Bear 08/18/2023 (Fri) 00:15 No.1700 del

>did you ever run over something?

Back when I was Bear 1.0 I was driving across country to NYCommie from Commiefornia and in the middle of a mountain road a rabbit ran directly in front of my car and I ran it over. In the rear view I saw it tumbling. I was upset by this if you can imagine (I can't) and that night I had a nightmare that the rabbit was still alive but looking like two face with half his face torn off and his eye hanging down. That was disturbing.

Here I see rabbits constantly in the morning and they're not so dumb so I don't run them over because I refuse to swerve for anything that can't sue me or cause big damage. It's more dangerous to swerve and end up hitting another car.

I was on the freeway a year or so later and this guy in a classic, pristine RX7 swerved to avoid a ladder in the lane and lost control then slammed into the center divide. I slowed way down and ran it over. Aluminum can't hurt steel too badly. I was also in a low sports car but it managed to traverse it.