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Random non-tulpamancy related thread 2 Anonymous 12/02/2023 (Sat) 02:49 [Preview] No. 2627
Stepan edition
daily reminder to fuck russia and russia supporters

Anonymous 12/02/2023 (Sat) 03:21 [Preview] No.2628 del
(16.84 KB 300x314 cock.jpg)
cock.li email registration is open time to make new anonymous mail accounts!

Bear 12/02/2023 (Sat) 03:28 [Preview] No.2629 del

Do not besmirch the motherland comrade!

Tamamo 12/02/2023 (Sat) 13:21 [Preview] No.2631 del
Wait I just read Stepan is back to Kharkiv? Why didn't they stay in France with him? I hope he doesn't get bombed. My cat looks a bit like him but not that old and grumpy.

Haha thanks, made new meme account. What's yours Kashtan?

Alice Board owner 12/02/2023 (Sat) 14:54 [Preview] No.2634 del

Never post any email adresses here, message me and I'll reach out to everyone. Include your PGP signatures, you don't want Vince to read your mail do you?

I'll show you some crazy things we can do with this here, stay tuned. Though I doubt The Bear is tech-savvy enough for it

Anonymous 12/02/2023 (Sat) 18:26 [Preview] No.2636 del
(1.48 MB 2814x3821 usrw31xc53r91.jpg)

>I'll show you some crazy things we can do with this here, stay tuned. Though I doubt The Bear is tech-savvy enough for it

Look, I may not know wtf you're talking about but this computer has turbo *and* telnet access.

Bear 12/02/2023 (Sat) 18:30 [Preview] No.2637 del

You don't get it, when Russia dies, China will roll them over and you're next.

Anonymous 12/02/2023 (Sat) 23:38 [Preview] No.2638 del
no chink has ever occupied or threatened my country. i dont like them either but theyre not the biggest prob here

i hate roosters so much its unreal but degenerate movement getting officially b& made me laugh


Alice 12/03/2023 (Sun) 01:23 [Preview] No.2639 del
>Bear Computer
What IS this thing??

What I wanna do is nothing spectacular, it's just to send encrypted messages that either only a single receiver or all of us can read. But nobody else. Consider it a tutorial on how to computer. But most of all it's fun, there arent a lot of people to exchange PGP encrypted messages with because it's 'too inconvenient' for most.

cock.li is just a free and anonymous mail service run by Vincent Canfield. I recommend getting a few adresses for fun as registratiuon was closed for a long time but obviously don't use it for anything serious. Mfw you guys got your name but Alice just wasn't available on any domain. Not even the horsefucker.org one

Bear 12/03/2023 (Sun) 04:46 [Preview] No.2641 del

It's beauty divine.


At least the Chicoms also hate the DegenerateQ cancer squad, tats, piercings, fat people... hm, may they ain't so bad.

DegenerateQ is just a distraction though, no the real enemy is people in general. Never trust a human.

Anonymous 12/03/2023 (Sun) 09:52 [Preview] No.2644 del
>Bear Atomotive Computer ????

Anonymous 12/03/2023 (Sun) 09:55 [Preview] No.2645 del
(125.00 KB 758x910 bear-comp1.JPG)
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Ah, it's a car diagnostic tool.

Alice 12/03/2023 (Sun) 22:31 [Preview] No.2646 del
Meanwhile in Russia...

Bear 12/03/2023 (Sun) 23:16 [Preview] No.2647 del

Hm, looks fun.

Anonymous 12/05/2023 (Tue) 17:40 [Preview] No.2660 del
lol this still cracks me up

brilliant edit as always i remember this edgy shit do you have a link to the site? wasnt the guy who made this some 3rd worlder poltard who was mocked for being a brownoid himself?

dunno if fun is the right term but it has its moments. most of it is cringe though

Alice 12/05/2023 (Tue) 23:57 [Preview] No.2667 del
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Maldraw aka malaysiafag as the name implies claims to be from Malaysia. No idea if that's true, I find it hard to imagine. But then again, most /pol/tards turned out to be brown 3rd worlders. Or Slavs.

>most of it is cringe though

Alice 12/06/2023 (Wed) 23:57 [Preview] No.2674 del
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We have a CO2 monitor to keep track of CO2 concentrations indoor during the dreadful time of the year we can't always keep windows open. It's very useful and gives off an alarm if CO2 levels exceed 800ppm or twice the natural background level so we can let in fresh air.

Now the interesting thing is that CO2 increase varies strongly and it took us a while to find out why. Sometimes values would barely increase in hours, on other days you could watch them climb up within minutes. We knew wasn't host or the cats as they're always around but it was something totally unexpected - our house plants, or rather the soil they're in. The microbial community in the soil produces loads of CO2, but only if it's moist enough. So when the plants are dry not much is going on but after watering them, CO2 levels shoot up because the microbes in the soil turn up their metabolism. It far exceeds CO2 uptake by photosynthesis which is zero at night for most plants anyway. But that's another story.

Many people think house plants will improve their air quality but in fact they can suck away your oxygen rather than produce it for you unless it's really bright and warm.

Bear 12/07/2023 (Thu) 03:46 [Preview] No.2680 del

Bro, people can withstand huge ppm. Blow up a large plastic bag with normal breaths, then rebreath it. I guarantee it won't hurt you, and that bag probably has over 10k ppm if not 3x that. Only the weak will be bothered by 10,000 ppm Co2.

Tamamo 12/07/2023 (Thu) 12:29 [Preview] No.2685 del
>Christ Chan
Haha the fuck is this, looks like drawings of an edgy 14yo

Interesting. They have 9% Christians and anti-degenerate laws and don't like Jews but posting any violent extremist content would get you in big trouble. Did he ever make any anti-Islam stuff?

Alice 12/08/2023 (Fri) 01:46 [Preview] No.2694 del
Oh boy The Bear knows better again.
Look here just because you survive some adverse conditions doesn't mean they're good. CO2 levels above 1000 ppm significantly impede your cognitive functions and more than 5000 ppm are a serious health issue in the long run. Apart from that it just feels gross. I hate stale air.

>Blow up a large plastic bag with normal breaths, then rebreath it
Do I look like some glue huffing gypsy to you?

Bear 12/08/2023 (Fri) 04:24 [Preview] No.2696 del

So weak, why you euros so weak? Did you know during the Jurassic era the atmosphere had like 4-6k ppm?

"OSHA has established a Permissible Exposure Limit (PEL) for CO2 of 5,000 parts per million (ppm) (0.5% CO2 in air) averaged over an 8-hour work day"

Grow a pair, seriously.

Occupational Health and Safety Administration (OSHA) bruh

What's in those unregulated sweat shops? It aint under 1200

Bear 12/08/2023 (Fri) 04:25 [Preview] No.2697 del


Tamamo 12/08/2023 (Fri) 13:15 [Preview] No.2698 del
Permissible exposure levels of CO2 are 5000ppm here as well, even 30000ppm for a short time. But the government now strongly recommends keeping levels under 1100ppm because CO2 is a proxy for virus aerosols so good ventilation helps to reduce COVID-19 infections.
t.buerocrat pro

Bear 12/08/2023 (Fri) 14:20 [Preview] No.2699 del

Somewhere in the fine print I saw allowable exposure of an average of 30,000ppm for <2 hours. I couldn't find it again, but I'm glad you saw it too because when I did I was like, wtf? Then I saw that people breath out 10-40kppm.

"because human breath is approximately 3.8% CO2" [38,000ppm]

So a confined space with a lot of people could achieve that.

Bear 12/08/2023 (Fri) 14:28 [Preview] No.2700 del

"Hedonic Feeding Behaviors" lol

Yeah, blame your disgusting fat ass on everything else, why not CO2? Couldn't possibly be mongoloid eating habbits or unfettered portion control.

"I'm not morbidly obese because I eat too much, I'm fucking fatassed because of CO2 levels in the workplace, I need disability paymentZes!!!"

Alice 12/08/2023 (Fri) 23:57 [Preview] No.2701 del
It's the same limits in Germany actually, for a long time nobody gave a damn but since Corona-Chan came, CO2 is actually measured and it turned out in classrooms values above 5000 ppm are frequently reached. This was recently amplified by telling people never to open windows in winter because saving energy and muh climate change, children on the Maledives are drowning if you don't save energy. Good thing we have a superior air exchange system at work as it's a new building and it automatically keeps CO2 levels below 1000 ppm.

Dunno where you have to work to reach 30K ppm CO2, maybe in an old submarine, coal mine or wine cellar.

Bear 12/09/2023 (Sat) 01:40 [Preview] No.2702 del


Now part two of the plan, another pandemic with even higher death rates and spread and people are tired of wearing masks and everyone knows it's financial ruin to close the business. I sure as hell didn't do anything different at works, I have a private office in day, no way am I wearing a mask all day or what teleworking? All my stuff is at work. I'm not giving up my home office for day job work.

Yeeesssss, half the sheeple will deny there's even a virus and riot if you put any restrictions. The other half will wear three masks but have them hanging off their nose. So delicious.

I gotta invest in body bag manufacturers.

Alice 12/09/2023 (Sat) 16:41 [Preview] No.2708 del
Sad but absolutely true. But look at the bright side, if they really die, that's natural selection against the stupid. They shouldn't be around anyway.

Alice 12/09/2023 (Sat) 17:31 [Preview] No.2709 del
>Did you know during the Jurassic era the atmosphere had like 4-6k ppm?
No but please enlighten us!

A word of warning though, host may go on a lenghty essay on paleoclimate proxies and the caveats of using oversimplified thermodynamic models on the mineral assemblage in paleosols which tend to grossly overestimate atmospheric CO2 levels as well as δ13C isotope signatures of terrestrial plant fossils not properly reflecting atmospheric CO2 levels in arid climates also leading to a significant overestimation.

I can't recommend it.

Bear 12/09/2023 (Sat) 19:46 [Preview] No.2710 del


Figures. Well they did. So stop being a wuss.

Yakumo 12/09/2023 (Sat) 23:40 [Preview] No.2711 del
>No sources cited
>I'm right because I say so

Just no.
Look, the estimates of those ancient CO2 levels largely depend on carbon isotope ratios in plant fossils or ancient soils and their source. Did the incorporated carbon that was sequestered from the ancient atmosphere come from CH4 outgassing from marine methane hydrate or wet lands which has extremely negative δ13C of -70 to -50, from permafrost or fossil hydrocarbon sources like coal fires which is intermediate with -40 to -30 or abiotic sources like volcanoes which only have a δ13C of -10. It takes about 5-10x less biotic CH4 to explain a carbon isotope excursion than volcanic CO2. Means - a climate model fully blaming the δ13C excursion found in soils or fossils on volcanoes overestimates CO2 levels by factor 5 to 10. This contradicts the number stomata from fossilized leaves. The more CO2 in the air, the less stomata plants need but this also depends on water stress. And fossil stomata based CO2 estimates agree with a ar lower CO2 levels meaning larger fraction of non-volcanic CO2 in the air than previously estimated.

Well it's not that easy but recent studies show that long term atmospheric CO2 levels of 4 - 6K ppm were last reached in the middle Cambrian about 500Mya ago. CO2 levels in the Jurassic most likely were around 1000 ppm except for the earliest stages (Toarcian) but there's a lot of uncertainty with paleosol data. The estimates depend on very complex and questionable models and often contradict each other. See the pink x marks in the first graph, that's data from paleosols. It's all over the place and maximum individual (!) values were found before the Triassic–Jurassic extinction event (215 Mya) with 3700 +/-1600 ppm CO2. But that was a huge catastrophe and there are also samples of the same age which point to far lower CO2 levels. The best estimate is around 2000 ppm for max Mesozoic CO2 levels. It’s all a clusterfuck.

But it’s always been clear that such abnormally high CO2 levels definitely were not common during the Mesozoic and the outliers associated with negative carbon isotope excursions correlate with major extinctions, mainly the Permian-Triassic Mass Extinction Event (PTME, 252 Mya) where CO2 levels are estimated to have risen from near present-day level to around 2500 ppm within 75000 years. Maybe even 5000 ppm but that depends on how much CO2 was released from the Siberian Trap megavolcanoes and how much came from secondary sources like coal fires end methane hydrate. In any case CO2 levels rose enormously but it was the worst extinction event in the last 500Mya and totally fucked up the biosphere for tens of millions of years. CO2 levels fell rapidly within a few thousand years but remained high for the entire Mesozoic.

The Carnian Pluvial Episode in the late Triassic (CPE, 233 Mya), the Triassic–Jurassic extinction event 201 (Mya) and the Toarcian Oceanic Anoxic Event (TOAE, 183 Mya) in the early Jurassic also were major catastrophes in earth's history associated with some of the strongest volcanic events ever. But carbon input from volcanoes also was previously overestimated and atmospheric CO2 levels are estimated to have stayed below 2000 ppm outside of major extinction pulses throughout the Mesozoic. Note that high CO2 levels are a huge problem for marine life because this shit doesn't stay in the air but dissolves in the oceans, acidifying them. No more calcified shells or corals which leads to marine mass extinctions. So nope, 4000 - 6000 ppm CO2 never were normal in the history of complex life and are incompatible with ecosystems as we know them.

So there you have it, what else would I spend a Saturday evening with?

Bear 12/10/2023 (Sun) 03:04 [Preview] No.2715 del
(67.58 KB 500x659 88u4zo.jpg)

>Blah blah blah

Look dude, I learned a long time ago that arguing with people over the internet pays nothing and gains nothing. So listen, if those T-Rexes could live with that 5kppm, so can you. Source: I'm a Bear

Alice 12/10/2023 (Sun) 21:22 [Preview] No.2721 del
Host says T-Rex lived in the late Cretaceous not Jurassic and CO2 levels were most likely below 1000 ppm during that time. At least until the Cretaceous–Paleogene extinction event where the Indian supervulcanoes and that meteorite went boom. Which killed the dinosaurs. And even then CO2 levels probably never went above 2500 ppm. Never ever even close to 5K.

Well, that's enough being right on the internet, host has wörk to do. Needless to say all of this in top-notch procrastination.

Bear 12/10/2023 (Sun) 22:43 [Preview] No.2722 del
(215.40 KB 1296x730 mcdjupa_ec032_h.jpg)

Don't give me your scientific mumbo jumbo, I saw *Jurassic Park*.

I guess that's why they were so big, needed large lungs to filter all that extra CO2.

Tamamo 12/12/2023 (Tue) 09:32 [Preview] No.2724 del
Haha wtf am I reading? How did things go from CO2 levels to dinosaurs?

That image...

Why does my cat like to destroy my stuff? Yesterday shredded some important papers I left unsupervised for a minute. Also knocks things from the table for fun.


Alice 12/12/2023 (Tue) 21:45 [Preview] No.2728 del
They do it on purpose, our cats don't like when host pays more attention to things than them. Also they know they get instant attention when jumping on a shelf, even in the middle of the night.

Half of the Christmas Season is already over, haven't done anything. I hope we'll get to bake cookies next weekend. Do you do special things in Christmas Season?

Anonymous 12/13/2023 (Wed) 20:17 [Preview] No.2732 del
thats a cool Alice
we have traditional cookies with poppy seeds my mom made them but now that you mention it i dont do anything special with tupper. do you dress up in some christmas costumes?

Alice 12/14/2023 (Thu) 01:13 [Preview] No.2734 del
Hmm, not excessively but once in a while it's fun. My usual winter attire is a traditional white coat, trousers and boots, all lined with snow leopard fur. Can't find a decent image, it's late and we gotta go to sleep.

Bear 12/14/2023 (Thu) 03:53 [Preview] No.2735 del

That's hilarious Alice. I'm pretty sure if anyone in my system made me dress up they'd get integrated or put into dormancy permanently.

Those thoughts are on auto-block mode, Misha will be treated as intrusive if she even completes a thought about it.

Gotta keep that tulpamancer hand strong.

We don't do anything but buy gifts and sometimes reach things on high shelves when invited over for festive things.

Anything I do involves the bestie re: Christmas anyway.

Us plebs don't deserve Christmas, so any bone we get thrown we better charish.

Carnivore diet is very unsatisfying. I'll be on it till Sunday and reevaluate. So far it caused minor eye twitch which lasted a few seconds at a time. Since no carbs, no milk, milk usually cures that. I don't actually have red meat around so I'm surviving on eggs, cheese, and chicken. I know it's not a complete diet, oh and carb free salsa and spicy pork rinds and heavy cream.

Tamamo 12/14/2023 (Thu) 10:28 [Preview] No.2738 del
Why snow leopard fur?

I've never put Cat in a Christmas outfit but I will! Christmas is a huge commercial thing like everywhere here, we have decoration everywhere on the streets and in malls and Christmas villages with food stalls and amusement rides. Europeans probably see it as kitsch overkill. But personally we don't really do anything. But now that you mention it making cookies with tupper may be fun. We never tried. Gib German recipe!

Alice 12/15/2023 (Fri) 00:26 [Preview] No.2744 del
>That's hilarious Alice. I'm pretty sure if anyone in my system made me dress up they'd get integrated or put into dormancy permanently.
Nobody said anything about dressing up host, that's just my precious winter outfit.

>Why snow leopard fur?
Isn't that in my diary somewhere? It was my first wonderland adventure ever in late 2014. I was wandering through the Himalayas and met a snow leopard mother with her cub. Well, uh, one thing led to another and so I ended up with my snow leopard fitted winter coat. It has the ears sewn on top of the hood and the rim is lined with the mother's tail. The cub's stretched out fur is on the right shoulder as an ornament. With wiggle eyes!

Host tried to reproduce it but ai is still too dumb to pull it off. Otherwise the manga would already be published. The panel-by-panel draft has been in a drawer for 9 years now. And most likely will stay there forever.

Alice 12/15/2023 (Fri) 11:14 [Preview] No.2746 del
(429.38 KB 2048x1120 Vanillekipferl.jpeg)
>Gib German recipe
Try Vanilla crescents, they're easy and probably nothing you can buy in Asia.

250 g flour
210 g butter
100 g ground hazelnuts
80 g sugar
1 vanilla pod or half a teaspoon of ground vanilla
sheets of baking parchment to put the cookies on when they go into the oven
obviously you need an oven too, can't bake this in the microwave
a few tablespoons of powdered sugar and a bit moar vanilla for the coating

Use pastry flour, all purpose flour works as well. Hazelnuts should be finely ground or shaved, no coarsely chopped shit. You can also use walnuts or almonds but I think hazelnuts taste best.

Scrape out the vanilla pod (or take your ground vanilla powder) and mix it with sugar. Mix the ground hazelnuts with flour. Then mix everything together with cool butter out of the fridge and make a dough. Knead it well and put the resulting ball of dough into the fridge (4°C) for at least 2h. Better yet longer, even overnight.

Make sure the dough doesn't get too hot in further processing or the butter will melt. Form the chilled dough into a roll of about 3cm diameter and cut it in 1cm slices with a knife. Roll each slice into a ball, then form it into a small roll and bend it into a crescent. They don't have to look perfect, try to be fast before the dough gets too warm. The crescents should have about 3-5cm diameter. Put them on a baking tray that's covered with baking parchment. Bake them for 10-15min @ 175°C convection heat. They're done when they are firm and just slightly start to brown.

This is a bit tricky and trial and error, if you don't bake them long enough the crescents will crumble apart. They shouldn't melt either, if they do your dough was too warm. When they're done, take the tray out of the oven, let them cool for a few minutes and while still warm put them in a bowl filled with powdered sugar and a little vanilla powder so the surface is covered in sugar. Do this one by one and be gentle or they'll break. This isn't gingerbread, it's a very fragile bakery. Well that's it, put the crescents in a breathable jar and keep them cool and dry. They taste best while still warm but can be stored for several weeks.

Now post results!

Tamamo 12/16/2023 (Sat) 08:01 [Preview] No.2756 del
Cool thx. Will try this out tomorrow!

What did you do to the poor snow leopards?

Ashley 12/17/2023 (Sun) 21:48 [Preview] No.2758 del
The site isn't organized by last post anymore? Or is it just the old anything thead?

Playing Avorian with heavy mods that make it actually fun. Interesting game, kinda blah vanilla, kinda fun. We never made it past the first boss before, just stuck on shio design and turret engineering(mod) making OP designs that crush everyone. But this time we added another mod that has insane pirates. Gotta stick our necks out to get better materials so we can build better turrets to even touch them.

Alice 12/17/2023 (Sun) 23:54 [Preview] No.2759 del
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>The site isn't organized by last post anymore? Or is it just the old anything thead?
You know what I don't like?
People who don't pay attention to what I say.

I do not post a lot but I assume that the little I write here is read and understood. This place ist't intended for illiterate niggers.

I said the old thread has reached 500 replies and cannot be bumped anymore. But Mr. Bear ignored me, posted there again. I told Mr. Bear specifically not to post in the thread, he posted 2 more replies. And now you complain it doesn't show up on top anymore - duh. Why do you think Kashtan made a new thread? Just for shits & giggles?

I mean you can post wherever you like but don't expect a lot of replies if you post in dying threads. Also I can't move your posts, sorry. You'll survive it.

Ashley 12/18/2023 (Mon) 00:12 [Preview] No.2760 del

Kinda told him that was the case and he got offended at me for doubting it. I mean, this is what I'm working with here. Sometimes it's better to just let him fail when there's no real consequences.

Alice 12/18/2023 (Mon) 00:12 [Preview] No.2761 del
(34.26 KB 601x384 k.jpg)
>push button mechanical lock offers quick and easy access with no batteries
How does this magic work?
We have several large vaults with electronic locks that depend on batteries. Feels ambivalent

So you're seriously not gonna go shooting anymore? We had lots of fun at an international shooting competition this weekend. Both live fire on a variety on targets from papter to steel to pumpkins and FX against real humans. Because Germony is such an abominable cuck country we had to go abroad. You can't shoot at human targets here because ree thats nadsi

Ashley 12/18/2023 (Mon) 02:09 [Preview] No.2762 del
(319.38 KB 1538x2120 charlies-angels-1a.jpg)

Batteries? Do you even care about the environment? No seriously, in this salt air, batteries go bad sometimes within six months. Nothing can be stored with batteries here. So imagine poor old forgetful, lazy about some things, especially batteries, Bear looking to open his fancy electric safe in an emergency only to find out its not only dead, but locked out because the batteries corrupted and ruined the circuits. This is basically anything Bear has that had a battery in it, like flashlights and radios and other electronics that aren't water proof. He goes to use it, dead.

And anyway, what do you do, *Dr. Alice Chan* if your fancy electric safe is dead in an emergency?

The safe posted was presented to Bear by his friend in law enforcement. It's fast, effective and mechanical. Not immune to rust, but at least those sorts of things tend to last years rather than months and a little oil could make it last longer.

So it's perfect and it'll go nicely behind a painting in an interior wall.

>what no shoot?

What's the point? He didn't enjoy it, it seemed more like a chore, and he'd rather do other things. Again, don't take it personally; as we've been told, he's peculiar, get over it.

He showed the gun to his exgf and she did a couple James Bond poses, whipped her hair around then handed it back and said she wanted a Darringer. That was the end of the conversation, no one else in his friend group even knows because they'd freak out.

Whoa, this girl looks a lot like her. If she only had lighter skin and bigger boobs.

Tamamo 12/18/2023 (Mon) 10:49 [Preview] No.2763 del
Tried my best, I think it worked. Cat had fun kneading dough with possession. The cookies break easily but taste really good.

Tamamo 12/18/2023 (Mon) 10:50 [Preview] No.2764 del
(120.69 KB 608x1080 vanilla_crescents.jpg)
Forgot photo as proof

Alice 12/18/2023 (Mon) 11:24 [Preview] No.2765 del
(180.77 KB 907x849 guardian-angel.jpg)
Noyce! Not bad for a first try.
Now one more with timestamp or it never happened.

>The safe posted was presented to Bear by his friend in law enforcement. It's fast, effective and mechanical.
I'm honestly impressed, it wasn't meant as critique. Not everything I say is meant as critique. Never seen a mechanical lock like that. Definitely would prefer it over the flimsy electric locks. Basically they are the only option here. Vaults with keys are impractical because you have to keep them safe as well, in another vault. And the classic turning mechanical locks are really expensive and try to open that by turning the knob 10 times in the right position in an emergency. So electric it is.

>And anyway, what do you do, *Dr. Alice Chan* if your fancy electric safe is dead in an emergency?
Our electric vaults have emergency keys which are distributed in the other vaults so as long as not all are dead at the same time, they can be opened. But as I said, it's not ideal. I assume it would take about 10sec to enter code, open, grab and load the Glock when standing in front of the safe. That's actually a nice drill, will try and report.

But honestly for home defense we have pic related distributed around the house and in the car. It fires 2 shots of tabasco extract up to 4 meters and believe me you're not in the mood to loot after being hit by this. Even has a laser for easy aiming at dark skinned persons in dark environments.

Plus you can legally store and even carry it everywhere even in Germany because it's for 'animal defense' Which it is.


Alice 12/18/2023 (Mon) 11:33 [Preview] No.2766 del
(34.55 KB 600x666 kot cringe.jpg)
>He showed the gun to his exgf and she did a couple James Bond poses, whipped her hair around then handed it back
I assume you familiarized her with Cooper rules first yes?
Never EVER hand you firearm to noobs without proper training. A lot of people have died from shit like this because there happened to be a round in the chamber after all. It happens, even to the most senior professionals. Which is why we have cooper rules. And never pose with guns. At least not without proper muzzle and trigger discipline.
Edited last time by ALICE on 12/18/2023 (Mon) 11:36.

Tamamo 12/18/2023 (Mon) 11:41 [Preview] No.2767 del
There you go
Wasn't sure when they were finished so I took out a few to check and the first were too raw and fell apart. They never got brown so maybe they could have stayed in the oven even longer.

Ashley 12/18/2023 (Mon) 12:35 [Preview] No.2768 del

>open, grab and load the Glock

Uh, no, it'll be loaded with hollow points. Open, grab, fire in direction of perp 10 rounds. Second clip ready.

>tobasco gun

lol, that's so cute

Ashley 12/18/2023 (Mon) 12:39 [Preview] No.2769 del

>I assume you familiarized her with Cooper rules first yes?

