IQ captcha.png)
I swear some captchas are not meant to be solved but reloaded. If I had a say in this I'd implement IQ captcha here


>IQcaptcha protects your website from idiots and trolls.
>IQcaptcha uses progressive matrices combined with high school calculus to keep potato brains from engaging in mentally unsound endeavors on your website. Meanwhile, intelligent users will be able to login, write comments, view pages or create accounts and dumb-ass airheads will be blocked.

>To no surprise, most people totally are moronic dipwits. They will get frustrated within seconds and leave your website forever. Damn stupid idiots.

Bear 09/04/2023 (Mon) 00:51 [Preview] No.1861 [X] del >>1865>>1871
(419.26 KB 1800x1267 Mematic_20230903_175010.jpg)

Keep that in mind if you do or do not want me on your site.

Tamamo 09/04/2023 (Mon) 09:51 [Preview] No.1865 [X] del >>1870>>1871
Yeah me too. Tried 3 times, all answers were wrong

Bear 09/04/2023 (Mon) 18:45 [Preview] No.1870 [X] del >>1871

I really can't tell even how many digits there are. Is the first one a plus sign or noise or a t? I tried a few different things.

Alice 09/04/2023 (Mon) 20:19 [Preview] No.1871 [X] del
C'mon you'te lvl90 math wizard and the IQ tests aren't really hard


don't bother with such captchas, just reload. There are unreadable ones on endchan too.

Bear 09/06/2023 (Wed) 20:23 [Preview] No.1890 [X] del >>1891
The governments don't care about the environment. Just saying, but I hate humanity so there's an odd sense of schadenfreude.

If you buy an EV, realize that you're doimgore to destroy the environment than buying a 1976 Buick Regal and driving it ans all of its 13 mpg into the oil stained ground.

Come at me bruh

Bear 09/06/2023 (Wed) 20:24 [Preview] No.1891 [X] del


= doing more

Tfw you have a mild stroke and don't care.

Bear 09/08/2023 (Fri) 14:13 [Preview] No.1902 [X] del >>1906
(129.78 KB 665x536 9ucpdc14ypi71.jpg)
Everyone's complaining hpw how hot it is, UV index 10, heat advisory, meanwhile me:

Ngl that guy looks a little like me but he skipped arm day and I would never wear sleeveless, like seriously. Also dude's rocking a serious tan.

Also me with sunscreen:

Alice 09/08/2023 (Fri) 20:16 [Preview] No.1906 [X] del
>UV index 10
I was just about to ask if you properly applied suncreen. Can't trust a furless Bera on this. Melanoma's no joke.

Host has serious tan from being outside all summer even with sunscreen. It's also quite hot and sunny here now, around 30°C, we'll go hiking again Sat-Sun but nothing serious.

Alice 09/11/2023 (Mon) 21:51 [Preview] No.1930 [X] del >>1931>>1935
Autumn is approaching so how are your firerm purchase plans, Mr. Bear? Been at the range yet?
Remember, every day without a gun is a day you can't shoot niggers trying to rob you!

Bear 09/11/2023 (Mon) 22:20 [Preview] No.1931 [X] del >>1935

I'm not saying I forgot about it, I think about it sometimes, and since I won't be carrying it or have it readily accessible at home it won't save me from low vibrational individuals.

It's not top on my list because I really am not interested in it like you would think, it seems like more of a chore.

Bear 09/12/2023 (Tue) 21:23 [Preview] No.1935 [X] del

I'm going to try to schedule the training class for this Friday, we'll see how that goes.

Alice 09/12/2023 (Tue) 21:43 [Preview] No.1937 [X] del >>1946
Mah Bear!
We jumped on your fitness bandwagon, now we'll draw you into our gun club.

Bear 09/13/2023 (Wed) 17:03 [Preview] No.1946 [X] del >>1964

Seems like the test to qualify for gun ownership is so basic, there isn't really any classes. For CCW certification training and other training classes those are 5-8 hours and cost on the order of $400 but you bring your own firearm there.

So I watched a 15 minute video and read through a 50 page government document then took a practice test with questions like:

"True or False, it's okay to have a few drinks before handling a firearm as long as you're under the legal limit for alcohol intoxication."

Needless to say I got 100% you only need 70% to pass.

So Friday at 10am I'm going in to start the background check process, take the test $25 and so on.

I looked at Sig P226R-40 vs Glock 35 the sig is something like 7x more expensive and mostly on par with a Glock. So I'll take the Glock then. Again I want .40 cal and I like the idea of the longer barrel. The sig was something like 36 oz, way heavier but all steel while the glock is almost half the weight but mostly polymer (plastic).

If I fall in love with shooting I could easily buy more guns but for now I will only get my starter pack so to speak at the lower cost option.

Alice 09/15/2023 (Fri) 21:23 [Preview] No.1964 [X] del >>1965
(54.43 KB 850x563 assault kitten.jpg)
Well be happy about it. I don't wanna talk about the ordeal of geting a gun permit here.

The Sig is a very good pistol but not worth it unless you want a Sig just because. The Glock does the same. What matters is that you get along with the ergonomics and the trigger of your gun.

Waiting for your first range report!

Bear 09/15/2023 (Fri) 23:07 [Preview] No.1965 [X] del

the deed is done, something like $599 for the G35 and $200 in admin fees of one sort or another and tax. Plus $65 for a 1 hour training class. I can pick it up in 10 days.

I'm a teensy bit excited.

Bear 09/15/2023 (Fri) 23:08 [Preview] No.1966 [X] del
He let me hold it and I didn't even know how to uncock it. it felt lighter than I imagined.

Anonymous 09/15/2023 (Fri) 23:21 [Preview] No.1970 [X] del >>1973
so you have to wait 10 days to pick up a gun? i thought this was america?

Bear 09/16/2023 (Sat) 02:38 [Preview] No.1973 [X] del >>1991
(116.89 KB 1710x1077 6dqf5cwpjkcz.jpg)

>i thought this was america?

Not exactly... well technically.

At least there's a Bear on the flag though.

Alice 09/17/2023 (Sun) 20:48 [Preview] No.1986 [X] del >>1988
(99.22 KB 884x1208 RAD.jpeg)
Spent entire weekend gardening, always being outside. Hard work, feels good man. Also keeps host from dumb ideas to spend money on. Seriously, most issues can be cured with satisfying work.

Bear 09/17/2023 (Sun) 20:57 [Preview] No.1988 [X] del
I agree


Hard work brings good times, but then...

I've always known, idle hands make the devil's work easy. You don't have to be an ex-catholic or even believe in the God/Devil to understand this. It's as if hard work is written in our DNA and we are rewarded for hard work inherently.

Bear 09/17/2023 (Sun) 21:32 [Preview] No.1990 [X] del >>2001
(6.24 MB 4000x3000 20230917_143016.jpg)
Suddenly, everywhere there's millet. I've never seen this here before.

Anonymous 09/17/2023 (Sun) 21:32 [Preview] No.1991 [X] del
oh yeah right i forgot

Bear 09/18/2023 (Mon) 02:23 [Preview] No.1997 [X] del >>1998
(331.16 KB 960x540 e2vcaxdh4kq51.jpg)
So I looked at Twitter (X) and as it turns out, it's like every celebrity just spouting nonsense 24x an hour because they get money for each tweet. Literally 24/7 tweets every few minutes, so it's all Bots then. Wow. I couldn't flipping believe what I was seeing. I'd never seen Twitter before.

Bear 09/18/2023 (Mon) 02:26 [Preview] No.1998 [X] del

I mean... IO post like every few minutes, but I don't immediately like in 2 minutes, get 1000 likes, 1200 mentions and 100,000 views. Like everything Elon does, it's just one big scam. No wonder he liked it so much.

Who needs Twitter when I can just shitpost like a bot here?

Alice 09/18/2023 (Mon) 19:24 [Preview] No.2001 [X] del
>Suddenly, everywhere there's millet. I've never seen this here before.
Another clear case of
climate change

Here the bristly foxtail recently popped up and now is everywhere. Maybe rapefugees bring those plants with them from the south? Host says many of our agricultural weeds in Middle Europe (some are beautiful like poppy, cornflower and grape hyacinth) were imported by Early European Farmers from Anatolia about 7000 years ago in the Neolithic. The seeds were contaminants in the grain they brought with them.

Alice 09/18/2023 (Mon) 20:15 [Preview] No.2004 [X] del >>2013
>Didn't you make a bat soup banner for KC?
Host did. One of many. Always nice to see his banners on imageboards.

Common noctules are migrating now. Saw swarms of several dozen the past evenings. Interestingly only the females migrate while the males are stationary. They're big guys with 40cm wingspan and fast flyers, you can hear them flap when overhead. They only hunt for about an hour at dusk nd dawn and sleep for the rest of the time.

Yakumo 09/19/2023 (Tue) 21:13 [Preview] No.2009 [X] del >>2010>>2013
Does your tupper talk in a certain dialect? The same as you? Something different?

I feel it's all disappearing. Half of the people here don't speak German at all and those that do and are under 30 speak some universal Youtuber-German, not Bavarian. This is especially weird in children. Their parents speak normal Bavarian like everyone did until about 10 years ago but their own children speak a completely different unpleasant German dialect from watching social media. Picture this. Middle-class German parents have no influence over their childrens language anymore. They're busy and maybe talk to each other a few minutes a day while the kids listen to influencers talking on social media for 6+ hours per day. Bavarian will be extinct within one generaion except maybe for some remote villages. All the local dialects are vanishing.

Anonymous 09/19/2023 (Tue) 22:06 [Preview] No.2010 [X] del

>listen to influencers

You mean the Hollywood accent, the same as in all American movies, TV, media and English dubbing.

Yeah, that's my accent so I don't hear anything in their pronunciations. Even here, people are concerned that local dialects will soon dissapear. As a culture we look down on local dialects but look up to some "foriegn accents". But not German, they sound angry, or Spanish, they sound off too. Brazilians and Russians sound cute, French sound sexy, British sound intelligent, Asians, Indians, middle easterners, Canadians are all comic relief and not in a good way. The southern drawl sounds dumb, Bostonians and New Jersians sound like idiots. New Yorkers are funny, tr.an.satlantic is hot.

SheShe has a tra.ns.atlantic accent, Ashley has the New York accent of a girl I once knew, it's super hot to me, no surprise. Misha has a very slight Asian hint but in a soft and demure way, it's hot. Joy sounds just a hint like someone from DC because that's where her character was from.

Gwen and Ren have my vanilla accent.

