Bear 11/25/2023 (Sat) 19:37 No.2579 del

It was in my city. I was invited by the same crazy bitch that bought an acquaintance of mine a supra for who knows what but we think it was for being her escort. She was a mid cougar.

This hotel wasn't Epstein level, no, but call it dime store Island of broken dreams in the middle of the city downtown. It was odd, I have a vague memory of driving her Jaguar through an arch into a courtyard where the valet took it. My friend took my car so we could escape. I only did a couple things for her and didn't accept any money. She was a "friend" of a friend. This wasn't the only glimpse I got of decadence and believe me it was pure luck I didn't get mixed up. Shit they do is unthinkable, you wouldn't believe it.


Jews? Fuck yes, these were rich white people in the US, a lot are jews, but they can blend in a little, not all are brillo hair big nose. In Hollywood? Yeah all fucking jews. I hate LA though, it was awful.

Only the hedonistic devil worshipping elite are that extreme. Normal people can be wholesome and hard working, but those are few and far between now.

Upper class yeah, not the working upper class, not multimillionaires, like ones so rich they don't work. They get real tired of regular legal treats. Like celebrities who have half a billion, even they're fodder for the real upper class. You don't work for billionaires, never, you're cattle to them and you can't refuse.

I deal with millionaires every day, they're fine. These rich stay at home milfs at Bestie's school, they're fine.

Anyway. I'm happy being middle class.