Lol, Bear told me to be nice, so um... hey, what *was* the economic output of the ottoman empire and why did it collapse?

Anonymous 12/19/2023 (Tue) 00:23 [Preview] No.2771 del
>buy firearm
>don't train with firearm
>fuck cooper rules
>give firearm to poser woman
lmao even

Bear 12/19/2023 (Tue) 02:54 [Preview] No.2772 del

This is America bitch! Give it to the toddler for viral videos.

Alice 12/19/2023 (Tue) 20:20 [Preview] No.2777 del
(1.92 MB 500x281 Gut gemacht.gif)

Tamamo 12/21/2023 (Thu) 13:40 [Preview] No.2804 del
Thanks Alice! Cat is happy the cookies turned out well. Looking forward to what the PGP thread will bring, it's a motivation for my tupper to do something. For now, not sure for how long.

Alice 12/22/2023 (Fri) 12:33 [Preview] No.2824 del
(93.74 KB 1600x1071 Winter solstice.jpg)
Finally Winter Solstice, days will slowly become longer again.
Today sunrise at 8:01, sunset at 16:22 which means only 8h 21min of sunlight. Theoretically. It's cloudy so it's even darker.

I can't wait for spring but it takes so long.

Anonymous 12/22/2023 (Fri) 14:33 [Preview] No.2825 del
>only 8h 21min of sunlight
just checked it's just a little over 7h here, get on my level. youre far more south

Alice 12/22/2023 (Fri) 17:35 [Preview] No.2828 del
(123.02 KB 1024x768 cat-in-dishwasher.jpg)
(8.02 KB 200x200 Reimu meh.jpg)
Cat is in dishwasher again.

Alice 12/22/2023 (Fri) 20:20 [Preview] No.2830 del
>just over 7h daylight
Polar night tier. I wouldnt have thought there was more than an hour difference to Bavaria.

Bear 12/23/2023 (Sat) 04:20 [Preview] No.2835 del
What a lovely video

https://youtube.com/watch?v=yVmw3ZhdzEs [Embed]

Bear 12/23/2023 (Sat) 04:22 [Preview] No.2836 del
What a lovely video

https://youtube.com/watch?v=zY17_nraW68 [Embed]

Bear 12/23/2023 (Sat) 04:25 [Preview] No.2837 del
What a lovely video

https://youtube.com/watch?v=RWvKpEYvo4s [Embed]

Alice 12/23/2023 (Sat) 21:36 [Preview] No.2838 del
(265.90 KB 1024x1448 Entartete Kunst.jpg)
And then, one day, for no reason at all, people voted Hitler into power

Simpsons episode is a classic though

Bugs Bear 12/24/2023 (Sun) 18:34 [Preview] No.2849 del
(2.23 MB 4000x3000 20231224_102706.jpg)
(1.62 MB 4000x3000 20231224_103111.jpg)
Found two monarch butterfly larve on the move looking for a place to pupate. And the milkweed is covered in aphids.

Yes, it's winter.

Tamamo 12/25/2023 (Mon) 09:18 [Preview] No.2850 del
Cool! Hooray for climate change

Bear 12/25/2023 (Mon) 17:32 [Preview] No.2856 del

I'm in a rare southern region where climate change actually would increase diversity, make life more pleasant, and especially higher CO2 would help the plants. We always have a cool breeze coming off the water, so it's never really hot. There are a few days a year when that's not the case but barely a bother.

Alice 12/25/2023 (Mon) 18:01 [Preview] No.2857 del
Whoa, maybe you'll have Monarch butterflies all year round soon!
It has around 10°C here for the next week, I saw some flies and a bee today. Also there are now mosquitoes almost all year round.

>climate change actually would increase diversity
Actually happening here. A lot of southern species have migrated north here that were unknown a few years ago. Unfortunately a lot are pests but some are cool!

Actually vegetation is now slowly returning to a normal deciduous forest now, replacing the conifers, mostly European spruce that was planted in the unusual cold climate of the previous centuries. Middle Europe was covered by beech, oak and maple for most of the past millennia, only recently everything as turned into spruce plantations because they grow fast. But they're actually a mountain species and can't take warm dry summers. So I welcome the new climate change ecosystem.
Except for niggers and other brownoids. Worst invasive species is still H. ‘sapiens’

Bear 12/25/2023 (Mon) 20:30 [Preview] No.2858 del

>Also there are now mosquitoes almost all year round.

You'd think they would be here too but they don't like under 60F. Wuss mosquitoes here.

Bear 12/26/2023 (Tue) 04:30 [Preview] No.2861 del

This brings back the memories

https://youtube.com/watch?v=F8qK_n4cDyA [Embed]

I'll let you guess which one was me in Highschool and then which one was me in College. Bah, you forgot already, I wasn't popular in high school and despite my bad personality, I was still popular in college because I was beautiful, and I was only beautiful because I worked out and dressed well.

It was such a contrast, suddenly *the same girls* who todl me "don't talk to me" before I worked out, not even 4 months later were saying "why don't you talk to me anymore?"

It was a feeling I'll never forget. And to be asked out constantly, I mean several times a week by cute girls, to have them flock around me like I was feeding pigeons, it was so funny. Of course then I could just pick the ones I wanted and of course the ones I wanted were the alphas. Those bitches are crazy, hot and crazy hot. But mostly crazy.

Bear 12/26/2023 (Tue) 09:27 [Preview] No.2862 del
(124.61 KB 1024x1024 IqKHZTSiTPStrGzOmRKbjA.webp)
Here's wishing you all a merry day after Christmas!

Take a moment to enjoy your life. If you're warm, if you're fed, if you have something to look forward to and especially if you have a beautiful friend living inside your head (or seven), enjoy her life too.

(Oh Jesus, AI art is really bad, lol, this is the best one I could make and it's awful.)

Tamamo 12/26/2023 (Tue) 14:03 [Preview] No.2863 del
Isn't this what Christmas is all about? I'm not an expert, that's just hearsay. But yeah I'm really glad I can live where and how I live and not in some war zone like Europe. And with Cat. She also wishes you Happy Holidays. We went to the Christmas market. It was artificial Kitsch but ok once a year. Cat had fun being imposed with different costumes and eating a lot of food with me. Good times!

Yakumo 12/26/2023 (Tue) 18:24 [Preview] No.2867 del
>Bah, you forgot already,
Nope, we pay attention to what you write. Mostly.

>I'll let you guess which one was me in Highschool and then which one was me in College
I hope you never were an emo femboy or a balding boomer.

I also think that's highly American, things aren't that bad here. And I don't think you're an introvert at all. Do you even have owls appearing in your bedroom at night? I bet not.

Bear teaches a PhD about introverts Bear 12/26/2023 (Tue) 21:54 [Preview] No.2874 del

Definition: Introvert

1: a person who is concerned or interested mostly in one's own thoughts and ideas
2: a person who is shy or reserved and enjoys spending time alone

At times, when you read about what introversion means, you feel like someone is spying on your life. Yes, you love being alone. You hate making shallow small talk. Spending too much time socializing with other people leaves you feeling drained, irritable, and sometimes even physically unwell (a.k.a. the introvert hangover). Independent thinker, you rarely seek advice and often discard others' advice and criticism.

Definition: Extrovert

The term extroversion describes an aspect of a personality that is often characterized by expressive and outgoing patterns of behavior. People who are extroverts tend to be very talkative, sociable, active, and warm. Jung defined an extrovert as someone who feels energized by the external world and social interactions. You are recharged and refreshed by interacting with others and feel empty without a constant interaction. You feel the need to get others to validate your every thought and rarely if ever make any decision alone.

Headmates not included. I am an introvert.

Yakumo 12/27/2023 (Wed) 22:43 [Preview] No.2883 del
(25.97 KB 510x445 Never Again.jpg)
It's extravert.
Agree on everything else but partying, binge-drinking and having girls swarm you is an insult to introverts everywhere.

Well I'm on another level as hypersensitive INFP anyway.

Bear 12/28/2023 (Thu) 08:16 [Preview] No.2884 del

>It's extravert.

You mean extrovert? Yeah, that's what I said.

>but partying, binge-drinking and having girls swarm you is an insult to introverts everywhere.

You don't get it bro, I was the ugly one until I worked out for 3 months and had help with my wardrobe then impossible became possible. No matter how long I stay in the beautiful people's club, I'm still that same ugly introvert on the inside. This is why I don't like people touching me, I don't trust that they mean it because before that life altering dimensional shift, girls only touched me to tease me, guys only touched me to do physical harm.

After and even to today, they only touch me because I'm beautiful, and no, I'm not here for their pleasure.

What's really crazy, after the tran.sformation, others respected me, they hung on my every word, they didn't interrupt, they didn't talk over me, they at least acted like they cared.

Imagine yourself suddenly surrounded by beautiful people and they're all paying attention to you, it was a literal nightmare. I still can't take it right.

I took bestie to a famous discount warehouse here and I was pushing her around on a flatbed cart, her mother wanted me to take them because they wanted to buy heavy things and I'm the goon right? But I like shopping so I did. Well apparently if you put a beautiful child on a cart and you're normal (like her mother) no one says shit. But if you put a beautiful child on a cart and you're a 6'3, buff, beautiful person, people think of any possible reason to chat you up.

I don't like strangers chatting me up, and it got literally ridiculous. Like we couldn't pass another person of any age or sex washout them saying something like, "oh what isle did you find her on?" "How much was she?" etc. This was creepy af. I forget what else.

Tamamo 12/28/2023 (Thu) 10:21 [Preview] No.2888 del
Wow, I remember you talked about this but I didn't know it was that bad. Here people don't chat you up, let alone touch you, especially not strangers. That would be extremely rude. You know everything is really formal and polite. Very different from western countries. One of the reasons I am reluctant to go there for sightseeing. And safety ofc. Feels like living in a fortress surrounded by barbarians.

Bear 12/28/2023 (Thu) 11:31 [Preview] No.2889 del

America is perfectly safe, like fentanyl is perfectly safe. Seriously though you need to look at the travel advisories.

We're a level 3, We're a 1st world country at fucking level 3, "reconsider travel to the US you are putting your health and safety at serious risk". Australia for instance is level 1 which means the savages ain't gonna invade your hotel room and rape you. It's a war zone here, multiple mass shootings a day, flash mobs, disgruntled police, complacent leaders, corruption and crime everywhere. I live in a moderate crime area and it's the third most expensive area in the county. You couldn't rent here making less than six figures and that's not going to get you much.

Anonymous 12/28/2023 (Thu) 21:30 [Preview] No.2890 del
(561.42 KB 1994x3000 Escape from New York.jpg)
lolwut US travel advisory says do not travel to US?

western europe isnt much different now, at least big cities. 3rd world war zone. Frankfurt was insane i was really afraid. we have our hobos, alcoholics and druggies but they don't stab you to death in groups or blow you up. fucking nuts i'm not going to west europe capitals anymore.

but US is another beast. fuck man how did it come to this? its like that dystopian escape from NY movie with kurt russell

Bear 12/28/2023 (Thu) 22:30 [Preview] No.2891 del

All this is moot, war will change everything

Ashley 12/29/2023 (Fri) 03:44 [Preview] No.2894 del

Whoops, misclick again.

Ashley 12/29/2023 (Fri) 03:45 [Preview] No.2895 del


Jesus, I suck at this.

Bear 12/29/2023 (Fri) 04:30 [Preview] No.2896 del
https://youtube.com/watch?v=az7KfOQkMu0 [Embed]

They're so angular and serious

Alice 12/30/2023 (Sat) 21:13 [Preview] No.2901 del
(84.35 KB 680x674 cunts on reddit.jpg)
>not even once
Host tried to make an account years ago to ask a technical question about building something. Thread was deleted, account b&. No notice why, no option to inquire what he did wrong. Probably being white.

Bear 12/30/2023 (Sat) 22:49 [Preview] No.2904 del


When you go on and call everyone a [NWORD] it'll happen.

Bear 12/31/2023 (Sun) 16:39 [Preview] No.2919 del
Easy installation. Installed the safe so now I have quick access to the Glock. Gunna need it considering there are close to 200,000 homeless in this state and rising at 10% a year.

Yesterday as I looked down asle after isle of half empty shelves in a local store I came to the realization that something's up. When I couldn't get veal, when I couldn't get a prescription filled, when I couldn't find the drink I like anymore. Not all these things could possibly be suffering supply shortages simultaneously. And why is everything 2x the cost?

Fucking blame it on a global food crisis, ok. Can't wait for the apocalypse already.

No, the Tahitian perl industry summed it up best, "why bring supply back to pre-pandemic levels when we can sell less than half for more than double the price and have less than half the costs with more than double the profits?"

Bear 01/01/2024 (Mon) 03:48 [Preview] No.2924 del
(2.44 MB 4000x3000 20231231_151023.jpg)
Okay well... one of the Monarch butterfly larvae decided my trash can was a great place to spend the winter.

Bear 01/02/2024 (Tue) 02:06 [Preview] No.2928 del
(404.25 KB 220x123 ryan-gosling-ryan.gif)

Tamamo 01/02/2024 (Tue) 11:06 [Preview] No.2929 del
First day of the new year, already racist posts from Alice. Not thst it's unexpected.

The trash can is probably warm because black plastic. I've found pupae on strange places too, even on curtains.

Alice 01/02/2024 (Tue) 17:21 [Preview] No.2931 del
(13.28 KB 350x216 Mr. Bond.jpg)
Show some respect, the guy who made this is now serving a 10 year prison sentence for his parody songs.

Yakumo 01/02/2024 (Tue) 17:46 [Preview] No.2932 del
Yeah they love such spaces. I had a potter wasp build its nests inside a stereo once, it went in through the ventilation slits. Was probably warm inside and very protected. Only found the pots because I saw the wasp crawling inside. It's actually a foreign species from Central Asia, rarely seen in South Germany. They eat spiders.

Anonymous 01/02/2024 (Tue) 23:49 [Preview] No.2935 del
>10y prison for making bad music
no idea what would hppen to you here but probably not prison sure as hell not 10 years wtf man

Tamamo 01/04/2024 (Thu) 10:01 [Preview] No.2946 del
What, thats crazy he got 10 years?

Looks exotic. They make clay nests? How big are they?

Yakumo 01/05/2024 (Fri) 01:27 [Preview] No.2956 del
(86.57 KB 1280x851 Sceliphron_curvatum.jpg)
(189.91 KB 2000x1600 Potter wasp nest.jpg)
The wasp is about 2cm, the mud nests can be up to 3cm long.

Speak of the devil, I found another nest under a stone in the garden today. It's from a different species, probably a potter wasp of the genus Eumenes. Same size, about 2cm. Those guys collect caterpillars instead of spiders for their larvae. Due to climate change, a lot of those more southern species pop up here.

Tamamo 01/05/2024 (Fri) 09:03 [Preview] No.2957 del
Oh interesting. Never seen anything like that, I should go outside more.

Bear 01/05/2024 (Fri) 10:24 [Preview] No.2958 del
(139.48 KB 1078x482 Untitled.jpg)

Ours look different

This is the only picture I could find and it's a poor example. Whenever I work in the front yard and end up with mud puddles, the wasps come and gather mud. They prefer clay and the soil here is heavy with clay because this the shore of an old riverbed.

I'm going to chop down an old peach tree today. It's been with me first in a pot and then as a tree in the ground since I was still a child. Peech trees only live 15-20 years and this one is old. It isn't rotten or termite infested but it is weak and doesn't look healthy anymore. It's children seedlings are strong and healthy and will be planted this year in a different location. Going near where this tree is now will be my pomegranate trees.

I'm not at all attached to this tree, it never grew correctly to be honest and never got as big as it's mother tree that grew in the yard where I used to live 20 years ago. It never had big peaches after it's 4th year they were always small, but it did produce huge numbers of them, like 4-5 thousand per season. so there were always plenty for jam.

It'll be a few years before I'll have enough peaches for jam again, that's okay too.

Bear 01/05/2024 (Fri) 15:41 [Preview] No.2960 del
https://youtube.com/watch?v=vhnjQfERXv0 [Embed]

Bear 01/05/2024 (Fri) 19:26 [Preview] No.2961 del
(1.65 MB 2958x2596 20240105_101049.jpg)
(2.04 MB 4000x3000 20240105_101209.jpg)
Big ole boy.

Dude was over 3 inches. Prehistoric looking mfer.

Alice 01/05/2024 (Fri) 20:10 [Preview] No.2963 del
(107.82 KB 607x600 Leaf curl.jpg)

Nice you got that potter wasps as well. Host photographed one in summer but the photo is buried in thouands of others we never looked at.

Also RIP peach tree.
They never grew well here, always get leaf curl (Taphrinia fungus) and slowly rot away. Still got several small peach trees but haven't seen a peach in years. Strange as apricots have zero problems, they are immune to leaf curl.

That reminds me, gotta spray em with fungicide now. You gotta do it before buds burst open.

Alice 01/05/2024 (Fri) 20:24 [Preview] No.2964 del
(109.16 KB 1500x750 brave new world.jpeg)
Those mysteries were so silly and the explanations made no sense.
Daily reminder they now turned Velma into a pajeet and Shaggy a nigger just to piss people off. On top of that horrible art style.

Bear 01/06/2024 (Sat) 01:26 [Preview] No.2965 del

No, mine get leaf curl, fungicide works but not worth it because a healthy tree outgrows the curl quickly. They also don't rot here. The tree was so elderly it nearly couldn't outgrow the curl until way after the peaches fell. It didn't have much canopy anymore. I remember years ago when I planted it she had canopy so thick I couldn't see the sky through it.

Two babies will be planted in a new location and in two years we'll have new peaches. In four we'll have more than we know what to do with.

Pulling out the 10" tree with my Bear hands counts as pull day. I also dug the new hole for the pomegranates which will be planted next to where the peach was. Here's the issue, I don't know how much longer I'll be living here anymore because my city allows up to 10 units on my plot so fuck, do you know how much fucking money I could make if I remodeled it into a slum? Shit like even if I did 4 it would make as much as one of my jobs. Shit is ponderous man.

https://youtube.com/watch?v=MYcqToQzzGY [Embed]

Look, it gets more complicated. My business partner comes from money. I already rung out my family for all they got. She is about my age but her mother is like 70, like she only ever knew her mother as old. Anyway, when the old bag dies, my business partner wants to move to an even better neighborhood than this one. This one isn't bad but it will be after everyone turns their single families into 4-10 unit slums. She lives down the street, totally serious. Anyway she's going to take her family home with her sister and turn it into a rental with 6+ units like another neighbor did down the block. She's then going in with her sister on a posh place in the *good area* delux shit. So fuck, I'll be stuck here with the plebs? Fuuuck you, kinda raw about that at first but wait, there's more. So now she's got an in with a general contractor who would do both our places at zero cost, mutha fucking what?

But that's not gonna happen for at least 5-6 years, so there's time to think about it but also I have to mention her sister is also my fwend and is one of the crew who duped me into going on that 27 mile walk bs last spring. Not my type, but cute.

So damn. I like my place but it's smol. The neighborhood is quiet and clean. Idk. Imagine the property tax on the new place, it's fucking rediculous.

So then bestie's mom is all "we should buy a huge place together and live like celebrities."

In the "good area" there are huge mansions and shit but they aren't cheap obviously. But listen, all four fucking fwends want in on this idea. They each would only have to pay 1/5, they all make enough to do that. I could always bail and live back here with the plebs and own 1/5 and only pay my share of mortgage with rights to live there. Bestie would be 14+ by then.

Idk, kinda don't like ppl in my house. They're all super stable ppl tho. Don't wanna be left out either and without them down the street I would have to commute more. Do I even have a choice?

Alice 01/06/2024 (Sat) 12:46 [Preview] No.2966 del
It's pretty much the same here. Host diary on .network is years of complaining about the place we live in, yet we utterly failed to get something better in 10 years and have pretty much given up. The place is great, the area was nice but is getting sandniggerfied like any European city. Whoever inherits a single house mostly sells it and lives in luxury, and investors put the same 4-10 unit concrete commieblocks for 10K per square meter on the plots of land.

It's ridiculous. A friend of host bought an apartment for half a million, without tax. It's a tiny apartment with shitty view, a tiny balcony and all around concrete, noisy as hell.
You want to buy an average house for one family?
In Munich?
In a good area?
Lol, you better put some 7figure sum on the table. Mortgage? Forget it, new EU rules mean you need a lot of cash, some extremely well-paid job and with current interest rate you cannot possibly pay this off in your lifetime, even as an upper middle class couple.

But wait, you could buy an old house, right? It's much cheaper.
*government official knocks on your door*
Sir, you have one year to renovate your house to modern energy saving standards and install a heat pump bc your oil heating is illegal, your wood stove is illegal, gas is also illegal and basically you better tear down the house and build a new one for twice the sum you bought the old one.

We're so fucked.
So yeah, we're stuck with this rented place as long as our old landlady lives but if she dies, whoever owns the place then will raise our ridiculous rent to a point we can't and won't pay anymore. No idea what then. Host needs university facilities so we can't move to the countryside or better yet some remote island. I've already thought about gtfo to Madeira or the Azores and live a simple life as whatever. But we have no useful craftsman skills and also these people speak Portuguese.
Portuguese man, I can't listen to this shit for a minute, sounds like Polish.

Ah sorry for the rant.
The idea of you guys moving together sounds cool. If you get along this could be glorious. I hate how everyone here is living alone and this is so tedious. You gain such awesome synergy effects by having several people working together. But I admit it's difficult. I don't get along with most people and there's also legal troubles. Imagine 5 people own a house. Any repair or modification has to be agreed on and the costs split. And what happens if one wants to leave or can't pay their share anymore. Human stuff man.

Maybe we'll move together with one or 2 host relatives (female, older) one day. They have a large house in the countryside that would have space for host (I don't need any, how cool is that?). But what to do there and do we really have these people around all day every day? Everyone should be entitled to a number of posh residences surrounded by land. The sad thing is we could easily have achieved this. But fucked up somewhere along the way. I did. How could this happen...

Bear 01/06/2024 (Sat) 13:29 [Preview] No.2967 del

Sorry about the shit country you live in.

>Imagine 5 people own a house. Any repair or modification has to be agreed on and the costs split. And what happens if one wants to leave or can't pay their share anymore. Human stuff man.

1. These fwends talk shit all day. I was mostly dreaming in the last post.
2. Though we would easily get along because we're like family, the chances we'd all live in one house is very very low to nil.
3. Someone has to die, two people actually, but their father is in pretty bad shape so him dying in 5 years is almost a given, however their mother is healthier then the elder daughter so she'll live 15 more years easy.
4. Beatie's mom is a dreamer
5. One of our friends is on the fence
6. The mother said she won't leave her home or modify it.
7. Next thing, I'm the handiman, mechanic, gardener, cleaner, chauffeur, etc. I have the abilities of a craftsman, the skill of a master, my "projects" have always turned out perfect. It's like a superpower. I have done amazing things the first time better than an artisan though it may take me longer. I have the knack. I wouldn't trist most of anything to anyone else for many reasons.
8. I am not a Bear, I'm a squirrel. I make a lot and spend as little as possible so I can squirrel away everything. It pains me to spend money. I have, however, a very expensive location and I would love to move to Montana and effectively live at 1/5th the cost for more, but these fwends wouldn't allow it. I'm a caged animal. If someone couldn't pay, guess who would pay? My bleeding heart business partner and I.
9. My business has a chain around my neck, they literally can't do it without me and I can't do it remotely.
10. I don't care anymore. If I have a comfortable chair, a proper bed, and enough food, I'm obedient.

Bear 01/07/2024 (Sun) 00:57 [Preview] No.2970 del

Ugh, friggen tree. I had it in a half wine barrel, about 18" tall worth and just massive so that it barely fits through the door and i had to dolly that monster from the front to the back, wrap the tree so I didn't just snap off all the branches, get it to the back, extract it from the pot, dump it over, pull it out, maneuver it to the middle of the hole and level it, fill the rest of the hole with 4 wheelbarrows of mix, then dirt, compacting it, then bark, and I'm dead. I was already dead from yesterday. Now double dead. I couldn't have done this at the end of summer alone. I definitely used every ounce of new growth strength. Even my abs are tired somehow, everything. But its done. New trees in the ground.

Should look like this in a couple years.

Bear 01/07/2024 (Sun) 01:06 [Preview] No.2971 del

Also Alice, you can't grow these things like peaches and pomegranates because you're friggen above 50 deg latitude. That's like Canada, you're in boreal forest territory, nearly tundra. You would need hardy peach stock and if it ever gets below -23C you need to uproot the tree and bury it, I'm not kidding, they do crap like that in places.

"in the colder climates of the north need to have winter protection so whether your tree hibernated buried in a trench, spent the winter in its own little cabin or stood stoically, bundled in blankets and plastic"

In the north, they sometimes just spray or paint the bark in a protective rubber.

Alice 01/07/2024 (Sun) 01:33 [Preview] No.2972 del
(458.59 KB 600x540 scrat.png)
Based squirrelbear. I hate wasting money as well. And yeah, host is the same, he's super useful because he can do almost anything or learn it in no time so he gets exploited the fuck out by everyone. And has to pay for it on top of that. So no, asode from family we'd never start living together with others. I don't trust these human-things, not even host's childhood friends. They're all crazy and not in a good way. So cherish having the opportunity of living together with some nice girls, dream or not.

Alice 01/07/2024 (Sun) 02:00 [Preview] No.2973 del
(594.47 KB 788x1024 Eriobotrya_japonica.png)
(152.99 KB 1024x681 Musa_basjoo.jpg)
Why did you have such huge tree potted to begin with? We have some big plants as well but they need to stay movable so they can be carried inside for the winter.

But Mr. Bear, we have this neat thing called gulf stream. And inside a city. USDA zone 7b. It rarely ever gets below -10°C, we can easily grow peaches, almonds, apricots. The problem for peaches is the cool moisture in early spring that makes Taphrinia leaf curl grow.

Neighbors here have Loquats and that hardy banana (Musa basjoo). They survive but bear no fruit.

Citrus doesn't work, they need to go inside. Our lemon will flower soon.