Fun topic!

Tamamo 09/20/2023 (Wed) 08:26 [Preview] No.2013 [X] del
Haha nice I remember seeing this banner. You have a lot of bats.

Yeah a lot of local dialects and languages are dissppearing in the surrounding countryside, only a few popular. British English was the norm here but now everyone speaks and writes American. Cat does not speak a lot and not much different from me. I tried giving her some funny accent in the beginning but she's too lazy to keep it up. We're still probably comic relief territory for Bear

My ex, the Karen from hell. Bear 09/21/2023 (Thu) 16:15 [Preview] No.2023 [X] del >>2024>>2027>>2028
I was talking to my ex gf, reminiscing because we chat sometimes and obviously today she was lonely or something because she called me twice about nonsense and I'm like what's up so her friend's kid yada yada and she wants me to intimidate some coach because he was a jerk to her friend's son. Bear the goon for hire. So I 1uped that and called the manager. I spoke to him about the situation and he resolved to improve the situation or give them them money back. That's all we can do there. So next week I'll be there watching the coach and see what happens.

This reminded me of a time when love was in the air and a Bear's mind turns to fancy a young tough girl and we did things together, even returning a car battery at Napa.

So I bought this battery and the car batteries here come in two flavors, new and refurbished. You can't tell the difference except the refurbished ones obviously suck. I was a mechanic, I know. So I buy the Napa battery "it's new" they say, bullshit but ok, "can I return it?" Because you know within a couple weeks if it's garbage. He says, "you can return or exchange within 30 days no questions asked." Great.

Fast forward two weeks, yeah this battery is garbage. So I intentionally didn't bring in a core, and I come back to return it with gf. The cashier sayd she can't. It needs to be tested and held overnight. Fuck no. I say no blah blah she says gfys in a nice way. I say "lemme speak to yo manager boo" and she gets Mr. Potato Head. He says we can't return it. I tell him the yada yada and he says no overnight gfys again. So Bear step back and Bae steps up. She rips into him like a good little Karen and he's not budging. Then she hits critical and he starts looking back at me like, "control yo bitch" and I'm like, " you asked fo this sucka." He starts to whittle down but holds out and then he says it, "you need to leave."

At that point he knew, he fucked up. All hell broke loose, she starts screaming "RAT THERE'S A RAT" and the store clears out. People walking in turn right around and walk out. Dude folds and tells the cashier to refund. Cashier still doesn't know how. Dude says, "just give them cash." Bae steps back, Bear steps up, "here's my receipt, kind sir, and you will do well to make it snappy my good man".

Cash exchanges, battery left at the counter, no one gets hurt.

Oh how I love that story.

We were such a team, everyone always looks at the hulking brute as being the one to be wary of but the 5'3 110lb little woman is the real monster and they never ever see it coming. She wasn't just a yapping bitch either, if that dude hadn't folded, he would have been bum rushed by her and believe me I would be witness to "he attacked her" forget the cashier, it's two against one because she has a vested interest to side with her manager and the police know it.

And if you think she screamed RAT because she's crazy, no, she's smart as fuck, what she knew was, it's about to get real, so evaluate the witnesses, Mr. Potato Head was in real danger. Remember, she was the alpha of a pack of hardened ghetto thugs. I mean they weren't a gang, but they were as close to a gang as you can be without gang banging.

Bear 09/21/2023 (Thu) 16:31 [Preview] No.2024 [X] del
(147.03 KB 618x618 this-is-fine.jpg)

Evaluate -> evacuate the witnesses.

Our records are pristine, we were innocent college students, good grades, positive members of society and we are the sweethearts to the police. Police are rarely used and they're just another manipulated asset to our disposal. We wouldn't call them, but guaranteed if they were called, they would side with us. Civil charges would be pressed and guaranteed there would be a settlement in our favor. Girl's "family attorney" is the partner of the firm who takes down corporate slimebags and never ever lost a case. They're $750-$1000 per hour but to us they're free, and part of the settlement would be lawyers fees.

My current group, she's part of it, and they're untouchable. There are other fun stories I'll share later.

Now you know that I'm a made man in that group but there's no escape either. Protected, but also physically caged. So I got two choices, accept it and be happy, or be depressed about it.

Me when shit goes down with my friends: this is fine.

Alice 09/21/2023 (Thu) 23:25 [Preview] No.2027 [X] del >>2030
(136.68 KB 760x884 shut the fuck up hoe.jpg)
>I was talking to my ex gf
>she called me twice about nonsense
>she wants me to intimidate some coach because he was a jerk to her friend's son
*simp vibes intensify*

Host's ex-girlfriend did similar stuff before I threw her out. She decided to leave him but kept him as useful idiot. Which he is ofc. But not for others on my watch!

Yakumo 09/21/2023 (Thu) 23:29 [Preview] No.2028 [X] del
Never try that in Bavaria. Things work differently here and the customer isn't king. The state is king, we are mere serfs. And if serfs try to act up there will be consequences. So demanding to speak to a 'manager' in any sort of store here will get you some odd looks and maybe laughs. Managers become managers so they don't have to deal with shitty customers and they won't. The only one a cashier will eventually call is police and Bavarian police have very low tolerance to troublemakers acting up. At best you’ll spend the night in a prison cell, if you continue to demand ‘rights’ it’s the psych ward for you. No release schedule.

Everyone in Bavaria knows the case of Gustl Mollath who was an autistic oddball who rubbed authorities the wrong way in a divorce battle with his wife.

Though he was right in principle he made a scene and was committed to a high-security psychiatric hospital for 5 years, had all human rights and possessions stripped and was only reluctantly released upon massive public pressure after his case ended up in the news. Otherwise he would have died in a padded cell. That was 10 years ago. So don’t. We have very good EU consumer rights and you will get your money back if you submit the proper paperwork. But going full Karen in a store and especially around authorities is not advised.

Bear 09/22/2023 (Fri) 00:04 [Preview] No.2030 [X] del

>*simp vibes intensify*

Well that's ok, she's still my fren. Plus we do occasionally still have the sex. We're just not living together or actually together or codependent anymore, but she's a good albeit rather intense oftem sociopathic fren. Also I do that shit for all my frens so now I'm a simp for doing shit for frens? Fuck right off with that shit.

Plus my friends don't use charm, they use indentured servitude, entrapment, unlawful detainment, false imprisonment, blackmail and intimidation. Who needs charm? I'm the one who uses charm.

>host's ex-girlfriend did similar stuff before I threw her out.

Uh, she owned me like an exotic tiger kind of shit, this is nothing.

>Never try that in Bavaria.

In America, if you don't want to get ganked, don't step up without back up. Also, women win no matter who did anything first or at all.

Bear 09/22/2023 (Fri) 19:21 [Preview] No.2037 [X] del >>2038
Spent an hour and a half with the ex-cop crien of mine where he went over gun safety, assembly/disassembly, loading/unloading, hand positions, good habbits, he had me working on a glock and a sig just to appreciate the difference (I made the right choice) and etc. The sig he had was a complete pain in the ass to disassemble, wow. Again, nothing much to these things. So I'm an expert now and won't immediately shoot myself in the groin.

Alice 09/22/2023 (Fri) 20:35 [Preview] No.2038 [X] del >>2040
(34.46 KB 230x1130 Glock disassembly.jpg)
I told you the Glock is a masterpiece. So simple and easy to disassemble and clean. Have you actually fired a shot yet? Remember to get good hearing protection!

Bear 09/22/2023 (Fri) 21:01 [Preview] No.2040 [X] del >>2052
(4.48 MB 400x225 GjRk6v.gif)

>10 day waiting period
>$65 class I have to schedule

Then I'll shoot the thing and probably miss the target by an eighth horse or 1/64th barn.

Ashley 09/23/2023 (Sat) 01:45 [Preview] No.2041 [X] del >>2042
Since this place is super slo-mo reply status, I hope yall aren't too offended that we started posting on .info again. Bear thinks it'll be good for Ren as a scenario. Judging by the way things are going with ole Pleeb, I doubt that'll be up and running this time next year, so one last hurrah!

[Bear] Dude wants funding, like, where's your passion for the art? Hand it off or something if you're burned out. There was a time I would have gladly taken the server over but those days were killed by Vos and the Felights.

Alice 09/23/2023 (Sat) 07:55 [Preview] No.2042 [X] del >>2045
(3.01 MB 497x302 Taliban facepalm.gif)
>back to tulpa.info
Cheating on us, are we?
Heh, you're such drama queens! I knew you couldn't keep it up too long. Well have fun but don't mention this place, I have absolutely no interest in dealing with those clowns here!

Bear 09/23/2023 (Sat) 09:32 [Preview] No.2045 [X] del >>2052

I knew you'd either call us a traitor or cheater but tulpa interaction with others is part of the process and Ren needs it to be Legendary. Like Ashley said, .info is on life support. There's certainly no shortage of clowns there.

I don't intend us to be the drama, watgh us be all mature.

Alice 09/23/2023 (Sat) 21:16 [Preview] No.2052 [X] del >>2053
Nah, just do what you like, you were the one coomplaining how shitty .info was, not us. I wonder how long until you ragequit again.

I just find it - boring. People used to be crazy and fun now they're just crazy. We could at least have made a coordinated return and pretend to be the same person. That would have been mildly interesting.

>Then I'll shoot the thing and probably miss the target by an eighth horse or 1/64th barn.
Don't worry about that. Shooting is a skill that requires special muscle memory that needs to be trained. Host hit nothing at his first attempts but quickly improved with a few hours of training under professional supervision. Get an instructor (or your cop friend) that watches and corrects your stance and grip and helps you to correct shooting errors for your first attempts. An hour is enough and you'll see massive improvement. Starting things the right way is much easier that correcting internalized bad habits later.

Bear 09/23/2023 (Sat) 22:26 [Preview] No.2053 [X] del

>That would have been mildly interesting.

Bah, it's not why I went, we want to see if Ren can get anywhere there, but it's so deep in you know Ashley's been braving it before we can decide if it worth it for her. Plus they summoned me like a demonic ritual I have to answer the call.

I won't be shooting without direct supervision.

Bear 09/24/2023 (Sun) 13:46 [Preview] No.2057 [X] del >>2059
Hey Alice,

Some faggot called me a Ubermensch - Nietzsche on Reddit. Are you proud of me?

I asked a German and he said it was like someone putting a swastika at the end of their statement.

