01/09/2024 (Tue) 22:20
No.2989 [X]
>>2988You can believe this or not but Bear's first IQ test in grade school was so high they didn't believe it and especially since he wasn't a stellar student by any other measure than math. So they made him take it again and he was 5 points higher the second time. The test had a sliding scale for age and his two straight A siblings were high but not even in the same league as him. Mensa minimum is 132 btw, they were both in all advanced classes, he wasn't.
So anyway they didn't believe it the second time and said he must have cheated. Frankly if an elementary school aged kid has the brains to cheat on an IQ test twice while being watched the second time then he's gotta be smart. He didn't cheat though
He took it again in college and it was 148 iirc where ole Ex-gal pal was 145 or 144. She has every bit of that on display though believe me. Bear-o is afraid now he'll score even lower so he refuses to take another one ever again.
Now in terms of math, Bear was and is a shining star there so yeah. He wasn't a good student until college because he didn't care. Ex-gal said she hated him (not really) because he could just pick shit up without knowing anything about it and do it like a master. *If he was interested in it. And if he didn't care he came off dumb as a post which she claimed was on purpose, like he was playing dumb to get out of doing it.
Anyway in grade school one time he hadn't even opened his math book, didn't do any of the problems at all and the big test was coming so the teacher told him he had to spend all day in an empty classroom to do the whole workbook so he wouldn't fail the state mandated test. She told him he wouldn't get to eat lunch w/other kids or play and he'd have to do that every day till he was done.
Wrong answer, see cause you don't understand, Bear was a big eater, like he'd eat his lunch and anything anyone else would give him and all the lunches of the Mexicans who didn't show to school that day so no, that didn't sit well.
So where he would normally stare out the window or doodle instead of working he ripped through that whole workbook, without help, in 30 minutes with time to spare before lunch. The teacher's aid said he must have cheated but he was in an empty classroom so she had to concede that he didn't. Of course he got an A in math always and always aced standardized tests in math and would do the extra credit hard problems of his friends for fun.
I would think your IQ goes down with age right?