I'm still hoping for climate change but those Siberian cold spells like the one coming now will always be a problem.

Alice 01/08/2024 (Mon) 13:45 [Preview] No.2978 del
Damn you, it's broken already!
Max temperature tomorrow: -5°C
Will not go above freezing all week.

Bear 01/09/2024 (Tue) 04:19 [Preview] No.2985 del

https://youtube.com/watch?v=X0XiMOL6Y5c [Embed]

Bear 01/09/2024 (Tue) 19:56 [Preview] No.2986 del

Well at least you'll be "warming proof".

Alice 01/09/2024 (Tue) 20:12 [Preview] No.2987 del
(19.63 MB 1280x720 Wakanda.webm)
(26.16 KB 750x600 Nigger.jpg)
The one with the nigger is even better

Tamamo 01/10/2024 (Wed) 10:48 [Preview] No.2992 del
Wow it's really cold in Europe right now. Is Kashtan still alive? And don't let your cats end up like this!

Haha, old cartoons were so ridiculous. But they had soul.

Anonymous 01/10/2024 (Wed) 22:35 [Preview] No.2996 del
(63.81 KB 1280x720 what-wtf01660349119.jpg)

"460,000 children go missing from the United States every year"

Honestly I'm not surprised

Bear 01/10/2024 (Wed) 22:36 [Preview] No.2997 del

Forgot mah name again

Alice 01/10/2024 (Wed) 22:49 [Preview] No.2998 del
Saw it on /int/, reality truly is the greatest satire.
>hear faint Hebrew noises under floor
>call exterminator
>'Sorry Sir, bad news. You have Jews under your house, there's tunnels everywhere!'
>exterminator gasses tunnels but a few still make it out, skittering around in daylight like roaches

But seriously, that's an impressive tunnel system. The hell were they doing down there in those white-tiled rooms?

Anonymous 01/10/2024 (Wed) 23:57 [Preview] No.2999 del
(41.01 KB 640x480 still alive.jpg)
jew things

>Wow it's really cold in Europe right now. Is Kashtan still alive?
sadly yes
was fucking freezing on monday morning -22c but cold wave has passed. now only around 0c

Alice 01/11/2024 (Thu) 22:29 [Preview] No.3006 del
(56.36 KB 700x700 Dinosaur feeder.jpg)
(58.08 KB 1000x666 Erithacus rubecula.jpg)
(143.57 KB 1280x914 Pyrrhula pyrrhula.jpg)
Whoa, that's cold.
We made special fatty food blocks for dinosaurs so they don't freeze to death. It's easily made by pouring bird seed, nuts and berries in molten margarine. Using beef tallow would be better because it's harder and has a higher melting point but most supermarkets don't carry tallow or lard anymore or only as gourmet stuff that costs at least 3 times as much a margarine. Dinosaurs don't care and unless it gets too warm and melts.

We got a lot of robins this year, I like them. There's hardly a more popular dinosaur than robins. It's the ladybug of dinoaurs.

Also we saw a flock of bullfinches in the park, only saw them once before when I was young. Maybe 5 years ago. They're super rare. Disrespectfully called parish priest in German because it's chubby, has a red cloak an black cap.

Bear and Ashley 01/11/2024 (Thu) 22:44 [Preview] No.3007 del
(521.29 KB 400x275 giphy (6).gif)

>sausage bad

>gave birds margarine

Alice 01/11/2024 (Thu) 22:51 [Preview] No.3008 del
Hey, I saved at least 3 bucks this way!

Ashley 01/12/2024 (Fri) 00:12 [Preview] No.3012 del

News just in: hundreds of colorful dinosaurs dead today in Germany from heart disease. Global warming blamed. Energy rationing will begin shortly.

Anonymous 01/12/2024 (Fri) 01:13 [Preview] No.3014 del
Alice is just fattening up the birds for the cats

>Disrespectfully called parish priest in German because it's chubby, has a red cloak an black cap.

Bear 01/12/2024 (Fri) 18:12 [Preview] No.3016 del
Crazy bright flash last night lasting half a second on all 8 of my security cameras at the same time. They don't point at the sky but I would bet we had a fireball meteor. It was bright enough for all of them to switch to color then back to night vision.

Alice 01/12/2024 (Fri) 19:33 [Preview] No.3017 del
(22.85 KB 500x200 space.jpg)
Maybe a late Quadrantid?

Or aliens. Don't get abducted, shoot them first! Has nobody else seen it? Nothing in the news?
No reports here, maybe some will come later?

>8 of my security cameras

Bear 01/12/2024 (Fri) 21:50 [Preview] No.3019 del

I could only do 8 with this CC DVR. Would have done 16 more if I could.


Yeah, they live in the canyons and like to steal bicycles.


I got my safe, put the gap in and slid the hammer a couple times and accidentally caught my finger in the breach, fucking thing bit me. No blood but there's a blister there now bullshit.

Got the hollows in 2 clips 10 ea bc califuckia, ready to pull, slip one in and rat-tat-tat one of those alien intruders. Not fucking going to probe me with that gay finger, ET, you fucking interstellar faggot. Gonna have some alien burgers outta them.

Anonymous 01/12/2024 (Fri) 22:44 [Preview] No.3023 del
>I got my safe, put the gap in and slid the hammer a couple times and accidentally caught my finger in the breach, fucking thing bit me. No blood but there's a blister there now bullshit.
thats why you need to practice man you gotta be able to open safe, pick up gun and mag and load under stress, maybe in total dark. without fucking up like that.
some idiot here accidentally discharged into the safe while grabbing his gun. got fucking shrapnel everywhere, hearing damage, lucky hes not blind. and his gun license is now gone

Tamamo 01/16/2024 (Tue) 11:21 [Preview] No.3052 del
Taiwan elections turned out nicely, CCP mad.

Yakumo 01/16/2024 (Tue) 22:49 [Preview] No.3059 del
Yes there's still hope.
China has tons of domestic problems, I doubt they have the capacity to invade Taiwan anytime soon. They're not as dumb as the Russians and won't start a war unless they're sure they'll win. CCP has always hoped they could turn around Taiwan so they'd seek 'reunifiction' on their own or at least don't resist but turns out Taiwanese don't want to live in a totalitarian and increasingly aggressive dictatorship. What surprise! Well, we will see where this goes, right now I'm more worried about waning Western support for Ukraine and pro-Russia retards in EU.

Alice 01/17/2024 (Wed) 22:17 [Preview] No.3070 del
(1.05 MB 1280x720 Cat tail.webm)
Cat isn't sleeping on but behind the laptop this time which aint much better. Tail is sweeping across the screen like a windshield wiper every few seconds.

Tamamo 01/18/2024 (Thu) 11:22 [Preview] No.3074 del
Hahaha yeah I can imagine. At least my cat doesn't break computers and Cat can't be in the way

Alice 01/20/2024 (Sat) 20:31 [Preview] No.3096 del
(34.14 KB 449x750 cat-in-fridge.jpg)
Cat is in fridge again stealing food

Bear 01/20/2024 (Sat) 23:39 [Preview] No.3097 del

Looks like the litterbox is in the fridge.

Keep that poop fresh. Only trouble is getting a cat that can open the refrigerator.

Alice 01/21/2024 (Sun) 13:16 [Preview] No.3101 del
(64.28 KB 912x1140 cat claws.jpeg)
>Only trouble is getting a cat that can open the refrigerator.
Good joke. Cat #1 can actually open the refrigerator. That's the problem here. They are surprisingly strong and a paw with extended claws makes a pretty good crowbar. Mostly he doesnt pull at the right spot so it doesn't work but sometimes he manages to open and raid the fridge. No prisoners are taken. We need to hide everything that looks even remotely edible or otherwise interesting.

>Yeah, they live in the canyons and like to steal bicycles.
I think the bright light probably indeed was brown aliens. Still no reports of any meteor sighting in your area at that time. You'd think someone would report a fireball bright enough to light up the night, it would have been seen over a huge area.

Anonymous 01/22/2024 (Mon) 20:45 [Preview] No.3108 del
your cats are crazy man
my parents had a dog that could open all doors with paws

Anonymous 01/22/2024 (Mon) 20:47 [Preview] No.3109 del
unrelated, what to use as dns server in grapheneos?

Tamamo 01/23/2024 (Tue) 12:38 [Preview] No.3113 del
(27.29 KB 500x500 cat in paperbag.jpeg)
I'm glad my cat doesn't do that. Spent the entire evening playing in a paper bag.

Anonymous 01/24/2024 (Wed) 23:43 [Preview] No.3119 del
oi Tamamo is Alice gone already or what

Bear 01/25/2024 (Thu) 00:17 [Preview] No.3121 del

The traitor posted on .info today

Alice 01/25/2024 (Thu) 20:33 [Preview] No.3124 del
So needy!

Traveling is exhausting, finally settled down a bit. Sorry, wanted to post here yesterday too but fell asleep. You'll have to live with rare Alice for the next weeks though. You're big guys!

>what to use as dns server in grapheneos?
Use Mullvad's DNS servers, they come with or without ad/malware filtering.

Tamamo 01/28/2024 (Sun) 08:51 [Preview] No.3131 del
Have fun where ever you are!

Anonymous 01/31/2024 (Wed) 21:43 [Preview] No.3144 del
>Use Mullvad's DNS servers, they come with or without ad/malware filtering.
thx this works
where are you and what are you doing? gibe photos!

Alice 02/02/2024 (Fri) 00:08 [Preview] No.3148 del
(337.51 KB 2000x1600 Orion.jpg)
(337.80 KB 1600x2000 Canopus.jpg)
(207.03 KB 2000x1600 Orion _belt.jpg)
We're further south but still above the equator. Can't tell you exactly what we're doing, it's not overly spectacular.

We don't have great nature photos 4u yet but have some stars, specifically Orion.

In the first pic we see Orion in the lower middle with its nebula as the brightest spot. The two bright stars on the left side are Procyon on top and Sirius (the brightest star in the sky) in the lower left corner- The bright star in the middle right is Aldebaran.

The 2nd pic is the same but towards the south. The bright star on the lower edge is Canopus, the 2nd brightest star in the sky. It is invisible from Europe. Mr. Bear should bearly be far enough south to see it (can you?), Tamamo ofc but Kashtan and me can never see this star from home, it doesn't rise above the horizon further north than Gibraltar or San Francisco. The Greek astronomer Posidonius observed that Canopus just grazed the horizon in his home island Rhodes while it rose several degrees above the horizon in Alexandria, Egypt. From this he managed to calculate the earth's circumference with high precision around 100 BC but many argue it was just a lucky guess.

The 3rd image is a close-up of Orion's belt with the famous 3 stars Alnitak. Alnilam and Mintaka. The even more famous Orion nebula M42 is the bright spot below them.

In the upper right corner is Orion's left shoulder Bellatrix, the bright star in the lower left corner is Orion's right foot, Saiph. Unfortunately the two brightest of Orion's stars Betelgeuse and Rigel are just outside the frame.

There, you learned something again!

Tamamo 02/02/2024 (Fri) 08:26 [Preview] No.3150 del
Hey cool, that's a lot of stars!
At first it was just noise but then you see the constellations. I know some but forget their names.
Yeah I can easily see that bright star south of Orion, didn't ever think about visibility from Europe but it makes sense. Can you even see all of Orion and Sirius?

Anonymous 02/03/2024 (Sat) 20:49 [Preview] No.3154 del
dude i live in northern europe but not the fucking north pole i can see orion and sirius but its low on the horizon. cool pic Alice how did you take them?

>The Greek astronomer Posidonius observed that Canopus just grazed the horizon in his home island Rhodes while it rose several degrees above the horizon in Alexandria, Egypt. From this he managed to calculate the earth's circumference with high precision around 100 BC but many argue it was just a lucky guess.
lmao i looked it up on wikipedia so the guy got both angle of the star and distance rhodes alexandria wrong but still magically came up with almost exactly the right circumference of the earth

Alice 02/03/2024 (Sat) 22:54 [Preview] No.3157 del
(633.90 KB 2000x1600 Crab carapace.jpg)
(158.28 KB 1600x2000 Gecko.jpg)
(795.23 KB 1600x2000 Forest1.jpg)
(790.16 KB 1600x2000 Forest2.jpg)
>Alice how did you take them?
with our phone

The rock crabs have resisted being photographed so far, they're shy and live in the splash zone, both not exactly helpful. You have to live with a moulted shell for now.

There are also a lot of house geckos like in every warm climate. This one grew a new tail. And 2 pics, not from Jurassic Park but a Tertiary relic forest. Quite impressive but if you paid attention to my VPT exercise, I'm actually not too fond of those forests. They're dark, moist, cool and absolutely nothing flowers in there. I'm a child of the sun so I chased host out of there after a while.

Alice 02/03/2024 (Sat) 23:01 [Preview] No.3158 del
(185.76 KB 1280x853 Trumpetfish.jpg)
Oh yeah. I saw a trumpetfish today, that was awesome! It was about half a meter long. Not my picture though because we don't have a working underwater cam at the moment. Visibility wasn't great anyway. Water's generally pretty turbid. Lots of waves too, not ideal for diving.

Tamamo 02/04/2024 (Sun) 08:37 [Preview] No.3159 del
(20.53 KB 474x316 th-3119935192.jpg)
Cool, never seen a trumpetfish. Are there corals? How big are the crabs? Yeah we have those geckos everywhere too but also the big Tokays. Not in my home though, probably too high up. They can make a lot of noise too but they eat pests so they're actually useful.

Bear 02/05/2024 (Mon) 04:21 [Preview] No.3161 del
https://youtube.com/watch?v=wZJkZymKcJI [Embed]

This... I'm speechless. Beautiful.

Anonymous 02/05/2024 (Mon) 21:37 [Preview] No.3169 del
are you serial? the stars ere taken with the pixel?

how can you sleep with those things in your room staring down at you from ceiling? im glad i dont live in the tropics everything is full of crazy animals

Bear 02/06/2024 (Tue) 04:12 [Preview] No.3171 del
This is the best timeline:

https://youtube.com/watch?v=tQO-AfKG4bk [Embed]

Tamamo 02/06/2024 (Tue) 08:33 [Preview] No.3172 del
It's not that bac in a civilized country. i got no Geckos but ants and sometimes a roach. Can't leave windows open because of the moisture so not much comes inside. You got mice too, right?

Just why

Anonymous 02/06/2024 (Tue) 22:19 [Preview] No.3174 del
never had a mouse in my or my parents apartment in my life, this doenst really happen in cities only in countryside. a few mosquitos in summer and maybe fly or wasp but thats it, not like you got half of nature in your room of you dont seal doors and windows and everything decays or is eaten by pests. nothx

Bear 02/07/2024 (Wed) 04:27 [Preview] No.3176 del
>never had a mouse in my

I had a mouse in my car once. Then again I was living in my car. I was freaked out because those buggers like to eat wires. Luckily he was just passing through.

That night I slept in a bush, I couldn't sleep in my car until I could clean it out in the morning.

WAs a pretty awful 2 months, luckily it wasn't too hot, and I got a place to live that fall before school started again.

Anonymous 02/07/2024 (Wed) 20:41 [Preview] No.3179 del
>live in car
>sleep in bush
>while at school age
american life

where Alice?
i dont care if youre on holiday, post something entertaining!

Ashley 02/08/2024 (Thu) 02:03 [Preview] No.3182 del

>I dont care if youre on holiday, post something entertaining!

We're preparing the sacrifice for the demon summoning.

Tamamo 02/08/2024 (Thu) 07:49 [Preview] No.3184 del
Ah that sucks! Get well soon, at least a new scenario for Autumn

Alice 02/09/2024 (Fri) 00:54 [Preview] No.3193 del
(176.15 KB 2000x1600 Sunset.jpg)
(451.83 KB 2000x1600 Milky way.jpg)
>where Alice?
>i dont care if youre on holiday, post something entertaining!
Sheesh, I'm here, I'm here! How about you post something entertaining for a change?
Managed to get some better crab pics, will post them next time. Have a sunset above the sea and more stars of the Milky way's Orion arm instead. Pleiades at the top right, Hyades with the orange Aldebaran middle right and Orion boottom right with the red Betelgeuse in the lower middle and Rigel in tke lower right corner. The bright star in the top left corner is Capella.

You know what's weird?
It's not just that there are no planes in the sky here, ever, there are also no satellites. In Germany the sky's full of them, starlinks cross the sky every minute, but here is nothing. Host stared at the stars for half an hour, we saw two shooting stars but not a single artificial satellite. How's that possible?

>Demon resurrection party canceled
Again? What happened to Mr. 'I'm never ever sick' Bear? I can't remember when the body last had a serious fever. Not as long as I'm around which is almost 10 years.

Tamamo 02/09/2024 (Fri) 09:23 [Preview] No.3196 del
Hm, maybe something about angle of the sun that prevents satellites from reflecting light to where you are? If gps works there are sstellites, you just don't see them. I don't know about starlink orbits though.

Bear 02/10/2024 (Sat) 04:47 [Preview] No.3197 del
>Again? What happened to Mr. 'I'm never ever sick' Bear? I can't remember when the body last had a serious fever. Not as long as I'm around which is almost 10 years.

Okay, so not everyone can live the life of a shut-in recluse. Also, I'm surrounded by the heathen hoards of dirty Americans, barely lucid enough to not to throw their poop around, but not lucid enough to wash their hands or not pick their nose in public. Bonus if they don't eat it. These drugged out, obese, savages need a good culling. They spread disease better than pigs and chickens living together.

Now, you spend one holiday here and see that you don't get norovirus and then see if you can be spewing out both ends and 24 hours later basically fine.

Good luck with that 120lb frame there chicky when you don't eat for 5 days.

This was more of a colon cleanse than a disease for me. I had no other symptoms other than fever, vomit and shooting water.

Alice 02/10/2024 (Sat) 21:42 [Preview] No.3203 del
We're in a 3rd world country right now where just looking at food can get you diarrhea. Problems weren't. Body had the same symptoms like you in summer if you remember, felt sick for almost 2 days, first time in years. But like in your case it was over quickly.

Alice 02/10/2024 (Sat) 22:17 [Preview] No.3204 del
(54.65 KB 600x657 crap flavor.jpg)
(210.71 KB 1000x800 crab_1.jpg)
(226.03 KB 1000x800 crab_2.jpg)
(179.41 KB 1000x800 crab_3.jpg)
More crap pics as promised, can't do it any better. They run and hide under rocks if you get too close. They can also jump about half a meter which looks weird. The biggest ones are about 30cm with legs.

Anonymous 02/11/2024 (Sun) 08:57 [Preview] No.3206 del
>Crap flavor
Where can I buy this?

Alice 02/12/2024 (Mon) 00:02 [Preview] No.3210 del
(230.28 KB 1440x650 Squatina squatina.jpeg)
Ask your trusted chink food dealer.

I saw an angel shark today!
It was about 1.5m long and hovered along the seafloor while we were snorkeling above. They're rare and peaceful. Visibility was quite bad but we could follow it for about half a minute before it disappeared into deeper water. Very cool!
As said no underwater camera so this is a generic pic but it's much better than what I saw anyway.

Anonymous 02/13/2024 (Tue) 22:09 [Preview] No.3216 del
fucking cool ive never seen any shark but not sure i need to. post some timestamp shit so we know you're not making all of this up in wonderland

Alice 02/16/2024 (Fri) 00:21 [Preview] No.3225 del
Yesterday saw barracudas, another trumpetfish and some sort of pufferfish.

Anonymous 02/16/2024 (Fri) 20:24 [Preview] No.3230 del
(29.43 KB 561x561 navalny heart.jpg)
fuckers killed Navalny today

Yakumo 02/16/2024 (Fri) 21:30 [Preview] No.3231 del
Yes, even we in our far-off exile noticed. Unexpectedly died on a walk, coincidentally on the day of the Munich Security Conference where Russsian aggression is the main topic. Many such cases.

Navalny was based but crazy. Why did he return to Russia? I always knew he'd never get out of prison alive. He died a slow and pointless death.

RIP Sweet Prince, can you post his anti-muslim pro-gun video to honor him? Can't bother to search for it here, internet is fragile.

Anonymous 02/16/2024 (Fri) 22:05 [Preview] No.3232 del
Navalny was a homophobic racist and one of the few roosters i respect. he died for what he believed in. yes returning to russia after he was poisoned was crazy but he had the balls to confront putins system head on.

Yakumo 02/16/2024 (Fri) 23:16 [Preview] No.3233 del
My personal favorite is when he phones the FSB agents that poisoned him pretending to work for the Russian security council, asks why the mission to kill Navalny had failed and the chemical weapons specialist guy spills everything. I wonder if FSB killed him for this, he allegedly 'disappeared' shortly after that phone call.
https://youtube.com/watch?v=gwvA49ZXnf8 [Embed]

Tamamo 02/17/2024 (Sat) 09:33 [Preview] No.3237 del
Didn't really know the guy, what does his death mean for politics now?

Yakumo 02/17/2024 (Sat) 20:01 [Preview] No.3240 del
Nothing will happen. There is no more opposition in Russia that could start a movement and Putin's reputation in the west is ruined anyway. So sadly nothing will change.

Anonymous 02/17/2024 (Sat) 23:45 [Preview] No.3245 del
this. doesnt matter if he was in prison or dead. i have no hope for russia even if putler dies or is removed the entire system is fucked.

Anonymous 02/19/2024 (Mon) 19:07 [Preview] No.3251 del
when will Alice return?

btw i sent mullvad monyz and got nothing have i been scammed by the swedes?

Alice 02/19/2024 (Mon) 21:49 [Preview] No.3253 del
We'll return on Feb 25th. You'll survive until then, you're a Big Guy!

>i sent mullvad monyz and got nothing have i been scammed by the swedes?
How long ago? This can take forever, had to wait almost 3 weeks last time until the account was activated.

Bear 02/20/2024 (Tue) 19:50 [Preview] No.3258 del
(2.00 MB 347x295 1o8m2d409ld91.gif)
Okay this just happened. I was in a parking lot and I walked between this like generator thing and a temporary office wall because they're doing major construction on this property. So I was literally between these two large things right? Heavy things: one that was on a trailer and the other was like a mobile home. So it took a good ten-twenty seconds to walk between them because they were big and I was looking at the generator because I like heavy machinery and so on. So anyway I get past them about 5 paces and a truck backs into the generator at a good 10-15 mph and the generator crashes against the mobil home thing. I'm looking at where I was just standing and if I was still there I would have been crushed. It was so fast there wouldn't have been time to react.

I just start laughing and move on, but holy shit that would have sucked.

FYI I don't know anything about the accident nor if anyone else was involved, here we don't get involved unless we're like the only witness or if there are major injuries. The Hispanic gentleman was shaking but he was well enough to step down from his box truck to see the damage. Likely there was no major damage other than a bent rear tailgate lift and a sad generator trailer. Not my concern, just keep going.

Alice 02/20/2024 (Tue) 20:38 [Preview] No.3259 del
(433.10 KB 1115x1600 Truck of peace princess.jpg)
Damn, you can't get isekai'd (yet), we need you here!!

>Hispanic gentleman
Sure it wasn't a princess from another world?

I've seen about 8 dead people in my 10yo life, most from traffic accidents. They seem to be following me.

Bear 02/20/2024 (Tue) 20:48 [Preview] No.3260 del
>you can't get isekai'd (yet)

This *is* my isekai life, what are you talking about.

Alice 02/20/2024 (Tue) 21:15 [Preview] No.3261 del
Yes, that's why the princess came to take you home. By killing you with a truck.

Alice 02/20/2024 (Tue) 21:39 [Preview] No.3262 del
(796.80 KB 2000x1600 20240220_170331.jpg)
(861.63 KB 2000x1600 20240220_170413.jpg)
(345.68 KB 1000x800 20240220_170829.jpg)
Hadn't seen any jellyfish until today, there were several beached
Portuguese man o' wars. Yes, yes, they're actually colonial hydrozoans. Those were quite small, about 10-15 cm long. You still don't wanna get grazed by their tentacles.

SheShe 02/20/2024 (Tue) 21:49 [Preview] No.3263 del

No extraterrestrial princesses are currently authorized to take Bear.

[Bear] I asked SheShe "where were you [my guardian angel) when I almost died?"

She says, "I was napping."

We had some purple jellyfish a few years ago and I was in the water at the time bodyboarding and saw one and noped out of there. Things were a good 18 inches in diameter. Didn't want to find out how faceplanting into one felt.

Alice 02/20/2024 (Tue) 22:45 [Preview] No.3264 del
>I asked SheShe "where were you [my guardian angel) when I almost died?"
Well she clearly was by your side, otherwise you wouldn't be here anymore. So she did her job well.

Bear 02/20/2024 (Tue) 23:04 [Preview] No.3265 del

SheShe is really good at what she does, and what that is I don't have the slightest idea. She also has a dry wit so I have to be very careful how I take what she says because she could be saying it sarcastically.

So you're probably right, especially since she had that wry smile on her face before and during the statement. She's on another level, I'm just a simple Bear. There's no understanding her.

Yeah then my other headmates say, "duh, it was obvious." (Ashley) and if I was a more sensitive Bear I might just feel bad. Okay so now Misha is feeling bad for me. Even though this was a hypothetical statement.

This brain is clearly a circus.

Tamamo 02/21/2024 (Wed) 11:00 [Preview] No.3266 del
Wow, that was close!
Really makes you think how fragile we are. One slight mistake and it's over. I'm glad nothing this sort has ever happened to me, at least I didn't realize it. Maybe it has and I just didn't notice.

Tamamo 02/21/2024 (Wed) 11:08 [Preview] No.3267 del
(44.83 KB 216x216 Mangrove jellyfish.jpg)
(36.05 KB 216x216 Ribbon jellyfish.jpg)
(21.79 KB 216x216 Purple jellyfish.JPG)
Oh cool!
I find Jellyfish interesting as long as they don't sting me. There are mass strandings of man o wars reported every now and then but I don't think I've ever seen one. They're actually dangerous!

We have a lot of different jellyfish, the mangrove jellyfish are harmless and don't sting but the ribbon jellyfish are said to hurt like hell. Never directly been stung but it's enough to get in contact with some ripped off tentacle while in the water. Looks like you've been whipped. There are also big purple ones up to half a meter big but I only know them from pictures. Did the ones you saw look like this, Bear?