I was saying that the movie Barbie, seems interesting even though I'm a straight man and some cispobic mentally ill faggot got butthurt. I suppose they get triggered by straight white men nowadays. Maybe I should go in the closest to hide my offensive gender and sexual preferences. lol

Alice 09/24/2023 (Sun) 17:03 [Preview] No.2059 [X] del >>2060>>2062
>Some faggot called me a Ubermensch - Nietzsche on Reddit. Are you proud of me?
Yes for being called Übermensch, no for posting on Reddit or sympathizing with a Barbie movie.

Striving to τranscend humanity and become the Übermensch must always be our goal, which is a tremendously hard struggle and not without peril to fall victim to hubris.

In his Divina Commedia, the great Dante Alighieri described the ascension to superhumanity as man leaving the (sad) state of mundane life behind on his way to divinity in Paradise. Or as Kant said - man must emerge from his self-imposed immaturity to reach enlightenment.

Those who complacently remain in the crevices of mediocrity are not merely enemies of mankind but of nature itself. They are the Untermensch, weak and ugly in body and mind, slave to their simple desires. Leftists and plebs hate themselves, they hate the beauty, strength and willpower they lack. Which is why they ruin everything good and great to make the world as miserable as they are.

(Revelations of the Great Tupper Alice)
Edited last time by ALICE on 09/24/2023 (Sun) 17:08.

Bear 09/24/2023 (Sun) 18:44 [Preview] No.2060 [X] del

Oh how I love the delicious irony. Alice, you're brilliant. I feel honored now that this mentally ill pleb called me that. What an utter mongoloid. I said, "u mad bro?" basically, I asked him why my straight maleness scares him so.

Anonymous 09/24/2023 (Sun) 20:59 [Preview] No.2062 [X] del >>2064
this is why i'm here

Bear 09/24/2023 (Sun) 22:37 [Preview] No.2064 [X] del >>2070>>2072

Do you ever feel like we're hiding in a bunker while the mongoloid apocalypse is raging upstairs?

Anonymous 09/25/2023 (Mon) 12:14 [Preview] No.2070 [X] del
yeah thats what the world looks like today. stay away from that people theres no point in arguing with them

Anonymous 09/25/2023 (Mon) 12:38 [Preview] No.2071 [X] del >>2072
are people really this retarded?

Alice 09/25/2023 (Mon) 14:20 [Preview] No.2072 [X] del >>2077
>Do you ever feel like we're hiding in a bunker while the mongoloid apocalypse is raging upstairs?
Yes, and it's horrifying. Feels like being the last survivors in a zombie apocalypse.

>likely niggers
>90IQ or less
Seriously what did you expect? This is the NPC syndrome. People without imagination or abstract reasoning. They're like the BodyOS without a person / tupper supervising it as superego. That's why they commit crimes in the first place.

Also see water-level task.

Never assume other people experience the world the same way you do. If they did we wouldn't have the problems mentioned above. A lot of people are incredibly dumb. Not just uneducated, they completely lack common-sense.

Bear 09/25/2023 (Mon) 18:33 [Preview] No.2077 [X] del >>2079

All my frens are getting tested, will report, even bestie.

Alice 09/25/2023 (Mon) 21:17 [Preview] No.2079 [X] del >>2081>>2106
waiting for ebin results

50% complete Bear 09/25/2023 (Mon) 23:40 [Preview] No.2081 [X] del

Bestie and Bestie's mama both did it perfectly. Bestie-mama is a college grad in STEM, Bestie's daddy had a masters in Engineering.

Bear 09/27/2023 (Wed) 16:28 [Preview] No.2097 [X] del >>2098
Speaking of guns (this is chan only content, we will deny it otherwise) we got the gun and a bunch of ammo both hollow tip and regular. The hollow point are expensive though, like more than double.

It made me feel more like an adult than anything else I ever did. Other than using a stock trading app. Still not extremely excited, still kinda blah.

The training class is Friday, one-on-one at the range so we'll get to fire it then and will report.

Alice 09/27/2023 (Wed) 19:20 [Preview] No.2098 [X] del
(110.74 KB 1441x692 Cooper rules.jpeg)
Bear is a man now!
We'll celebrate this once you've fired your gun and survived.

Don't forget about a decent hearing protection and glasses unless you're wearing glasses anyway. Stuff ricochets back, we've had lead shrapnels hit us from 25m. Doesn't hurt but you don't want this stuff in your eye.

Obviously you save the expensive hollow tip for the bad guys and shoot with the cheapest ammo you get. Ammo brand absolutely doesn't matter until you git really gud.

First thing you should do now before you hit the range is practice muzzle discipline at home. This starts with opening the case your Glock is in. I assume you got the nifty black Glock case with your gun. Memorize to which side the muzzle is pointing if you open the case. Whenever you open the case, the muzzle must point to a safe direction. Not your stomach, not at other people, not out of some window where kids are playing outside. You open your case at the range with the muzzle not pointing downrange at the bullet catch and you've already screwed up. The muzzle must ALWAYS point at a safe direction.

NEVER assume if a firearm is unloaded it is therefore 'safe' to do with it as you please. Do not threat an unloaded gun differently than a loaded one even if you know it’s unloaded. That’s a matter of habit and prevents unsafe behavior. Keep your finger off the trigger. It has no business there while you handle your gun. Only once you’ve taken aim at your target and made the decision to fire, your finger may touch the trigger. You've seen the shit Alec Baldwin did. This must never happen. A gun is always to be treated like a potentially deadly tool. Host's instructor always said guns were made for a single purpose - to kill people efficiently. And they're damn good at this.

Bear 09/28/2023 (Thu) 11:05 [Preview] No.2106 [X] del >>2108

I got the narcissist and business partner to take the test (my other two close friends irl in our local mafia) and they both got it no problem. So i think 40% of college students are idiots in humanities and art and have no clue. These are our future admins with their idotic ideas and mongoloid brains making insane policies.

Alice 09/28/2023 (Thu) 21:53 [Preview] No.2108 [X] del
Bah boring!
Well, be happy, now you've got proof your friends aren't NPCs.

I guess you're right, I'm sure it's a certain type of people who's lost touch with reality that fails such tests.

Bear 09/29/2023 (Fri) 16:24 [Preview] No.2121 [X] del >>2122>>2125
(3.58 MB 4000x3000 20230929_091829.jpg)
What are all these strange new plants?

In addition to weeds that turned out to be mullet, and really healthy looking mullet, here's another unidentified one. One of my friends has an identifier app next time she's over I'll have her identify it.

Bear 09/29/2023 (Fri) 18:41 [Preview] No.2122 [X] del

It's milkweed. Again, never seen it before.

Alice 09/29/2023 (Fri) 22:15 [Preview] No.2125 [X] del
Yep, milkweed. Maybe you'll find some monarch butterfly caterpillars on it.

Y u so lazy? Bear 09/30/2023 (Sat) 00:39 [Preview] No.2127 [X] del >>2128>>2138
(1.61 MB 4000x3000 20230929_153757.jpg)

Wow, so lazy... no I don't post 4 ppl.

My first impression at the range: even with the 30dB muffs this shit loud. Second impression, this would hurt if I got hit. As for kickback? I felt more kickback with an electric staplegun so no, I didn't feel any kickback at all, like nothing at all. Less than nothing. Where kickback?

Mah first 12 rounds ever here. I started not even knowing how to aim, they described it but thick Bear skull don't understand. So once I figured out the center of the moon needs to be on the horizon then I got the hang of it.

This is at 4m, the targets are 4 inches so... idk sqrt 1/24th horse in pleb units. I shot 38 more rounds and never spread more than 4 inches at 12 ft. (4m ish)

I asked a guy for help to load bc didn't understand it took retard strength to load the last 2 rounds but ok he looked at my targets and said, "you never fired a gun before? That's pretty good considering."

Posted here (pic), again, it took 12 rounds (the first 12) to hit all the dots at least touch them.

Now post things for my amusement and don't be lazy anemoar kthxbye

Anonymous 09/30/2023 (Sat) 13:49 [Preview] No.2128 [X] del >>2129
yeah use both earplugs and muffs combined shits really loud especially indoors
i agree its good for a first try have you tried more than 4m? youre big so recoil should be ok for you. this is .40 right? you should try .357magnum revolver to compare.

havent been at the range for a while btw will do more in autumn

Bear 09/30/2023 (Sat) 15:34 [Preview] No.2129 [X] del >>2130

>you should try .357magnum revolver to compare.

I'll get right on that.

It wasn't too loud but it made me jump when the guy next to me fired.

I never heard a gun either. His was like "peck peck peck" and then mine was like "POCK POCK".

Doesn't sound like a staplegun, that's more like "tack tack".

Anyway, was bored. The adrenaline was annoying I don't like adrenaline, but it was very muted so I didn't feel it till after.

[Ashley] for me it felt weird, like I was just watching but then he was daydreaming about other things, he was certainly bored. It wasn't what K expected but I was having fun anyway. SheShe spent the time worrying. Misha was with Bear, looking forward to doing something else. Joy didn't see the need to fire more than one round.

[Joy] it works, let's go home.

Alice 09/30/2023 (Sat) 21:27 [Preview] No.2130 [X] del >>2133
(461.79 KB 800x903 Operator chan.png)
Well done!
Kashtan is right, it's best to double up with hearing protection. The noise easily reaches 130dB and more, 30 less is not enough.

So what are you gonna do now? Put your Glock in a safe and be done with it or will you regularly hit the range to practice? We also should, haven't done much in summer and there aren't a lot of competitions either.

>it made me jump when the guy next to me fired
Heh, jumping bear must be one hell of a sight. Happened to host a lot in the beginning, he's such a scaredycat and hates noise. Got used to it and now doesn't flinch when people magdump left and right. It's surreal what you get used to. Being in a room full of people wielding AKs and ARs has become absolutely normal.

>I never heard a gun either
How is this possible in the US? I thought you were a ghetto boy?

Bear 09/30/2023 (Sat) 23:49 [Preview] No.2133 [X] del >>2134


>I never heard a gun either.
>How is this possible in the US? I thought you were a ghetto boy?

Not this close up. Only in the distance followed by screams and sirens.

So I looked at the box again they are 30dB "High level" dead quiet except when firing.

