1/2 Bear 06/10/2023 (Sat) 07:53 No.973 del
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A dream made me realize that I'm part of the Adam's Family, or by similarity, the Munsters.

My bestie was bullied at school this year, she's under 10, she went with my immediate group on our little trip in case you forgot, and one little piece of background, it was her birthday and she didn't have a party partially because of this, and she didn't care. Of course I helped her and her mother deal with it along the way, they both love me ofc, and she left the brownies because the parent of her prior best friend and the parent of the other 'frienamie' were the den leaders or whatever they're called. Those two of her prior friends were so insanely mean to her they coordinated with several older kids to help in bullying her. The one in particular was the best of friends with her last summer but for some reason the little jerk just got meaner and meaner to her this year. That one and another who has known developmental and behavioral issues are basically outcasts, but there are enough outcasts in this school to basically have a click of outcasts. Anyway, she's otherwise well liked though she's somewhat shunned for being a bit sensitive. I digress, she's fine, she's surrounded by loving and doting people, she's loved by normal children and especially those younger then her and she takes every opportunity to play with them, though she's not really interested in some of the dumb games, especially mean games her peers play, and she doesn't like to play sports so basically all the kids are playing sports at their leisure nowadays, so she doesn't fit with them and she could if she only would but it's her decision. Enough background, on with the story.

I was her father now in this dream and her mother was somehow my Ex. I shudder to think but you know.

We went to a get-together with all the parents of all the kids in girlscouts or brownies or whatever, which happened to be at a park or something with a building. There was a baking contest and we didn’t do anything and that ticked off the parent of her previous best friend who she no longer speaks to and they were having a tizzy. We had a limited interaction that didn’t tick them off, but then several parents started saying things like, “you wiped your child’s butt and didn’t wash your hands.” To which everyone gasped.
I simply said, “it’s not true.”
Another said something similarly accusative and I didn’t have the reaction they expected, to which I said, “why would I be upset when these accusations are obviously made up?”

My ex there, completely calm, but I knew that she was like a coiled cobra in the grass.

Then they all started to leave and one picked up a full cup of coffee and poured it on me. In the dream I said, “you’re lucky that wasn’t boiling hot or you’d be regretting it now”. Which in the dream I realized was a threat and recovered in dream, “or you’d be hearing from my lawyer.”

I woke up and thought, “hey (let's call him Dave), your kid and (the other parent let's call them Sam)’s kid coordinate to have a bunch of other kids bully our daughter and then you and Sam coordinate their parents to bully us, how fitting.”

My bestie is having trouble fitting in with all those hideous rotten kids and say we’re having trouble fitting in with all these mean rotten adults (which isn't actually true irl but partially so). I never felt so like the Adam’s family before, and frankly that doesn’t bother me at all.