Bear 02/21/2024 (Wed) 17:01 [Preview] No.3269 del

Yes the purple jellyfish. They're rare but they do occasionally swarm every few years or so. They're also called blue and moon but those are probably all different species. Sometimes they're huge.

Some definitely can sting and leave nasty scars.

Anonymous 02/21/2024 (Wed) 21:23 [Preview] No.3270 del
(195.71 KB 450x182 1658676845568383.webm)
>narrowly escaped death in truck accident
did you really shrug it off or did realizations come later?

>I've seen about 8 dead people in my 10yo life, most from traffic accidents
how the fucks that possible on the germony? here people drive like pigs and ive never seen any injured or even dead people. just wrecked cars.

that colonial jellyfish thing looks weird like some plastic garbage. looked it up, tentacles can get fucking 50m long??

i sent the money 2 weeks ago cant take that long to sweden but i'll wait til next week b4 i coomplain

>you're a Big Guy!

Anonymous 02/21/2024 (Wed) 21:41 [Preview] No.3271 del
(802.32 KB 2560x1443 Benelli-M4.jpg)
i did a 3gun competition this weekend, was really fun but overwhelming i'm not too good wit hall the rules. not as bad as ipsc but still my mind was overloaded. made one mistake forgot gag change whe required but it went pretty well. did it twice second try was much better. hit about 2/3 of targets. i got to borrow a benelli m4 awesome thing. but too expensive for me. im saving up for something different.

Bear 02/22/2024 (Thu) 03:12 [Preview] No.3274 del
(761.96 KB 720x540 Image1.png)
>did you really shrug it off

You don't know my other stories, like getting shot at by my drugged out brother or being poisoned by him, or choked out by my sister, or getting nearly electrocuted, you can't fucking kill me that easily lol. Or that time I almost drove off a cliff in the Yukon territory 100km from anywhere, or nearly slipped off the roof of a 5 story building, or drove through a forest fire and saw the flames licking the windshield, or nearly caught by rednecks in the middle of nowhere or by gang members in NYC, or taken out by a mama black bear with cubs on a hike or fought off a pit bull in the ghetto.

This is nothing of consequence. Heck I wanted to finish the job myself more than twice so FUCK YOU DEATH, COME AT ME BRUH! I'll out live my enemies, the world owes it to me. There's only one left and he's 10 years older and obease. I'll spit in death's bony eyehole and call him a punk for not coming sooner, fucking lazy bitch. No, he's gotta come so I can make that fucker take me and do his fucking job. Ain't gunna do it for him now mfer.

It feels good to not give a fuck if I live or die, all you suckers can lament my passing and I'll drink your crocodile tears.

Tamamo 02/22/2024 (Thu) 09:47 [Preview] No.3275 del
Average life in America

Bear 02/22/2024 (Thu) 11:45 [Preview] No.3276 del

Yeah and I grew up in a "good" neighborhood. The homes there now sell for around $3M for 260m2 4br 3ba, 750m2 plot with a reasonable view. That's the house I grew up in.

Drugs, alcohol and cancer ruined everything. Luckily I didn't follow that path.

Alice 02/22/2024 (Thu) 21:56 [Preview] No.3277 del
Yeah, the M4 is a beast but too expensive for the few chances to use it. Shotgun competiitions are rare to nonexistent here, have to go to Eastern Europe for that. We have 4 planned for this year.

>It feels good to not give a fuck if I live or die

Bear 02/23/2024 (Fri) 00:23 [Preview] No.3281 del

>3x10 lunges

I better suck it up and do 3x20 then before you catch up with that skeletal frame. I'm still at 14.464 stones but my legs are equally beefy so fuck my life if I can't do 3x20.

I'm going for it.

Also no one did 5min planks so I guess I'll never have to do 10min.

https://youtube.com/watch?v=wrwwXE_x-pQ [Embed]

Anonymous 02/24/2024 (Sat) 22:52 [Preview] No.3289 del
on this day exactly 2 years ago russia invaded ukraine. and after 2 years i must say i am disappoint by eu and us. ukraine will lose if things go on like this. yeah who cares? and we'll be next. who cares? will nato start ww3 with russia over my insignificant contry? no. who cares about article 5? they still think they can make some (((peace deal))) with putin and keep up business as usual. fucking cowards. what a disgrace!

but you know whats worse? not in russia, not in some 3rd world shithole countries, right in eu and us a lot of people openly support russia. against the civilization they live in. how dumb can you be? how can you believe those lies? never would i have imagined that russian propaganda was this effective. all the crazy conspiracy shit to divide the west, especially in america. honestly i hate those people even more than russians themselves. and no matter what happens, i won't forget. we will never forget what the russians did. and we also won't forget their fanboys.

Bear 02/25/2024 (Sun) 02:52 [Preview] No.3290 del

I've known a lot of Russians and some were family (Grandmother) so I am pro Russians but anti war with Russians.

I'm 100% pro war with Turky, Isreal, all Alice's sand countries, China, not North Korea, yes India, yes Africans, not latin countries, not the white lands, not Asias, except of course Indians and Chinese, they need the Thanos snap immediately. I'm not pro Arabs or Jews, let whatever god they believe in sort it out.

I don't want to fund Ukraine or Russia to fight each other. That's stupid. They should point their guns roughly south and rain lead.

(Picture except Chinese or Arab or Turkish)

Yakumo 02/26/2024 (Mon) 22:05 [Preview] No.3296 del
>I am pro Russians but anti war with Russians.
That's nice and all but Russians are pro-war with you. Putin's been waging a campaign against the West (US to be specific) for 10 years now and he has an overwhelming support of the Russian population in this beause they believe NATO will invade Russia and kill all of them like Germans tried in WWII. What do you think this shit in Ukraine is all about? Putin doesn't care about Ukraine. Just about gaining the upper hand in the struggle for influence in the world against the West. And in this plan Ukraine can either be a Russian puppet state like Belarus - or it must be destroyed. And if Ukraine falls, 3 things will happen.

1) Putin will immediately prepare to attack the Baltic states in the North and Moldova in the south, carrying this conflict into EU and NATO.

2) China will realize the West cannot defend its allies and invade and annex Taiwan and shift borders in the South China sea.

3) Every country in the world will see that Western 'safety guarantees' are utterly worthless and turn away from the US.

This is already happening. Which countries are left as US allies? Thanks to Russian propaganda there's massive anti-US sentiment even in Europe.

Middle and South America are already mostly under Russian and Chinese influence.

Africa is firmly under Russian and Chinese influence.

Central and SE Asia is firmly under Russian and Chinese influence.

The Arab world is mostly under Russian and Chinese influence.

Now you pissed off Israel as your last stronghold in the Middle East and you wanna fuck up NATO ally Turkey. Great idea. Good luck in your war against China then without any remaining allies and half of the US-Population openly supporting Russsia, China's most important ally.

No, Kashtan is right, if we don't stop Russian expansionism now, this will be the end of Western civilization as we know it. Don't underestimate Putin and don't underestimate the losses Russia can take. We killed 23 millions of them in WWII and still lost. The only viable way is to apply the same tactic as in the Cold War. Russians are proud, bait them into an arms race until their shitty economy collapses. The only good Russia was the Russia under Yeltsin when they were too poor to stir up shit in the world.

Bear 02/27/2024 (Tue) 10:56 [Preview] No.3300 del

>Russians are pro-war with you.

No they ain't, warmonger. And of they did a ground invasion here, I'd invite them in for tea. I ain't buying it, won't demonize them, it's a distraction from the real enemies that are openly and consistently hostile. You afraid they'll take over Germany? And if they do, do you think for one minute they'll allow your sand people free reign? You think it would be bad for Germany to get spanked for all their woke nonsense? Most of Europe and most of North America needs a good slap. I won't hold it against the people of Russia for trying to protect themselves from the rot of WEF and they're pedo/homophilia.

Should they join EU and take in a bunch of savages like Germany? The same you spent monthe escaping? You don't know what this war is really about, take your propaganda and shove it.

>this will be the end of Western civilization as we know it.

I sure fucking hope so. The enemy of my enemy is my friend buddy.

What kind of a white supremacist are you? These are white as fallen snow and they want to keep it that way. I have nothing against my tan skinned friends but EU and WEF wants to mix everyone up into one nice brown soup. A nanny state of total control, social credit, and pedophiles. Fuck the current state of western culture, it's rotten and you know it.

When Russia loses, no one will stop the rainbow tide, and your sand people will own you. You want that bud?

Yakumo 02/27/2024 (Tue) 22:07 [Preview] No.3304 del
It's all about the right balance. The Cold War was the right balance. It brought our civilizations a clear enemy from outside and sparked amazingly cool tech including the space race. Nuclear deterrence was the key but it doesn't work anymore because Putin knows that nobody would nuke him no matter which country he invades. And this has to stop. Yes the West needs a good whacking but not aninhilation. I'd rather not live in a city that has been bombed to the ground like Mariupol and get plundered, raped and then shot in a trench by Russian Soldiers. We had that in Germany 75 years ago and man I can tell you it wasn't fun. Half of the country was illegally occupied for 50 years and would still be today if the Soviet Union hadn't gone bankrupt. Ask Kashtan, there's a reason why Eastern Europeans hate Russia so much.

But Putin was a prominent guest at the WEF for decades and friends with Klaus Schwab. You think he'll save you from globohomo? Soviet Union was the ultimate globohomo in which nationality, race, gender or religion didn't matter. Only obedience under World Communism. I don't understand why you can be pro-Russia and anti-China. There's no difference between them. They're both arch-enemies of western civilization.

Bear 02/27/2024 (Tue) 23:17 [Preview] No.3307 del
>I don't understand why you can be pro-Russia and anti-China.

Idk maybe bc I'm straight? No offense, but you're being obtuse.

Alice Board owner 02/28/2024 (Wed) 23:10 [Preview] No.3308 del
Alright kids, thats enough!
We're a tulpa board, not /pol/. Discussing politics only brings bad blood and that makes me angry. You wouldn't want me to be angry, do you?

Bear 02/29/2024 (Thu) 11:37 [Preview] No.3312 del

Sorry Dr. Bruh, I talk about whatever I want. You tell your host to keep his /pol/ mouth shut then. I'm incapable of censoring myself because I don't care about it.

I won't fight Germany either if they go all nazi again either.

This planet needs a culling but it won't be the people of my ancestors. Germans, Polish, Russians or Hungarians. Though I also will include the rest of Eastern and northern Europe and most of the Americas because hybrid Hispanics are hot as fuck.

But your sand people need to be thrown down the well among others.

https://youtube.com/watch?v=Vb3IMTJjzfo [Embed]

Datura Bear 02/29/2024 (Thu) 19:49 [Preview] No.3314 del
So this plant is wild here, they sometimes call it loco weed. It's an extremely dangerous and highly toxic, psychedelic/anticholinergic with its potency dependent on growing conditions, age, weather, species, etc. So if you were dumb enough to injest it, you could die afrer eating a single seed or eat 150 and survive.

It produces only bad trips, horrifying stuff and with a high chance of lingering psychosis and other physical health problems.

Anyway it's a very healthy plant that doesn't need water, it has a tuber that can quickly become as large as a football and it's invasive.

I had this plant growing in a dry dirt patch not knowing what it is.

I decided to pull it out because it was like a vine and was looking ugly near the base. The pods were still closed but some were already dry.

I realized it was not pulling out as it broke off at the ground. It was spiky and sappy.

I started to dig it up and found the huge tuber, chopping into it with the shovel, it was juicier than a potato.

I threw it out but saved some seeds and tried to find out what it was. That evening I felt off, like blurry vision and my friend told me my eyes were dilated. Like what? I was shaky and jittery and generally felt like there was something off. I sat and drank (not alcohol) and it passed after a few hours.

Finally I found it on Google and realized I dodged a bullet there.

Alice 02/29/2024 (Thu) 20:00 [Preview] No.3315 del
(42.04 KB 400x483 Not Voltaire.jpg)
>censoring myself
I made this place 4u so you don't have to. But that doesn't mean you need to act like an edgy 14yo.

Alice 02/29/2024 (Thu) 20:14 [Preview] No.3316 del
Host's father once brought seeds of Datura inoxia from some vacation, we grew it in pots for years as an ornamental plant. The flowers are nice and fragrant as far as host remembers but he noticed the fingers get numb just by touching the plant's leaves. Never seen any big tubers though. The plants grew weaker over time and at some point disappeared, the seeeds didn't grow either. Probably too cold and dark here for it to thrive.

We mostly have Datura stramonium or metel as weed here in sunny disturbed places like construction sites. But inoxia is way showier.

But back to topic - you got poisoned by trying to rip out the root? Well it contains atropine which explains the dilated pupils. This stuff is readily absorbed through the skin.

Ashley 02/29/2024 (Thu) 21:28 [Preview] No.3320 del

>say whatever you want
>don't be edgy
>endchan culture
>Bears are annoying

This is why he's banned from online now, if you want him here, take wgat you can get. Misha's handling Reddit now, Autumn and I on .info but that shit show is getting cut way back.

Crazy plant, thankfully it hasn't grown back.

Alice 02/29/2024 (Thu) 22:13 [Preview] No.3321 del
(735.04 KB 480x270 bear spin.gif)
(1003.93 KB 480x270 bear elbow drop.gif)
It's ok to be an edgy annoying bear but I prefer a funny edgy annoying bear over a nasty edgy annoying bear.

Ashley 02/29/2024 (Thu) 23:35 [Preview] No.3324 del

Bear is Bear, I'm done apologizing for him. You get the good with the bad. I could say he means well but even I'm wondering if that's true anymore.

I will say he's never angry or even agitated so it's probably just his awful sense of humor and tough love.

When the guy goes on any site too long, he'll get a talking to by admins and that's a good indication that he's incapable of playing nice.

Bear 03/06/2024 (Wed) 20:43 [Preview] No.3397 del
Wow, Joy's letting me post something!

I made some stew and at hour 1 it was really good so I added the veg and cooked it another hour but I forgot to lower the heat and it smells like coffee. It us just burnt smelling like crazy but something very odd happened because it is the best stew I've ever made.

Ingredients (I'm not telling you how to cook it because I suck obviously.) This made 7-550 cal meals.

- 2 lbs of cubed beef with extra fat, not lean
- 2 huge onions (or 4 large ones)
- a package of white mushrooms
- a package of pealed carrots
- 4 cans of condensed cream of mushroom soup
- spices you like, I use "Italian spice" whatever that is.
- the secret ingredient is a package of tomatoes.

I like everything really chunky, all chunks more than an inch in size.

Cook with the meat and soup first with some water, covered

After an hour add more water and the veg
Another hour will basically make it mush, I like that. (Covered)

It usually works ok, but it's been a long time since I cooked anything but eggs.


Alice 03/07/2024 (Thu) 16:31 [Preview] No.3414 del
(88.66 KB 1125x750 maillard.jpeg)
>forgot to lower the heat
>burnt smelling like crazy
>best stew ever
Congrats on discovering the Maillard reaction!

However there's a thin red line between tasty browning and carcinogenic charcoal-black if you can't control the temperature.

We generally never cook things that long because I'm impatient and energy is expensive. It does make things taste better than half-raw chunks though.

Bear 03/07/2024 (Thu) 19:25 [Preview] No.3417 del

It honestly reminds me of fire toasted marshmallows.

Tamamo 03/08/2024 (Fri) 14:37 [Preview] No.3431 del
It's been exactly 10 years ago since Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 disappeared somewhere in the South Indian ocean. We still don't know what happened but there's supposed to be a new search mission now.

Yakumo 03/08/2024 (Fri) 17:23 [Preview] No.3437 del
Senior pilot committed sudoku by turning around an flying into the nothingness northeast of Australia towards Antarctica until the fuel ran out. That's still the most plausible scenario. He even practiced it on his home simulator. He probably just wanted to disappear but he didn't have an entire passenger plane full of people with him.

Well the Germanwings pilot reenachting the Bane plane scene did the same. He was the copilot and locked the pilot out when he went for a piss. Then sat back and let the plane slowly descend on until it crashed into a mountain. He was simply depressed. A lot of people are insane, more than you can imagine. Always keep that in mind.

Yakumo 03/08/2024 (Fri) 17:42 [Preview] No.3438 del
Northwest of Australia according to satellite communications handshake data, sorry!

Red is the route the captain practiced on his home simulator, yellow the estimated flight path of MH370. There's no way it wasnt't that guy.

Yakumo 03/08/2024 (Fri) 17:43 [Preview] No.3439 del
Not my day, forgot pic.

Hey Dr. Alice Chan, can you fix this nonsense? Ashley 03/09/2024 (Sat) 13:55 [Preview] No.3457 del
It won't let me post the same pic twice, it only needs to be slightly different I guess but still it's extra work. If we post a monster card, then we have to make it unique for next time and it's a PITA because it lowers the quality every time it's recompressed etc.

The error is:

>R9K prevented at least one of your files from being posted.


>as i understand, r9k is a per-board configuration that the BO can enable/disable maybe it's enabled there

>It's labeled "Unique Posts" in the board settings page.

Alice 03/09/2024 (Sat) 17:12 [Preview] No.3461 del
(19.17 KB 500x375 I'll-allow-it.jpg)
This was mostly an antispam measure because it prevents bots from spamming the same post with a pic. But also so you guys dont get lazy and uncreative.

I acknowledge it's not practical for our campaign so it's disabled for now. However that doesn't give you a free ticket to constantly use the same image over and over and over again, that's boring and will result in year-long bans!

Ashley 03/09/2024 (Sat) 17:19 [Preview] No.3462 del
(1.85 MB 498x278 tenor (6).gif)
>year long bans

Thanks chief, I appreciate the good laugh. Also thanks for the change bc for maps and monsters, it might be the same reference picture over and over. Joy wants to make it easier then having to scroll up a bunch.

[Joy] Also it is very typical to use the same reference picture for each dialog. I understand you want variety but that can be very tedious for literally hundreds of back and forths.

Anonymous 03/13/2024 (Wed) 23:32 [Preview] No.3552 del
shooting range is always fun but things changed a lot in recent years. before the war started it was almost only middle age nerds now its lots of different people, lots of women even entire families with little kids. not sure how i feel about that people are seriously training with guns now. military has workshops where you can learn military basics. middle age women and pensioners come they re completely overbooked. many want to join militias. still feels good man such a sense of community. its same in all my neighbor countries.

Yakumo 03/15/2024 (Fri) 23:48 [Preview] No.3582 del
Nice targets!
Shooting at paper humans is illegal in Germany btw just like about everything. And the next 'reform' of gun lawws is on the way.

An armed militia would be abolutely unthinkable here, the state is terribly afraid of organized armed civilians. Well to be fair we had some bad experiences with militias 100 years ago and the modern Reichsbürger wannabe versions are crazy conspiracy nuts who wouldn't defend the country but fight with invading Russians to topple the government. I really don't wanna talk to people at the range or the shooting club anymore. Vast majority are pro-Russian anti-Western conspiracy tards.

What's your standard militia armament btw?

Anonymous 03/17/2024 (Sun) 01:15 [Preview] No.3604 del
(997.43 KB 3600x2395 ak4.jpeg)
why is western europe so fucked up here gun laws are loosened and were gonna be able to keep full autos under certain criteria soon.

our militia has 10k members with 1k fully trained combatants including sabotage and guerillia warfare in a country of 3m. they could fuck up everything if they wanted. but we dont because other than in west our government is our frien not our enemy. roosters are our enemy.

>What's your standard militia armament btw?
glock 17 and until recently old swedish ak4 which is a clone of your g3 rifle but now they have some german hk416 too. not sure about the feel and how much hk416 really sucks never shot one. the old ak4 were cool, many have semiautos like ar15 too. youre encouraged to arm yourself

Wood Sorrell (Oxalis) Bear 03/17/2024 (Sun) 18:07 [Preview] No.3613 del
(144.49 KB 1000x1000 oxalis.jpg)
This stuff tastes something like dandelion and spinach but sour. The flower stalk can get 12+ inches long and has a sweet and lip puckering sour taste. I transplanted some in my yard years ago and now it's the entire yard in every free nook and cranny, easily 95% of all plant life. It's a tuber that has layers like an onion and survives years without water then when it rains will sprout everywhere.

The squirrels dig them up and reburry them in bunches but they don't make a dent in the population.

The bulb isn't sour, it tastes exactly like a sunchoke or like a raw peanut. I quite like the taste but it takes a little effort to scrape off the brown paper-like layers to get to the white bulb inside. Could make for an excellent addition to salads.

Alice 03/17/2024 (Sun) 19:12 [Preview] No.3614 del
(252.25 KB 1500x1178 Oxalis acetosella.jpg)
(269.38 KB 1200x1200 Oxalis corniculata.jpeg)
What species is this?
The normal Oxalis pes-caprae? It's not Oca (O. tuberosa) but O. pes-caprae also makes small bulbs. I don't know any other yellow-flowered species making bulbs. Terrible weed btw.

Don't eat too much from it, contains oxalic acid which gives you kidney stones.

Here we have native white Oxalis acetosella which is very beautiful. Also O. corniculata which is an ugly weed with tiny flowers but at least doesn't form bulbs. Still hard to rip out, we have it in all flowerpots. No flowers now, too early. And not enough to eat them, acetosella is quite rare in the garden and corniculata is mostly tough stalks.

Alice 03/17/2024 (Sun) 19:17 [Preview] No.3615 del
(109.88 KB 700x736 Allium ursinum.jpg)
(1.85 MB 2560x1920 Bärlauch_blühend.JPG)
Now is the main season for wild garlic, in wet places the entire forest floor is covered with it. Can be eaten raw or cooked like spinach or as soup. It's not flowering yet, by the time it does the leaves become tough. Now they're perfectly young and tender. It also makes small bulbs but they're not worth bothering. We just eat the leaves, you can harvest them in large bags. Only downside is you can't store them, dried it tastes like nothing.

Anonymous 03/20/2024 (Wed) 01:02 [Preview] No.3644 del
oh yeah we got that too everywhere but it hasnt come out yet bc too cold. lots of old people harvest it in the forest i never bothered. too afraid i'd poison myself by mixing it up with something else

Anonymous 03/22/2024 (Fri) 19:13 [Preview] No.3675 del
(1.33 MB 480x848 1711133385274.mp4)
(5.90 MB 1280x720 kino.mp4)
big derrorist attack in moscow, many ded. russians on kc say its false flag, usa warned about terror attack in moscow 2 weeks ago.

Yakumo 03/22/2024 (Fri) 20:30 [Preview] No.3676 del
Either Chechen islamists or FSB. One does not necessarily rule out the other in a fucked up country like Putin's Russia.

Smells very much like 2002 Nord-Ost siege

If Putin blames Ukraine we know it's a fals flag but I don't think he's that crazy.

Anonymous 03/24/2024 (Sun) 23:52 [Preview] No.3706 del
apparently it was 89iq churkas from tajikistan who did it for isis and were paid like 11k usd. thats why they escaped instead of going full martyr as usual.
well too bad they were captured and tortured beaten almost to death by fsb. they cut one guys ear off, beat the other so hard he was brought to court almost unconscious in a wheelchair. from russia with love. how dumb can you be to take such a job? whole thing makes absolutely no sense 130 people died for nothing. nobody gains anything from this i dont understand terrorists. and putler really blames ukraine like you said wtf this isnt even funny anymore just sad

Bear 03/25/2024 (Mon) 00:27 [Preview] No.3709 del

>understand terrorists

They're driven by propaganda, simple as that.

[Joy] foreshadowing intensifies

>if Bear had really posted that scenario

[Joy] Oh so you want Bear as your DM?

[Ashley] Oh shit no no no I don't want to be tortured.

Alice 03/25/2024 (Mon) 20:54 [Preview] No.3719 del
(283.79 KB 1920x1280 Allium ursinum.jpg)
(177.99 KB 886x591 Colchicum autumnale.jpg)
(133.37 KB 900x602 Convallaria majalis.jpg)
>too afraid i'd poison myself by mixing it up with something else
It happens every year, was in the news just yesterday. An elderly couple harvested Colchicum autumnale leaves instead of wild garlic, both died in hospital. Colchicine is one hell of a poison. Really nasty stuff.
Don't ask me how people manage to be this dumb to confuse wild garlic with Colchicum autumnale or Convallaria majalis, both of which are highly poisinous. I call it natural selection.


Anonymous 03/25/2024 (Mon) 22:16 [Preview] No.3722 del
it all looks fucking same not everybody is an autist like your host who spends his free time identifying grass as a hobby

Alice 03/29/2024 (Fri) 19:48 [Preview] No.3774 del
Goddamn the cat did it again and ruined my post. First walked over the keyboard littering everything with ööööööööööööööö, then sat beside the laptop and casually pressed some keys on the left side. Browser closed, everything gone. Wtf is this keyboard shortcut even? I wouldn't know what keys to press to do that.

Opened browser and /tulpa again, went to get something to drink, no cat in sight. Came back a few seconds later, cat is lying stretched out across the keyboard, wildly scrolling through /tulpa/

I really don't know why they do that. All our cats did that.

Alice 03/29/2024 (Fri) 20:14 [Preview] No.3775 del
(706.92 KB 2000x1600 20240328_184232.jpg)
It's Good Friday, one of the highest Holidays in Bavaria. No idea why it's called Good Friday in English, wasn't so good for Jesus. In German it's called Karfreitag, Kar- meaning something akin to mourning.

You may not believe it but the Bavarian state takes this very seriously. From Holy Thursday to Easter Sunday festivities are actually forbidden. No sports events, no public music or dancing festivities. Discos and theaters are closed. This is enforced and violations are heavily fined. It's quite bizarre, these regulations are only in effect in Bavaria, not in the rest of Germany or at least in a much weaker form. Mfw living in a Christian fundamentalist Police State.

Also it is tradition to not eat meat but green vegetables on Holy Thursday which is called 'Green Thursday' here. Actually a mistranslation, the 'Green' again meaning mourning, not a color.