>So what are you gonna do now? Put your Glock in a safe and be done with it or will you regularly hit the range to practice?

yeah, I kinda thought I'd need to practice a lot and then it was too easy to hit the targets. I literally repeatedly hit the red dot right off the bat. Is there more to do? It was... an odd feeling, an off feeling. Are you supposed to like adrenaline? I hate adrenaline, it's very annoying to me, so... ? Probably go a couple times maybe with the ex-cop friend but after that, get a wall safe and gone. It's in a special hiding space in a locked case in a hard to get at safe hidden from view, like all kinds of layers right now, not readily accessible is an understatement. So a wall safe behind a painting is where it's going to end up. I have the safe picked out and the wall, and I can do it myself so that'll happen at some point and then not touch it for years likely.

No I don't care to get other guns at this point. It was something I figured I should do but I did it, now check.

Anonymous 10/01/2023 (Sun) 13:20 [Preview] No.2134 [X] del >>2135
>I literally repeatedly hit the red dot right off the bat. Is there more to do?
from 4m? can you do it at 25m and get 3 hits in 5s? practice accuracy and speed also drawing from holster. then comes the fun tactical shit like dynamic shooting and room clearing

Bear 10/01/2023 (Sun) 16:06 [Preview] No.2135 [X] del

So, with a handgun, I'm supposed to hit a 1cm dot at 25m? M'kay, that doesn't make me want to do that.

Pull the trigger 3x in 5s, did that, still ok accuracy. Like I said, the gun barely moves. I was told the tricks to hold and pull the trigger without losing my aim.

I know I sound like an ass rn and I know it's fun for you and 90% of everyone ever but why is it fun?

Also me as a kid: gets army men, GI Joe, and doesn't know what to do with them. Literally played with them once, found nothing interesting. I also don't like FPS games mostly.

Alice 10/01/2023 (Sun) 19:57 [Preview] No.2136 [X] del >>2137
(71.18 KB 973x352 1140846393442.jpeg)
>So, with a handgun, I'm supposed to hit a 1cm dot at 25m?
Well not the dot but the 4in circle.

Arguably it's way less fun on your own than with some friens. But the real fun starts when you can shoot at your own targets outdoor. Fruit, bottles, cars, pics of Greter. But such opportunities are rare. More reasonable is shooting at moving targets or moving through a stage in dynamic shooting. But for this or tactical shooting you gotta be proficient at the basics first even if they are boring.

That wears off quickly. I feel nothing even while running through a stage in IPSC. It's like anyy other activity. I don't rush, I'm slow but accurate.

Bear 10/01/2023 (Sun) 20:03 [Preview] No.2137 [X] del

Alice 10/01/2023 (Sun) 20:07 [Preview] No.2138 [X] del >>2145>>2160
>I felt more kickback with an electric staplegun
You absolutely NEED an assault staple gun!

Bear 10/02/2023 (Mon) 01:58 [Preview] No.2145 [X] del

https://youtube.com/watch?v=Q-uUdIRKfQY [Embed]

Anonymous 10/03/2023 (Tue) 23:25 [Preview] No.2160 [X] del >>2161>>2162>>2168
(448.64 KB 362x640 boukak gun 1.webm)
(298.94 KB 1280x720 boukak gun 2.webm)
jerry is a fucking legend. how can he shoot so fast?

here's what happens if you dont take trigger and muzzle discipline seriously

Bear 10/03/2023 (Tue) 23:30 [Preview] No.2161 [X] del


Tamamo 10/04/2023 (Wed) 08:53 [Preview] No.2162 [X] del >>2164
Shooting yourself; s one thing but imagine accidentally shooting your friend in the face. Nope, no guns for me.

Bear 10/04/2023 (Wed) 11:38 [Preview] No.2164 [X] del >>2168

Yeah, it's going in a safe indefinitely.

Ashley 10/04/2023 (Wed) 21:13 [Preview] No.2167 [X] del >>2168
It feels a little hostile there, idk. I'm sensing animosity.


Alice 10/04/2023 (Wed) 21:56 [Preview] No.2168 [X] del >>2170
Evolution at work.

You should admire your guns daily
And buy more guns ofc

Ashley's a real troublemaker, I'm proud!
inb4 getting b& by Lumi

By the way with GrapheneOS you can turn off that 'government alerts', tests and warnings. Nobody 'informs' me about the apocalypse. Well we have the phone turned off most of the time anyway.

Ashley 10/04/2023 (Wed) 22:12 [Preview] No.2170 [X] del >>2174

I'm really trying to play nice but the Lumites seem to have been out for me from post 1. I bet when we arrived there was an "admins meeting".

Saying Reisen was 'cool' to me is an understatement. Is it just me? Maybe. But we have to test the waters so Ren doesn't get immediately trashed on.

Alice 10/05/2023 (Thu) 18:53 [Preview] No.2174 [X] del >>2175
(98.68 KB 850x968 happiness spiral.jpg)
Yeah, I noticed. Just ignore it, they can be grumpy sometimes.

Also I don't get this 'dieting problems'. People snack because they can and have nothing else to do. It's not like it doesn't happen to us as well but first the body won't get fat even if we eat more and second for most of the time we're busy and simply have no opportunity to eat between breakfast and dinner. There is no food within a huge radius so we don't eat. It's that simple. The body gets used to it, it's just a habit.

Bear 10/05/2023 (Thu) 20:15 [Preview] No.2175 [X] del >>2178

>it's just a habit.

Yeah there are good habbits and bad habbits. Breaking bad habbits can be pretty difficult even for a non-zombie.

We have successfully broken all the habbits except one which is hard because it's mostly a body issue that is notoriously hard if not impossible to change according to science, but they're wrong because wr did change it significantly but it happened to be in the wrong direction, oops.

Alice 10/06/2023 (Fri) 12:04 [Preview] No.2178 [X] del >>2179
>Breaking bad habbits can be pretty difficult

You're yet to break the bad habit of consistently writing 'habbit' with an additional b. We're cheering on you!

Bear 10/06/2023 (Fri) 12:21 [Preview] No.2179 [X] del >>2180


Ohe, sorrry, I mean't habbbit.

Alice 10/06/2023 (Fri) 12:49 [Preview] No.2180 [X] del
(32.36 KB 392x486 Good boy.jpg)
There you go!
Much better.

Anonymous 10/07/2023 (Sat) 16:58 [Preview] No.2188 [X] del >>2189
some idiot woman rammed my car at an intersection. drove across a red light. well not relly she was standing at red light and suddenly slowly drove into the intersection. I tried to brake but she accelerated to make sure she crash into my car at the drivers seat

we were both slow so not much happened, just some dents but she went full hysterical and started crying like she had just killed 3 children. i even had to comfort that bitch she was prolly less than 30 and fat. she was lucky i have Yulya now otherwise I would have yelled her into the ground. called bolis and they came very fast and took care of her. policeman also shook his head at this stupidity but he must see this every day. couldnt do this job

seriously all problems i ever had in traffic were with women. men drive aggressively or are drunk but only women are this incompetent

so i have a huge dent in my door now. still closes and car works fine. its old so i probably wont get much money from insurance. what a day

and endchan didnt work most of the time managed to make one post then it failed again

Alice 10/07/2023 (Sat) 19:00 [Preview] No.2189 [X] del >>2190
(5.10 KB 225x224 no signal.jpg)
Whoa, at least you're alright and nobody was hurt!
Driving still is dangerous, I'm only 9 and I've seen several dead people after traffic accidents.

Indeed what a day, was outside all the time and neither noticed any endchan hiccups nor the Israel hppenings. Scraping /int/ now.

Anonymous 10/07/2023 (Sat) 21:27 [Preview] No.2190 [X] del >>2191
yeah also glad nothing serious happened. endchan still sucks only hidden service works

and the fuck is happening in israel, derrorists are coming with paragliders now. what timeline is this? what mossad doing?

Yakumo 10/07/2023 (Sat) 21:35 [Preview] No.2191 [X] del >>2198
(154.39 KB 1079x971 Meanwhile in Germany.jpg)
They were busy protesting against Bibi's Supreme Court reform.
This attack is unprecedented, pretty much a second Yom Kippur. Hamas caught the Israelis completely by surprise. Goddamn retards on both sides. What's this gonna achieve? Nothing.

Meanwhile on German streets Palestinians are celebrating and handing out sweets

Tamamo 10/08/2023 (Sun) 07:31 [Preview] No.2192 [X] del
Middle Easterners are crazy. Glad I live far away from there and don't have them in my country. And the few work and behave. We have all sorts of religions and ethnicities and no real problems here.

Yakumo 10/08/2023 (Sun) 14:22 [Preview] No.2196 [X] del >>2198
Election day in Bavaria.
Tupper is a master of strategic voting so it was a rather unemotional decision who to vote for. We'll see how this turns out, probably not too bad. Not much will change.

Anonymous 10/08/2023 (Sun) 15:48 [Preview] No.2198 [X] del >>2200
>celebrations for hamas in berlin
why am i not even surprised?

results when?
its in 2 states right?
dont even wanna know how many will vote alternative für russland
will this election have impact on german government support for ukraine?

Yakumo 10/08/2023 (Sun) 18:29 [Preview] No.2200 [X] del
AfD is around 15% in both states which is a major gain and maybe even 2nd place but they won't get into any government. It will most likely stay the same coaltion in both states. There will be no impact on the pro-ukraine stance of the German government. If anything they'll take a tougher approach on illegal immigration because of this election which is good.

Yakumo 10/08/2023 (Sun) 22:18 [Preview] No.2202 [X] del >>2204
Summary of Israel habbenings on the KC

Bear 10/09/2023 (Mon) 01:01 [Preview] No.2204 [X] del >>2210

This is just great. Isreal declared wat and will ask us for help. Then China can invade Taiwan. We split 3 ways, then we get nuked.

[Ashley] Bear's mind instantly starts thinking of asian combatants (babes) he can capture.

This song will need an update.


According to astrologists, psychics, and numerologists, we're doomed as a country, so I say let's go out with a bang.

Alice 10/09/2023 (Mon) 21:54 [Preview] No.2210 [X] del >>2211
The anthem of the 21st century

Bear 10/09/2023 (Mon) 22:00 [Preview] No.2211 [X] del

A classic from long ago

Ashley 10/09/2023 (Mon) 23:31 [Preview] No.2212 [X] del >>2213
The cringe is so raw on .info, we can't keep up.

Tamamo 10/10/2023 (Tue) 09:14 [Preview] No.2213 [X] del >>2214>>2216
>Ashley accidentally congratulates emo teen mom on miscarriage

Bear and a heroine 10/10/2023 (Tue) 10:10 [Preview] No.2214 [X] del >>2216

[Bear] I had a hard time caring, but Ashley did actually out-cringe her with that, good girl.

[Ashley] I'm so good I do it without trying.