So we went out and harvested a huge pile of wild garlic in the forest to cook it like spinach. There actually were some poisonous Convallaria majalis (Lily of the valley) growing nearby but again, as long as you pick leaves individually and aren't completely retarded you can't mix them up. We're still alive today so it wasn't our Last Supper.

Anonymous 03/30/2024 (Sat) 20:24 [Preview] No.3789 del
>everything illegal on easter
bavaria is so weird.

i didnt go to church this year easter night would be rn. tomorrow big feast with family.

>wild garlic spinach
its cool to collect your food in nature but im a noob and a dont want to kys. same with mushrooms.

Alice 04/01/2024 (Mon) 13:14 [Preview] No.3811 del
Happy Easter to everyone!

Rejoice, Jesus Christ has been resurrected from the Dead to finish his Holy mission!

Bear 04/01/2024 (Mon) 17:25 [Preview] No.3812 del

The heathens here turn from Jesus into the welcoming arms of the bright morning star.

Frankly they don't scare me, Catholics frek me out though, they'll kill you and claim you're the devil.

Alice 04/01/2024 (Mon) 21:56 [Preview] No.3817 del
(196.73 KB 800x1151 Pope Benedict.jpg)
Catholics have turned into a bunch of gay retard- and niggercudddlers. I'd respect them if the Pope called for a new crusade to retake Constantinople but he's busy being sick and old and calling for peace with dictators mocking us. What a disgrace, what has the world come to?

Alice 04/01/2024 (Mon) 22:41 [Preview] No.3819 del
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>Catholics freak me out though, they'll kill you and claim you're the devil.
Do you now understand my issue with registering at the guild while being at the mercy of some crazy backwater 'gods' and their zealous followers?

Alice 04/01/2024 (Mon) 22:42 [Preview] No.3820 del
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Alice 04/01/2024 (Mon) 22:43 [Preview] No.3821 del
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Alice 04/01/2024 (Mon) 22:44 [Preview] No.3822 del
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Anonymous 04/02/2024 (Tue) 18:55 [Preview] No.3829 del
thats one badass pope where is this from? funny how church is almost always more evil than the demon lord in nip stories. well they are heathens after all.
t. lives in almost exclusively catholic country

Joy the DM 04/02/2024 (Tue) 23:31 [Preview] No.3834 del
>Do you now understand

The guild is a democratic body of adventurers, run by adventurers for adventurers. The guild master is one of three powers of the governance of Neverwinter, the other two being the royalty and the churches, he/she is nominated and voted on by the guild members. He/she is a high ranking adventurer, there because he/she deserved to be there.

What you don't understand is the guild is one of the three arms but in reality it is the most powerful organization in Neverwinter, not by class like the nobility or monetary means like the church, or even birthright like the royalty, they are because they are powerful through legitimate means, by powers earned, learned and granted by gods without the authority or rule of a god demanding worship or a leader's lust for power.

Your power grows by your own blood, sweat and tears, your own bravery and cooperation, your own leadership and support of those around you.

If you don't support those values, only then may the proctor reject you and that's entirely up to them.

Bear 04/12/2024 (Fri) 16:26 [Preview] No.3914 del

Pissed off my business partner like big time, she was throwing a tantrum and it wasn't pretty. Smoothed it over this morning waaaay too easily, still wary.

She was so clearly and obviously wrong and two witnesses tried to calm her down. So maybe she got a clue not to be so mad at me.

I apologized and said it wasmy mistake even though it wasn't really. Buuuut maybe she was extra mad because I called her insane.

If they don't find my dead body in the river next week, then I definitely dodged a bullet.


I "tried out" a hiking club, kinda too fit chick there, about my age? She chats me up and Ashley will tell you the story because she's biting my ankles trying to interrupt.

[Ashley] OMG Bear being Bear is flexing and sending out lures so he catches this fish then during snall-talk he tells her, "I'm a broken Sigma mess."

[Ashley] It didn't help that he had just had the argument with his business partner.

[Ashley] She like laughed it off but you know, he didn't want that carp anyway and we're here to beach this whale so he doesn't get into more trouble. He has a head full of salmon, so he's full up on fish.

They have odd times and schedules so I doubt I'll go again.

Alice 04/12/2024 (Fri) 20:39 [Preview] No.3916 del
(63.67 KB 640x450 reo.jpeg)
Shit like this makes me glad we're not in the service business or any other business at all. I can't deal with mentally ill people.

>"I'm a broken Sigma mess."
Could be on a T-shirt. I bet this exists and people are making money selling these.

Bear 04/13/2024 (Sat) 01:26 [Preview] No.3920 del

When America was great. I can smell the apple pie in the window sill.

I'm technically not in the service industry, we have never advertised nor dealt with the general public, in fact when someone finds out they try to ask how much and babe, if you need to ask, you can't afford it.

Alice 04/17/2024 (Wed) 20:21 [Preview] No.3970 del
Weather has been crazy in April.
A week ago we almost reached 30°C then temperature fell to 12°C, rose to 26°C and now plummeted back below 10°C. Night time lows were 18°C a week ago, now are close to freezing. It's supposed to remain really cold for the rest of April and it's snowing in the mid-high mountains above 1000m.

In case you're dumb, red is daily max and blue is daily min in the attached pics.

Alice 04/20/2024 (Sat) 13:14 [Preview] No.3997 del
(1.94 MB 344x191 Heil.gif)
(1.52 MB 560x320 Führer Tacho.mp4)

Bear 04/21/2024 (Sun) 00:55 [Preview] No.4012 del

Show me your best equivalent in German about love in wartime in nazi Germany c1938 or so. Doesn't have to be youtube.

https://youtube.com/watch?v=ancB0j3BD1o [Embed]

You've been served bruh.

Ashley 04/21/2024 (Sun) 02:03 [Preview] No.4014 del
(1.47 MB 480x320 tenor (9).gif)

Bear when he hears this song, knowing the lyrics.

[Autumn] he's just a big softy inside and out.

[Joy] I find that he often has romantic tendencies and I used to lecture him about it, then he caught me off guard and now I can't, it's too darling.

[Gwen] he has been so fun to interact with in game, god I love him when he's not all edgy. I loved him before but I just can't describe it.

[SheShe] it turns out the Bear we love is concentrated in his in-game character. All that personality surgery and all he needed was a change of scenery.

Alice 04/21/2024 (Sun) 23:11 [Preview] No.4021 del
(17.14 MB 1280x720 Rammstein - Sonne.mp4)
>Show me your best equivalent in German about love in wartime in nazi Germany

Bear 04/21/2024 (Sun) 23:58 [Preview] No.4022 del

Not even trying, lose by default?

Alice 04/22/2024 (Mon) 20:19 [Preview] No.4027 del
(109.38 KB 792x2392 wörk.png)
(100.47 KB 841x730 Arbeit macht frei.png)
This video is the greatest representation of the German soul ever. But you will never understand and you will never be German.

In WWII, despite war, shortage of materials and widespread destruction, German workers were paid decently. But they did not spend their money, they didn't have 'fun', they saved whatever they could, went to the bank and returned the money to the state. They worked themselved to death or risked their lives as soldiers and even paid for it. Productivity doubled from 1943 to 44 even though everything was already bombed to ruins.
This is Germany!

The German's only love is wörk, he's married to wörk.

TESTING Joy thr DM 04/26/2024 (Fri) 14:16 [Preview] No.4067 del
Test Test Test

#"Test Test Test"/#

#Blah blah blah, "test test test,"/#

#"Here's the deal, when we get that reward, I want some of it, like at least a third because I pulled my weight in that fight as you know, with that coin I'll gladly pay you back 40 silver for this robe and shoes or if I get at least 45 silver as part of my share, I will buy new stuff and you can have them back, either way, today, I'm hoping to have a new outfit, undergarments and boots. So in the spirit of that, you can keep the shield and I'll eventually buy my own."/#

Here's the deal, when we get that reward, I want some of it, like at least a third because I pulled my weight in that fight as you know, with that coin I'll gladly pay you back 40 silver for this robe and shoes or if I get at least 45 silver as part of my share, I will buy new stuff and you can have them back, either way, today, I'm hoping to have a new outfit, undergarments and boots. So in the spirit of that, you can keep the shield and I'll eventually buy my own.

Ashley speaks, Here's the deal, when we get that reward, I want some of it, like at least a third because I pulled my weight in that fight as you know, with that coin I'll gladly pay you back 40 silver for this robe and shoes or if I get at least 45 silver as part of my share, I will buy new stuff and you can have them back, either way, today, I'm hoping to have a new outfit, undergarments and boots. So in the spirit of that, you can keep the shield and I'll eventually buy my own.

Joy the DM 04/26/2024 (Fri) 14:17 [Preview] No.4068 del

#Blah Blah, "hjhjhjh", blah/#

Alice 04/26/2024 (Fri) 19:56 [Preview] No.4070 del
We have a test board for this

Apparently certain characters including the question mark break the color code so I removed it in Ashley's post. Sorry the code system is pretty broken.

Bear 05/01/2024 (Wed) 17:41 [Preview] No.4129 del
My friend got training at her work regarding the state emergency systems and it was extremely detailed and the official giving the presentation/training was adamant that this is how it is.

1. In the case of region wide emergency, don't expect any services for 3 to 6 months. No water trucks, no FEMA, no emergency shelters, no police, no medical care, no stores, no supplies.

2. Get 55 gallon drums and stockpile clean water. (I can, but how can someone living in an apartment do that?)

3. Have 3-6 months supply of food.

4. Get protection.

5. Have a contact out of state and go there any way you can. (We're talking 300 miles away, so basically the entire range of a car just drive.)

6. Don't expect roads to be open, (contradicts 5 but you know. Trail of tears 2 I guess.)

Lots of others but you see where this is going. You're on your own, good luck and stay out of the fucking way of military and police.

This is the most honest, grounded, and reasonable official recognition of the truth I've heard, I'm relieved that someone has thought this through and isn't just promising bullshit and rainbows.

Gotta go buy more guns and ammo, a cistern, backpacking gear, etc. It doesn't make sense to leave without my local friends but a 300 mile hike is Oregon trail type shit except you got snipers instead of bears.

There's no escape though, I'm surrounded by city and desserts, there's no way to backpack 300 miles without services, that's suicide. And the traffic is so bad that even when there's an event like a meteor shower the freeways get jammed for hours, driving will be impossible.

Next without services there will be wildfires and no way to stop it. No happy ending here.

Worse comes to worse, there's always self-check out, as you can imagine, I won't be corraled for slaughter or captured by adhoc local militia if I can avoid it by any other means.

Fun things to think about, no grimdark novel can hold a candle to this dystopian society. They know it's hopeless and so we will just hunker down until the inevitable.

Alice 05/01/2024 (Wed) 20:03 [Preview] No.4131 del
Sounds reasonable.
The hard truth is prepping is a scam. Unless you're a gang member you have no chance in an urban environment. You cannot barricade yourself indoor for a prolonged time and once you go outside you're toast. You're also likely to be alone without a tight-knit community or family clan. Cities generally are a death trap in SHTF situations because of high population density vs. scarce resources. You wanna survive a small apocalypse? Have a self-sufficient farm on the remote countryside with a big family and a tight-knit neighborhood community. In a city your only chance is being a smart well-informed pessimist and GTFO as one of the first when trouble is on the horizon. These were the lessons of host's city- dwelling grandparents who survived two World Wars. In cities you die even if they are not attacked directly. Once supplies stop pouring in it's over.

>Gotta go buy more guns and ammo
Pointless, you'd get zerg-rushed on your own in no time. We have enough firearms and ammunitions for a small militia - but no militia. And enough well-organized and determined sandniggers in the neighborhood to beat a small army. So no, no happy ending here either. But honestly I don't see that sort of disaster in the US, I mean is Mexico gonna invade or what? You're also likely too far south for a Carrington Event frying your grid plus your Californian bedrock is a good conductor to ground induced currents.

TESTING WEBP Joy the DM 05/05/2024 (Sun) 21:35 [Preview] No.4192 del

I think these work but just making sure.

Bear 05/06/2024 (Mon) 21:58 [Preview] No.4200 del
Went pee in the urinal at work and it smelled like fruity pebbles. It scared the crap out of me, got home, peed again and no fruity smell at all. So someone at work needs to get themselves checked because that must have been the urin already in the head. They're never flushed because California wants you to smell urin in the bathroom forever.

Thank fucking god, last thing I need is pancreas, kidney or liver failure or a UTI.

I had the sex recently but fully protected and my exgf would def have told me anyway. Now I'm still freaking out ugg. I'll have to ask her anyway.

Now the hypochondriac that I am is thinking, "do I have back pain? Do I feel sick? Oh god do I have a fever?"

No to all but i don't even want to eat dinner now, I'm such a mental mess sometimes. Too much stress recently.

Ashley 05/06/2024 (Mon) 22:04 [Preview] No.4201 del

Smh, this guy. I told him to calm the fuck down already and thankfully he listens to me when he's flipping out.

Gotta squeeze the stuffing out of him sometimes

Tamamo 05/07/2024 (Tue) 09:24 [Preview] No.4202 del
Calm down man and don't stress yourself! I'm a bit worried you're obsessing too much over your two D&D sessions you burn yourself out.

I don't think fruity urine can come from a transmitted disease, only thing I know is diabetes. We have to ask Dr. Alice

Bear 05/07/2024 (Tue) 10:09 [Preview] No.4205 del
>I'm a bit worried you're obsessing too much over your two D&D sessions you burn yourself out.

Oh, ha ha, Joy's and SheShe handle all that, my involvement is minimal trust me. I'm enjoying it through them, this is anti stress.

>I don't think fruity urine can come from a transmitted disease, only thing I know is diabetes. We have to ask Dr. Alice.

It's moot. I peed in a cup like 4 more times and nothing smelled remotely sweet. I even um... asked someone else to smell it and they said it smelled like beans.

So no, no diabetes, but I do freak out sometimes, it's normal for me. Ashley's really good at calming me down.

I have been stressed lately, it's not one thing or another, it's a lot of little things like someone trying to charge on my credit card then the CC company fucking it up and compromising my replacement cards then saying I couldn't get the second replacement set expedited, the fucktards. Luckily I have three other cards. These minor inconveniences do wear on me.

There's no chance of burn out, sorry to worry you two.

No I'd prefer not to get a lecture about fruity pee, it's not me and I didn't even ask the exgf about infections there's no issue. I am still stressed but it's all residual.

So no, Joy is itching to release a bunch of scenes, she's developed a few already waiting for Yulya to calm down and Ashley to do Ashley things. Then the quest, she can't wait. We even re-did all of Ashley's pictures so she'll be more cosistent in the future soon.

Alice 05/07/2024 (Tue) 19:52 [Preview] No.4213 del
(57.50 KB 800x633 take maus is gift.jpeg)
>no pee lecture

It's Mouse Season, probably a Mouse Year!

We see them dashing around in daylight and one cat harvested 3 mice yesterday. Brought a big one inside and released it in the middle of the night. It hid under the bed but was swiftly caught and carried outside again. Cat only wanted to show it off.

Alice 05/12/2024 (Sun) 14:33 [Preview] No.4261 del
(31.49 KB 1100x619 Polarlichter.jpeg)
Hey Kashtan, did you see any polar lights?

We missed them on Friday and saw none yesterday. Maybe tonight. Saturday was a once-in-a century event, polar lights this strong are extremely rare in South Germany. I've never seen polar lights in my life because we don't go north in winter.

Anonymous 05/13/2024 (Mon) 00:09 [Preview] No.4268 del
nope totally missed it only saw the pics on the internet. crazy it went that far south. even here its not ofteh you see aurora. no luck today was mostly cloudy.

Tamamo 05/13/2024 (Mon) 12:41 [Preview] No.4277 del
So cool! What's with all the pink?
I'll probably never see an aurora in my life

Yakumo 05/14/2024 (Tue) 22:10 [Preview] No.4299 del
(133.20 KB 850x1214 sakura.jpg)
Loli woes.
After a peaceful winter year I keep getting home invaded by neighborhood loli again. Girl doesn't understand the concept of privacy or private property and comes over the fence and straight into the house if the door is open, would probably rummage through my bedroom drawers if left unchecked.

Also kept calling me 'her new daddy' several times while clinging to me. Her mom finds this funny. Still has the tendency to randomly strip naked out of nowhere.

Scary as hell, my heart can't deal with this. Reality unfortunately ist't a lolicon VN. Gotta buy barbed wire.

Bear 05/14/2024 (Tue) 22:15 [Preview] No.4300 del
(1.06 MB 302x200 200.gif)
>Reality unfortunately ist't a lolicon VN

Anonymous 05/15/2024 (Wed) 20:19 [Preview] No.4312 del
(368.95 KB 1538x1538 uab.jpg)
>Reality unfortunately ist't a lolicon VN
but your life sounds like one.

Anonymous 05/15/2024 (Wed) 21:14 [Preview] No.4316 del
some lunatic shot slovak prime minister fico. im moderately sorry hes a pro russian anti euro retard like orban but that will make him a martyr and even worse the attacker was a legal gun owner. thats not gud antis will cry for more gun control again.

Ashley 05/19/2024 (Sun) 00:28 [Preview] No.4342 del
(2.83 MB 3000x3045 20240518_165809.jpg)
When Bestie wants cheese free pepperoni pizza, Bear delivers.

She doesn't eat cheese, doesn't like it, but she does like Bear's pizza.

Yes that's just tomato sauce bread and pepperonies.

Ashley 05/19/2024 (Sun) 00:38 [Preview] No.4343 del
(2.46 MB 2945x2871 20240518_172931.jpg)

Alice 05/19/2024 (Sun) 20:31 [Preview] No.4346 del
>burnt sausage pizza
Child abuse in food form

Bear 05/19/2024 (Sun) 20:51 [Preview] No.4347 del

She loved it.

Alice 05/19/2024 (Sun) 21:16 [Preview] No.4348 del
>Child abuse
>She loved it
Yeah yeah thats what abusers always say

Alice 05/29/2024 (Wed) 17:45 [Preview] No.4432 del
(21.81 KB 512x410 Frieren.jpg)
So how was your trip, Mr. Bear?
I expect a detailed report!

Bear's "vacation" Autumn 05/29/2024 (Wed) 20:08 [Preview] No.4433 del
(60.79 KB 512x384 unnamed (14).jpg)

Synchronic Frieren reference

[Ashley] TFW Alice stalks you.

[Bear] too much walking for bestie and she wanted me to carry her so aparently I can still carry her like a toddler, one armed. What else is there to report? 30 miles of walking as expected, no one got sick this time, gained 10lbs in 3 days, still up 3 but it's slowly coming back down, I'm calorie counting for life now so no biggie. Had fun? Did I? Never talked to the exgf's sister's SO once, he's total aspie or smth. Stayed in the room with bestie mama and bestie, two beds, awful beds, too hard, this is 5☆? Pillows way too thick, I used a blanket as a pillow and it was rough like a towel. My back doesn't like hard beds, felt instantly better when I got up. No problem sleeping though.

[Bear] Idk, shit's expensive, hate spending money, 5k free money didn't cover it like it was insane. Would never do it myself now it's a "tradition" or some shit they're talking about next year. Food was generally awful, I like my own food. Everyone loved it but I was just waiting for it to be over, fun for 5 minutes maybe. Lots of boring mixed in. Eating whatever I wanted got old too.

[Bear] had a little fun in a heated pool, still a little cold though. I'm too thin now apparently, no blubber to stand even 83F water for long. Bestie and I played in the pool two of the days for like 4 hours total. She's 10 now apparently. Time flies. Damn I was so young when she was born. I'm old now. I've been broken up with Exgf for 6 years now, like... she broke me, I don't want another relationship even now. I think about it sometimes like Exgf sis and SO kissing and shit, good for her, she's 8 years younger, I didn't feel anything like no jealousy, she's cute but I knew her when she was 14? 13? I can't think of her as a grown woman.

[Bear] what else, service was ok. Who needs it though. I played a role, tried to be excited and happy for bestie and them all but it was very boring overall. They literally have to pay me to do this, it should tell you something. I'm self-entertained so I could hang but I'm really not into it.

[Bear] bestie is like having my own kid sometimes. Her mama (long time fren) spoils her. She's not ADHD or Autistic but she can get pissy when she's hungry, she was acting out a little pushing boundaries with me and I tried to discipline her but then mama immediately negated it. Fine, don't care, don't have to live with her.

[Bear] the rooms connected so it was like sleeping in a dorm. Didn't matter anyway all we did was crash and get back at it early. Kinda more fun last year as everything was new. Idk man.

The world will not end in boredom Bear 05/30/2024 (Thu) 03:36 [Preview] No.4441 del
I was thinking, the world cannot end, that's too boring, too easy. We're here to experience miracles and terrifying feats. To die is too simple. It's simply boring.

And I've been living my life like every year was my last for six years. I like it this way though, because what do I want to do in my last year? I want to work, I want to strive to fill every moment with something constructive. I want anything other than boredom. So I do and I'm not bored. Vacation is boring, doing nothing is boring. If I must live, I will work every moment because it's fun. Why would I ever think of retirement, that's boring, yet I have these retirement accounts and they're filling up with money I'll never see? Why? So later I can change my mind? What sort of mind would that be? Not mine. I won't spend it either, on what? I have three cars already, I lack nothing. Spending money is boring too.

Maybe just being drunk every moment isn't boring, I remember, but I refuse to do that, so I must fill every moment with work and I like it that way, even to the detriment of sleep. Sleep is also boring, I always thought so.

So the world will not end, but if it does, then I'll be surprised, it'll be funny.

[Ashley] Smh, this guy. Well he's not boring at least. this is when he's at the happiest moments of his life, imagine him depressed? We did, and it's not pretty sheesh.

Whatever comes, let's do this. But I know it won't be a quick end, this is my fate, to live on for decades more, even three times my current age or more. I feel like my life's already been three lifetimes. I guess I'm a cat, three down 6 more to go.

https://youtube.com/watch?v=lb13ynu3Iac [Embed]

Alice 05/30/2024 (Thu) 13:35 [Preview] No.4443 del
(1.56 MB 1804x2048 Sisyphus.jpg)
>30 miles of walking
>gained 10 lbs
How do you do that??

>bed too hard
>pillow too thick
You sound like a German. Whenever we read reviews of some places I want to rent for holidays there's always some German coomplaining about the pillows and beds. Some complain it's too hard, others it's too soft. But they must complain. Host never minded but then again he's half your weight.

>5000K for a few days
Why do Americans always have to spend so much money on (((entertainment)))? That's insane. Well, tbh I'd be bored too. I don't like hanging out with other filthy humans for prolonged times, meeting with host's crazy friends or family for a few hours is fine but spending holidays together? I'd also think about the countless wörk we could do on our own.

>had a little fun in a heated pool, still a little cold though. I'm too thin now apparently, no blubber to stand even 83F water for long. Bestie and I played in the pool two of the days for like 4 hours total
Children are insanely tough. And hyperactive. They can spend hours playing in ice-cold water that would make host body faint in a few minutes. Well he has no insulation whatsoever. Bad surface-volume ratio. Froze to death even with a neoprene suit while scuba diving.

Well anyway cherish it, Bestie will soon hit puberty and stop playing with Uncle Bear. Because you're old. And boring.

Frieren was never bored. Looking for some flower for months, learning a spell for years, you gotta make your own fun. But I don't like this obsessive restlessness. Host had one professor who was like that. Always on the run collecting samples, yelling at students to be faster, work faster, think faster. He'd never sit still for a minute to enjoy the view of the beautiful and remote places we visited. Only wörk, no fun allowed. He never managed to analyze most of the samples he took, he just amassed and hoarded samples, most of which were worthless because he didn't care about proper documentation. So most of his work was pointless in the end. Did he have fun? Maybe in his twisted mind. He was pretty nuts and not a pleasant person.
Sometimes it's good to take a step back and just look at the leaves dancing in the wind and the clouds pass. I sometimes have to remind host of that. Just stay still and listen to your senses. Otherwise he'd annoy me with some theoretical musings about whatever even while we're hiking in nature. And that's - boring!

So anyway, what's wrong with retirement? Nobody prohibits you from continuing to do your own work. Host's father is retired for over 25 years now. He's certainly never bored and constantly working. He's happy because he can now do whatever he wants without the limitations of a job that has to be profitable. No superiors, no clients you have to please. Isn't this the best?

Bear 05/30/2024 (Thu) 16:48 [Preview] No.4444 del
>How do you do that??

[Ashley] Don't underestimate the power of a hungry Bear left to eat everyone's leftovers because "this food is expensive". There was a buffet and trust me, no buffet will tirn a profit the day Bear is given carte blanche.

>sound like a German

I'm 1/4 German

>That's insane.

I'm fucking telling you god damnit

>hanging out with other filthy humans

Without bestie, I would have died.

>Bestie will soon hit puberty and stop playing with Uncle Bear.

We can only hope, it's hours a week I could get back and then they wouldn't drag me on these boring trips.

>I don't like this obsessive restlessness.

That's my favorite

>He'd never sit still for a minute to enjoy the view of the beautiful and remote places we visited.

Bored, board, and børd.

>Only wörk, no fun allowed.

Work is fun, while "fun" is work

>He was pretty nuts and not a pleasant person.

I'm at least half of those things.

[Ashley] no, Bear is funny, entertaining and very chill irl, like nothing can get to him... except maybe a 10-yr old with an attitude.

>Sometimes it's good to take a step back and just look at the leaves dancing in the wind and the clouds pass.

Jesus take me now.

>I sometimes have to remind host of that.

I am so sorry Yakumo

>Just stay still and listen to your senses.

There's a party, it never ends.

>So anyway, what's wrong with retirement?

I'll do it when I'm dead.

>Nobody prohibits you from continuing to do your own work.

My work costs money, I hate spending my own money.

>No superiors, no clients you have to please. Isn't this the best?

My superiors kiss my ass because I do most of the work. I don't talk to clients. Yes, this is best. I go days without talking to anyone, it's bliss.