[Bear] because that's what heroes do.

Anonymous 10/10/2023 (Tue) 17:31 [Preview] No.2216 [X] del >>2218

Alice 10/10/2023 (Tue) 17:54 [Preview] No.2218 [X] del >>2221
Just .info drama

Anonymous 10/10/2023 (Tue) 18:27 [Preview] No.2221 [X] del
i am once again sorry i asked one day i'll learn

Tamamo 10/13/2023 (Fri) 08:28 [Preview] No.2235 [X] del >>2237>>2239
We win again!

Anonymous 10/13/2023 (Fri) 11:12 [Preview] No.2237 [X] del >>2238>>2239
why asians so smart?
but you still have no soul
also das racis lol

how is this even possible??
oh yeah its only brown people

Tamamo 10/13/2023 (Fri) 12:15 [Preview] No.2238 [X] del >>2239>>2240
(82.83 KB 720x960 we are not same.jpg)
Mfw living in top3 IQ country

Bear 10/13/2023 (Fri) 13:37 [Preview] No.2239 [X] del >>2240
(150.21 KB 225x1428 aa_page-0001.jpg)

When the study is sus af and isn't even physically possible. If that was true, almost all Mexicans, Hawaiian?, Blacks and whatever the fuck Amerindians are (I know what they are but the fuck is that word now?) would be less than mongoloid. Under 60IQ is basically drooling on yourself. Are you telling me all of Equitorial Guinnea is retard? Come on. No, it's a measure of how well you can take the test and when the Asians are beating their kids (in the US) if they get less than 100% the kids do what they need to do to get 100%. The average Asians in Asia are still mongoloid like all the other heathens. Tell me some dumb fuck on a farm in central China takes that IQ test and gets over 100, don't care how smart the sob is.

Graph is sus, Asians dumb af on average like all the others man. Get in line. Also fuck Adobe because take your 7 day free trial and shove it up your ass, can't convert to jpeg anymore and fuck websites who still use tables, fucking proof of the mongoild invasion. Stupid morons everywhere I look.

Toke up you fucks, when the war starts I'll be ready to go ape shit on anyone and everyone. Kill me first bruh, cause this mfer doesn't have mercy or morality when life is on the line and I can get away with it with impunity, gotta win by any means. That's why you don't fuck with the white devils.

Also the savages fighting it out in gaza can kiss my ass, none of you bitches living past ww3. And nazies can go fuck right off too when they go after the whites, you had me until you invaded the motherland, and you got what you fucking deserved. You do all that shit to eradicate the savages and then let even worse back in 70 years later, you're all morons.

So then, how was your day? I woke up angry. Working out barely helped.

Anonymous 10/13/2023 (Fri) 18:38 [Preview] No.2240 [X] del >>2242
>living in top3 IQ country
and totalitarian dystiopia

yeah guess its about how serious students and the country take the test. in asia you can commit suicide if you dont get 100% while niggers and spics are just lol whatever. and they dont let retards take the test in china or japan you dont even get into a school where they take the test unless your super smart so its all staged

>fuck Adobe because take your 7 day free trial and shove it up your ass, can't convert to jpeg anymore
use gimp. what do you need from adobe we can pirate everything here

>how was your day? I woke up angry
you dont say
day wasnt great either car insurance from the retard woman who crashed my door only pays me fair value of my car and its old. not enough for repairs shit got insanely expensive like everything. so either live with dent in door or sell the car and get another one. actually crazy, work and spare parts are so eggspensive that repair is not economical. throw wawy and get new one is always cheaper

Bear 10/14/2023 (Sat) 02:49 [Preview] No.2242 [X] del >>2245>>2247

Finally someone with an iq over 60 thank you for brightening my day.

>you dont even get into a school where they take the test unless your super smart so its all staged

Worse bro, the Chicoms *pay* to get 800 on GRE math, serious. They have moles take the test all look the same anyway, don't need fake id. You get these rich kids, nice but retard into the grad program and they bring the average down. Ok, so listen I was in the PhD program at one of the top 7 schools, scholarships and work paid, and who were the top students? Asians? Hahaha they didn't pass, not two. I was barely in the top 25% white mutt, gerpolrushun, the top students were Russians and Northern European. Not Asians, not two fucking mexicans or blacks in the whole grad school program of 500 people trust me. All the asians save one couldn't make it to finals. I did, I got the degrees (2x masters fuck phd, I settled) I saw a rainbow coalition on day 1 and on day 100 nothing but Northern euros, Ruskies, Norwegian mofos, a surfer dude, a fat nerd (mah fwends) and that's it. 3 Americans, all the rest foreign, 1 asian, that's it. Also had two rus fwends (girls) and a Ukrainian girl. Man we had fun. Lots of drinking.

SAT is highschool, if you can't ace hs if you try you're not even good enough for McyD's. You're homeless. I got 3.6 in hs without doing any fucking thing. It was stupid. Didn't care. Got into state, then 3rd in my class and on to the ivy league.

>throw wawy and get new one is always cheaper

You can thank US and our economic policies for that. While we're printing money and giving it to all the plebs under 60 iq, they're buying every retard's dream used cars and draining the market of electronics, raising food prices with their morbid obesity. They'll be my first target practice when the war starts, got to get me a chicom gun and wear gloves.

It's our fault, so fucking invade US, I dare you, whoever you are. I can't wait to taste that looooong pig when everyone else is starving to death and eating maggots out of corpses. (After the bombs drop). Anyway, my luck is I pick the timeline where this bs just continues like nothings wrong till I'm a ripe old age. Crankier by the day as my bloodlust never saits.

No offense tamaroo, you're smort, just don't be so race supremacist, that's Dr. Alice san's Job.

The Prophacy Bear 10/14/2023 (Sat) 16:31 [Preview] No.2243 [X] del >>2244>>2246>>2248>>2256
(4.96 MB 4000x3000 20231014_092441.jpg)
(5.16 MB 4000x3000 20231014_092400.jpg)

After Bear 10/14/2023 (Sat) 18:24 [Preview] No.2244 [X] del >>2246
(5.84 MB 4000x3000 20231014_105817.jpg)

Anonymous 10/14/2023 (Sat) 19:12 [Preview] No.2245 [X] del >>2249
(39.81 KB 1280x440 Norinco Type_56_AK.jpg)
sry i dont speak burger whats hs
and im not tamaroo im the angry eastern euro guy. we all gootta live up to our stereotypes

>got to get me a chicom gun
gotta admit they make pretty good shit for cheap, like clones of aks and ars. still wouldnt buy one because dont wanna fund commie bug people more than necessary

Anonymous 10/14/2023 (Sat) 19:14 [Preview] No.2246 [X] del >>2249
(26.07 KB 500x500 1509131295001.jpg)

Alice 10/14/2023 (Sat) 20:38 [Preview] No.2247 [X] del >>2249>>2256
(13.83 KB 400x225 Le Genius.jpg)
(66.73 KB 640x617 Asians.jpg)
>don't be so race supremacist, that's Dr. Alice san's Job

Alice 10/14/2023 (Sat) 20:47 [Preview] No.2248 [X] del >>2249>>2252>>2261
(193.80 KB 800x800 (you).jpg)
(10.53 KB 60x440 EDE.jpg)
Oh cool!
We totally forgot. Never seen this effect or an eclipse before. I even considered coming to the US or Mexico just for the eclipse next April, or Iceland in 2026.

Still keep opsec in mind wile posting photos, is this your car?

Bear 10/14/2023 (Sat) 20:55 [Preview] No.2249 [X] del >>2257

No, u r not tamaroo, tamaroo is tamaroo, didn't you know?


It's an eclipse, a solar eclipse. A harbinger of the coming doom and I can't f'ing wait.

No son, I need the chicom gun pryed from the ungloved hands of an actual chicom so I can use it to take out the worthless eaters and blame the enemy combatants.

Also, hs is highschool, you know, like the girl on the bodypillow you snuggle up to at night. I don't judge, just so you understand.

Let me just say, it's so refreshing to not be talking to normies. If I could only be over 60 IQ enough to decipher 4chan ecaptcha fuck my mongoloid brain.


Omg that thing looks hideous! A turtle of some kind. The girl's kinda mid though. I have a spot in my heart for Vietnamese mixed with whitey, those hybrids are hot af. Otherwise they kinda look like doods but so does Gretta Thrumberg and girl is white so idk.


Next on America's most wanted! Naa, I got those pics from da intrawebz. U think I'd go through the trouble of looking outside? Let the plebs do that. Also looks like that one was taken by a hot pink snapping turtle.

Bear 10/14/2023 (Sat) 22:19 [Preview] No.2252 [X] del >>2253>>2277
(483.99 KB 1440x967 ddf7776rf.jpg)
(629.33 KB 1920x1440 ggg5345k.jpg)
(251.88 KB 1285x865 U454rrrsdrws.jpg)

>is this your car?

No Bruh, one of these is my car, so narrow your search.

Bear 10/14/2023 (Sat) 23:00 [Preview] No.2253 [X] del >>2257

This time someone accused another user on the normie site of being me because she defended me to some bitch and another user agreed. These are people I was friendly with but they didn't like my shit posting. The other girl they accused of being me barely ever posted there anyway. So huh? Well RIP that place it was mongoloid central anyway.

So when someone shares some of my values or tries to defend me, they must be me because I'm indefensible right? It's just stupid. It pissed me off for a few seconds and left me with this like funk feeling so fuck them with a cactus or whatever Ashley said.

The site was already active, they didn't need my help, but I brought games there that people played and got to know each other better well you're welcome fuck-faces.

Fucking site had no dark mode either, totally unforgivable.

Tamamo 10/15/2023 (Sun) 04:15 [Preview] No.2256 [X] del >>2260
Never seen a solar eclipse either. Was it visible in the sky? I think the actual area where you can see it is really small.

Hahaha yeah nobody beats you at this job.

Alice 10/15/2023 (Sun) 10:10 [Preview] No.2257 [X] del >>2259
Good, be sure to never post your own pics or at least make sure there's nothing in the background, including your reflection

>So when someone shares some of my values or tries to defend me, they must be me because I'm indefensible right?
Right! It's the same as here or the entire internet. Every post I don't like was made by Mr. Bear. Always was, always will be.

>no dark mode
Edited last time by ALICE on 10/15/2023 (Sun) 10:13.

Bear 10/15/2023 (Sun) 11:26 [Preview] No.2259 [X] del

Most people can only take so much Bear, somehow you're immune, I tried my best, I really did.