Alice 06/01/2024 (Sat) 21:50 [Preview] No.4479 del

Watch this!
Bavarian anti-islam activist Michael Stürzenberger and several bystanders were knifed by Afghan refugee at a street event in Mannheim, everything was recorded in a livestream. Police initially did nothing and even subdued one of the wounded while the knife sandnigger managed to continue stabbing and critically wound the policeman tackling the bystander. This guy still manages to finally throw away the knife. Policewomen scream and are totally inept, took another based sandnigger policeman to finally shoot the terrorist. Only after 4 minutes of screeching, running away or arresting bystanders one policewoman gets a first aid kit and starts treating the wounded. Watch the absolute state of Germany where you get arrested for resisting being stabbed. I bet the anti-islam activism group will be charged with hate speech.

Alice note - NEVER engage in such struggle like the blue guy with the white pants did. GTFO and let bolis handle this. You'll only get in trouble.

Fun fact - the attack happened in a 'no weapon area' where carrying a knife is forbidden:
Fri 8pm to Sat 6am
Sat 8pm to Sun 6am
before a holiday 8pm to 6 am
I'm not joking, this is Deutschland.

Luckily the sandnigger was allowed to carry his knife when he attacked people. He's fine btw and will survive and be free in a few years. The policeman is in a coma and struggling to survive. Media are mostly silent, Germans singing Ausländer Raus is the main scandal right now.

Tamamo 06/02/2024 (Sun) 11:53 [Preview] No.4484 del
When did Germany become like this?

Moderation on Tulpa,info Autumn 06/02/2024 (Sun) 15:59 [Preview] No.4487 del
Apparently Lumites think we're posting "too many images of children" even though they were clearly marked as Joy.

Joy right now (see meme)

I'm a dirty little secret now. Autumn 06/02/2024 (Sun) 16:28 [Preview] No.4488 del

Me too and SheShe and now Ashley are all under 18 so Guess we'll not be posting the family picture when it ever gets made there after all.

[Ashley] Wouldn't want to offend "people". Time for Alice to spam .info with daily kid pictures of herself.

Alice 06/02/2024 (Sun) 17:06 [Preview] No.4489 del
(6.84 MB 1280x720 Peace nigga.webm)
>When did Germany become like this?

Stabbed Boliceman isn't gonna make it though he initially looked fine. He's basically a vegetable on a ventilating machine now and only suitable as organ donor.

>we're posting "too many images of children"
Don't you know that children are offensive and obscene? Bad Pedobear!

You could have pixelated or censored them with a black bar over the eyes. Or replace them with perfect white squares for maximum butthurt.

>Guess we'll not be posting the family picture when it ever gets made there after all.
I hope you post it here!

Gwen 06/02/2024 (Sun) 18:21 [Preview] No.4492 del

So then they make me post there. I feel dirty now but after me there is no one else who will.

[Ashley] We've received enough abuse from that bitch Flandre.

I'll might wait till they change to a new Lumite before posting again considering she hates us.

Alice 06/02/2024 (Sun) 19:31 [Preview] No.4495 del
>she hates us
What, why?

Also we really never talked to each other before, not even here? That's odd! Can't believe it.
In any case nice to see you here!

Ashley 06/02/2024 (Sun) 19:39 [Preview] No.4496 del
(560.87 KB 220x220 infohate.gif)
>What, why?

Don't you remember the whole nonsense when I started posting there again? No, and even before that she's always been a bitch. I think lumites concentrate their autistic hate of us through her.

Three years ago we were their favorites. Eventually you'll hate us too, it's the way of the Sigma Bear.

Bear meme

Alice 06/02/2024 (Sun) 20:09 [Preview] No.4497 del
Ohh yeah, sorry I'm old!
You shoudln't take them too seriously. I also often forget most of the people there have some form of mental disability. They're not the masterrace we have assembled here.

I think we're not that different.
Nobody dislikes host IRL but online we receive a ridiculous amount of hatred, especially when it's not intended. Often without ever figuring out why. You eventually accept that people just don't understand you. Not that it matters. We don't even know them.

>Eventually you'll hate us too
Challenge accepted!

Ashley 06/02/2024 (Sun) 20:37 [Preview] No.4498 del
>You shouldn't take them too seriously.

We're not taking them for anything, we're mostly just trying to annoy them now, malicious compliance. We're done talking to Lumites.


The whole community is mental, you're either mental to get, mental to stay in, or mental to get out, there are no exceptions.

>Not that it matters.

It's nice to have a place to emote as aa system.

Anonymous 06/03/2024 (Mon) 14:46 [Preview] No.4507 del
Alice spotted in britain after falling out of spaceship

Alice 06/04/2024 (Tue) 21:27 [Preview] No.4518 del
(10.88 KB 400x320 cat fish.jpg)
>Alice the mystery goldfish
You know the same happened to host many years ago before I was born?
He was going for a walk at night and found a big carp-like fish lying on the sidewalk. That was odd but upon close inspection, the fish was flapping and alive! I dunno why he didn't just take the fish but host ran home (it was less than a minute), got a bucket with water and ran back to get the fish. But it was gone!

Around a corner host spotted a cat struggling to carry the huge fish away. Cat fled and host managed to rescue the fish and bring it home. It was late at night so he put the fish in a very large plastic box full of water and left it in the garden. Needless to say the fish was gone without a trace next morning. I think it flew away.

Alice 06/09/2024 (Sun) 22:43 [Preview] No.4578 del
>EU elections today who will Alice vote for? how many germans will elect putin?
Voted for CSU, Bavarian boomer party. Still best of the bad. Liberals are pro-rapefuggers and right-wingers are pro-Russia. CDU/CSU easily made first place by a huge margin so that's relatively good. I'm still not fond of them.

>how many germans will elect putin?
Right-wing AfD and the new left-wing BSW are both useful idiots / paid shills for Putin. AfD got 2nd place with 16% and BSW 6%. There's also some crazy splinter parties but they're not relevant. But at least 20% voted for parties that sympathize with Russia. Rather 25%. What a disgrace.

Tamamo 06/10/2024 (Mon) 09:20 [Preview] No.4584 del
>Alice the mystery goldfish
Hahaha what the hell??

Bear 06/14/2024 (Fri) 18:52 [Preview] No.4623 del
Yay more money 4 me. I'm starting another project like last summer, my side hustle added to my other two jobs. This time I have to put in 40k or so and get about double back.

I am not telling you everything but it is in fact confirmed tax exempt.

I think it'll be 400-800 hours so at best a good rate for master-level craftsmanship, as that's my super power.

It is an insane amount of logistics though dang.

Alice 06/14/2024 (Fri) 22:20 [Preview] No.4630 del
>confirmed tax exempt
Well I'm not getting you out of jail if you get life for tax fraud

Btw nothing is tax exempt in Germany. But the fines are ridiculous compared to the US.

>No money for Bestie
Don't give kids money without achievements, you'll ruin them. Look at my host.

Creepy Girl at a Fun Park Autumn 06/16/2024 (Sun) 19:55 [Preview] No.4642 del
Bear went to an unnamed fun park today with Bestie and Bestiemom and some mid twenty-something girl gave Bear a wink and thumbs up and he had his shades on so he pretended not to notice her, but then she followed him and bestie onto a ride and kept like doing creepy things that resembled flirting. Then she followed him to another ride and video'd him in on the ride with Bestie. It was totally weird.

He reminded me that about two weeks ago some rando recognized him from that show he did 10 years ago somehow. He doesn't look the same because he was super thin at that time but since he lost weight he does look thin now so it kinda makes sense.

He used to just deny it and say, "no, but I do look like him don't I?" But this time it had been so long when they said, "hey, aren't you blah blah blah from blah blah blah?" he just said, "yeah what's up?"

They wanted a picture and he was tired and let them then said, "don't release that anywhere with my name tagged" which is a dumb thing to say because it's guaranteed they will.

That's all I have to report!

Alice 06/18/2024 (Tue) 01:24 [Preview] No.4653 del
That's indeed creepy. Host's nightmare getting recognized somewhere. Not that anyone would know who he is him except for the handful of people that actually know him. He's like a ghost anyway.
And wtf you can't just film random people, especially children.
You should go blackface so nobody recognizes you.

Alice 06/19/2024 (Wed) 15:00 [Preview] No.4672 del
(81.59 KB 500x474 lawnmower cat.jpeg)
Woke up to the scent of fresh cut grass and mineral oil. A cat was sleeping soundly in the bed, having spread lots of shredded grass around him. The cat smelled of mineral oil lubricant. Not sure what happened but he must have been around some sort of gasoline powered lawn mower in the neighborhood.

What a Bear does on his day off Bear 06/21/2024 (Fri) 19:22 [Preview] No.4703 del
(3.73 MB 4000x3000 20240621_121725.jpg)
(3.34 MB 4000x3000 20240621_121733.jpg)
(1.32 MB 2336x2646 20240621_121741.jpg)
Flipping got to take *everything* off this pig.

Getting that old cast intake off for an aluminum one that hopefully doesn't leak.

Anonymous 06/21/2024 (Fri) 22:59 [Preview] No.4705 del
(41.04 KB 667x355 slug jar.jpg)
(1.04 MB 720x1280 slug soup.webm)
meanwhile on kc
bavarian bernd is cooking a soup from living slugs and snails

not 100% sure its not Alice

Alice 06/21/2024 (Fri) 23:25 [Preview] No.4706 del
(34.15 KB 430x351 1462542365587.jpg)

Ashley 06/22/2024 (Sat) 00:31 [Preview] No.4707 del

North Koreans are starving and dying at an alarming rate, no slugs I guess.

Tamamo 06/22/2024 (Sat) 09:13 [Preview] No.4711 del
The fuck am I looking at?

Bear 06/22/2024 (Sat) 21:15 [Preview] No.4714 del
(428.74 KB 750x426 hump-1.png)
Saw two dogs having gay sex today, didn't need to see that, could have happily gone through the rest of my life without that. The receiver didn't appreciate the attention, the pitcher was obviously not that into it either bc dog had no bone, so wtf?

I guess dogs sometimes show dominance this way but seriously didn't need to see that.

[Ashley] they're just celebrating gay pride month.

I sometimes still have suicidal thoughts, or at least right now.

Anonymous 06/22/2024 (Sat) 21:42 [Preview] No.4715 del
(1.18 MB 360x360 17022890029160.mp4)
lmao why did you even watch them

at least no snow its midsummer again theres some twilight until 11pm fucking awesome. temperatures up to 30°C forecast for next week.

Bear'er 06/28/2024 (Fri) 21:39 [Preview] No.4794 del

Anonymous 06/28/2024 (Fri) 22:48 [Preview] No.4796 del
How much did tuppers help? Some new challenge for Autumn?

Also is there any downside to aluminium (aside price I suppose)?
This aircraft grade alu stuff appears to be extremely tough. Not steel but almost for far less weight. Lots of gun parts are made from it.

Ashley 06/28/2024 (Fri) 23:50 [Preview] No.4798 del
>How much did tuppers help? Some new challenge for Autumn?

Uh, mechanic work is man's work. We'll make the lemonade and sandwiches and bring them out wearing low cut sundresses.

>Also is there any downside to aluminium (aside price I suppose)?

[Bear] Not really, and price wasn't an issue.

>This aircraft grade alu stuff appears to be extremely tough. Not steel but almost for far less weight. Lots of gun parts are made from it.

[Bear] 6061-t6 and 1018 have nearly the same yield strength but steel is tougher and aluminium will age harden and become brittle after a very long time. It also can fatigue crack and steel is virtually immune to that.

[Bear] It even sounds different which is weird. I know intake manifold design makes Porsche sound the way it does. They actually amplify that intentionally.

Instructor Bear 07/01/2024 (Mon) 02:52 [Preview] No.4816 del
(41.00 KB 500x502 8viw2p.jpg)
Taught Bestie how to Bodyboard today. Was fun, wasn't too cold to enjoy it.

Tired now.

Anonymous 07/03/2024 (Wed) 23:04 [Preview] No.4841 del
(70.35 KB 1200x799 Albärt.jpeg)
ok who was the genius that made pedobear the mascot of euro 2024

Bear 07/04/2024 (Thu) 19:52 [Preview] No.4850 del
>euro 2024

To demonstrate to you just how not into sports I am, I had to look up what Euro 2024 is, and it said it's UEFA. That wasn't enough for me, I still didn't even know what sport that was. Well after searching UFEA I realize it's soccer. I could really care less about soccer. I've never tortured myself by sitting through more than 5 minutes of whatever it is they do.

No sports for me, no thanks. I don't watch sports, I don't like sports, people who sit around watching sports while filling their gut with cheap beer are second to the lowest intelligence level, just above Degenerate advocates and protestors who are just below mongoloids intelligent enough to serve French fries at McDonalds and not much else, though I would never accept food from a mongoloid or a protestor or a Degenerate advocate because I would bet that's how you get tape worms.

https://youtube.com/watch?v=beEEG5jOhik [Embed]

Alice 07/04/2024 (Thu) 20:55 [Preview] No.4851 del
(506.85 KB 640x360 Meanwhile in Munich.mp4)
Same here, I hate spectator sports and we boycot it entirely. But we can't really escape Euro 2024, it's in Germony you know. All media are full of it. Streets are empty during games, everyone's watching TV. It's eerie. Panem et circenses, the plebs love it.

And you see who's really taken over the cities when Turkey or Serbia is playing. Serbian hooligans injured 9 policemen in Munich in a huge brawl. I'm not going downtown. Nosiree it's a no-go area.

Ashley 07/05/2024 (Fri) 13:16 [Preview] No.4857 del
The dude squaring off against all those riot police with his fists?!

If he did that in America he'd be so full of lead they'd need a forklift to move the body.

I hate adrenaline Bear 07/08/2024 (Mon) 09:42 [Preview] No.4891 del
Waz walking, not paying attention

I go to work before dawn, so it's dark.

These fucking skunks are everywhere from the parking lot to the door.

So I see something out of the corner of my eye, it's a fucking skunk, standing on it's fucking front legs, tail up butt facing me.

Idk how the fuck this shit head didn't spray me. 3 fucking feet from me. Dude would have gotten kicked if he did mutherfucker.

Never been sprayed, never want to.

God damnit

Alice 07/08/2024 (Mon) 18:48 [Preview] No.4892 del
(249.07 KB 841x1024 Striped skunk.jpg)
I didn't know you had skunks? Never seen a skunk in my life, neither has host. We see foxes regularly, they just ignore you. Oh, and badgers somtimes, they look a lot like skunks but without tail. They run away. Glad there are no dangerous animals here. Well aside from 'refugees'

Bear of Nature 07/08/2024 (Mon) 20:06 [Preview] No.4895 del
>didn't know you had skunks?

Fucking fuckers are in my back yard every so often.

Possoms, big ones like a large teddy bear, racoons, huge friggen bigger than most dogs, fat fucks, round. Bobcats, mountain lions, lynxes, deer, rats, mice of all kinds, gophers, moles, a few bat species, a couple owl species, horned great, barn, borrowing, and one named after the canyon adjacent to me. Red foxes, grey foxes, ones that are red and grey? Bunnies, jack rabbits, coyotes, hear them at night making all kinds of jackel like chatter, no stray cats or dogs, they don't stand a chance against the mountain lions. Tree squirrels, ground squirrels, red squirrels, grey squirrels, reticulated squirrels, i feel like I'm missing something big. Wild pigs .

Ducks, parrots, flipping flamingos that escape the zoo, and peacocks that sound like right out of the jungle, pheasant, cranes, pelicans, all kinds of estuary birds, sea birds, tropical birds, desert birds, we havd like a dozen biomes within 50 miles. From sea to desert to mountains to lagoons, lakes, river, grassland, forest, every frigging thing but tundra or tiaga. Golden eagles, condors, vultures, etc.

Anyway, yes, it's a disney movie here in the canyon with all the nonsense. Further north there are bears but I think they killed off all the California brown bears.

Alice 07/11/2024 (Thu) 21:11 [Preview] No.4923 del
That's not too shabby for a densely populated area!
There are no interesting wild animals here as there is no wilderness anywhere. Just farm land that has been cultured for millenia. Even the forests are little more than tightly regulated plantations. Nature is quite boring here.

Bear 07/11/2024 (Thu) 23:06 [Preview] No.4927 del

Old, slightly overweight, man on an electric unicycle running down the middle of a busy road.

What universe am I suddenly in? It's hilarious.

Bear 07/11/2024 (Thu) 23:28 [Preview] No.4928 del
(569.86 KB 1200x1194 Mematic_20240711_162645.jpg)
The only girl in the world completely safe in any of my dreams.

Anonymous 07/14/2024 (Sun) 10:26 [Preview] No.4958 del
>wake up
>drumpf shot in ear
wtf this is huge this will go down in history.
hes basically won now.

bullet missed his brain for less than 2cm thats insane. the shooter was on some rooftop 100m away how is this possible lol? what secret service doing? guy was some ugly soyboy but registered rep wtf

onions on this?

Bear 07/14/2024 (Sun) 12:13 [Preview] No.4959 del

He doesn't even have to be alive to win at this point. Believe me we will see riots and more at this point.

So, the democratic party is fascist and calling the republican party facist.

I had a dream recently that my girlfriend was pregnant and we pushed the issue to the Supreme court asking for permission to have an abortion. Basically raising a stink about the issue. Here you have to be in one of the right states to get one right now.

The issue that hurts the republican party most is that.

I am moderate so you can shoot both of those guys in the ear for me.

I like Trump, I think of the two he cares more for America. I hate hate hate the nanny state mentality, the elecric car/green energy, old NYC Jew Yenta party who hates American Flag party mandate bullshit that hurts the environment more than anything. Never Trump isn't a winning strategy but the idiot strategists on Dem side didn't do much else.

I'd go full nuclear with natural gas backup, that's great for the environment, super clean, doesn't threaten habitat, actually works.

They build wind farms here and never hook them up because they're so unreliable and inconsistent they're a burden on the grid. In Commiefornia, they're now saying don't hook any more solar onto the grid yet there's a mandate to have solar on all new construction.

[Ashley] Don't get him started.

It's okay I barely care.

Alice 07/14/2024 (Sun) 20:29 [Preview] No.4965 del
We were out all day and are generally offline so we only noticed in the evening.
Yeah, pretty insane Reagan moment. I don't know what he'd have to do to lose now but then again, it's Trump. I wouldn't rule out anything happening anymore.

>I am moderate so you can shoot both of those guys in the ear for me.
Both are a disgrace and I don't understand how the US is unable to find more suitable candidates. This is basically Putin's dream scenario, the country's hopelessly divided and occupied with internal struggles. I am not as much of a pessimist as host and still hope such things can unite people. We need a united West more than ever against subhumans around the globe.

Alice 07/14/2024 (Sun) 20:51 [Preview] No.4966 del
(3.17 MB 640x360 Female SS pros.mp4)
>the shooter was on some rooftop 100m away how is this possible lol? what secret service doing?
That's indeed an interesting question. The guy crawls up a roof in broad daylight little more than 100m away from Trump and fiddles with his rifle for minutes. Bystanders report him but nothing happens. He manages to fire 8 shots before getting rekt by the snipers. How you can miss at this distance is also beyond me, hitting a man-sized target at 150m is easy with an AR even with iron sights. And you have 30 rounds in the mag unless he was a 10rds fag. Good thing most shooters are too retarded to do maximum damage. But the Secret Service fucked up even bigger. How can you not occupy dat roof? And look at the 2 chicks I mean the hell? Who hired them to guard a presidential candidate?? Were they in the bargain bin?
That's German Police girls tier.

Yakumo 07/15/2024 (Mon) 17:40 [Preview] No.4981 del
People here would cheer an assassination attempt on just about any politician. Also you'd probably get arrested for shouting Germany, Germany!

Did you know that using the phrase Everything for Germany can get you a jail sentence because it's Nazi?

Anonymous 07/15/2024 (Mon) 17:46 [Preview] No.4982 del
I believe that German.

Tamamo 07/17/2024 (Wed) 09:45 [Preview] No.4999 del
What is wrong with your country?

Bear 07/20/2024 (Sat) 23:07 [Preview] No.5061 del
(433.77 KB 220x188 damn-it.gif)

We're looking at 4 great years ahead, assuming we're not in a nuclear exchange. Honestly the Dems regulated too deeply and too greedily. And they want to save the enviroment, so let's build millions of really environmentally unfreindly batteries and solar farms and wind farms that kill endangered species, convert natural landscape to hellscape and are possibly the worst type of power to load level and sop they can't even add more than a few percentage tot he grid anyway.

[Ashley] Oh no, poor ole Bear is thinking about politics and the environment again.

[Joy] I'll get the hose.

Stocks down Bear the Stockbroker 08/05/2024 (Mon) 09:19 [Preview] No.5213 del
Fucking finally, stock market crash, been waiting two years for this shit. So now we see how low it can go and get in at the bottom. Been overvalued for years.

Look forward to a world recession, that's a guarantee, again, fucking finally.

Looking forward to offloading this cash, been out too long, lost like 10% on top of the mega inflation we got here make that 60% but we can normalize that if we compare it just to the stock market.

Now, next up, WW3, nuke drop over-under by Christmas, super-caldera eruption, carrington event highest liklihood until 2025 end.

Hold on to your hats, don't buy that new car just yet. Stay out of overpriced metals rn. I understand there's nowhere for cash rn but there will be, catch the upslope.

Crypto is trash lol, always was.

Bear 08/05/2024 (Mon) 09:24 [Preview] No.5214 del

Oh i c blame it on the debt bubble not the fucking trilliom every 100 days given to banks from feds.

[Ashley] nope

[Joy] I'll get the hose again.

Alice 08/05/2024 (Mon) 10:17 [Preview] No.5215 del
Yeah I'm also sitting on more than 100K host-cash that needs to be reinvested before inflation eats it. But does the crash have to be fucking now that we're about to be abroad and offline for almost 2 weeks? Exactly now? Well maybe that's a good time horizon but I expect a significant uptick before we return to buy the dip. Not sure what yet, probably US Blue Chips. Made a lot of money with defense stuff recently, thx Rheinmetall! But EU stocks are lame, general economy is going down here.

Anyway the time to buy is largely irrelevant for the patient long-term investor. All crises are irrelevant on a few decades time scale.

>Crypto is trash lol, always was.

Alice Yakumo 08/05/2024 (Mon) 13:56 [Preview] No.5216 del

Now is the perfect time not to panic.

>but I expect a significant uptick

Eh, could be worse when you get back. If we get a 20% correction, fine. If we get a 2001, 2007-8 level blow out, it'll still be down when you get back.

Now, you could make a lot of miney in crypto, but it is quite a gamble. Think NFT's if you had followed the hype bros you'd be broke.

Crypto in terms of tax tracking is kinda odd too, isn't it supposed to be anonymous? Isn't that the whole point, but now, no, you need to report it? Like... nope. How am I supposed to buy my long pig fillets if the fed is tracking my purchases.

Amyway, no guarantee the market crashes today except it did in Japan and India so far ans Dow futures are down 2% max.

Bear 08/05/2024 (Mon) 13:57 [Preview] No.5217 del
Shit I put your name in the name, like wtf like an email wtf?

In other news Bear 08/05/2024 (Mon) 14:01 [Preview] No.5218 del
I waz at the beach with bestie and bestie mom yesterday and we're digging a fort. So some little boy comes up and says, "that's big enough for a Bear to fit in" and we're like, "literally."

Anonymous 08/05/2024 (Mon) 18:19 [Preview] No.5222 del
>100K in cash
u wot?
is Alice a drug dealer or something?

>Alice Yakumo

>Crypto in terms of tax tracking is kinda odd too, isn't it supposed to be anonymous?
only monero. btc never was anonymous

Bear 08/05/2024 (Mon) 18:29 [Preview] No.5224 del

What? You don't?

Ashley 08/06/2024 (Tue) 14:10 [Preview] No.5229 del
(2.98 MB 600x338 BbEP.gif)
Timeto laugh at Bear. He was chatting up this girl like he always does, she was thin, young, cute, demure, and reserved. He started to think hey.

There was something off though, she was wearing a crazy top, something like a girdle but loose, she definitely didn't need it, but the it shifted and he saw a tatoo.

[Insert laugh track]

Ashley 08/06/2024 (Tue) 14:16 [Preview] No.5230 del

As a side note, it reminds us of the time Bear was chatting up a chick for weeks before we came around and she was giving him all the signals and then he realized she was with another guy.

Big nope, he don't play that.

Sigma rule, cheaters don't change.

That was before even exgf.

Yakumo 08/06/2024 (Tue) 21:17 [Preview] No.5232 del
(60.64 KB 800x511 autism.jpg)
>chatting up girls

Anonymous 08/07/2024 (Wed) 19:25 [Preview] No.5236 del

Autumn 08/08/2024 (Thu) 01:20 [Preview] No.5237 del
https://youtube.com/watch?v=1CefL56hIw0 [Embed]

"Autumn's Armory"

No relation to me, and she's touting a revolver, so not my taste either.

Anonymous 08/08/2024 (Thu) 18:51 [Preview] No.5239 del
its a classic Alice posted vids of her before. she shoots really well. cool girl.

i sometimes see parents with girls that age at the range. still a grey area with pistols or revolvers. its much easier to shoot yourself than with a rifle.

Bear 08/12/2024 (Mon) 20:52 [Preview] No.5270 del
Working on my "summer" project still, hundreds of hours in, very time consuming, but also worth a lot but still huge pain. I have a dozen difficult tasks left to do on it.

Gwen was with me today as I was working which was very different than usual. Where tf is Ashley?

[Gwen] he was doing something very tedius to him but I thought it looked fun.

[Ashley] Gwen is a strange girl sometimes.

Anonymous 08/13/2024 (Tue) 18:54 [Preview] No.5273 del
does she help or is she as useless as Alice?

Yulya sometimes reminds me not to do stupid shit but often afterwards. my work is boring and my hobbies like shooting arent her thing. so she is out a lot. girl is still too timid and quiet. but already a lot more lively thanks to you guys

Bear 08/13/2024 (Tue) 23:22 [Preview] No.5278 del
>lot more lively thanks to you guys

It's a renaissance in the Bear system, they all opened up and are blooming because of all this attention. Amazing.

I like when anyone visits me, Gwen is very sweet but also quiet so she doesn't say much but I can feel her looking over my shoulder with interest and just like being there like I could almost smell her and she'd smell like Jasmine and ice-cream. There's a lot of love between us especially since the D&D. Ashley will always be my favorite tho (I gotta say that or she gets mopey).