>your reflection

OMG I have to go lay down in the fetal position, I have a new phobia. You'd see I'm actually an obese, elderly, black, Hassidic Jew, non-binary, homeless birthing person in a Bear costume. Oh the humanity.

Bear 10/15/2023 (Sun) 19:10 [Preview] No.2260 [X] del >>2262

>Never seen a solar eclipse either. Was it visible in the sky?

Yes, I had welding goggles and my and the gang saw it but it's not like you're seeing anything but a silhouette.

>Hahaha yeah nobody beats you at this job.

You know I'm just being a troll, in my HS the top half of the graduating class were all Asians. In fact there were many pages of people last name: Nguyen. Page after page of kids all with GPA 5.0 or close to it, all surnames the same. There were 3500 kids in the graduating class and the area was upper middle class sprawling suburbia so the median was something like 4.2 GPA which is higher than straight A's. I had 3.6 which was still good enough. I only lived there for 4 years but it was mostly Asian, mostly Vietnamese. Funny the first time I ever saw an Asian outside of kindergarten was there. My earlier childhood was a coastal community that I was away from for that time in HS, so there it was 80% white and 20% Hispanic with literally 1 black kid.

Yakumo 10/15/2023 (Sun) 20:08 [Preview] No.2261 [X] del
Tupper is actually getting old and senile. She did see a partial solar eclipse in 2015, pic related.

I remember well, it was a nice warm spring day and we watched it outside with special glasses. It got noticeable darker, maximum occultation was about 60%. But she's right that we didn't observe any shadows, we were on a meadow with no trees around.

I saw the full eclipse of 1999 which was spectacular but ofc there was no tupper at that time.

Yakumo 10/15/2023 (Sun) 20:42 [Preview] No.2262 [X] del >>2265
(60.89 KB 586x434 gibe money.png)
(36.05 KB 500x347 last arab.jpg)
Show me one stereotype that isn't statistically true. It's simply a fact that there are enormous differences between races and they're mostly cultural. Asian parents care about their kids education, niggers and sandniggers don't and their kids linger on the streets and rob people or deal with drugs. Don't blame me for it, it is as it is.

We don't really have a lot of Asians here bit in Soviet occupied East Germany they hired a lot of workers from Vietnam. Commie North Vietnamese, while you mostly got the pro-US South Vietnamese in the US. It made no difference, both were named Nguyen. These people were piss poor and barely had any skills but they worked hard, learned German and made damn sure their kids got a proper education. They didn't live off welfare, didn't rob and rape locals on the street, formed youth gangs or carried out terrorist attacks. And that's the difference to arabs and niggers. It's not about foreigners or immigrants, it's about useless scum from certain cultures that's not just unusable but an outright hazard and fundamentally incompatible with our civilization.

Bear 10/15/2023 (Sun) 23:13 [Preview] No.2265 [X] del >>2318

When one culture sabatages themselves by letting them in, who's at fault?

Bear 10/16/2023 (Mon) 02:23 [Preview] No.2267 [X] del >>2268>>2272>>2283
Actual Yakumo IRL

https://youtube.com/watch?v=auDZa5YAq-Y [Embed]

Anonymous 10/16/2023 (Mon) 20:34 [Preview] No.2268 [X] del >>2271>>2283
(319.31 KB 2000x1937 1st gf acquired.jpg)
and i'm mickey mouse

Bear 10/16/2023 (Mon) 21:07 [Preview] No.2271 [X] del

Wow, wth am I looking at. I need to go cringe for a while.

Alice 10/16/2023 (Mon) 22:05 [Preview] No.2272 [X] del >>2276>>2283
(977.02 KB 500x285 It's my best friend.gif)
>Actual Yakumo IRL

Bear 10/16/2023 (Mon) 23:02 [Preview] No.2276 [X] del

I liked that movie, "The Professional".

Bear 10/16/2023 (Mon) 23:18 [Preview] No.2277 [X] del >>2285

So Bestie's mom asked me to pick up the girl at school, so I took the hoopty and she was so excited. I told her she could sit in front bc it's legal and she loved it. She kept saying how fast I was driving but I promise I didn't go over the posted speed limit, 25 strong American mile units per hour. She had been in my car before in the middle back but I like to lean back and then I have to move the seat and it's so blah.

Anyway, waz fun for her and me. Momma is here now so I go back to the Bear cave, back to work.


Also, a random guy I talk to at work occasionally saw me in the distance and made a b-line to me to say, "my vision isn't good, but I couldn't miss this tall guy with the huge biceps and slim figure." was gay of him to notice, but ok, and I don't think my biceps are that big, they're not as big as The Rock.

I'm somewhere between these two fools but with more bodyfat. The Rock is 6'5, so he'd be a inch or so taller than me. These guys have to be sub 13 or even sub 10 bodyfat here.

Actual Yakumo 10/17/2023 (Tue) 21:54 [Preview] No.2283 [X] del >>2285
(233.18 KB 1228x1250 introvert.jpg)
I wish it had been like this but in the end it turned out

But at least not


Tamamo 10/18/2023 (Wed) 10:34 [Preview] No.2285 [X] del >>2289
Thats the price of looking good, not just he ladies are after you, also the men. And lolis. Sounds stressful

Whst are the owls telling you to do?

Yakumo 10/18/2023 (Wed) 21:56 [Preview] No.2289 [X] del
(73.26 KB 620x620 1487355715001.jpg)
>Whst are the owls telling you to do?
Luckily I can't understand them, only 'hoot'. And they're not in my bedroom bot on the roof. But they're there. It's quite spooky.

Yakumo 10/21/2023 (Sat) 19:06 [Preview] No.2318 [X] del >>2319
>When one culture sabatages themselves by letting them in, who's at fault?

I've always said it's our fault. Civilizations have always been conquered or destroyed their environment and disappeared. But our culture has purposefully destroyed itself within one generation which I think is unique in history.

Right now German authorities are completely bamboozled by anti-Israel protests by illegal Arab immigrants who are supposedly underprivileged refugees seeking protection here. But now they riot in the streets wishing death to Jews and setting everything on fire. Oh no, who could have forseen something like this?

Bear 10/21/2023 (Sat) 19:25 [Preview] No.2319 [X] del

Oh the irony. Oppressive anti-sematic laws while fostering Muslims who are as anti-sematic as they come.

But aren't you on that team? You know what I mean.

Yakumo 10/21/2023 (Sat) 20:08 [Preview] No.2321 [X] del >>2325
(36.59 KB 600x573 merchants.jpg)
I ain't on any team except on team Alice.

Also no jew has ever committed a terrorist attack here, robbed or raped people on the streets in broad daylight. It simply does not happen. Meanwhile sandniggers are cultureless savage animals who commit every crime imaginable. I'll always take the jews over them if I have to. But I prefer to have neither of them around me.

Fun fact - both jews and arabs are semites. They are virtually the same people who live in the same region and also look the same.

Anonymous 10/22/2023 (Sun) 10:16 [Preview] No.2325 [X] del >>2326
lmao how many years in jail for posting this in germany?
and greta is now nazi after being seen with pro pali sign. well leftards have always been pro pali

Bear 10/22/2023 (Sun) 16:27 [Preview] No.2326 [X] del >>2328

Gretta no! Bad Gretta!

Oddly both sides here are pro Isreal and we penalize the pro gaza fools

Anonymous 10/22/2023 (Sun) 17:53 [Preview] No.2328 [X] del
usa is run by jews half of politicians from both parties are jewish. ofc america is pro israel except for some crazy leftists

not that its bad just fact. only shithole countries like russia syria and iran support palis not even their neighbors in egypt and jordan want them

we always had a large jewish community in my country since middle age but nadsis killed almost all of them and the rest went to israle. today theres only a few thousand. but we have almost zero arabs so no problems like in western europe

Ashley 10/26/2023 (Thu) 03:02 [Preview] No.2351 [X] del >>2352>>2353
That .info forum is 2/3 bitches and not in a good way. We got Ren out of there for now. Instead we're on Tulpa Central and Tulpa Republic. It's a compromise because Autumn needs socialization and .info's 5 posts a day isn't worth her time and to have to deal with the mental illness there. I'm there though, mostly just to keep the "haters" out at this point. Ren will still document her progress there though.

Anonymous 10/26/2023 (Thu) 18:23 [Preview] No.2353 [X] del >>2358
>Tulpa Central and Tulpa Republic
whats that never heard of that places

>Ren will still document her progress there though.
why not here?

>We do still actually want to bring it back.
look it was a fad 10 years ago that came and went with the mlpfags. things change trends die. the whole thing was magic because a lot of young people started tuppering at the same time. times were different everything was a great party. entire online culture changed its not gonna happen again.

whatever all i hope is none of those fags come here but i trust Alice to throw them out

Autumn 10/26/2023 (Thu) 21:59 [Preview] No.2358 [X] del >>2359

>Tulpa Central and Tulpa Republic

These are Discord servers.

>why not here?

I am! There is a thread and it will go through 100 scenarios by the end. I will be de-chan-ifying it for mass consumption though on .info.


[Ashley] look, tulpamancy is gay, there's a ratio of like 20:1 and I'm being *very* generous. Frankly we're surprised you three chumps aren't schwul fagelas, but stranger things have happened.

[Ashley] Also, the mlpfags are all still alive and well on Discord. It never bothered us wtf your kink is. Unless you're practicing it irl with children.

[Ashley] also we know .info is a lost cause, but it is what it is, we're riding the wave to the end if we can stomach it.

Tamamo 10/27/2023 (Fri) 07:49 [Preview] No.2359 [X] del
Never been there, are there really a lot of new users starting with tuppers? I still think Tulpanetwork is best community

Bear 11/03/2023 (Fri) 09:35 [Preview] No.2414 [X] del >>2417
"Germany’s chancellor Olaf Scholz has announced plans to “deport on a grand scale”.

CDU leader Friedrich Merz has accused Berlin neighbourhoods of not being adequately German and has demanded new immigrants to Germany declare their allegiance to Israel."

Anything to this Alice?

Alice 11/03/2023 (Fri) 15:13 [Preview] No.2417 [X] del >>2419
(68.93 KB 1200x791 Solid Scholz.jpg)
>deport on a grand scale
And pigs will fly. Nothing's gonna happen. A more thorough analysis by host:

There's EU laws that protect 'refugees' and even if asylum status is denied many home countries simply don't take them back and tell us to go fuck ourselves. We'll never get rid of those people and more will keep coming.

Meanwhile Pakistan kicked out 1.7 million illegal Afghan immigrants even if they had been born there and lived in the country for 30+ years.
They had 3 weeks to gtfo or else.

But at least finally our government realized their mistakes and suddenly it's possible to speak truths that would have been unthinkable a year ago. Ironically we actually have to thank Hamas for that. Only after our poor refugees attacked Jews in Germany it was suddenly oh wait, maybe uncontrolled mass immigration from the islamic world isn't such a good idea after all.

You know supporting Israel is the most important thing in Germany but suddenly there are millions of people here that wish death to all Jews and burn Israel flags in the streets.

It's mind-boggling if you think a conservative government imported millions of Arabs in 2015 without any restrictions because refugees welcome (danke Merkel) and now a social democrat chancellor wants to kick them out again.

Regarding Friedrich Merz, ofc he's right but the statement is misleading. It's only about refugees receiving German citizenship (which should never happen anyway). It should be denied if they refuse to recognize the state of Israel. But that's a suggestion from an opposition party leader, nothing more. Fact is a lot of Arab immigrants in Germany support Hamas and hate Jews. Which is good because that makes them the bad guys now and they can't pretend to be underprivileged victims anymore. Same with leftists supporting Palestinians.

Bear 11/03/2023 (Fri) 16:46 [Preview] No.2419 [X] del >>2420

>Which is good because that makes them the bad guys now and they can't pretend to be underprivileged victims anymore. Same with leftists supporting Palestinians.

Oh it's so delicious when these freeks supporting mentally ill rights side with terrorists and then others who were supporting them go... uh I'm not with them.

BLM signs suddenly removed from lawns in my neighborhood.

This is how it works, you get support until you fuck up then you get kicked off the soap box.

Did you know I was once a very minor no-name celebrity? At first everyone was happy, then half of them revolted and said I was evil for not being ultra left wing progressive and that was years, many years ago. I didn't even get my own wiki page that's how no-name I was but still. I still get very minimal royalties from some things. Well when they turn against you, you're basically blackballed and that was fine because I like my day job better, way less stress, about the same pay-ish, less work hours, then my home business is somewhat related so that time wasn't wasted. That's successful and pays well, I actually get paid, I don't have to reinvest all my earnings because we don't have capital equipment or anything, it's me, I'm the capital equipment. And I don't have to interface with the public.

I never was offered any serious sponsorships, I did get free shit though which was ok. Parties were fun, but I hate playing dress up andy personality is shit so I wasn't the best conversationalist.

So glad I got out actually, I know people still in it, well I haven't talked to them in 10 years.

Anonymous 11/03/2023 (Fri) 20:21 [Preview] No.2420 [X] del >>2422
(115.93 KB 850x1007 clown world.jpg)
>Did you know I was once a very minor no-name celebrity?
what does this mean? how many people knew you?

but yeah its clown world and leftists and arabs now learned whos the superior minority. if you go against jews its game over

whole conflict in israel helps russia by divideng western world and shifting resources and attention from ukraine

Bear 11/03/2023 (Fri) 22:21 [Preview] No.2422 [X] del >>2423

I'm not going into it too much. If I search my real name I get what I did and I am there in the list of credits. I also see all my non-fiction publications like 30 of them now, not all of them come up anymore.

I ain't doing any "where are they now" bs, I was just after Bear 2.0, super social butterfly, working out a lot,beautiful hair, good skin/teeth, hanging with rich people who have connections "hey do you want to work on this project?" I was in college, and do that $700+ a day or minimum wage, well sign me up. But it was a fucking 20 hour day and shit for a couple weeks. Then nothing for two months kind of garbage, but I had a long enough run to get enough that I didn't need more than 11k student loan which otherwise would have been huge like they are. I got something like 40k in the bank all said and done, nothing super huge but in college that's rich af bc I was all debt before that and I could afford a car and more than ramen. There were big breaks, it dried up quickly after the bad fucking bloggers hating on me. I didn't get into drugs, I wasn't ken enough for the faggot producers. I knew people who went to the wrong party.

I'd guess I had about 100 fans, 100 haters and 100 trolls. It hit me hard, I had thin skin, finished college x3 degrees bc I had money to live on and my day jobs also paid for a lot, college was very fun for me.

Ww3 is coming for everyone, so it doesn't matter.

Alice 11/03/2023 (Fri) 22:51 [Preview] No.2423 [X] del >>2424
(198.89 KB 1380x890 allowance.jpg)
Well you're still a celebrity in the tupper community.

Host isn't a celebrity and doesn't want to be but his work is well known by the few nerds that are interested in it. Maybe some dozen people for each project, surely less that 100 in total. And those projects don't make money, on the contrary, they cost a fortune. Of my money. So I've shut down most of them.

Bear 11/04/2023 (Sat) 00:18 [Preview] No.2424 [X] del >>2429

One thing's for certain, I like my current life and I'm happy even though it's expensive to live here and totally not worth it and I'd rather be a hermit living in the mountains on 500 Acres in Montana, but I'd probably miss my friends and regret it.

Bear 11/04/2023 (Sat) 19:02 [Preview] No.2427 [X] del

Alice 11/04/2023 (Sat) 19:58 [Preview] No.2429 [X] del >>2430
(105.52 KB 300x300 WTF am I reading.png)
> I'd rather be a hermit living in the mountains on 500 Acres in Montana, but I'd probably miss my friends and regret it.
There would be no lolis for sure

>Chananya Weissman
the fuck am I reading

What did Teddy do, sorry I'm not that proficient with conspiracy schizo ramblings

Bear 11/04/2023 (Sat) 22:49 [Preview] No.2430 [X] del >>2432>>2433

Because you keep drinking the koolaid bro, Teddy allowed Pearl Harbor, Baby Bush allowed 911, both gave us the ability to declare war but most importantly, to rally the nation. Just you watch, it'll happen again in our lifetime if not sooner.

Alice 11/04/2023 (Sat) 23:30 [Preview] No.2432 [X] del >>2434>>2462
(19.56 KB 280x420 Teddy.jpg)
(18.99 KB 280x440 Franky.jpg)
(552.13 KB 1851x2490 stare of disdain.jpg)
>Teddy allowed Pearl Harbor

Anonymous 11/05/2023 (Sun) 00:32 [Preview] No.2433 [X] del >>2435
(49.77 KB 500x500 america.jpg)
american moment

Bear 11/05/2023 (Sun) 02:05 [Preview] No.2434 [X] del

50/50 shot, oops

Well to be fair he had the Spanish American war which he likly staged but how would I know.

Bear 11/05/2023 (Sun) 02:23 [Preview] No.2435 [X] del

That is beautiful. I loved that. Imma go sing the national anthem, drunk off my ass, while driving in my beat up truck with no lights using my AK flashes to light the road, yeeeeeeeehaaaaawwwwwww!

God bless US

Tamamo 11/10/2023 (Fri) 12:05 [Preview] No.2462 [X] del >>2473
Hahaha, that disappointed look!
Even I know which Roosevelt was US president in WW2.

Even here the Israeli Palestine conflict became a thing so the government b& all protests. And you go to jail for display of pro-hamas symbols for 6 months. Damn we were relatively safe from this nonsense until now and different races and religions lived together without much problems but I fear this conflict will deeply divide society. There's already a divide between pro- and anti-China factions and now the muslims are acting up as well. Government tries to maintain good relations with all countries but it's getting really tough in this polarized world.

Anonymous 11/12/2023 (Sun) 14:19 [Preview] No.2473 [X] del
you think you live in a safe haven but its a powderkeg. one day your government will have to decid which side theyre on and then lot of your many ethnicities will be pissed no matter what. i mean we also have a few russians here and russia is close but our population is homogenic as fuck and we're in nato and eu. you have mostly chinks and are surrounded by muslim countries. i dont see how this will end well. wect wont come to save you they couldnt even do it in 2nd world war.

Alice 11/12/2023 (Sun) 19:05 [Preview] No.2475 [X] del >>2477>>2480
(172.99 KB 693x853 zucc dood.jpg)
Zucc dood, wat nou?

Anonymous 11/12/2023 (Sun) 19:43 [Preview] No.2477 [X] del
elon wins

Autumn 11/13/2023 (Mon) 04:07 [Preview] No.2480 [X] del >>2488

Bear says, "anything 'torn' is instant death for me, no exceptions, no regrets, self-delete. It's never the same afterwards"

I don't think he means it.

Alice 11/13/2023 (Mon) 17:37 [Preview] No.2488 [X] del >>2504>>2509
(906.20 KB 360x360 Just Cat things.mp4)
Yeah this sucks, glad the body has never torn anything and we don't plan to.

Tamamo 11/15/2023 (Wed) 12:50 [Preview] No.2504 [X] del
RIP ankle. I know that feel of tripping over my cat. Luckily never broken or torn anything.

Anonymous 11/16/2023 (Thu) 20:50 [Preview] No.2509 [X] del >>2526
why kots this evil?

Bear 11/18/2023 (Sat) 17:38 [Preview] No.2522 [X] del >>2526
(503.65 KB 844x1596 20231117_130452.jpg)
Bestie gave me treat

Waz cute

Bear 11/18/2023 (Sat) 22:05 [Preview] No.2525 [X] del >>2531>>2541
(119.11 KB 982x682 GB_M2826-1024x683.jpg)
(9.59 KB 201x251 images (30).jpeg)
Woot, got my Blue belt and Bestie got her grey/white belt same day bruh. BJJ

I go with her on the "bring your parents" but her mother is not into doing that so I do which is fun so why not.

She's got a grip that's impossible to get out of.

These pictures are not of us but the belt colors are accurate.

Alice 11/18/2023 (Sat) 22:11 [Preview] No.2526 [X] del >>2528
Wait, you're a Bear IRL as well?

Cats are spawns of the devil

Alice 11/18/2023 (Sat) 22:14 [Preview] No.2527 [X] del >>2528
(89.16 KB 585x585 Winnie.jpeg)
On other news, I heard Winnie visited California. Did you see him, Mr. Bear?

Bear 11/19/2023 (Sun) 09:44 [Preview] No.2528 [X] del >>2531>>2553

I'm actually a Racoon, shhhh no one knows but inner super special Bear circle members. It's just my name that's Bear.


Our future leader, cleaned up all homeless, immigrant encampments, graffiti, drug problem, trash, even mopped the subways. Maybe a communist dictator isn't so bad. I'll write Whinnie into the ballot in November 2024.