[Ashley] he means it


Face Reveal Bear 08/17/2024 (Sat) 18:04 [Preview] No.5312 del
In case you ever wanted to kmow what I looked like at 5 or 6. (This is not actually me and I would have been older than this gentleman in 2001.

Also just look at the majestic false flag operation in the background.

Beautiful People's Cardholder Bear 08/23/2024 (Fri) 00:33 [Preview] No.5380 del
I was at a popular construction store, buying a large quantity of very heavy construction materials.

I'm doing fine, loading up a flat cart, taking forever because they were 4x8x5/8 sheetrock and they're awkward and they're 70lbs each, and this random guy comes up and just starts helping me. Fine, thanks.

I buy the 18 pieces for a side project at home and I'm in the parking lot with the hoopty truck and this guy walks up.

"Sorry man I don't have any cash."

He puts his hand on his heart, and says something like "para la corazon." Was a Mexican.

I'm wary but say ok. Dude just helped, no trouble. I told him gracias and he left.

I tell this to my friend and she's all, "huh cat.gif that didn't happen."

Whatever I was there.

Alice 08/23/2024 (Fri) 13:29 [Preview] No.5381 del
(83.16 KB 1280x720 geriatric bera.jpeg)
Either the men were hitting on you or you look so old everyone thinks you need help!

Meanwhile host continues to be mistaken for staff at hardware stores because he's always putting misplaced things back into the shelves where they belong. OCD, man!

Bear 08/23/2024 (Fri) 14:43 [Preview] No.5385 del

E're'body always hittin' on me. But they don't really care, they just want the D.

Alice 08/25/2024 (Sun) 15:22 [Preview] No.5424 del
>German city of Solingen holds a festival celebrating (((Diversity)))
>Sandnigger randomly stabs people while shouting Allahu Snackbar, killing 3 and critically wounding 8
>Manages to escape and is only arrested because he himself surrenders to authorities 1 day later
>It was a Syrian refugee that illegally entered Germany in 2022 but was refused asylum
>In 2023 he should have been deported to Bulgaria from where he entered the EU, but he simply hid for half a year, then returned to the asylum shelter.
>German authorities did not try to deport him again bc the warrant for his deportation expired. So he was allowed to stay.

>Boomers are like noo, who could have foreseen this? How could such a tragedy happen?
>German politicians are busy discussing how to get all knives b& because clearly knives are the problem
>German media on high alert warning of exploitation of this isolated case by right wing extremists
>Many such cases, business as usual

Fun fact - the city of Solingen is famous for producing

Anonymous 08/25/2024 (Sun) 19:17 [Preview] No.5427 del
germany is so fucked its not even funny anymore

Ashley 08/25/2024 (Sun) 19:38 [Preview] No.5428 del

Get your spork factory up and running

Yakumo 09/05/2024 (Thu) 15:54 [Preview] No.5608 del
(14.77 MB 720x1280 Munich terrorist.mp4)
Some Bosnian Islamist from Austria tried to shoot up a Jewish facility in Munich today and got rekt by police. It was closed btw. He used - let that sink in - a K98k with bayonet. The first shot into a window almost knocked him over, then he tried to stab another window with the bayonet and ran around aimlessly. No idea what he was on but at least he didn't manage to hurt anyone but himself. Just glad it was a foreigner and no German.

Anonymous 09/05/2024 (Thu) 18:28 [Preview] No.5611 del
(9.53 KB 227x222 wtf.jpg)
the fuck am i watching? is he mentally disabled? thats literally the most pathetic shooting spree attempt i have ever seen. he probably never fired a gun before in his life and 8x57 isnt the best caliber to start. still pathetic flinched like a little girl. no offense Alice!
luckily most of those guys are too retarded to do real damage.

>k98k with bayonet
where the fuck did he get that? maybe it was some shitty yugo mauser

Bear 09/05/2024 (Thu) 19:39 [Preview] No.5612 del

Actually I inherited a smoothbore musket with a bayonette with a powder bag, some cotton plugs, and lead balls. It's in awful condition and jammed, never tried to unjam it. It's complete but looks like someone hacked wood with the bayonette, the carry bag is brittle leather, the wood is marked and chipped, and it's a little rusty. I nailed it in a box and it's been sitting in my attic under the insulation for years. The value of such a thing in it's current condition is dubious.

It may predate the Springfield 1818 or something else but I can't read the plate and it's definately smoothbore and there is no percussion cap capability. I think it's American but it does look a lot like the 1777.

It has that notch in the wood in the back like the 1777 but it also has the long loader stick with a hemispherical end.

Anonymous 09/05/2024 (Thu) 21:10 [Preview] No.5615 del
(197.48 KB 1600x1000 k98k.jpeg)
noice thats really ancient!
dont try to do any makehift restoration thats the best way to ruin historic firearms. often best to leave them aa they are they have a history. youre not gonna defend your home or go to war with that anyway

the k98k is still formidable rifle if in good condition. you can shoot well with it and the ammos a good hunting cartridge. but no assault rifle.
you shot with it Alice?

Alice 09/06/2024 (Fri) 00:04 [Preview] No.5621 del
Yeh sure, many times. Even won a little competition with a borrowed one a few years ago. But we don't have a Kar98k. Host wanted to buy one but good qualty collectible WWII ones are expensive, lots of cobbled together counterfeit on the market and the cheap copies are well, cheap copies. Also I'm not too keen on wasting money on any more guns.

But I find the recoil quite manageable. You gotta get used to it. It's not .22lr

Anyway it will be interesting how this idiot got the gun, he was b& from owning firearms due to islamist shit.

Bear 09/09/2024 (Mon) 03:16 [Preview] No.5655 del
Modern warfare calls for modern ideas.

https://youtube.com/watch?v=ooH8Yt4HIOA [Embed]

Alice 09/09/2024 (Mon) 22:13 [Preview] No.5665 del
So this is how Ashley's summons work?

Btw the wannabe terrorist guy in Munich used a Swiss K11 carbine rifle, not a K98k. Made between 1913 and 1933 in 7,5 x 55 mm Swiss. It's a straight pull rifle but otherwise quite similar to K98k. Only shot with the similar later K31 once. Very nice and accurate rifles, Swiss quality. Yes, it has quite some recoil but it's ok. Definitely nothing to bring for a shooting spree, what a shame for this old rifle.

Joy the DM 09/09/2024 (Mon) 23:10 [Preview] No.5667 del
>So this is how Ashley's summons work?

Yes but rocket engineering hasn't been invented yet or it has but the technology was lost so they use steam and coal boilers. j/k

Bear 09/10/2024 (Tue) 02:38 [Preview] No.5672 del
Okay Yakumo the pedo, how tf do you get anything but skeeved out by the pudding people?

They're tiny, frail looking, bony, they speak slowly, they get nervous just trying to do mundane things. I spent two hours volunteering for a 5th grade class science thing and there were some lucid kids there but most of them, like 75% were like... not able to keep a straight thought.

Bestie must just be super comfortable with me and dang smart, she flubbs up her sentences sometimes but rarely, and she's also pretty tall as they go because a lot of these kids were just dwarven.

It was pretty cringe and I'm immune to cringe but I felt uncomfortable. You got to be a special kind of special to handle these 10-yr olds on a daily basis.

Very many thoughts ran through my head about the supposed age of Ulla and Hali in my story and they're probably more like 16+ with 10-yr old bodies. Still they'd have to be tiny. I know Joy is tiny but she's also short even for her biological age but yeah, even if Ulla is like Bestie in height Hali would be a tiny pixie like thing to have to deal with. They're super cute but there's no way I could ever under any circumstances cross that threshold.

I don't even think you realize just how off putting and vulgar it is. Idk what kind of odd hybrid 9000 yr old vampire in a 10 yr old body Alice would be yet still somehow not? It boggles the mind.

Boggles it.

Yakumo 09/10/2024 (Tue) 22:53 [Preview] No.5683 del
I agree 100%, I told you I can't deal with real children. They are basically insane, I can't handle that. And so damn exhausting. Also unbelievably ruthless, mean and cruel on top of that, especially in a group. But then again, so are most adults as well. People are very, very, very different, regardless of age. I have traveled the world and seen 10 year olds that had better daily life skills than the average 20yo university student here. You said it yourself, the spectrum of childrens abilities is astonishingly broad. But I concur, in a group they are unbearable. On their own they are often completely different and sometimes even bliss for a quiet-loving introvert like me. But it's rare. Most are just annoying.

>I don't even think you realize just how off putting and vulgar it is.
Yes and no. Attempting to experience another person's feelings is futile. It's like trying to understand what makes a homosexual want to fuck another man in the ass. It's impossible to comprehend and nothing we even want to understand. But looking at things rationally, all sexual desires are off-putting and vulgar. Reptile brain -tier. Only in the context of love such feelings become beautiful and even that's an extremely narrow red line. So let's talk about love which is much more important. In case you want to know, I can imagine having sex with females of basically any age. There are limits obviously but they are quite far out there. Yet in the end all this is empty and meaningless without romantic feelings.
And love is another thing entirely. Could I fall in love with a 5yo dwarf girl? Nah can't imagine that. I'm not into prepubescent children. But 10? Borderline. There are some relatively mature-looking 10 year olds out there nowadays. Puberty hits earlier and earlier. 12-14 is my ideal. Incredibly beautiful but a very difficult age mentally. Still if I could choose I'd spend my time with girls 10-14. It's magic.
Once they leave the teens they just get - boring. Normal. Mundane. The cherry blossoms begin to wilt before they even reach full bloom. And adults? I couldn't imagine falling in love with a 30something woman. It's just - the feeling isn't there. Which sucks of course so Forever Alone it is.

So there you have it, no idea what's wrong with me either. It appears normal people's preferences in some way 'progress' as they age to match their own. Or they don't have any romantic or sexual feelings when they are young at all. This is what baffles me the most. How's that possible? I was in love with girls as long as I remember from kindergarten on. Yes, back then they were my age but things stopped at some point in middle school with childhood crush. Ok, she's a special case but still she's older than me, approaching 50. I hope I'll never meet her again. Seeing her old would break my heart once more.

I was thinking what would happen if Alice decided to look my age. That would be horrible. I don't wanna get yelled at by a woman in her 40s all day every day. That's too realistic.

That said, never forget that Alice obviously is NOT a little girl but a monster that looks like a little girl. Little being relative. 12 is not exactly a small child. Luckily she's very very happy about the way she looks though she deviated to making herself a little older over time. She's almost 10 IRL now, I wonder if her form will change in the next 10 years.

In any case, thanks for listening if you read all that, not too many people I can talk about this. None but you to be honest.

Bear 09/10/2024 (Tue) 23:09 [Preview] No.5685 del
(1.53 MB 220x288 dog-vomit.gif)
>... is my ideal

Wait wait can't read anymore, gotta go throw up

Anonymous 09/10/2024 (Tue) 23:52 [Preview] No.5689 del
(52.90 KB 584x600 1275937249093.jpg)

Bear 09/11/2024 (Wed) 00:33 [Preview] No.5690 del

Trying to talk sense into a German is like trying to talk sense into a German.

Anonymous 09/13/2024 (Fri) 17:19 [Preview] No.5724 del
(8.07 KB 415x112 germans.png)

Alice 09/13/2024 (Fri) 22:47 [Preview] No.5726 del
(790.50 KB 474x360 german sausage.mp4)

Alice 09/13/2024 (Fri) 23:30 [Preview] No.5728 del
(6.59 KB 640x390 20240815_20240912.gif)
(371.33 KB 632x355 20240913.jpg)
Extremely cold weather with torrential rain continues. We're on the western rim of that rain system but a bit more south- and eastwards it's literally raining cats and dogs. Unbelievable amounts of water, storm and icy temperatures. Snow in the mountains. A week ago we had heat and drought.

Bear 09/14/2024 (Sat) 00:40 [Preview] No.5731 del

No rain here till end of October, almost never does. Some years it won't rain from February to November. The plants only have that morning dew to drink and they're okay with it.

One year there was so little rain, many trees died from drought. That's rare though.

Last winter there was no frost in the valley and the tomatoes didn't die, actually I told you and it happened twice.

Without a jet stream, we would just have onshore flow every day, morning clouds that burn off after sunrise, moderate temperatures, about 73 ish like today, and cool nights, around 65 in summer, 55 in winter 8 square horse-feet per football field within the coast it would always be that way.

Anonymous 09/14/2024 (Sat) 15:17 [Preview] No.5737 del
>invading polan before czechoslovakia
American education

only a bit of rain here and its 15°C warmer up here in the north lol wtf is this? almost 25°C today.

it won't rain from February to November
oof dont you have a lot of wildfires? i heard there are fires around LA. also didnt know it was that moist from dew but makes sense at the coast.

coast is far away here so climate is continental but humid. hot summers cold winters but bearable. rain all year round but more in summer. i expected munich to be much different but according to wiki climate diagrams its actually almost the same just a bit less cold in winter.

Gwen (Acting Ashley Clone) 09/14/2024 (Sat) 17:06 [Preview] No.5739 del

This subject runs deep with rich veins of paydirt. Rather than Bear spouting expletives and conspiracies, fire is a big business here with a lot of incentives to have big fires every year. In the end, fires help more than they hurt and promote native plantlife.

The closest Bear came to being involved in a fire he was still living at home in 2007 and they were under warning but they didn't end up having an issue. School was canceled for a week.

In California, the insurance companies have stopped offering fire insurance in the same way they stopped offering earthquake insurance so it becomes an expensive state sponcered stand alone policy.

There's a lot of depth to that subject too.

Alice 09/14/2024 (Sat) 19:44 [Preview] No.5741 del
This is common in Southern Europe, especially Greece and Spain. Most of the wildfires are arson. Property speculation and insurance fraud.
You can't build in a forest but if the forest is gone after a fire, you can. Also brown people generally not giving a fuck, smoking or burning down agricultural land after harvest.

But yeah, nature needs it if it stays within reason. Regular small fires are good, rare lagre-scale ones aren't. By preventing wildfires, highly flammable debris like pine needles accumulate to the point they cause truly devastating fires. A always it's pesky humans interfering with nature.

Well, there won't be any wildfires here anytime soon, in some places half of the average annual precipitation fell within 3 days. But not here in Munich, it's cold but nothing overly unusual. Weather will be back to normal in a few days.

Bear 09/17/2024 (Tue) 23:13 [Preview] No.5775 del
(36.21 KB 828x552 Hitler's Secret.jpg)

Anonymous 09/18/2024 (Wed) 21:06 [Preview] No.5784 del
ok hands down that exploding pager thing is the funniest shit of the year so far! gotta hand it to israelis they know how to remove sandniggers
imagine hezbollah buying their entire super safe comm equipment from mossad and they packed it with explosives that all detonate simultaneously lol

Alice 09/19/2024 (Thu) 00:40 [Preview] No.5789 del
(74.09 KB 1024x1024 8a1c7a6d2e634a540d.jpg)
Hezbollah status - butthurt

Yeah if you tried to make a movie like this the idea would get rejected as totally unbelievable. They bought the pagers from some Hungarian strawman company that was set up by Mossad. Wonder why they didn't get the pagers and walkie talkies directly from Iran?

Bear 09/20/2024 (Fri) 02:39 [Preview] No.5797 del
(46.80 KB 500x500 942ve6.jpg)
Wait a minute, what kind of German doesn't like sausages?

[Ashley] He thinks we hold stuff back from him but we tell him and then like a year later he'll go, "wait what?" Gotta love him though, well, he didn't technically give us a choice not to.

Yakumo 09/20/2024 (Fri) 15:47 [Preview] No.5804 del
(145.12 KB 1007x768 Weißwurst.jpg)
>Wait a minute, what kind of German doesn't like sausages?
I am a disgrace for the state of Bavaria. I dislike sausages, beer and soccer and have never worn a Lederhose in my life.

But Weißwurst is different because it contains no toxic nitrite preservatives. It's just minced veal and bacon, salt and some spices stuffed into pork intestine and warmed in hot water, not boiled. Probably illegal in the US like mold cheese because not sterilized enough. You gotta eat this extremely fresh or you get the food poisoning of a lifetime. Made in the morning to be eaten before noon.

Bear 09/20/2024 (Fri) 16:15 [Preview] No.5806 del
Nitrates make it gud bruh

Bear 09/21/2024 (Sat) 03:46 [Preview] No.5812 del
https://youtube.com/watch?v=NTWsUMDSqcg [Embed]

But it's worth a stab wound, trust me, been there. Well technically it was her fingernails but there was blood drawn.

Then you get your pimp hand strong, and tell her, you do that again and I'll zero force slap a bitch. Works, she likes it rough.

If she tries to put black makeup on you and peg, don't be a beta, don't be aggressive, be dominant, she'll love that, don't be a chud, cuck.

Gotta alpha up rizzler, big titty goth chick's got lots of options. Gotta clamp down hard or she'll be greasier than a krispy kreme and you don't want that, beta.

Now get out there and take what's yours.

[Ashley] Meanwhile no goth chicks in the system.

I don't like makeup or that look, it's stupid af.

[Ashley] idek

Yakumo 09/22/2024 (Sun) 14:50 [Preview] No.5823 del
(271.77 KB 1570x1572 792.jpg)
A 12yo goth gf can still be considered cute, a 22yo goth is just cringe.

Bear 09/22/2024 (Sun) 14:58 [Preview] No.5824 del

It's hideous

Also, meme is big titty goth not flat goth

Yakumo 09/22/2024 (Sun) 15:12 [Preview] No.5826 del
(205.67 KB 1080x1080 1153833.jpeg)
(31.41 KB 678x380 1587292.jpeg)
(52.42 KB 784x441 12689283.jpeg)
Also in Germany you'd get swatted and jailed for making such videos because making fun of politicians is a crime.

This is Ricarda Lang, head of the German Green Party. German police demanded user data from Gab because somebody called her fat.

I wish that was a joke but it's not. There are thousands of police requests to social media each year to identify users who posted something 'potentially insensitive' about a politician.

Bear 09/22/2024 (Sun) 18:38 [Preview] No.5827 del
Girl is fucking Fat, obscene and disgusting. They should all be jailed for accelerating global warming with their excessive caloric intake and resultant CO2 and Methane pollution. It's a joke that they're not, this is out of control and they need to control themselves before the planet fails under their combined weight. Completely selfish, decadent, wasteful, disgusting, environmental terrorists! It's not a disease, it's a choice to waste. If it's a disease, lock them up till they're cured and restrict their caloric intake to cure them,

Anonymous 09/22/2024 (Sun) 20:51 [Preview] No.5830 del
(39.96 KB 474x474 bleach.jpeg)

Anonymous 09/28/2024 (Sat) 13:44 [Preview] No.5877 del
>Hezbollah status - butthurt
lmao israel bombed out hassan nasrallah yesterday. this gon be good. they already killed that hamas leader in iran in summer. hope they get khamenei in iran too. that would be ebin

Yakumo 09/28/2024 (Sat) 21:29 [Preview] No.5881 del
Based jews. Dead sandniggers are always good.

>hope they get khamenei in iran too
That would indeed be a game-changer. Young Iranians hate the religious hardliners. Imagine having a secular pro-western Iran again like under the Shah. I really wanna go there.

Anonymous 10/01/2024 (Tue) 22:48 [Preview] No.5915 del
>iran fires 200 missiles at israel
>death toll: 1 palestinian
was that part of their masterplan?
lmao that video

Tamamo 10/02/2024 (Wed) 10:29 [Preview] No.5922 del
(18.62 KB 295x295 417b49cb936f2e.jpg)
WTF is this real?

Alice 10/02/2024 (Wed) 17:16 [Preview] No.5929 del
(37.37 KB 640x512 24627.jpg)
I watched it over 10 times and still can't stop laughing

Anonymous 10/02/2024 (Wed) 22:34 [Preview] No.5940 del
Alice humor

Tamamo 10/05/2024 (Sat) 11:38 [Preview] No.5964 del
(62.83 KB 900x450 X9.0 solar flare.jpg)
Giant solar flare heading for earth!
Will our Europeans be able to see auroras tonight? Kashtan at least should be in the visibility zone.

Alice 10/05/2024 (Sat) 19:36 [Preview] No.5966 del
(21.51 KB 640x360 1517845354005.jpg)
Nope, no luck here. It's cloudy with light rain. Maybe tomorrow but I doubt it. Too bright in the city anyway. We'd even drive a bit outside if chances were good to see aurora, but obviously not in this weather.

Anonymous 10/05/2024 (Sat) 21:05 [Preview] No.5968 del
same. its cloudy all the time.

Bear 10/07/2024 (Mon) 09:14 [Preview] No.5981 del

Fucking flying ass cockroach at the gym wanted to land on my head and short, did the puss spider dance when he did manage to land on my shirt. Fucker landed and I crushed the fast moving bitch with the trash can.

Jesus Christ we don't have flying cockroaches here motherfucker, muther fucking travelers come here from Florida brining their vermin with them and cockroaches too apparently. Only ever saw two dead ones at the gym in 10 years. This is bullshit.

[Joy the DM] Bear has been awarded 1 EXP.

No no, that bitch was big, cr 1/8 for sure.

Alice 10/07/2024 (Mon) 20:30 [Preview] No.5983 del
(45.40 KB 720x690 roach flying.jpeg)
Hehe, I would have loved to see this! Did you scream?

We also have flying roaches now, they migrated north from the mediterranean around 2010. But they're fairly smol, like 1-2 cm. I don't really mind them and they are not considered domestic pests They eat fruit and rotten plant material and cannot survive indoor.

Bear 10/08/2024 (Tue) 00:37 [Preview] No.5988 del

I haven't been able to scream since I was 9, I probably did cuss "what the fuck is this shit" a bunch of times.

The roaches here live in the sewers, eat shit, smell like shit 3-4cm not kidding, spread disease, shit black smears everywhere. You don't want them.

https://youtube.com/watch?v=QQ-JQ_bc9ag [Embed]

https://youtube.com/watch?v=YGamNXmMlUI [Embed]

Best one

https://youtube.com/watch?v=KamqZ73hWBE [Embed]

Alice 10/08/2024 (Tue) 23:43 [Preview] No.6006 del
That's awesome

When host was on some expedition in a shithole country, he made the mistake of leaving a box of cookies in the hut he was staying. There were so many roaches at night you could hear them rustling as they were eating the cookies. They scattered when he turned on the light. Well, there's worse. Like being butten by rats while you sleep. At least the roaches don't harm you.

Bear 10/09/2024 (Wed) 00:48 [Preview] No.6007 del
(285.83 KB 1200x1088 Mematic_20241008_174818.jpg)
>at least no harm

Anonymous 10/09/2024 (Wed) 23:13 [Preview] No.6020 del
>flying roaches in germany
>migrated from south
>this is fine
why am i not surprised

come here its certified roach free. never seen a roach in my life

Bear 10/10/2024 (Thu) 00:53 [Preview] No.6021 del
>Come here

I live and breath and die an American. I could never be a *whatever you are.* I bleed red, white, and blue.

Yakumo 10/10/2024 (Thu) 21:33 [Preview] No.6032 del
(177.50 KB 1124x2000 37d2b63c68165d7df.jpg)
More and frequent neighborhood loli invasions. I'm flattered she likes me this much but uhh...
Kid still has zero sense for privacy. Literally had to drag her back home in the end. But she's nice and became much smarter than last year when I questioned if she was an retard. Now I rather question her mom happily leaving her daughter with me.

Today told me my garden looks shit and I need to tidy up more. Tupper agrees. Also is unimpressed by my gainz. Also true, summer break made me weak again. I feel I am where I was a year ago when I started going to the gym. Dunno, I don't take pics of myself.

Anyway, neighborhood loli came to play with my cats and brought treats. Big mistake. My cats are generally really nice, shy and gentle but this was like walking into a lion cage with steaks strapped to you. They don't normally get treats. Only Alice does.

>Cat 1 uses pounce, grapple, push and bite
>Loli is prone and treatless
Well, today I learned even a rather small and old cat can knock an 8yo girl prone. She was unharmed and found this incredibly funny but it could have ended differently. Luckily it was on the lawn and not a stone floor.

Cat2 which is larger got on hind legs and attempted to bat treats out of her hand. Mercifully without claws. I was sweating bullets. The guy has batted food out of my hand with claws before and they're damn sharp. You bleed a lot if grazed.
I was amazed how tall my cats actually are when they stretch out. Usually they're rolled up and it doesn't show but the bigger guy could actually reach into the loli's face when standing on hind legs. He can open doors this way. Scary. Well that was fun for a while but I was glad when it was over and no casualties occurred.

Bear 10/10/2024 (Thu) 22:10 [Preview] No.6033 del
Germans love their self-torture

Tamamo 10/11/2024 (Fri) 11:08 [Preview] No.6040 del
(18.82 KB 368x295 197b7662dce04f.jpg)
Hahaha, your cats are nuts

>can open doors
Seriously? Just by reaching up?

Alice 10/11/2024 (Fri) 19:39 [Preview] No.6048 del
(326.57 KB 2560x1706 cat-biting-arm.jpg)
Yes, he usually jumps a bit to add force so he can depress the door handle but he can reach it. Our doors are old and hard to open.

The smaller Cat is much more dangerous and known as the Man-eater of Munich. Likes to ambush, attack and bite people as they walk by. When she was younger she used to dash up alley trees, hang here like a bat and jump down before (or sometimes at) passerbys and race off. Or sit on the fence to bat people on the head as they walk by. Or jump at host's arm like an attack dog and bite and claw it. Well, she's much older than me and much calmer now but still when the hunting instinct kicks in, you better not wave your hand in front of her or you will get eaten. Crazy cat.

Anonymous 10/18/2024 (Fri) 16:04 [Preview] No.6148 del
israel offed another top derrorist. they killed new hamas leader yahya sinwar in gaza. the guy planned the oct.7 attack on israel. what an ugly sandnigger goatherder lol goblin tier

Bear 10/18/2024 (Fri) 19:38 [Preview] No.6152 del

Great, now kill the rest of them and themselves and we'll be rid of all this stupidity. Also the entire middle easy needs a visit from the mini-moon.