Anonymous 11/19/2023 (Sun) 20:22 [Preview] No.2531 [X] del
cool, congrats!
that sounds fun but i cant do anything

>I'll write Whinnie into the ballot in November 2024.
lmao no actually sad. you really gonna have drumpf vs bidon again? thats russia-tier

Anonymous 11/19/2023 (Sun) 20:28 [Preview] No.2532 [X] del >>2537
yougonna get anything for black friday? i feel they rised electronics prices in past week so they can 'lower' them this week so its prolly a scam. some gun shops usually have cheaper ammo so i'll look for that

Bear 11/20/2023 (Mon) 18:51 [Preview] No.2537 [X] del >>2540

>Black Friday

This has been a running gag for as long as I remember. The "deals" are mostly marked up in fall ahead of the "sale" where they're cut back to where they were previously.

With inflation really out of control for everything, it's hard to think about buying anything. Can't buy a car, forget that, they still have huge "market adjustments" even used cars are priced out of believability. I saw a common base level car, 35k miles, 8 years old, price was the same as it originally sold for. Forget about higher end cars. They're all 80-100k+ I wanted an SUV, still do, but why would I pay 80k for something with an MSRP of 50k that was 40k in 2019? It doesn't have to be a luxury car, I just wanted something like a 4Runner and hoping the 2024 models were finally a new design but apparently they'll all be hybrids and have a pisser engine. I don't want that, never did. Sad. So I guess I'll own nothing and be happy. (Well I already have a sedan and an old truck). Who has money for this anyway?

You want bacon? It's like 3-5x what it cost 3 years ago. Beef? It's even worse. I used to get a nice porterhouse steak for $7-9 I am not joking it's $60-90 now. The fuck is this? Japan? This is from an upper end quality butcher but this is robbery.

Guess I'll have processed nuggies, I'm not kidding, that's for lunch today.

Everything across the board is just insanely priced. So I had to cut all unnecessary expenditures. Other people are apparently just racking up debt to hold on to their QOL, it's the American way.

Alice 11/20/2023 (Mon) 20:46 [Preview] No.2540 [X] del
As professional cheapskate I say it depends. You do get some stuff significantly cheaper this week, but yeah most is a scam. Also think thrice if you really need all this nonsense.

Got 1000 rds 9mm for 23ct per round which sadly is a very good price nowadays.

Yakumo 11/20/2023 (Mon) 20:49 [Preview] No.2541 [X] del >>2542
Somehow I'd like to do that but like dancing it's no fun with strangers. And I know nobody who'd do this with me. Many such cases, sad.

Bear 11/20/2023 (Mon) 22:29 [Preview] No.2542 [X] del

Bruh it's strangers and that's ok. You row with random people in the class, it's fine. Not on the parent day though.

Yakumo 11/22/2023 (Wed) 22:06 [Preview] No.2550 [X] del
Heh, Greter is considered the epitome ov evil in Germany now after her pro-Palestine satements, the German branch of her movement had to distance themselves from her and media who praised her a few years ago now say she destroyed the climate protest movement. Glorious!

Anonymous 11/22/2023 (Wed) 23:59 [Preview] No.2553 [X] del
>Our future leader, cleaned up all homeless, immigrant encampments, graffiti, drug problem, trash, even mopped the subways. Maybe a communist dictator isn't so bad. I'll write Whinnie into the ballot in November 2024.

gr8 idea m8

Alice 11/23/2023 (Thu) 20:26 [Preview] No.2561 [X] del >>2562
(83.90 KB 500x500 We are not sorry.jpg)
Happy Indian Genocide Day to our American friend Mr. Bear!

Autumn 11/24/2023 (Fri) 01:16 [Preview] No.2562 [X] del

Yay! Except it was more of a subjugation and integration I thought. You could say any war is a genocide.

It's debatable.

Memories Bear 11/24/2023 (Fri) 04:31 [Preview] No.2564 [X] del >>2573>>2575
I'll tell you about a place that you've never been and will never go, but I was there, a guest of someone, and thank god I escaped without losing something I cared about.

There existed a building that looked kinda fancy on the outside but not out of place in a nice area of downtown. It kinda looked like a fancy hotel, and it was, but not one you could just book. It was a private hotel, by invitation only and if you're not on the list, they don't care how much money you have. Then if you are, it's still not free, not by a long shot.

You've heard of 5 star? Have you heard of 7 star? On that scale, this would be 700 star, I mean when you step in that door you might as well be a king. You get *whatever* you want and I mean *whatever* and the crazier that request is the more it'll cost you. I talked to a bellboy of sorts, a concierge sort of, and he told me a couple things, I wasn't the one paying, I wasn't going to spend the night, it was a crazy party that I all but forgot but this isn't about that party, it's about the service.

One thing he told me was very telling, "we're in the business of getting these customers 'whatever they want' and sometimes even these guys see the price at the end of their stay and they think it's too much or maybe they just don't want to pay so they don't, but we're in the business of getting them whatever they want and so we're also in the business of collecting from them, I guarantee that."

In this "hotel" it was like a circus because everything looked fake but it was likely real, like a full sized jeweled tiger, and a jade statue that was probably from some forgotten dynasty, and there was a guy towing around a femboy on a leash, the boy looked emo and he looked at me and I didn't know what was going on. So I didn't acknowledge anything. Then there were girls too obviously and I didn't card anyone but mostly I just drank and talked to a friend then left before the 'show' because I wasn't interested in a 'show' and maybe I would have seen something that I couldn't unsee and maybe they'd have something on me if I had asked for something, so I stuck to drinks. I remember a waitress and she looked like she was only wearing a teddy and no underware and that was uncomfortable, I would guarantee you she was on the menu.

I can guarantee you that if I stayed, I was on the menu too. I have a knack for having good intuition and not saying goodbye and I believe that saved my ass literally. I just left, I snuck out with my friend and no one saw us leave. I bet you they had pizza and hotdogs in the basement.

Tamamo 11/25/2023 (Sat) 11:49 [Preview] No.2573 [X] del >>2579
Wtf when and where was that? California? I wonder if we have something like that. There are a lot of rich people that live very exclusive, sure a lot of stuff happens in private luxury resorts. But I don't think it's as extreme as in the US. Or they're really good. I don't know of any Epstein scandals.

Anonymous 11/25/2023 (Sat) 17:22 [Preview] No.2575 [X] del >>2579
how many guests in there were jews? sounds epstein tier why americans so extreme?

im sure we dont have that bc there are no rich famous or important people here for this shit. probably in russia china and some sandnigger dictatorships this is normal for upper class

Bear 11/25/2023 (Sat) 19:37 [Preview] No.2579 [X] del >>2583

It was in my city. I was invited by the same crazy bitch that bought an acquaintance of mine a supra for who knows what but we think it was for being her escort. She was a mid cougar.

This hotel wasn't Epstein level, no, but call it dime store Island of broken dreams in the middle of the city downtown. It was odd, I have a vague memory of driving her Jaguar through an arch into a courtyard where the valet took it. My friend took my car so we could escape. I only did a couple things for her and didn't accept any money. She was a "friend" of a friend. This wasn't the only glimpse I got of decadence and believe me it was pure luck I didn't get mixed up. Shit they do is unthinkable, you wouldn't believe it.


Jews? Fuck yes, these were rich white people in the US, a lot are jews, but they can blend in a little, not all are brillo hair big nose. In Hollywood? Yeah all fucking jews. I hate LA though, it was awful.

Only the hedonistic devil worshipping elite are that extreme. Normal people can be wholesome and hard working, but those are few and far between now.

Upper class yeah, not the working upper class, not multimillionaires, like ones so rich they don't work. They get real tired of regular legal treats. Like celebrities who have half a billion, even they're fodder for the real upper class. You don't work for billionaires, never, you're cattle to them and you can't refuse.

I deal with millionaires every day, they're fine. These rich stay at home milfs at Bestie's school, they're fine.

Anyway. I'm happy being middle class.

Alice 11/25/2023 (Sat) 22:17 [Preview] No.2583 [X] del >>2592

Yakumo 11/26/2023 (Sun) 10:06 [Preview] No.2587 [X] del >>2594
I'm glad I never got involved with such people

Bear 11/26/2023 (Sun) 16:04 [Preview] No.2592 [X] del >>2594

I've been to something like that, they called it Catholic sunday mass.

Anonymous 11/27/2023 (Mon) 00:30 [Preview] No.2594 [X] del >>2595
lmao thats how i imagine you

you have naked girls in catholic sunday mass?

Bear 11/27/2023 (Mon) 11:55 [Preview] No.2595 [X] del

>naked girls in catholic sunday mass

Only in the rectory after mass, but gender and age aren't discriminated.

Alice 11/28/2023 (Tue) 23:43 [Preview] No.2606 [X] del
This thread is the first one that has reched the bump level of 500 replies. We should make a new one.

Bear 12/04/2023 (Mon) 20:48 [Preview] No.2654 [X] del >>2665
Monarch butterfly on my milkweed.

Alice 12/05/2023 (Tue) 23:36 [Preview] No.2665 [X] del >>2672
Oh cool!
Can they even develop in winter? I thought it gets really cold where you live?

Also don't post new stuff in this thread, it's past the bump limit. Use the new thread Kasthan created!

Bear 12/06/2023 (Wed) 11:02 [Preview] No.2672 [X] del

No, it only goes from fall to spring to mild summer. The lowest daytime temperature I've ever seen here is 14 weak euro temp units. At night maybe a week or 10 days it might get to 1 weak euro temp unit. The grass can sometimes get a crunch to it, the roofs might look a little frosty, my windshield may need a little scraping. The plants are usually fine, the bugs are usually fine.

In the summer, you might see a heatwave where temps are 32 wedu but at night it's still always going to be below 19 wedus because the water is something like 17-18c except for rare instances in August/September where it could be 20. It's okay to surf without a wetsuit or springsuit from june to october. Outside of that your toes get numb in about half an hour.

Bear 12/15/2023 (Fri) 19:30 [Preview] No.2749 [X] del

Just got my Christmas present on-order.

Super convenient, easy access. Now I'll have it at the ready, hopefully in dreams too, so I won't be caught without the proper and unbelievably dangerous home protection.

Bear 12/17/2023 (Sun) 03:12 [Preview] No.2757 [X] del
Wtf? I just saw an old friend and his sister and their dad on a meme compilation dancing like idiots. Dude got like a full sleeve of tats, all up his leg too and he's in drag. Wth happened to him? They look like they're having fun though. It's been 15 years, they look a in their late 20's in the vid, damn. Crazy. They went viral and not in a good way. smh

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