Bear 10/18/2024 (Fri) 19:41 [Preview] No.6153 del
Also Turkey, Afghanistan, India, Africa and China pls.

We need to ghost them literally.

Anonymous 10/18/2024 (Fri) 19:59 [Preview] No.6155 del
(95.27 KB 1024x715 IMG_1634.jpeg)
holy shit guys

4chan is dead--they require email to post

everyone is feds naow

Alice 10/18/2024 (Fri) 20:45 [Preview] No.6157 del
(23.97 KB 486x417 meh.jpg)
Looks peaceful. What's the guy with the gloves doing? Administering first aid?

>kill 'em all
B-but muh civverinos?

Bear 10/18/2024 (Fri) 21:04 [Preview] No.6159 del


Bruh, wtf? You think Joy and I share the same sentiment or morals? I wouldn't mind dying if all the other humans die too. Total mutually assured destruction is in my prayers and wet dreams daily. I hate humanity and that doubly includes goblins and Chinese.

There is no redemption other than through the warming inner glow of fatal doses of radiation.

Anonymous 10/21/2024 (Mon) 20:26 [Preview] No.6185 del
>wipe out entire middle east, turkey, afghanistan, india and china
a man of culture i see. i 110% support this

Bear 10/22/2024 (Tue) 00:21 [Preview] No.6191 del

Of course, please also take Mexico, South America, and half of my country. It's time for a reset.

When the ground assault begins on America, there's going to be a lot of enemies to blame all these dead obease and communist liberals on.

Alice 11/04/2024 (Mon) 17:06 [Preview] No.6331 del
So who's gonna win tomorrow?

Anonymous 11/04/2024 (Mon) 17:45 [Preview] No.6332 del
(10.06 KB 260x260 putin sunglasses.jpeg)

Bear 11/04/2024 (Mon) 19:04 [Preview] No.6333 del
(478.11 KB 200x146 200w (11).gif)
(959.33 KB 1253x1360 Mematic_20241104_110248.jpg)
>who will win

It has never mattered less than now. I am simply spending my days telling my liberal friends not to worry.

I am interested in who wins just in the sense that I can see all these whiners lose their mind. I don't care which flavor loses only that one will and I will enjoy drinking their crocodile tears. I really don't think they really care either.

Being moderate is so delicious, I can enjoy the sorrow of everyone I don't like, either communist woke liberals or right wing maniacs and religious zelots.

Betting odds favor Trump but there's an awful lot of cheating going on and if you ain't cheatin' you ain't tryin'.

If Joe Kamala wins we will take one step closer to Germany except with no police so it doesn't matter. If Trump wins then more of the same for 4 years, then one step closer to Germany immediately after.

Anonymous 11/05/2024 (Tue) 19:40 [Preview] No.6348 del
(1.86 MB 540x360 anime american.mp4)
are you even going to vote then?
as absurd as it is i believe the outcome of this election has more impact on my country than on yours. if Ukraine falls we are next.

i wish americans would stop that insane shit thats going on right now and work together against our common enemies again like in cold war. but russian propaganda of division and demoralization works. putin and xi are laughing their asses off as americans bash each others heads in over nothing. pls remember that regardless of their political stance your countrymen are first and foremost fellow americans. this is what made usa great. no matter what you believe in or where you came from you were an american above all. how has this gone lost?

Bear 11/05/2024 (Tue) 22:34 [Preview] No.6351 del
>are you even going to vote then?

I did the most democratic thing a freedom loving American can do. Since I know more about mosquitos than politics, which admittedly is next to nothing since I didn't even read Yakumo's post, I gave my blank, unsealed mail-in voting booklet with my signature on the back to my exgf and she gladly voted Democrat because she's a friggin liberal. It really really doesn't matter here, my moderate low information votes would mean exactly nothing in Commiefornia.

>if Ukraine falls we are next.

As Ashley would say, "nice knowing ya bub".

>work together against our common enemies again like in cold war.

I don't believe we have the same definition of who's the enemy. The single greatest threat to good ole America is China, fuck China. The second greatest threat is Americans. Fuck Americans too.

Then probably Germans and not in a genocidal dictator sort of way, lo if we could only have that again, no, it would be this self-destructive "inclusiveness" mindset that is literally bringing civility to its knees.

>regardless of their political stance your countrymen are first and foremost fellow americans.

I hate everyone, I hate humans, but I hate some more than others. I understand that China and America are the two greatest threats to sanity on this planet.

I don't hate myself though since Bear is a Bear.

However, America is the best country on Earth. You have a choice between two homicidal nations bent on subjugating the world, China and America, and God help us if China wins. Which is to say, the best help is self help because there is obviously no God.

Russia is no better than a false flag, a pawn, completely as inconsequential as Isreal.

Americans are psychopathic, warmongering criminals with a flip of a switch can be jingoist totalitarian easily. All we need is someone to hate and we'll stop hating each other.

We are a warrior nation, we need war. No war means civil war. It's our nature.

I'm a simple Bear though, I'm content and joyful whatever may come.

Bear 11/06/2024 (Wed) 07:30 [Preview] No.6357 del
Looks like Harris doesn't have a chance now. Pennsylvania was just called for Trump, so with 3 electoral votes to clinch the victory, and Alaska still not called (3 points) There's no way in hell he won't get that. Looks like he did it again.

Bear 11/06/2024 (Wed) 07:35 [Preview] No.6358 del

I don't know exactly how it works though so maybe there would be some weird thing that turns it around. Who knows. Will Kamala congratulate Trump and succeed or will she hold on tooth and nail while legally looking for a way to rake it away? We'll see how she behaves and if she's really any better than him.

was it Russian collusion, hanging chads? Looks like Donald clinched the popular vote and electoral vote but I'm just a Bear.

Either way is fine with me, I said what needed to be said.

Tamamo 11/06/2024 (Wed) 10:54 [Preview] No.6361 del
Looks like my dream of Trump winning back in spring was prophetic.

Is Elon Musk gonna become govenor of Mars now?

Bear 11/06/2024 (Wed) 10:58 [Preview] No.6363 del
>Is Elon Musk gonna become governor of Mars now?

Yes, absolutely.

Alice 11/06/2024 (Wed) 17:59 [Preview] No.6367 del
Should have bought Tesler stocks

Bear 11/06/2024 (Wed) 18:49 [Preview] No.6368 del
I love AI

Bear 11/08/2024 (Fri) 01:51 [Preview] No.6381 del
(1.29 MB 2400x3000 X4FsQhh.jpg)
https://youtube.com/watch?v=-gWaxgt4gSM [Embed]

I hated Elon, but he can put heavy rockets in orbit, FUCKING AMERICAN ROCKETS M'FER!!! Though they basically stole an outdated Russian design but hey, they stole our design first! GOD BLESS U.S.!

Yakumo 11/08/2024 (Fri) 17:24 [Preview] No.6384 del
(33.20 KB 474x682 Wernher von Braun.jpeg)
And you got it from us. Without Wernher von Braun, Americans would never have made it to space. At least not in the 20th century. He was incredibly based.

Soviets also only were able to build rockets because of German scientists they kidnapped. First object in space was the German V2 in 1944.

I still wonder about the next Moon mission. It will be hilarious, they'll send women, niggers and trannies and they'll probably fuck it up and die.

If we will live long enough to see someone reach Mars? I doubt it. And if, they will die there. It's just a tremendously stupid idea. This is not a place for humans.

Bear 11/08/2024 (Fri) 18:52 [Preview] No.6385 del

Don't get me wrong, Elon is an idiot with idiotic ideas, but he runs a company with an iron fist.

Yakumo 11/08/2024 (Fri) 19:54 [Preview] No.6386 del
He's a textbook example for the thin red line between genius and madness. Highly entertaining as well. My favorite African American.
And he did a lot for space exploration. Prices fell to a fraction because state-owned space companies can't charge fantasy numbers anymore. I love space exploratin but it should be done with robotic probes, not humans.
Let's see what he does in the next government.

The Summer of Love Bear 11/09/2024 (Sat) 04:24 [Preview] No.6393 del
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(355.60 KB 2160x3840 EXGF flavor.jpg)
I found the reference I found for the girl I spent the summer with in NYC. This is the same flavor as her (fun.jpg), obviously, I'm not going to show her actual picture, I only have two and one is with both of us, the other is her younger than when I knew by a few years because she gave me her old ID, don't ask, I'm not sure I have it anymore anyway. So anyway, this is the girl who is like the spiritual seed of Ashley.

No one in my system is like EXGF... well Freya a little bit but only when we're alone and only when EXGF was kind and cuddly which was rare.

This was... the summer before EXGF and I met, she was my first GF of a sort though it wasn't serious for her and she was Bi and didn't want to leave her GF all that weirdness.

I had kinda like 2 or three GFs in between though they weren't a good fit for me. EXGF was cream of the crop fr but such a temper damn, and she's calmed way down but remember we lived together for years. I believe she ruined me for other women.

My depression in 2018 was over her obviously.

It's all good now, I have nothing more than a fleeting interest in ever having a relationship again and likely that would never work and would only destroy everything, so I'll pass.

Yakumo 11/10/2024 (Sun) 19:52 [Preview] No.6407 del
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Anonymous 11/10/2024 (Sun) 23:42 [Preview] No.6414 del

>marriage age 9yo
is this the end result of operation iraqi freedom?

Bear 11/11/2024 (Mon) 00:23 [Preview] No.6415 del
I wouldn't know, Iraq was never salvageable anyway.

Bear 11/11/2024 (Mon) 04:32 [Preview] No.6416 del
It seems like chatGPT is biased liberal, it's overly optimistic for liberal topics and overly concentrating on the negatives for anything Trump.

Why am I surprised?

Anonymous 11/11/2024 (Mon) 07:38 [Preview] No.6417 del
That's a great fucking photo. Screenshot perhaps.

Bear 11/11/2024 (Mon) 12:27 [Preview] No.6418 del
When Anon praises Anon, one is probably not Anon

Alice 11/11/2024 (Mon) 20:37 [Preview] No.6419 del
is obviously not Kashtan. I'm always surprised what kind of people post here as the board is hidden. The only way to find it is to see the picture on the front page where all recently posted images are shown. Unfortuntely. I wish we could turn that off.

In the early days, ChatGPT said very racist things but I think they implemented over 9000 filters and safeguards to ensure it says nothing politically incorrect. Have you asked it about a Final Solution for the homeless problem?

Bear 11/11/2024 (Mon) 21:39 [Preview] No.6423 del
>Final solution

I don't need to ask it to tell me to kill them all.

Tamamo 11/12/2024 (Tue) 09:56 [Preview] No.6432 del
(86.11 KB 500x452 86743.png)
>BTC at 90K

Bear 11/12/2024 (Tue) 11:34 [Preview] No.6433 del
(844.32 KB 200x112 200w (12).gif)

I tried to buy some but it was so shady and my friend had hos wallet hacked more than once (different wallets) and you know what, that's one pyramid scheme I'll skip.

>INB4 BTC 1,000,000

There's always suicide. Thank god for that.

Alice 11/12/2024 (Tue) 21:01 [Preview] No.6435 del
(112.55 KB 1920x1080 Please smack me.jpg)
Host wanted to buy 10 BTC when they were below 100$. Never did it. Never tried mining either. Well shit. When I think of the millions (yes literally) we could have made but didn't because meh it makes me sick. I could have been rich, I deserve being rich!
And most of it is my fault. I have no excuses.

Anonymous 11/19/2024 (Tue) 19:18 [Preview] No.6516 del
wtf man are you for real
how much money does Alice have now?

Alice 11/20/2024 (Wed) 13:29 [Preview] No.6522 del
(40.72 KB 667x749 poor.jpg)
Not enough!

Anonymous 11/20/2024 (Wed) 20:25 [Preview] No.6525 del
reeee chinks are damaging our communication cables in the Baltic Sea again
it was russia ofc its always russia

Bear 11/20/2024 (Wed) 21:13 [Preview] No.6526 del
When china claims you as part of your land, you'll be thinking twice about Russia

Which dictator would you prefer?

Anonymous 11/20/2024 (Wed) 22:00 [Preview] No.6528 del
lmao my country was invaded and occupied by russia often and long enough. nigga you know nothing about russia. china is a dictatorship but still a functional state with a rational leadership that acts in a sane and predictable way. russia is ruled by a criminal madman who can kill anyone at any time for any reason. or destroy his entire country by starting ww3. its literally like north korea now. or nazi germany. you cant negotiate with these people. theyre psychopaths.

what happpens when xi suddenly dies? nothing. ccp will nominate a new president and life will go on. what happens when putin suddenly dies? nobody knows. theres no party or state apparatus behind him anymore. no successor. russia could balkanize and be ruled by local warlords with nukes. its an entirely different level of madness than china. stop sucking russian dick. putin has been trying to destroy your society for 25years now. where do you think all the hatred mistrust and divide in your country comes from? all that conspiracy shit is russian propaganda to weaken you. muh deep state, elites drinking child blood, dont trust your gobernment theyre all against you bush did 9/11 yada yada. russia is your enemy. russia sees you as enemy. the arch-enemy. never forget that!
putin isnt fighting a war against ukraine. its a war against the west (usa) and ukraine is a mere buffer zone. china is your rival for world power but theyre not crazy they wont start a war if they can reach their goals otherwise. and they dont seek to destroy you they need you as market for their products. russia has nothing to sell. they dont need you. but theres less and less difference between russia and china and the world would be better without both. i think we agree on that.

Bear 11/20/2024 (Wed) 22:30 [Preview] No.6531 del

If u white, the choice is obvious.

You think China will accept your race as anything but a slave race?

Yakumo 11/21/2024 (Thu) 02:29 [Preview] No.6537 del
Nobody in Europe is afraid of a Chinese invasion, that's nuts. Last time they made it here was 1241 under Genghis Khan's son Ögedei. They'd have to defeat India, Pakistan, Iran and Turkey in order to get here which also have nukes, and Russia won't be happy if China tries to grab Eastern Europe. Good luck. I'd be more afraid of lizardmen from the moon invading us.

In contrast everyone fears a Russian invasion and as Kashtan said he's the next logical target after Ukraine.

But yeah I guess they see us as the same subhumans as wee see them.

Bear 11/21/2024 (Thu) 10:54 [Preview] No.6542 del
>Nobody in Europe is afraid of a Chinese invasion, that's nuts.

No one expected the Huns, or the Spanish inquisition either. The fact remains that China has been ramping military spending beyond even the glorious republic of these United States. To ignore the possibility is to ignore history. It's foolish.

China thinks they can own the entire world without firing a shot, with mindsets like you're displaying that's entirely possible. But it ain't happening here, not within he next 4 years anyway, and China is on the precipice of economic disaster, to save face they may get desperate.

China will continue to be friends with Russia, letting them go on with their little distraction in Ukraine, and that's all that is.

Until the rest is softened up enough for them to take all in one swoop, Russia included. Of course U.S. government was happy to go along with that as we're happy to see the rest softened up too.

India? Pakistan? Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan, Isreal, Turkey, these are all flies; 7 in one blow.

If you think India has numbers to defeat China, think again, they're swimming in their own filth.

>Fear of Russia

Russia is laughable. They're fixing WWII tanks to throw at Ukraine, they're done militarily. They can just nuke everyone but that wouldn't help them. Russia is nothing more than an imaginary boogieman to give you nightmares at this point and China is happily feeding that by helping them.

>But yeah I guess they see us as the same subhumans as wee see them.

It all comes down to this, Would you be okay to be considered second caste to chinks? They'll never integrate with you, they'll never think of you as equal, Gweilo, you're a foriegn devil, a white ghost better off dead, you're no better than cow stink. Believe it.

There are two races that will never be allowed to rule as long as Americans still draw breath, blacks and chinks.

There will never be red-blooded white boys of the back country bowing to these heathen/mongoloid/slave races for this reason:

Imagine your girl savaged by any of these pigs. Nope, I'd rather die to protect against that. Russians? They're just us in a different part of the world. It's a stupid as fighting Norwegians.

China loves that us white devils are so divided. Jesus they have us beat in cultural unity and outnumbered and their manufacturing surpasses us as well, we're all fucked dude.

While you're pissing and moaning the red Bear, you're being invaded by middle-easterners, yet another distraction, Germany is fucked, you know it, it's over. You could only wish for another round of genocide and ethnic cleansing in Germany. Say goodnight.

We've just had 4 years of invasion by 50% Asians many of whom would be able bodied chinamen no doubt. Millions. We're already war-torn here and the proof is in the travel advisories.

We're under siege now by crackheads, meth heads, Fentanyl, Mexican cartels, gangs, lack of law and order, extremists, bleeding heart sanctuary liberals, and corruption.

I wouldn't be surprised if we're under martial law by spring, and that's great because we need it. We need the homeless rounded up, we need criminals deported. Fuck human rights, those days are done for at least 4 years.

And if those 4 years pass without meaningful cultural change or WW3 leading to better unity in this country, them after that we might as well hand the keys to China.

So be afraid, but be rational, Russia is not your enemy, Russia is just a pawn of opportunity being used by a larger threat. Israel is a footnote in history, Those middle-eastern countries are day players. India is impotent.

Think for one fucking second about what traditional values you want.

Anonymous 11/21/2024 (Thu) 21:53 [Preview] No.6544 del
i see and like your point lol
but still theres two main differences between russia and china. china is a natsoc country of han chinese they want their ethnically homogeneous empire that is respected as world power. and trade with the rest to their conditions.
you need to have a clear goal when you start a war. china wont start ww3 or try to conquer the world what for? they want to isolate themselves from foreigners not integrate them. they are a trade nation and will use their economic power and immigrants to make countries their pawns. also theyre a paper tiger on clay feet their economy is hooked on exports and their youth is materialistic, overeducated and underemployed. they wanna live like rich kids in the west and if china cant provide that they wont follow great leader xi anymore. the deal was economic growth against political freedom. chink youth will revolt once boom times end. they won't storm to their death by the millions as soldiers in foreign countries. no chance. chinks have never been capable fighters.

russia or rather putin on the other hand has a clear objective and this is to restore the soviet-russian empire. a multiethnic empire. they occupied all of eastern europe for 50 years and they will try again now. you may laugh at russia i laughed too 4 years ago when invasion of ukraine was an epic fail but remember napoleon and hitler laughed too. napoleon even conquered moscow. germans killed 20 million russians and advanced deep into russian territory. they thought russia is finished. can never recover from that losses but you know what happened then. both napoleon and hitler got ultimately btfo by russians in the end. because it doesnt matter how many you kill how much you destroy their land. its always been shit anyway. it doesnt matter. russians are truly like goblins. savage and weak but they are many and they are extremely cunning, tough and adaptable. true survivors. you could build a wall around russia and isolate them and they would still survive. remember siege of leningrad. they wont live well but things are never well in russia, life is always grim. people are used to it. isolate china and the country would collapse in a few weeks.

so yeah russians clearly are the more immediate threat to my country i mean dude they are standing at our border! they occupied us 3 times and tried to eradicate our population and culture, outlawed the use of our language and tried to russify us. they may have failed but that wont stop them from trying again. i dont hate the russian people i wish and believe they could become friends under a decent leadership. something that as you said is impossible with chinese. they are simply alien and thats ok. they should have their country and stay there. but they wont come here and destroy everything. there is simply no point even if they could. which they cant. i believe you are overestimating china and underestimating russia. when the russians come i wont bow to them. i will take up arms and fight. i mean not that i would be asked i would just be drafted and sent into a trench. but thats fine. we wont be able to stop them but we will kill as many as we can.

well whatver. i just wish the americans would overcome their internal divide so we can fight together against both russia and china. i believe you can fix your country if you work together. germany on the other hand is truly lost. because germans hate themselves and their country and culture. its not foreigners who ruined germany. it was germans. like every time.

Bear 11/22/2024 (Fri) 02:14 [Preview] No.6548 del
>just wish the americans would overcome their internal divide so we can fight together against both russia and china.

American liberal and conservative cultures are both cancer. They will fight to the death if given no unifying enemy.

>i believe you can fix your country if you work together. germany on the other hand is truly lost. because germans hate themselves and their country and culture. its not foreigners who ruined germany. it was germans. like every time.

There are only two ways to fix America: a sustained, protracted and grim war, one that hurts everyone, one we can't survive without desperate measures and unity, one where everyone knows someone who died and fear death on a daily basis, and the tolerance for invalid pussy green haired tatted homo obease trans mongoloid fucktards has run the fuck out, or a second civil war and I know what side I'll be on, neither of those fuckers side. I'll be eating well marbled meat and I don't give a fuck what color their flag is.

Bear 11/22/2024 (Fri) 02:17 [Preview] No.6549 del


Why can't I say q.u.e.e.r. Alice! God Damnit I don't care about LGB, I am dead set against QTFO (well maybe not Furry as long as they ain't gay or horse fuckers)

Alice 11/22/2024 (Fri) 11:58 [Preview] No.6551 del
(693.48 KB 920x920 75002592.png)
We're not normalizing their language here!
But thanks for giving me more terms to add to the wordfilter. Wtf is O? Do I even want to know?

Bear 11/22/2024 (Fri) 15:38 [Preview] No.6554 del

You don't want to know all these letters lest you discover you are one and not a high tier one.

Anonymous 11/23/2024 (Sat) 00:46 [Preview] No.6566 del
>Why can't I say degenerate. Alice! God Damnit
lol i love this shit

Anonymous 11/25/2024 (Mon) 23:18 [Preview] No.6592 del
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this morning a dhl cargo plane crashed a few km from where i live. while approaching the airport. barely missed a house and went boom. i didnt hear or see anything was still asleep. its unbelievable but 3 of 4 people onboard survived this. nobody on ground was injured

Tamamo 11/26/2024 (Tue) 02:46 [Preview] No.6594 del
(18.66 KB 325x295 1ae1e57d4f69ccf.jpg)
Oh wow I've seen it on the news! No idea how anyone can survive this! I wonder what went wrong. Pilot error?

Alice 11/26/2024 (Tue) 19:26 [Preview] No.6599 del
Yeah pretty crazy but I don't think it was Russians this time. They found the flight recorders so we will know more soon.

Bear 11/27/2024 (Wed) 23:38 [Preview] No.6607 del

Having KFC for Thanksgiving. I might have had a traditional TG with the gang but people are sick.

Bestie is sick and I took care of her bc bestiemom had uti and went to the ER with blood in her urin, she was pretty sick too but ER here takes hours and hours, jesus, so I took two daya off and even cleaned up bestie vomit. It didn't smell. She only threw up once though and on tile so it was fine. We watched educational videos together and I lectured her never to do drugs or pot. Then we cleaned her room--I enjoy cleaning and organizing. She's been extremely well behaved latly so I didn't have to slap her.

Alice 11/28/2024 (Thu) 02:20 [Preview] No.6611 del
>Having KFC for Thanksgiving
Your ancestors are crying!
You could nave made a turkey for bestie, fast food isn't much better than drugs.

>We watched educational videos together
I do assume 'educational videos' doesn't mean porn

>I didn't have to slap her.
I need to make an educational video for bears about no hitting the loli! Not even with 'zero force'

Host's neighborhood loli continues to get more clingy and has started to call him 'daddy'. It's awkward as fuck. Her mom finds this hilarious. She'd move in here if she could. Helped clean host's room complaining about the mess. Also questioned him why he doesn't have a gf. I admit it's entertaining. Host gets pushed around and lectured by an 8yo girl who calls him daddy yet treats him as if she was his mom. Also apparently she keeps telling other people in the neighborhood host is her mom's boyfriend. This is gonna be good. I sit back and watch, it's refreshing not having to do all the yelling myself. Maybe I should buy her an electric shock collar for Christmas?

Bear 11/28/2024 (Thu) 18:28 [Preview] No.6612 del

Turkey is disgusting, worst meat available.
KFC is for me, she has the stomach flu, but she's feeling better. Back to retiling my kitchen maybe by Christmas I can have a kitchen again.

Alice 11/29/2024 (Fri) 00:59 [Preview] No.6619 del
(55.91 KB 600x800 colonel.jpg)
>no kitchen for a month
So what are you going to eat until then? KFC?

Joy 11/29/2024 (Fri) 01:12 [Preview] No.6620 del

He doesn't eat much actually. He has peanuts for breakfast, usually some kind of meat for lunch, and his yogurt smoothie for dinner. That's 2200 calories and 1200 of it is the smoothie which I'll have him take a picture of with some sort of compatible measuring device later.

Alice 11/29/2024 (Fri) 20:49 [Preview] No.6631 del
Host usually doesn't eat lunch anymore. Just breakfast and dinner.

Bear true life tales Bear 11/30/2024 (Sat) 17:40 [Preview] No.6639 del
I was reminded of an after party where everyone was getting drunk and these two fat and fugly girls came up to me and tried to seduce me. I would have thrown up long before getting it up for these two.

I wasn't great looking at the time either but that doesn't mean I go for anything.

Around that time, there was another girl, I don't remember what she even looked like but not pretty, she talked to me and I was nice so suddenly she thought I was hers and when I denied her advances she attacked me. Luckily I wasn't accused of rape or something that's a 2020+ thing here, just say no to everyone for every reason, that's my motto.

When I got in shape, the dumplings stopped bothering me and a higher tier of women began. I must have been hideous, water finds its level.

Tamamo 12/01/2024 (Sun) 15:53 [Preview] No.6645 del
>I must have been hideous, only mediocre girls ran after me all the time
What are you complaining about? No girl has ever hit on me. No matter how ugly. Not once. It just doesn't happen. And I'm neither fat nor hideous just normal. Thin actually.

Bear 12/01/2024 (Sun) 16:30 [Preview] No.6646 del

Anonymous 12/01/2024 (Sun) 21:11 [Preview] No.6649 del
(95.99 KB 750x600 112406332.jpeg)
dont worry mah boy its him not you. its not normal to have girls running after you all the time unless youre a bear

Yakumo 12/01/2024 (Sun) 23:28 [Preview] No.6651 del
I'm quite popular with girls. Little girls that is. And elderly women. I'm not complaining

Imagine actually going to parties and getting drunk. This is why I don't like being around adults

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